Tuesday, December 07, 2010

The Daily Show has a little fun with the so-called "War on Christmas."

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The Gretch Who Saved the War on Christmas
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  1. Anonymous11:18 AM

    This skit makes it REAL hard to explain Gretchen as anything but an A**HOLE....

    So I tell you what Gretch... you and the Swag-hag pack an overnight bag, head to Tulsa and carry the two protest signs at the parade... walk behind that group of pretty horses.

  2. Anonymous11:41 AM

    O/T re Bristol on DWTS:

    Palin Success Triggered FCC Complaints

    The Smoking Gun article link:



  3. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Liberals whined to the FCC about Bristol being on DWTS. Were you one of them?

    What a bunch of dumbass fucking losers.

  4. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Damn, Jon Stewart and his gang are Brilliant!! That video is officially my new Happy Holidays Card.

  5. "dumbass fucking losers" - it's always enlightening to read sophisticated, articulate, well-thought out comments on blogs

  6. Anonymous1:12 PM

    11:50, I would not waste my time complaining to the FCC about the Palins, LOL. What's funny is that you and your ilk are the ones that take time to troll this site. Not to mention all the time and effort you must've put into all that voting for the ever-pregnant one. LOL.

    You're on here whining about "liberals". You're the fucking loser, dumbass.

  7. Anonymous1:22 PM


    Dang, the trolls are really out today.

    And Bristol whined about having to dance on a dancing show. What a fat loser.

  8. California Dreamin'1:37 PM

    Too funny! Gretchen was rather hostile, wasn't she?

    I saw that story the other day about Inhoffe boycotting the Tulsa parade. I'm originally from Tulsa (lived there from age 3 to 29) and I can tell you that it's not as ultra conservative as the rest of the state, except for OKC. It's a fairly healthy mix of different cultures.

    It's not like LA, but Tulsa has a lot of Latinos, Asians, and even Middle Eastern people. The rural areas in OK are much, much more conservative than Tulsa. Inhoffe obviously felt the need to posture to his REAL constituency in the rural areas.

    I'm glad that they changed the name of the parade to reflect a neutral stance regarding other beliefs. Some Christians tend to be overly sensitive about *Christmas*. Sorry, but you don't have a monopoly on the holiday season.

  9. Anonymous1:40 PM

    11:50 AM
    Pay attention Flying Monkey, It was Bristol that lost, and it is your Witch(SP) who is melting!!!! hahahahahahahahhahahahahaha

  10. Anonymous1:51 PM

    What a Gretch!

    Sorry John, I don't think she's pretty. Petty and ugly on the inside is all that shows.

  11. Randall1:56 PM

    A "war" on Christmas.
    A "war" on terror.
    The "war" on drugs.

    "War" on this, "war" on that...

    Conservatives are always declaring war on something and it got me to wondering... why?

    Christians...all moral people, actually, live by a set of rules:
    Don't lie
    Don't cheat
    Don't deceive people...
    Do unto others...

    ...except in times of war. All rules are off in times of war.

    I believe that's why conservatives "declare war" on everything - so they can do an end-run around their core values.

    Listen to Fox News sometime and I think you'll agree. And including but not limited to Republicans like Newt, Boehner, Pence, McConnell...
    Rush, Beck, Gretchin...

    Well... maybe not Palin: she actually might just be stupid enough to believe the bullshit she espouses - but the others - I think (maybe) they know better and rationalize their bald-faced lying by pretending being "at war" with whatever their cause du jour happens to be at the moment excuses their turning their backs on everything in which they believe.

    Next time you hear about "the war on" something - think about that.

  12. Anonymous2:01 PM

    I got a kick out of Gretchen's faux outrage. She's from Minneapolis. We have never had a city-sponsored 'Christmas' parade. Our parade has always been called Holidazzle,' with no mention of any specific holiday. It's been that way as long as I remember, so at least 40 years. Given her own background with holiday parades, her faux outrage was just precious, although her rudeness to her guest was totally inappropriate.

  13. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Thank dog for Jon Stewart.

    I have an elderly relative that forwards the same email every year that postures as a "persecuted" christian because sales clerks wish her "Happy Holidays".

  14. Anonymous4:19 PM

    The War on Christmas. Now THAT'S a fucking canard. Bristol ('s ghostwriter) take note!

  15. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Gah! Gretchen looked like a real asshole.

    Just like 11:50. No, I think they were objecting to the voting being gamed and the judging being rigged. But you can pretend otherwise.

  16. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Just for that, I'm going to wish everyone a Happy Holiday, especially everyone at church.

  17. Anonymous5:28 PM

    I think that the voting at DWTS was gamed by Sarah's fans. They openly bragged about it on the internet. And, I don't think that Bristol deserved to be in the finals. But, I don't think that is a cause for the FCC. If you don't like the way the show is run, don't watch it. Other programs are based on what they say is the popular vote (American Idol). We don't really know the real vote tallies; we have to trust the show.

    This wasn't George W. Bush stopping the Florida vote count and having the Supreme Court decide the election in his favor. This is a TV show, and if you have been a fan of TV quiz shows, they used to be crooked, too. (Look up Charles Van Doren and the quiz show, Twenty One).

    When a story involves the Palin Family, I automatically become suspicious. Every thing about them is fake, even their fake outrage. There is every possibility that a couple of Sarah's political thinkers filed the report (or said that they filed the report) so that Sarah and Bristol could become outraged again. That would give them a chance to say how hard Bristol worked and what an accomplishment that was for her. Especially, since this is a silly charge. If you don't like the way the program keeps score, write to the show and tell them that you won't watch any more.

    The reason that I am suspicious is that the master political operative, Karl Rove, broke into Republican Headquarters in Texas when George W. Bush was running for governor. Karl was happy to call the press and claim that they were the victims of Democratic Party spies, while he had staged the whole thing in order to play the victim.

  18. "Dumbass fucking loser?" The Palins post here? Who knew!

  19. :( I just want to point out that there are a lot of us in Tulsa that don't suck. I'm from NY, I miss the shit out of it, but I have been in Tulsa for several years and this is embarrassing. On behalf of the sane part of Tulsa... we'd like to apologize and hope that when the world ends you will all consider saving us from this insanity. :(

  20. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Wow - smoking gun comments are crazy. Do conservatives really believe that drivel describes all liberals? I don't think that all conservatives are tea partiers and I don't believe that all tea partiers are tea baggers (the stupid ones). Eat up the faux news eejits. Geesh.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.