Monday, December 27, 2010

Fox News finally figures out that the Grizzled Mama uses ghostwriters. Gee no kidding!

Boy you sure can't put anything over on these guys. Sheesh!

Fast forward to the 2:35 mark to hear Dana Perino call Palin out.

Courtesy of New York Magazine:

"It doesn't sound like her when you read the materials," she said. "And authenticity matters almost more than ever, and I think that's what mattered in 2010, and people wanted not to just hear the message, they wanted to hear the authenticity of it."

Gee how long ago did WE figure out that Palin was not writing her own op-eds and Facebook messages? Pretty much the first time we read one wasn't it?

Of course I am not insinuating that WE are smarter than the Fox News crew....well actually yes I am.  As a matter of fact the IM community has been way ahead of the curve on almost everything Palin related for almost two years now.  We stumble now and then, but for the most part we are pretty damn sharp, if I do say so myself.


  1. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Dana Perino is not the brightest ball on the Christmas tree. She once said that there were no acts of terrorism on Dubya's watch.

    If Dana is now finally waking to the possibility that maybe Sarah's op-eds and fb screeds aren't penned by way of Sarah's own mighty intellect, I suppose we can congratulate her.

  2. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I wonder who is powerful enough to decide that palin is NOT going to be the GOP nominee?
    All of a sudden the whispering has started and they are climbing all over each other to dis palin.
    Who is pulling the strings?
    boy did they use her and now they are going to ditch her.
    I wonder how she will take it.
    Her fans will go wild.

  3. Enjay in E MT12:18 PM

    Astounding -

    Perhaps the Kool-Aid is wearing off and they'll actually
    "consider" an in-depth look at some of the other Palin Tales that have come out the last 2+ years.

    ~Trigger Wild Ride
    ~500 different
    "they're picking on me stories"
    Obama slams
    Divisive statements
    ~Name ONE "commonsense solutions" to any problem she's addressed

  4. Yeah, that was a big "du-uh" to me too. The news is that one of her own is saying it aloud and to a national audience on the channel that also pays SP.

  5. Gasman12:25 PM

    It's unlikely that Palin will write anything if she doesn't actually READ anything. Her Couric interview made it very clear that literacy is not something high on the Former Partial Governor's list. At some point even the FauxNews talking baboons must realize how poorly it reflects upon them to be seen as actively in Palin's corner. Smart people don't support morons running for office. By inference, they too, (and, also) must be morons if they support a simpering buffoon like Palin. I think we are merely witnessing the first wave of rats jumping off the good ship Palin.

    How long before the next wave of rats lines up for disembarking?


    Pass the popcorn.

  6. Anonymous12:26 PM

    It's surprising that Perino would have the audacity to notice Palin's "lack of authenticity", aloud, on a live broadcast at Fox.

  7. Anonymous12:30 PM

    The girl is going down and that is what counts. She was nothing more than a 'side show' for the Republicans.

    Arizona can have her and her family! I truly hope they do leave Alaska as they have brought our state nothing but scorn.

  8. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Are the palins going down? (We know of some that already have but... this is about writing.)

    Has she paid her ghostwriters yet? I mean in cash, or do they get to touch her hem?

  9. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Any day now Perino will be saying Bristol is pregnant, Sarah faked her pregnancy with Trig, Todd is a wimp, and Willow is a slut.

  10. London Bridges12:39 PM

    Alvin Greene is back!

  11. Anonymous12:40 PM


    What'll they say when they actually start checking out the wild ride and Gusty pics?

    Fox News(Kind of slow to the show- but when Rupert talks we listens)(tm).

  12. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Dana Perino is not the brightest ball on the Christmas tree.

    Uh Huh.

    But Dayum- think of White House Press Secretary Sarah Palin giving press conferences. (Cue train wreck sound effect.)

    As far as any congratulations- it has taken too long for this to be anything other than as# covering by Perino.

    'I did NOT spread her propaganda and misinformation. I DID NOT!'

  13. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Whoa, I can't stand to watch this. Did that empty shell Chris Wallace just say that "Sarah Palin has been ahead of the curve on a lot of the issues"?

    NAME ONE ISSUE SHE HAS BEEN AHEAD OF (on the correct side)....

  14. foodmom4712:56 PM

    Ha! Ha! and Ha!

    Take that palinites ...

    You have taken the gloves off admirably, Gryphen. Maybe turn it up a couple of notches because it seems to be leaching the Palin system a wee bit.

    We know that barricuda devour their young as Palin has definitely followed through on her basketball nickname. (with her young..)

    But what now is amusing is the Repubs are now using the barricuda m.o. in the same manner.

    "You better circle the wagons, Sarah," 'cause we know that reloading is not your strong point

  15. Anonymous12:57 PM

    LMAO! It's about time! We've been saying that all along! Oh, I can't wait until we no longer hear the palin name!

  16. Shouldn't that be almost three years, Gryphen? Compared to you, Dana Perino is an embarrassment!

  17. angela1:15 PM

    What really is pissy is that these RWNJ have known all the time that Sarah is an idiot puppet with no writing abilities. Indeed, bloggers like Gryphen have been WAY ahead of the curve as far as network talking heads on Palin is concerned. But the truly heinous truth is they wouldn't say it because they weren't given permission yet by whoever put the word out lately that Sarah was poison.

    I went on the USA Today site where Palin had posted "her" op-ed. I swear, nine out of ten people were disgusted that the paper actually expected them to believe Palin wrote that Iran belch. The Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and The Standard have all been a party to this criminal farce of passing off ghostwriter's words as Palin's.

    This is now our popular press.

  18. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Huffpost is finally letting a few comments through on Palin's faked pregnancy. Now is the time for everyone to get over there and talk it up.

  19. Interesting that some of the sycophants are starting to wake up.

    OT, but ... seems like every time I come on this site, someone from Wasilly has just logged on. Big wave ... hi, whoever you are!

  20. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Sure seems that Levi must have had a paternity test done;
    suddenly all paylins are leaving AK. Hmmm.
    The 'sharing' of parenting responsibilities doesnt seem at all an issue, now.

  21. Anonymous1:22 PM

    The Fox News talking heads wonder- what about Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty and his Presidential run in 2012. "why aren't we hearing about him?"

    Jeremy Giefer, accused child molester, got Pawlenty pardon to open childcare center

    The details are much worse than the headline.

    That is not the only problem with a Pawlenty in 2012 run- but you won't hear about it on Fox.

  22. Anonymous1:46 PM

    OK, this could be good or bad. Bill Kristol is ALWAYS wrong, but if he's right, this one time...WHOOPEE!!!

    Bill Kristol, on Fox News Sunday, made his prediction of whether Sarah Palin will run for president in 2012:

    KRISTOL: Can I go out on a limb, since everyone else is scared to say -- actually make any predictions. I predict Palin will not run. I have no knowledge at all; I just have the hunch that she ultimately will not run.

  23. Anonymous1:48 PM

  24. Anonymous2:01 PM

    DANA: , and people wanted not to just hear the message, they wanted to hear the authenticity of it."

    RESPONSE: I wish that was true. But all evidence is that some people like believing SP is what they think/want her to be, and are blind evidence to the contrary (not unlike liberals sometimes too - on other issues - even me sometimes : ~). THey don't care that she isn't authentic. They like the message.

  25. fromthegiagonal2:07 PM

    I am beginning to think that Juan Williams is a mole ( mind you, I love that thought!).
    Whaddya think?

  26. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Anonymous @ 12:11: What makes you think her fans won't ditch her, too? I'd love to see a comic with Bitney drawn with his arm around her, him having smaller bus tracks on his back than the huge ones on hers saying, "Yup, I know, it hurts being tossed under the bus."

  27. Anonymous2:10 PM

    They still can't get to the point. You leave getting the impression that they're trying to say she's not a phony, it's just that she needs to find writers who better match her "voice".

    I am thankful for sites like this where we can just get straight to the point: that woman is a FAKE.

  28. Anonymous2:19 PM

    @12:38 LMAO

    Now the Queen of Mean, the Bitter Quitter is trying to spin the "refudiate" fiasco; five months later...whoa, talk about a delayed reaction. What a fraud!

  29. Oh, dear god, I hope this doesn't mean she's going to write** a fb note just to try to maintain her cover and then talk about it forever.

    **It still won't be her own thoughts or research but she'll add personal touches and memorize it so she can pretend.

  30. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Sarah Palin Attempts To Explain 'Refudiate' Gaffe

    Amid the familial banter that took place on Sunday's episode of "Sarah Palin's Alaska," the former Alaska Governor went beyond criticism of conservationists to explain the much ridiculed genesis of her faux-word, "refudiate."

    Politico reports on the exchange, which briefly touched on a tweet from July -- since deleted -- concerning plans to build an Islamic cultural center near the site of Ground Zero:

    "I pressed an F instead of a P and people freaked out," said Sarah, pointing out that her blunder was the second-most-searched word on Google trends. "Make lemonade out of lemons," said Sarah.

  31. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Hold on. There is actually a video of Sarah Palin on On The Sean Hannity Show using the word "refudiate­".


  32. Anonymous2:34 PM

    SP is now saying she just made a typo - substituting an "f" for a "p". Does she know that "refute" assumes that something is not true, and "repudiate"
    generally accepts the truth of the matter.

    The hippies repudiated the VietNam War. They didn't refute it's existence.

    The creationists refute the theory of evolution. They don't believe it's true.

    (you can repudiate a charge as untrue, but a charge doesn't assert something is true - that takes a jury. You can't repudiate a guilty verdict, but you can refute it)


  33. Is Glenn Beck dissing Sarah now, too?

    At a certain point while driving through the AZ/CA desert yesterday, Glenn Beck was the only radio program I could get.

    He was talking about how he 'HATED' (a word he repeated several times) talk about real Americans and unAmericans. He made a point about how disagreement was the basis of what made us American.

    Did he realize one of the people he was talking about was his buddy Sarah?

  34. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Gryphen don't pat yourself on the back too much. Fox news isn't stupid. They will use Sarah as long as it is good for ratings. That is why Sarah won't give any news on running until the last moment so she can stay in the news and make money. The only people that Sarah fools are the ignorant which Fox caters to.

  35. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Palin hit a wrong key on her Facebook page last summer, and ended up calling on peace-loving Muslims to "Refudiate" the mosque planned in Manhattan several blocks from where the World Trade Center stood.

    Back on Facebook, the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee uses her word and a Bush-ism ("misunderestimate") to argue that English is an ever-changing language. In Palin's words: "Refudiate," "misunderestimate," "wee-wee'd up," English is a living language. Shakespeare liked to coin new words too. Got to celebrate it."

    Some would call out of English literature a different phrase to describe Palin's public pronouncements:


  36. Anonymous2:43 PM

    From the frozen climes of Alaska to the hot desert winds of Arizona: First pictures of the house that Bristol bought

  37. FEDUP!!!2:44 PM

    Well, here are two more interesting articles with the same topic:

    Juan Williams: Palin Not On Same 'Intellectual Stage' As Obama"

    and (especially) :"Doubting Sarah
    A chorus of criticism and doubt about Sarah Palin is emerging from an unlikely and telling source: Republicans"

  38. Gryphen, be sure not to miss this:

    A LONG LIST of REPUBLICANS running away from Palin!

    p.s. LOTS of good quotes there by republicans!

  39. Anonymous2:54 PM

    There is nothing surprising about what is happening. The insiders have known for a long time that Sarah could not win. But they didn't want her to be damaged because that would hurt fundraising and also might lose some of the far right vote.

    Now the 2010 election is over, and it is time for Sarah to be stopped before she gains too much momentum. It starts with the peripheral pundits and bloggers, and it will accelerate as much as needed till it is clear that she is not running.

    Republicans still want her support - and her fundraising. They will do their best to rough her up without leaving any serious bruises, but make no mistake about it. They will go as far as they need to if she does not take the hint. - RobDoub

  40. Anonymous3:06 PM

    I agree with 12:11. The GOP/corporate power brokers have decided that Sarah is no longer useful.

    Dana Perino is paid to parrot the message your bosses want you to publicize. That's her job even now. She is fronting a message that someone higher up in the food chain has decided needs to be "out there."

    She was never known as an independent analyst. She's a PR gal. Pure and simple.

    I think Sarah wants to run because she cannot escape her own ego. She might actually do a Ross Perot or a Ron Paul run, but I seriously doubt that the GOP will back her.

    Still, she could do a lot of damage unless they take her out by discrediting her early in the game. If she was aiming to declare in February as we all discussed earlier, the "whispers" are going to get ratcheted-up into full-blown rumors and worse by mid-January.

    The GOP really cannot afford to have her build a power base through the summer. She has to be trashed soon for them to get their chosen ones up and running and pulling in money for 2012.

  41. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Watch out sarah, that bus is bearing down on you. Slow, but sure.

  42. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Finally Fox figures it out? They are friggin complicit.

  43. Anonymous3:21 PM

    So are we taking bets yet on St Sarah of the long shot setting up residence in Az and going after

    Will she wait six years or just go after the delegates ot the convention?

  44. Anonymous3:43 PM

    "I pressed an F instead of a P and people freaked out," said Sarah, '

    It took her half a year to figure out she could claim that mistake?

    Reyuarded doesn't even hint and the rimness of her gulb.

  45. Anonymous3:49 PM

    One might assume that Dana has been hired as a consultant by one of the other Republicans running for President.

  46. Wait.....Sarah is NOT writing her own books/tweets/Facebook posts?? My world is shaken to its foundation. Next you'll be saying Howard Hughes didn't write his autobiography!

  47. I think the idea/motive is to spin all of SP's negatives into positives.

    Up is down, down is up.

    Got an unmarried young teen who is pregnant? Parade her out to represent abstinence and family values!

    Caught cheating by writing answers on your hand? It is brilliant, a "poor man's teleprompter."

    Have a ghost-writer pen essays you cannot understand? Positively "normal," ALL politicians do it!

    Talk in gibberish and snark? Lovely, she is "just like us!"

    On and on it goes - her inadequacies and ignorance are to be celebrated! Keep America STUPID.

  48. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Hilarious that SP is trying revisionist history on something that only happened months ago.

    I don't get why more ppl (than the commenter posting the link) don't remember that clip of sarah using "refudiate" on Hannity a few days before the tweet.

    It DID NOT begin w/ a tweet or a typo of a tweet.


  49. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Lack of authenticity.... But, but... to her cult, isn't her "authenticity" supposed to be what she's all about?

    HA HA!!!

  50. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Anon @ 2:54

    Spot on analysis. I concur that is exactly whats going on now.

    Palin really dug her hole with the reality show which shows her to be a clueless narcissist lacking in any substance clearly out for the money and attention. The show is a huge embarrassment and the rats are jumping ship quickly now. BUT they won't completely bury yet because she still has some ability to raise funds.

    Once she's outlived her purpose the GOP will make quick work of her and she'll become irrelevant.

    As far as AZ is concerned: the house in Maricopa has to be a decoy because there is no way that family would live that close to neighbors with their notoriety. They have the money to be able to afford a gated community in Scottsdale or Carefree where they could be relatively secure and secluded. I'm convinced the purchase is to simply establish residency for the eventual McCain seat. He's looking more feeble by the day. She's buddied up to Gov. Jan.

  51. Julie4:41 PM

    Anonymous 2:41---


  52. Gasman4:55 PM

    I'm wondering when Chris Wallace will pull his nose from out of Palin's ass? Does he really want to go down in history as the last FauxNews on air sock puppet to STILL support Palin? It sure doesn't make Chris look too bright. Only morons willingly follow other morons.

    My guess is that Wallace doesn't do too much of his own thinking anymore. He kind of gave that up when he signed that Faustian bargain with Rupert "Mephistopheles" Murdoch years ago. I wonder how much he got for his soul and his brain?

  53. Its time for the potential candidates to start jockeying for position. Time to get Sarah out of the way.

  54. Anonymous5:18 PM

    "Who is pulling the strings?"

    Hi Karl, how are you these days?

  55. I do believe the GOP needs to go to rehab. Suddenly the past two years of calling President Obama a Nazi, Socialist, etc. has put them in a powerful position. Two years of saying NO has changed to jobs jobs. The GOP has to work and govern. (We know Sarah doesn't know how to do this...) Sarah doesn't know when to STFU and never will. The GOP has a big time image problem and no viable candidate for 2012.

  56. Anonymous6:00 PM

    It's official, her book is off the Top 100 list at Amazon.... after being in the 60's earlier today. That was a VERY short-lived best-seller. It's starting, she's imploding.

  57. Anonymous7:03 PM

    WTF,is FOX starting to abandon their little darling. I thought she had a contact with FOX until 2012, or am I wrong? Maybe she wants to cancel the contract so she can run for President and they are just now starting to report accurately on Sarah. What ever the reason, they knew way before now when they gave her the questions ahead of time for interviews. I wouldn't even doubt if they helped her with her answers for as long as she has been on FOX.

  58. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Dana Perino. Yikes! Her face doesn't move. I guess it takes that much plastic surgery to get on FOX if you're a woman.

  59. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Anon 3:21 --- going after McCains " delegates?" what are you talking about?? There aren't delegates for a senator position. He has it for six years.

  60. Lynne9:29 PM

    Just checked the Amazon top selling 100 books. Looks like Sarah's ghost writer has fallen into the abyss.

  61. Anonymous10:15 PM

    So, Gryphen, considering some of your previous posts, you might be interested in this:

  62. Anonymous12:19 AM

    For a few months now, there are those on the right (PNAC) who've been cutting her loose from the GOP.

    My belief has always been that they thought back in 2008 that Palin would make a good 'front' person. Someone they could manipulate to do their bidding in the Middle East.

    Remember, PNAC's goal has always been the the black gold & the Caspian Sea. Bill Kristol is a PNAC'er. He's the one who pushed Palin to the forefront in 2008, & for a few months now he's been selling her out. If she can't be trusted, then they're done with her.

    It would be easier to manipulate, purchase through 'Citizen's United', or steal the 2012 election, & my bet they'll chose Jeb Bush for that - & guess what, Jeb is a PNAC'er.

    For those unaware of PNAC - Project for the New American Century - Google it. It's scary stuff.

    :shudder: at the thought of Jeb. Jeb is the son Poppy Bush wanted to run for President, not GW.

  63. Anonymous6:14 AM

    She doesn't sound natural when she's talking in her Fox News interviews, either. I couldn't figure out why she still sounded so scripted. And then I saw the picture with the teleprompter in her home studio. How much do you want to bet that she's reading off a script for all of her interviews?


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