Monday, December 27, 2010

Here is Sister Sarah at her snottiest from last night's "Sarah Palin sees Alaska for the very first time" courtesy of Politico. Update!

From Politico:

"Conservationists write me these nasty letters because I support an industry like this," she told Todd in the car on the way back to the camp. "They write me these nasty letters using their pretty little pencils on their pretty little stationary not realizing. Where do you think your pencil and your piece of paper came from, people? It came from a tree that was harvested."

And yeah, much of the rest of the show was JUST like that.  If she was not bitching at the conservationists, she was bitching at Piper or Willow. It was a Sarah Palin bitch-a-palooza.

Update: You have to read this blistering review of last night's episode from Salon.  I loved this part:

We ended the day with a trip to Frasier Lake to watch Kodiak bears fish for salmon. Right off the bat Sarah's hippie detector was triggered by the guide who explained that he preferred bear spray to a firearm when she asked him how he protected himself. "Bear spray is more effective anyway," he explained, prompting a scoff from Sarah as she performed her own eye roll for the documentary cameras. Apparently there are Alaskans out there not sticking to the "kill anything that moves" script.

Actually there are a LOT of Alaskans like that.


  1. Anonymous7:00 AM

    I can't tell, but it looks like that was Todd sitting next to Sarah. If you can read his mind it looks like he wants to say,


  2. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Gryphen, I'll take your word for it that WGE was particularly snotty. I just can't bear to watch or listen to her.

  3. The clip with Sarah and her "refudiate" bit has a brief glimpse of Willow -- and the most disdainful look a teenager can give a parent. I feel sorry for her -- Willow, that is. Must be miserable trying to share space with an ego that size.

  4. Anonymous7:07 AM

    What a snarky bitch. That isn't attractive $arah, but thank you thank you thank you again and again for continuing to "peel the onion" so we can get to the rotten core of you. That "breath of fresh air" we all used to feel about you has changed to a stench of the air around a waste water treatment facility. Yuck!

  5. i only ever wrote letters with paper and pencil wen i was in kindergarten. unless these conservationists are 5 or 6 years of age, i can safely say this is another sarah whopper.

  6. Anonymous7:22 AM

    What!! You mean these concerned conservationists don't e-mail, twitter, facebook to Sarahjack about their consternation?

    Why would anyone waste time using pretty little pencils to write on pretty little stationEry when communicating with this bizarre big buffoon?

  7. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Gryphen make a graph of the viewers of each show.. it has been on a steady decline (expect for K8 bump).

    Hope it falls low enough that there is no second season.

  8. Anonymous7:25 AM

    My problem with the loggers is that when they harvest a tree, they do not plant a tree to replace it. People like Sarah take, take, take, and do not replenish for future generations. And another thing, I wonder how many of those letters were sent by e-mail?

  9. Anonymous7:41 AM

    She just thinks she is SO SMART that she knows where paper and pencils come from. Wow Sarah, I'm SO impressed with your vast knowledge!

    Bitch-a-palooza indeed.

  10. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Not only is Sarah a snotty bitch but a consummate liar as well. I highly doubt conservationists write that woman anything. As usual she just makes shit up to soothe her revengeful soul. If she doesn't have something to whine about she's got nothing to say. Gah, she wants to be America's victim. Everyone's always pickin' on her and her idiot family! Pffft She wants to be seen as the baddest asshole male in a female shell. Well, great, Sarah, you accomplished something---finally. Yes, Sarah, you are a nasty whining vagina that thinks she has a dick. Plus, Sarah, you're a joke to any rational real hardworking woman---and man for that matter. Go lay down somewhere and disappear.

  11. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Conservations would use ink pens on recycled paper or other recycled sustainable materials. And practically no one would write a letter in pencil.
    She does not make sense... oh I forgot... she doesn't.

  12. A supervisor once told me that he was better than me because he was paid more.

    Some people believe the only measure of one's worth is their money.

    Maybe $Palin was this snotty before she started making millions, maybe not.

    We just didn't have it on tape, every day, all day long, before.

  13. Anonymous7:59 AM

    "Why would anyone waste time using pretty little pencils to write on pretty little stationEry when communicating with this bizarre big buffoon?"

    it's obvious that no one in the lower 48 knows how to use a computer.....

    Every day I think she can't possibly show us she's any stupider and every day she proves me wrong.

  14. I wait with bated (or is it baited?) breath for the ratings graph - thanks, Gryph.

  15. CorningNY8:02 AM

    Yow--is that nasty gripe supposed to sound presidential? The next thing I expect to hear coming out of her mouth is, "I know you are, but what am I?" Soooo grade school.

  16. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Gryphen, I'll take your word for it that WGE was particularly snotty. I just can't bear to watch or listen to her.

    7:04 AM
    Yeah, like Anonymous 7:04 said. :)

  17. Anonymous8:07 AM

    ¨Conservatives write me these nasty letters telling me to STFU.¨

    FIFY, sarah.

  18. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Total BS !

    Anyone think that she actually sits down at the kitchen table and opens her own mail and reads it like 'normal' people do ?

    She has 'people' for that mundane task; in case someone mailed something dangerous.

    Kind of like the 'food-tasters' in the days of King Arthur !

  19. Anonymous8:24 AM

    "GrainneKathleen said...
    i only ever wrote letters with paper and pencil wen i was in kindergarten. unless these conservationists are 5 or 6 years of age, i can safely say this is another sarah whopper.

    7:17 AM"

    Ahhh! That is what I was thinking! Who writes
    with pencils? Does she mean they are too poor
    to afford pens, or something? Why didn't she
    say red crayons made of Iraqi oil and baby seal

  20. igetti28:24 AM

    "pretty little pencils" ????? Who writes letters in pencil? How does she know they are pretty? Sounds like someone is still ticked that she didn't have any My Little Pony or Care Bear pencils like the other girls in 4th grade.

  21. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Is Sarah positive about anything but herself, her family, Reagan and anyone affiliated with Fox news? I just don't understand how anyone, left or right, would consider her presidential material. She simply isn't!
    I also notice that the same people standing up for her at politico are also at HP. Idesign is one. They have lost all credibility, if they ever had any, but really they now sound like fools.

    I admit I was was wrong about Sarah. I used to like her and what I thought she stood for. Then I suddenly saw her for the petty, vindictive, insecure little housewife she is.

    Think about it people, she thinks these shows make her look good!? That alone boggles the mind. It shows what a silly woman she is and what a terrible parent. I wont even touch Christian other than people at my church are appalled by her language, her dress, her misuse of sexuality, and the complete lack of values she instills in her kids. I sat my 17 year old down and talked to her openly about birth control and Bristol when I heard her friends talking about how cool it is that Bristol has a baby and her own place. The Palins are NOT good role models for any true Christian or other family. Sarah is disrespectful to so many and I don't want my kids learning that.

    An ex Palin supporter

  22. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Sarah Palin's next title: douche bag of the decade.

    Does she really believe saying shit like that makes her more likable? I guess she's made her way through life appealing to the kinds of people who find that kind of dialog attractive and "strong." Her lizard brain doesn't allow her the introspection to realize that it doesn't work for very long in a more civilized arena.

    The truth is she looks worse and worse every week to more and more people (or fewer and fewer people if you look at her ratings.

  23. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Sarah will get MUCHO 'wee-weed up' over this little piece of information:

    Obama is most-admired man in America for 2010 and Hillary is most admired woman.

  24. Anonymous8:32 AM

    " Bretta said...

    Maybe $Palin was this snotty before she started making millions, maybe not.

    7:59 AM"

    I don't think she developed this personality
    late in life--I think she is a Nellie Olson.

    Every class had a Nellie Olson, and I bet Sarah
    was/is one.

  25. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I am astonished that she believes this is a flattering portrayal of her family, and herself. How "fricked" up is she? Compared to what, their bad days? Yowza!

  26. Anonymous8:36 AM

    that grating voice, the non-stop whining, the bitching about everything....cannot imagine what being trapped in a room with her must be like.

    it is no wonder she wont let herself be around many people. people who would be stabbing spikes in their ears as they try to flee the staccato noise she makes.

    if she is that harpie-like on
    a tv show what must she be like at home; or what was she like when she was
    allowed to be at home.

    that noise would drive anyone insane.

  27. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Once again, Palin reveals her simple-minded, woefully uninformed self to the viewing public.

  28. dominicastar8:43 AM

    Is it me or what?

    Who writes in Pencil anyway to send out official letters, and what fancy stationery! It must have been an email was sent to her!

    Excuse me, she just wanted to bitch about conservationist; and dreamed up that senario of pencil and paper to make point! That woman lies about every fucking thing!

    I can't stand the lying, manipulative bitch!

  29. laprofesora8:46 AM

    Hey,dumbass, yeah you, Scarah: we KNOW where pencils and paper come from, moron, but that doesn't mean you chop down trees with abandon. We KNOW where our meat comes from, but that doesn't mean you shoot everything on four legs. And we KNOW where seafood comes from, but you don't club fish to death just for the fun of it. Stop trying to make yourself look smart by acting like the rest of us are dumber than you; you're just embarrassing yourself.

  30. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Sarah, if you were an intellectually curious and introspective woman, you would not have to wonder why people are constantly hoping, even fervently praying, that you will STFU.

    However, since you lack the self-awareness necessary to contemplate the reasons, let me enumerate a few reasons you need to STFU. I'm sure other readers will be happy to add additional ones. Perhaps one or two of them will resonate with your sorry excuse of a soul, and you will begin to moderate your constant harping.

    1. You have one of the most unpleasant voices most of us have ever heard. Your vocal cords will become more brittle as you age, and the more you talk now, the worse you will sound as your looks fade. A truly tragic combination.
    2. You use your voice in unpleasant ways to endlessly carp, whine, screech, complain, bitch, attack, belittle and generally put off everyone around you or within hearing range.
    3. You have nothing nothing of substance to say. You offer no solutions, only criticism. That gets old fast - just like you.
    4. Your self-hate is evident every time you speak. Only those who hate themselves can spew negativity 24/7.
    5. You prove how unprepared you are to be a public servant every time you try to appear politically savvy. You have made the phrase "willfully ignorant" your brand with every speech and screech.
    6. You rarely, if ever, express sincere support, appreciation, affection or love. You try, but your voice betrays you. Everything sounds brittle and false.

    When people tell you to STFU, Sarah, it is as much for the benefit of you and your family as it is for us. STFU, Sarah.

  31. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I can't watch! Listening is worse!

    ot...The rilly, rilly STRANGE LIFE OF MOTHER AND CHILD POLITICAL PROPS. Posted by Fay on December 27, 2010 Happy Second Birthday, Tripp! Who is Fay?

    This is Tripp?

    Gryphen, what is up with Tripp and the Johnstons? Is there anyway to learn if it is true they saw Tripp for a celebration this week? When were the pictures taken? 2009 or 2010? Why does everyone have to be silent about Mercede's blog. It was going to return soon after a problem was repaired. That was 5 weeks ago. Not a peep from anyone. Just something about someone seeing some pictures, not certain about what they think they saw.

  32. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Yep, just like when SP calls small towns in the Heartland the "Real America" she doesn't think about all the voters on the coasts and in the big cities.

  33. Anonymous8:58 AM

    A Harpy, from Greek mythology, was a bird-like creature with a woman's face and neck known for snatching food from the hungry, befouling their nests, and generally being cruel, annoying, and violent.

    Their voices made unpleasant cawing sounds whilst they said little or nothing of worth. Women who were sharp-tongued have been called harpies for centuries. Shakespeare even referenced this stereotype in Much Ado About Nothing (a title quite appropriate about Sarah Palin) when one of the characters tells another that he would rather do an assortment of arduous tasks for him "rather than hold three words conference with this harpy!"

    Sarah, baby, thou art a Harpy of the First Order.

  34. Anonymous9:02 AM

    What is The Palin Matrix? You could define it in many different ways, all of which boil down to a madness that has infected the political lives of many Americans. You cannot see it or hear it or feel it with your hands, but you can certainly see its brainwashing effects on cable news, hear it discussed infinitely on talk radio, and feel it as you walk among the masses from the other side. America cannot heal its economic divide until we stop fighting The Second Civil War. The specific problem is that the other side has become so vehemently rabid that we cannot ignore the bully and hope he will just go away. We must defend the compassionate America we all know and love before it ceases to exist.

  35. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Isn't that just another word for lying hypocritical fake?

    Dana Perino: Sarah Palin Has an 'Authenticity Conflict'

    "It doesn't sound like her when you read the materials," she said. "And authenticity matters almost more than ever, and I think that's what mattered in 2010, and people wanted not to just hear the message, they wanted to hear the authenticity of it."

  36. Anonymous9:10 AM

    But Ms. Palin is the train wreck that keeps on crashing, over and over. We can’t watch or look away while Ms. Palin manages her own personal tea party, and nothing is being tossed overboard this time—except common sense and intelligence. We worship or fear or condescend to Palin, and the political Ms. Alaska continues taking questions and vying for the crown—and in the meantime the bank is always open.

  37. Anonymous9:13 AM

    The disconnect is so boggling.

    In an on-camera interview later, Sarah discusses the challenges of parenting a teenager:

    "The teenage years are not easy years. Any parent will tell you. You have to remember that you're not your teenager's friend; you are their parent. And we don't have to hang out and pal around. I want my kids to obey and make the right decisions, so again, you have to be a parent first."

    She takes Willow off on the beach for a little mother-daughter chat and some rock skipping. In Sarah's mind, apparently, a good topic for mother-daughter chat is the economics of the timber industry.

    "You know what their industry produces for the rest of us?" Sarah asks. "You know what wood is used for?"

    "I'm getting my mind on skipping rocks," Willow says. The eye roll is implied (we can only see the back of her head).

    Then Sarah tells Willow she wants her to help out in the logging camp mess hall the next day so she can learn some job skills.

    "What's the alternative?" Sarah asks Willow. "What else would you do if you don't know how to cook for yourself and cook for others? What's the alternative?"

    (From my couch, I'm silently begging Willow to say "college" so someone will have finally pointed out to her mother that so far on the series she's encouraged all her children to pursue physically demanding careers but hasn't once mentioned education -- Piper's calculator-enabled math homework aside.)

    Instead, Willow replies: "Frozen microwave food."

  38. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Ok, here is a perfect skit for SNL"

    1) The Sarah Palin Real American Show, where she brings on real Americans and from their narratives, jumps to something nasty about Obama and Michelle, or the Liberls, or the French, or conservationalists, bringing the focus back to herself.

    2) From the Huckleberry Blue Grass Channel: Palin favorites:

    "Its a family tradition, babies everywhere, God I love them"

    "Daddy's hands"

    "Come back Palin girl"

    "You stole my boyfriend, but I've got his baby, Ha Ha"

    "I stole your husband, and I've got his baby, ha, ha"

    'My Daddy knows my special place, he saw my child get borned'

    'i hate you'

    "schools be for fools"

    'Adjust my wig, Im on fox"

    Please help me think of good Palin songs, and even write them.

  39. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Look at sarah's mouth when she speaks. Something is wrong with her mouth.

    It also looks like something weird is going on with her face and Toad's face.

  40. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Dana Perino: Sarah Palin’s Writing “Doesn’t Sound Like Her”

    On Fox News Sunday, former White House press secretary Dana Perino suggested somebody’s writing some of Sarah Palin’s meatier foreign policy musings–and it’s not Sarah Palin.

    “It doesn’t sound like her when you read the materials,” said Perino, who conceded it’s hardly uncommon for politicians to have ghostwriters.

    Perino said in Palin’s case the folksy style she brings to her public appearances, Twitter posts and on her reality show, Sarah Palin’s Alaska makes the uber-serious written takes, including a recent USA Today op-ed on Iran seem so out of character as to raise questions about her “authenticity,” which Perino claimed has “never been more important.”

    Watch it here,

  41. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Everytime that woman opens her mouth she not only displays her immense ignorance, but also shows how stunningly unfit she is to hold any type of leadership position.

    Keep on shooting your mouth off Sarah, I'm loving watching you shoot yourself in the foot repeatedly.

  42. Sarah seems so obsessed with petty thoughts.I would like our leaders to be a little less snarky and small minded and more intelligent than me.Can you imagine her sitting around the White House with her trusted cabinet complaining about where pencils come from,mean bloggers attacking her,worrying if kids eat dessert when people are starving, pending wars,world economy crashing,homeless citizens....

  43. Anonymous9:24 AM

    As if she knows how to read. Now that is for to laugh!

    I agree with a previous poster about her need to soothe her vengeful 'everybody's out to get me' soul. She dreams this nonsense up in her mind and then spouts off as though these imaginary events really happened. Stupid thinks it makes her seem important that these 'conservationists' took time out to put pencil(?) to paper to disparage her and her rugged outdoorsy self (ha!).In actuality, anybody with an ounce of brains knows nothing of the sort really happened and she comes off looking crazy as ever.

    I am super impressed she FINALLY learned where pencils and paper come from -- too bad most learn that info in the first grade and don't feel the need to flaunt that little bit of 'knowledge' as middle-aged adults...

  44. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Most teenagers are embarrassed by their parents. Most are somewhat disdainfull of the pieces of wisdom that parents try to instill in their children. But few teenagers show the naked dislike - or may I even use the word, hate? - that the Palin children reflect towards their mother.

    Sarah, I feel really sorry for you. You're children will flee your presence as soon as they are able to do so. And they will not come back - except to maybe grift some money off you - if you haven't blown it all in 2 years.

  45. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Sarah Palin has a serpent's heart said...
    My problem with the loggers is that when they harvest a tree, they do not plant a tree to replace it. People like Sarah take, take, take, and do not replenish for future generations. And another thing, I wonder how many of those letters were sent by e-mail?

    Sorry, can't let this urban myth go by. All federal and most states require timberland to be replanted within 5 years of logging. Failure to do so carries a heavy fine.The logged area to be checked for compliance is done by what is called a stocking survey. The logging area must show a survival rate of at least 90% of the replanted trees.

    Some areas of the Pacific Northwest are the best tree growing sites in the world. By shutting down all logging we have moved the source of timber to more sensitive ground such as the Amazon. These areas do not reforest well due to the ground having very little nitrogen in them. Also large areas of old growth timber actually do little to help scrub the co2 as opposed to a young vigorous tree. The old growth is dying as it has reached maturity and hence most of it has rot which contributes to the co2 levels.
    Also most large wildlife depends on the areas being logged to provide forage.Old growth forest are so dense that little light gets to the forest floor and so not much vegetation grows underneath. The clearcut provides the forage when opened up to the light.
    Loggers are only doing what mother nature would have done had fire burned through the area in a natural occurring event. But since we have suppressed fire in the ecosystem for so long, and are now curtailing logging in these areas,many species such as deer and elk are having a hard time competing for the vegetation that is available.

    Sorry for my rant but it is a much more complex issue than just shutting down logging. And by the way, Sarah doesn't have a clue about it.


  46. Chenagrrl9:28 AM

    Did SP mention that the Afognak operation harvests timber for export? So I guess we have to buy Chinese pencils (with bad lead that breaks in the sharpener) to get a real Alaska wood pencil? So who owns what she calls the "Evergreen logging camp?" Trans-Pac? Where does the timber go? Who really owns that timber? (

    Notice the prominent list for the China export market.

    Arrgh, I am glad I slept through this. For a low-blood pressure gal, this would have put me into orbit.

  47. Chenagrrl9:32 AM

    Do a little blogging on this logging and you will see these guys slither into the chip maker faster than a Sitka spruce on skids.

    Had to throw a logger squatter off some family property. Finding the owner was like finding a piece of rock in a chip pile.

  48. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Sarah, you dimwit- you don't use the checkered flag to start the's the green one dingleberry!

  49. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Candy is dandy Sarah, but Bristol is quicker.

  50. angela9:39 AM

    Sarah is definitely the mean dumb girl. Who else is left that she can condescend to or piss off? Too much stupid, mean and sad in this pitiful woman.

  51. The Lady doth protest too much!9:44 AM

    They write to her on paper with pencils? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! Are they from the Stone Age and calling her from tin cans with string, too? Who writes on stationary with pencils? I write on stationary with PENS when I am making an impact, but I usually just send out emails. (Most people at your blog probably do.)

    I'd like to see the letters that she gets. I think she is making this up and pulling factoids from the orifice where she has her hemorrhoids. (Of course she has them! That is why she looks like an old sour lemon!)

    BTW, I can't stand listening to her so I didn't watch this. I am responding to what you say she said.

  52. TataAla9:47 AM

    This may be a little off topic...or not.
    Just in from Huffpost

  53. Beldar9:48 AM

    Gryphen, what you caustically deride as "bitch-a-palooza" is, in SP's echo-filled head a thoughtful, erudite, seminal "environmental policy initiative white paper" and also, too. Since you can't both be right, one of you is a deceitful, mean-spirited, nasty, insecure, in-over-your-head refudiator!!!

    (Don't worry, Gryph, it isnt you...)

  54. Anonymous10:07 AM

    "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!"

    Too funny

  55. Anonymous10:13 AM

    No one concerned about saving trees
    & irresponsible clear-cutting would
    be writing to her. She made that up.
    She's demented. You'd write to the head of a logging company or the Interior Secretary to complain, not some Fox bobble-head. Seriously,
    why would anyone assume she knew any-
    thing about trees??

    Sharon TN

  56. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Sarah continues to show her us her grade school level of intelligent discourse with the pencil and paper come from trees talk. She really does believe her supporters are idiots. Only the dumbest of the dumb will be left supporting her after this series is over.

  57. Sarah says Willow has to find her own way like Track and Bristol did, what exactly does either one do as far as work????

  58. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Sarah Palin really is Nellie Olsen! Especially the time she went on Oprah with her hair in Nellie Olsen pigtails. That was the day I first realized that Sarah was off her rocker certifiably insane!! To go on national TV like this???? And she probably thought she looked glamourous!
    Nellie Olsen grown up:

  59. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Hey Sarah, can you spell irrelevant? It's pretty obvious even Todd is tired of your bullshit.

  60. I love Todd's face in that clip...

  61. Anonymous10:43 AM

    One thing about these reality shows, it portrays the people in it in a different light. It shows who they truly are. Like how in the hell would America pick Sarah Palin to do anything in the public sector ever again? She is finished. If you can put up with her screeching voice, these shows portray Sarah and her family as retarded trailer trash hicks. The Palins are finished politically. In Sarah's short life as mayor, governor, vp candidate and FOX contributor, Sarah has never sat down at a table with a group of news people and talked with anybody that she feels would give her hard questions. Sarah only talks to people that toss softball questions to her.

    Sarah Palin is done.

    The money tree is drying up.

    There will be no more books for Sarah Palin. Right now you can't even give them away.

    It is funny and sad that her last book signing stop in Alaska only drew under 400 people in her entire state. The largest state in the union, Sarah Palin's home state could only find less than 400 people.

    Well it's time for the little demon seeds to leave the nest and spread their own seeds and grift elsewhere than in the state of Alaska. What can the Palins do next? Family Feud? Sell McCain presidential blue visors? Todd is finished for sure in the oil business, can't trust him or his emails. Todd can't race snow machines in Arizona. Track has no skills what so ever, sorta like a Todd. Hopefully Track can hook up with a grifter like Todd did. There is no way any body with any type of sense will impregnate Willow. She is going to have to pull a Bristol and find somebody in the back woods to do her so she can sell her children's pictures to grocery store rags like Bristol did. Piper, what does she have to look forward to? Hopefully she will get some schooling soon before it is too late for her.

    What can I say about the Palins, "F" them and good riddance you stupid dumb f*cks.

  62. Anonymous10:53 AM

    They are seated as far apart as possible and the body language between them is brutally cold and distant. His eyes are very cold. He looks like he is swallowing air in order to keep himself from saying anything.

  63. Anonymous11:01 AM

    i havent touched a pencil since 1984.

  64. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Stay tuned after the end of Sarah's Alaska, last episode for important announcement.

    Filming will begin on a new "Palin Reality Show", Bristol Palin Does Arazonika with her RILL AMURKIN fambly and will continue while we search for some things to bludgeon, kill and destroy, and for some TEEVEE show that we can rig to show the great "work ethicks" of Willow and Piper AND SARAH'S OLDEST KID, "WHATSHISNAME".

    Meanwhile the family lawyer, Fleabyte, is negotiating a "MADE FOR TEEVEE" special of revirginized Bristol giving birth to another GIFT FROM GOD(?) LIVE on TV.

    Reminding me of a naughty limerick I heard years ago;

    There was a young maid from Alaska

    Who thought babies came from God. Just aska.

    But it wasn't the Almighty

    That lifted her nightie--

    It was "PIPELAYING GINO by God!

  65. Anonymous11:03 AM

    The one good thing about SP is that she brings out the intelligence in the rest of us - and that we should not feel bad for pursuing higher education in spite of the fact most of us are not stud muffins or beauty queens. We were the picked-on academic stars and shunned band geeks. We did not overtly participate in sports nor cheerleading. We were never the homecoming queens or kings. And yet living in Alaska, we did our fair share of physical labor.

    It was hard being a nerd in Wasilla - and I eventually left the state because of no work - and I've never looked back.

    Sarah's mentality is very common in Alaskan women - the 'fight fight fight!' attitude - just basically extremely competitive, even with other women. I've worked with these type of women - and, believe me, they are NASTY. Alaska is FULL of them.

    My one hope is my own dad, who lives four miles from the Palins, will one day wake the hell up from his obsession with Sarah. How embarrassing that he, and untold millions of elderly, angry, white, republican men are fascinated by this mentally-ill but physically attractive woman (at least in their eyes).

    We need a psychiatrist on this board to explain the fascination of SP to these guys. I don't get it.

  66. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Of course, she thought people write letters with pencils instead of pens (or a computer). After all how would she know since I am sure she has never actually read any letter sent to her.

    The funniest thing of all? Like how many people write letters to her?

    I'm sure she gets letters from the palinbots but I doubt she reads them. She just takes the money and the gifts. Who care what they say...........

  67. Anonymous11:38 AM

    My son works for DNR they handle a lot of sales for logging and they also replant trees to do it all over again and again and again....

    Sarah knows nothing about nothing but how to be a mean girl.

  68. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I agree with Hindsite2020 @9:28.

    As far as replanting, it's a done deal. I actually worked a few winters in Washington State as a Tree Plant Auditor which is a fancy name for quality control guy. I would spend all day in the woods with tree planting crews checking up on their work. The planter get paid by the tree planted, anywhere from 2 cents per tree to 7 cents per tree depending on how hard of a unit it is to plant. The average was probably around 5 cents per tree. But they get deducted as a team if their planting doesn't meet certain standards. I would take 25 samples per day at random times and places in the unit. I'd plant my shovel, and attach my tape and walk a circle with a 20 ft diameter. There had to be 6 or 7 planted trees in the circle. If there were more or less, it was a deduction for each one. Then I'd gently tug at each one to make sure they were firmly in the ground. Next I'd dig them up to make sure the roots were spread well and not bent or J-rooted. roots above the soil were also discounted. The only time I'd make a non random plot would be if I found trees that a planter had dropped or hidden. Those were a couple of the tricks they'd use to claim they'd planted more trees than they actually had. They'd purposely hide bunches of seedlings or carelessly drop them one at a time along their individual line. If at the end of the day, the trees planted had an 80% or better well planted rating, they got paid the full amount for that unit. But for every percentage point below that standard, they got a deduction for the whole crew.

    My only complaint about reforestation is that it isn't natural as far as they are practicing mono culture. Naturally, forests are a mix of different species and each has it's purpose. Hardwoods such as alder are nitrogen fixers in the soil and make the soil more healthy for what's growing there. Hardwoods also lose their leaves, so more sunlight gets in allowing other species to grow on the forest floor. The primary species replanted in Washington is fast growth Douglas Fir and once the plot gets to about 12 years old or so, nothings else is growing there except the fir. Forest practices are changing tho, some of it market driven. The alders that were treated like weeds and were sprayed to kill them are now in demand as Eastern hardwood forests aren't producing what they once were. Alder is used in furniture and musical instruments and as a pulp wood. You see more and more big alder patches here on the Washington coast now. But what you don't see much of anymore is old growth cedar, fir, spruce,or hemlock, because the fast growth forests are harvested on about a 40-50 year rotation now. Old growth takes 100's of years and the markets don't allow for that. And lumber producers don't need old growth anymore for things like veneer for plywood. Instead of peeling logs for veneer, more and more plywood comes from chipped logs and is called "oriented strand board" or OSB. Old growth is still very valuable, just hard to come by. Old growth Cedar is so valuable that crews go out into new clearcuts in out area to cut shake and shingle blocks from the old stumps left over from when this country was first logged a hundred years ago. They use helicopters to lift the blocks from the steep sidehills and canyons up to a road where they can be loaded on trucks. Cedar has so much oil in it that the wood doesn't rot like other species. Most of the old cedar stumps are still pretty solid.

    Probably too much info for most, but the bottom line is, yes, forests are replanted when logged.


  69. If Palin thinks the best way to stop an angry bear is with a firearm, she knows absolutely nothing about guns or bears....Never mind the way Palin apparently shoots....

  70. Anonymous12:06 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    2) From the Huckleberry Blue Grass Channel: Palin favorites:

    "Its a family tradition, babies everywhere, God I love them"

    "Daddy's hands"

    "Come back Palin girl"

    "You stole my boyfriend, but I've got his baby, Ha Ha"

    "I stole your husband, and I've got his baby, ha, ha"

    'My Daddy knows my special place, he saw my child get borned'

    'i hate you'

    "schools be for fools"

    'Adjust my wig, Im on fox"

    Please help me think of good Palin songs, and even write them.

    9:15 AM"

    Pile 'o horns on the lawn, I'll just keep a shootn'
    till all them critters gone.

    The ballad of Curtis Menard, Jr.

    Mommas don't name yer babies til the anesthesia
    wears off.

    A special bongo chant: Sambo beat the Bitch!
    Sambo beat the Bitch! Beat that bitch! Beat
    that bitch! Sambo! Sambo! Sambo!

    Ave Maria Saint Sarah of the Put Upon:
    aka Teh mean liburals are always pikin
    on meh!

    The Power ballad: Facebook, I'm forever
    yours, ever yours....Faithfully..I'm still yours...

    Fancy Pageant Walkin

  71. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Looks like $carah is showing her stupid - AGAIN.

    Pencils are made primarily from incense cedar, and it isn't an Alaskan crop

    $carah sooooo stooooopid.

    And they could cut, but they insist on "clear cutting" - assholes.

  72. Anonymous12:26 PM

    The review in Salon was hilarious. Rather than Free Willy, we have Free Willow!! I think a montage of Willow rolling her eyes and making various facial expressions at Sarah would be hilarious!

  73. Thanks Rick,

    Great description of what we do in the Northwest forests.

    I worked for Georgia-Pacific for 25 years and my daughter is a log accountant.

  74. Anonymous12:31 PM

    OT- Watching her book on Amazon today is like watching the stock market crash.... currently it is #89 and at this rate, this will be the last day in the top 100! Be gone!!

  75. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Well, I personally use mechanical pencils (plastic and refillable) and my kids brought home these pretty cook smencils ...made form recycled newspaper (yes, I know that news paper is originally made from wood pulp, but with sooooo much of it around and most folks reading their news and mail and getting information like phone numbers from the internet today - well ... it look like we have a good supply for a few years.

    IN other words, even where pencils come from requires a nuanced answer - something $carah is incapable of.

  76. Seriously,
    why would anyone assume she knew any-
    thing about trees??
    Sharon TN
    10:13 AM
    She's a blockhead?

  77. Anonymous12:36 PM

    @ HIndsite 20/20

    The problem is that much of the timber replanted is a monoculture - as opposed to the gradual and transitional forests that occur naturally. These succession forest can be logged, but it is harder (more expensive) to do so.

    Sorry timber industry and loggers, the Constitution does NOT guarantee you a profit, and it certainly doesn't guarantee you a really, really, big one.

    Figure out how to log both sustainably and in a way that is economically viable, then come back and ask again.

  78. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Thanks for a good outline of reforestation.

    SArah seems to think that Willow can go back in 20 years and watch the harvest happen all over again. Sorry Scarah. A Sitka Spruce on Afognak after 20 years will be nowhere near harvest size. Growing 4 ft a year??? Yea..... NO. Perhaps in Oregon or Washington, but not on Afognak.

    Oh.... I found myself yelling at the TV again.... S T F U!!!


  79. Anonymous12:52 PM

    She's such a petty and stupid snarky bitch. Conservationists really write her pretty letters with pencils? I highly highly doubt it. She just needs to belittle someone else to make her feel better. She's so small minded!
    I am so sick of this low class deranged hick, I could scream. And screw you John McNasty for subjecting our great country to this unAmerican traitor. I thank God everyone is finally seeing her true colors. It sure took long enough!

  80. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Re: 11:03 AM - We need a psychiatrist on this board to explain the fascination of SP to these guys. I don't get it.

    It is most likely because she (in her narcissism) is just like their mommas.

  81. Article

    Doubting Sarah

    p.s. LOTS of good quotes there by republicans!

  82. Anonymous1:16 PM

    ' Sarah says Willow has to find her own way like Track and Bristol did '

    They think it is a big deal they are attempting to see if Track can handle a part time job. Bristol has everything done for her as the broken record plays ad nauseum that she is independent. No one can believe a word they sputter.

    What about Tripp and the next money maker? Sarah is passing down traits to the generations to come. Is there any possibility that Bristol has seen the light? She will allow Tripp to see his father? She will escape with Tripp to the desert? That kid is looking sad being used on Grandma's show. Why can't anyone mention if he on salary? What is his agent doing for him? The Palins have only screwed things up for him in court, is his star status paycheck the same deal?

  83. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Well that was painful to listen to AND watch. Something is wrong with how her mouth works trying to pronounce certain words and sounds.

  84. Enjay in E MT1:39 PM

    Thank you for all the logger/ forestry info.

    It would have been nice to see the "rings" after cutting the tree down (to indicate how old the tree was). Looked like a fairly old tree - she could have pointed to when the Declaration of Independance was signed & when her hero Ronnie RAYgun was born. Or maybe when A-LAS-Ka was bought.

  85. Uh, Sarah? You DO know that paper can also come from cotton (cotton rag)? In fact, our ceuurency is printed on it.

  86. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Sarah's reality show should really be titled, "The Revenge of Sarah Palin." She seems to spend each week settling old scores and getting even with people. Long after Joe McGinniss moved out, there was the fifteen foot fence, guarding the security conscious Palin family from prying eyes next door.

    Sarah let us know that Michelle shouldn't tell us what to eat. And the tree huggers use pencil on pretty stationery to write their protests to her. (Actually, I think that they write blogs and comments, posted on the paperless internet).

    Sarah is still trying to refudiate her use of the made up word. She is busy telling us that good work ethic means that you don't quit. That applies to everyone but Sarah.

  87. Anonymous2:10 PM

    A note to Sarah about the pencils and stationery: Have you notice how paper is labeled "recycled"? That means that they collect paper, reduce it to pulp and make new paper. Yes, it originally came froma tree, but much paper is RECYCLED, used again. (It's a big word. Write it on your hand).

    There is also paper made from bamboo, hemp, linen, and other plant fibers. It doesn't have to come from a tree. There are now also pencils that are not made of wood, believe it or not. Don't they have that stuff 'way up there in Alaska?

  88. Anonymous2:51 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Bristol has everything done for her

    1:16 PM"

    She is a glorified Welfare Mother. Rather than
    having kids to get welfare money, she has kids
    to get money for saying she doesn't believe in
    having sex. Odd bunch, those conservatives.

  89. Anonymous2:59 PM

    I live on Kodiak. It is appalling how Ms. Palin portrays Kodiak as a tree-killing, stock-car racing gun-toting community. There are very few of us involved in the timber industry and presently there is a huge outcry regarding how many trees are leaving the island horizontally. The track is open maybe twice a year and while it is a fun experience, check out how few people are in the stands. Yep, that is typical. And as to the use of pepper spray to fend off a bear the vast majority of us would avoid such an encounter in the first place. Pepper spray is hands down the first line of attack. Killing a bear needlessly engenders enormous issues with Fish and Game and nobody in their right mind would attempt the Sarah Palin suggestion unless absolutely necessary.

  90. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Rick @11:50

    Thanks so much for your overview on re-forestation!

  91. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Actually a lot of "wooden" pencils are made from recycled paper or cardboard, many are now plastic. Much if not most paper is from recycled. So only the graphite is still the original substance, since the erasers are no longer real rubber.

    By the 1970's or 80's 90% of America's forest were gone. Each year about 10% of the remaining is cut.

    The mono crop replanting that occurs on tree farms, national park land, and forests and woods owned by logging operations does not recreate the natural ecology of the native growth.

    Also too each tree removed from the forest takes with it many tons of organic and mineral nutrients that new growth needs to become robust and healthy.
    That would mean millions of tons of organic fertilizers would need to be put down in each area of clear cut, even if it is replanted in mono-crop or man made hybrid fast growth trees. That is not happening.

    The tree that Sarah cut down will never be replaced because the molecules and minerals that it grew from have forever been removed and will never be replaced.

    Watching Sarah move through Alaska is like watching Sherman's march to the sea.

  92. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Considering Willow's reported criminal and sexual behavior, I'd say she's finding the exact same way as Track and Bristol.

  93. "And authenticity matters almost more than ever, and I think that's what mattered in 2010, and people wanted not to just hear the message, they wanted to hear the authenticity of it."

    I think Perino's point can be effectively used to explain away why Palin "hides" on FB and twitter and hides from the press. Palin can't discuss facts and is not authentic. Then we can remind people that Palin refused to answer questions during the debate. She was woefully unprepared and worse refused to prepare for interviews. (so much for the queen B's work ethic)

  94. Anonymous5:18 AM

    I realized Sarah was "giving the middle finger" on national tv again to conservationists. I wonder if SPA is done from a need to exact revenge on people

    The Salon article was funny.

  95. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Once again, Sarah has to teach us all a lesson in parenting and the hard work ethic.

    I felt sorry for Willow. At 16, I would not have wanted to be forced to work in the kitchen at a logging camp with some stranger.

    And SP saying something about she needs to learn to cook for others. As a parent of 3 boys, I believe that is true, but it should be taught at home first. SP acts like this one-hour show will have taught Willow the lessons she needs in life.

  96. She gets letters from conservationists in pencil?


    And that pretty stationary. Could that be letterhead? Official letterhead?

    Not everyone reads e-mail or considers Facebook or Twitter official commentary. And there is no guarantee Palin pays any attention to anyone's tweets by her own. So in order to have a paper trail you have to have paper.

    It's almost over.

    I'm sure the DVD sales will tank even more than the 2 hour finale.

    If Discovery and TLC are smart, they will not "renew" this "show". Not unless they are paid a boatload of money to do so.


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