Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I remember when I was the King of my castle just like it was yesterday. In fact it WAS yesterday.

Now after several months of living here my daughter has finally decided to REALLY live here, which means that she is not going to simply stay in her room and out of my way (Like I want), but that she is going to redecorate the house to suit her needs and begin putting a little of her personality into the place.

Oh yippee!

So the other day she e-mails me pictures of three different couches she wants and asks which one I think would look best in the living room. 

I of course e-mail her back and say "None of them, we don't need a couch!"

However that is not good enough and she makes me choose. So I tell her that two of her choices are fine but that the third one sucks ass.  "Okay" she says and goes out that day and buys one of them and a matching loveseat.

The night before last she tells me that she needs my help to pick the couches up and bring them home.  "Okay" I say, "no problem."  All the while thinking to myself, "See she still needs her daddy."

So yesterday I go into her room to wake her up so that we can pick up the couches together and she springs out of the bed wide awake like some sort of jack-in-the-box. (My daughter NEVER springs awake.  IN fact last week she slept for one entire day, not getting up once even to go to the bathroom.  I went in around one o'clock in the afternoon with a mirror to check if she was still breathing.  She was.)

So when she sprang up like that it startled me, and I am not embarrassed to say I took a step back. I didn't run because that would have been pathetic, but I did drop into a half assed fighting stance just in case it was a ninja or zombie in that bed  instead of my daughter. (I have been watching a lot of bad Netflix movies lately.)

Not only did she spring out of bed but she started talking a hundred miles a minute.  I could not catch all of it because it was too fast for human ears to intercept, but it went something like this:

"So much to do....had an espresso last night.....couldn't sleep.....let's go...wait I need to brush my teeth....are you ready?....I like espresso.....have you showered yet?....Let's go!...Wait did I brush my teeth yet?...Have you still NOT showered yet?.....I like espresso....need to pick up the"

All of that took about a half second to say.  I calmly told her to settle down and I would be showered in a few minutes and we could go get the couch.

I quickly showered, and as I left the bathroom still brushing my teeth she was standing outside of the door with her coat on and bouncing from one foot to the other asking if we could go yet?  "Seriously who the hell are you?" I asked through the toothpaste in my mouth.

As we backed out of the driveway my daughter suddenly tells me that we need to go to U-Haul and rent a truck in order to bring the couches home.  So as we drove to the U-Haul place I tell her to let me do the talking because sometimes these people will try and take advantage of a young girl.

We walked in and I happened to notice that there were some cool combination locks for sale.  I swear I am only distracted for a minute or two, but when I look over my daughter is at the front counter and she is swiping her credit card and filling out the form. I walked up only to have her breeze past me and say "Come on Dad I got it."

I was left just kind of standing there feeling completely unnecessary, and wondering what in the hell just happened.

I walked outside only to find my daughter sitting behind the steering wheel. She's driving too?

As I climb into the passenger side I casually ask her if she is sure she can handle a vehicle this big and cumbersome.

Then she gives me the look.  My look.

It is the look I have practiced my entire life.,  The look that says "Do YOU have any idea just who the fuck you are talking too?"  That is MY look, I give it all of the time to shut people down, and now I am on the receiving end.

I cannot believe she stole my look!  And then she has the audacity to fling it right back at me to boot! 

"You do remember that I just drove a motor home all the way up the ALCAN from Georgia don't you?"

Actually you know what?  I kind of forgot about that for a second.

So sufficiently chastised I sat in the passenger side providing valuable driving tips that she completely ignored as we headed off we go to pick up the couch.  We arrived at the store and when we walked in I saw that the couch she bought was the only one of her choices that I did NOT want her to buy.

Now apparently she thinks I will not yell in a crowded store. Wrong!

But before I can get up a real head of steam and begin to send the locals fleeing for the door, my daughter starts to tell me how she got it on sale, and how she negotiated the price down even further, and how she saved three hundred dollars on the purchase.

"What?  Three hundred dollars?  But this is not the...but we agreed...three hundred dollars?"   I quickly realize that I've got nothing to say back. I know when I'm beat, so all I can do is to help the furniture store employees load up the couches for the trip to our house.

Once we get to the house we begin to unload the couches.  We get the first one up the stairs to the front door and BAM!  It will not go through. Hah!  I knew there would be a problem.

So I start my rant about if only she would have listened to me and bought the couches that I approved instead of some oversized ugly ass furniture like this we would not have to load it up and take it right back to where we got it, but nooo, she never listens to her father even though he.....

"Dad! Why don't we try turning it and seeing if we can work it in at an angle?"

Yep you guessed it, that worked perfectly. Crap, and I had such a good rant going.

We got both of the couches into the living room and I was finally able to get a good look at them in the sunlight.  You know what?  They were not really all that hideous.

After we returned the U-Haul (And yes my daughter got a good deal and did not even drive it far enough to have to buy gas for it.), she asked if we could stop by Fred Meyers and buy some more things for her to spruce up the house.

Aha!  So THIS is where she gets me to spend a bunch of my money on things I don't want in my house, I thought.

"Look" I said, "I will drive you to the store, but don't think I am going to spend a bunch of my money on things that I don't think are necessary just because you want to them."  Ha, I certainly told her.

I looked over and saw that same look of mine staring back at me again! "Did I ask you to buy anything?" She said.

"Well, no but.."

"Didn't I pay for the U-Haul?"

"Well yes but..."

"Didn't I figure out how  the get the couches through the door when YOU wanted to just give up?"

"Well I never said I was exactly giv..."

"Don't worry DAD, I will handle it.  Geez!"

"Sorry" I said. In order to make it up to her I offered to buy her a coffee.  The one from the night before had started to wear off so she agreed.  She ended up choosing a Peppermint Mocha with, and I quote, "As much peppermint as humanly possible."

I swear in three sips she was bounding around the store like Tigger from the Winnie the Pooh stories.

We chose a cart and began to move through the store.  I found a Blue Ray DVD that I wanted and threw it into the cart exclaiming to everybody within earshot that IT was all I was buying today. As we progressed through Fred Meyers my daughter's verbal interactions with me began to speed up.  Soon she was barely coherent and talking so fast that all I could do was nod my head once in awhile to let her know I was paying attention.

I was trying to watch carefully to make sure she did not put too many expensive things into the cart because I knew she did not have a great deal of money left.  But my eyes started to dry out and I had to blink.  When I did I noticed that three more items had miraculously found their way into our shopping cart.  What's more I believe the three things came from three entirely different areas of the store.  I literally had no idea how she got them into the cart so damn fast.

I tried to ask her, but now she was in such a caffeine induced state of hyperactivity that her words were coming so fast they gave my eardrums wind burn.

The cart was soon full and so we decided to head to the check out so I could buy my Blue Ray movie and she could apparently spend what was left of her life savings.

We went to the U-Scan and I scanned my Blue Ray movie and got out my wallet to pay, but then my daughter reached over and scanned one of her items on my scanner too. WTF?

When I looked over she said "Remember?  Over there by the shelves you said you would buy this for me?"

'What?  No I didn't."

"Yes you did, remember I said I really wanted it, but could not afford it, and when I asked if you would buy it instead you nodded yes."

Oh crap!  Was THAT what she was saying?

"Look honey you cannot hold me accountable for anything I nodded to back there, hell only dolphins and fruit bats could make out what you were saying."

"Dad!  People are waiting for us, and I really need these shelves because your house does not have enough closet space for all of my stuff! Please!"  I knew I was being scammed but she had turned on her Bambi eyes and I was powerless to argue.  As it turned out I had apparently nodded quite a few times and ended up buying most of the things in the cart.

Long story short, my Blue Ray movie ended up costing me $159.83.  That better be one hell of a good movie!

Mental note for the future, do NOT buy daughter anymore mochas, and do not nod your head to anything that you do not see in writing!

P.S. Before I went to bed last night I caught my daughter in my bedroom with a measuring tape.  When I asked her what the hell she was doing she said she was just seeeing how much extra space there was in my room compared to her room and suggested that it might be a good idea if we switched because she could really use the extra space that I have in my master bed and bathroom.

"This is MY house!" I explained defensivly. "I pay the bills, and MY name is on the mortgage. And that means I get the biggest room and most luxurious bathroom. Got it?"

"It was just an idea." She said, and then smiled in that way she smiles right before she totally gets her way.

Oh god, she is the devil!

I slept with my door locked last night.

Here she is with what I THOUGHT would be the most expensive thing I would be buying for her.

Looks innocent doesn't she?  Yeah, I have been known to fall for that too.


Since you demanded it.  Behold, the couch!


  1. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Haha! As a daughter I am laughing right now! Get used to it. I know how us girls are with our dads!

  2. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Thanks for the much needed laugh! Good luck kiddo, you're going to need it!

  3. majii3:08 PM

    I am sitting here laughing my behind off! I, too, have only one child, and she pulls the same stunt on me all of the time. Last week we were in a department store to pick up a few last minute Christmas items. As we went along, she was placing items in the buggy that I thought she was going to pay for. Well, it didn't turn out that way. Guess who ended up paying for everything in the buggy except for one item? I did. Welcome to the club!

  4. momcat4obama3:12 PM

    Oh, poor been had. And by the love of your life, too. LOL!!!

    GREAT post!

  5. abo gato3:13 PM

    She's cute, but you need to keep her away from the expresso......

    Just sayin......

  6. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Gryph...this is your best post EVAH. I am laughing my ass off. And the best part? NO SP. Thank you.

  7. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Note to Gryphen's daughter:

    You are one hell of a lucky girl.

  8. Anonymous3:28 PM

    True delight. Gryphen, you're a born story-teller, you have the Gift.

    Dismal news everyday, so I start my day with Immoral Minority, laughs and a sense of hearing an old friend carry on. Love it. Thanks.

    (It's just a jolly plus that you're keeping SP's feet to the fire as only you can.)

  9. igettit23:30 PM

    Your daughter sounds like a force to contend with :-)

    Thanks for a fun story.

  10. MadCityKaren3:34 PM

    But we really need to see a picture of the couch too ... :)

  11. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign3:36 PM

    It's been a long time since I've commented here. What a great comedic rundown of "Daughter Knows Best"! I giggled myself silly. Loved this!

  12. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Very cute story. You're a sweet dad!

  13. Anonymous3:39 PM

    How can Palin respect you when you are getting beaten by your own daughter! LOL

    Loved this post! You two have a great relationship!

  14. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Thanks for several good chuckles, Gryph.

    I don't have any kids, but the wife and I recently went to the local Mac store to see if they had any iPads in stock. Somehow we came home with both an iPad (which my wife refuses to call an iPad - she refers to it as her "iSL8") and a 27-inch iMac.

    It was kind of a whirlwind, but in the end, we're better because of it. Sometimes you just have to get out of the way and let them go.

  15. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Hysterical, Gryphen. My husband is also wrapped around my daughter's finger. We think you might enjoy the following song...

  16. fromthediagonal3:47 PM

    Man, you make me glad I had four offspring in the "Time of the Dinosaurs".
    Gryph, you are a wuss!
    Not that I blame your daughter for taking advantage of your whatevers...

    Anyway, this post is great! I love it!

    Now, don't let your daughter see it, as she may take it as permission from an Ancient One to take more advantage of you!
    Do As You Please, and Harm It None!

  17. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I am laughing...Thanks for wrote so well I was living it.
    Daddies take such a beating :-)

  18. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Bambi it! Daughters have a way of wrapping us around their little fingers.

  19. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Thanks for sharing such a nice dad/daughter story. Funny how she now gives "the look". Haven't we all given them "the look" when they were young, it sure comes back to haunt us.

    The realization they might know more in some areas than us is a letting go process. You should be proud!

  20. Oh, Daddy Gryphen! She has you so wrapped around her finger (although I think you secretly love it!) And she is very lovely!

    //waving// Hi Gryphen's daughter!

  21. angela4:04 PM

    Gryphen, stop it!

    Hurt stomach, hysterical laughing and almost a loss of bladder control.

    I need to call my Dad . . . .(thanks)

  22. Anonymous4:09 PM

    ROFLMAO. Girls are money pits. I have two of my own plus two more. Each money pit gave birth to a money pit.

  23. Just wait, Gryphen. My dad came to visit for Christmas and I had him at the Audi dealership by Day 2. And I am in my 30s! :)

  24. Oh, and I, too, want to see the couch! :)

  25. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Too funny!! I would really like to see the sofa. Photos plz!

  26. Mrs. M4:24 PM

    Love it! My daughter is totally going to do this to my husband!

  27. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Sweet and cute story Grypen. As a "daddy's girl" I read this from your perspective and had a good laugh along with a few pangs of guilt. :D

    You and your daughter have a wonderful and special relationship. Cherish it.

  28. There's no such thing as an "ugly couch," provided it does not reek of animal urine (or any other urines), and you can save $300 off the purchase price......

  29. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Wonderful, loving, truthful story of human family life...that caffeine deal, I totally relate to, #1 child has always been a very fast thinker/speaker and adding coffee to the mix of, well, let's just say I have entered my 7th decade...(yikes!)

    Thanks again for this community, Gryphen and blessings of the New Year on you and yours!

  30. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Laughing here. No daughters, two sons . . .
    Both came to visit during the Holidays with their Significant Others. It was great, it was lovely, IT WAS EXHAUSTING!

  31. what a great post! one question, though, what is a fred meyers? looks like i'll be googling. i suppose you wouldn't know what a renny's or a marden's is either...

    i am the second of 4 daughters in a family that was constantly broke. LOL, i even "loaned" my parents money in my early to mid teens from my babysitting pay and often never got paid back in return because they were so far behind on bills. it came to the point that i would pretend to be broke, too. so when i got older, in my late teens, i prided myself on never asking them for a cent. my older sister was mostly this way, too; we were expected to provide a great deal for ourselves at a very early age. which left me shocked when i would come home for visits after i had graduated college and moved away and found my two younger sisters, especially the youngest, were getting EVERYTHING paid for by my parents. either my parents had become soft and a little more comfortable, or my sisters were just way better than i was about getting my parents to hand over the credit card.

    beware: i am now the only daughter that doesn't hit them up for money, which they appreciate, except for help with some surgeries that i had to have and couldn't afford. my other sisters, one with a daughter of her own, have it down and still practice their arts/ witchcraft/ coquetry upon my parents. i hope they are able to retire at a decent age (all of them)!

    you sound like a great dad, though, and should be proud that your daughter is very self-sufficient, if a little crafty with her daddy at times. and hey, you got a new couch out of it. i think pics are in order!

  32. Anonymous4:56 PM

    LOL Gryphen, I really enjoyed reading this. I have 3 daughters ages 5 and under, and my poor husband is quite easily suckered by those little cuties. Looks like it will only get worse! P.S. Please show us the ugly ass couch!

  33. Thanks for that post Gryph! Totally reminds me of something that would happen between my own father and I. He is actually coming over tomorrow to install cable in the bed room, so we shall see what happens!

  34. Anonymous5:08 PM

    That was a cute read! Thank you for sharing. Had a good laugh.

  35. Hey, Gryph, I've got an easy chair I need moved from the truck into the house. Can you come over tonight?

    {{{Bats eyes innocently}}}

  36. Bear Woman5:30 PM

    Welcome to the world of adult, independent children.... HAH!! Two boys and I get hit with this as well. Guess this is still part of being a parent!

  37. Happy New Year, Gryph, from a Daddy's Girl who totally loved your story.

    [Lost my Darling Dad in February but he is not forgotten.]

  38. Having lost my Dad at a very young age and then becoming a Mom to 3 sons, I can't really relate. What is very plain to see, however, is that you and your daughter have a wonderful relationship, based on love, mutual understanding and respect. Cherish it always and here's wishing you and your beautiful daughter a very Happy New Year!

  39. Forever Anonymous5:43 PM

    I can't stop smiling, seeing her picture is even funnier picturing her bolting up in the bed and getting hyper with caffeine lol. Now, everything was going great until you got to the part where she bought the couch you didn't like. Good thing you got to like them, I can relate, this year I got a white Christmas tree because my daughter,24, has wanted one for last 4 years and she doesn't even live with me, but loves it when she visits.

  40. Hmmm. You are correct--ugly. But really comfy looking. Love the view of the snow out the window.

  41. Anonymous5:44 PM

    G-man, loved the story. Really cheered me up on a day that I'm not feeling well.
    This is a reverse thing, but I moved in with son back in Nov. I have not stopped cleaning. Freaks him out because he has ''Hoarders'' potential. He belongs to a volunteer fire dept. & has been issues equipment.
    He had a HazMat suit lying on living room floor.

    We are bonding, we get along well, yet I know I drive him nuts.

    Oh & I move his furniture around,also,too.


  42. the couches look nice. as long as they are comfortable, that's the important thing!
    they can always be dressed up with throws and pillows - more shopping trips!!!

  43. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Gryphen, this is absolutely priceless. I've said it before when you've posted about Trials With A Daughter, and I'll say it again: you must write a book.

  44. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Cute story, cute daughter and you're a terrific daddy. Happy Holidays to you both.

    P.S. Better start planning where you're going to put your furniture in your new room - sounds like she needs the big room.

  45. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Ha ha ha ha Gryphen I just went through that hell with my daughter. I wanted to really kick her behind.

    Ha ha ha ha

  46. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Funny stuff. Good thing your daughter inherited your sense of humor.

  47. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Well done, Gryph! You made me laugh so much tonight, and I haven't even had my first glass of wine yet! ;-)

  48. Linda Arizona6:28 PM

    Great story! C'mon. She's done you a favor....right?!

    She looks like an angel.

    Looks like you've got some wonderful new furniture along with a daughter who loves you, AND who can really handle herself out in the world.

    Enjoy every moment. Thank you for sharing this and pat yourself on the back for raising such an intelligent, insightful young person.

  49. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Thanks for the laughs. Very nice post.

  50. FEDUP!!!6:31 PM

    I can sooooo identify with you and what you went through yesterday - it could have been me and my daughter - and I am her MOM!!!

  51. At least the couch isn't plaid. I believe that everyone will own a plaid couch at some time in their lives. Great story. Makes me miss my late dad who was a pushover just like you.

  52. CorningNY6:46 PM

    It sounds like she learned all her skills from you!

  53. Nice looking couches there, Gryph!!

    Darling story too.

    Just admirin' from California!

  54. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Tell your daughter she did a great job choosing the couches. Neutral is good! Brown is warm, a color we need for long winters in Alaska. I say you need some green plants now, and an outstanding piece of artwork with colors you enjoy and you are all set.

  55. Haven't read all the comments .. but love it, love it. Our daughter just returned to Austin after being here for Christmas; while here, she took me to my Sports Med follow-up with doctor visit and asked pointed questions of the doctor which I would not have thought to ask; went shopping with her Daddy and bought just exactly what he and her brother needed (headphones for their iPhones unlike the earbuds they both hate); went upstairs with her Daddy and proceeded to help him whip his "man cave" into better shape! Yes, I relate to your story and to your relationship with your lovely daughter! BTW: the couches look good - just relax.

  56. Anonymous7:08 PM

    She could have moved refrigerator boxes with soiled doilys into your living room, and you would start to love them!! Such an easy mark, Gryph. I love all your posts, but the ones that grab at my heartstrings are the ones about your daughter. You make such a great team.
    I wish every daughter could be so cherished!

  57. Anonymous7:15 PM

    That couch is very nice! Looks like it is very conducive to many happy naps. :)

    btw....I have one very similar and we love it! Very cozy and comfortable.

  58. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Come on. It will always be a wonderful memory! She adores you!

  59. Anonymous7:42 PM

    O/T Palin Talk!!

    The Ed Show with fill in host commenting on Tucker Carlson's verbal stupidity about Michael Vick should be executed gets compared to Palin shooting the caribou!!

    Also note that Shannyn is on a segment on Rachel's show about Miller.

  60. Great sofa, great daughter and I loved the story!

  61. PollyinAK7:52 PM

    p.s. just noticed you have patterned drapes, so your daughter was right in selecting a solid color. plus, she probably knows that you will be spilling things on it and this color will be forgiving. also, too, high backs are the best, you have a place to rest your head when you lean back. excellent choice. i'm glad Daughter went shopping for furniture and not Dad.

  62. Kids! They will make you crazy!

  63. Enjay in E MT8:26 PM

    I love it!

    Remember that old saying:

    A son is a son,
    till he takes a wife.
    A daughter is a daughter,
    all of your life.

  64. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Ha Ha, you made me laugh. My son and I are roommates and we're trading rooms after the holidays. He feels it's reasonable because I'm here only 3-4 months/yr.
    Don't ever go away for days at a time.

  65. Your daughter is adorable but no more espresso for her. And hang on to your room, Gryphen, or it won't be long before you're looking for a new house.

    So, what happened to the old couch?

    Thanks for the great story, huge laughs, and warm fuzzy feeling!

  66. Anonymous9:10 PM

    This post made me smile - not all of us were lucky enough to have a dad like you. Sounds like you have a wonderful daughter as well. You deserve each other :)

  67. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Thanks for making me smile. I've had many of those experiences with my son. They will make you smile a lifetime!

  68. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Gryphen, Your daughter did a good job - nice couch set! I have a grown son who is back home; he came home to go back school and yes, he did graduate -finally. I am very proud of him and will be glad when the economy turns and he will be able to get a job to go with his degree... Can't complain, he is working and pays his bills. I got a new couch and loveseat and I looked and looked and looked and finally had it down to two and then I asked him to come with me to make the final choice. I told him I liked both and would be happy with either and let me make the final choice. It worked out well.

    Happy New Year! and you have a great daughter !

  69. Anonymous9:53 PM

    I love being a parent to grown children.
    It is worth it, even if you have to pay for those extras, mine was a laptop for my son when he started grad school.
    Hoping for grand children, probably getting kittens and puppies instead.

    As an woman who lost my dad when I was 9, I would give anything to be able to go shopping with my dad.
    The last thing he bought for me was a Nancy Drew book that I wanted for my birthday.

  70. Anonymous10:12 PM

    She played you like a violin! LOL!

  71. Anonymous10:24 PM

    LOVED your retelling of this experience with your kidlet. Was laughing my butt off throughout the entire story. What I noticed is when you were telling how she would talk faster & faster & faster, I found myself READING faster & faster & faster and I had to go back and read it 2-3 times. Just to durn funny!

  72. Anonymous11:43 PM

    I was a furniture salesman in the 90s.Now I know where all the stuff we never sold went,Alaska.

  73. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Too funny because it's oh so true. As Daddy's little girl, and with grown kids in my life, I can identify with both sides of this equation. Thanks for sharing!

  74. Anonymous2:03 AM

    i think the couch set looks very nice and comfy

  75. Anonymous2:45 AM

    Cute story, and the couches are not that bad. They're for lounging, which is what young people want.

    I think you're being a good daddy but since your daughter is this way, she'd better find a slightly older gal to settle down with who will let her get her way with everything, otherwise they'll end up throwing frying pans at each other.

    Also, I'm tempted to make a lesbian u-haul joke here but I'll refrain from that because it's so cliche. ;)

    My...if the college-age girl in my dept would move in with me I'd gladly give her everything she wanted plus jewelry every single day. But she's straight, so what are you gonna do, right?

    Enjoy your family and have a nice new year.

  76. Anonymous2:48 AM

    .."This post made me smile - not all of us were lucky enough to have a dad like you."

    That's true. When I moved in with my dad during college I had a bed that was almost like a cot! lol. And no decisions were left up to me at all. I can tell you that's not good for a girl's psyche.

  77. Anonymous3:21 AM

    Love it - thanks for sharing!


  78. Beldar3:25 AM

    Gryphen, some day, after you've vanquished Governor/2 Sarah P. Muckkruffle you can retire the political blog and do entertaining "My Little Margie" stories like this that dont even mention the Tundra Tart. Good job!

  79. ManxMamma3:53 AM

    Thanks for the story Gryphen. It was a much nicer way for me to wake up than reading about the wicked witch of the north!

  80. Anonymous4:08 AM

    I have two daughters around your daughter's age. Just give up now. I'm glad the couch looks comfy. You'll be sleeping on it soon. She'll take your bedroom and use her room for a closest and that's where you'll be sleeping.

  81. Anonymous4:48 AM

    I am laughing too. It is good for you.

  82. Anonymous4:52 AM

    My house in fairbanks is furnished a la Fred Meyers from the sofa to the kitchen tables to the dishes etc.

    Yes, to my friends here in Washington, DC., I furnished my house out of a grocery store and dressed us from there too. And, I would do it again.

  83. mommom5:35 AM

    Write a book kind of diary-like,about life with your daughter.You are a great storyteller,it would be a hit.

  84. Anonymous6:23 AM

    How is this going to impact your social life? I have three children (one 20,) so I get the give and take of parenthood, just remember to take care of your needs ;)

  85. This must be such an exciting time in your daughter's life..... Thanks for letting us experience the joy and wonder of a daughter!!! I have a son who I let play me like a fiddle...according to my husband(like he never gets played...)!

    I like your new couches and hesitate to think what the old ones looked like...yikes! Hang onto your room(Lord knows she'll be having you build on an addition to the house)!

  86. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Hahahahaha ... what a fabulous and endearing story.. thanks for sharing it! I love the 'sanity' :-)

    I have two young men and between both of their college expenses and one's soccer pursuits, I aptly created my moniker to be 'BankofMom'.

  87. dancingthroughlife7:09 AM

    Was doing my daily reading and came back to this post. It made me laugh for a second time, especially as I'm about to go out "exchanging" Christmas gifts with my dad. Right after we decided where to go, though, he said, "Didn't you say you wanted another one of those sweaters?" I can imagine where this is going, and I'll love every minute of it- he had a heart attack last year, and the artery was 100% blocked, so we're lucky to still have him. :-)

  88. Great story and a great way to tell the story. At least she is smarter than me I took a couch up my stairs in the house all by my lonesome (didn't need no stinking help). I got up to the corner moved around the backside so I could lift and twist it and bam it got wedged trapping me behind the couch and wall. The I called my dad to tell him my escapade.

  89. Anonymous10:26 AM

    marlys sez...
    I silently saab'd with you over the subaru ad,(my eldest daughter is 20 now, an excellent driver. Thank goodness for defensive driving classes!)My youngest daughter gives me 'the look' with a set of big blue eyes that are just like my own...she has been known to roll hers.
    Parenting, its the best ( & sadly, sometimes the flipside) life has to offer.
    {{May we all hold 'em close in the new Year!}}

  90. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Gryphen, the sofa is not that bad. It looks nice and cozy especially seen with the backdrop of snow!

  91. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Gosh this was so funnay am still laughing gosh this is the best blog !

    Hang in there! arent daughters the best lol

  92. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Thanks for the giggle. Enjoyed it immensely.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.