Wednesday, December 01, 2010

If you thought the dancing on DWTS was impressive watch the Republicans dance away from the question of whether or not Sarah Palin is qualified to be President.

Wow! It really is "Dump on Palin Day!"

You know, I could watch that ALL day long. Especially the Joe Miller part.


  1. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Speaking of big dumps... this hilarious:

  2. Anonymous4:17 PM

    The floodgates have opened my fiends...and this is just the preliminary trickle.

    Sarah, you've been had and put away wet!

  3. jadez4:18 PM

    all of this is what happens when you go after momma bush.
    no one should underestimate the real....power the bush family has.

  4. She's so worthless.

  5. Anonymous4:24 PM

    I don't know if this belongs here or not.

    One of the eight charged in the case that includes Jeremy Morlock pled guilty today- and will testify against the others. Guilty plea report is at

    "JOINT BASE LEWIS-McCHORD, Wash. — An Army staff sergeant charged with shooting at unarmed Afghans has pleaded guilty in a deal that requires him to testify against other defendants.

    Staff Sgt. Robert Stevens of Portland, Ore., acknowledged his guilt to aggravated assault and other charges at his court-martial Wednesday"

    More information on the others charged and what they are charged with is here

  6. Anonymous4:31 PM

    America's Hitler?

    America's Hitler won't come to us (and soon enough, after many of us) sporting a mustache and military garb. Rather, she is likely to be wearing lipstick, a skirt, high heels, and, as Sinclair Lewis warned, will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross. And she'll be smiling and winking winsomely at us with a carefully orchestrated disingenuous folksiness that, truth be told, radiates more soft core porn than back porch neighborliness. Thus her greatest popularity with regressed straight white working class men who can only fantasize. This utterly male identified woman ("momma grizzlies" notwithstanding), this perversion of genuine feminism as in empowering women, could very well become America's first fascist president.

    Yes, that's right. I give you Sarah Palin, who, while even dumber than Bush (Who thought it possible?), is just as deceptive and far more cunning--but also terrifyingly charismatic, vivacious, chirpy, and seductive to boot. She would make an outstanding hand puppet for the American ruling class. Accordingly, she would dutifully pluck all the strings necesary to tweak and stoke the people's fear and confusion as she ruthlessly worked to carry out the final destruction of American democracy and the installation of totalitarian corporate rule. High heels backed by iron heels as the "SS-American-style" corporate military contractor thugs (Blackwater, now Xe?) fan out across the land to stamp out all remaining sparks of dissent and opposition--the chief targets being in the universities and erstwhile independent media.

    Preposterous, you say? Can't happen here, you say? I beg to differ. Things look to me a lot like Germany between 1923 and 1932, only with an American cultural twist.

  7. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I'm not impressed at all that these jerks are just now starting to speak out. If she was still focusing all of her attention on tearing down President Obama they wouldn't be saying a word. No lie was too divisive or outrageous for them to call her out before now. They all stood back and watched with glee as she smeared the character of a good, decent man who was doing his very best to clean up the mess these mercenaries and thieves made of the country.

    Unfortunately for them, she's a truly delusional nutbag who actually believes her own hype and is not content to do as she's told in return for making millions of dollars. No, she wants to run the show, and her hubris is threatening to upset their little applecart. Sure she cost them senate seats, but before that she paved the way for the dozens of seats they did get, because without her poisoning the political environment they had no strategy that could possibly convince the American people to give them back some power. No facts? No ideas? No problem. Enter Sarah Palin with her fact-free, idea-free defamatory bullshit and presto, house majority!

    So these cowardly, power-hungry selfish assholes deserve the damage she's going to do to their sorry excuse for a party, and it's way too late for them to do anything about it at this point. Her crazy DNA has spread throughout the Republican party now and there's no way they take her down without destroying themselves in the process. Just wait until the crazy new Congress she inspired starts up in January. Why do you think CSPAN asked for more cameras? America is about to see psychos in action, live and in living color. In two years Obama and the Democrats are going to look like the only sane people left in DC.

  8. Anonymous4:38 PM

    What was with Rudy Giuliani - "she has two or three years" - isn't this the end of 2010 and isn't the election in November 2012.

    Not too whippy on math or current events is he?

  9. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Looks like she doesn't have the corner on the grizzly market (except the ones with thin skin). I have to admit that her snarl is louder but not as coherent. She certainly is drawing them out of hibernation.

  10. Anonymous4:42 PM

    While I am loving this dump on Palin rush, I am still reluctant to write her off.

    While we should be looking for who the GOP would prefer to run and gathering arguments against HIM, we should not take our attention entirely off Palin.

    I agree, things are still volatile.

    I think the GOP is doing this now - not to clear the way for their real candidate because I think that it is still too early for their preferred candidate - because the powers that be are scared of her and, yes, because she attacked the sacred cow, Barb Bush - she who gave us that oh, so special gift of Georgie W

  11. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Not everybody is buying what Sister Sarah is selling.

  12. I find it disturbing that although none of them will say yes, they still don't come out and say no she is not qualified either.

    Maybe I'm just being greedy - I want her really gone. No more of her negative influence on politics, no more thought of her in the White House[shudder], no more reports of her every ridiculous thought or tweet or fb rant.

  13. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Big claps for anon 4:35!

  14. Karl Rove is a genius when it comes to taking down a Palin. When Christine O'Donnell won the Republican primary over Mike Castle in Delaware, Rove was appalled. Sarah was gloating and told him so. The next day, he appeared to capitulate. No, this snake in the grass was waiting, waiting for the right time to strike. He did with the Bush's help( Bush '41, Former Director of the CIA). If she doesn't give up, there will be more to come. It is only starting. I say bring it on. It will be so entertaining. Only hope, the republicans are successful with this venture. Any other venture, they have in mind, I hope they fail.

  15. Janet in Texas5:25 PM

    The twit's silence these past few days is deafening. Guess RAM can't figure out how to defend the bitch on FB and Twitter. I LOVE this.

  16. angela5:45 PM

    Sarah is not going down any way anyone would imagine that she will. Sarah has lived her life on the edge. She lies, steals, cheats, grifts and pats hands or conversely knifes enemies as she does it. She is the consummate sociopath. She only understands that she wants something. It doesn't matter if she is capable or worthy in a reality based world of getting it.

    A dawning awareness that she is incompetent WILL NEVER HAPPEN. Sarah will stay around no matter how she gets tarred by the GOP. There's more in this for her—no matter what she personally loses,
    because she does not really care about the personal.

  17. Anonymous5:49 PM


  18. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Ya think Harper Collins is shitting their pants??

    400 showed up at the Costco in Tennessee for the signing today!! Whoopppeeeee!!

    Note in the video (upper right corner) a major moron who had a red suit made -- Palin Posse! Get the man a straight jacket!!

    Her second signing today is in Kentucky.

  19. I don't want her near the Oval Office. But many of the guys attacking her are dishonest jerks too. They just waited till the mid-terms were over, when they no longer needed the votes of her groupies.

    I want Babygate exposed. I want vindication in the rolling eyes of my friends and family. I want the media shamed for failing to report that the Empress had no clothes or DS baby, and want them apologizing to the honorable Andrew Sullivan.

    The spectacle of the Republicans eating their own may be useful but it is not satisfying.

  20. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Watched the video Anon 6:29 posted.

    Hope someone bought Palin a paint scraper to get all that makeup off. WOW! She's keeping that makeup company in business.

    Makes you wonder what the kick-backs are from the signings at Costco as you have to be a member or buy a membership to attend the signing.

  21. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Thought about going to protest the quitter today here in Tennessee today, but decided that she would only feed off of the extra attention at the mention of the haters.

    She may very well be discredited very soon by her own party, but she will lose ALL her power when we stop paying attention to her.

  22. Anonymous6:59 PM

    You mean Harper Collins, owned by Rupert Murdoch?

    Yes, News Corp owns the publisher.

  23. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Nicole Wallace's comments about Palin are so telling, espcially knowing what aggravation she went through trying to support McCain's choice while dealing with this rogue diva. Although I don't agree with her feelings toward Limbaugh and Beck, her statements that Palin will reveal herself and basically be her own worst nightmare are so true, and it is what we've seen all along and now her party is finally recognizing.

    The more she is overexposed in her media blitz and constant attention seeking, the more we see the rill Sarah with all her idiotic, hypocritical craziness. At this point she is beoming a cartoon character and the open criticism of her is starting to free fall!

    I think if she did run, there would be a lot of behind-the-scenes
    strategies to prevent her from excelling because the repubs know she would bring them down and there's too much at stake to risk that.

  24. Anonymous7:06 PM

    $P and her fast growing social religious army will plow into the GOP like a runaway train. Its still to early for anyone in the GOP to make a play for the power to take her and on.

    There is going to be a Armageddon during this 2012 election cycle. $P will get her political war, and try with all her zeal too establish chaos, hate, and fear!

    She wants to be at the top of the 7 mountains, and will continue to find a team for the 6 other mountains.

    Lets see,

    Fox- media mountain
    koch brothers- business mt.
    tlc- entertainment mt.
    rupp and oil & Gas- coperations mt.
    $P- spiritual mt.
    ?- banking mt.
    ?- ?

  25. BBSIA - Barbara Bush Said It All

  26. Anonymous7:47 PM

    The book by the Kardashian skanks is beating our Alaskan skank’s book on Amazon. They are number 18 and Sarah dropped to number 24.

  27. Gryphen, (and everyone)

    I came across the photo on the below link and thought ya'll would enjoy it

  28. I find it very 'strange' in the video at the link that anon posted:

    at the 34 second mark it shows Sarah sitting in a high back leather chair, behind a wooden 'desk', and two flags behind her - looks like she is trying to make it look somewhat like the OVAL OFFICE !!!

  29. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Video of Palin at her 2nd tour stop today - this one in Lexington, Kentucky.

    600 people at this one. Add that to the 400 in Tennessee -- 1,000 people in two stops - two States.

    Somebody should call Rupert and tell him to stop the presses. Don't see the need for a reprint!!!

    There is one old guy that's not far from a stalker. Appears about 10 times he's attended signings between the two books and according to him "He's got to know her". I'm sure he has on the 5 to 10 second handshake whistle stops!!!!

  30. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Sarah Palin is not gathering a social religious army. I am not sure she is gathering a cohesive anything. She has these weird followers, but most rational people - including conservatives - realize she is way out on the fringe. She is erratic and angry and incompetent, and most people know it now.

    I think the GOP does want her out there so that their boring white male ticket will look reassuring by comparison, with the necessary gravitas. She isn't gathering enough steam to plow into the GOP; the establishment powers that be are in control even if the party is fractured.

    Believe you me, they have the goods on her and they will hasten her demise quicker than a flash, but on a timetable of their own choosing.

    They are coming out a little right now against her, to slow her down some, but other than that they have plans for her.

  31. JenniferinVA8:23 PM


    I'm confused about what you think SP's chances are of successfully launching a presidential bid. Today you seem very certain that she is self-destructing but yesterday in your post about Joe Scarborough you said 2 conflicting things in the same post (I cut and pasted the comments that left me baffled - your comments are in quotations below):

    "Scarborough is just the most recent example of a Republican who is waking up to the fact that even though the path that Palin is taking to the GOP nomination is WAY out in left field, it still just might prove successful."

    "Though there may be a number of progressives who believe allowing Palin to win the Republican nomination would ensure an easy victory for our President, I am not in that camp."

    "Now let me once again assure everybody that from my vantage point there should be NO way that Palin will get on the GOP ticket. Even as a running mate." (end quote)

    Now that there's a bit of pushback from prominent republicans who don't want to pretend anymore that Palin is anywhere near qualified to run for the presidency, can you clarify what you think will happen to her plans?
    Do you think she could get the nomination or do you think she is being shut down by her own party?
    I was very confused yesterday by your position on this and maybe I just am not seeing what you're really saying here.

  32. Anonymous8:51 PM

    What is with the presidential looking desk for a book signing?

    Rudolph the red clad stalker .... now that was funny!

  33. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Was the "Palin Posse" guy in the video playing pocket pool? You betcha!

  34. Tyroanee9:15 PM

    I've heard of people developing many things before Newt:
    a limp
    even herpes...
    But never would I guess one would need to "develop" into the Presidency of the United States.

    So I'll just think of Palin as Herpes- and she's just gonna be coming and going until they come up with a cure for stupidity.

  35. Politicus USA has posted excerpts of an editorial from Pravda that labels her a TRAITOR to the USA,it includes a great post by Sarah Jones.It will be interesting to see how the GOP reacts to this.

  36. Anonymous11:24 PM

    I went through stages with Palin: disrespect, disbelief, appalled, pity, anger, sick, disgusted... now, i'm just plain 'ol tired of her. When I look at her clinically/analytically- she is attractive looking, but it is hard for me to see it, because my heart's eye only sees huge ugly.

    I'm glad others are seeing the ugly woman that Palin is. Ugly to the core.

  37. Anonymous1:32 AM

    I thought that was a photo of William Shatner!!

  38. Anonymous2:58 AM

    So Palin has a traveling oval office with desk and flags, how funny.

  39. Anonymous4:20 AM

    This might be anecdotal evidence of her decline but I thought I would share that of the comments I've seen on HuffPo, Politico and ThinkProgress, her defenders aren't showing up.
    I scrolled through 2-3 pages of comments on negative articles before I saw a hint of support. Palin herself has been quiet so is it a lull or what?

  40. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Where are all the bots these days?? I miss them...

  41. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Cowards. NONE of them said "yes" - they know she has her own little fan group that they don't want to offend.

    That clip of Joe Miller was sweeeet.


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