Thursday, December 02, 2010

An up close and personal look at the Palin-bots in their natural habitat...a Tennessee Costco.

You know I used to make fun of Sister Sarah for demanding that her book signing venues provide security, but now I think I get it.  Palin is not worried about protesters, the "Lamestream" media,  or people who dislike her.

She is terrified of her fans!  And who could blame her?

Just take a look at this video.

What the hell is up with the guy in the red Palin themed PJ's? (Oh come on!  You know he sleeps in those!)

Nothing says "I'm ready to leave the sanitarium" like being a grown ass man who makes a bright red Palin embossed jumpsuit, follows his idol from book signing to book signing, and refers to himself as "Palin-man."

Seriously, can you believe she had ME kicked out of a book signing once, but let's THIS guy stay?

I mean I would probably have taken some unflattering pictures of her and Todd, and then gone home and written a blog post mocking her, but at least I would not have fantasized about kidnapping her and making a lampshade out of her skin. (Apparently Captain Underpants also showed up in Kentucky.)

And what about the lady trying desperately to get a picture of her through the slit in a curtain? Is there a stalker convention in town or something?

By the way, who chooses Costco as the venue for a book signing?  Was the local Piggly Wiggly a little too elite for Sarah Palin and her followers?

Just so you know,  If you EVER come up to me wearing a bright red outfit with "Gryphen" written all over it, claiming to be my biggest fan, I am going to start speaking in a soothing voice while dialing 911 on my cell phone and slowly backing my way toward the exit.

I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings, but if you ever have the urge to do something like that...don't!


  1. Eric-the-Bun2:41 AM


    For Sale:

    A bright red outfit with "Gryphen" written all over it, comes with tastful bobble hat with flashing LED lights and placard.

  2. Facebook Lurker2:47 AM

    Ha, ha, ha,ha....these are the same poor fat white slobs I see daily at my job (I work in retail merchandising @ big box stores), who can't be bothered to change themselves or their kids out of their pajamas when they leave the house. They walk around Walmart with their five homeschooled kids, and spend hours buying maybe a few boxes of cereal and some crayons. My motto...if you don't have enough time to put on some real clothes, you should probably stop having kids.

    I will be laughing my ass off when PalinMan inevitably gets arrested for holding hostages or doing something else stalker-ish at a book signing. Creeeeepyyyy.

  3. angela2:52 AM


    It's funny 'cause its true, sad and scary. Let's face it, the only "threat" Sarah has received has been from one of her #1 fans in PA---poor crazy kid. You better believe her security is locked and loaded. She knows many of the people who support her are dangerous.

    The bots are a scary group because, well. . .you know, they worship Grandma Grundy 'cause she's all purty, is a rill amurican and got those nice kids who don't go to school and that sweet little ole baby she straps to her hip when she needs money. Todd's got good hair too. And Bristol can dance!

  4. Two things here. One... she chooses Costco because it comes across as though she can relate to the working class who lives paycheck to paycheck. If she can trick her followers into thinking she does her shopping in supermarkets and "is one of them," her fan base grows.

    Two... the only people who get stalkers like that are celebrities. Not politicians. She has made the mistake of thinking that flashing off her boobs, her kids boobs, and "her child" that has needs, that she will somehow become everyone's "go to gal" for political needs... whereas in reality she is actually just becoming another celebrity that is generating stalkers who want to see her in her next role.

    Unless that's all she wants... is an acting gig. She can't admit that though, because than she is no better than the kid she loves to destroy: Levi Johnston.

  5. Anonymous3:02 AM

    Tahhdd, Tahhhdd is that yew waring that red Palin Puswhat jacket? I thought that was yew!

  6. Anonymous3:06 AM

    Ware dem Palin girls? Are they in line gettin' dem free ordorves um ordouves, I mean free crackers again? Dem Palims just love anything wit free on dem.

  7. Anonymous3:09 AM

    Oh dear god, they set her signing station up to look quite presidential, didn't they? (barf).

    The lunatics and idiots following this con artist don't bother me as much as the parents subjecting impressionable children to her B.S.

  8. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Goodness, Join the Palin Posse?
    Does she get a cut from sales of the outfit?
    I would have gone with blue pants style first.

    Was talking at the dinner table (any one remember doing that?) about why editors don't check facts in books anymore.

    Cosco and other 'box store' dealers in books have notified Publishing Houses (there are not a lot left) that this is the type of book that sells. So this type are the only books we want.

    Hmmm. All about greed.

  9. Anonymous3:25 AM

    Captain Underpants! LOL Gryphen, you are too funny. Thanks for getting my day off to a good start.

  10. Anonymous3:38 AM

    One of her last signings is at a Kroger. 'Nuff said.

    Did you know that this Tour de Twit ends tomorrow? Rather brief run, Sarah, and no big speeches to the adoring crowds, like last time. Between that and the abject fear of talking to the press on this tour, I am pretty sure this asshole is not going to announce a run for POTUS.

  11. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Watching that video made one thing crystal clear: Palin's fans DON'T know Palin. If they did, they would realize that she has done everything possible to NOT be like them. Not overweight, not schlumpy in her pjs (yeah, I know that lady is pregnant, but c'mon), and not, sorry, unattractive. Hey 'bots, the only purpose you serve for Sarah is to make her $$$ and make her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world (compared to you). LOL.

  12. Anonymous3:51 AM

    That is one creepy dude. I think she chose Costco because she knows her fan would never be seen in a Borders or a Barnes and Nobles.


  13. Anonymous4:11 AM

    One can identify an American tourist in Europe by their shoes. Big white Nikes or Reeboks. Oversized sweatshirts also too. I doubt these folks have any trans-atlantic travel plans but the screen shot made me chuckle.

  14. Oh come on now, Gryph! You mean to say that you don't want some woman in a blue jumpsuit with "Gryphen-Gal" all over it showing up? Maybe with a cape blowing in the breeze?

  15. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Awww man! Gryph, I just bought a whole bunch of red jumpsuit material while it was on sale. I guess I can't make that special outfit for you now.


  16. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Oh, but Obama had this dangerous "cult of personality" thing going during the election. O.o

    That dude is probably proud of that outfit too.

    Maybe Palin let this weirdo stay because he's in a TRACK suit? LOL

  17. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Just the name "Sarah Palin"makes me throw up these days.I am not all that political, I am just one of those christians who follows Jesus. But This woman called Sarah has thrown me over the edge, and because of her, I am voting in 2012, and I am spreading the news to all my church mates about this fraud called the christian role model. Actually I gave out Gryphen and Palingate's site, and many are happy to read more about this fraud and who she is, selling her own country for money.
    I am just so tired of hearing the media coverage of SArah 24/7, including bloggers. If Sarah is great and has nothing to hide, why is she afraid of the media and questions?

    Sarah should just man up and announce her candidacy, so that she stops hiding from the media. If she is going to be president, she has to answer tough questions.
    She reminds me off all dictor leaders. I will not write anything about her on my blog, because I do not want to continue promoting her popularity free of charge. The more she is covered on th internet, the more her ratings go up because the internet and media business, goes for a product that sells well. That is why I only read 3 blogs Gryphen, Palingates, and sometimes Mudflats.
    The rest are just a reproduction of same information. Also covering her book tour events is free publicity for her. I think even buying her book is also promoting her. I do not need to go buy Palin's book to read her nosennse. You can easily go online and read it.

    I am sorry but I just think we are all pushing Sarah up by over covering her book tours. I do not want to see or hear about how her fans support her for 2012.

    I know for sure this woman is dangerous and those idiots drop out followers are so closed minded full of bigotry in their hearts, so they have no interest in knowing who this crazy self appointed shadow POTUS called Sarah Palin the facebook and twitter president who is so afraid to meet face to face with real jornalists.

    I still believe that the same God Sarah is using to desicive the entire world will bring her down. There is no secret in God's eyes.
    If Sarah has no scretes, she should not worry about being asked questions, because she will be sorry when God brings out her skeletons out of her closets.

    God will judge his own people first before he judges those who do not believe in him. I hope God will start with all the false prophets and fake christians like Sarah full of bigotry and hate in her heart.
    I am a christian too, and I do not approve Sarah Palin the hateful human being for president.

  18. Anonymous4:33 AM

    fyi, there are several historical markers in that Middle TN area that proudly proclaim that Nathan Bedford Forrest* passed thru the area. Even here in Virginia they don't brag about that.

    Nice friendly folks, but not that many "darkies" out in the hinterlands.

    *check the wiki or google

  19. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Sarah is the Jim Jones reborn.

    She has followers that are willing to drink any cool aid she feeds them.

  20. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Hysterical..........really, could the reporter not find a mentally stable person to interview. The lady with the camera, WOW. They all like her because they can comprehend what she says--they all speak alike. I am soooooooo mean, but it scares the living daylights out of me that our country is filled with people who function at this level. No wonder we have the troubles we do. Man in the suit---there are no words......yes, talk softly and back away slowly. Scara should be scared. Her fault, she got them all riled up and off their couches and they are staggering her way slowly wanting the meat she spews daily--- Are you thinking "Dawn of the Dead" Me too!

  21. Anonymous4:44 AM

    You know that dude wanted to write Palin Pussy, with maybe an I heart symbol on the front.

  22. Anonymous4:49 AM

    I just keep saying "Lonesome Rhodes, Lonesome Rhodes, Lonesome Rhodes"...over and over again, and then I calm down. If you haven't seen the film "A Face in the Crowd" with Andy Griffith, I urge you to do so. It's my fervent hope she'll fall even further than the character in the film did.

  23. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Some of her fans appear to be in a constant state of digestion which would deplete valuable blood supply to the brain.

  24. Anonymous5:11 AM

    I just feel sorry for those children. If Sarah gets carted off to jail, what are their parents going to tell them?

    I also think she may fear her fans.

  25. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Laughing out loud & waking up other sleepers in the house. Did you see You Betcha on the sleeve of Mr. Wonderful's shirt. Adorable, just adorable. Hoping & praying these people do not vote. Next time there is a book signing in Wasilla maybe you can borrow the jacket.

  26. GrainneKathleen5:27 AM

    i am in pain with a slipped disc so i am trying not to laugh but this post is so hilariious, i can't help myself. gryphen, i am getting the "go grphen" and "gryphen groupie" wonderwoman costume made pronto. then i will havt to figure out ow to get to alaska....

    that woman who said that her daughters were witnessing history because she might be the next presi_____ gave me the creeps. who in their right mind would want that?!? oh i know who - palin man! good grief.

  27. Merry5:30 AM

    Yes, I love what she has done for the Republican Party too!
    Posse? Oops, I thought it was something about cats.

  28. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Wow! That guy isn't exactly all there is he? I was actually embarrassed for him. And holy hell - the lady through the curtain? FOR REAL?! Talk about stalker material.

  29. Anonymous5:37 AM

    I guess this means I have to cancel the order for my "Gryphen Girl" pajamas... :-(

  30. loveandknishesfrombrooklyn5:48 AM

    ***400*** fans? wowser, whatta crowd! I'm surprised the Lamestream Media didn't trump it up to eleventy-billion loyal subjects waiting all night without food, water and a latrine in blizzard conditions.

    I'm sad to say these people seem overly eager to be part of the unquestioning sheeple herd--I feel VERY sorry for the kids. And I suspect PalinDude is a complete publicity stunt who's happy to take up valuable camera time to push the product. See? One sleeve says "You Betcha!" and the other says whatever other stupid soundbite Sowah's handlers have come up with in the past two years. How nifty! BTW, who bankrolled his pricey little ensemble and his travel expenses? Uncle Rupie?

    I'm afraid that if WGE-AK is appointed Queen, er, President in 2012, the states WILL divide into those housing the rational humans and those housing the drooling slaves of Princess-Not-So-Bright. At that point, would PalinDude become her court jester?

  31. Anonymous5:49 AM

    This location is across town from me, but I would guess it was chosen because it is in one of the wealthier, more conservative parts of town. One of the reddest areas just outside of Nashville.

  32. Anonymous5:54 AM

    On a good note, my local Costco here in Texas has a stack of her books that don't seem to be selling at all...

  33. loveandknishesfrombrooklyn5:56 AM

    PS--I noticed there was very little coverage of this Palin Book Tour FAIL. She ain't bringing 'em in like she used to--or maybe only PalinDude is in the budget for this one, not the hundreds of "fans" I suspect were paid to pad the crowds like last year's media blitz. The backers gotta save their pennies for the 2012 run, I guess. Buckle up!

  34. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Damn you gryphen, another keyboard splashed of coffee after reading this, way too funny, but alas, the red clad man, way to creepy.
    I can't even go on about the other groupies, just sad.
    I have a sewing machine if anybody needs their Gryphen outfit made by Christmas!

  35. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Oh, Gryphen! What a spoilsport! I'm never gonna be able to cancel my custom pajama order and I'll probably lose money when I cancel my plane ticket. Really insensitive of you to ruin my plans like this. Really you're starting to think only of YOURSELF. I guess you're becoming a rill amurikin. Sad day.

  36. Anonymous6:16 AM

    The lady with the daughters - who said SP might be president - well, I took my kids to see our current president - an ACTUAL, elected president - free of charge! Not a person-who-is-pretending-to-run-for-president, for whom everything comes with a price tag attached.

    I am just going to feel good about that :-)

    O/T, I saw an article (can't remember where, Yahoo maybe) that a "person of interest" in the Ronni Chasen case killed himself when confronted by police - a bystander who lived in the building named Eddie Burke, described as "an Alaskan," was interviewed. The same as Palin's devotee I assume! What's he doing in LA?

  37. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Thanks for making my day. This is so funny!

  38. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Politco is trying to do a little damage-control today since they don't want to see their headliner disappear.

  39. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Short signing tour, not much of a turn out anywhere , taking a look at those people has to be discouraging to Queenie. I saw a tweet to Palin the other day - some guy ask "whats the address of Barns and Nobles" Cracked me up. Don't think he was a regular customer. Costco or Kroger would be easier to spell. Sarah's world may be crumbling but she doesn't seem to know it yet.

  40. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Attention Costco customers: Sarah Palin has apparently jumped the shark. Please be advised to sell your signed books on Ebay before the price plummets. Have a nice day.

  41. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Willow hard at work (instead of in school) handing out SPAK bookmarks.

    Piper oh what a happy little camper she is (NOT).

  42. Anonymous6:28 AM

    As Frank Barone would say "Holy Crap". Oh my goodness, the Piggly Wiggly too elite. I can't stop laughing and I'm alone with my two cats and they think I'm nuts. That's the funniest thing I have read all week.

    Thank you G. If I start my day with a laugh it always turns out to be a wonderful day. You have done your part for humanity today.

    I don't want to sound mean, but these people look like they come from the shallow end of the gene pool. These are all those "rill merikans" Palin is so proud of? Wow, looks kind of like a klan meeting to me. I'm sure they're very nice people for the most part, but wow. Wow.

    BTW, is that Piper really nine years old and wearing makeup? I let my daughter play dress up and wear makeup at that age, but she never left the house with makeup on. Is she trying to attract the pedophiles she is so obessed with or what. What kind of mother lets her kids behave this way. Hillbilly Hagatha.

  43. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Can we be "Gryphen Girls" if we dress in Victoria Secret lingerie? You know all your female fans look like VS models ;)

  44. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Okay Gryphen, I get the stalker concerns, but if I ever make it up to Anchorage, could we at least have lunch? I promise not to wear my "Griffin Groupie" sweat suit!

    - Fan in Oregon

  45. Anonymous6:34 AM


    Either they won't be seen at a Borders/Barnes or they have been 86'd from them and can never enter without being arrested.

  46. Anonymous6:37 AM

    One of her bloggers (PalinPromotion) has a Palin themed Xmas tree with her face on the ornaments.

  47. Anonymous6:41 AM

    It's kind of funny she chose Costco given their socialist policies and anti-American desire to make sure all their employees have health coverage and such. She must not have known that Costco management are not real American's' like the greedy dishonest slobs who run Sam's club/Walmart.

  48. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Can you imagine being married to that goat Palin posse dude? I wonder how he got someone, maybe his wife, to make that atrocity.

    "Ere 'oney, put these here glasses on and this red leather jacket and I'll just pop me one 'o those viagree pills an we'll be readeee to gooo".

    Ewwwwwww. Yck. Ish. I'm taking a shower now.

  49. Anonymous6:43 AM

    At first the photo looks like it says "Palin Pussy"!! I thought Toad was finally fed up.

  50. Lynne6:44 AM

    That was just plain weird.

    Could we do "your" outfit in burgandy, Gryphen? I look good in burgandy, and I promise to put appropriate slogans on it (of my choice, of course, heh, heh, heh).

  51. Randall6:45 AM

    Last year it was thousands lining up at Barnes & Noble booksignings for "Going Rogue"...

    This year it's hundreds in the frozen food section at Costco for signing "Friends, Family, and Flagpins" ...

    Next year it's dozens in the parking lot of a Pump'n'Pack for signing the "MILFS and GILFS" issue of Hustler.

  52. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Gryphen, if Kim Kardashian came to your book signing wearing a bright red bikini, with Gryphengirl written all over it... will you call the police and exit? NOOOOO... LOL.

    Palin like that kind of attention, it the sane, intelligent people she have a problem Crazy people like crazy people...

  53. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Nothing says presidential material like drawing 4-500 to a book signing.

    Her support seems to be dissipating.


  54. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Palin was so worried about Joe McGinniss living next door, but doesn't care that Palin Man is virtually stalking her family?? Go figure!

  55. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Was "Palin-man" playing pocket pool? You betcha!

  56. Anonymous7:03 AM

    That is NOT her followers' natural habitat. Costco has a long record of donating to blue causes. They are terrific employers.

    No, Sarah's followers go to WalMart or Sam's. Some may go to Costco, but Costco is WAY classier than her hardcore 'bots.

  57. Anonymous7:07 AM

    That book isn't doing too well on the Best Sellers list. And, it was very smart of Sarah to limit sales to two books per person.

  58. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Just imagine what that guy wears to a NASCAR race... holy cow.

  59. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Here is link to story that Anon 6:16 made reference to an Eddie Burke.

    "Burke said the building caters to low-cost, short-term renters and that most of the studio units go for about $625-$725 a month. Burke and his son moved into the building about two weeks ago from Alaska."

  60. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Is that a fever blister scab on her bottom lip?
    I don't understand why she looks so much
    better with a bunch of make-up--most women
    look better with less. :-/

    My aunt used to love the PTL club & sent
    them all kinds of money. She'd watch the
    show & I'd ask (I was 7 or 8) why did that
    lady wear so much make-up & my aunt
    would say it was because Tammy Faye
    thought she was ugly without it. I'd say
    she would look better without it. Sarah
    Palin seems to be the opposite of Tammy Faye...

  61. Couple of things.

    I am surprised at the choice of Costco as a venue. Costco is usually shopped in by liberals because of the store's excellent employment benefits and decent stock. (As opposed to the cheap Chinese shit at Sam's Club). So I wonder why they didn't pick Walmarts or Sam's Club?

    AND Costco is a members' only store. Did those Palin people have to pay for a membership to come in and buy her book, or was she set up by the entrance so her fans wouldn't have to pay to enter?

    Has anybody written about Costco versus Sam's Club as a venue for Palin's supporters.

  62. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Link to CNN story & videos talking about the apartment building where an "Eddie Burke" is mentioned in the story of having been interviewed as he presently lives there with his son.

    Watch the video 'Twist in murder of publicist' - doesn't sound like a 'safe' place I'd have chosen with my son. Note it mentions 'home to struggling actors'. If it is the 'Eddie Burke' - what's he trying to sell himself as. Getting a radio show? Good friggin' luck!! Or is Palin trying to hang him out there for a spot on DWTS!!! (Could not resist!!!)

    Gryphen - you have to put your Sherlock Holmes hat on to find out what's up with this!!!!

  63. Hmmm...I think I've seen Palinman before...fewer fancy schmancy patches but the same white hair and red jumpsuit. Does anyone else remember him from several stops on last year's book tour? If I recall, he said he was married with kids & grandkids. (I hope I didn't dream this.)

    Well, this year's tour started later, is ending sooner, the crowd is down...say 75%, no national media coverage, the book isn't at #1 on the NYT bestseller list. What did Sorenson say about Palin's upcoming blockbuster book?

  64. Anonymous7:37 AM

    1. Poor palinbots. They didn´t have to camp out in line. Only 400 showed.

    2. The jokes on you haters. ¨Palin-man¨ gets laid by Sarah at every tour stop. He is on the SarahPAC payroll.

    3. The Kroger´s I shop at displayed copies of ¨Going Rogue¨ on the floor around and under the book tables. On the FLOOR! They remained on the FLOOR, unsold, for weeks.

    4. I have yet to see this book on display at my Kroger´s.


  65. Anonymous7:37 AM

    So funny, and they really think STUPID's 'jus' like them.'

    This woman wouldn't piss in these people's mouths if each of their five teeth were on fire.

  66. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Brentwood is in Williamson County, and
    WC voted 70% for McCain/Palin, and she
    couldn't draw a bigger crowd?

  67. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Oh great. Super Dave shagged his cousin.

  68. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Might I just add a note of gravitas: stalking isn't funny. I've had a couple of stalkers in my life, as a teacher. You don't have to be a celebrity to be stalked and when it happens, it's horrible.

  69. Anonymous8:00 AM

    phoebes in santa fe asked if you needed memberships to attend at Costco.

    I asked on earlier IM post if Palin was getting a kick-back as you have to have a membership to attend her signing. So not only did they have to buy the book, many had to buy memberships.

    I believe her first book tour included Sam's and Costco - both of which are membership - so book & membership costs incurred by many. Those that bought memberships last year to see her would have to pay renewal fees this year. That would be reason enough for me NOT to go.

    Gryphen - You should be keeping track of the numbers at her signings. Soon you'll find the books under the legs of the unstable tables at Costco!!

    400 in Tennessee
    600 in Kentucky

  70. lisabeth608:03 AM

    This is HYSTERICAL ! (kind of)
    I can't imagine wearing a red jumpsuit period, let alone one that worships someone!!

    I tell you......these people scare me. They are the perfect Fox viewers who are being brainwashed daily and don't know it....
    These are the same voters who think the tea party candidates care about them.."we the people" and who believe we must give tax breaks to the top 2% because they are business owners and job providers.
    So even though this is funny, the fact that FOX and the GOP repeat the same brainwashing statements over and over again to living zombies who actually believe their lies scares me!

    Just think..all these people BELIEVE the absolute nonsense that comes out of Palin's mouth. They don't even know or get what liar she is...They just think we hate her. This never fails to astound me.

  71. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Lauren @ 2:57

    If Palin wanted to relate to working people living paycheck to paycheck she'd be avoiding Costco and only be at Walmart and Piggy Wiggly. Average salary of those that shop/have membership at Costco is over $70,000 and average wage of Costco employees is approx. $17 an hour and wonderful benefits. I've been a member for over 20 years so I think she's trying to worm in on older, whiter people with more disposable income.

    Maybe folks in that area's Costco look like upper level trailer park but they certainly do NOT look like that where I live. You have to have money to shop at Costco since all they take is AMEX, cash or debit right from your acct. I call it the $500 store since that's a minimum I spend when going there.

    None of the 4 Costco's in my area are pushing her book. But hey. TN is teabag land so I'm sure Costco knew they had a built in market.

    So while her lowly bots will send her $5/$10 donations she's also going after the retirees with money and upper middle class. Sh-h-h- don't tell her poorer trailer bots---they'll think she's an elitist!

  72. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Facebook lurker, I so understand your comment about people too ridiculously lazy to make their way to a closet before they go outside. I live in Alaska and find the same behavior in my town at the library, at the market and the coffee shop. What happened to basic hygiene? Did they not notice "jammy day" isn't special if it is everyday?

  73. lisabeth608:09 AM

    PS The comments here are too funny. I love coming here because it helps me feel that I am not alone in the world!

    I am glad I am not the only one who thought of "zombies" while watching this movie.

    Read Bob Cesca's Huffington Post article today - it scared me and made me think I need to get more involved somehow to fight this...Maybe through Emily's list?


    Also..I woke up to reading Newt Gingrich's crazy plan to REPLACE THE LEFT.....

    These people are growing in numbers and so are their zombie followers.
    Costa Rica is looking better each day only this is MY COUNTRY TOO!!!

  74. Tyroanee8:12 AM

    Posted on Craigslist:

    For Sale one box Christmas cards 100ct. inscription reads while a tune plays Hail to the Chief...

    "Gryphen I'm you're number ONE FAN"

    Happy New Year

  75. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Comment at c4p:
    dr vicki
    "BTW, I was telling hubby how weird it was that at the book signing, there were gobs of people around me who hadn't read a page of the book, were clueless about policies, and basically were there just to get a signed book and shake her hand. Which is fine I guess. I just figured it would be die hard political types in line."

    I think this says it all, from the horses mouth, so to speak

  76. Commentators are extra funny today! I needed a laugh after reading AKM's summary of the chapter where Palin claims that liberals don't love their children. Sigh.

  77. Anonymous8:16 AM

    I retire my Sherlock Holmes hat. Saved you the time Gryphen!

    IT IS EDDIE BURKE in LA with Eddie Jr. living in the apartment. Here is video proof!!!!!


  78. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Piper ready and happily waiting for the next request for her to sign her mother's book. It looks like the nine year old is wearing makeup - again.

    Piper's makeup + bumpit

  79. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Yep, she's just like them. And so real. And so accessible.
    That's why they focus a cell phone camera on a black curtain and wait, hoping that a gust of wind will make a gap for them to see Sarah Palin from a distance. They just need that much to be able to get a glimpse.

    Just so it's understood - authors' lectures and book tours typically don't require one to have purchased the book to be there.

  80. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Link in Anon 8:16 post did not work. Here is working link.

    IT IS EDDIE BURKE in LA with Eddie Jr. living in the apartment. Here is video proof!!!!!


  81. emrysa8:39 AM

    well gryphen I guess I will cancel my flight and take the red suit out of the duffel bag, lol.

    seriously though, if you watch the video and hear red suit man talk it is obvious he is not right. sad. all of those people have issues (worshipping a myth is not exactly a sign of good mental health), but that dude should probably have a handler.

    maybe next year palin will do her book signings at the family dollar.

  82. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Re: Eddie Burke in LA /connection to publicist's murder ???

    HEY G-MAN-- this is VERY interesting... and we know what our girl Sarah says..."there are no co-incidences!" ??????

  83. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Why does Eddie Burke's son have a bruise & cut on his face?

  84. Anonymous9:18 AM

    "TN is teabag land so I'm sure Costco knew they had a built in market."

    Not really. My county has almost 40k people
    and the tea baggers hold rallies & there will
    only be 10 people with signs.

  85. emrysa9:18 AM

    well that's interesting about eddie burke being in hollywood so I looked at his facebook page... apparently his son is trying to get noticed as a boxer, so they've been frequenting some gym where famous boxers hang out.

  86. The bright red "PALIN POSSE" man is just trying to get a job. He knows Sarah actually hires people from the 'Conservatives 4 Palin' website, so he's trying to act like her biggest fan. Sarah adores flattery!

  87. SmallAxe9:43 AM

    Anon @ 4:33 re: Nathan Bedford Forrest signs in TN vs. VA

    Not true, sorry but I live in VA too and am a transplanted yankee, there are lots of NBF signs in VA you need to get out more. Several around the Shenandoah area as well as near the tidewater basin. He is revered in VA as well. Sad but true, can't single out TN for that.

    PS: I can't stand Palin either, and she scares the crap out of me. Get the info out there ASAP Griffin please!

  88. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Excellent read:

    Why all “REAL Americans” Should Want Sarah Palin… Gone!

  89. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Headline I'd like to see next:

    "Dozens Wait to Meet Palin"

  90. Anonymous10:19 AM

    No, Sarah's followers go to WalMart or Sam's. Some may go to Costco, but Costco is WAY classier than her hardcore 'bots.

    7:03 AM

    ANd they sell healthy organic veggies , too!!!

  91. Anonymous10:39 AM

    "BTW, I was telling hubby how weird it was that at the book signing, there were gobs of people around me who hadn't read a page of the book, were clueless about policies, and basically were there just to get a signed book and shake her hand"

    Yep - and then turn right around and try to sell it on ebay or craigslist - to get some "hep with their Christmas list - new teeth, a mini Christmas tree to put on their medicaid scooter - matchies the big one on Bubba-Daddy's semi that's parked in the driveway of their doublewide.

  92. GrainneKathleen11:24 AM

    my local bookshop is a thing of beauty - so many great books to choose from and the sweetet black lab in all the world to give a belly rub to. stephen king loves it and frequents it (we live in maine near one of his homes). in fact, his latest book, "the dome" is based on our town.
    we are friendly with the husband ad wife owners of the bookshop - they know all their regular customers and they are very cool people. last year i asked the wife if she was stocking sarah's book. she looked at me funny as if she was thinking "oh no - you're not one of them, are you?" and said no but that she could order it. i laughed and said i wouldn't give it to my worst enemy if i had one. we then carried out a really funny and frank conversation about sarah. they don't have any of her books this year either. i love independent bookshops, and honestly, i don't think sarah's book would sell here anyway. maybe at some of the big box stores as you get towards portland and other bigger cities, but definitely not here. it's nice to live in fake america!

    oh, and anonymous @6:30, your comment really cracked me up. of course all of IM's female fans all look like victoria secret models! i thought everyone knew that! but if gryphen fears his fans, we won't bother him.

  93. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Palinman (real name Gary Chiero)has
    his own website! And he's selling Palinman GEAR!

  94. Anonymous12:19 PM

    From CNN this is Palin unscripted in Iowa. Can you imagine a REAL president talking like she does?

  95. Anonymous1:05 PM

    "She is keeping her field watered and weeded and fertilized, but she hasn't decided whether to plant anything," Goldford said in an interview, using an old Iowa metaphor.

    Are they talking about Sarah's vajayjay? Oooohh they are nasty.

  96. Ignia4:30 AM

    But... but... I have a bright Blue Jumpsuit, Gryphon, with Immoral down one leg and Minority down the other.

    It's 'Haute'! :P

    Even has a white mini-tee to go with it with "Gryphonic Couture" with the picture of a real-fantasy Gryphon holding an American Flag like Stephen Colbert in his opening segment!

    That wouldn't count... would it? I mean... it's not Red, and it doesn't have "Gryphon" all over it! (Just a pikchure!)

  97. Hannah_bell4:55 PM

    Just so you know,  If you EVER come up to me wearing a bright red outfit with "Gryphen" written all over it, claiming to be my biggest fan, I am going to start speaking in a soothing voice while dialing 911 on my cell phone and slowly backing my way toward the exit.

    Gryphen...I hope you know you have RUINED my holiday craft project! Now what do I do with this 97 yards of formerly Gryphen-Fansuit bound taffeta???

    Guess we could always donate to a certain "Pistol" who'll be shooting out another Abstinence Prize soon- she can make a dress and instead of it saying "Palinman" or "Gryphen's #1 Fan"...

    It can say right on the tummy: "BABY!"

    And right on her famewhoring posterior: "(DUH)".


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