Friday, December 10, 2010

Jimmy Kimmel has a new take off on the Sarah Palin/Kate Gosselin TLC crossover.

Okay that is pretty funny.

I may have to start watching Kimmel's show.


  1. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Great! Hilarious. And so true. Her "Trip to Haiti" is an attempt to undo all the political/social damage her stupid low-rated reality show is causing. Too much killing! She's a faux gun-totin' mama, but the damage is done.

  2. I liked the first one the best, but that one also gave me a laugh.
    Maybe thats the reason she is getting out of the Country this week-end.

  3. Anonymous2:47 PM

    no slaughter? how strange.

  4. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Granny Oakley versus Kate Clampett's gang: THE SHOOT-OUT edition (Director's Cut)

  5. teutonic132:52 PM

    Great find gryph. Very funny.

  6. Anonymous2:52 PM

    There she goes again, perpetuating the myth of her family's Frontier ruggedness.

    Her creepy father and some of her siblings, I can see being rugged weekend warriors, but Sarah and her rag-tag gaggle of lazy and rude chillins?

    Not so much.

    Kate Gosselin is more authentic a bitch and mother in this show.

  7. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Sarah's speaking gigs are drying up, her riders that she get private Lear Jet services also too.

    So when Samaritan's Lucrative Purse called for this Haiti junket - she wanted to revisit her first luxury craft experience to her hungry and dark villages with her plate of cookies in the Spring of 2008.

    Sarah is trying to gain legs on her foreign affairs and charity creds? Hmmmmmm.

  8. Anonymous3:05 PM

    No, no: It's Granny Oakley and Bristol the Pistol versus Kate and the Crying Gang....

  9. Lynne3:07 PM

    Gryphen, you've got to stop this. If this keeps up, I might just have to watch the darned show.

  10. Anonymous3:18 PM


    Kate is veritable babe compare to sarah.

    Too late! The episode will air. Even the bots will notice.


  11. Anonymous3:52 PM


  12. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Kimmel is hilarious. Thanks for putting these up. They are wicked funny!

  13. I just stumbled upon your blog the other day and I LOVE it! I am not an Alaskan, but when I am feeling down I like to check up on what Sarah Palin has vomited out on that particular day and it makes me happy again. (Partially because she has the intelligence of a grilled cheese sandwich and partially because if a grilled cheese can be a Governor, I know I can do anything I want in life) Keep up the awesome work!

  14. here's tina dupuy on the young turks giving her 2 cents about the slaying of rudolph on spa. they make some good points, especially about the filming of it. i thought you might enjoy this especially, gryph ;o)

  15. This was hilarioius. I am guessing that it is much better than the actual show will be.

  16. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Oh, that was simply too false to have even a ring of truth! "Lifelong hunter" Sarah didn't even own a gun to go caribou hunting. Suddenly she's got a weapons cache?

    LOL. Love the grenade and bunny. Nice touch. :D

  17. Anonymous6:53 AM

    NOT a Sarah Palin fan - nor a Kate G. fan, but kids/guns, NOT a funny form of comedy or sarcasm. I didn't think I was that off base with not feeling it, till I read all the favorable comments. HMMMMMM. Still scared of Sarah and Todd though -- WITHOUT GUNS!! People who don't realize what they don't know and think they know everything are ALWAYS DANGEROUS in some form or another!!

  18. Anonymous9:22 AM

    These parodies of Kimmel's are hilarious. He's got some talent on the staff there. I wonder why Payme Palin doesn't threaten to sue Kimmel like she has with everyone else? Maybe she figures that any publicity can't hurt, since her numbers are diving.


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