Friday, December 10, 2010

Hardball interview with "journalist" who wrote recent Palin puff piece for Time Magazine.

(If video won't play you can click here.)

She interviewed Palin via e-mail?

Okay you guys have all recently demonstrated yourselves to be pretty damn Palin-savvy, do any of you really think the answers she received were actually FROM Sarah Palin?  Or giving her a little benefit of the doubt, that they were ONLY responses from Sarah Palin?

BTW the only thing that occupies Sarah Palin's time, is Sarah Palin.  There are NO causes that do not directly benefit her in some way. And that slam against Obama sounds much more like something RAM would say, rather than Sarah.  Of course we will never know for sure, because this writer for Time Magazine is an incompetent.

In the Barbara Walters clip does Palin really divulge that she reads a children's book for "divine inspiration?"  Can't she buy a Bible with pictures to help with her obviously limited comprehension? (Here, let me help.) 

It appears that her Christian credentials are as shaky as her hunting credentials. (And yes I know that C.S. Lewis also wrote adult fair, but the people who actually believe that Sarah Palin is reading "A Grief Observed" or "Mere Christianity" are the same ones who believe SHE is the one who writes her Facebook posts. BTW the ONLY magazines that Palin's office received when she was Governor were People magazine, US magazine, and other tabloid style "cotton candy for the brain" periodicals. Both she and her Palin-bot trolls can try desperately to convince people that the woman is an intelligent consumer of great literature, or informative newspapers and magazines, but we Alaskans know differently.)

It seems to me that we are witnessing a "dumbing down" of journalism to suit Sarah Palin's distrust of the media.  She refuses to subject herself to any REAL interview, and instead insists that she be allowed to phone it in after Googling the correct response or getting help from advisers to make her seem more intelligent. Or perhaps, and this is not without precedent from "Team Palin," she simply has OTHERS answer on her behalf.

Essentially Palin has receded into the shadows, only allowing herself to be seen in photo-ops and heard in carefully controlled "interviews," while appearing to be more accessible to the media than ever.  In many ways it is all smoke and mirrors used to hide from the American people the ugly truth about the Grizzled Mama.

However it only works, like the special effects in a movie, if people are willing to suspend their disbelief.  I believe there are fewer and fewer people willing to do that on Palin's behalf every day, and her constant, in your face, exposure is helping to diminish that number at an increasingly rapid rate.


  1. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Fucking pathetic. Karl Rove must be laughing his ass off.

  2. Anonymous8:02 AM

    No Palin fan but if by "children's book" you are talking about her saying that she reads CS Lewis, you might want to look up his other titles. He has written much more than the Chronicles of Narnia series. She may have been trying to claim that she read some of his more challenging works. I don't believe for a second that she has done more than watch the Narnia movie. The girl doesn't read.

  3. We already knew she was just a puppet - remember Todd the Shadow Governor?

    Once he wasn't allowed to sit in on official business or be copied on emails the wind went out of her sails - she became completely non-effective - people thought it was because she missed the national limelight. It was really because her puppetmaster had been ejected from the room.

  4. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Here she goes again with her spin and smarm. She just can't give it up, can she:

    Sarah Palin Conjures 'Death Panels' -- Again

  5. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Shocking and disgusting. That is not a journalist. And Chris shouldn't have let her off the hook on the "how did you know it was Palin" responding. But he's not a journalist either. Melly

  6. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Oprah: 'Not Going To Answer' Whether Palin Is Qualified To Be President

    "But do you think that Sarah Palin is qualified to be president?" Walters asked.

    "I'm not going to answer that question," Oprah said. That's good, Barbara but I'm not going to answer."

    "I tried," Walters said. "You sort of answered."

    "I'm not answering," Oprah insisted.

  7. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Palin in Progress: What Does She Want?

    ...Only Obama seems unfazed by Palin's game. On Nov. 24, he was quoted as saying that he doesn't "think about" Palin

    Read more:,8599,2036045,00.html#ixzz17jKv9jOc

  8. Anonymous8:20 AM

    The media is way behind the curve. her stock is falling, we see it. Comments on stories about her are very negative no matter what site you go to now (except her deluded minions's sites) including the towns she went to for her stupid book.

    WE see she is falling but the media is her base and they are behind because they WANT her around. Easy clicks and ratings.

  9. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Oprah: does not think she is qualifed but does not want to make news and then fend off the bots.

  10. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Waiting for your "in depth" analysis of her Wall Street Journal op-ed.

  11. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Here's another for you Gryphen:

    Yea for Kathy Griffin!!!!

    She stands by her jokes re Bristol and will not apologize.


  12. Anonymous8:32 AM

    SHe said CS Lewis because it was the last book she read....when 12.

  13. a few thoughts. she probably had ram with her for this interview, and whatever other nitwits help her run her wizard of oz production. that time writer was so careful to kiss her ass - what is it with her and time? guess she sells copy.
    c.s lewis. having been raised catholic, though no longer practicing, i can tell you that he wrote more than just kids' books and that his books are heavily based in christian theology, but also in the personal spirituality that lewis developed. many fundies read his work yet don't see the many layers of meaning because they are just looking for jesus allusions. he is a brilliant writer. he and tolkien were great friends and used to show each other their work in pubs and hang out smoking pipes. c.s. lewis was a devout anglican, i believe. there's a pretty neat movie about him, shadowlands, with anthony hopkins - worth a view. an atheist could easily enjoy lewis' work as well.
    that palin took 2 years to answer katie couric's question is pathetic. she hasn't read up on anything that is relevant to today's world issues; she's only ingrained more gop talking points into her skull.
    her jab at obama was classless as usual. the fact that she even compares herself to the president and the unbelievable amount of responsibility he has shows what a megalomaniac she is. her causes are a waste of time and will not be looked at kindly by history. her main cause is to fill her purse, and i don't mean samaritan's purse.
    the sooner she is out of the news and american consciousness the better. i for one am looking forward to the day i can check this blog every day and see nothing on here about her. rather, talk about the important issues and not worry about getting rid of the influence of a demagogue.

  14. Anonymous8:36 AM

    As for Scarah and her death panels:

    Yes, they do exist. they exist in Texas and in Arizona.

    Remember, if the Grizzeled One accusses the President or any other decent human being of doing somehting unthinkable, it is because SHE or her buds like Brewer of AZ ARE actually doing it.

  15. Anonymous8:36 AM

    America Doesn’t Have the Heart or Stomach for Palin’s New Book

    Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and even Tea Party candidates have been plagued with Sarah Palin for two years. Two years is enough to cause anyone with Heart disease to realize that it was not part of God’s Plan that their life should be sustained.

    Sarah Palin may not have experienced a single catastrophic event, but her decline has become a chronic condition.

    The failure of Heart is only one symptom of what may prove to be a terminal illness.

  16. Anonymous8:55 AM

    The Time fluff piece refers to Palin's two best-sellers.

    How can Palin claim her second screed is a best-seller when clearly it is not?

  17. Grouchodawg8:56 AM

    Interview by e-mail..not much of a journalist. As to CS Lewis, she should read Dawkins and Hitchens for real thoughtful readings.

  18. Yeah you can keep waiting for my analysis of Palin's op-ed piece.

    There is NO Palin op-ed piece. She did not write a word of that. I doubt very seriously that she could even have contributed the conjunctions, much less the verbs, nouns, and subject.

    BTW in a kind of bizarre coincidence, I am going to take the family to see "The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader" tomorrow.

    I would scan the audience for Sister Sarah, because I firmly believe that that is how she gets her C.S. Lewis fix, but I do believe she has a date to inflict herself on the already suffering Haitians tomorrow.

  19. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Time Ragazine might be an even worse source of news than CNN. Just sayin'!

  20. Anonymous9:03 AM

    While she just won the award of 'Stupidest Person' in a landslide straw poll, Barbara Walters, Time Magazine, and the Wall Street Journal, to name a few, keep giving the idiot a free pass.

    I do agree with Sarah on one thing...LAME STREAM MEDIA!

  21. JenniferinVA9:05 AM

    It seems like the question of the year is: "Do you believe Sarah Palin is qualified to be president?" Why on earth is Barbara Walters asking Oprah of all people? If that is the question everyone gets asked in an interview no matter who they are - politician, actress, comedian, talk show host - then I think we all know the answer. Why is the media so afraid to state the obvious: No! No! No! She is NOT qualified!

  22. I can't wrap my head around the concept of conducting a cover story interview by email. This must be an all-time low for Time.

  23. Anonymous9:11 AM

    So now we have the "Special Olympics" of journalism for Sarah Palin? I wouldn't use Time magazine to line a birdcage.

  24. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Really anon 8:02 because there are countless childhood photos, high school photos and current pics where shes voraciously pouring over books.

  25. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Why are you all stupid? Death panels references severe cuts to programs etc. Why are libs so freaking literal? We've already seen companies and states cut programs, drop patients and refuse to take on patients.

  26. London Bridges9:20 AM

    Oprah must be afraid of death threats>

    Good news: a sane Alaskan, Ameican leader:

  27. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Email interview with "Sarah Palin"? Time is either stupid or desperate for something to sell magazines.

    Well, I'm not stupid, and Sarah isn't reading shit, unless you count her obsessing over what is being said about her in the news and blogs.

    Hey Sarah, you're probably reading this very comment. How's that life-as-a-shallow-narcissist thing workin' out there for ya'?

  28. busy day!
    i don't have the time (haha) or the patience to read the time piece. can anyone tell e, do they disclose that the interview was done by email. i certainly hope they do. this is shitty journalism either way. the sarah palin effect. she's had such an effect - a negative one - on our culture.
    hi sarah! haven't all the other mama grizzlies hibernated to have and take care of their babies through the winter already? isn't it time to gestate?

  29. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Remember, Sarah was an honor society student in high school. The Heaths dp have high standards concerning their kids grades and acad performance. Idon't know what the school system was like in the 80s but she was one of about 20 kids in honor society

  30. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Yes, the Time magazine reporter was incompetent - lazy, unwilling to do the hard work to verify her source (like see the interviewee face-to-face), and generally seeming to regard this as a lark.

    Chris Matthews, though, is hardly better. He rarely does a follow-up question even when he asks a "tough" or confrontational question (which is rare for him in the first place). He is more interested in hearing his own voice, and voicing his own views.

    I wish they'd move up Lawrence O'Donnell to the Hardball position so we could get a better quality of interview earlier in the evening. Chris Matthews - ha!

  31. angela9:37 AM

    Absolutely one of the lowest points for someone calling themselves a journalist. The only time someone is asked to interview by email is when there are long technical questions that the interviewee might want to elucidate. But the whole interview is not emailed. Journalist need to see or hear nuance of voice and or and facial expressions—and at the very least know that the person actually answering the questions is your interviewee.

    Ridiculous. Embarrassing. Nuts.

    Is this the future of journalism? Not phoning it in, but emailing it in. I'm sure Sarah had a prompter there with her. So Sarah will run for office through twitter, email and Facebook?

    Mathews should have fried the woman. He's weak too.

  32. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Curiouser - you're right. This is low-ball reporting. The reporter should be fired and the magazine editors should be ashamed.

    I wonder who owns Time now? Ahem - bet it leads back to a Sarah-backer.

  33. Anonymous9:39 AM

    "Really anon 8:02 because there are countless childhood photos, high school photos and current pics where shes voraciously pouring over books."

    Is she pouring Bailey's, beer, or whiskey shots?


  34. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Didn't another Time reporter, a noted conservative freelancer, report on Trig's parentage as gospel just because it came from Sarah's Book of Truth?

    LSM applies to everyone, not just the MSM that doesn't hold Sarah accountable. Even her sycophants have to embellish the iconic leadership style of the flimsy politico.

  35. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Kathy and Margaret can apologize when Miss Wasilla and Beefalo do.

    And Miss Wasilla has a whole country full of good people she calls Anti-American to apologize to.

  36. Anonymous9:42 AM

    WFT.. an interview by email with DELAYS..

    Sarah just does not like unscripted questions.

    A phone interview would have forced her to answer questions that were not pre-screened.

    Sarah.. put on your big girl pants and do a REAL INTERVIEW.

  37. Most of us are familiar with the age old question: If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to here it.....does it make a sound? What I want to know is this: if Sarah Palin tweets/facebooks/op-eds and no one comments about she even relevant? I would love to make that happen.

  38. CBS did a write up about TIME's article yesterday. I left this comment. Really would love to see the cage match of Palin vs Maddow :)

    I've only read the CBS write up, not TIME's story itself, but I have to I the only one bothered by the fact that TIME did an EMAIL interview with Mrs Palin? They based a cover story on an email interview - are they even sure it was Mrs Palin on the other end of the line? These answers could have come from any one of her aides/ghostwriters and, judging by the coherence of language and lack of run on sentences, my guess is that Mrs. Palin was not too involved with the interview itself. When will she ever do a live interview with any news station other than FOX news? It doesn't have to be MSNBC (though I would live to see a Palin/Maddow match up), but someone other than Hannity/O'Reilly would be a refreshing change.

  39. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I just e-mailed the editor of TIME magazine with the subject line: "Are you frickin' kidding me???"

    This rag is so desperate to sell magazines that they obliterated all journalistic standards just to get Palin's disgusting face on their cover. What a sad day it is for print media in this country.

  40. @ 9:39 Don't know if there's a Sarah backer here but:
    (from Wikipedia)
    Time Inc. is a subsidiary of the media conglomerate Time Warner, the company formed by the 1990 merger of the original Time Inc. and Warner Communications. It publishes 130 magazines,[1] most notably its namesake, Time. Other magazines include Sports Illustrated, Fortune, People, Life, GOLF Magazine, Southern Living, Essence, This Old House, All You and Entertainment Weekly. It also owns the UK magazine house IPC Media, whose major titles include What's On TV, NME, Country Life, Marie Claire and Nuts.

    In 2008, Time Inc. launched MAGHOUND (, an internet-based magazine membership service that features approximately 300 magazine titles from both Time Inc. brands and external publishing companies.

    On January 19, 2010, Time Inc acquired StyleFeeder, a personal shopping engine. [2]

    In August 2010 Time Inc. announced that Ann S. Moore, its chairman and chief executive, would step down as CEO and be replaced by Jack Griffin, an executive with Meredith Corporation, the nation's second-largest publisher of consumer magazines.[3]

    Meredith magazines include the following brands:
    Better Homes and Gardens
    Family Circle
    Ladies' Home Journal
    Traditional Home
    Midwest Living
    American Baby
    Renovation Style
    Siempre Mujer - Siempre Mujer - Spanish Page
    Ser Padres
    Successful Farming

  41. Anonymous10:01 AM

    A TIME 'journalist' (cough, cough) that says 'Palin has a tone'. Like this freak would recognize it if it slapped her up side the head. NOT.

  42. Anonymous10:02 AM

    9:36, yeah, Honor Society. If she´s so smart, why didn´t she get an academic scholarship? Sarah also likes to tell you bots that Todd was the best basketball player in the state. If he was so good, why didn´t he get an athletic scholarship?

    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ¨I wasn´t smart enough for Alaska.

    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! ¨Todd wasn´t good enough for Alaska.


  43. Anonymous10:08 AM

    @9:36, so the Heaths have "high standards" for academics? I guess the PALINS don't, since neither of their college-aged children are in college. Also, too, those with high standards do not stumble through 5 colleges to get a Bachelor's degree.

    You fail at defending Palin.

    I assume that you're also the person who referred to the "countless" pictures of Sarah reading voraciously (LOL) as a child and adult. My Lord, you are a SPECIAL kind of stupid. Sally?

  44. Anonymous10:14 AM

    9:17, countless? voraciously? really? you've overplayed your hand, my friend. if Palin had such a history, she wouldn't have freaked out when couric simply asked her what she read to inform her world view.

    9:19, liberals are not "freaking literal." that is a characteristic of a fundamentalist. the better question is why exaggerate and use clearly incendiary language when you only mean severe budget cuts? and why pretend that this severe cutting isn't exactly what has been happening in the FOR PROFIT insurance/health care industry. only stupid folks like you don't get it.

  45. London Bridges10:16 AM

    Old news but fun read:

  46. Anonymous10:25 AM

    9:17 a.m.,

    So, what? I read a lot, but that doesn't make me qualified to be president. I still don't believe Palin reads "anything and everything." She's still an uninformed fraud who is not qualified to be president.

  47. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Thats a great fact that Sarah had tabloids delivered to the governor's office. You would think that she would be embarrassed to give the impression that she reads trashy magazines during the work day. I remember someone else commented that instead of catching up on work during flights like other governors have done, she would read people magazine. Really shows where her priorities are. She is still that same woman who stood in line to see Ivana Trump because she craved glamour in her life.

  48. Anonymous10:29 AM

    I've been a professional magazine writer for 15 years and I've interviewed some very famous people in that time. NEVER ONCE have I conducted an interview by email, and I simply cannot imagine any editor signing off on that. Especially when the interview subject is a national politician and the magazine is Time!

    Seriously, what the hell has happened to journalism when this is considered ok? There is absolutely no way to capture the personality and subtle nuances of an interview subject by email, let alone ask truly challenging questions.

  49. Anonymous10:30 AM

    9:19 a.m.,

    Why is $arah Palin so stupid? When she first starting pushing the "death panel" lie, Palin wasn't talking about cutting programs and dropping patients. The woman is a whack-job.

    Why are conservatives so stupid to fall for $arah Palin's psycho bullshit?

  50. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Not that I ever read Time that much unless it was the only option among a heap of gossip rags in the dentist office, but they have now reduced themselves to selling something that's not even worthy of being toilet paper. Congratulations Time! You now have the same level of credibility as the North Korean state run media.

  51. Anonymous10:36 AM

    9:36 a.m.,

    Sure she was. Whatever you say. Not trying to diss Alaskans, but even if there were true, it sounds like Alaska has some really low standards. How many colleges, and how many years did it take for $arah Palin to get a degree in journalism? I forgot.

  52. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Yea right. Palin reads a lot.

    Just like how she reads to Trigg -- on the 'bus' book tour last year and the book was upside down!!

    My, My, she has so much in common with BushBoy.

  53. Anonymous10:42 AM

    What a fucking coward this woman is! First of all, the Katie interview question about what she reads was a follow up to her initial question about not traveling out of the country and HOW she developed her world view in spite of not traveling abroad. Palin herself said that she is informed on the world by READING. The "what do you read" question was a follow up to the "How did you develop your world view?" question. The woman is an empty vessel and has NO clue about the world.

  54. Amazing piece:

    I think the last time I ever questioned whether a person had written something was in college, then came Palingiarism.

  55. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I wonder what happened between TMZ and Palin -- hmmmm.

    Harvey used to be in the sack with Palin in her strikes against Levi. Palin, Stapletongue & VanFreak 'used' TMZ to get their messages out about Levi's appearances on the rag mag shows and through the custody hearing.

    Reading the stories about Palin on TMZ now -- something happened for Harvey to do a 180 on Palin. Hmmmm?????

    Thanks for the link London Bridges 10:16 to the TMZ story.

  56. Anonymous10:47 AM

    9:17: "Really anon 8:02 because there are countless childhood photos, high school photos and current pics where shes voraciously pouring over books."

    Links, please.

  57. Anonymous10:48 AM

    OT: Palin going to Haiti.

    Haiti may have a Civil War in the next few days. The State Department issued a warining to travelers of the violence. American Airlines cancelled flights to Haiti. Do you think this whole Haiti trip is to stage a kidnapping of the Palin family, so we can feel sorry for them?

    I wouldn't put anything past these ignorant hicks.

  58. Anonymous11:02 AM

    What the hell is wrong with Todd Palin???

    He looked terrible in the Barbara Walters interview -- very thin and pale. Is he sick? Something ain't right there.

  59. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I don't know if you saw this back in September. I didn't and now I am just seething.

  60. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Huff has article of some of the BS TIME interview.

    "For the longest time, Sarah Palin was leery of Facebook. Some of the comments left on her page during the 2008 vice-presidential campaign were so withering and unpleasant that it took months of coaxing by her staff and her daughters Bristol and Willow to convince Palin that she should give it another try"

    Yea - right - Fucking BS!!

    The Freak TIME talker - had she any credibility prior to this interview -- she friggin' tanked herself. She may as well go many an unemployment claim!!!

  61. Anonymous11:19 AM

    An "interview" with an email account is clearly state of the art journalism. The really hard-boiled reporters set a time limit of 2 days for a response to each question. Follow-up questions are done on twitter. All the questions are cleared with the interviewee's handlers.

    It's an efficient model for journalism. A reporter can simultaneously interview a half dozen world leaders and still have time to busy themselves unfriend people on Facebook and other vital tasks.

    The only problem is that most politicians would die laughing at any "journalist" that proposed such a stupid arrangement.

  62. "Pay no attention to that woman behind the curtain!" shouted the Great and Powerful Palin.

  63. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Interview by email??? And she knows it was Palin because IT WAS HER EMAIL ADDRESS???


    My high school paper had higher journalistic standards than that!

  64. Anonymous11:32 AM

    So, is this what TIME magazine had to do to keep her fans in their barn when she wouldn't be selected as TIME's person of the year? Well, maybe, they kept the wingnuts but they lost me. I personally don't want Sarah Palin arriving in my mailbox again on the front of that magazine. They can kiss off. I'm canceling my subscription.

  65. Speaking of Hardball, I have a favor to ask of your readers:

    In the interest of helping a fellow blogger, please get your friends and family to vote repeatedly like a palinbot:

    Lynnrockets needs your help. Boston’s largest talk radio station (WRKO AM) has chosen Lynnrockets as a finalist in its “Next Great Political Blogger Contest”. Yours truly has been selected by the station’s staff (from over 200 entries) to be one of 10 finalists for a position with the station as a “liberal” blogger. There will be two winners (a “liberal” and a “conservative”) chosen by means of internet votes received. This is our chance to get even with the Palinbots for what they did for Bristol Palin on “Dancing With The Stars”. Like Bristol, I lack talent but with all of you voting for me, I may be able to pull-off an upset win. I offer my eternal gratitude if you loyal Rocketeers will visit the WRKO website and vote for wait…wait…here comes the spoiler…”Kevin McCarthy”. Looks like I’ve now been officially outed. Please vote early and often as the contest ends on Saturday, December 11th at 11:59pm EST. I would truly appreciate your help and if you really want to be of assistance, please encourage your family and friends to vote also, too!”

    Please tweet/facebook/email your friends to vote, making sure you all confirm your vote at the bottom and on the next page that comes up.

    Thanks in advance!

  66. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Let TIME magazine know what you think about interviewing Rebecca Mansour, er, Sarah Palin by email for a cover story. I did. I canceled my subscription and wrote a letter to the editor about why.

    Wait ... TIME Magazine is a part of the lamestream media -- yet Sarah did an interview for the cover? Way to hold to your convictions, Sarah! Gotta love that lamestream media when it suits you.

  67. Anonymous12:06 PM

    An EMAIL INTERVIEW!! Palin needs to buy some cojones with her millions, and TIME needs to buy some journalistic standards!

    This is the biggest joke yet about the cowardly wuss from Alaska.

  68. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Palin eyes run for president if she has 'best shot'
    (AFP) – 13 hours ago
    "I will run for president if I believe that I have the best shot to win the race," she said in a TV interview with ABC's Barbara Walters.

    If she believes she has the best shot? That is a yes, she is delusional and believes she is the best shot. No way would she go to Haiti if she didn't see a pay off. It is on.

    Give us the scoop on the First Dudes new look. What is wrong and will Bristol take his place when he can no longer be of any use?

  69. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Really anon 8:02 because there are countless childhood photos, high school photos and current pics where shes voraciously pouring over books.

    lol pouring over books? Pouring what over books? Baileys?? Lighter fluid because she wants to ban them??
    She may have them in front of her, pouring over them or whatnot, but she wasn't reading them and if she was, she SURELY wasn't comprehending or learning a damn thing. She is stupid.

  70. Here's Jezebel's take on Newton-Small's previous Palin cover story for Time (hint: they say Newton-Small lobbed softball questions):

    and here's an ABC interview with Newton-Small regarding that story and 'smokin' salmon' with Sarah:

    and here's Newton-Small re: the new Time piece on CNN:

    She comes across more as a celebrity interviewer than a political reporter.

  71. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Remember, Sarah was an honor society student in high school. The Heaths dp have high standards concerning their kids grades and acad performance. Idon't know what the school system was like in the 80s but she was one of about 20 kids in honor society

    9:36 AM

    I'm sure it was fixed for her, by grandmama Menard or chuckles the clown part time teacher. And/or the stansards are pathetically low in Alaska at the time. Seriuosly, how can this fool we see in front of us, who can't speak, knows Nothing!! is juvenile and has mental illness, go from being "smart" to the pathetic clown she is now??? I will accept brain tumor with life saving total brain irradiation with boost doses to her cerebrum as an answer that would explain it. Also, traumatic brain injury,as well long term drug abuse.

  72. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Great article in Salon about the "interview":

    "And it raises some questions! Like, how did Time know this wasn't Rebecca Mansour answering questions? Or Todd? Did Palin's handlers rule out conducting the whole thing in GChat? (Palin's not still using that Yahoo! e-mail address, right?)"

  73. It doesn't matter if or what Sarah Palin reads. She has comprehension and memory problems. Her brain reorganizes anything to which she's exposed to fit her purposes at the time. She's wired differently [her words].

  74. I hope you people are having your fun now, because you'll be laughing up "the other sleeve" come November 2012, when we common sense conservatives take our country back. Please see!/video/video.php?v=475756358449&notif_t=video_processed if you don't believe me.

  75. It's refreshing to see Scarborough, Noonan, and others call Palin out for the 'nincompoop' she is.

    It's so sad to see Barbara Walters, Time, et al, treat her as though she were on a par with serious public servants.

  76. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Gryphen why does Todd look like a cancer patient? Any news up there in Alaska or did i miss a blog entry in the last few days.

    And I saw the interview with the reporter and couldn't believe they published an interview with information only obtained via email. That is ridiculous. We the people, better demand real interviews from journalists. I'm going to write that author and tell her that we know Sarah doesn't write her Facebook posts. If we don't start demanding real reporting, we will never get it. Even then, we probably won't get it. I mean has the MSM corrected the story about Palin lying about wikileaks?She is a nutjob liar!

    Did you know she is speaking out against this tax deal because she is against extending unemployment? And she is against the treaty with Russia. Who would support such a cold-hearted irresponsible warmonger? You would have to be uninformed, slow and stupid.

  77. Anonymous12:42 PM

    The funniest part of the Time article is when the policing of her FB page is discussed:

    "Eight Palin lieutenants scattered across the country were quietly given the job of policing her site. To this day, they scrub anything that is threatening, pornographic or unfit for children; that questions Barack Obama's citizenship or the parentage of Palin's toddler son Trig; or that hints that the government was behind the 9/11 attacks. Beyond that, though, pretty much anything goes".

    LOL! Is that supposed to be funny? Yeah, "anything goes" that's not critical of Palin in any way! OMFG.

  78. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Her hair really is thinning isnt it?

  79. Anonymous12:44 PM

    uhhhhhh... I don't know where to start.


  80. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Lawrence O'Donnell On Sarah Palin's Ridiculous Claim She Doesn't Golf Like Obama Because She Is Too "Busy Helping People And Causes"

    Has anyone started a list of donations and people that Sarah Palin has help????

    We should keep a show the world how short it is.

    Keep one for our President too since his list...
    starting with him paying for his own decorating of the white house with his own money and not that of the American People..

    Him winning the one million dollars and donating it all

    as well as all the feeding the poor, reading to children etc that both he and his wife has done before and after they moved into the white house.

    Will you start a list?

  81. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I use Sarah's input in my decisionmaking process because she is well-informed and a real person, not like, well, others who only like to complain. Are you jealous?

  82. Anonymous12:54 PM

    How many elderly people died while on Medicare while palin was Governor? Palin knows all about death panels because as Governor, she actually ran them and her friend Jan Brewer has
    The reason why people don't know her record is because she will not let anybody ask her.
    The Founding fathers knew that a press with restrictions allowed a government/president etc to conspire against the American people.

  83. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Anon 9:19 wow!!!! You think when Palin talks about death panels, she is talking about severe cuts to programs???

    If you believe that, then you my dear, are the dumbest person to walk the earth. Palin is the person above ALL who WANTS severe cuts to programs. When she talks about death panels, that is NOT what she is referring to.
    She is talking about government oversite of private health insurance. Never mind that private insurers literally kill people every day because they deny care you fruitcake!

    God try educating yourself. Are you retarded??

  84. Anonymous12:59 PM

    well, now that you mention it, I do recall a photo of Sarah in her city council days with her John Birch Society pamphlet...

  85. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I hope you forwarded your column to this gullible interviewer. Or at least to her editors at that magazine.
    I can't believe she did the interview in such an unverifiable manner.
    M. from MD

  86. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Time Magazine used to be a source of journalism. Glad I'm getting old and won't have to grow up in this age of BS news.

    Shame on you Time!

  87. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Anonymous @12:49 PM

    You are you on glue? If not, maybe you should start, it'd be a step up for you...

  88. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Why are there so many trolls on this thread? Trolls, you are not winning anyone over. In fact, you are hurting your own "cause," but you are too "low-information" to see it.

  89. Anonymous1:56 PM

    @ John Mendels(s)ohn 12:27

    You will never take your country back because it's OUR country, all of us, not just the so-called "commonsense" conservatives.

    Read the constitution of United States. You'll find a lot of rules are going to prevent any attempt to "take our country back".

    You do want to keep the Constitution, right?

  90. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Sarah Palin gets more stupid with each passing day.

    By primary season, she'll be a sociopathic vegetable.

  91. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Honor society in high school? Weeeeelllll, maybe. Funny how that didn't translate into a stellar performance in college.

    Anyone trying to make that case that Sarah's pre-college years were marked by intelligence is fighting a losing battle.

    How about college? Find any profs that remember Sarah Heath, yet?


  92. To Anon@9:36. My family lived in a rural area of the Ozarks for years while my husband ran a conference center for a large university. The conference center routinely employed area teenagers, a hearty and hard-working crew of kids. Among our favorites were two girls, cousins, who were at the top of their highschool graduating class, valedictorian, prize-winning 4.0 students. Neither could achieve an ACT score that would have admitted them to our state university; both were admitted as probationary students. They both finally "made the grade" but not without four solid years of summer school to make up for their abysmal education in the local school district. We probably lived in the Wasilla of the Ozarks. High grades in a low grade school mean nothing.

  93. Anonymous2:08 PM

    @9:17 AM

    Countless photos of Sarah Palin reading books? Really? Funny how there are NOT countless photos of Sarah Palin in various stages of pregnancy. Those seem to have vanished into the McCain campaign shredder.

    A good COMPLETE photographic history of Sarah Palin would be invaluable in the exposure of Sarah Palin's lie about a pregnancy that produce the child we call Trig.

    So if you have "countless" photos of Palin, trot them out to the internet. While you are gloating over the occansional appearance of a book in Sarah's hands, the rest of us will be measuring her relative girth in each trimester for Track, Bristol, Willow and Piper.

    Please supply dates for every photo. Thanks for your invaluable service to the cause of proving Sarah Palin is a sociopath.

  94. angela2:16 PM

    Could you tell me what a commonsense conservative is and what their belief system entails? You see this is the only thing Ms. Palin says. She tells everybody what she wouldn't do, i.e., everything Dems or the President want to do. But she never says how she would do ANYTHING.

    Would she make oil companies pay huge amounts of money to share with the taxpayers? Like she did in Alaska, but now she calls it socialism.

    Would she whine about the "nanny state" and Michelle Obama's healthy food initiative--like she wanted to start in Alaska when she was Gov?

    You can say common sense conservative all you want,
    but it means NOTHING. What it means to Ms. Palin is talking jabberwocky to get people like you to give her money. Lots of money. And by the way—that common sense conservative put a town of 7500 people in twenty-million dollars debt with a sport pavilion. Then hired a city manger for 50,000 a year because her Mayor job was too tough for her. And she also decorated her mayoral office to the tune of $50,000.

    You sir, are a fool.

  95. Anonymous2:19 PM

    The only way Time could obtain an interview with sarah was on her terms, via e-mails.

    Why? sarah now understands she cannot speak the English.

    Hey, Todd, prepare to be gang banged in prison. Ouchy!


  96. Anonymous2:31 PM

  97. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Anonymous said:

    "The media is way behind the curve. her stock is falling, we see it. Comments on stories about her are very negative no matter what site you go to now (except her deluded minions's sites) including the towns she went to for her stupid book."

    Absolutely the truth there.

    She is the news only on yesterday's fishwrap newspaper.

    Most telling is that not only did Harper's only publish 1 million copies of her book for the first print; they are saying they have no plans yet for a second print. Probably because over 500,000 copies of the first print are on the way back to the publishers house due to dismal sales.

    Same with her reality show - the last episode which revealed her to be a nonhunter was down another 800,000 viewers from the already diminished numbers the week before.

    And that swarmy, dirty look smirk she had on her face during the Walters interview, when she started in on the "impotent, limp, weak" smack talk again was really icky to a lot of people. She is showing herself to be wierd in a major way, a bit more every single time she opens her mouth to speak. If this is the face of commonsense conservatism, then they are going to lose big time.

    The ick factor is high, and yes, the media has totally missed the ball on how the public now perceives Sarah Palin.

  98. If Sarah Palin claims to get inspiration from C.S.Lewis, I call BS. The Screwtape Letters? The Great Divorce? Both brilliant and easily readable tomes from Lewis, and both carry a direct message about how fallible humans are or can be.

    I will bet my next paycheck that Mrs. Palin doesn't even know these titles at all, much less is able to absorb their meaning and effect the change in her life.

  99. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I think Anon/9:17 is using "countless" as a creative way of saying "zero".

  100. Polanski3:55 PM

    Great men can have great frailties.

    With Chuck's approval Sarah Palin no doubt labored over all of C.S. Lewis' work and knows all about his life and time.

    The extremely friendly C.S.
    "There is no doubt however that he was extremely friendly with a number of young girls and nearly 50% of images he took,at a time when photography was in its infancy, were of young girls."

    "He was never caught, except by one girl who wrote about him when she was much older."

  101. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Sorry Mr Mendelson, but you have already taken us all back a decade. Don't believe me? You trashed a balanced budget, outsourced war to the highest bidder that lined your buddies pockets, allowed 9-11 to happen, gave banks ALL the power to exploit your "ownership society" which cratered our entire economy, and are now trying to blame the black guy. Take it back to what? To those days? Thanks but no thanks.

  102. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Anon@8:36 AM. $p had her own death panels while gino of Ak. Remember the 200 or more seniors, and disabled who died while waiting for care? If I recall, it was the only time the government had to suspend Medicare payments. Even doctors were contacting the government about the mess created under $p. I am sure Gryph has posted about this. $p started the death panels.Every horrible thing she has done, she blames others for. This is projection in its lowest form.

  103. @ John Mendels(s)ohn,
    are you an ironic hipster? i am hoping so, for your sake. a writer you are not, though, it appears:
    "I was born a very long time ago, and was still alive at the time of the composition of this brief autobiography."
    sorry, but if you are going to come on this site and troll around, we have the right to troll back. besides, you yourself offer up these golden nuggets to your psyche for all the internet to read. you might be a very nice, deluded, but nice person, but a word to the wise: people don't like being threatened. you won't find many friends here by playing dirty.
    p.s. your facebook fox news talking point inspired video sucks.

  104. Groucho Marx once said he wouldn't join any club that would addmit him. I won't read any journalist that Sarah will talk to.

  105. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Hey Joe, you are like that caribou Sarah bagged. The first four shots missed you, but the judge got ya with the fifth shot.

    Somebody bag and tag him... the election is over.

    "Mercarsky" wins - Joe and Sarah looses.

    Time to shave Joe, ya got some interviews to do. Maybe Sarah will hire ya... she could always use another straight, honest, hard working stand up lawyer like yourself.

  106. Nancy7:10 AM

    fare, not fair

  107. I'm a writer, and only twice have I interviewed people via e-mail. And the two interviews were for a
    U2 fan website, hardly serious journalism.

    Time is a joke.

  108. Anonymous1:12 PM

    The "Time" piece is not an interview, but a published correspondence of dubious provenance. Ridiculous.

  109. Anonymous9:31 PM

    I think People and US are sent to professional offices for free. But, even the McCain folks said she never read anything but this type of magazine.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.