Wednesday, December 22, 2010

John McCain "Has become the male version of Sarah Palin."

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It seems that John McCain and Palin had more in common then we all recognized back in 2008.  They are both angry, spiteful, thin skinned people who absolutely believe that THEY are correct despite the facts or the mood of the country.

I have to wonder that if Palin REALLY  is planning to move her brood down to Arizona that she and McCain will not sit up late at night trashing the Democrats and kvetching about their losses long after nobody else really gives a shit about their opinions?

One of the most interesting and important stories for the American voter to understand is that these two deeply flawed people were very, very close to being elected as the two most important leaders in our country.

Which should direct us to ask the following questions:

What does that say about us? 

What does that say about our political system?

How can we make sure we never allow something that dangerous to happen again?

You would think that after the debacle of the George W. Bush presidency that Americans would be much more cautious and focused on electing competent leadership, but the evidence suggests that we are indeed a country of extremely slow learners.


  1. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Don't forget that hideous closeted QUEEN Lindsay Graham, who was a McCain/Palin enabler....he is actually worse than the other hideous trolls!

  2. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Too much energy is spent on being negative.... not enough on working to solve problems.

  3. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Yes, and that also fits with the recent comparison of John McCain and Lindsey Lohan (Graham) as the Mean Girls of the Senate!! LOL. Sarah wants John's senate seat when he leaves. She has all the dirt she needs on him.

  4. Anonymous6:03 AM

    honestly, I am beyond shocked by McInsane's BITTER ANGRY SELFISH attitude.

    Thank Gawd these two narrow-minded crazy idiots are not running this country.

    message from 9/11 responders:


    - kellygrrrl

  5. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Despite their seeming political similarities, *Cindy* McCain flies in some pretty high non-political circles. As long as she and McNasty stay together, there won't be any cozy dinners bashing Dems.

    I do think he may finally retire (if he doesn't drop dead first), and Sarah is setting herself up to run for the seat. Can't be called a carpetbagger if you've lived in AZ long before running.

    But you bet your sweet bippy she's going to insert her pointy little nose in local politics. Glad I don't live there.

  6. Anonymous6:07 AM

    How can she move to AZ when she is all about how Alaska can save America and she IS Alaska!

  7. Anonymous6:16 AM

    McCain has been an angry, thin skinned, do it my way or no way, mentally disturbed individual since he returned from Vietnam.

    He has been 'flawed' his whole life.
    And he has been, and still is, a traitor to this country.

    His whole career has been built on lies. It's there for anyone to see if they take the time to research his so called policies.

    He picked Scarah because they wouldn't let him have Liar-man. He's a middle finger in your face type of guy if he doesn't get his way. And he always has been. Disgraceful that the republicans who know this ran him twice.

  8. i like your question "what does this say about us?" when Rah-rah was first announced as VP candy, the reactions of the sheeple were what filled me with disgust and trepidation.
    now, rah-rah is just a polebrity, and the sheep are entertaining themselves with her.
    reading about rah-rah's need to fight with Kate G on last week's show, it's clear she is a D-rate actress with a large following, just like Kate. No real need to allow them into our lives except to watch them like monkeys in a zoo.
    Arizona must need a rah-rah show of it's own, eh?

  9. Anonymous6:19 AM

    John can rot in hell for his choice of Sarah...

    Any good he ever did was erased with his elevating this dumb hillbilly and her family.

  10. with the dumbing down of America and the concentrated effort to move far-right propaganda into our everyday media, we will never go back to a free-thinking society.

  11. yukonark6:25 AM

    "Kvetching" - now there's a word neither one of them would be caught dead using.

  12. Anonymous6:26 AM

    He's a Flip
    She's a Flop

    Here's another one of her flip-flops:
    Reversing Alaska’s Childhood Obesity Trend:
    A Comprehensive Initiative

    Dated January 2009

    No one cried governmental interference in Alaska. In fact, a poll of Alaskans found that 90 percent of adults agree that parents and individuals have “a lot” of responsibility for addressing obesity. But, a large percentage of adults also agree that government (62 percent), the food industry (79 percent) and schools (86 percent) have “some” or “a lot” of responsibility for addressing obesity.

    How can it possibly be wrong for Michelle Obama to encourage kids to exercise and eat right?

    Why Palin thinks this is a fight to pick is known to her alone.

  13. Anonymous6:43 AM

    McCain has been an a-hole for a long time. But now that he's seen how Palin has become a celebrity for the lunatic fringe, he's trying to get in on some of that action.

    He will go down in history as the jerk that helped bring Palin into the forefront, and people will curse him for that forever.

  14. Anne In DC6:59 AM

    John McCain is simply revealing his true colors. He does whatever is expedient for him in order to preserve his political power. He has posed as a moderate, and now he is a far right Tea Partier in his latest reincarnation. His selection of Palin as as his running mate fell into this line of reasoning, since he thought it would gain women's support. Fortunately for us, it backfired.

    During and since the election of 2008, he has exposed himself as a narrow-minded, angry, spiteful, and bitter old man who is consistently on the wrong side of issues. His latest tirade on the DADT repeal is only the latest example of his obtuse refusal to acknowledge facts or the way most Americans think on a variety of issues. He is also the most anti-vet military veteran I have ever heard of, since he has such a poor record of voting for their benefits.

    It speaks volumes about some Americans that not only did they come close to voting losers McCain and Palin into office in spite of their glaringly obvious shortcomings, but are still giving GW a pass despite his abysmal record. I have encountered bloggers on other forums who will never acknowledge that Bush lied us into the Iraqi war, dismissing factual information to that effect as being
    "liberal bias." Their sense of reality is so skewed that they also blame Obama for the recession that began under GW. People with this kind of mindset are not only enablers of McCain and Palin, but also of Graham and of DeMented, who is alleged to be behind the effort to keep Murkowski from being seated in spite of her clearcut victory in Alaska.

    Gryphen, it will take the nonstop of efforts of people like you and Sarah Jones of politicus.usa to continuously put the truth out there. I also don't think we can counter the continuing dumbing down in this country without organized efforts.

  15. Anonymous7:09 AM

    McCain has made Arizona the worst state in the nation during his 30 years as senator. Evil son of a bitch!

  16. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I saw a bumper sticker yesterday - mcCain/Palin (I usually only see McCain) - it kind of shocked me - someone actually voted for those inept losers!

  17. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Shame on the state of Arizona for re-electing this imbecile to the Senate. AZ-you, John McCain, $arah Palin, and Jan Brewer all deserve each other.

  18. laprofesora7:19 AM

    We will always have to contend with the low information RWNJ lunatic fringe, because these people procreate with abandon, while more educated, responsible people limit the number of offspring. It's part of the "abstinence only" plan, to keep producing more ignorant voters. Cynical, yes, but how else to make sense of two terms of GWB, McCain and Paylin?

  19. Anonymous7:24 AM

    The desert rant is all about trying to convince the low info voter that the government is trying to tell them what to do. I heard a con on the radio the other day state that all the parks had been forced to remove swings. Not true, but it's the propaganda machine. Same thing with guns. Cons still are pushing that rant that O is going to take all the guns away. Doesn't make sense or have any grounding in reality but.....

  20. Anonymous7:35 AM

    7:24 AM:
    All parks removing swings were due to AZ closing the parks all down, for their own stupid budget reasons after the state
    was boycotted for the imm bill.
    They didnt want the swings stolen.

    I spent the winter in aryanzona:
    they can keep it.

  21. Anonymous7:39 AM

    It is sad to watch this man self-destruct. He is working so hard to keep all the needles in his hay stack that he is losing his mind. Dementia is certainly setting in and before he tarnishes his legacy any further, he should just fade away. Or maybe we will get lucky and he will just drop dead. We need a serious house cleaning of some of these old farts who are clearly out of touch. The likes of Dementia, McCrazy, and Graham gone crackers, are those that continue to hold our progress, I nearly faint when I think what the world would be like if McCrazy and scara won the election.

  22. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Actually, I believe Americans are very wise to Palin, but the media is insisting on keeping her in the news. We need to be asking why, because the numbers on several fronts don't add up.

    - She does not draw big crowds on her own anymore, only when she shows up for heavily publicized Fox News events where other conservative celebrities will be like the Glenn Beck rally.

    - Her book sales are propped up by mass buying from outlets like Newsmax.

    - Her poll numbers are consistently in the tank.

    - Her reality show's TV ratings aren't that great.

    WHY is so much media bandwidth being devoted to making us think Sarah Palin is something she is not??

  23. Anonymous8:16 AM

    I can't see that Sarah Pain has a chance with voters or polls. The Pac thing keeps the money flowing and she will make out like she is in for a serious run "if no one else is up for the hard work."

    She is like a vulture waiting for old man McCain to go or anything more she can get. To my sorrow that scheme is almost too easy and doable. Once she is in high office in Arizona, getting re-elected is almost too certain. She will have the McCain machine behind her.

    It is not enough to reveal the truth about Palin and all her gates. John McCain and his machine must be exposed as well. Reagan went on with his mental deterioration as if he was a fully engaged President. McCain just won another election and he is almost a ghost. You don't have to be a functioning or even a mental half wit to win on the Republican ticket.

  24. Anonymous8:22 AM

    John McCain is suffering from Post traumatic Stress. I think losing the election compounded what ever demons he was fighting from his days as a prisoner of war. He really needs to have a psychiatric evaluation. We need level headed and critical thinking Senators not petty obstructionists.


  25. 24PTR8:27 AM

    6:07 AM

    Maybe Trig will get tuberulosis. You know Sarah is all about Trig and health? She will sacrifice the Alaska she loves to cure Trig in Arizona. Or victim Bristol will have to escape the LSM and Sarah won't be able to leave her and Tripp there alone. She will sacrifice for Trig and Tripp to remain together. I can't wait to hear how they will spin this for saint Sarah.

    In real life she won't have to spend much time in the desert to establish a resident for political purposes.

    McCain didn't spend much time there or with his family and he kept getting re-elected as the crook and cover up artist that he is.

  26. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Alaskans can't say much about Arizonians re-electing John McCain tho without being hypocritical. They keep electing Don Young to the House. At least Don doesn't fancy himself as Presidential material. He's got a good gig going on taking bribes from special interest groups.

  27. Belldor K'nhed8:36 AM

    Well said, Gryphen. What does it say about our country that after two years of relentless exposure of Screechy P. McGrifter as a self-serving, incurious quitter the polls show almost 40% either support her now or would seriously consider supporting her in 2012? How can they see the same awful woman we see and come to the opposite conclusion we do?

    Nevermind, I already know the answer to that question and it's just depressing.... Merry Christmakwanzukah, everyone!

  28. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Usually I love the comments here but they are really becoming silly and stupid the past few days. And bitter! You all sound like the Palins really. Sarah has no intention of running for McCains seat. She is only going to be in Az very part time when it's freezing in Alaska.

  29. I'm sorry Mr. McCain was re-elected. I truly believe that he is suffering from dementia as well as disappointment. He has lost his way. It is very sad. I wish his family and friends had convinced him to retire.

  30. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Like I said, all that North Star, Palin is Alaska is BS. She;s hated the cold - starting with her first foray into college back when. Look at how she dresses in her own home - must be like 85 degrees in there year round. And the constant upholstery in stead of clothes or athletic wear - weird woman.

  31. Anonymous10:28 AM

    1. John McCain could have selected Mother Freaking Teresa and the Dems would have still won. People distrusted Bush that much

    2. Every politician is deeply flawed and egotistical. Fact of life

  32. Anonymous10:49 AM

    What an ass! The only thing he can do to regain any credibility is to expose palin for who she really is and to apologize for his part in bringing her to us in the lower 48!
    I hope Cindy makes his life miserable, he deserves it.

  33. Anonymous10:54 AM

    8:53 AM

    Even Palin's handlers are smart enough to know she can't win if she runs for dog catcher in most places. No one thinks she is running for McCain's seat. She can get appointed when a deal is worked out.

  34. Remember when John McCain declared that Sarah Palin was his "soul mate"?
    And now we know why.

  35. Anonymous11:02 AM

    8:53 AM

    I might add, first she gets the appointment to an office in Az, after that re-elections are simple. She never has to abandon Alaska until they have a sob story and can make her a heroic maverick to quit on Alaska again to save Az. You know something along the same vein as how her handlers write for her.

  36. Anonymous12:06 PM

    one way or another, Sarah Palin is going to step on McInsane's corpse to get somewher.
    It might not be the White House, as hoped, but she'll settle for the Senate.

    - kellygrrrl

  37. aj weishar5:05 PM

    John McCain's condition is another argument for mental health exams for government officials. There was a news story during the 2008 campaign about soldiers finding McCain in an empty meeting room talking to the ceiling.

  38. Anonymous7:27 PM


    McCain may have had some guilt for his role as the Song Bird or he is just worried about being found out. PTSD because he bombed all those innocents in villages, if he had a conscience. There is a picture of him with a psychiatrist in France (if I remember right) where he did have a psychiatric evaluation, he did not spend all his time at the Hanoi Hilton. The psych evaluation is too top secret to be released. Hope wikileaks can get to some archives. McCain had a friend that he could pay well to tell and embellish stories. He no doubt did get some hard knocks and the PTSD was serious enough to prevent him from ever being elected. Does he even admit he has the disorder? What all is wrong with him started in his childhood. Chronic liar, as stupid as Sarah and an idiot dare devil that put others in danger. Some died from his dirty tricks and the cover ups. He is loathsome. I don't have an ounce of pity for him but to say he is pitiful. Now the last pangs of his death march will hopefully bring out the truth and let us see that he gets all he deserves. His enablers are nasty a-holes that deserve to go down with his legacy.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.