Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Without Kate Gosselin's support "Sarah Palin sees Alaska for the very first time" loses half a million viewers.

So two Sunday's ago SPA saw a spike of 11% in new viewers from the previous week, most likely due to the fact that there were many Gosselin fans that came over hoping to see a steel cage match between the Grizzled Mam and the "crazed baby factory".

According to The Hollywood Reporter:

Kate Gosselin and Sarah Palin joining forces on TLC gave Alaska a boost to 3.1 million viewers. That's only up 11% from last week, though, a pretty mild gain considering the pre-air publicity and Gosselin's normal star power on the network.

Unsurprisingly without the manufactured drama of having Sarah Palin acting like a bitch on wheels to Kate Gosselin, who then responded by acting like a bitch to her own children, the show has sunk to its lowest ratings yet.

From TV by the Numbers:

With 2.56 million viewers Sarah Palin’s Alaska wasn’t anywhere near the top 25.

The last episode was almost painful to watch, and I have to imagine that the ratings will undoubtedly continue to slide.  Which means that if Palin is serious about signing up for another season, she better do so before the TLC executives come to their senses.

From Popeater:

Sarah, who is reportedly making more than $250,000 per episode for the eight-week series, is no fool -- when the show debuted to over 4.96 million viewers, insiders tell me she started talking about a new deal right away.

"Sarah knows to strike when the iron is hot and started talking about season two right after the show debuted to huge numbers," a friend of Palin tells me. "She knows that celebrities get millions of dollar for each episode of their shows and thinks she's worth it too. Jennifer Aniston took home millions from 'Friends' and in Sarah's eyes, she's no different."

Okay this is Popeater so it could all be a bunch of hooey, but comparing herself to Jennifer Aniston DOES sound exactly like something Palin would do, don't you think?

However the main take away from this is that Palin really believed that if she were to broadcast herself, and her hillbilly family, directly into American homes that she could speak directly to them without the "Lamestream" media filter and that they would automatically fall in love with her and support her candidacy for 2012.  Instead what we have learned, not that any of US are surprised, is that the more people see of the unfiltered Sarah Palin the LESS they can stand her.

Isn't America great?


  1. Anonymous7:08 PM


  2. Anonymous7:13 PM

    When the title od the show is "Sarah Palin Sees Alaska for the FIRST time" it is obviously the truth!

    So far is has been fairly obvious that Scarah has never shot a gun, caught a fish, seen a bear or done anything else outside of WASCARAH AK.

  3. laprofesora7:14 PM

    It looks like Santa's bringing me just what I want for Christmas...schadenfreude.

  4. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Pretty soon the only people left in her audience will be the bloggers watching so they can trash it on-line. She's really getting boring. How many times can anyone stand to see her proving what a fraud she is?

  5. Anonymous7:24 PM

    @anon 7:13 - I hope some people see her for the fraud/fake she is. She spent most of her spare time in her bedroom reading trashy novels and putting on her make-up. Her husband and children take cook and fend for themselves. She is not the cook in the family (think TacoBell), but she goes on and on about her moose chili and cookie baking also, too.

  6. http://twitter.com/RAMansour/status/17400664497848320

    Ram says second season no go.

    awwwwww, darnit :-)

  7. Anonymous7:28 PM

    She'd never make it through a second season. She'd quit. She only did 8 this time.

  8. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Ah, laprofesora, we each sent Santa the same list regarding Sarah, how wonderful!

  9. Anonymous7:32 PM

    She is intolerable.

    Anyone can make up these supposed conversations and whatnot, but like Gryph says, it sounds like someone like Sarah, who was a reality teevee and celebrity gossip hound (instead of say, governing the State) would think she is in such star power league.

    She is shrewd and has an uncanny knack for leveraging the hell out of her tiny, marketable qualities. Whoring herself and her children to boot(straps) has made her a millionaire.

  10. Anonymous7:36 PM

    If she signs on for a second season (ahahahahahahah, what the hell is wrong with TLC?), doesn't that mean she can't make her laughable run for president due to equal time rules?

  11. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Story: Alaskans can't relate to Palin's Alaska show (like the caribou hunt at $42,400 or the fishing & mountain climb at $12,250)


    Hollywood Life has now added a pic of Gino on the Bristol story:


  12. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Avita Perotinitis, that's who she's really like.

    Hope that d'il got signed before the
    ratings increase started...

    Jennifer Aniston is not hoity toity. Serror is not either.

    I could see how the grifter is worth about the same as Jenifer-if the accomplishments were about the same. Haven't seen too many blockbuster movies yet.
    Her accomplishments are somewhat similar to Jennifer's- in Sarra's imagination.

    You are paid what someone decides to pay you. Whether or not you are worth it is another thing entirely. Someone should be paying for the privilege of being on this commercial for ALASKA-ASIKILLIT.

    All her supporters need to call TLC
    executives ASAP. Before that money is wasted on someone else! Send them many emails also too. Twitter this schitt everywhere. Remember- leave out the punctuaion and ALL CAPSITAL LETTERS FOR EMFASIS. LETTEM kno who there d'illin with!!!!

    Because she can always quit for more money!

  13. Anonymous8:06 PM

    How can Palin sign on for a 2nd season in Alaska? She'll be in Arizona by then!!

  14. Anonymous8:28 PM

    I think we all need to write TLC and demand a second season!! Just think of all we will be missing! I'm really upset about this. I mean what a great series idea, following someone around while they do debates and go from town to town on the campaign trail. I can't believe we are going miss all this. Who would like to start an online petition??

  15. Anonymous8:39 PM

    ok. so i just watched that show for the first time. no lie. i held back because i knew it was gonna be terrible.

    and let me tell you, it was worse than i thought!!!

    kate gosselin brought me in, and i watched you tube videos of when she was on the show....


    i really, really despise sarah palin, but this was the only time, ever, ever, ever that i felt sorry for her and i thought she came off like a good, smart, adorable person.

    of course that ended the minute she opened her mouth.

    wow. i MUST own this show on dvd so i can drink jack on the rocks and pretend im in west virginia at a family reunion. i left west virginia for a reason...but this show just SLAPS me right back to it!!!


  16. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Sarah Palin's Alaska, is failing so hard right now. And in ratings also too.

    This is off the topic but kind of reminds me of the teleprompter fakery.

    Has anyone seen this- Sarah knows much more about foreign policy than I thought. (Or maybe someone else does) She wrote an editorial about the START arms talks. UHuh.
    Can I get a BS?


    The actual full editorial that appears under her name is here.


    CrooksandLiars thinks there was a ghost writer-I agree. Ghost thinker? She contributed this part-

    I fought the Obama administration’s plans to cut funds for missile defense in Alaska while I was Governor, and I will continue to speak out for missile defenses that will protect our people and our allies.

    She left out fighting Michelle Obama over school lunches and all the dirty flippin bloggers also too.

    How was it she was governor again and Barack Obama was the president? Someone LOST-and then QUIT!

    Was it RAM writing this foreign policy statement? Maybe Randy S.? GINO!!!! GINO AND BRISTOL???

  17. Anonymous9:05 PM

    8:06--"How can Palin sign on for a 2nd season in Alaska? She'll be in Arizona by then!!"

    Won't she be busy running for prez then??

  18. Anonymous9:06 PM

    The correct route for a serious presidential candidate would have been to finish the first term as governor, and sweep into a popular victory for a second term. With that kind of boost, the Republicans would have been really impressed with that kind of political clout.

    But Sarah chose to cash in, book, speeches and TV show. There are some very good reasons why Sarah actually completed 8 episodes for TLC, and is already talking about a 2nd term, I mean season. $250,000.X 8 episodes works out to $2 million dollars for a couple of weeks of pretty easy work. That's a much bigger incentive to work hard than that old governor's job. Running for President would be a full time job for two years, with no slip ups, no flubs and no stupid statements to follow Sarah around the internet. And, her kids would be under the microscope for two years. Which one will Sarah choose? She will keep toying with that run for president to remain important at Fox and to make endorsements. But, that unreal unreality show is not a qualification to run for president.

  19. Anonymous9:14 PM

    8:39 PM

    I was thinking about that place where Missouri, Oklahoma and Arkansas meet.

    Things were not so good- and that was before oxy showed up!

  20. Anonymous9:16 PM

    As I mentioned before, my conservative evangelical Christian friend in Mississippi saw the show for the first time this past Sunday. Thought Sarah was a fool and will never watch again.

  21. Anonymous9:22 PM

    What a waste of a human being.

  22. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Normally, politicians don’t take swings at First Ladies, unless you have Hillary Clinton in the role and she doesn’t like baking cookies. But Sarah clearly has no respect for the presidential spouse’s role….oh, unless, Todd occupies it as First Dude. Is huntin’, shootin’, halibut bashin’ Palin intimidated by the Obama biceps? are Michelle’s more manned up than hers? You have to wonder.

    Sarah also has no respect for her daughters’ romantic interests, though after Bristol’s epically bad baby daddy choice — Levi Johnston — I can understand why she’s giving the evil eye to Willow’s paramour, Andy Almom.

    Sarah says she allowed Willow’s “little friend Andy” to come along on the family camping trip after he agreed to help out. Of course, that was long before he just found out he got the Palin diss on national TV last night. Bet he’ll be less romantic after being publicly humiliated by being called “little friend”.

    As usual, Fox News commentator Sarah — a member of the press herself — took a swing at the media. She’s thrilled to go rafting in the episode “to get away from the press.”

    “I’m happy to get the heck away from idiots and bloggers who do not like our family,” she rails. “We all make mistakes. I feel bad for [my kids'] mistakes because their mistakes play out on the front page of the The National Enquirer, which really sucks for them,” she grumbles.

    Well, Sarah, Bristol’s “mistake” was obviously going to play out in the press — c’mon, you were famously pro-abstinence as a VP candidate at the same time your 16-year-old was knocked up. Now, she’s a Dancing With The Stars star, and you appear on your own reality show, so, for your family, the media exposure will continue to suck, since you’ve put your family front and center in the press.

    Once again, Sarah made sure we knew she likes action that’s “challenging and physically exerting,” as she shouts “paddle” and “go baby go” while she rafts.


  23. Anonymous9:47 PM

    America ROCKS! We all have the freedom to make asses out of ourselves on reality shows!

    Sarah Palin's Arizona is gonna be a better cat fight than The Bachelor, Rock of Love and Charm School put together! I'm gonna stock up on popcorn!

  24. Anonymous9:55 PM

    i see tlc and sarah aren't coming out saying what the ratings were...too embarrasing..if they were high you wouldn't be able to turn around without hearing about it from them....hopefully they will continue to go down so that these clowns...hillbillies can crawl back under the rock they slithered away from...bristol doesn't look like either parent...todd should get a dna test...bristol better stop eating those moose burgers, moose steaks...she's starting to get as big as one......a moose that is....

  25. Anonymous10:02 PM

    SPA is just adding more fuel for Sarah's 2012 run/quit:


  26. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Sarah will find herself quite bitten in the ass when she wakes up and realizes that not everyone in the US watches FOX or CNN for their news.

    Where you gonna go for coverage then, you vapid and empty whore?

  27. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Anyone who is in doubt about Ms Palin running for President had best grab the smelling salts. She is and it’s uncertain if the GOP can stop her without alienating her Tea Party evangelical base.

    While Ms Palin’s references to prayer may not seem odd in this country, if we take a look under the hood there are causes for alarm. Ms Palin is a Dominionist Christian, a sect whose goal is to transform America into a theocratic state resembling fascism in many ways. Ms Palin has made numerous references to her belief that the constitution is based upon the bible and that our laws are also based on the bible. She seems to still be laboring under this misinformation, perhaps because it is her belief and no fact will alter her belief. This should set that alarm bell a clankin’.

    Furthermore, while running for mayor of Wasilla, Ms Palin’s Dominionist leanings opened the door further to her fruitful relationship with the Alaskan Independence Party, a secessionist movement, which originated during her tenure on the City Council. The AIP worked on her behalf to get her elected.

    This was just the beginning of Ms Palin’s tight relationship with the AIP, whose sole purpose is for Alaska to secede from the union. The AIP also has ties with the theocratic US Constitution Party. The Constitution Party has adopted the ideas of a militant form of Christian Dominionism known as Dominion Theology. The Constitution Party platform reads, “It is our goal to limit the federal government to its delegated, enumerated, Constitutional functions and to restore American jurisprudence to its original Biblical common-law foundations.”


  28. Anonymous12:16 AM

    I'm starting to wonder if she's just going to fizzle on her own, without the help of pajama clad bloggers, Andrew Sullivan and Katie Couric.

    I hope they renew the show, just so it either 1) prevents her from moving to AZ or 2) get cancelled before the complete season 2 run is done.

  29. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Who can stand that shrill voice. E-gads! America's not mad at themselves!

    Some may say Sarah is smart to strike while the iron is hot, but TV execs aren't stupid. Well, they may have been stupid enough to fall for the 250,000 per episode price tag, but if I remember correctly that contract was signed before the execs came to their senses and moved her to the low-end TLC from their treasured Discovery Channel.

    I kinda doubt they'll put up with much more. Imagine their mail bag! From those who wonder why TLC is wasting their time to the bat-shit crazy back-washed Palinbots! ::shudder::

    Ben Franklin said:
    Fish and visitors smell in three days.

    Add Sarah's name to that.


  30. AKRNC2:01 AM

    According to $arah's BFF, RAMansour, Mark Burnett and Sarah had Kate Gosselin on her show because they were being good sports, wanted to do it for the "TLC community". The friggin' nonsense they spin about this phony bitch is never-ending! Burnett knew it would be a ratings winner and that's why $arah agreed to it, it certainly had nothing to do with TLC when it comes to $arah's reasoning. She doesn't give a damn what channel she's on as long as they are paying her the $$$$!

    I love the fact that the series dropped so many viewers the following week. Yes, the show sucked even more than usual but it also proves it was Gosselin who brought in the viewers, not $arah.

  31. Anonymous2:48 AM

    I still can't believe her daughters names all saw a spike in popularity since 08. Piper is a cute name and was kind of expected to become more popular. Willow is a granola name and also used for witches lol and there are accounts online where people have named their child after Bristol Palin, including babies born in 2008. Weird.

  32. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Nothing popeater reports is factual. We need to ignore this hollywood gossip shit. The Bristol stories about her future deals were so farfetched that your readers of course believed them.

    When in doubt, think simply. It's always the simplest solution with the Palins/ The tabloids love to create conflict. In film,it assumed that 2 female costars are always fighting and a female/male duo are fucking (I think Susan SArandon said that years ago)

    Of course the rags are gonna continue to bullshit some mother/daughter fighting between Bristol and Sarah. While I don't think they don't fight (pretty much all mothers and daughters do) these stories are hilariously dramatized. Bristol truly wants her mother to run for Pres. Bristol has voice intense dislike for the President (her and APril had a fb convo about failed pres policy - it's true)

    There is not intense feuding going on. I don't know how true the Gino story is, but he and Bristol had no facebook convos prior to yesterday (he only 'liked' bristol palin) His new york trip was primarily for hunting upstate but he did go to NYC (pic of he and his friends in limo)

    Bristol was with her family for Thanksgiving. Not in Wasilla so I assume AZ. Her gprents were there as well. Willow hasn't dated anyone else but Andy in awhile

  33. Anonymous2:57 AM

    There's no 2nd season. This season brought Sarah 2 mil per episode. a second season would mess up plans for the future.

  34. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Are you all racist? why does everyone bring up the racial/ethnic identity of everyone the Palins are rumored to be associated with? Get over it. Alaska's a melting pot: mexican, swedish, italian, native, all there. Close Palin family friends are non-white.

  35. Anonymous3:25 AM

    America is great and I have every faith in the American people to see right through the bullshit factory that Paylin's set up in HER alaska, the one that lurks in her vapid head.

  36. Anonymous3:27 AM

    Whoever believes Sarah or Bristol would pay some guy to marry Bristol is seriously deranged. Similarly, whoever thought Sarah bribed Levi this summer is mentally retarded. I don't think Sarah is a briber, since it's quite easy to throw it back in the person's face later. My parents would bribe me when I was like 10. and I mocked them in the future.

  37. Anonymous3:36 AM

    ok so that article about Alaskans not actually doing the activities in SPA is rubbish. Of course people don't do those activities every week. What dumbass would think that? But it's insane to think no Alaskan's ever rock climbed or fished extensively...

    The show has never been about showcasing everyday activities that Alaskans do. It's CALLED SARAH PALINS ALASKA. It's her chance to show the world the majesty of the land and enjoyment in the activities, some of which she grew up doing. When something's new to her, she doesn't deny it. Why must people read too much into things.

    And if you've lived in Alaska and never freaking had even one of these adventures, I feel SOOO sorry for you that your life is hella boring

  38. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Anon @9:05

    This part cracks me up about Sarah's ghost-written START screed:

    I fought the Obama administration’s plans to cut funds for missile defense in Alaska while I was Governor,

    I call BS on her and say PROVE IT. The only thing Sarah was fighting the last few months of her puppet job as Gov was her own desire to leave sooner than she did. Needless, to say her ghost needs to tailor her written nonsense more to Sarah's ability. Something like:

    Yes, we need common sense missile defense to progress America to all the world in case of health care and jobs to watch Putin rear his head over Alaska. All of them, the people of Iran with our Godly doors cracking open to patriotic exceptionalism that love their freedom.<--Now THAT I would believe came from Sarah's swiss cheese brain. LOL

    Her show shames Alaska. Although I know personally not all Alaskans are as ignorant as her it has surely put a damper on ever visiting again. It floors me that more people in AK don't speak out to restore Alaska's image. Plus it's NOT Sarah Palin's Alaska, it's America's Alaska. Even the beautiful scenery can't overcome her ugliness---and you don't see much of the scenery between her squawking.

  39. Anonymous3:58 AM

    @ Anonymous 9:05 PM

    I don't believe anything about Palin's policy knowhow until she has the guts to actually debate it in person .

  40. Anonymous3:59 AM

    o/t but if you go to gretawire, you'll see a pic of GWBush at a signing with Billy Graham and Jason Recher is behind him

  41. Anonymous4:18 AM

    2.5 million actually watched that crap show last week.

    WTF is wrong with these people?

    Were they dropped on their heads when they were small children? Did they sniff too much glue as teenagers? Do they drink antifreeze?

    There are some seriously fucked up people walking the streets.

  42. Anonymous4:25 AM

    We all know how well book #2 is doing... the price has dropped 2 days in a row now and is still falling in sales. Even the 'bots have maxed-out on their allotments. So it seems like the same would happen with a TV show. With advice like ..."I give my kid's freedom and they will make mistakes" how could they expect anyone to take the show seriously? Yap, yap, yap enough with the excuses, already. Theirs is a family of master scammers. Their words mean nothing because they just say whatever they feel serves them best at the moment .... portraying and connecting to reality has nothing to do with their verbiage.

  43. Anonymous5:03 AM

    The other thing bad about these numbers is that all the other Sunday shows were on rerun and her ratings still plunged.

  44. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Here are some descriptions of the last three episodes (not in chronological order) for SPAK. Notice that for some reason Chapters 3 and 6 were combined into one episode for last Sunday's show. Next week's show should include Chapter 4 which will make that episode seven.

    What's strange is TLC has recently added:
    Chapter 9) TBD

    It looks like TLC has had to make some major adjustments to their original edits. Why?
    It's B-O-R-I-N-G?? It's losing ratings each week???

    Chapter 3) Sarah is packing the RV and taking her family on a weekend road trip of white water rafting, and ATV'ing. Later, Sarah and her youngest daughter, Piper, will meet some Iditarod champions and go dog sledding on a nearby glacier.

    Chapter 4) Sarah along with her husband, Todd, and daughter, Willow, go to a remote logging camp on Alaska's Afognak Island to get a taste of the Alaskan logging industry. Sarah cuts down Sitka Spruce trees and operates dangerous logging equipment on the island.

    Chapter 6) Sarah, her brother, Chuck, and their kids go to Nome hunting for gold. The plan: to find enough to make Sarah's mom an anniversary gift. Chuck leads the way panning for gold then to Valdez; kayaking a glacier that was once part of the 1890's Gold Route.


  45. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Laying the groundwork? I just saw on local NY Fox News an interview with someone from HollywoodLife saying "Bristol Palin Wants a New Baby in 2011." That was also the crawl going across the bottom while the interview was taking place. Well, Bristol must have been a very good girl this year, because it looks as though she is going to get exactly that. In early 2011, as a matter of fact. Santa delivers! I guess the Palins are just starting the spin on this.

  46. Anonymous5:56 AM

    "Whoever believes Sarah or Bristol would pay some guy to marry Bristol is seriously deranged. Similarly, whoever thought Sarah bribed Levi this summer is mentally retarded."

    Sarah...who are you kidding? We KNOW Levi got paid. Do you want to know how much we know? We can easily say, because you can't sue us for telling the truth.

  47. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Maybe it'll be "Sarah Palin's Arizona", instead.

  48. Punkinbugg7:37 AM

    Anon @ 2:48am: "I still can't believe her daughters names all saw a spike in popularity since 08." (People now naming their kids Piper, Willow etc.)

    Recently on FB, I saw that someone had actually named their newborn daughter "Palin".

    I just. I can't. Please, please make it stop.

  49. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I looked up ratings for the Kardashians and Little People big world. Little people was on for 6 seasons and renewed with viewership below 2 million.The Kardashians ratings I saw ranged between 2.2. to around 3 million.

    I don't care if the Palins are renewed for many seasons. It increases the likelihood Sarah and the family is not presidential nor white house family canidates.

    IMO, should the Palins go for another season the majority of people will chalk her off she made her choice removing all doubt fame, money, celebrity and tabloids are her priority. She won't be taken seriously by more people. A trip to Haiti, stop for pics with Thatcher won't erase the memories of tabloids, DWTS, SPA from peoples minds.

  50. Anonymous8:59 AM

    I love that picture of Scarah! Maybe her face will freeze like that after all her "improvements"!

  51. I made the mistake of recording two episode of Cake Boss, a show I normally don't watch, because I'm at my parents' house and had nothing to watch.

    Big mistake.

    There were endless commercials for Sarah Palin sells herself using Alaska. This episode is Sarah Palin is really a lumberjack and is clear cutting the entire state by herself. The quote that particularly gave me acid reflux was her telling her children to open themselves up to possibilities, get out of their comfort zone and try new things.

    Uh, what? Can anyone scream HYPOCRITE! loud enough to be heard in Wasilla? Would it matter?

    Does anyone still believe this stuff?

  52. Interesting interview with Kathy Griffin where she describes watching only the first installment of SPA. She spent the hour projective vomiting. She also said:

    But I do enjoy watching Sarah Palin's interviews because they have so much thinly-veiled contempt. She's so easy to see through, which makes her such a great target for my act. She acts like she's not ever heard of anyone who has ever criticized her in any way. Aaron Sorkin, who obviously has a history but is obviously a pretty brilliant guy, made a disparaging remark about her and then she spent a very long time in an interview acting like she didn't know who Aaron Sorkin was and then saying, "Golly gosh, is it Alan? What's his name again?" And I'm thinking, I don't think that makes you look great that you've never heard of Aaron Sorkin or pretended to never have heard of him.

  53. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Zap2it named SPA one of the worst reality shows
    of the year. They said it was BORING!

    Sorry, Hotty Totty...

    Keep grabbin' that dough, your 15 minutes are up.

  54. Anonymous7:54 PM

    "Punkinbugg said...
    Anon @ 2:48am: "I still can't believe her daughters names all saw a spike in popularity since 08." (People now naming their kids Piper, Willow etc.)

    Recently on FB, I saw that someone had actually named their newborn daughter "Palin".

    I just. I can't. Please, please make it stop.

    7:37 AM"

    I've heard of people naming their dogs Palin.


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