Friday, December 03, 2010

Jon Stewart takes on the Twitter Quitter. Uh oh, I think I hear another scathing Facebook post being typed by "Bristol." What a canard!

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
America's Tweetheart
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorThe Daily Show on Facebook


  1. Anonymous5:57 AM

    The laughs made at her expense, the more laughable she becomes to those who are not familiar with her.

    It may not wind up being the hard facts, the evidence that brings her down. It may be her own behavior and comments that become the comedic grist that grinds her down to dust.

  2. Anonymous5:57 AM

    I'm Twitter-free and Facebook-free, so maybe I have a built-in prejudice against them. Or maybe it's okay for someone under 40 (and that's pushing it!) to use those methods of communication. But for a woman who wants to be taken seriously as a THINKER (!) or a LEADER (!!) to exclusively use those....gimme' a break!
    The problem is that we're getting stupider as a nation, and Sarah Palin could care less. Au contraire! If she can keep her followers numb and dumb, they'll go off a cliff for her, which may be exactly what's going to happen.

  3. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Sarah doesn't get that she cannot live on twits alone - even with a side dish of FaceBook and an occasional dessert offering at a book store.

    Granny Grump is being out fund-raised by Michelle Bachmann, being aged by younger and prettier and less shrill Tea Party/Republican women such as Nicki Haley and Christine O'Donnell. Heck, even Michelle and Christine are surpassing her in the crazy department (though not by much).

    Poor Granny Grump. All she has to do now is tidy-up after herself, leave the national stage, and look for a good financial adviser to help stretch her money until she and Todd can qualify for Social Security and Medicare. With their trailer trash and compound mentality, though, the money she's earned isn't likely to last.

    Poor Granny Grump. Time to move to that property in Arizona and learn to get her tans in the real sun and age as gracefully as her plastic surgery will allow.

    Poor Granny Grump. Soon, there may voices asking "Palin who? Wasn't she that old lady was always whining about things she didn't understand?" Poor Granny Grump.

  4. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Brilliant, as usual. "The stuck up girl who hates you" as the "confusion-ous" a nutshell--and I mean a nut shell--our SP.

  5. Anonymous6:15 AM

    I wish that someone would come up with a twitter feed that is allegedly from the quitter person and is a series of tweets to important world leaders about political issues -- in quitterland.

    Something like "Putin ovr ltr for moosestew"

    Or "Carla n me going rogue at Saks 5th ave" (Carla Bruni, Sarkoszy's wife).

    You know -- stuff like that!

    I don't do that newfangled tech stuff like facebook and tweets, but some of you do, come on, do it!!!!!

    Pile on the humiliation! It could be opened up to others, like the youmightbeapalin feed was, they could add their own brilliance!

    Please please please someone!


  6. Anonymous6:18 AM

    GAWD!! i so love to watch people make fun of her. and it's so easy!
    she is hilarious!

    bill in belize

  7. Anonymous6:34 AM

    I think Jon Stewart is actually scorning the "main stream" media for letting Palin blat on twitter and reporting it as "news".

    One-way communication from "leader" to populace is also known as dictatorship.

    Palin is a sociopath that is exploiting a celebrity hungry media industry. The cowards that let this happen are treasonous.

  8. Not only was Stewart bang-on about Palin, but his piece on DADT was brilliant. He called out McCain on his BS reluctance to accepting the inevitable. And the use of the scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail was perfection.

    Can you believe these two fools could have been the president and vice-president of the United States?

  9. Anonymous7:03 AM

    And can't you keep the lovefest going by re-posting that great punk by the Montreal radio guys where they had her thinking she was talking to Sarkoszy?



  10. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Sarah Palin Blindsided By Mainstream Press & Mitt Romney's Jab

  11. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Sarah has yet to recognize that she leads the pack of the lamestream media.

    Doesn't that make her the lamest of all?


  12. loveandknishesfrombrooklyn7:15 AM

    Illogical Progression:

    2008-2009: Sarah screeches negative remarks about the Lamestream Media, and her clueless herd bleats their approval.

    2010: That very same Lamestream Media screeches out every Tweet, Twit and Tw*t from dear Sarah, and her clueless herd bleats their approval.


  13. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Yeah, Elizabeth, how's that view from under the bus...must be pretty crowded under there by now and you're just the latest...but I'm sure not the last.

    Hasselbeck 'Feels Used' By Palin

    Well, it turns out those "stories" didn't last very long, because after the election was over, Sarah no longer needed the 'View' star's support, so she simply moved on.

    "Elizabeth feels used by the former governor," an insider with knowledge of the situation tells me. "She stood up and did everything she could to help get Sarah into the White House, expecting to have made a friend for life. Elizabeth isn't fake. You might not like her politics, but she is a very genuine person. If she likes someone, she will do whatever she can to help them."

    That genuine desire to help her friend inspired Elizabeth to take a break from her home and family and hit the campaign trail, something she didn't mind one bit.

    "What she does mind is the fact that now this friend no longer needs her, she doesn't even return her calls!" my source says.

  14. Anonymous7:16 AM

    6:15, You forget your audience... we already know who "Carla" is, the "world leader" clue was all we needed.

    But the Palin bots thank you.


  15. Anonymous7:18 AM

    TXSMR@6:15, You should have RAM's job; you really understand the Palin voice!

    Good job!


  16. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Palin takes cheap shots at the POTUS's handling of really difficult issues such as the economy and the oil spill, yet she falls apart when a lone reporter asks if she has made up her mind as to whether she's going to merely run for POTUS.

    Good grief. Come on you bots! Seriously, are you STILL on the tweetwagon?

  17. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Insider Says Hasselbeck 'Feels Used' By Palin

    "Back in 2008, when the 'The View's' resident conservative Elisabeth Hasselbeck introduced then-VP nominee Sarah Palin at Florida political rallies, the daytime host thought it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. But alas, two years later, poor Elisabeth is left feeling used and confused now that the 'Sarah Palin's Alaska' star no longer returns her calls."

  18. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Sarah Palin knows the secret to her success is to continue to pander to the lower middle class poorly educated white folks who have been conditioned in their fundie churches to believe knowledge is elitist and unChristian. That she is not a thinker or knower of important world facts is attractive to them because they blame educated people for the fact they barely make ends meet every month. Class warfare in this country is not coming from rich v. poor, it's educated v. uneducated. Palin and her followers have no respect for learning and knowledge.

  19. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Oh, Elizabeth, welcome to the underside of the bus!

  20. Insider Says Hasselbeck 'Feels Used' By Palin

  21. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Snoop Dog?? How about "Snoop Moose"


  22. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Boy does Elizabeth from the View looks stupid. How does it feel to be thrown under the bus?

  23. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Information is power. It is the only power Sarah has, to control her message by presenting it completely one-sided, her own way via FB and Twitter.

    With no opportunity to counter her posts, she controls the message and the LSM and the blogs spins itself in circles debating it while she sits back and laughs.

    Wag the Dog Sarah. You bellicose, pusillanimous bitch.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.