Friday, December 03, 2010

Joe Miller might have more pressing concerns than determining just how many votes he lost to Lisa Murkowski by.

From the Alaska Dispatch:

The Fairbanks North Star Borough, where Miller spent seven years working as a part-time government attorney, had put the tea party-backed candidate on notice that it was reviewing whether Miller should face criminal charges over e-mails that went missing from his borough account in August 2009. The borough's questioning of Miller over the missing e-mails was confirmed to Alaska Dispatch this week, and the criminal investigation remains a possibility still today.

"I don't want to overreact, but I do feel like I need to get to the bottom of it," borough attorney and Miller's former supervisor, Rene Broker, said Thursday from her office in Fairbanks.

At issue are some 15,000 e-mails that vanished from Miller's borough e-mail account, a find Broker made in the days following Miller's abrupt resignation from the borough in August 2009. More than a year later, Broker is still waiting to hear from Miller about how the e-mails managed to get deleted.

Although questions surrounding the missing e-mails have lingered for more than a year, it's only been recently that the borough has directly confronted Miller over what took place.

Lately the tenacious Miller has been battling to keep Murkowski from being confirmed as the winner of the recent election, but if he is not careful he might find that he does not enough money in his coffers to battle this potentially far more damaging criminal case concerning those missing e-mails.

Sucks to be the "Vaguely Bearded One" these days doesn't it?

Hell even Sarah Palin pretends he doesn't exist. "Joe who?"


  1. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Hobo Joe Miller's antics remind me of another AK politician. Van Flein must wake up every morning and thank his lucky stars for $P and now Joe Miller.

  2. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Hope the borough doesn't forget to hire a computer forensics rxpert to look for the kiddy porn that Joe was so worried about.


  3. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Besides a criminal investigation, he should definitely be up before the Alaska Bar on charges. To me, his actions would appear to support disbarrment.

  4. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Has anyone asked palin if she knew what Joe had done before she endorsed him?

    Isn't that an important question?

    Either she knew and her ethical moral compass is way of, or miller lied to her or failed to mention the fact.
    Either way, they both stink!

    Another good article about palin by John Dean

  5. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Joe.. ask Sarah for cash from her Trust (slush) Fund.

    IRS still needs to bust him for rent payment scam he was using to dodge income tax.

  6. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Did Joe put the office drapes on Ebay?

    Is he using Craig's List to sell his mint condition never used Senate office name plaque?


  7. Anonymous8:51 AM

    It is about time. If I pulled that at my job I would be fired and prosecuted. Seems to me that he should be held to the same standard .

    Friggin loser.

  8. Inquiring minds want to know: why was this investigation on ice for more than a year after the e-mails mysteriously disappeared? Was it because (a)there's a lot of ice in Alaska, or (b) someone with political clout kept it in his (her?) refrigerator until now?

    As a former (not disbarred) lawyer, I agree with Anon@ 8:20 that the evidence of Miller's dishonest and possibly criminal conduct warrants investigation by the Alaska Bar Association. The acts he has already admitted, together with his attempts to conceal his admissions from the public as a candidate for high political office, should be enough for disbarment.

  9. Anonymous9:20 AM

    @anon 8:21, who said, "Either she knew and her ethical moral compass is way of, or miller lied to her or failed to mention the fact."

    Spoiler alert.... she has no ethical moral compass.

    Mystery solved.

  10. teutonic1310:14 AM

    So in Summary:

    Miller questions the IT dept. about the exact details regarding computer documents.

    Miller deletes all his emails.

    Miller states if any child porn is found on his computer it's a set up?

    Wow. That's pretty intricate and twisted and severely stupid if it went down like that.

  11. Enjay in E MT10:18 AM

    Oh, say it isn't so Joe!

    A lawyer, working for any government or government agency, (city/county/burough/state/fed)who alters or destroys computer records to prevent detection of inappriate access - then lies to co-workers & superiors - THEN resigns to keep from being hired.... makes you wonder why the Bar Assoc. wasn't notified when it happened.......

  12. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Isn't there a way even deleted emails can be retrieved? It seems to be happening a lot in law enforcement cases.

  13. GrainneKathleen10:52 AM

    lol @9:20am! explains a lot!
    you guys really produce some doozie politicians in alaska - not blaming alaskans, but living in a forested, rural state myself, i can say there is a lot that people get away with in such an environment.

    hey gryph, far be it from me to be the spelling police, but i figured you'd want to know that there are three l's in "miller" in the title.

  14. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Can somebody tell me what Palin seen in Joe Miller? He looks more like a drunk in need of a bottle than a senator.

    Now he looks like a crooked drunk in need of a screw top wine bottle in a bag.

    Sarah sure can pick some loosers. First Todd and now Joe. I betcha Joe is related to Sarah. Remember she picked a lady as Alaska's teacher of the year and nobody knew she was related to Sarah. That's how crooked Sarah is.

  15. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Somebody tell the borough to check yahoo email for Joe Miller's borough emails. Yahoo email seems to be the place most Alaskan government idiots who have something to hide uses.

  16. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Just back from Alaska Dispatch.
    Go buy more popcorn, this is just getting started.

    Reudrich-says there's nothing to see- it's a "political smear by a Democratic administration ...".
    Could it be that he has other motives in hoping this goes away?

    Well one thing seems to no longer be a worry for FNSB:

    "Van Flein, who has also been Sarah Palin's lawyer, raised the stakes even further. "It is rather transparent that the Borough has no legitimate concern over these e-mails, and the fact that it has waited 14 months to now mention it, contemporaneously with an election, ties the threatening letter temporally with this election," he said. "What was your purpose -- to falsely threaten Mr. Miller with criminal prosecution to intimidate him so he would stand down his campaign? I can tell you that is how the letter reads."

    As Joe Miller has LOST THE ELECTION
    whether he admits it or not, this should no longer be an effective bar to getting to the bottom of this.

    This little gem also is in the article at AK Dispatch:- has it been applied elsewhere???

    "Threatening to accuse someone of a crime and to hurt their reputation is a crime under federal law, Van Flein said. And he noted that under state law, spreading false information about a candidate is considered campaign misconduct and a misdemeanor."

    Based on the Alaska Dispatch story this did keep the current investigation secret from the voters- who might have wanted to know about it.

    It must have been a special time for those on the FNSB side of things as Joe made all sorts of efforts to put an image and facts out there- which the FNSB and his former coworkers were really not in agreement with.

    Burn your bridges, step on toes, deny, question motives, send ominous sounding legal letters to former employer; and when this stops working it will be a bad thing.

    Has it stopped working?

  17. Anonymous11:32 AM

    O/T Another interesting review of Simple Sarah's tripe:

  18. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Palin at Kroger's in Cincinnati.

    Seem's Palin may have found a few she should adopt!! Check out at :52 and 1:23 - They'd fit right in with the girls!!! Maybe Bristol is attempting to travel in disguise at :52!!! LOL

    Again 500 wristbands being issued. With one signing scheduled tonight in SC, that's approximately 8,000 wristbands issued but not all necessarily used - 15 signings - AZ, OK, NE, IA, KS, TX (Dallas & Houston same day), LA (New Orleans & Baton Rouge same day), AR, TN, KY, IA, IN, OH and tonight SC.

    That sure doesn't cover expenses. The PAC should be showing some expenditures next filing. No bus this time so not the 'Bus Wraps', but who knows what else as Palin won't spend her own dime.

  19. Anonymous11:43 AM

    O/T Kathleen Kennedy Townsend responds to you know who... this worth the read!

  20. Anonymous11:47 AM

    10:14- the order is not correct, and some other important things have been left out. The chain of events also extends over roughly 18 months. Twisted? No argument on that.

    The deletions and missing hard copies discussed in this story are related to the end of his employment. The inquiries about how the system worked happened shortly before the inappropriate use of fellow employees computers, and his resulting suspension.

    The thing that makes his email and
    whatever other files that might be suspected to be missing different is that he was an attorney representing the FNSB. In litigation, these records and work may have to be submitted or produced in court proceedings.

    Will current FNSB employees be able to state that all requested documents have been produced after what Joe has done? How can they know?

  21. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Palin went into damage control in Ohio and major rehearsal. Spoke to a reporter but you can be sure it was a pre-arranged question - being it was the same as last night's that she blew - Plans on running.

    Just before she sat down to the task, Palin spoke with Local 12's Larry Davis about her plans for the 2012 Presidential race. She said, "I know that in the next few months, a lot of folks will start making up their minds about whether to run or not and that's how I'll kind of get a lay of the land to see what others are gonna do too. I want a supportive person if there are really good candidates in their willing to make the tough decisions, get the economy back on the right track, and really strengthen national security. And if there are good candidates out there willing to do that, whom I can put my faith in, I'll stand behind them and support them. Otherwise, I'd be willing to put myself forward in any public service."

    Yea - like she is the decider for the GOP on who is acceptible to run!!

  22. Anonymous12:45 PM

    9:16 A.M.

    The disbarment attempt is already in the works according to some reputable sources. The additional disclosures that may come from this situation may add weight to the attempt.

    Why the delay?
    One possible explanation-

    September 1, 2009 Joe resigns his FNSB position effective immediately. (note there was a previous resignation submitted on August 28 2009).

    August 31,2009 FNSB removes Joe's access privileges to the network.

    August 31,2009 FNSB I.T. tech reports to Joe's supervisor on the records present in the system.

    September 9,2009 Supervisor realizes that there are some things missing that were expected to be there.

    What to do, how to proceed- the seriousness of the situation was realized by FNSB on August 9, 2009.

    Link to the emails which are the source for the above

    Many thousands of emails were recovered, and there apparently were some discussions with Joe Miller about this-if he was uncooperative they had a problem with what to do about it. Then the next problem for FNSB happens.

    Joe Miller declares his intention to run for U.S. Senate ( Feb 2010 IIRC for the public announcement) which according to the theory presented to FNSB by Miller's Attorney Van Flein brings it all to a halt.

    If they suspected that Joe Miller would deny and obstruct any proceedings concerning the document and email issues, they were certain that it would be impossible to bring it to a conclusion before the election. Hence, depending on the statutes of limitation and the other concerns, why go forward.

    But there are other possible explanations concerning application of influence and so forth. Perhaps someone spoke for Joe.

  23. Anon 11:50 - "And if there are good candidates out there willing to do that, whom I can put my faith in, I'll stand behind them and support them."- Sarah Palin answering reporter

    Nothing new. No follow-up. Why didn't the reporter ask her to name a name? Who would she support? Why should the public trust her when she lies constantly?

    News crew gets a sound byte. Sarah says nothing and gets media coverage and more publicity.

  24. Anonymous1:01 PM


    She sounds pretty damn strategic and influential. "Lay of the land".
    Does she know to look upslope to see what's heading right for her?

    Anything you need to disclose? Militia Joe might have some advice for you on what happens when the winning streak starts to peter out.
    Know when to fold 'em?

    Keeping track of what's going on with election 2012 since she is now the self appointed decider might be a lot of work for someone.
    She'll have to be busy watching the teevee and the facebooks, Youtubes and maybe reading?

    COURIC: And when it comes to establishing your world view, I was curious, what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read before you were tapped for this — to stay informed and to understand the world?

    PALIN: I’ve read most of them again with a great appreciation for the press, for the media —

    COURIC: But what ones specifically? I’m curious.

    PALIN: Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years.

    COURIC: Can you name any of them?

    PALIN: I have a vast variety of sources where we get our news.

    She'll be busy, busy in the next few months. Assign the homeschoolers the political reading- have em rite a riport to reed when u kan? U betcha.

  25. Anonymous1:17 PM

    The only reading material I remember that has been in front of her was something from the John Birch Society.

    I could be wrong though.

    The continued use of the palm prompter and a reluctance to answer questions from actual reporters makes me think I might be right.

  26. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Anonymous @ 11:43 AM Thanks for the link to the article by Kathleen Kennedy Townsend. It's great, as are most of the comments.

  27. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Anon at 11:43- Thank you for posting that link. That is really well written. It is a shame on this country and those who founded and fought for it that she has a need to write on this topic.

    Gryphen check that link if you haven't already.

    She has written a book Failing America's Faithful: How Today's Churches Are Mixing God with Politics and Losing Their Way.

  28. Anonymous4:59 PM

    What about that medical fraud that should be investigated? Joe Miller took me medical before he was against it. Now where have I heard that before? How about those farm subsidies? Does he also owe back school pay to Yale, if he didn't complete his service?

  29. Anonymous10:25 PM

    More good reporting by Alaska Dispatch. How many other record requests are working through the system?

    The Alaska Dispatch story refers to the Fairbanks North Star Borough (FNSB) receiving a number of requests for information about former employee Joseph Miller.

    Alaska Dispatch reports:

    "It was in one such request, dated Sept. 16, that the borough became aware that knowingly suppressing or concealing a public record is a crime under Alaska law. A Washington, D.C.-based political strategy and research firm called New Partners -- which boasts a long list of operatives who have helped successful Democratic bids for office, including Barack Obama's presidential campaign -- had included a reference to the criminal statues in a letter requesting access to Miller-related records."

    The website for New Partners Consulting may be viewed HERE.

    Whether New Partner's involvement in requesting information about Joe Miller's employment with FNSB was communicated to the Miller campaign in some way is one question. Such requests appear to have been a subject of discussion between FNSB and the Miller campaign and it's representatives.

    If there was information about Miller's employment that Miller did not want to be disclosed, this request might have been worrisome. Knowing that New Partners Consulting was employed by the McAdams Campaign at the time the request was submitted by New Partners to FNSB might also have been disturbing.

    The Scott McAdams For United States Senate campaign filing made for the period ending October 15,2010 shows a payment of $6666.67 on September 16, 2010 to New Partners Consulting for "Campaign Strategy Research Services" . LINK(see pg 435)

    Alaska Dispatch also reports:

    "Three weeks later the borough sent a letter to Miller stating that it "recently discovered that the destruction of public records is a criminal act." In the Oct. 7 letter, borough attorney Jill Dolan asked that Miller preserve any public records he may have -- e-mails or other documents -- relating to borough business..."

    Searching Alaska destruction of public records turns up a link to City and Borough of Sitka Clerk. Click through to find the 19 page Sitka Records Information and Management Handbook. Someone from Sitka might know how it's supposed to be done.

    FNSB did not have such and easily found policy manual as did Sitka.
    Such policies and procedures are required by State law.

  30. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Here is one Alaska statute. It is one of the Offenses Against Public Administration
    AS 11.56.820. Tampering With Public Records in the Second Degree.

    "(a) A person commits the crime of tampering with public records in the second degree if the person

    (1) knowingly makes a false entry in or falsely alters a public record;

    (2) knowingly destroys, mutilates, suppresses, conceals, removes, or otherwise impairs the verity, legibility, or availability of a public record, knowing that the person lacks the authority to do so; or

    (3) certifies a public record setting out a claim against a government agency, or the property of a government agency, with reckless disregard of whether the claim is lawful, or that payment of the claim is not authorized in the budget of the government agency.

    (b) In this section

    (1) "certifies" means attesting to the existence, truth, or accuracy of facts, or that one holds an opinion, stated in a public record; the term includes the responsibilities for state officials set out in AS 37.10.030;

    (2) "falsely alters" has the meaning ascribed to it in AS 11.46.580 ; and

    (3) "makes a false entry" means to change or create a public record, whether complete or incomplete, by means of erasure, obliteration, deletion, insertion of new matter, transposition of matter, or by any other means, so that the record so changed or created states or implies a fact that the maker knows is not true, or states or implies an opinion that the maker does not hold.

    (c) Tampering with public records in the second degree is a class A misdemeanor.

    Another question: Did New Partners helpfully point out that the supression of the requested records might constitute a criminal offense ? Or did New Partners have information that there was yet another email issue in Alaska, and that the reported destruction was the possible crime?

  31. Anonymous5:09 AM

    I won a U.S. Senate Republican Primary and all I got was disbarred.

    We can only hope.

  32. Anonymous5:16 AM

    John Dean and G. Gordon Liddy stood by their President when it counted. Even when the deck stacked against them and he was going to have to resign anyway. They took the hits and served their time. G. Gordon took the opportunity to become a righteous conservative shock jock radio host (I'll still take him over Ted Nugent anyday.)

    These men seem more principled (and humbled) than Oliver North from the Iran Contra Scandal of which Reagan got a pass.

    Dean's commentary was spot on. Evil recognizes their own. The knives are coming out.

  33. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Joey sure fought the good fight, in an attempt to get on the big, bad, socialist government dole. Wonder where he learned that?


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