Thursday, December 30, 2010

Lisa Murkowski certified the winner of Alaska's Senate race. Gee and it only took 56 days!

From Huffington Post:

Sen. Lisa Murkowski was officially named the winner of Alaska's U.S. Senate race Thursday, following a period of legal fights and limbo that lasted longer than the write-in campaign she waged to keep her job.

Gov. Sean Parnell and Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell, who oversees elections, signed the paperwork certifying her win in the hotly contested race.

"It's done," Treadwell said after penning his last signature in front of cameras in Parnell's office.

Well thank goodness THAT is finally over!

Now Sarah Palin's butt-boy can finally go out and pursue his hobby of walking through the woods and gathering up moose antlers full time. Won't that be fun?

I'm sorry what did the Miller camp say?

"Miller will address his plans moving forward, including whether he will pursue a federal appeal or state election contest," according to a statement from his campaign.

The press conference will be at 2 p.m. at 607 W, Northern Lights Blvd. in Anchorage.

His "plans moving forward" better be plans to move the hell out of our state, because we could not be MORE over his vaguely bearded ass.


  1. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Miller's first stops will be food stamps office,unemployment office, medicaid office and some more farm subsidies.

  2. Anonymous6:58 PM

    This guy is like the Zombie Candidate from Hell....

  3. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Alaska lucked out with one corrupt politician beating out a more corrupt politician. McAdams the only honest one goes home. How sad our political system has become. And Palin continues to soak the public

  4. It is so bizarre, so bizarre.

    I thought $Palin was the most un-self-aware politician but JoeMilLiar has her beat.

    He has his reputation completely shattered yet he wants to go on to bilk more money out of the Tea-Buggers for his "Defense Fund."

    MilLiar gets to keep paying himself out of the Defense Fund.

    Wot a Scam.

  5. Anonymous7:10 PM

    The commercial shots of his moose antler gatherings are the only proof of his constitutional fitness. He sure ain't a founding fathers/foremothers expert.

    Oh and Sarah, you are just embarrasing us modern day women by desiring to progress this stupid Mama Grizzly, founding foremothers meme.

    God's closed the door on both Miller & Sarah's sorry asses. Now do yourselves a favor and STFU while sitting down.

  6. I read yesterday that once a Senator is sworn in - 'the courts' no longer have any say in the matter.
    It would have to be 'Congress' that would have to invalidate a Congressperson's right to hold a seat.

    There was a case of a person in the House that was certified while a recount was still in progress - as soon as the person was sworn in the recount abruptly ended when a judge said that the state election officials and courts no longer had standing in the matter.

    Someone needs to tell Joe Miller that is REALLY is COMPLETELY over :)

  7. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Congratulations, Senator Murkowski! You earned your win and no one can say your daddy gave you your seat EVER again!

    (OMG! I can't believe I said that to a Republican!)

  8. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Seriously, who cares what Miller says anymore? He's more than proven that he's not relevant. Alaska dismissed him with prejudice. He's utterly pathetic just like his Sarah.

  9. erica from dallas7:33 PM

    Now Joe Miller can take back the furniture he bought for his office and apologize to Sarah for not supporting her so he can make some cash to pay his legal bills.
    And maybe Lisa can thank Miller for making her look so good!

  10. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Wouldn't it be great if no one showed up at Miller's stupid press conference. I mean does anyone really care what this asshole has to say?

  11. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Has Miller congratulated her yet, and acknowledged her win, and thanked her for a hard-fought campaign ?

    I'm not holding my breath that he's going to - just wondering.

  12. @7:21 pm

    Leah Texas4Obama said... "I read yesterday that once a Senator is sworn in - 'the courts' no longer have any say in the matter."

    You have it right, Leah. The election was certified and signed by the Alaska Gov today - it is on it's way to the US Senate now.

    Whatever Joe MilLiar wants to do now is meaningless to the citizens of Alaska because our elected Senator will be sworn in in January.

    Joe's primary purpose in keeping his joke in the news is to bilk the same people who give $P money.

    Sadly, I think they will continue to donate.

  13. That graceless, no'account, shiftless Joe Miller has not even conceded, graciously or not.

    I am disgusted.

    His parents did not instill any manners in him at all.

    No wonder the Army forced him to resign.

  14. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Here's a thought:

    Bristol may now be the landlord to Miller. He may be stuffing his kids into the AZ house. Bunkbeds for all!!!!

    Just don't hold your breath for rental payments Bristol!!!

  15. Anonymous8:19 PM

    What if the press boycotts Miller? That'd be hilarious... He called a press conference and the press stands up, looks at him and says, "Go! Forth! Move!" (or whatever dorkiness he said that one day.)

  16. Sarah can hire Miller to replace Van Flein.

  17. Anonymous8:48 PM

    I do believe that man has burned some bridges there in Alaska. Just like someone else we know.

  18. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Anon 7:25 it is chickenshit voters like you that cost McAdams the election. The Democrats in Alaska gave Murkowski the seat. The no balls democrats come through again.

  19. Ex Cat9:25 PM

    Hey snowprincess, how's that endorsey thingy werkin out fer ya? Just wonderin.

  20. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Whoa, Anon@9:24, you have no idea how 7:25 voted. Given the situation, perhaps the person is merely happy that it isn't Miller and felt like congratulating the only other option at the moment, Murkowski. Sheesh, go buy some St. John's Wort.

  21. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Hey Sarah, can you spell Mircowlskey?

    No "F's" or "P's"


  22. Anonymous5:10 AM

    I have two conflicting desires:
    that "the press" not show up for Miller's meeting and totally ignore him;


    that a reporter follows Miller around for the next month and write up what happens to an arrogant jerk when his grandiose plans fall through.

  23. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Remember to emphasize - Joe Miller, $carah Palin's handpicked candidate, was beat by a write in campaign, by a candidate with a hard to spell last name. The playing field could not have been slanted any more in his favor. AND HE STILL LOST.
    Joe Miller is the LOSINGEST OF LOSERS.
    Yeah $carah - I coined a word - but unlike YOU, Shakespeare and I did it intentionally, out of our love for language and wordplay, unlike you $carah, who did it out of your overabundance of stupidity.

  24. Anonymous6:49 AM

    How Joe Miller handled the news of his loss to Murkowski:

  25. teutonic137:23 AM

    A rare defense to Sarah Palin-

    Joe should be tying Sara's shoe laces...

    Joe Miller is SP Lite...

  26. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Leah Texas4Obama is correct. If Joe Miller wants to further appeal a major tactical error has been made in his filings.

    The precedent has been set.
    BUT- if Joe's hope and prayers lie in getting his case before the US Supreme Court- then all precedent can be ignored- in favor of some judicial activism.

  27. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Joe needs to get a hold of the party planner and cancel his coronation ball.

  28. Joe did learn something from Sarah: hold a press conference about future plans after the East Coast closes for business on a holiday eve (Palin quit her gov job on July 3).

    Sadly, no loons this time for comic relief.


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