Friday, December 31, 2010

My favorite political candidate of 2010.

There were a LOT of choices in the category of self destructive political candidates like Joe Miller, Sharron Angle, Alvin Greene, Ken Buck,  Rich Iott, to name but a few, but the most entertaining train wreck of them all, at least in my opinion, was Christine O'Donnell.

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O'Donnell was by far the candidate who seemed the most determined to fix everything that was wrong with her campaign and reputation, by getting in front of the camera and making it worse.  Not since Sarah Palin has there been least self aware person in the political arena. (And yes I do agree that Alvin Greene might be a candidate for that title, but I think he might actually have a mental health issue so I am going to give him a pass on this one.)

I do not think that ANYBODY except Christine O'Donnoll could have actually made a political commercial this hilariously bad.

Oh I am so going to miss her!

Perhaps somoebody should start a "Draft Christine O'Donnell for President in 2012" campaign website.  I mean if Sarah Palin can be convinced she has a shot at winning the Presidency, surely O'Donnell can be fooled just as easily.


  1. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Christine should have set up legal defense Sarah.

    Then she could use money any which way she wants.. like Sarah.

    Christine needs to learn from the master grifter.

  2. angela6:03 AM

    I want to laugh, but the stupid hurts.

  3. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

    This woman is insane, just like Scarah!!!

  4. i'm not going to miss her. it was depressing and distressing that she got as far as she did, as funny as her ads were. but how great it is that coon won and that she ended in a landslide. phew!
    i have to say that it was fun watching bill maher post old segments of his former show with bizarre assertions from christine. i wish he had snuck in a few more.

  5. And yet... there were people that still voted for her. It just makes me shake my head how people can vote for the crazy.

  6. We should all thank Bill Maher for giving us this gift. His videos of her foolishness in his old show were the coup de grace for O'Donnell.

    So, we have two comedians to thank for some very serious stuff: Jon Stewart, for raising awareness for the 911 First Responders and Maher, for exposing the nutjob that is O'Donnell.

    Once again, the MSM missed the boat completely.

  7. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Happy New Year, Gryph! Hope 2011 brings you many good things. And the best good thing would be for you to rid the world of the Palin tribe. Just sayin'.

  8. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Funny post!

    Maybe Sarah and Christine could run on the same we're-not-witches ticket.

  9. notice the background of the video appears to be smoke or steam from a large black cauldron bubbling just out of frame?

  10. Anonymous6:53 AM

    COD discovered the 'gravy train' a long time ago -- why get a job; when you can run for office, and run for office, and run for office...........

    Makes no matter if you don't get elected, just stay in the public eye, create a website with a big "DONATE" button at the top, and you'll never have to work again !!

    All I know is these 'palin-bots' and 'miller-bots' and 'COD-bots' et al , are soon going to run out of money to donate - the well is going to run dry sooner than later !

  11. Anonymous7:18 AM

    After reading these two posts in a row -- Snooki and Christine -- I realize what these politicians are. They're entertainers. Their only goal seems to keep themselves in the media, bad or good. Keep their "fans" entertained. Is it any wonder that we've come to this? We glorify these ordinary people on reality shows because they are willing to do or say whatever it takes to make people talk about them. Sarah, Sharron, Christine, are no different. They're not serious about being competent politicians, they're serious about being celebrity politicians. They couldn't care less about governing.

  12. FEDUP!!!7:19 AM

    I always had to look twice it was really someone else, not $arah Payme - Christine looks/acts like her younger doppelganger!

  13. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Riffing off of 6:35 a.m. - If $p & COD ran together,
    they would be "The Bitch & The Witch." If Snooki's crew combines with them, it can become "The Bitch, The Witch, & The Sitch," although I don't know what position The Situation would hold in their campaign...& I doubt he approves of their politics.

  14. Beldar Conehead (from France)7:28 AM

    We're so quick to mock people like this. But shouldnt we appreciate politicians who are willing to make bold, unambiguous declarations about who they are? Now we know that Christine O'Donnell is not a witch. Why isnt that a good thing to know? I think we should be applauding her forthrightnessitude and demanding full disclosure from others in the pubic eye. Shouldnt we demand to know now who is and who is not a witch?

    Why beat around their bush? Sarah? Are you a witch? Yes or no? Michelle Bachmann? Witch or not a witch? Witch is is? Anne Coulter? Witch or warlock?

    The sooner we know who is a witch and who isnt, the sooner wiccan be a wise and informed electorate!

  15. Anne In DC8:06 AM

    O'Donnell is becoming more unhinged than ever due to the federal investigation of her misuse of campaign funds. Note that I didn't say she went from being sane to insane, since she has been living in the realm of insanity for some time.

    Like Palin and the other nutjobs Palin endorsed, she is extremely lacking in the self-awareness that would prompt her to realize what a fool she has made of herself, and is continuing to do. But just like Miller, Angle, Paladino, and others, she is a poster child for the stupidity the GOP is capable of. In their quest to win at any cost, they appealed to the lemmings who supported these people, at the expense of tried-and-true Republicans who have records of actual legislative accomplishments, like Mike Castle and Lisa Murkowski.

    I am happy for the good people of the states of Alaska, Delaware, Nevada, and New York that they rejected the crazies. It goes to show that the influence of a loudmouthed ignoramus like Palin has definite limits, and these same nutjobs continue to show in the behavior following their defeats why they deserved to lose.
    It should also be a definitive referendum on Palin herself that she endorsed those flakes.

  16. London Bridges8:12 AM

    I would not be surprised is Sarah did not write the script for this C.O.D. piece. That is exactly Sarah's message: I'm exactly just like you!

  17. I couldn't agree with your more Gryph. I actually put a little blurb on my own blog about Christine O'Donnell last night and said she should give it another go. LOL

  18. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Minor typo?

    If "Rich Lott" is referring to the Republican who ran for US House in Ohio 9th District, and liked to dress up as a NAZI- to reenact history- then it is spelled Rich Iott (with an i for idiot not an l for loser). Iott Nazi dress up pics and video available here.

    Just like Joe Miller and Sarah Palin- Iott LOST.

    Did you forget to mention that Sarah Palin endorsed Christine O'Donnell also too?

  19. abirato9:40 AM


    I think you meant Rich Iott (as in EYE-ott). He's the dude that took part in WWII re-enactments dressed up as a German Waffen SS officer.

    He ran for congress in my district and was thoroughly trounced by Marcy Kaptur.

  20. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Loons flock together.

    Local coverage of a Minnesota loon that pals around with Palin a lot. Unfortunately this loon was reelected.

    Michele Bachmann: The Year In Crazy

    A number of mentions of Palin in this look back.

  21. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I can see it all now: "Christine O'Donnell's Delaware." Perhaps they'll be able to have Christine rant and rave about the EPA instead of Michelle Obama. Delaware used to have the highest rates in the country (maybe it still does) thanks to DuPont.

  22. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Oh, I doubt we have seen the last of Miss O'Donnell. Like Joe Miller, her "job" for the past several years has been running for office; using the "campaign" funds as her personal slush fund.

    Whether or not she is hauled off to jail, or just fined for her financial mis-deeds, I expect a book, a book tour, and more "look at me, look at me" behavior.

    I hope she continues to be identified with the Tea Party. What a perfect representative.

  23. Anonymous11:32 AM

    What is scary is that the NeoCons are recruiting these people because they are stupid and easily lead. Just look at air heads like Quayle and Duhby, and Reagan was no genius.

    It's a pattern. They even refereed to Bush's and Palin's brains as "tabula rasa". Literally said that.

    Translation, Dumb as Stumps. They will parrot anything, do anything we tell them to. All we have to do is pander to their egos.

  24. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Ms. O'Donnell's Apartment Rent..........$25,439.00
    'Don't Play with Yourself' Campaign Posters.....$10,800.00
    "I'm Not a Witch" Video Production....$5,000.00
    Sarah Palin's Bumpit and CFM Monkey Pumps....$345.00
    New Campaign Treasurer (8th one in four years).....$12,450.00
    Bowling Extravaganza with Bowling Baggers.....$4,677.99
    Chuck Norris Endorsement.....$200.00

    Watching the Republicans Try to Take Down the Beast They Created...............PRICELESS!

  25. Anonymous11:41 AM

    What is scary is that the NeoCons are recruiting these people because they are stupid and easily lead. Just look at air heads like Quayle and Duhby, and Reagan was no genius.

    It's a pattern. They even refereed to Bush's and Palin's brains as "tabula rasa". Literally said that.

    Translation, Dumb as Stumps. They will parrot anything, do anything we tell them to. All we have to do is pander to their egos.


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