Saturday, December 18, 2010

Not content with simply denying homosexuals the same rights that they enjoy, anti-gay activist accuses "teh gays" of stealing the rainbow symbol from THEM. Seriously?

From TPM:

"We are the real rainbow coalition. The gay lobby does not own the rainbow."

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse is the founder and president of the Ruth Institute, which describes itself as "a project of the National Organization for Marriage." On its site, the group describes its mission statement as "to promote life-long married love to college students by creating an intellectual and social climate favorable to marriage."

Becky Yeh of right-wing American Family News Network's OneNewsNow, a product of the American Family Association, writes that Morse says "the rainbow is a sign of God's covenant with man."
Morse told ONN: "Proposition 8 was passed by a great grassroots coalition that included people from all across the religious traditions, and also people of every race and color. We are the real rainbow coalition. The gay lobby does not own the rainbow."

Actually the gays are not saying that they "own" the symbol of the rainbow, rather that it best represents the diversity inherent in their population.  I am pretty sure the homosexual community would not argue that ONLY they could use the symbol to represent their group.  I mean what kind of a closed minded asshole would...wait what!

Morse continued: "We can't simply let that go by. Families put rainbows in their children's nurseries. Little Christian preschools will have rainbows...Noah's Ark and all the animals.... Those are great Christian symbols, great Jewish symbols." She also described how she wore a rainbow scarf to the Prop 8 hearings to show that anti-gay marriage activists still own the symbol.

Oh, so NOW these are CHRISTIAN symbols and gays should not have the right to use them?  But aren't there gay Christians? OH, that's right, the conservative Christians do not believe it is possible to both be gay and a Christian.

You know this is totally unfair because the anti-gay groups have their OWN version of the rainbow flag already.  See?

It is a little hard to make out in that picture but I believe that there are five basic colors in the anti-gay Christian version of the rainbow flag. There's white, off white, eggshell, ivory, and alabaster. Can't you just feel the diversity?

But wait, there's more.

Morse operates a blog on the Ruth Institute's website, and recently wrote a post asking supporters of same-sex marriage: "Do you really believe that mothers and fathers are interchangeable and that gender is irrelevant to parenting? If gender is really irrelevant, why do self-described "gays" insist on having a male sex partner? Why isn't a really masculine woman just as acceptable as a male sex partner?"

Um, no because....

That's not the way it wor......

I'm sorry, I have no words. These people are purposefully obtuse and there is no reasoning with individuals who have never bothered to even try to understand what it is like to be gay or to feel isolated by who, and how, you love.

And not content simply to deny them the basic human rights that THEY take for granted, they now feel the need to rip from them the symbol which FINALLY lets them know that they are not alone.

Perhaps I have been away from the church for too long, but what is it to BE a Christian these days? 

Where is the love?  Where is the acceptance?  Where is God?


  1. Anonymous6:26 AM

    I've always thought we as a country were closer to accepting gays as people. Then I visited my childhood home in FL and spoke with old friends, (now 33) who said a couple outrageous things:

    They are:
    1. We cannot change the status quo and legalize gay marriage (I was like, the world is made of bullies everywhere. its only going to continue unless something drastic happens, like the legalization of marriage for gays. I about hit her. anti gay marriage dumbasses make NO fucking sense when they throw in their excuses for remaining anti gay)

    2. Trig Palin should have been aborted solely based on his devel. disorder (I dont remember how we arrived at this discussion but this outraged me most

    3. Women should stay at home. (said after she described herself as a far left dem who salutes the women's rights movement)

    See. members of both parties are equally crazy.

  2. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Perhaps I have been away from the church for too long, but what is it to BE a Christian these days?

    Where is the love? Where is the acceptance? Where is God?
    This is exactly why I have been struggling with my own faith. It seems that the religion I was taught and raised in has all but disappeared.

    And this is why scores of the younger generation are fleeing the church.

    There is no common sense in religion anymore, just hate. And THAT will be what ends religion in this country. Not anyone who believes in any other religion.

  3. I laughed throughout all of this because it is so asinine. That's all I really could do. My assumption is that they see that we're getting to the point where homosexuals are going to be legally allowed to be themselves, and so we're repeating the woman's rights movement and African American movements all over again. I'm just hoping there aren't a bunch of riots that murder groups of homosexuals in our near future.

  4. Anonymous6:42 AM

    They kind of can have it. Remember when Apple first came out, with their rainbow apple icon that quickly dated itself?

    The slick silver logo is way better.

    So the fabulously creative gays can do better. Fine.

    When we start saluting these dumpy, unfabulous looking 'gay' people for flaunting the rainbow colors, I'm sure they'll be so freaked out they'll go back to their hateful t-shirts and signs anyway.

  5. Anonymous6:47 AM

    On the flip side, the conservative Christian jackaholes don't own patriotism, family values, faith, life, the free market, hard work, ethics, morality and freedom.

    I'd rather break bread with teh gays than Sarah Palin's Real Americans any day.

  6. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Stupid fundies! Everyone knows the rainbow belongs to the Irish. How else would we find the leprechauns?

  7. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Everyone is more free when any group becomes more free. Still, I actually find it very sad that the rainbow now means "gay". You can't say it doesn't, Gryphen and it will never mean anything but that ever again. I can't think of any other symbol that used to be neutral but now universally stands for something else. When I was a little girl 40 years ago, I loved anything with a rainbow on it. When I learned to embroider, I embroidered little rainbow patches for my jeans, my shirts. Now if you have a rainbow, wear a rainbow, display a rainbow, people believe you are declaring you're gay. I'm not gay and non-gay people don't wear or display a rainbow anymore. I think that's regrettable and I wish it hadn't have happened. It's a completely separate issue from gay rights.

  8. Olivia7:07 AM

    None of those people have a clue what it is to be a Christian. It is a badge they wear to support their personal bigotry. If they actually met Christ, they would have him arrested.

  9. Anonymous7:24 AM

    No, we don't own the rainbow anymore than YOU freaks own the cross or own the American flag.

    The hypocrisy is just unbelievable.

    I think the root of the problem with bigots is a crushing fear that is not easily put into words. For example, when I was a young white girl there was a ridiculous fear of blacks taking over, and having to marry them, etc. Flash forward to today, you see that we're all of different colors and cultures living together, quite comfortably, and although some marry interracialy, most don't.

    The same fear was around with feminism. Oh those feminists are gonna make us all get drafted! And the men will hate us! It will encourage more divorce! When in reality, feminism opened doors for all women, liberal and conservative, (a door which btw Sarah Palin walked right through). And the world didn't end. The genders ARE different, but most people realize we are deserving of the same rights.

    The homosexual thing, is the same old fear-based crazy-think, kind of similar to anti-feminism only in reverse. Those gay men are going to hate us women and raise kids without mothers! They will have sex out in the open! When in reality, men create loving homes and do usually incorporate a feminine influence in their children's lives.

    The knock against gays though, is a bit harder to get over, because of course it always comes back to one thing: Sex, which Americans have a problem with. But, you know, I wonder if we REALLY have a problem with sex anymore because I went to a AOL-linked website which discussed sex, and read the comment section. I was amazed. It's ok for folks to have casual straight sex, anal, slap and tie each other up, use toys, use household items like toothpaste, etc during sex,....and the idea of two lesbians curled up together in bed is risque? Whaaat? So I am totally scratching my head on that one. I feel so damn CONSERVATIVE compared to much of America, even though I am a lesbian, and a liberal, and a democrat.

    It's like, there's this phony front, this apple pie virgin story of America, and there's the reality. Kind of like the Palins. You've got the church good-girl Bristol image, when in reality she loved cock, loved weed, and had a big ol' potty mouth. America just wants it's myths, I guess. We want to hang onto untruths.

  10. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I think Jesse Jackson would have something to say about what organization first used the Rainbow Coalition. I don't hear him complaining.

  11. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Again, these intolerant, Christian Fundamentalist extremists DO NOT represent mainstream Christianity.
    They are simply the loudest, the most offensive, the most repugnant examples of what happens when a religion is twisted and distorted for ignorant and evil purposes.

    Would anyone judge Muslims based on the actions of the Taliban? Would anyone base their opinion of the Jews on the most extreme elements who would seek to repress an entire culture in the name of staking out territory on a land they feel entitled to? Would you judge Hindus based on the behavior of those who are hateful towards Muslims? No, of course you wouldn't.

    These freaking weirdos who are so incredibly threatened by homosexuality (issues, much?) are just a fringe element who have nothing better to do.

    I know many gay Christians who are active in the church community and beyond, I know many non-gay Christians who are perfectly welcoming and inclusive towards EVERYONE.

    Yes, Christ would crush these bigots. He would send them to the fires of hell. This behavior is the complete antithesis of his teachings.

  12. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Yup yup and yup. CINO's.


  13. Anonymous8:20 AM

    I consider myself to be a strong Bible-based Christian, and people like this disgust me. I know several Christians who happen to be gay - they were able to find churches which are based on Christ's love instead of God's wrath. If some of these so-called Christians would actually read the Bible, they would be shocked. Jesus advocated dining with prostitutes and healing lepers. He disliked the Pharisees (see Republicans) and was opposed to public displays of religiosity for the sake of attention. This week when I'm sitting in my pew, I'll give thanks for our non-traditional families with whom I worship.

  14. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Are these the people Willow and Bristol Palin hate?

  15. Anonymous8:43 AM

    @7:25, you took the words right out of my mouth.

    These 'activists' stole it from Jesse Jackson, so what's their point? I guess since he's black though, it doesn't matter.

  16. Anonymous9:03 AM

    "Where is God?" is indeed the question.

  17. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I'm so confused. Christians are upset about this, but not about Bristol Palin wearing a Palestinian symbol of Muslim freedom while she speaks on camera about "Christian family values" and photographed.

    And also, too. Could someone tell me for once and for all what that blasted phrase "Family Values" means? And what, exactly, DO Christians think about what?
    Is the entire town butt-nekked? Does anyone have any clothes on?

    I heard it again yesterday with respect to a "relationships" class that gained School Board approval and will be offered to students. Whose family? What values are we adopting as a standard? What would those be, exactly?
    MY values are very very very different than my "Christian" brother's. He taught his kids isolation and superiority. They routinely lie. Big fat whopping bald-faced falsehoods. They are snotty and hate everybody. Mocking and condescending.
    That's not MY "family values."
    I taught my heathen pagan children to tell the truth always. To be loving and kind. To not be bullies. To pitch in when someone else is working. To do chores without being asked. To be open and warm and welcoming and embrace new people and new experiences. Because it's to their advantage. Because THEY will benefit.
    So which "family values" is the standard?

  18. Anonymous9:34 AM

    "I can't think of any other symbol that used to be neutral but now universally stands for something else."

    Anon702, you mentioned being a girl and drawing rainbows. You still can, because your context is a rainbow in the sky with clouds and sun. If you displayed a rainbow in a natural arc, on a t-short or patch, no one would think you were gay! It's only when the colors become bars, are straight across in stripes, usually on a flag, which creates meaning. And not just for gays, because all kinds of groups have used rainbow flags to support their particular cause. If you wanted to identify with the LGBT flag, then you'd have to limit the rainbow colors to 6, and include Violet at the bottom.

    Also, on a side note, I can remember as a preteen, being a part of the Rainbow Girls, which was a quasi-religious organization, whose counterpart were the masons. Was anyone angry at them for using that symbolism? No. When you drew your rainbows did you mean to communicate you were a "Rainbow Girl?" Of course not.

    Do you understand a little better now?

  19. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Gryphen, how many times do I have to tell you to stop agonizing over why such people don't act like Christians.

    THEY ARE FRAUDS. I don't know if Jesus had an opinion or not on gays, He never said, but what he did hammer over and over is to love thy neighbor and help the poor. These haters have no interest in this. It's much more satisfying for them to tear down others in order to feel smug about superior. Kind of like a certain Quitter, but I digress.

    Stop expressing shock that people who claim to be Christians are so hateful to other people. They aren't Christians, period.

  20. Anonymous10:41 AM

    I actually find it very sad that the rainbow now means "gay"…and it will never mean anything but that ever again.

    A depiction of a rainbow only "means" gay if you think it does. Why can't you display a rainbow just because you like the looks of it? The problem is with other people, if it makes them think less of you.

    The thinking-less-of-you is the problem, not the rainbow. And when that's no longer a problem, then the rainbow won't be the "stigma" you seem to think that it is, will it? So maybe you should confuse the haters by putting rainbows everywhere, and if they get a funny notion in their heads about you, just smile sweetly and carry on with your day!!

  21. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I once took a course in College called 'Tolerance and Persecution in the Middle Ages' (yes, I guess I'm an Elitist) and one of the points made with religion centered around consolidating its power over the masses.

    They (church) had to pick on someone to be the 'other' and gays/lesbians came under fire. They were the minority. There were plenty of other sins that the Bible talked about a lot more but it was easier to focus on gays rather then the adulterers, thieves, liars, etc...

    Fast forward to today and we have people who don't adhere to Jesus teachings looking down on gays/lesbians and rather then look at their own Christian failings they are attacking gays/lesbians still.

    Truly sad. HOWEVER, there are good Christians who accept and work with all groups. They are ones to emulate, not the hate filled, disillusioned so called Christians. There is a difference.

  22. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I am straight but when I was in college, I was religious and straight. I was going through a divorce and an older lesbian was in a study group with me. (I had no clue that she was a lesbian. She looked "butch" but I thought she carried the look well and it didn't occur to me that she was not "just like me.")

    My soon to be ex husband was an officer in the military as was hers so we became friends and one day I spouted my anti-gay rhetoric and she was VERY CLASSY in how she brought up that she was gay and how a gay person's ability to "just get over it" was as unnatural as mine would be to be attracted sexually to women.

    I had been forced to have sex by my ex and he was not a great guy in general with his female subordinates. This lady and I had a lot in common-- I found out that female empowerment didn't make me "a lesbian" like I'd thought, but that we shared a lot of the same ideas.

  23. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Funny that.
    Christians think their symbols are being 'stolen'.

    Every single inch of christian imagery was 'stolen' from the Pagan faith. ALL. OF. THEM.

    Look it up.

    Ooooh... but they are the persecuted!!!! OOoooohhhh!

    Whiney pussies.

  24. Anonymous12:22 PM

    "If gender is really irrelevant, why do self-described "gays" insist on having a male sex partner? Why isn't a really masculine woman just as acceptable as a male sex partner?"

    Proably for the same reason that a really masculine heterosexual woman is not acceptabe to a less masculine heterosexual woman, and the feeling would be mutual.

    Since a normal XX person produces progesteron, a male harmone and XY individuals produce low levels of esterogen there is a continum from simian like masculinity to totally limp femininity.
    But that has nothing to do with sexual preferences.

    Geeze these people are ign'rnt and stewpid also too.

  25. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Anon @10:45 - Thanks for sharing your story. Progress can be slow, but one person can often make a big difference. It sounds like you met this woman at a point in your life where you were somewhat vulnerable and thus more open to understanding her perspective.

    By staying classy in spite of your anti-gay rhetoric, she was able to make a connection and ultimately "enlighten" you in an area where you had many misconceptions. So kudos to both of you!

  26. Anonymous12:33 PM

    GenieO 6:45

    Works for me. And I'm not even Irish.

    AFter all rainbows and sun dogs are mysterious natural phenomenon that sort of pop up like will-o-the-wisps and so do leprechauns?

    And that makes at least a much sense as what they are syaing.

  27. Anonymous4:55 PM

    @ 7:02 are you really as stupid as your post sounds? Wearing a rainbow, if it MUST have a gay connotation (and no, it doesn't necessarily - just hit the stores today, and lots of rainbow stuff, particularly for little girls - I doubt they're all lesbians) means that you are supportive of diversity, including in sexual orientation.

  28. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Tom, in FL, here:
    If the gays supposedly "stole" the rainbow from the Christians, does that mean that the Christians first stole the rainbow away from the 42nd Infantry Division?
    Just wondering....

  29. Not rainbows specifically, but multicolored things are also a symbol for autism awareness, meaning that it is a condition that covers the spectrum of race, gender, religion, income, etc. So does homosexuality. My daughter wears rainbow things. She is not gay, but many of her friends are, and she wears these not only in support of them, but also in support of my son, who is autistic.

  30. "Yes, Christ would crush these bigots. He would send them to the fires of hell. This behavior is the complete antithesis of his teachings."

    Whoa there, if you're going to say things like that, how are you different from them, other than you each think that Christ wants to condemn the other?

  31. anon @ 4:55 pm

    "@ 7:02 are you really as stupid as your post sounds? "

    There is no call for speaking to anyone like that. I doubt you would do it in person. I don't think Gryphen should have let this comment through.


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