Friday, December 17, 2010

Okay so I was a tad early.

From the Daily Beast:

The Daily Beast has learned that Sarah Palin will be traveling overseas in the new year. At the top of the list: Israel and England, both countries she has said she wanted to travel to in the past. The schedule and itinerary is still fluid, but an overseas trip in 2011 will boost her foreign policy credentials, something she can turn to in a potential 2012 presidential run.

As many of you no doubt remember I had received a tip that Palin would be going to England right after her Haiti trip.  Sadly that turned out to be a touch premature.

My sources for that info are relatively new to me, but come with amazing credentials, so I trusted that they were correct even though they were the ONLY source for that information.

Right after I posted it, I learned from them that there had been a miscommunication and that the actual time would be sometime after the holidays, not before.  Oops.

I apologize for the misinformation.  However these things are bound to happen when you are covering the Palins.  I mean let's face it, half of the time even THEY don't know what they are doing.

Perhaps these next trips overseas will be a little more in Sister Sarah's comfort zone. Unlike that Haiti trip which was summed up beautifully by this wonderful graphic from the amazing flyinureye.


  1. I wonder if asked, could Sarah Palin actually identify either England or Israel on a world map.

  2. Anonymous7:19 PM

    If I go to Mexico for spring break, will that boost my foreign policy credentials?

    It is not like Sarah is going there or any where to study or teach. Palin is going there to say, "Howdeeee!" take some pictures holding DS babies and then take Bristol to a all you can eat buffet.

    Plain and simple, anything Sarah does is for photo ops or to sell her book. It's about Sarah.

  3. Pursang7:21 PM

    So going on vacation boosts a persons foreign policy credentials, who knew?

    Utterly amazing that in this day and age people could consider this to be a way to prove ones gravitas. Sorry but I want my leaders to know a little more about the dynanics of the world than what they might learn on a vacation. But that's just me.

    I do hope that this woman doesn't try to have her photo taken with Maggie Thatcher and use that as some sort proof that she's someone important. But knowing Palin she'll thrust herself in to that womans world, regardless of Thatcher's mental and physical condition. As Palin says about herself all the time, "that's how I roll".

  4. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Given her anti-semitist rants and dominionist christian beliefs, exactly how does she expect to fare in Israel?

  5. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Talking to Jews and Muslims doesn't sound w/in Palin's comfort zone to me.

    I am sure Palin is at home right now diligently studying Hebrew and Arabic. (grin)

  6. Anonymous7:30 PM

    They have apparently been praying for her at the wailing wall...

  7. Anonymous7:31 PM

    So, what foreign policy is she suppose to "learn" during the short periods she's going to spend in Israel and England?

    and want happened to her spending "quantity" time with her family? According to her newly ghostwritten book, quantity is better than quality. Although she's not capable of either.

  8. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Sarah: Okay, so I was a tad early (headlines).

    Willow: That's okay mom, I'm a tad late. Um, remember that boy who went in my room during SP's Alaska? Well he did more than just go into my womb, I mean room.

  9. Gasman7:33 PM

    In the world totally devoid of meaningful thought occupied by teabaggers like Palin, a few hours of photo ops in Haiti, England, and Israel will translate into the equivalent of graduate degrees, decades of experience in the House or the Senate or State Department, and years of interacting with world leaders. Thus the mythology of Sarah Palin’s foreign policy cred will be crafted from the ubiquitous false equivalency argument which is so central to the teabagger worldview narrative.

    It is this same false equivalency argument that renders Shithole, Alaska (a.k.a., Wasilla, Alaska’s meth capital), the birthplace of presidents. It is what inflates being elected mayor of this thriving metropolis as being THE BEST training a candidate for POTUS could possibly have. (Forget actually BEING mayor - a task that Palin was incapable of performing. Is there any OTHER city of approximately 5,000 people anywhere else in the U.S. that has BOTH a mayor AND a city manager? Does Wasilla still have both?) Because when one thinks of global centers of geopolitical power, one thinks of New York, Washington, London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Tokyo, Cairo, Tehran, and Wasilla. I hear tell that the U.N., the World Bank, and OPEC are considering relocating to Wasilla.

    I have no doubt that Palin’s trips to the U.K. and Israel will be laden with unintentional gaffes and awkward moments, but no matter, the teabaggers will have a new foreign policy expert to tout as their next candidate for POTUS.

    The only real question is exactly how big of a moronic asshat will Palin reveal herself to be and how hard the rest of the world will be laughing at Snowdrift Snooki?

  10. What is remarkable is Daily Beast actually writing "an overseas trip in 2011 will boost her foreign policy credentials."


    We are doomed.

    PS... Gasman, will you marry me? :-)

  11. laprofesora8:04 PM

    Sure, that'll work, just like now she's an expert on Haiti.

  12. This, like the slaughtering of that caribou, is purely and simply for photo-op. Nothing will substantively change (in terms of her foreign policy expertise), I assure you.

  13. Anonymous8:11 PM

    so she thinks getting on a plane and landing in another country is 'foreign policy'.


  14. Anonymous8:24 PM

    I don't know if Sarah realizes what a laughing stock she is in England. She is seen as a tabloid celebrity, not a serious politician. When Sarah gave that interview to Katie Couric, it was played on You Tube around the world. In London, it had millions of hits. A gal who works at Reuters told me that they formed a new admiration for Katie Couric, and saw Palin as a joke. So, please, Sarah, go to England, and when they ask you if you take your coffee white or black, it isn't a racist comment. They are just asking if you take cream in your coffee.

  15. lwtjb8:33 PM

    Isn't Israel central to Dominionist theology? Something about the rapture and the apocalypse?

  16. Anonymous8:42 PM

    She has no clue how the English press will eviscerate her! The photo op may cost her much more than she realizes.

  17. Anonymous8:52 PM

    The only thing that comes to mind when G says "there's more to the story about Willow" is the facebook convo Bristol had with her boyfriend about not treated her sister right and him promising to be better. this was around the end of Oct. I highly doubt theres any truth to any of this.

  18. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Levi's girlfriend is a ditz and a half btw. Perfect match for Levi. But shouldn't he go for someone with intelligence so he's not slumming his whole life?

  19. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Found an old Jeopardy clip

    Our next contestant, Joe, used to be a part time government attorney. Careful Joe- don't push the delete button while playing.

    "Ha Alex, Real Funny. I'll pass that one along to my friend Tom.
    I'll take regretful exclamations for four hundred Alex"

    Okay so I was a tad early

    What is words spoken on several occasions in the vicinity of Sarah ?


    I'll take put something on it for $500 Alex

    Rumor has it that using one of these prevents so called

    See the rest at http://www.wherearetheycomingfrom?.com/jeopardy/wrapitornot/losersondisplay

  20. Anonymous8:56 PM

    It was AKWTF that broke the Bristol was spotted pregnant in Seattle story in August. We all know that was bullshit. He's purely for entertainment over there. I feel for Willow. She's the most normal one out of them all just trying to live her life and support her family. Her peers have already said on facebook they bullshitted those tabloid stories. At least they came out and said she was only at the Morlock house party for 5 minutes and did nothing wrong

  21. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Sarah better hope that reporters there don't put Westbrook Pegler and Sarah Palin into the Google at the same time.

  22. Anonymous9:21 PM

    I'm going to be really worried if the tundra turd and her assclown posse start staying at Holiday Inn Express...Next thing she'll be posing as an OBGYN??

  23. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Carly Fiorina went to Israel thinking it would help before the election plus spent millions and millions of her own money and it didn't help. It may work out the same for Palin.

    Sarah may have some competition. Hermain Cain was on GVS and said he'll probably run. He sounds so-o-o much smarter than Palin. He may become a problem for her.

  24. Will her bumpit put her yarmulke closer to Yahweh?

  25. Anonymous10:55 PM

    So, flying in and out of both places, with zero capacity in doing anything in either place for the U.S., makes her more appealing for running against President Obama? Forget it girl - none of this will enhance your appeal whatsoever!

    Where do they find these horrible photos of her? They are just awful! Boy oh boy - doesn't she have all types of looks inside and outside her evil soul?

  26. hauksdottir12:01 AM

    McCain's advisers are responsible for this delusion.

    Remember how Palin was introduced to a half-dozen foreign leaders while they were in New York for a UN meeting? 15-30 minutes of small talk and a handshake for the camera was supposed to give her worldly expertise in each of these countries and their interlocked affairs.

    She tried to claim familiarity with Ireland even though her plane only landed for refueling and she didn't set a naughty-monkeyed toe on the land itself.

    By THAT political calculation, she can quite logically assume that several hours of sight-seeing is equivalent to a deep immersion and lifetime of experience in foreign affairs.

    If Schmidt and the others hadn't told her that a handshake was enough to grasp policy, the idea might never have occurred to her.

    As to why Israel?

    Remember when all those popes sent out crusaders? Palin is just as crazy and just as determined to send out others to do her will, and she firmly believes that she is destined to lead the Christian Nation in the End Times. If *I* was Sarah Palin, I'd be planning a visit to a hill overlooking the plain of Megiddo and determining how many Prayer Warriors I would need in my army and where to place each unit for maximum combat effectiveness. She'll probably plan where to station the camera crew and how to hide the make-up trailer.

  27. Anonymous12:14 AM


    Were you aware that Palin is going to be at the Dimond Costco from 11:00am to 2:00pm tomorrow (Saturday, 12/18).

    I was waiting at the membership desk and wondered what the sign I was standing next to said. I started laughing, and pointed it out to my kids.........this attracted the attention of some other Costco customers who also pointed and laughed.

    It was 10 below at my house this morning........wonder if they'll keep the Palinbots waiting in line outside? One can hope!

  28. I don't know Gryph that pic just creeps me out. Could you just stuff a pelt in it? My hopes are on the European press.

  29. It will be interesting to see if she can keep the British press at arm's length. They are a bunch of reptiles who won't take kindly to being sidelined because she won't be questioned by anyone except tame reporters so there's a good chance she'll get turned over a fair treat.

  30. i've spent a year in ireland and six months bumming around europe - can i be her secretary of state? oh wait, on second thought, naaaaahh. i think ted nugent has that one in the bag (unintentional pun, teehee).

  31. @anonymous 8:42pm you are right, the english press is more vicious than a pitbull with lipstick, or a crazed mama grizzly at times. this should get interesting. how rude it will be when she refuses to answer their questions as well.
    and is it time for the rapture already? is sarah preparing the israelites of old and new to choose jesus so they can come with her on a billowing cloud to the promised land in the sky?

  32. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Hoping Brisdull and Willer are both knocked up..

  33. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Wow, my family is going to England for spring break. Maybe we can get cabinet appointments!!
    Note to Sarah: Travel overseas makes you a TOURIST. You are a private citizen, no offical duties. You are a tourist.

  34. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Israelis love her depsite knowing she is an idiot, because she supports any and all actions that Israel takes.

    Not sure who will meet with her in England. David Cameron is on record that she is a twit, so the current govt will not be open to photo-op.

    and guaranteed she will diss the President on foriegn soil.

  35. Anonymous4:54 AM

    .."feel for Willow. She's the most normal one out of them all just trying to live her life and support her family."

    I don't know Willow from a hole in the ground, and neither do you. So stop making her mother teresa. Wasn't she in the Homer video? You call that normal? And didn't she post all that homo and fat stuff on FB? Maybe that's normal for Wasilla, I don't know.

  36. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Why go all the way to Israel when she could just have dinner tonight with a representative from AIPAC?

    Same difference, for her purposes anyway. The trip is certainly not for religious reasons, or to experience other cultures abroad. It's purely a political move, and it's sooooo cliche that it's almost sad.

  37. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Oh, and hey Sarah --

    Bangers and Mash is NOT the name of Ron Jeremy's latest porn.

  38. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Who foots the bills for these trips? I doubt that Palin does. Even with Alheimers, Thatcher would be able to hold a more intelligent conversation than Palin.

  39. Anonymous5:19 AM

    That picture of her is so reptilian - can't you just hear the hisssssss coming out of that mouth?

    Palin shows her true nature.

  40. Anonymous5:31 AM

    I have been all over the world, lived in two different countries for a long period of time, I guess I now have foreign policy experience?????? Just how does that work. Does the knowledge absorb through my skin from the air or is it the food I eat? I think I will run for president in 2012. I am sure the rupugs are going to feel soooo much better about scara after her travels and will want to support her and her new found knowledge.

  41. there is no one more talented than flyinureye!!!

  42. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Wow! I have been overseas. My son has lived in Germany, Turkey & London. He has visited most of Europe & he just turned 24.

    He has way way way more brains & education and really knows the ins & outs of European history & politics.

    His toe is more qualified to run for president!

    I cannot even believe that someone this dumb (to be very honest) could even be running for president.

    By the way, everyone in Europe that I talked to (& the rest of my family) thinks that we are the craziest country because of SP. She is a laughing stock.

  43. Anonymous5:52 AM

    With that ill-fitting jacket and the pearls, she looks as though she went to a rummage sale at Barbara Bush's house. Money cannot buy "class", and in her case it is obvious.

  44. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Though I think she is a fake Christian, you better believe she will be making the most of a visit to Israel to pander to her Fundie base, limited as I believe it is. I almost wonder if AIPAC wouldn't be quite leery of someone like her.

    I know she's on the record as being way pro-Israel (remember the flag in the exercising her guts out video?), but it seems to me AIPAC may have figured out these wackos only care about Israel for their own purposes, not in the name of religious respect and co-existence.

    Totally agree that the British press will chew her up and spit her out. HUGE miscalculation on her part, to go there. Is it so she can visit with Margaret and be seen as an anointed conservative?

  45. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Wow, that's normal for Alaskan teens?

    a) disrespecting adults
    b) talking like a trucker after a ten day trip in a blizzard
    c) attending wild drinking parties at 15
    d) vandalizing houses
    e)pushing your younger sisters face into a cake with NO repercussions form parents

    Glad I'm from the lower 48 - down here we call that failed parenting.

  46. Anonymous6:17 AM

    maybe she is going overseas and taking Bristol with her so Bristol can have her baby in another country and they will just leave it there with Kate and William.

  47. Anonymous6:18 AM

    She is not in a political office, the only people that will meet with her are incapacitated (Thatcher), or horny old men.

  48. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Foreign policy credentials? War with Iran on Lieberman's behalf?

  49. haukdottir, lmao at your description of sarah and the battle of end times in israel. hope it's not too hot a day - foundation and mascara have a mind of their own in the heat!

  50. Anonymous7:01 AM

    i eats french toast, french fries and french bread so i definitely haz for in experience;)

  51. Anonymous7:08 AM

    As a Jewish American, I despise Sarah and her transparent plan to pander to the Jewish vote. Do you really think we are SO stupid Sarah!!?! You think peoples minds click like yours. But they don't. And screw you for flying somewhere with a very sensitive political situation and sticking your big dense head there!! I hate you for this and I don't have a single Jewish friend who would fall for it.

    I am predicting now that she is going to inflame the situation.

    Go Away Sarah! America is sick of you and doesn't want you. What will it take for you to get this message? How many polls?? Go take care of your screwed up kids!

  52. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Sarah in Israel is about as potentially damaging as having Joe the Plumber go out there and nearly cause an International conflict with his lack of historical, geographical and journalistic sophistication.

    Remember how he thought he got one up on an Israeli reporter by trying to execute a gotcha question in getting them to admit on tape that Israel has a right to defend itself? The clumsy exchange proved that you have to know what you are doing when trying to 'report' the news, however unslanted or filtered people like Sarah and Joe think its done.

    While the following commentary was meant to show that qualifications and a trained skill-set wasn't necessary :

    It just proved the colossal mistake it was to pick a media sensation such as Sarah Palin for a running-mate in the highest offices of the land.

    PJM was Joe's most avid defender, trying to make an icon out of such an unexceptional American as a standard-bearer for all the Joe The Plumbers of America. It is delicious that Joe proceeded to bankrupt the online magazine run by a mystery writer about as talented as RAM.

    Sarah may not have killed McCain's Senate career, but he's never being taken seriously again. And since Sarah hasn't dug down and learned even the lowest bar of policy staples since the 08 elections, these international trips at least reflect her desperate attempt to continue to take short-cuts into foreign policy creds by simply showing up.

  53. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Maybe one of her handlers will point out the country of Africa from the plane's window or add an extra leg to the flight and visit another one of America's allies, North Korea. Then that should round out her workdly edukat'n and fp experience.

    Gasman .... so well said!

  54. Anonymous7:24 AM

    a) disrespecting adults
    b) talking like a trucker after a ten day trip in a blizzard
    c) attending wild drinking parties at 15
    d) vandalizing houses
    e)pushing your younger sisters face into a cake with NO repercussions form parents


    1. Willow was not in the Homer video and Bristol didnt desrespect that woman. It's disrespectful to put up a huge sign like that no matter the subject
    2. Have you heard teenage speak nowadays? Have you seen Jersey Shore or shitty shows like that? It's the bible for teens. SAd. Teens from Mercede to Tre to Imnan to Matt to pretty much any teen without parental care tosses around the word fag and retard onfacebook while taking pictures of drunken behavior. The only ones not in the pics are the Palins. Not saying they dont particpate, theyre just not photographed. I have screen shots or Mercede's foul mouthed comments and anti bristol speak.
    3. According to Matt's comment on someone's fb, Willow was at the vandy party for 5 minutes. Guys names Chris, Dev, and he threw the party. Most teens have been to huge parties. It's not ideal and I dont defend it. It is fact
    4. Dude, Piper wanted that. Willow even said "im not doing it Piper". You criticize everything. Do liberals ever have childlike fun? It'd be fun for most joyous kids to be covered in cake and eat it off your face. I feel for you people

  55. Rebecca Mansour just got a lifetime sinecure, responding to the English press.

    Sarah has no idea what she is in for. They even brought Princess Diana to tears on more than one occasion---does she expect more favorable treatment?

    Oh, wait....

  56. FJ Dandy7:28 AM

    So now Quittypants will spread teh stoopid to England and Israel. This will be fun! Imagine the pundits over in England? She has no idea how tough the British press can be...they will expose her idiocy, and she'll be skewered! Get the fork out...she'll be done!

    I think I'll break out the wine and canapes for this one! (oh, how elitist!)

  57. Anonymous7:54 AM

    To Gasman,
    "Is there any OTHER city of approximately 5,000 people anywhere else in the U.S. that has BOTH a mayor AND a city manager? "

    Well, yes, mine, but it is on purpose. The city manager actually manages the city. The mayor has a gavel and calls the city council meetings to order. However, I don't think our mayor believes that qualifies him to be president of a country of 300 million people.

    I like your posts, by the way.

  58. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Gryphen, the accompanying pic is HYSTERICAL!!! ;-D

  59. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Anonymous said...

    maybe she is going overseas and taking Bristol with her so Bristol can have her baby in another country and they will just leave it there with Kate and William.

    6:17 AM
    Of course, by George, you've got it. The baby can be born in England, and then when he/she grows up, will qualify to run for and be elected king/queen of England! How did we not see this before!

  60. Anonymous8:05 AM

    @7:24 a.m.,

    Aw, did we hurt your feelings?Dude, I feel for YOU. Coming here trying to "set the record" straight" over stupid stuff, like what some teenager did or didn't say on Facebook, or whether or not children like having their face smashed in a birthday cake.

    What is of real concern is we have that lunatic $arah Palin thinking going on vacation in foreign countries, somehow gives that idiot foreign policy experience. For a quitter who pretends to care about hard work, she sure likes to take a lot of short-cuts.

    We are having plenty of fun here, making fun of the Palins, FYI. are all conservatives so thin-skinned?

  61. Anonymous9:06 AM

    "It's disrespectful to put up a huge sign like that no matter the subject"

    it was factual and it's called Freedom of Speech. SP doesn't want anyone to have freedom except herself.

    Bristol totally disrespected the teacher by spitting out that her mother represents the country. That is just so sad on so many levels. SP doesn't represent anyone except herself and she doesn't do that very well either. SP totally disrespected the teacher by rolling her eyes - she obviously has no interest in education. It's why none of her kids have graduated HS yet.

  62. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Aren't these misguided trolls the bomb? It's become my daily entertainment, just to see what a pathetic game they bring. Poor things, fixated on a lying grifter. Sad.

  63. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Hey Todd, do ya think I can wrangle us up some wedding tickets in England?

    Hey kids, we's a going to a shin dig in England! Wear your Republican Convention best and don't worry SarahPac is picking up the tab. Hey Trig, get dressed you are going too. Willow go borrow some of Bristol's pregnacy dresses.

    Somebody call FOX, I need cameras and videos of me, I mean us.

  64. Anonymous12:19 PM

    7:24, blah, blah, blah. I know a great many teens who are nothing like the Palin kids. Bristol, Willow, does it matter? They both reflect Sarah.

  65. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Prince William and Kate will be getting married at the end of April. Since the wedding is expected to receive massive world wide attention is Sarah planning to go at this time in order to get some of this attention? By the way, I heard on the radio that the band that was hired for the celebration is an Austrian (I think) band whose members all have Down's Syndrome. (Not joking).

  66. Anonymous3:19 PM

    So, by this logic, I have better "foreign policy credentials" than Sarah Palin. I've been to several countries and continents. Gee, maybe I should throw my hat in the ring for 2012! I mean, if the country needs me and there's no one else and if the anyone elses are not electable.

    Sarah Palin: “I would run if I believe that other candidates willing to put themselves forward in the name of public service — if they don’t have a shot at winning, I would offer myself up.” According to that logic, Satan himself would have to run for the GOP nom, in order to make Palin the more electable candidate.

    Our media is absolutely pathetic.

  67. Anonymous3:23 PM

    @8:56, why do you keep coming here and repeating that Willow Palin was only at the Morlock house for 5 minutes? Is that your job?

  68. If visiting foreign countries is all that is needed to build "foreign policy" cred, then I am most certainly throwing my hat in the ring for 2012. I lived in Germany for the 3 years and while there, I have visited over 13 countries. I also lived in Okinawa for 3 years. I would say that blows away Sarah's less than 48 hour "don't get too close to me, I don't want to catch what you got" trip to Haiti, and her upcoming visit to GB and Isreal. Big fuckin deal.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.