Friday, December 24, 2010

Okay well this is going to make some GOP heads explode.

From the Political Wire:

Key findings: "Liberal Democrats' approval of Obama remained subdued, averaging 80% in the past week, similar to the 79% in the previous week and below the 88% found just prior to the midterm elections... In contrast, Obama's approval rating among moderate/liberal Republicans (including independents who lean Republican) has increased in December, rising from 20% to 29% in just the past two weeks. This is his highest level of support from moderate/liberal Republicans since May."

By a show of hands, how many of YOU would love to be sitting in Sarah Palin's kitchen when she reads THIS news?

Yeah me too!


  1. Anonymous2:11 AM

    I can see why his support from Repukes is growing. He does everything they want him to do. However, the more GOP heads that explode the better off the rest of us will be. When Sarah's head explodes it should become a national holiday.

  2. Anonymous3:22 AM

    More and more moderates/conservatives are learning that President Obama is more conservative than McCain would have been.

    More and more moderates/conservatives are learning that sarah governs like a freaking liberal high on acid. I mean, leaving Wasilla eleven million dollars in debt? I would´ve never voted for McCain had I known this deal breaking fact. It says so much about her political philosophy, lack of responsibility, total incompetence, and immature judgment.

  3. Anonymous3:29 AM

    POTUS has made the most of the lame duck session.

    He enters 2011 with a good hand.

    If jobs can be added in 2011 and the unemployment rate drops somewhat, he'll be looking good into the 2012 general.

  4. Anonymous3:42 AM

    I have both hands up!

  5. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Although generally sceptical of polls, I believe this one is pretty much correct.

    As a lifelong Republican/Independent, I still knew that Bush was bad news, but thought the GOP would come to it's senses after he and his cronies drove the country into a ditch.

    McCain's choice of Palin was the final straw for me.

    Although Obama has failed to move quickly to correct many corrupt practices, he is (with immense effort) slowly dragging (kicking and screaming) this country forward.

    This country dodged a lethal bullet in 2008, and both Palin and McCain's nasty, bitter conduct and Palin's greedy, classless ways have only confirmed our choice as a country.

  6. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Merry Christmas Gryphen! Eff Sarah Palin, I don't know why a half-term governor is even mentioned in any sentence with Michele or Barack Obama. She's certainly not worthy or relevant.

    Let her fade back to feeding her kids Taco wraps and reading USWeekly.

  7. The truth about s'mores and American self-defense: Also, watch this:

  8. How is she gonna read that? From a R. Mansour tweet? No matter what she sees, she'll read it as this:

    1. Obama has "subdued" support from his party (80% from lib Dems).

    2. Gallup (lamestream polling operation) polls Democrats, but just calls them Independents.

    3. Since only 46% of the people in the US support him, that means 54% are ready to vote for her.

    4. Conclusion ... YAH! I win. I'm president already.

  9. Anonymous4:55 AM

    O/T Bristol Palin - daughter of Sarah Palin - buys house in Maricopa

    According to county records, Bristol Palin, the 20-year daughter of former GOP vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, has purchased a 5-bedroom home in Maricopa -- closing on the nearly 4,000-square-foot dwelling in early December.
    Palin purchased the house from Michael and Cynthia Smith for $172,000, records show. The Smiths have owned multiple properties in Maricopa and have listed a North Dakota address on multiple real estate documents.

  10. ★Merry★* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
    •。★Christmas★ 。* 。
    ° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
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    ˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門| ˚

  11. Everyone knows that the "lame-stream media" lies. These polls are nothing more than liberal bias. Just more of this hopey changy b.s. She wouldn't dare acknowledge it in any other way.

  12. Anonymous5:02 AM


    Sarah Palin would never sit in her kitchen and read anything. Someone would have to interpret the pole numbers into Wordsaladish, her native tongue.

  13. Anonymous5:22 AM

    I'm wondering if they even text her before or after they send a tweet, text or face book for her.
    She always seem a step behind.
    Surprised she has not said a word about Joe Miller.
    Didn't she quit so she could help Alaska? Doesn't she consider joe miller a must for Alaska?
    Or she she thrown the whiny loser under the bus?

  14. Anonymous5:37 AM

    President Obama is a pragmatist. If people had listened to him, they would have heard that he is hawkish and moderate. How could he be more conservative than McCain. So McCain would have repealed Don't Ask, Don't Tell? McCain would have pushed for health care reform?

    No. The president isn't some Stepinfetchit for the Republicans. Liberal and progressives are just as closed-minded as the right-wing evangelicals. He ran an endgame around the Republicans, and progressives are too blind to even see it.

    Many of you will get your tax cut and/or your extended unemployment benefits. Many of you will take advantage of health insurance for your 23-year-old uninsured adult child. Many of you with preexisting conditions will be able to get health reform. Many of us know gay individuals who serve in the military and will garner the rights they deserve. I guess those things happened magically or have we forgotten the president's role?

    He's not Martin Luther King. He's a moderate, pragmatic politician, who told folks repeatedly that he believes in working with EVERYONE and being the president for everyone, including teabaggers, whining liberals, and dolts like Sarah Palin.

  15. Anonymous6:19 AM

    While I obviously defer to people's right/wish to read whatever they would like, I would urge you not to go to the "John Mendels(s)ohn" link. This is the most rank stupidity and there's not a reason on earth to increase the blog traffic for idiocy.

  16. Anonymous@5.37a has hit the nail on the head. Obama is a pragmatist and has done a damn good job of governing so far. I wish his Afghanistan policy was different, but I am very pleased what he and the 111th Congress accomplished in two years.

    What I am NOT happy about is the way some "progressives" have bitched and moaned about Obama. "Oh, he's not done enough. He didn't get the public option, he didn't do this campaign promise or that campaign promise. I'm disappointed in him and I'm not going to vote in 2010 or 2012".

    Well, fellow progressives, fuck you. Obama has governed our country - so far - fairly well and we are slowly - and hopefully - emerging from the ditch the Republicans had driven us into. Obama is not some super-human figure, as represented in Gryphen's posting the other day. He can't wave his hands and all progressive and liberal things are automatically done. These "disappointed" progressives are as ignorant of government as the rightest Tea Baggers on the other side who expect Sarah Palin - if elected - to simply wave her arms and the country would go back to the "good old days" of the 1850's.

    Progressives, grow the fuck up.

    End of rant.

  17. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Don't be silly, SP won't read this news, it won't be on Fox or Newmax.

  18. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Anon 5:37

    Thank you and Well Said!

  19. I want to see the GOP-extremists heads explode (waving both hands up).

  20. I am a moderate Republican, and I can vouch for myself, I am very glad we have Obama/Biden and NOT McCain/Palin. What a disaster that would have been. Thankfully, Pres. Obama has the ability to think outside the Democratic box, and be somewhat more non-partisan on some issues. We need people in charge who do what's right for our country, not just what their party wants them to do. The President is not a fairy godfather.

  21. Anonymous10:36 AM

    3:22, I could say it's fair to mention that the Wasilla debt relates to an asset (the sports complex), but, as I understand it, the sports complex isn't a money maker. I think I remember reading that it was badly situated, ie should have been closer to the center of town. Moreover, $1.2 million of the debt is a legal settlement because Palin pushed the deal even though there was no clear title.

    Gryphen, can you shed some light here? Is it close to the Palin compound?

  22. newmom10:57 AM

    I'm in agreement with phoebes in santa @6:30a and Anonymous@5.37a. As a former McCain supporter who got off the crazy train after Palin boarded, I guess, happily, I never got the memo that Obama would walk on water.

  23. Anonymous9:20 PM

    OT- I had a big laugh hearing Lawrence O'Donnel state Palin is PRO OBESITY following up on her slam of Michelle Obama about S'mores.

    My family members were cracking jokes about Palin "shooting Rudolph" before xmas. There must be many jokes about Palin going around. What kind of mother would do that before xmas? lol

  24. Bel Conehead5:24 PM

    Raise your hand if you would pay as much as one THOUSAND US dollars to not have to sit in Sarah Palin's kitchen located in Sarah Palin's town in Sarah Palin's Alaska? Hmmm... I see quite a few hands up. Including mine. Gryphen, If the opportunity arises I'm afraid you're going to have to take one for the team and go there yourself - avoiding flying epithets, hurtling cans of instant cake frosting and that odd, musty wet caribou and pungent fish odor - and report back what you hear. No one else wants the job.


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