I have never heard of any animal that did not run when people started shooting in its direction.
Five shots later, and after changing to a different gun, Sarah finally makes a kill.
I am sorry, but I call bullshit on this whole episode. Nothing that I am seeing is ringing true to me.
Now they are going through some extra effort, having Papa Chuck shoot his gun at a target, to PROVE that it was the gun's fault that Sarah missed those five shots. Of course we discover that the sight on the gun was off. Can't let the myth of Sarah's shooting skill get damaged by evidence to the contrary now can we?
BTW earlier in the hunt Papa Heath took a fairly big tumble, backpack and all, and the Grizzled Mama could barely muster an ounce of concern. However a few minutes later she fussed and screeched about how cold the water was on her feet like it was the first time she had ever felt creek water in Alaska.
Now back at camp Sarah goes on about how much fun it was too kill the caribou. "It was a blast y'all!" She says.
I refuse to watch that cringeworthy drivel.
ReplyDeleteI guess all that time she spends at the shooting range was for naught, eh?
Okay, it's documented and out there for all the world to see; now, who do we call about having her cited for hunting w/o a license?
ReplyDeleteI'm with ravenstrick. We need to call and get her ass fined and jailed for hunting w/o a license.
ReplyDeleteWell, OF COURSE it was the gun's fault! You know it's NEVER Scarah's fault. Boy, is that gun gonna be in trouble, for makin' Scarah look bad.
ReplyDeleteMy dad is a hunter and so is my brother-in-law; I've never heard them cackle about how much "fun" it was to kill a defenseless animal. This is going to haunt her. Idiot.
There is something wrong with her; she is a little too giddy about her kill.
ReplyDeleteYes, is it true that she was hunting without a license or a permit? And no hunter would go caribou hunting without first sighting in the rifle to their eye. Blaming the gun doesn't work here.
ReplyDeleteChuck talking about his daughter "Sarah Palin". Doesn't every father when they talk about their daughter call them by their full name - idiot. Sarah Palin this and Sarah Palin that.. blah, blah, blah.
ReplyDeleteBecker going off on his own and then showed up with antlers to win the bet. Where's the meat? Never showed the animal. Never went to it. Add the fact, never heard a shot fired.
Piper - wanna see the heart? The look of disgust on Piper's face tells you there has never been hunted animal meat other than grocery bought or meat given to them from someone else's hunt in that house.
who was the singer who was convicted of buying a tame bear that had been raised as a pet and videotaping his supposed "hunt" of a wild bear? The bear, which had no fear of humans, died a horrible death so that this ass could brag on camera about his big hunt. This is as despicable and as phony.
ReplyDeleteI am not watching this. I am not buying products from any of her TLC sponsors. I am girlcotting all Palin links. There are only 2 blogs now that I will read which mention her (IM is one). I am too through with the Palin family fiasco.
ReplyDeleteCaribou not real bright - not real good at getting out of the way on some roads.
ReplyDeleteBut they will run when spooked, so either she wasn't really shooting at the 'boo being photographed or it was a deaf animal.
If that's what she really eats, well, ....
So we have video that she hunted without a license... more proof that she's just one of the common folk, or just an elitest who thinks she's above all those common folk laws?
ReplyDeleteWish she would get cited for hunting with out a license. Wish PETA would come down on her ass too, also.
ReplyDeleteYou know her tweets about "the controversy" about this episode was invented as an attempt to improve her ratings for tonight. Desperate much?
"It's the gun's fault." Like the sight just went bad. Bullshit. You're going on a caribou shoot and you don't check out your equipment beforehand? 1 missed shot and the animal will bolt. With skills like this it's a wonder Todd doesn't use dynamite to catch his salmon.
ReplyDelete5 shots is a lot of wasted ammo. Usually it's one, two is you reallllly need it.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know what the ratings were for last week? After dropping so drastically in the second episode, I haven't heard last week's ratings.
ReplyDeleteWhat was the deal with her dad calling her Sarah Palin like he just met her ? He did it several times. Also I asked the same question about the caribou not running after that first shot and asked if they were deaf. The moderator said he looked it up and couldn't find anything about the caribou being deaf. Sacasm is lost on these idiots.
ReplyDeleteI didn't see that show but I guess I'm going to have to catch the re-run. Plenty of chances for that, I think it's on several times a day, 7 days a week. (Gotta rake in that $$$).
ReplyDeleteDamn, I wish the "only retarded caribou in AK" had won. Site or no site on the gun, if somebody can't hit a caribou in five shots, they're not much of a hunter.
Did everyone connected to this show have to sign confidentiality agreements? Wasn't there a report of her swearing at a crew member after she fell out of a boat? They would have some stories to tell after spending weeks with this crazy family.
ReplyDeletewhat kind of damn fool,takes a gun they have not sighted in their selfs and goes hunting..any real hunter will make sure the gun they are using is sighted in for THEM...i'm a hunter..i am also a 48 yr old female,i have never,not ever taken my rifle out on a hunt and shot at a animal not knowing where that bullet is going..any hunter watching that show will say the same thing..freaking moron,thats what she is
ReplyDeleteI have no doubt that Palin would kill anything-or anyone-that she saw as an obstacle to her over-inflated sense of self-importance and her pathological puritanism.
ReplyDeleteRatings were up last week to 3.5M, from 3M the week before. 1st episode was 5M. I'm expecting them to go up next weeek when the Gosselins are on.
ReplyDeleteInstead of this drivel, I watched Dexter make a righteous kill. He didn't gloat either.
ReplyDeleteThey did not hang the meat. The carcass has to be hung for a few days for it to age for any sort of tenderness to be expected.
ReplyDelete$arah aimed / positioned her weapon WITH HER FINGER ON THE TRIGGER. This is a BIG no-no in the hunting world.
Her husband calls her Sarah Palin, too. Creepy.
ReplyDeleteI don't hunt w/ a gun, but I go out the same way to bird. My optics are always checked and ready to go. Same with my cameras.
Sarah showed a lack of class, again. The fine Christian sure used a lot of "frickin, friggin, etc"
Whining and screeching when crossing the water was just stupid, too.
Her husband calls her Sarah Palin, too. Creepy.
ReplyDeleteI don't hunt w/ a gun, but I go out the same way to bird. My optics are always checked and ready to go. Same with my cameras.
Sarah showed a lack of class, again. The fine Christian sure used a lot of "frickin, friggin, etc"
Whining and screeching when crossing the water was just stupid, too.
Comment at 6;10 The "man" who bought the tame bear and then shot it was Montgomery from the country duo Montgomery Gentry. He was just diagnosed with cancer, and his wife filed for divorce. I would have unloaded him after the incident with the bear.
ReplyDeleteI am pasting a comment on the previous thread that Enjay posted which is quite relevant for this thread as well. I did not see the show but I trust Enjay knows what they're talking about.
ReplyDeleteSo not only does SP likely not have a license or the appropriate tags but this was an unsafe shoot.
Anonymous Enjay in E MT said...
Obviously, being in Montana - hunting & fishing are a big part of our lives. Just from seeing the previews of the "hunting show" I agree with many of the comments that it is the "giddy glee" -
I was also surprised via the clip that she appears to shoot without a defined background - who or what could be 10 to 100+ yards behind that caribou if the shot misses? Safety safety safety !
There should be another disclaimer that the hunt was staged and the "actors" did NOT follow standard National Hunter Safety Guidelines & Teachings. Better yet, membes of that organization should speak out!
No self respecting hunter would go afield without knowing if their rifle is hitting where it's supposed to. A sure sigh that she is a neophyte.
ReplyDeleteOn another note, having hunted caribou quite a bit, I can confirm that they are fairly dim witted. Not uncommon to have them stand there and stare at you when you are shooting at them.
This reminds me of Cheney's hunting adventures to "hunt clubs" where they would drive up to the fields, get out and walk to a designated area where the birds would be released from cages so the Big Brave Hunters could shoot the crap out of them (or, in the case of Cheney, another hunter).
ReplyDeleteI worked for a corporation that had a hunt farm where they tied animals and overstocked lakes so their clients could have "tons of fun" on kill weekends.
Totally disgusting and nothing in common with real hunters who respect the animals whose lives they take and respect the law governing responsible regulation of animal populations (and the fees from the licenses that support wildlife management).
A pox on this phony crap. I hope there is justified blowback on this hoax of a woman and her phony family values.
There is something deeply wrong with someone who takes delight in killing.
ReplyDeleteWhen communities see kids torturing or killing animals for fun, once those kids are caught, they are immediately put into psychological counseling because statistics indicate that people who delight in killing tend to have psychotic personalities and the kids often turn into violent adults and serial killers. Just saying, someone needs to get Sarah into counseling ASAP.
If she were President, I think she'd take special delight in driving us in wars and sending our kids to their deaths. Keep her away from power.
I wonder if the caribou was drugged or staked out like animals at hunt clubs for the wealthy.
ReplyDeleteGosh, I had better things to do tonight than waste my time watching this lame show, but I always do enjoy reading your summary, Gryphen!
ReplyDeleteIf Palin fired the shotgun numerous times and the animal did not react, perhaps the whole thing was staged and Palin never really fired. The sounds of the shotgun could have been dubbed in during the editing process.
If so, the whole checking-the-gun thing was a distraction, i.e. she "missed" because the sight was bad... when the truth is she did not shoot at all.
I wouldn't be surprised. Deception is the way Sarah rolls.
I guess that means that Sarah more tough and ruthless than any man. She didn't blink when McCain asked her to be his VP candidate, and she didn't blink when there was blood.
ReplyDeleteThe reason that Sarah missed five times is because she can't see all that well. She has a lazy eye, and she couldn't focus all that well. I doubt that she really is much of a hunter, either.
Chuck calls her Sarah Palin, and Todd called her Governor Palin when some guy wanted to take her picture in the Valdez airport. By now, she must refer to herself in the "royal we," as in "we are not amused." Didn't Piper call her mother, Sarah, in a previous episode? By doing that, Sarah is no longer a daughter, a wife or a mother. She is their Queen.
When will the "Sarah Palin killed Rudolf" headlines and political cartoons start? I really think that's the way this episode should be reviewed.
ReplyDelete6:16, week 3 was 3.5 million.
ReplyDeleteweek 1 - 5 mill
week 2 - 3 mill
week 3 - 3.5 mill
Someone needs to do their duty and arrest that woman. NOW!
ReplyDelete6:30, I did not know that about Montgomery Gentry. How disgusting. I do remember the DJs from my country station talking about how his wife had filed for divorce at the same time as his diagnosis for cancer. They made a comment that she didn't know about the cancer when she had decided to leave him and she had left him for "other" reasons. I was running late so I didn't hear the end of the discussion and it was over by the time I got into the car. Perhaps it was about the bear. He deserves no less.
ReplyDeleteWhat an ass. I hope his last days are just as painful as the bear's.
I highly recommend a public tv program I saw years ago called The Animal Contract. Perhaps it is available on DVD.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, this principled mindset is not embraced by Man. I guess humanity has not yet evolved. Certainly not "nature lovers" the likes of Palin.
Where I live we're not allowed to strip some of the meat off the carcass; we have to take all of the carcass with us.
ReplyDeleteIs it different in Alaska?
BTW worst meat I ever cooked was a caribou roast from a kill that wasn't bled out or hung properly; it smelled so bad (remember Piper saying it "reeks"?) the dog wouldn't eat it.
She's not a Southerner; it sounds fakey for her to say "y'all."
ReplyDeleteBecker did seem to just go off and find some antlers. Did he abandon the carcass on the tundra and keep just the antlers to show he got the first and the biggest? They didn't seem bloody or attached to a scalp.
Once you add in the cost of multiple plane trips, those are pretty expensive cuts of meat. (At least she didn't shoot from the plane, as if caribou were wolves.)
To show her feminist nature, and to back up her claim of conserving the animal resources for others, she killed a fertile young female.
Even Palin's "reality" makes no sense.
I was intrigued by the woman who lives alone up there and goes 9 months without human contact. Attacked by a bear, sewed up her own head, killed the bear,
sent her GPS location for help, and lay there (sounded like outside) for about a week till help arrived. She's the one who deserves a reality show.
"This is going to haunt her."
ReplyDeleteYou are giving her too much credit. This is
a woman who tried her best to get Barack Obama
killed during the election. She also admits she
debated killing her fetus because he was retarded.
Guys, I've looked high and low. There IS NO "controversy".
ReplyDeleteSarah's post was just her own stuff going on. Maybe there was a conversation in a bar somewhere. Who knows.
I get it that there's an entire industry based on Sarah Palin - blogging, writing, publishing, etc.
But really - everyone here is participating in making her relevant.
I absolutely support IM and Mudflats, etc, in pointing out issues of concern. But not this. This is CREATING controversy that benefits the Palins.
One more time: there is NO controversy over this episode.
It's just one more crazy ghostwriter crap. I firmly believe that there was an essay prepared in advance, anticipating "controversy". It got posted on schedule without doing any public response research.
I'd bet they put some laced dog food up thar on the hill, maybe with Benadryl, so the Caribou would eat it up and then get dopey, then they took the shot.
ReplyDeletemlaiuppa...great idea. Sarah hates Christmas. She just shot a reindeer. Many suspect it was Rudolph.
ReplyDeleteHoly Caribu Bat Man the gun victimized me!
ReplyDeleteShe never sighted the gun? And then never adjusted her shot?
I think someone probably was behind her and fired off a shot: "To Save the Day" ...oops I am mixing my mice and bats.
God, I'm glad I don't have cable and can't watch this. While I do understand hunting for sustenance, her total disregard for animal life is so disturbing to me. I wish I could force eveyrone who defends this woman to watch the wildlife defense fund video of her aerial wolf shoots (available on youtube, if you wish to view). Yet, we are supposed to buy that a person who has such disregard for animal life, actually gives a damn about a developmentally challenged child, like Trig? I hope his sisters are not as sociopathic as Sarah appears to be. Poor kid.
ReplyDeletewhy not fix the sight on the gun and reshoot the scene?
ReplyDeletewhat is the point in showing she missed five times? is this a "she never gives up" example?
mlaiuppa - I wondered the same thing - killing a reindeer during the holidays on television? That's fucked up. But, you gotta admit: Wolf Blitzen had it coming.
ReplyDeleteapparently palin did have a license for hunting and fishing.
ReplyDeleteit was taken out in july of this year
Am I the only one who noticed that Sue copped a feel when she hugged Sarah? Was it my imagination? I watched the whole thing and all I could think was this was imagine the material that SNL will have after these shows. Can't wait to see Tina Fey do her spot on imitation!
ReplyDeleteAnybody who is half a gun person knows to align their sights/scopes before they shoot.
ReplyDeleteSo who supplied the rifles and scopes, Sarah?, Todd?, Papa, the professional guide, TLC?
Cause who ever supplied them is not a knowledgeable gun person.
Also too, if you are packing a rifle, or a rifle with a scope over rugged country where they could get banged around and misaligned, you need at least to take some shots at stationary targets, at varying distances to see if the aim is off and figure what you need to do to correct for the error over any given distance you might shoot.
And that doesn't count the wind as a factor.
Which brings up the question why didn't the Palins just blame the problems on the wind?
Geeze these people don't know anything about anything.
I agree that once the animal herd the first crack it would be alerted and certainly would be gone at the second one.
6 shots and two rifles to get one hit? That's just too damn funny.
It was an hour long infomercial on Sarah Palin. She is ridiculous. She was wearing foundation and lipstick to hunt caribou AND when she returned, I SWEAR I saw Sue cop a feel off Sarah when she hugged her. My friends and I just rolled the entire time. Her French manicure completely sent me in to hysterics. Really, Sarah? Did you stop on your way up to the tundra to get your nails did?
ReplyDeleteWhoopee! Snowflake Snooki can't hit a caribou in the butt with a banjo. Her physical skills do seem on a par with her mental skills. By now, in a perfect world, it would be obvious to all that she is not qualified to be president of the Ladies Wednesday Canasta Club.
ReplyDeleteWhere I live we're not allowed to strip some of the meat off the carcass; we have to take all of the carcass with us.
Is it different in Alaska?--
Living in the Rockies, you do have to take the entire carcass; many areas also require the head deposited in container at trails edge for DOW to inspect.
This entire fiasco sounds very set-up planned and sloppy.
Where is AK's DivOfWildlife...
She is an insult to anyone who ever lived near or around animals, wild or domestic. People like this are dangerous.
leu2500 6:16
ReplyDelete1 missed shot and the animal will bolt."
I agree, but assume for the moment that the wind was blowing toward the Palins and was loud enough so the animal herd little or no crack. -
If Sarah's shots had landed anywhere around the animal or sung past it, it would have shied away and probably run.
So apparently Sarah missed the target big time with the first five. And are we really sure she was the one who actually finally hit the poor animal.
I realize the hypocrisy is a tread-worn word when applied to all things Palin.
ReplyDeleteBut how could there be a BIGGER hypocrisy than one in which on the one hand...
Sarah contends that housewives are entitled to take the most convenient excuse to create a family meal that is least burdensome to the average housewife....therefore her bragging about making Quiznos her Thanksgiving choice in a recent year (2008, 2009?)
and...NOW, she purports to tell us that her family will STARVE if they don't go out and kill Alaskan wildlife.
Gryph - thanks for the SPA recap
ReplyDeleteAgree with lots of the safety comments (and TY for bringing over one of my comments f/prev thread Anon @ 6:31)
A real hunter cleans & checks their equipment, and sites it in prior to a hunt. Perhaps sites were off due to Chucks fall, but an eperienced hunter would have realized the gun was off & adjusted the shot - or just stopped shooting. Did anyone bother to check the barrel for debris after the fall?
I hope there were lots of videos reordings parts of the show - that can go national with Hunter Safety Training courses on how NOT TO HUNT !
Sue says, "...blood, guts, and bullets. That's what I'm about." Charming.
ReplyDeleteReally good timing to shoot one of Santa's reindeer just before Christmas.
ReplyDeleteMight need to run a cautionary statement about guns not being toys for fools even though that what you see on this show. Kids don't shoot into the air with a rifle.
Sarah, "Can you see antlers?"
ReplyDeleteDad, "Naw, just body size."
Sarah, "That means they're far away."
Me, "Duh!"
Once you pull the trigger, you can´t get that bullet back.
ReplyDeleteYou committed a Cardinal sin, Sarah, a Cardinal sin.
Five times.
Sarah has a sissy pack while the guys carry all the stuff. Wuss!
ReplyDeleteAnon 7:04 said.. " she debated killing her fetus when she found out he was retarded.
ReplyDeleteHope I'm welcomed here but I'm a "pro-life" woman who doesn't support Sarah because I truly believe she is a fraud. I know none of you are "pro--death" which is why I have that in quotes. I do believe in education and birth control but this isn't about me.
My concern and respect for ALL life includes ani
animals and this episode and her glee about killing goes against what many of is believe. She sickens me. She is the ultimate hypocrite. No truly pro-life woman would have amnio! So many lies! I don't understand why some do not see this.
I have read here for awhe and I certainly don't agree with much, BUT I do believe Sarah is a dangerous psychopath, a demagogue, a neocon. She wouldnt blink about killing an animal, sending men to die in war or killing innocents in other countries.
Sarah Palun is NOT a pro-life conservative in real life and practice. She just says she is for political reasons.
I could go on about Christianity etc and how she is a fraud there too but you all know.
Sarah the seasoned hunter doesn't know east from west. Riiiiigghht...
ReplyDeleteIt takes 5 caribou to meet the equivalent of the meat that one Moose yields. They went all that way, for one tiny caribou?
ReplyDeleteVillages like Russian Mission that run on antiquated diesel power stations were so hard hit, having to pre-purchase fuel locked in at the height of oil prices, and paying about as much to barge it in with no-fault clauses. When the rivers freeze too early, blocking delivery, the barge turns back and the village has to cough up the dough to emergency air-lift it in to meet heating and lights needs during the crux of below-freezing times.
The fishing was later declared a federal disaster (no thanks to Sarah, it was Parnell's postumous call) so people didn't even have the commercial fishing cash to pay these bills (of up to $11 a gallon) and outfit their Subsistence activities.
The pursuit of Wild Fish and Game for thousands of Alaskans (not just Native) are not a daliance, a quaint hobby for sport and a novel item in your freezer (Sarah,) ithe tundra and oceans and rivers and woods literally is our supermarket - and we don't have the option of going to Taco Bell when the steaks run out in the freezer.
For you to hop in your plane, be paid and have your expedition covered to further brand your bullshit tough as nails frontier woman narrative is plain insulting.
Next time another village has to fly in emergency fuel to keep their heat and lights on at premium cost, I can't wait to see how our Nation's energy expert, former Chief Executive, tweets on it. Or tells us to throw our leaders out, vote in unqualified new blood, bring us cookies and Jesus pamphlets on a Lear Jet from a multi-million dollar faith based institution.
That Sarah, such a record of accomplishment in her storied career as a co-spousal statewide leader of a mere 18 months.
Seasoned hunter Sarah asks if the gun kicks. She doesn't have her own gun? Dad reloads it for her. WTF????
ReplyDeleteFor those of us who did not watch who is sue who copped a feel???
ReplyDeleteI refuse to watch her show. I refuse to click on links with her name in them. I wish she would just go away. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteAs I wouldn't watch anything Palin was on if my reproductive organs hung in the balance - so to speak - I'll take your word for it that it was a retarded caribou. I would suggest that it might have been high instead.
ReplyDeleteAs someone who knows a bit about TV production, EVERYTHING that you see on TV is staged and phony. It wouldn't surprise me if they doped up a caribou to make it easier for Sarah "Pinhead" Palin to draw a bead on him. They didn't want to have to kill a whole herd of caribou to get their money shot, so I'd be willing to bet that the Humane Society was NOT on the set. They assumed that Calamity Sarah would make quick work of a stoned caribou. Little did they realize that she is about as competent with firearms as she is with English.
Just like with Cheney, the safest place to be with an armed Palin is directly in her line of sight. Cheney was so drunk he couldn't walk. What was Palin's excuse?
It was a cow, not a bull.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone ever seen Ms Palin in a bathing suit?
ReplyDeleteI haven't & I wonder why. Even in Hawaii she
was wearing shorts & a tee. The President has
been photographed swimming shirtless, and JFK
was photographed shirtless, Jackie Kennedy was
photographed sunbathing nude in the late 1960s(?),
and in bathing suits as First Lady. What is $P
hiding? Is she that big a mess under her clothes, or
is she that insecure? I think she is probably covered
in stretch marks & belly cellulite from having all
those kids. But I guess she could have severe emotional body issues with being undressed. She
dresses tight, but her skin is always covered...
Has anyone seen her wearing a bathing suit?
ReplyDeleteNO! And who cares?
What shocks me is that Sarah believes this show makes her look presidential????!! Just think about that because it shows you what a dim witted hick she is.
Will she even have 10 minutes devoted to Trig and maybe show therapy he is receiving? She could do so much for the DS community and she does nothing!
Why is that?
8:58, Sarah refuses to wear a bathing suit because she does not want the palinbots to see her tattoos.
ReplyDeleteShe is trashy, and she knows it.
Not sure if someone already commented on this, but if anyone wants to understand why Sarah is the way she is, part of the reason at least can be explained by this comment made by her Dad during SPAK tonight.
ReplyDelete"Even though I've been hunting for 50 years, I can't sleep the night before, I get so excited."
Plus his reactions to her were odd. (of course, any man who wears a t-shirt referencing how hot his daughter is concerns me anyway).
There was a certain bloodlust that went way beyond providing food in all of the episodes. (I only watched parts of the first and this one, but with clips and reviews everywhere, pretty hard to miss) But this attitude of almost glee is not what I am used to seeing around hunters. My family doesn't hunt and never has, but living in small communities, you can't avoid it, so know many, many hunters. I thought it was just weird.
Does anyone know if Sarah Palin's Alaska is getting the government movie and TV money that Governor Sarah Palin signed into law?
ReplyDeleteIf I remember 40% tax credit for "acting talent" and 2% bonus for using rural locations.
So the whole family used and paid as talent? Not to mention Sarah's "pay". That's a sweet deal if you can get it. CA-CHING.
Others might call it wasteful government spending. If you didn't do it, then this will be very easy to clear up. Just issue a press release that this subsidy is not being grifted from the state.
Someone used to say that government money distorted the economy didn't they? But when it's going in your pocket is it the same or different?
Maybe someone needs to request some info. Because that press release won't be happening.
Five is her lucky number;
ReplyDeleteFive kids,
Five shots,
Five colleges...........
If Sarah felt the need to display this hunting episode, why not offer the meat to needy people in Alaska. It would have been an opportunity to turn the 'kill' aspect into one that truly is feeding those in need, but obviously, that isn't how Sarah works.
ReplyDeleteI'm starting to think Sarah enjoys making an idiot of herself. Could be her medication?
ReplyDeleteWalking Dead finale in 15 minutes!
ReplyDeleteWow. I won't watch a minute of this BS program, but - she missed 4 shots and then blamed the gun? Are you frickin' kidding me???
ReplyDeleteAnon at 8:39 mentioned it and I meant to earlier.
ReplyDeleteIs it normal that someone reloads for you as her Daddy Chuckie did? I found that totally odd in that there is not one thing she lifted a finger to do for the trip.
Not one item did she pack for the trip which you would think that Toad would have. If she hunted so much, she would have her own gun which she would be familiar with. Being Toad is a hunter (cough, cough), would she not have gone with him too? Or did she just go with her freakin' father?
Everything was total BS.
What caused a good laugh out of my household was Palin checking Piper's spelling worksheet. That's a joke in itself!!
ReplyDeletePalin attempting to show Piper goes to school or is homeschooled -- hmmm????
We sure as hell know it isn't Sarah teaching!!!!
I refuse to watch this idiot show. I've seen enough of palin to last a lifetime.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 9:35
Can I fan & fav you?
Hey Todd is the real thing his wife is a joke
ReplyDeleteOpen sights means your a hunter. Scope means your a wimp. Arrow means your a hunter. AK47 means your a wimp. Where does the queen fit?
ReplyDeleteYou aren't much of a hunter if you don't sight in your gun BEFORE you go hunting. Also, too, if she's such a hunter, why was she using his gun instead of a favorite of her own?
ReplyDeleteMaybe they sedated the moose to get it to stand still for her figuring she could eventually shoot it.
ReplyDeleteThis episode was very painful to watch. The caribou (female no less) looked magnificent before the fifth and final shot. (All females are equal game?) The cutting up of the carcass was equally disturbing.
ReplyDeleteBetween clubbing halibut and shooting caribou, SP is subconsciously telling us that she is not beyond going in for the kill. Animals OR humans. She definitely has a 'kill-or-be-killed' mindset. VERY DISTURBING to say the very least!
Makes one wonder who put the water in Curtis Menards Jr.'s fuelline; why Wally Hitler said he couldn't give a damn about SP after intially supporting her, and why SP was openly disrespectful at both Wally's and Ted's funerals.
And the woman wants to have America's nuclear codes? Sounds like the Whore of Babylon to me. The lady in red. Be afraid America. Be very afraid.
Question, Gryph:
ReplyDeleteIs it within the realm of possibility that TLC is Punking Palin?
I mean the descriptions of the show proving $P is a real wilder-mess idiot make me think the producer actually wants to make her look this stoopid.
Also, too, I want to know if the question about kickback ($$) from the State of Alaska for TV & movie production is true and/or a possibility.
When you have time to work on that one, of course. I can see the $PayMe keeps you pretty busy with her constant need for media attention.
Thank you! Hope there's something extra in your stocking from Santa.
One other thing I noticed was Sarah practically begging Piper to say how proud she was of her. Piper said nothing and Sarah had a confused look on her face when no praise came her way. Also during that whole meat processing scene, Piper looked disgusted by the whole thing.
ReplyDelete@ 7:37 PM
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin shot one of Santa's reindeer, Blitzen, at XMas-tide?
Oh, deer, no.
She may have had a hunting license but she didn't have a permit for caribou this season.
ReplyDeleteShe would have to have had both to make this hunt legal.
Did you report her to the hunting license division like you promised? (*please, please, please*)
ReplyDeleteThat must have been the gun that Sarah kept under her bed, the one she offered to show to Levi, that time the two of them were in the house alone.
ReplyDelete"C'mon Levi, let's go up to my bedroom, I have a gun I want to show you. You know, upstairs, in my bedroom, where there's a bed (wink, wink)".
The springs of the mattress must have knocked the sights out of alignment (LOL).
I don't hunt, but I am wondering, is it typical or even legal just to leave a dead carcass out on the tundra like they did?
ReplyDeleteYou gotta wonder how many thousands of dollars it cost for all those plane rides to kill one relatively small caribou....nice environmental message. All that fuel and pollution to get what was readily available within a 5 mile drive of Sarah's home. The cost/benefit ratio makes my head spin.
Anonymous @7:38 PM:
ReplyDeleteHaving a hunting license is NOT enough. You must also have a permit for the particular species and gender of the animal you hope to kill.
This is known as a "tag". There is a lottery for the tags. You must have a valid hunting license and then pay the State a fee to be entered into the lottery. In Montana, you can't get an elk permit every year, etc., even if you are extraordinarily lucky in the lottery, but must wait. I think it was elk every second year and moose every third. A state will only allot so many permits for resource management. If you don't win the lottery, you don't get a refund.
My grandmother's friends and relatives would all anxiously wait to see what tags they got, and then spend the morning calling each other with bragging rights.
If you have a permit for a female caribou, you can't spot a nice male with trophy antlers and change your mind. If all you see are males that day, you can't change your mind. Shooting an animal for which you do not have the proper tag is very much against the law. Every animal killed MUST be tagged, and that tag bears a record of the event... so that somebody doesn't go out again and again and reuses the tag, or shoots a female when they have a permit for a male.
My grandmother would prefer a barren or dry cow, because she wanted meat, not trophies. In hunting season, the bulls are rutting and reek of testosterone... which infiltrates the meat. The animal must also be properly dressed and butchered for decent meat as well.
Sarah may say that she has caribou blood under her fingernails (they were just dirty*), but a woman who doesn't know how to sight her gun or load her gun or aim her gun almost certainly doesn't know how to field dress and carry out her own meat, or handle the carcass.
I will not watch this show, but if Sarah Palin didn't fill out a proper tag and attach it to the antlers, she was hunting illegally.
That is also known as POACHING.
*At another event, she claimed to have blueberry juice under her nails. I suspect that this is like writing on her hand... once her dirty nails were noticed, she had to come up with a story.
Tawd refers to her as "Sarah Palin" too. Weird.
ReplyDeleteSarah has never really hunted before. Why would she need daddy to prep her gun for her if she hunted before?? I shot a bb gun and a shotgun in rural KY for the first time over Thanksgiving. My 16 y/o nephew had to prep the gun for me.
ReplyDeleteAlso, re Sarah Tattoos: What are they of? a barracuda?? AIP?? I'm sure they are tasteful and classy. Maybe one is "juicy"
Daddy gets a turn on when his little girly gets all hawt with the gun and the blood.
ReplyDeletePyschology 101.
Didn't anyone pick up Chuck talking about the toothless redneck hillbilly from Kentucky that he had once hunted with? I thought that comment was quite telling and in very poor taste. Surprised TLC kept it in. I keep wondering if TLC is trying to make scara look bad on purpose. I also found it very strange at the end while she was talking about restocking the freezer, that it was already completely stuffed-FULL, while many of her following probably haven't had a meal with meat in it for a long time. After all the costs of trip, would it not have been cheaper to go to the local store? What a joke. I found myself laughing OUT LOUD at the absurdity, it is almost as if TLC is trying to do satire with this show. What a nice mouth, scara, friggin, fricking, I know your professors taught you to use better word choice--must have missed those classes. Ask brisstal, her vocabulary seems to be mysteriously improving.
ReplyDeletePiper reminds me of myself when my uncle would bring back his kills. Funny. Chuck Heath is an amazing man!
ReplyDeletewhy not fix the sight on the gun and reshoot the scene?
ReplyDeletewhat is the point in showing she missed five times? is this a "she never gives up" example?
The point was to "prove" she is an expert marksman with a proper gun she can take down a caribou in one shot. Therefore people are to be impressed and left with the impression Palin is a huntress each season.
Did any one inquire to verify Palin had no hunting license of 2008 and 2009?
at the end when Piper was playing with Trig, I swear Trig looked like Todd (profile shot)
ReplyDeleteA comment on "Even though I've been hunting for 50 years, I can't sleep the night before, I get so excited". Excited about killing? It seems "Chucky heath" should have done his duty during the korean war. He is of the age, yet, he did not. He ran to Alaska as a part time teacher. Now if, he had been in Korea, like my husband, perhaps he, would not be so eager to kill. My husband had night mares, for years."Chucky Heath "thinks his Daughter is hot! How sick is that? What an insulting thing to say about your own daughter, let alone being a non Christian thing to say.
ReplyDeleteAS for the missed shots, why did they not, just edit the film?
I cringe every time Queen Sarah says, "Most Alaskans..." In this episode, it was about how most Alaskans hunt to fill their freezer. Well, no. That's not true. Most Alaskans who live in close proximity do; it's called "subsistence". However, most Alaskans, like her, live far away from the Caribou, and find it far too expensive to go get them and bring them back. Therefore, only the most wealthy of them hunt them. Do the math yourself -- think of the cost for the flights, the gun, the bullets, the supplies, etc., and then divide that by how much meat the three of them together managed to bring home. How many of you could afford meat, no matter how wild and tasty and organic, at that price?
ReplyDeleteOr it's mama forgot to put it's hearing aids in?
ReplyDeleteseveral have mentioned that perhaps TLC may be punking SP while raking in the bucks with this series.
ReplyDeleteI havent watched the show and don't intend to but reading the summaries of those who did, especially with this particular episode it would seem that TLC is subtly having a little fun. It was my first impression when watching the initial promos for the show....the 'family first', the 'tranquility' scene where she's screeching and, of course, the scene where she says she would rather be outdoors than in some 'stuffy old politcal office'.
I'm just sayin'......
She doesn't cock & load her own gun? She doesn't sight it herself? She doesn't know squat about hunting or guns. Asks if gun has a kick back? Wonder what all her NRA buddies think of her now?
ReplyDeleteMy Dad took me out target shooting when I was 10 or 11 after going over all the safety rules with me. I loaded the rifle, sighted it and was a heck of a better shot than Sista Sarah then. I wouldn't go hunting, never have, never would, but many family members did and none of them acted like Sarah or Chuckie, with the exception of my psycho ex-husband. He loved the kill too, but probably not quite as much as she does. SICK!
"Surprised TLC kept it in. "
ReplyDeleteI think Sarah has final editorial approval on the episodes. Mark Burnett would have made sure that was in the contract. Tells you a lot about the Palins that they think their base might like to hear themselves called "toothless rednecks". I don't imagine the true Christians are thrilled hearing "frickin", "flippin", "crap" and "hell" either.
This is how far gone Sarah is - she doesn't think her bogus bonafides will be spotted by REAL fishermen, REAL hunters, REAL outdoorsmen (and women)? REALLY??? Even with my limited experience I can see where she'w just faking it, and faking it badly.
ReplyDeleteThe people who had this connection with her, or thought they did, just dropped off her fan base.
No one likes a liar, especially one caught out so outrageously AND poorly (insult to injury!), just to ingratiate herself with the "rill" people, and try to pander to them... too bad, Sarah, these folks can spot your BS, and they don't appreciate a faker trying to get over on them.
A couple of item Gyphen, No animals will not always run when being shot at unless the bullet comes near to them, the noise is no different than thunder to them ! Any hunter worth their salt would never enter the woods without first knowing their gun and that it was sighted in for their eye and lastly the childlike behavior expressed by Sarah after the kill screams amateur hunter
ReplyDeleteAnyone else notice how TLC is choosing NOT to edit and/or re-shoot some of these scenes? Letting this be all too real, I think, and not in a good way for the Palins, especially Scarah. Some of this stuff is just too outrageous to have escaped the attention of professionals on the scene, implies a decision to let it go, leave it in.
ReplyDeleteSort of like the book editors who didn't edit or fact-check, just let her rip. Makes me wonder.
So many thoughts:
ReplyDeleteThe soundtrack is hideously manipulative. Talk about a political commercial and shameless effort to brand SP in a particular light through emotional tactics. It's pretty much classic propaganda technique.
Todd is home wiping down the counters and will hunt "later" - weird. Piper seems depressed; I think Sarah was trying to give the impression that she is enrolled in school. Is that so, or are they homeschooling her? Her body language with her mother after the trip spoke volumes. (Sarah was surely desperate for her approval and love, also...) Piper has basically been tasked with looking after that little boy, though perhaps he's the main loving contact in her life.
Chuck Heath is one strange dude. Totally agree about his using her entire name - who the hell does that when talking about their daughter? Loved the shots of the Palin/McCain signs in his garage. He said that stuff about her being the woman he raised, that it was nice to get to know her again or something like that? Why was he acting like he never ever sees her?
My husband thought she looked pretty nervous in that plane (the one she named her daughter after) for someone who has supposedly done it all her life.
(Btw, why does that woman live up there all alone like that? Does she work for the state, or a company? Very sad that her brief encounter with these dorks meant so much to her.)
The basic premise of most of these episodes is that Sarah is BRAVE. She puts herself into danger. It's part of the narrative of every episode. She makes things sound very, very risky. I am sure this is part of life up there, but I am also sure she is exaggerating to inflate her own courage. I agree that the french manicure and the hairdo and the makeup was a riot!
The friend was strange as well, but they all got off on the hunting and killing, and it was nauseating.
The most telling section was her saying something like "See Dad, I listened to what you said, we worked together, blah blah blah". That was creepy, not like a normal daughter talking about a beloved father.
This from the Washington Post quoting Chuck Heath:
ReplyDelete"'Anything Sarah Palin does, she does with all four feet, let me tell you that,' said Sarah’s father before they headed north."
Uh, I think we have the source here of the famous Palin word jumble. It has to be learned. This is why she thinks of herself as a pink elephant or a grizzly or a pit bull. Thanks Dad!
My prediction-$arah will announce her candidicy for POTUS at the end of episode 8.
Doesn't she have any respect for all of God's creatures? She is such a self-centered bi tch.
ReplyDeleteWe hunt - it is clear Sarah Palin does not.
ReplyDeleteShe took multiple shots, with a caribou in front of her that never fled after the 1st shot, which simply doesn't happen. Her dad kept reaching down and reloading the gun for her (who hunts but needs their daddy to reload for each shot?)- and I might have missed it, but where was her own gun? I saw her dad had a gun and Becker did. I'd love to know the backstory on how this was filmed - I heard her dad say to her "take your time, he isn't going anywhere", in reference to her mutiple missed shots at the caribou that was supposedly still waiting patiently for her to get a kill shot. Chuck certainly knows better than that, so what was really going on during that alleged shooting scene?
She offered to show her kid the "antlers" of the animal she claimed to shoot (looked like a large male in the video, but even her kid commented during the butchering that the leg looked too small - more like a slighter female cow). They didn't hang the meat to age, nor did Sarah participate in the cutting of it (at least with the prior fishing episode, she was there pretending to handle the fish with Todd's native grandmother, who clearly knew what she was doing).
I saw the caribou while she was missing shots at it, and it had antlers; yet she later mentioned the "cow" (female with no antlers) that she'd bagged. She walked right up to the animal before they verified that it was dead, and her dad had to warn her to watch out because it might still be alive (a not dead yet animal can strike out with enough force that you can be killed - no hunter does what she did, it was a clueless move by a novice).
Heck, when they left to get her caribou, her people even had to correct her on which compass direction they were heading. At arrival at camp, she had on a bright red jacket while everyone else was wearing cammo (I saw they had the sense to toss a camo jacket over that before leaving camp - out in that open space, the red is like a neon light to the animals).
This was nothing more than a vanity hunt - her dad and Becker hunted and tracked an animal for her, then handed her a gun which they had to load for her, so she could pretend to make the kill shot (which I doubt now that she did herself). I mean, when they handed her Becker's gun, he said "it kicks", and she responded "it kicks???", like that was a surprise to her.
I am a 50 something woman, semi-retired professional with an advanced degree, and I know how to handle firearms and know hunting and hunters. She is nothing more than a non-hunter in a family of hunters, who thinks that their experience with hunting is something she can claim as her own because she lived it vicariously through them - and she thinks it makes her look good to potential voters. I call bull on this - she has done nothing more than reveal herself to anyone who really does know how to hunt as a complete fake on this. In fact, given all her whining, I wouldn't even invite her on a real hunting trip with me.
Piper's baby shower reportedly was held at a shooting range. Guess $P was too busy opening swag to polish up her shootin'...
ReplyDeleteP.S. I saw the clips of her in a red jacket at a shooting range, and if it wasn't clear enough from the faked caribou shots, then those clips at the shooting range (looks to be from the next episode) clearly show a woman who hasn't ever handled firearms much, if at all.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'll also add - none her kids have been exposed to hunting, butchering or fishing much in their lives, judging from their reactions and behavior on the show so far. Todd behaves as though he does know what he is doing with respect to fishing and firearms, but I think he went off to do such things without any actual participation from Sarah and the kids. They all have had disgusted looks on their faces, almost looked at their mom in disbelief that she wants them to go along with the "pretend", and act a more than a bit annoyed by this staging crap (probably only until she reminds them of the $$$ to be made by faking it along with her).
I think this show is actually starting to hurt Palin's credibility factor.
And to the poster who said the caribou might hang around, not likely after that many failed shots with 3 hunters talking loudly and excitedly with all that movement, and a camera person there too. A couple of shots - maybe. But I don't think the one they showed was hanging around, because the one they showed supposedly in her sights, going down after the shot wasn't the one they showed dead later with her walking up to it.
Most people really aren't as stupid as Palin assumes.
"So not only does SP likely not have a license or the appropriate tags but this was an unsafe shoot."
ReplyDeletea lot of remarks about her lack of a hunting license - she purchased her license in July 2010.
"At arrival at camp, she had on a bright red jacket while everyone else was wearing cammo (I saw they had the sense to toss a camo jacket over that before leaving camp - out in that open space, the red is like a neon light to the animals)."
ReplyDeleteobvious you are NOT a hunter. Hunters commonly wear red or blaze orange. The deer, elk, etc., are color blind.
She doesn't have a permit/tag for caribou according to the State of Alaska website: http://www.wildlife.alaska.gov/permits/pdfs/2010_tc566_winners_10_15_2010.pdf
ReplyDeleteHunting license? I wanna see it, along with her degree.
I'll explain it to you, since you obviously don't hunt anymore than Sarah does.
ReplyDeleteCaribou are thought to be color blind; but they do follow movement, like a big solid colored jacket as Palin wore - makes her stand out like a moving target against the background. That is a big duh, if you hunt.
If you note, the other real hunters in her party wore camo - which isn't a solid pattern. It is made of muliple colors that are similar to those found in a particular animal's environment, which makes it much harder for the prey to make out their movements.
You brought up the red/orange issue because like Sarah, you don't know the first thing about hunting. In fact, the whole red/orange thing was done not to create a situation where it was easier to take down deer and the like based on what deer, etc can see, but what PEOPLE, ie fellow hunters, can see. It was done strictly to prevent hunters from shooting each other, esp. in brushy, tree filled areas where some types of hunting occur.
Of course, in Palin's hunt, it was flat and treeless, and there was no safety requirement of which I am aware that required her to use red/orange. It was her lack of knowledge, which is why they covered the idiot up when they moved toward the caribou. Certainly, her dad and Becker understood both the rules, and used their camo gear to "camoflauge" themselves better than Palin.
Because they hunt. She doesn't. Nor do you. Check out Cabela's catalog - there are tons of different camo available for weekend warrior nonhunters such as yourself, so you don't need to rely on myth about what prey sees or doesn't see.
P.S. And she'd have had the same result had she worn bright blue, bright yellow, etc - any solid object as she was that stands out from the surroundings will show the prey that something is moving out there. Thought I should add that for nonhunters who may be still confused about the color vs. movement issue.
ReplyDeleteIt is all about not letting them see you moving around, hear you or smell you. Hunters know that and the video forever contains the evidence that Palin does not, not on any aspect.
Margaret Cho lashes back at Bristol Palin on Twitter‎
Sarah Palin the TV Star Exposes Sarah Palin the Fake Hunter
Thank you Anon(s) @ 8:20 and 11:41. It's clear you know what you are talking about. So many of us don't!
ReplyDeleteVanity hunt. That's good, I am sure it's a known concept. I hope that phrase sticks, when it comes to commentary about this episode.
I feel the staged aspect is what must be brought out with this television series story. She is a fake. She can't claim cred for much of the stuff on it. It seems her only reason for showing the great Alaskan wilderness is to show off her supposed skills. We need to call her out on it.
I see that both of her parents got caribou tags. Are they transferable? Or since her dad was there if he didn't shoot one, can he hang his tag on her kill? Not being a hunter, just curious.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if it came right down to it, if it was just some creative editing and she didn't actually shoot it, but they just cut it to look like it?
Did the caribou actually move during the scene or did it just stand there motionless? With all the other fakery that this show is airing, I wouldn't be surprised if they put a stuffed caribou on the ridge and told her to aim for it, thinking there's no way she could possibly miss an already dead and stuffed caribou!
ReplyDeleteReading the Salon recap almost makes me want to watch this show; it's so unintentionally hilarious.
So she was hunting out of the Kavik River Camp: http://www.kavikrivercamp.com/
ReplyDeleteHow close to ANWR is it; or is it actually in ANWR?
Vanity hunts have been around forever, but previously only affordable for the very wealthy. But they boomed during our plush economic times so that many of the newly rich and even not so rich could participate in such staged events. People fawn over the hunter, set the stage and do the dirty work so that the vanity hunter can have the illusion that they actually did a real kill of a truly wild animal, when nothing could be farther from the truth. There is a pile of cash to be made from doing this for people.
ReplyDeleteHad one of these wealthy guys from So. California buy a second home "ranch" down the road from us. Dh had dinner with him, and his house was full of mounted animals from his "hunts." He pointed to one, & said he'd ridden on horseback to take that wild boar down with a javelin. Okay, we ride (used to compete with horses) and had seen him ride - he was having a hard time at a walk. And yet, this strictly city boy who couldn't ride & looked like Mr. Rogers was able to do that from horseback? Not likely.
And found out the scope from his workers - he'd paid big bucks to a hunting refuge, been plied with much alcohol, the boar wasn't wild, and it wasn't his javelin that killed it. But they staged it so well and praised him so heavily for his amazing novice "skills", that he left there thinking he was his generation's Peter Capstick in the making, and his tips to them were some more serious money. They stuffed his boar and sent it to him as a souvenier of his impressive "kill".
And Palin has so refined this process that she doesn't have to pay for her vanity hunt - instead, they pay her to be on the show where a hunt is faked for her advancement with people who aren't familiar with hunting.
Please note - there are plenty of real skilled hunters out there. The best I know (jmho) use bow and arrow to make it more of an equal challenge - it is them vs. the animal, and they cut up, pack out and eat what they harvest. And then you get the guys who come out from the big city, put a sofa in the back of their truck along with a keg of beer, and end up shooting some rancher's cattle instead. Honestly, happens every year out here. They aren't hunters either.
I hadn't realized Palin was this much of a fraud, until I saw this last episode. I am rather gobsmacked that she thought she could get away with it. This show is revealing in a very unflattering way about who she really is vs. who she has pretended to be.
If caribou and reindeer are the same, why would any reality show producer have a show where they are being hunted right before the Christmas season in a so-called Christian country? I am not over crying for the cartoon Bambi and that was from my childhood many years ago. I think the turkey video blood with Sarah Palin sounds better than to have her killing reindeer.
ReplyDeleteWas there a warning to let parents know that children should not watch the reindeer/caribou hunt? I don't watch this Alaskan show. Did Sarah Palin actually slaughter the animal? The pretense was that her family would be hungry if she didn't hunt? I would like a documentary to decipher this brutal expedition played out on the small screen for young children to see. Isn't the Learning Channel about being in the classroom or at home schools for a child's learning experiences?
I read someplace that there are numerous super markets and big box stores within minutes of the Palin home near a strip mall. Hunting is an expense and not necessary for their survival. They would not starve or go hungry in any way without reindeer meat. Sarah and her husband look like they are thin but some of her children have the opposite problem. Are they eating Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer's relatives and that is putting on the pounds? I wish someone would do more explanations about the strange things we are seeing from Alaska. If the Palins can only survive on Rudolph's relatives why does TLC show them killing them so close to Christ's birthday and when the iconic Rudolph image is embedded in the American psyche? What is the message they want to send to children? Do many adults even care/
The reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), also known as the caribou in North America, is a deer from the Arctic and Subarctic, including both resident and migratory populations. While overall widespread and numerous,[1] some of its subspecies are rare and one (or two, depending on taxonomy) has already gone extinct.
"If caribou and reindeer are the same, why would any reality show producer have a show where they are being hunted right before the Christmas season "
ReplyDeleteBecause reality TV show producers are as stupid
and trashy and attention whoring as the people
who "star" on reality shows?
Couple of things:
ReplyDelete2.Chuckie has Seal skulls in his collection. Illegal though it is possible to get a permit for each individual skull. (Federal offense)
2. I believe that it's illegal to hunt on the same day as you fly in. (to prevent the trip in being used as a scouting mission)
3. Chuck calling his daughter "Sarah Palin" is creepy.
I think this one might backfire on her. My freekin' dog watched the show and told me she was full of shit.