Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey
We spend so much time dancing with the stars. No wonder we cant get anything done in this country. Sorry Gryph dont mean to cramp your style.
No, Kathy won't get a facebook rant, I already proved it. Bristol will not touch the subject, until her high six figure deal with some rag comes through.When I straight up asked Bristol if she was or wasn't pregnant.....crickets, then she changed her privacy settings so her personal page is no longer visible in the search. You want the screen shot?
WHEN will the Candies Foundation finally "see the light" about this fake re-virginized Palin? Was she practicing abstinence while living with Ben Barber? When "re-uniting" with Levi for $100,000.00? Very poor spokeswoman for them. Her language and lack of "class" alone, not to mention dull personality should make her a pariah for any organization hoping to set examples. Maybe, seeing the clothing they sell for young girls, she IS the best they could find?? Tramp promotes trampy style? By the way, Bristol would not fit in most of the clothing they sell, would she?
Fun, quick read:
Here we go.. Becky is going to tear the keyboard up as "Bristol" whining about how Hollywood elites are victimizing the world's young women with their thin beauty sterotypes...This rant practically writes iteself!!
OT. On Morning Joe, Willie asked the question, "Can you be President after you've had a sleepover with Kate Gosselin?" Everyone on the panel was smirking. No one provided a serious answer with the exception of Mike Murphy. Prior to saying she was the least qualified of the Republicans possibly running for President, he said, "This will be another 100,000 angry emails". Joe, looking bemused, said he couldn't even touch it. It was apparent that Sarah is the laughing stock of the Republican Party but no one dares tell Queen Esther she has no clothes for fear of the fallout from her insane clown posse.
The White Precious!! So nasty but I can't help laughing out loud. She may not touch Kathy Griffin. Griffin may know things about the family.
As Kathy said to Elizabeth Hassleback when Elizabeth got pissy with her about a statement that Kathy made about her..."Bring it on! that's what I live for" Kathy will not back off, Criticism will only encourage her.
i can't get it to play and I've tried every site i can find?bill in belize
Ho! Ho! Ho!We should have a Palin Christmas card's my first attempt:
Someone had to say it, other than us anonymous h8rs on the blogs. Thank you Kathy, you are a Real American.
FB Lurker @ 2:46 - you must be in Europe then? Read somewhere that somehow Bristol's handlers made it so her FB is not accessible overseas. Nice to continue to control their message without the filter of LSM, a social networking medium where we, the public, have the only access to the wannabe First Family, that wants to dominate us in their twisted and bizarre Family Values way. I agree, Bristol has a secret, it's due in a few months. She's waiting to get the most dollars for the revelation.Boy or girl this time Gristle?
Anon @ 4:44 am - LOL, "Can you be President after you've had a sleepover with Kate Gosselin?" That is priceless! DWTS American Pop/Political culture defined!
Gryphen, Your comments addresed the 'big picture' regarding Bristol. No one here has sat back to take shots at anyone for being overweight. Bristol stated she hoped to lose weight and demonstrate her work ethic.Due to Bristol's obvious excessive weight gain during DWTS it is remarkable she did not achieve her goal, could not have worked hard, may have a medical problem or the rumours may be true. Bristol won't admit her truth instead spinning she has been a curvy bigger size gal which is untrue also. Meanwhile Sarah touts Bristol was super athletic. As you have written before we are not to believe our own eyes and ears.At the age of 54 after being sedentary and eating an unhealthy diet I started exercising by dancing. I gradually increased to one hour a day dancing, light weight training for toning and ten minutes of stretching. In two months I lost two dress sizes, gained energy and toned up. I also changed my eating habits. I am not buying Bristol danced 8 hours a day and gained what appears to be around 20 lbs in a few months in her belly.What the Palins say and what they actually do are contradictory. The rule is to ignore words and focus on such a person's actions.The Palin's actions do not match their words, they claim one thing and do the opposite. No one is to notice but just buy the lying words of personal fiction. No one was to notice Bristol gained so much weight in a few months. However people noticed she was not packing pounds in the TLC show. We routinely witness rage reactions when anyone presents their truth or reality to them.
Criticism will only encourage her... to show her true self more and more. That's what is needed. Keep the pressure on. Also, "Can you be President after you've had a sleepover with Kate Gosselin?" EXACTLY!!
Another bloody moose head for Kathy. Scara better improve her shot, she is gonna need a lot more moose heads.
Sarah's hammer thumbs must be getting a workout today, Blackberry emailing all the prayer warriors to put out a spiritual hit on Kathy. As for Sarah and Bristol, constantly talking about how hard working they are, as if they've cornered the market on that and being common sense Family Values geniuses, tell us how hard it has been for Bristol to be a single mom for over two years again?I'll bet you dollars to donuts (carefully Bristol, don't inhale them, they may be soft but remember to "chew") that they get so many donations from their bots and corporate gifts EVERYDAY. Sarah's probably never had to pay for a cup of coffee since that fateful day she didn't blink with old walnuts, from the establishments she visits (I always found it odd that those that can pay, are never charged) to the gift cards they receive daily. Baby Depot, Baby's R Us, Target, Walmart, Dillards, JC Penny, any venue, you name it. They've got buckets of them coming in the mail every day. Grifters R Us at the Lake Lucille compound.
The comparison to Precious was about more than being fat. Go rent the film. Precious was impregnated by her father and gave birth to a Down Syndrome child she named "Mongoloid", who went to live with her grandmother. Her father impregnated her again. Her father died of AIDS, and Precious found out she was HIV positive. She had been sexually abused by her father since she was 3. Kathy Griffin knew what she was saying and she's gonna get it. It will probably take a week for RAM to write something Sarah thinks is cutting enough for Kathy's crime.
I love Kathy Griffin! Maybe she and Levi stay in touch and gossip by phone. That would be great! Hope she's booked on lots of shows where she can expand on this "Bristol gained weight" theme, because no one else really came out and said the obvious out loud in front of an audience until her!
I'm particularly concerned about the future of this country if that's how a crowd responds to Snooki and Sit.
Bill, the Bristol segment is only about two seconds long.Kathy Griffin is on stage for a performance "Divas Salute the Troops" (a USO show) dressed in a white navy-themed mini-skirted dress and shirt cuffs and looking pretty cute.She says: Let's talk about Dancing With the Stars. Two words: Bristol Palin. SHE'S THE ONLY CONTESTANT IN THE HISTORY OF THE SHOW TO GAIN WEIGHT. The white "Precious". (Cheers, groans, catcalls, whistles) Now let's talk about Jersey Shore...
By the way, Gawker has up a picture of Bristol and Mark, where Bristol looks thinner than she did at the end of the season. It'd be interesting to see when it was taken.Anyone know?
Kathy Griffin is my hero. I love that woman.Any focus on these trivial reality shows and the like is simply because it involves the Palins. That's where they go, so we follow.Let's ask the Palins to participate in something more respectable ;-).
To Bill in Belize,I think the video is blocked for IP addresses outside the US. Try installing and activating HotSpot Shield ( This will hide your IP address and allow you to surf anonymously.Jan in Canada
I was at the event and so glad that VH1 let this play! They edited out the part after "White Precious" and before the Jersey Shore people came out where Kathy Griffin said that "her secret wish was that Bristol was knocked up again, this time by David Hasselhoff. There would be little BristolHoffs all over, eating grilled cheese on the floor".Kathy Griffin and all the Divas were fantastic.
News on the link is Bristol changed her FB privacy when a male asked if she was pregyMary
Here's another Palin Christmas card. DWTS style...
Once again we're relying on our comedians to state the obvious and go where those whose job it really is fear to tread.I'm guessing they won't take the bait as it would be protesting too much, plus drawing attention to the obvious.
Thank you Kathy Griffen!!!!!!!White Precious INDDED.I have been saying for months that by naming Tri-G TRI-G, Sarah has the mentality of a 14 y/o abused girl from Harlem. Kathy knows. Oh, she knows. She knows SArah faked it for Bristol and named the kid after Down Syndrome.I gotta find a way to thanks Kathy Griffen..i don't twitter
Where is Bristol? Like I said before, she may make a quick trip to a place outside the US where she can get a late term abortion. She is either in hiding to await the birth, or she's had a "white-out." Next time she is seen, she'll be noticeably thinner. I believe that Sarah did push her into DWTS. Then Bristol, who was either already pregnant, or trying to get revenge pregnant, did literally nothing to keep herself on the show, hoping that she'd get voted out early and go back home. But Sarah's bots had other plans and, as the season progressed, Bristol became more and more sullen and nasty. Just like a child who is forced to do something they don't want to. Now, Bristol is either in Arizona or somewhere else, kept under wraps, while her mother furiously tweets and rants on facebook to take the attention away from Bristol. I believe that Sarah is livid about her daughter's pregnancy. Thank you, Kathy Griffin. Brilliant as usual.
Listen, Olbermann and Kathy Griffin know she's likely pregnant. The related comments/jokes/criticisms are to keep the spotlight on her without actually going there.Only George Lopez has been bold about it, to the best of my knowledge.Where's a photo of Bristol from last week? She can disappear so easily?Amazing.
Has ANYBODY seen Bristol lately? I would like to see a confirmed pic of her this week.
Facebook Lurker,Share
Right now her run depends on keeping any harmful secrets under wraps, what's in it for her, and how much support she has. So far she seems to be doing well with the first, not sure about the second, and getting worse at the third by the minute.
Kathy Griffin and Levi were on the Insider Nov 2 '09. Kathy Griffin offers an intriguing interjection into the conversation but stopped before completing her sentence. youtube 0:33Jacobs: Is Trig Sarah’s baby?Levi: Yeah. Trig is Sarah’s baby.Jacobs: So you saw her....Levi: To my knowledge.Jacobs: ...pregnant. I mean there were a lot of issues because she never...Kathy: You never saw her (cut off)Jacobs: ...appeared pregnant; she traveled very close to giving birth, she never told any of her advises she was pregnant." used to have the clips but they seem to be disabled and I can't find it at the Insider. Thanks, doublegrammapalin, for putting up the youtube.
Perhaps KGriffin was just being her outrageous self but the Precious comparison blew me away, wondering if it went beyond a fat joke...abuse, pregnancy, DS baby, grandma takes DS baby. Didn't Kathy say at one time that she knew some of Levi's secrets?As for Bristol being pregnant, I've gone back on the fence but I'm still leaning on the pregnant side. I made comparisons of Bristol's 2 Tangos -- same dance, same dress -- 4 weeks apart. There's not as much change in appearance as I expected but there are slight differences in the camera angle which could account for that. Bristol may have actually dropped some fat the last few weeks of the show, though the belly still protrudes about the same. Others may see a growing belly but I'm not sure.I'll email the comparison pics to Gryphen.
I would suggest that in addition to screen captures that incriminating videos on places like YouTube be downloaded for archiving. There are several programs out there you can install to download YouTube videos. I did not get the full connection for "White Precious" not having seen the film. I did know about Tri-G and Trig and though Sarah was just plain stupid or nasty. I've said before that if it is indeed her baby, she did everything in her power to provide an opportunity for that child to, shall we say, provide her with a LOT more sympathy but no photo ops, if you get my drift. As for the rest of the connection, I doubt Todd bears any resemblance to Precious' Father. If he did Sarah wouldn't divorce him. She'd be a widow. Hunting accident.
I like everyone asking the same question I'm asking: Where's Bristol?????For someone so used to being in the media recently and trying to use it to the best of her $$$$$ advantage,how is it that she can just turn it off. They created this monster, but can it come back to haunt them. Hey, even the Repugs want Scarah and rest of the lot to go away.How about stepping this this up in the media:"We want to see Bristol cause we all know she's preggers" put the hyprocracy in their faces. I am here in the US. Palingates claimed that they could not access the public Bristol Palin official fan page, but I am talking about the Bristol Sheeran personal, private page. That name won't come up in the search, just a couple of others some lame fans of hers tried to make. So anyway, I posted this before, but here is the back and forth:ME Hey, congrats on the new baby you're expecting! It's the talk of Wasilla. I hope Tripp gets a little sister this time Bristol Sheeran December 2 at 7:36pm ReportHaha hey (NAME) - I know your a lonely little fella but get a life! You're a loser man, that's why you have dedicated your facebook to try and clown on some stranger you don't even know. That sucks your life is THAT boring :) Sent via Facebook Mobile ME December 2 at 8:37pmOops, sorry, a friend of Aprils told me you were pregnant . I guess it's not true then?Sent via Facebook Mobile ME December 3 at 8:52amYour silence is deafening...speaks volumes. May I suggest getting out in front of this story to your favorite tabloids, or putting these rumors to rest once and for all?I used the "Send Bristol a Message" feature, and just called her bluff. As you can see, she responded pretty quickly the first time but never denied the pregnancy, and stopped responding. If it wasn't true she would have called me a faggot, gay homo, etc. She's pregnant, if she wasn't she would have thrown it back in my face. Palins are nothing of not predictable.Gyphen, if you want me to send you the screen shot, I will, just post on this thread.A lesson to all you facebook users...see how easy it is to make up a fake profile? Lesson learned...don't friend anyone you don't know personally, and don't reveal anything you wouldn't want your grandmother, spouse, or employer to see. People are so dumb.
7:19 AM, 7:25 AM and all those that are curious about a recent picture of Bristol there is a picture of Bristol that is said to be within the last couple of days.There is too much funny business and I have no idea how true the information is. If true, Bristol was in Phoenix December 4, 2010. She looks thinner than the previous last picture posted on November 24, 2010, 9 days ago.The picture in Phoenix does look like it is Arizona in the winter, I think the temp was in the high 70s. The lady in a yellow pullover is dressed like Bristol. I am not interested in the obvious ghostwriter's remarks or explantions at all! It is Bristol that needs to find her voice and speak for herself. What is very questionable is that 115 or more pictures on Bristol's OFFICIAL facebook were DISAPPEARED for hours after the picture in Phoenix was posted by Tara Snapbacks Swan, a fan. They are back up now and a Keith Olberman picture that reads "I will spew hate for food" was added by Robert W. Hayes to "Bristol Palin."
Yes Facebook Lurker I would like the screenshot. In fact I have collected a a couple of screenshot, that may, or may not prove useful in the future.If you would not mind I would like the one of this conversation as well. If you want you can send it to
Gryphen, Facebook Lurker - What is the deal with the photo of Bristol in Phoenix the other day? Is there anyway to know if that is a set up or not? Was/is she in Phoenix? She looks good.
If that picture is legit, then Bristol had a "white-out." Perhaps just across the border or some "abortionist to the stars." Even her face is no longer puffy. Very strange. And Bristol is actually smiling.
All: I "outed" my alter ego on Facebook, so I am not up to speed on all things Bristol anymore. I lurked for months, biding my time, gathering info, but when that Keith Olbermann post of Bristol's went up I snapped. I'm tempted to get back on, it's just too easy to mess with people, but I actually do have a life.
AKjah ... seems we hit a nerve huh?
re Gawker photo. Isn't that from the GMA show after the DWTS final? If so, by the time she was on The View that day she'd taken off her Spanx and was really showing.
Bristol's Support is Crumbling - that sun seems awfully bright for December. I checked the recent weather for Phoenix: partly cloudy since Fri with highs in the 70s, lows in the 40s. Tucson was sunny & upper 70s.
I really don't believe that Kathy Griffin would mention Bristol's weight if that was all there was to it. It only makes sense if she is hinting about something else.
Don't feed the trolls! It just goes directly to their thighs.
ReplyDeleteWe spend so much time dancing with the stars. No wonder we cant get anything done in this country. Sorry Gryph dont mean to cramp your style.
ReplyDeleteNo, Kathy won't get a facebook rant, I already proved it. Bristol will not touch the subject, until her high six figure deal with some rag comes through.
ReplyDeleteWhen I straight up asked Bristol if she was or wasn't pregnant.....crickets, then she changed her privacy settings so her personal page is no longer visible in the search. You want the screen shot?
WHEN will the Candies Foundation finally "see the light" about this fake re-virginized Palin? Was she practicing abstinence while living with Ben Barber? When "re-uniting" with Levi for $100,000.00? Very poor spokeswoman for them. Her language and lack of "class" alone, not to mention dull personality should make her a pariah for any organization hoping to set examples. Maybe, seeing the clothing they sell for young girls, she IS the best they could find?? Tramp promotes trampy style? By the way, Bristol would not fit in most of the clothing they sell, would she?
ReplyDeleteFun, quick read:
ReplyDeleteHere we go.. Becky is going to tear the keyboard up as "Bristol" whining about how Hollywood elites are victimizing the world's young women with their thin beauty sterotypes...
ReplyDeleteThis rant practically writes iteself!!
OT. On Morning Joe, Willie asked the question, "Can you be President after you've had a sleepover with Kate Gosselin?" Everyone on the panel was smirking. No one provided a serious answer with the exception of Mike Murphy. Prior to saying she was the least qualified of the Republicans possibly running for President, he said, "This will be another 100,000 angry emails". Joe, looking bemused, said he couldn't even touch it.
ReplyDeleteIt was apparent that Sarah is the laughing stock of the Republican Party but no one dares tell Queen Esther she has no clothes for fear of the fallout from her insane clown posse.
The White Precious!! So nasty but I can't help laughing out loud. She may not touch Kathy Griffin. Griffin may know things about the family.
ReplyDeleteAs Kathy said to Elizabeth Hassleback when Elizabeth got pissy with her about a statement that Kathy made about her..."Bring it on! that's what I live for" Kathy will not back off, Criticism will only encourage her.
ReplyDeletei can't get it to play and I've tried every site i can find?
ReplyDeletebill in belize
Ho! Ho! Ho!
ReplyDeleteWe should have a Palin Christmas card contest...
here's my first attempt:
Someone had to say it, other than us anonymous h8rs on the blogs.
ReplyDeleteThank you Kathy, you are a Real American.
FB Lurker @ 2:46 - you must be in Europe then? Read somewhere that somehow Bristol's handlers made it so her FB is not accessible overseas.
ReplyDeleteNice to continue to control their message without the filter of LSM, a social networking medium where we, the public, have the only access to the wannabe First Family, that wants to dominate us in their twisted and bizarre Family Values way.
I agree, Bristol has a secret, it's due in a few months. She's waiting to get the most dollars for the revelation.
Boy or girl this time Gristle?
Anon @ 4:44 am - LOL, "Can you be President after you've had a sleepover with Kate Gosselin?"
ReplyDeleteThat is priceless! DWTS American Pop/Political culture defined!
Gryphen, Your comments addresed the 'big picture' regarding Bristol. No one here has sat back to take shots at anyone for being overweight. Bristol stated she hoped to lose weight and demonstrate her work ethic.
ReplyDeleteDue to Bristol's obvious excessive weight gain during DWTS it is remarkable she did not achieve her goal, could not have worked hard, may have a medical problem or the rumours may be true. Bristol won't admit her truth instead spinning she has been a curvy bigger size gal which is untrue also. Meanwhile Sarah touts Bristol was super athletic. As you have written before we are not to believe our own eyes and ears.
At the age of 54 after being sedentary and eating an unhealthy diet I started exercising by dancing. I gradually increased to one hour a day dancing, light weight training for toning and ten minutes of stretching. In two months I lost two dress sizes, gained energy and toned up. I also changed my eating habits. I am not buying Bristol danced 8 hours a day and gained what appears to be around 20 lbs in a few months in her belly.
What the Palins say and what they actually do are contradictory. The rule is to ignore words and focus on such a person's actions.
The Palin's actions do not match their words, they claim one thing and do the opposite. No one is to notice but just buy the lying words of personal fiction. No one was to notice Bristol gained so much weight in a few months. However people noticed she was not packing pounds in the TLC show. We routinely witness rage reactions when anyone presents their truth or reality to them.
Criticism will only encourage her... to show her true self more and more. That's what is needed. Keep the pressure on. Also, "Can you be President after you've had a sleepover with Kate Gosselin?" EXACTLY!!
ReplyDeleteAnother bloody moose head for Kathy. Scara better improve her shot, she is gonna need a lot more moose heads.
ReplyDeleteSarah's hammer thumbs must be getting a workout today, Blackberry emailing all the prayer warriors to put out a spiritual hit on Kathy.
ReplyDeleteAs for Sarah and Bristol, constantly talking about how hard working they are, as if they've cornered the market on that and being common sense Family Values geniuses, tell us how hard it has been for Bristol to be a single mom for over two years again?
I'll bet you dollars to donuts (carefully Bristol, don't inhale them, they may be soft but remember to "chew") that they get so many donations from their bots and corporate gifts EVERYDAY.
Sarah's probably never had to pay for a cup of coffee since that fateful day she didn't blink with old walnuts, from the establishments she visits (I always found it odd that those that can pay, are never charged) to the gift cards they receive daily.
Baby Depot, Baby's R Us, Target, Walmart, Dillards, JC Penny, any venue, you name it. They've got buckets of them coming in the mail every day. Grifters R Us at the Lake Lucille compound.
The comparison to Precious was about more than being fat. Go rent the film. Precious was impregnated by her father and gave birth to a Down Syndrome child she named "Mongoloid", who went to live with her grandmother. Her father impregnated her again. Her father died of AIDS, and Precious found out she was HIV positive. She had been sexually abused by her father since she was 3. Kathy Griffin knew what she was saying and she's gonna get it. It will probably take a week for RAM to write something Sarah thinks is cutting enough for Kathy's crime.
ReplyDeleteI love Kathy Griffin! Maybe she and Levi stay in touch and gossip by phone. That would be great! Hope she's booked on lots of shows where she can expand on this "Bristol gained weight" theme, because no one else really came out and said the obvious out loud in front of an audience until her!
ReplyDeleteI'm particularly concerned about the future of this country if that's how a crowd responds to Snooki and Sit.
ReplyDeleteBill, the Bristol segment is only about two seconds long.
ReplyDeleteKathy Griffin is on stage for a performance "Divas Salute the Troops" (a USO show) dressed in a white navy-themed mini-skirted dress and shirt cuffs and looking pretty cute.
She says: Let's talk about Dancing With the Stars. Two words: Bristol Palin. SHE'S THE ONLY CONTESTANT IN THE HISTORY OF THE SHOW TO GAIN WEIGHT. The white "Precious". (Cheers, groans, catcalls, whistles) Now let's talk about Jersey Shore...
By the way, Gawker has up a picture of Bristol and Mark, where Bristol looks thinner than she did at the end of the season. It'd be interesting to see when it was taken.
ReplyDeleteAnyone know?
Kathy Griffin is my hero. I love that woman.
ReplyDeleteAny focus on these trivial reality shows and the like is simply because it involves the Palins. That's where they go, so we follow.
Let's ask the Palins to participate in something more respectable ;-).
To Bill in Belize,
ReplyDeleteI think the video is blocked for IP addresses outside the US. Try installing and activating HotSpot Shield ( This will hide your IP address and allow you to surf anonymously.
Jan in Canada
I was at the event and so glad that VH1 let this play!
ReplyDeleteThey edited out the part after "White Precious" and before the Jersey Shore people came out where Kathy Griffin said that "her secret wish was that Bristol was knocked up again, this time by David Hasselhoff. There would be little BristolHoffs all over, eating grilled cheese on the floor".
Kathy Griffin and all the Divas were fantastic.
News on the link is Bristol changed her FB privacy when a male asked if she was pregy
Here's another Palin Christmas card. DWTS style...
Once again we're relying on our comedians to state the obvious and go where those whose job it really is fear to tread.
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing they won't take the bait as it would be protesting too much, plus drawing attention to the obvious.
Thank you Kathy Griffen!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhite Precious INDDED.
I have been saying for months that by naming Tri-G TRI-G, Sarah has the mentality of a 14 y/o abused girl from Harlem.
Kathy knows. Oh, she knows. She knows SArah faked it for Bristol and named the kid after Down Syndrome.
I gotta find a way to thanks Kathy Griffen..i don't twitter
Where is Bristol? Like I said before, she may make a quick trip to a place outside the US where she can get a late term abortion. She is either in hiding to await the birth, or she's had a "white-out." Next time she is seen, she'll be noticeably thinner. I believe that Sarah did push her into DWTS. Then Bristol, who was either already pregnant, or trying to get revenge pregnant, did literally nothing to keep herself on the show, hoping that she'd get voted out early and go back home. But Sarah's bots had other plans and, as the season progressed, Bristol became more and more sullen and nasty. Just like a child who is forced to do something they don't want to. Now, Bristol is either in Arizona or somewhere else, kept under wraps, while her mother furiously tweets and rants on facebook to take the attention away from Bristol. I believe that Sarah is livid about her daughter's pregnancy. Thank you, Kathy Griffin. Brilliant as usual.
ReplyDeleteListen, Olbermann and Kathy Griffin know she's likely pregnant. The related comments/jokes/criticisms are to keep the spotlight on her without actually going there.
ReplyDeleteOnly George Lopez has been bold about it, to the best of my knowledge.
Where's a photo of Bristol from last week? She can disappear so easily?
Has ANYBODY seen Bristol lately? I would like to see a confirmed pic of her this week.
ReplyDeleteFacebook Lurker,
Right now her run depends on keeping any harmful secrets under wraps, what's in it for her, and how much support she has. So far she seems to be doing well with the first, not sure about the second, and getting worse at the third by the minute.
ReplyDeleteKathy Griffin and Levi were on the Insider Nov 2 '09. Kathy Griffin offers an intriguing interjection into the conversation but stopped before completing her sentence.
ReplyDeleteyoutube 0:33
Jacobs: Is Trig Sarah’s baby?
Levi: Yeah. Trig is Sarah’s baby.
Jacobs: So you saw her....
Levi: To my knowledge.
Jacobs: ...pregnant. I mean there were a lot of issues because she never...
Kathy: You never saw her (cut off)
Jacobs: ...appeared pregnant; she traveled very close to giving birth, she never told any of her advises she was pregnant."
Jezebel used to have the clips but they seem to be disabled and I can't find it at the Insider. Thanks, doublegrammapalin, for putting up the youtube.
Perhaps KGriffin was just being her outrageous self but the Precious comparison blew me away, wondering if it went beyond a fat joke...abuse, pregnancy, DS baby, grandma takes DS baby.
ReplyDeleteDidn't Kathy say at one time that she knew some of Levi's secrets?
As for Bristol being pregnant, I've gone back on the fence but I'm still leaning on the pregnant side. I made comparisons of Bristol's 2 Tangos -- same dance, same dress -- 4 weeks apart. There's not as much change in appearance as I expected but there are slight differences in the camera angle which could account for that. Bristol may have actually dropped some fat the last few weeks of the show, though the belly still protrudes about the same. Others may see a growing belly but I'm not sure.
I'll email the comparison pics to Gryphen.
I would suggest that in addition to screen captures that incriminating videos on places like YouTube be downloaded for archiving. There are several programs out there you can install to download YouTube videos.
ReplyDeleteI did not get the full connection for "White Precious" not having seen the film.
I did know about Tri-G and Trig and though Sarah was just plain stupid or nasty. I've said before that if it is indeed her baby, she did everything in her power to provide an opportunity for that child to, shall we say, provide her with a LOT more sympathy but no photo ops, if you get my drift.
As for the rest of the connection, I doubt Todd bears any resemblance to Precious' Father. If he did Sarah wouldn't divorce him. She'd be a widow. Hunting accident.
I like everyone asking the same question I'm asking:
ReplyDeleteWhere's Bristol?????
For someone so used to being in the media recently and trying to use it to the best of her $$$$$ advantage,
how is it that she can just turn it off. They created this monster, but can it come back to haunt them. Hey, even the Repugs want Scarah and rest of the lot to go away.
How about stepping this this up in the media:
"We want to see Bristol cause we all know she's preggers" put the hyprocracy in their faces. I am here in the US. Palingates claimed that they could not access the public Bristol Palin official fan page, but I am talking about the Bristol Sheeran personal, private page. That name won't come up in the search, just a couple of others some lame fans of hers tried to make.
ReplyDeleteSo anyway, I posted this before, but here is the back and forth:
ME Hey, congrats on the new baby you're expecting! It's the talk of Wasilla. I hope Tripp gets a little sister this time
Bristol Sheeran December 2 at 7:36pm Report
Haha hey (NAME) - I know your a lonely little fella but get a life! You're a loser man, that's why you have dedicated your facebook to try and clown on some stranger you don't even know. That sucks your life is THAT boring :)
Sent via Facebook Mobile
ME December 2 at 8:37pm
Oops, sorry, a friend of Aprils told me you were pregnant . I guess it's not true then?
Sent via Facebook Mobile
ME December 3 at 8:52am
Your silence is deafening...speaks volumes. May I suggest getting out in front of this story to your favorite tabloids, or putting these rumors to rest once and for all?
I used the "Send Bristol a Message" feature, and just called her bluff. As you can see, she responded pretty quickly the first time but never denied the pregnancy, and stopped responding. If it wasn't true she would have called me a faggot, gay homo, etc. She's pregnant, if she wasn't she would have thrown it back in my face. Palins are nothing of not predictable.
Gyphen, if you want me to send you the screen shot, I will, just post on this thread.
A lesson to all you facebook users...see how easy it is to make up a fake profile? Lesson learned...don't friend anyone you don't know personally, and don't reveal anything you wouldn't want your grandmother, spouse, or employer to see. People are so dumb.
7:19 AM, 7:25 AM and all those that are curious about a recent picture of Bristol there is a picture of Bristol that is said to be within the last couple of days.
ReplyDeleteThere is too much funny business and I have no idea how true the information is. If true, Bristol was in Phoenix December 4, 2010. She looks thinner than the previous last picture posted on November 24, 2010, 9 days ago.
The picture in Phoenix does look like it is Arizona in the winter, I think the temp was in the high 70s. The lady in a yellow pullover is dressed like Bristol. I am not interested in the obvious ghostwriter's remarks or explantions at all! It is Bristol that needs to find her voice and speak for herself. What is very questionable is that 115 or more pictures on Bristol's OFFICIAL facebook were DISAPPEARED for hours after the picture in Phoenix was posted by Tara Snapbacks Swan, a fan. They are back up now and a Keith Olberman picture that reads "I will spew hate for food" was added by Robert W. Hayes to "Bristol Palin."
Yes Facebook Lurker I would like the screenshot. In fact I have collected a a couple of screenshot, that may, or may not prove useful in the future.
ReplyDeleteIf you would not mind I would like the one of this conversation as well. If you want you can send it to
Gryphen, Facebook Lurker - What is the deal with the photo of Bristol in Phoenix the other day? Is there anyway to know if that is a set up or not? Was/is she in Phoenix? She looks good.
ReplyDeleteIf that picture is legit, then Bristol had a "white-out." Perhaps just across the border or some "abortionist to the stars." Even her face is no longer puffy. Very strange. And Bristol is actually smiling.
ReplyDeleteAll: I "outed" my alter ego on Facebook, so I am not up to speed on all things Bristol anymore. I lurked for months, biding my time, gathering info, but when that Keith Olbermann post of Bristol's went up I snapped.
ReplyDeleteI'm tempted to get back on, it's just too easy to mess with people, but I actually do have a life.
AKjah ... seems we hit a nerve huh?
ReplyDeletere Gawker photo. Isn't that from the GMA show after the DWTS final? If so, by the time she was on The View that day she'd taken off her Spanx and was really showing.
ReplyDeleteBristol's Support is Crumbling - that sun seems awfully bright for December.
ReplyDeleteI checked the recent weather for Phoenix: partly cloudy since Fri with highs in the 70s, lows in the 40s. Tucson was sunny & upper 70s.
I really don't believe that Kathy Griffin would mention Bristol's weight if that was all there was to it. It only makes sense if she is hinting about something else.