Thursday, December 02, 2010

One of those sneaky "Lamestream" media guys from CNN sneaks past Sarah Palin's flying monkeys and manages to ask her a question.

From CNN:

The country music that Palin's handlers had blaring at the signing station presumably to drown out such questions suddenly stopped. We asked the question again.

"Am I doing interviews?" the former Alaska governor asked. "I thought I got to talk to the nice people. And where's our music and where's our good enthusiasm?" she persisted.

We repeated the question. "Not any closer. No," she responded.

With the music still off, we squeezed in another question about former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney's comments on Wednesday night's "Tonight Show with Jay Leno." On the program, Romney seemed to take a jab at Palin's decision to step down as Alaska's governor. "It's hard to imagine a circumstance where I would quit," Romney said.

As of today's book signing, Palin indicated she hadn't heard Romney's remarks. "What did Governor Romney say on the 'Tonight Show'?" she asked us.

Upon hearing his comment, her response was brief. "Oh, he probably had some different conditions," she said.

What "different conditions" were those?  Is she inferring that the voters of Massachusetts expect THEIR Governor to finish out his term and the voters of Alaska didn't?  Because it has been my experience that Alaska Governor's always served out their term. Well right up until July 4, 2009 that is.

Look how irritated she is by the fact that the press managed to ask her a question.  She immediately gets up and damn near bolts out of the room.  And then, when she realizes how bad that will look in front the drooling pinheads that are standing in line, she grudgingly answers a few questions after which somebody puts their hand over the camera as you see her pointing with her finger as if to say "Get them the fuck out of here!"

Gee you would think she could pull RAM off of ghostwriting Bristol Facebook posts long enough to jot down a few snappy one liners for her to rattle off to the press just to make it appear that she was interacting with them. 

She could even write them on her hand so she does not forget them!  Has anybody ever thought of that?


  1. Apparently, she also accused the reporter of having turned off the music. Paranoid or what?

    Goodness, her "fight or flight" instinct is front and center, isn't it? She looked like an idiot, carelessly scrawling her name and barely looking at the poor minions who waited in line so long to see her.

    How presidential to be so frightened of a mere reporter.

  2. Anonymous4:45 PM

    she looked like a deer ready to BOLT.... what an IDIOT... he asked a SIMPLE question that even SHE could have answered....

  3. Anonymous4:46 PM

    She's got more eyeliner on than Zsa Zsa Gabor.

  4. Anonymous4:47 PM

    "Not any closer. No!"

    Wow, it almost sounds like there is something Sarah doesn't want them to see. Her wig? I've heard her hair is falling out. Some bad plastic surgery that might be noticable up close? The stem from the pod the aliens grew her from? Is Sarah hiding something? Other than the stuff we already know?

    When I met her, she was comfortable mingling in the crowd. She really seems paranoid now.


  5. Anonymous4:53 PM

    I just can't believe she gets away with the "approved media outlets only" deal. For one thing, it smells like dictatorship, which I know I fear if God forbid she were to get near the White House. For another it just confirms that she really DOESN'T know the answer to legitimate questions that might be asked of a presidential candidate. (And when you're running for president... any question should be legitimate.)

  6. Okay I don't know what is going on but several places on FB and I saw a few things about this on twitter said that CNN announced that Bristol Palin's water broke? Is this a joke or has anyone else heard anything about this?

  7. Anonymous4:59 PM

    My, what a gracious performance, the soul of geniality.

    Sarah without her insulating controllers is a puppet on crazy strings.

    And she is stupid, also, too.

  8. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Finally, the media is referring to her as the 'former' governor of Alaska. It really irked me that the bitter quitter twitler was generally referred to as "Governor" Palin.

  9. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I bet she cut the book signing short so she could grab her Blackberry and go to Youtube to check out what Romney said. Way to get to her CNN dude!

  10. Anonymous5:10 PM

    A simple "I'm not doing interviews today" and a big smile is all Sarah had to do. The cornered rat look does not become her.

  11. igettit25:11 PM

    I'm impressed that someone from the media actually had the guts to ask her a real question.

    Was she wearing that gawdawful crushed velvet roses jacket again? With all her money.....

  12. laprofesora5:13 PM

    LOVE IT!!!

    I'm surprised we didn't hear glass shattering when she shrieked, "Am I doing interviews?" Could she get any shriller?

    Boy, somebody's going to be in BIG trouble for letting a camera near the queen.

  13. Anonymous5:14 PM

    She's done. "It's all over but the crying."

    You're so right, btw. She WAS about to bolt. Amazing. I thought that her agitation wouldn't allow her to stay seated but I gave her way too much credit. She was about to take off. I give her credit, given her mental illness, that she was able to stay there. Fucking psychopath.

  14. Anonymous5:15 PM

    She is not now, nor will EVER be, ready for prime time. The shrillness of her voice makes my ears hurt (LITERALLY!), but what's especially egregious is how ill-prepared she is, considering she's been at this for for more than two years. I'm amazed I never noticed what an insecure, immature little girl she is, until now.

  15. Anonymous5:25 PM

    @laprofesora who said: "Boy, somebody's going to be in BIG trouble for letting a camera near the queen."

    Yeah, that's why those two downtrodden women at the table with her looked so scared. They probably got spanked once the signing was done.

  16. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Anon 5:10, did you say cornered rat? Is that what was in her hair? That was the most godawful hairdo I ever saw.

  17. Anonymous5:40 PM

    She also went on to remark how she has the backs of Iowans and how they have hers.

    Gee, how very "militia" of her to say...paranoid and insecure much, Palin, you fucking fraud?

  18. Anonymous5:46 PM

    You could tell by her pointing in the reporter's direction at the end of the video, that she was asking for the handler/worker/manager (???) to get her the name and network/cable of the person so she can record it. Surprised she didn't pull out her Crackberry for a pic for future bannings!! Of course the person would have been escorted out.

    Gryphen, you can climb out from under the covers!! I know, it reminds you of Wasilla!!

  19. Anonymous5:55 PM

    400 Phoenix, AZ Nov 23 Barnes & Noble
    500 Tulsa, OK Nov 26 Mardel
    1000 Norfolk, NE Nov 27 Hastings Entertainment
    500 Des Moines, IA Nov 27 Borders
    600 Andover, KS Nov 28 Dillons Marketplace
    250 Dallas, TX Nov 28 Barnes & Noble
    400 Houston, TX Nov 29 Borders
    ?? New Orleans, LA Nov 29 Barnes & Noble
    500 Baton Rouge LA Nov 30 Books-A-Million
    500 Little Rock, AR Nov 30 Sam's
    400 Brentwood, TN Dec 1 Costco
    600 Lexington, KY Dec 1 Joseph-Beth Booksellers
    500 Spirit Lake, Iowa Dec 2 Walmart
    500 Carmel, IN Dec 2 Meijer
    -- Cincinnati, OH Dec 3 Kroger
    -- Columbia, SC Dec 3 Books-A-Million

    Only 2 signings left showing as scheduled.

    The numbers - some are set out in articles of number of people showed up - others are number of wristbands available. Norfolk showed 1000 people showed. WTF?? Not the same as last tour where they handed out 1000 wristbands each stop and couldn't meet the number of signings in the time period of 2 or 3 hours and had complaints filed.

    Limit for signing was supposed to be 2 books per person. Some people have bought more than that (Stunned & Stupid!! & More money than brains!)

    Knowing this tour was announced by Harper as by jet and not bus this time, guess the PAC is gonna have to buy one hell of a lot of books. We'll have to watch the next financial filing of the PAC!!

  20. angela6:01 PM

    Grizzlie my ass. This is the most frightened human being who ever put on an article of red clothing.

    I can't believe she was about to RUN!

  21. Anonymous6:07 PM

    she runs away when confronted face to face. when does the mama grizzly part kick in?

    Oh I see, all bark and no bite.


  22. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Given the last post, Bristol's very thin skin and her reaction to Keith Olbermann who criticized Bristol for speaking about abstinence, Sarah is going to have a very different campaign if she runs. She won't answer the media, she loses control if she doesn't control the event, yes that voice is still shrill, and she is still not ready for prime time. Sarah will run behind tweets and face book posts. I hope that she doesn't get away with hiding form the media.

  23. Anonymous6:10 PM

    She has also been deafly silent about Track's DD-214 that was posted here; that showed he had NO Combat Infantry Badge as she claimed, when she said she was the mother of a decorated combat veteran.

    Why the silence on this and other matters all of a sudden ? Did somebody nail the truth right on the head ?

    Can't wait for the next episode - the one that has an orange jumpsuit in her future.

  24. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I wish someone would invent a device that shocks any hand when it tries to cover the camera face. I get really irked when people interfere with other folk's property. I still get perturb about the incident at the National Mall when Christine O'Donnell was filming a commercial in a public place and her 'clown' patrol was harassing a young couple and interfering with their personal camera phone. Just who in the hell owns the view in a public space?

  25. Anonymous6:18 PM

    She could have handled it graciously, but no..."have her back" was an implication that she being attacked, not asked a few rather gossipy questions.

    And where was PalinMan? He is probably dejected that he was not able to prove his love by throwing himself at Those Who Dare To Ask Questions From A Respectful Distance.

    I do think it crossed her mind to make a run for it. Paranoid fruitloop!

  26. Anonymous6:21 PM

  27. Anonymous6:24 PM

    I have decided that above all other qualities, this woman is a control freak. She has been able to live under the illusion that she can do everything on her terms, and her terms alone, since the election. She has had a good time in her Sarah-Universe, but the party's over.

    If she even attempts a run, she will have to give up the idea that she gets to control everything. That's what talented politicians (and world leaders) have to learn to do. They must show grace and flexibility and give the sense of being non-plussed most, if not all, of the time.

    I can tell you that anyone considering backing her for a run will probably be reminded of her '08 ineptitude by this simple little tape - all 1:14 of it. I know I am.

    Note to Sarah and her team: knock off putting hands over camera lenses. It makes you look guilty, like you are trying to hide something. Which you probably are.

  28. Her reaction reminded me of that famous scene from The Dead Zone. She probably wished that Trig was there to use as a shield. She was in one big hurry to get outta there. What did she think: that the reporters were going to kill her?" All the guy did was ask a couple of questions.

  29. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Twitter message of "I'm not a witch":

    "You heard the spin about the 2010 elections. It's time to set the record straight & move forward - signed a book deal w St. Martins Press!"

    Hell, more trees to be killed for words of total stupdity.

  30. Anonymous7:05 PM

    God...she is such a nut. She was on complete pilot & kept signing books like a fucking robot. She scares me just a little more each day ...just like a crazy aunt in th attic.

  31. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Have to wonder what those "assistants" think. They are glaring at the cameraman like he has some disease. If I was standing beside someone like Granny Grifter who has a larger than life personality I would wonder why she was so afraid of the camera. I would certainly think less of her for it.

  32. I couldn't watch the whole clip. I reacted to the reporter the way I normally do to Sarah. Since it was a book signing and not a press conference, I thought the reporter was horribly rude and unprofessional and he asked stupid questions. Anyway, the book tour and Sarah don't deserve national news media attention.

    Tomorrow is the last tour date. I am curious what would happen if someone asked a babygate question while getting their book signed. Can you imagine if there were 10 people with real questions every 5th person or so in line?

  33. Why does CNN even lower themselves to this? She says she's not doing interviews, great, cut off all coverage and stop advertising her every move. She will disappear like the Sta-Puft man without coverage.

  34. Anonymous7:11 PM

    God...she is such a nut. She was on complete pilot & kept signing books like a fucking robot. She scares me just a little more each day ...just like a crazy aunt in th attic.

  35. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Two words: light weight.

  36. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Ditto 5:14!! LOVE THIS!!!-E

  37. FEDUP!!!7:35 PM

    TOTALLY O/T, but guess what! The top 10 baby girl names of 2010 are out, and they do NOT include $arah, or Bri$tol!

    Top 10 Girls’ Names of 2010

    1. Sophia
    2. Isabella
    3. Olivia
    4. Emma
    5. Chloe
    6. Ava
    7. Lily
    8. Madison
    9. Addison
    10. Abigail

    Sarah made it to #27, and there is NO Bristol at all amongst the top 100.

  38. angela7:37 PM

    I've actually been at book signings where reporters have come up with cameras and questions for authors. The authors seamlessly answered, smiled for the camera and kept on signing books. And why was asking her about a future candidate (like she claims to be) stupid? Is she too good to be asked questions--any question? Does she get to pick what is and isn't asked? It was a valid question.
    The woman quit. Romney didn't. That in my view negates her from being considered a serious contender.

    Palin should be amazing at this, yet she's a scared freak. Why?. Because she's a clueless idiot who hides behind FAUX, Facebook and Twitter and is just a puppet.

  39. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Sarah, this is a free country,and we like to value the concept of a free press.

    Stop acting like a banana republic dictator and just give interviews to anyone who does you the honor of asking for one.

    So what if they don't treat you "nice," (you said in this clip "I'm just trying to sign books and talk to these nice people," and when the reporter said "we're nice," you said "no, not always - well, maybe you are nice, but . . . ."

    Being interviewed because you claim to want to be a spokesman for the real Americans is not a punishment. If you want to get attention for the issues you feel are important, you should embrace every opportunity to get your message across.

    You should speak from strength, not run away because you think you will not be treated nicely or fairly. Life is not fair. It is up to any leader to step up and face unfairness, to battle through hardships or poor treatment and be the voice for those who cannot get the face or voice time to speak, to be seen and to get the message out there.

    But you aren't up to being a leader, are you? You just want the glory. Guess what, you have to show you have the guts to deserve the glory.

    Gutless wonder, Sarah, that's what you are - a sham, a fraidy-cat who refuses to stand up for what you say you believe in. It doesn't really count when you stand up behind your barricades of FB, twitter, no interview policies, your speeches - that's not real communication, real dialogue, real guts. Unless you show you have what it takes to stand up for others, no one is going to stand beside you when you need them.

    Face it, Sarah, you are in way over your head and the only one you are fooling is yourself (and maybe, just maybe, you aren't even doing a good job at that).

  40. Anonymous7:45 PM

    If she seriously wants to win the WH she could probably do it by winning red states, especially Texas and Florida with their large electoral votes.
    But if she did and never bothered debate fellow Republicans, or to speak to all Americans which all other politicians do through interviews, local and all national media, even internet and the debates, she would go into office as very disliked and distrusted leader, who dis'ed the Republican party, did not gain the majority vote from a dis'ed public and she would end up in the same situation she was in with the Alaska legislature and Alaskan public.
    So I guess she would quit.

    Gryphen your next poll could be her VP choice.
    O'Donnell, Rush, Ayn Randy, The Dud?
    It would have to be somebody dumber than her, and a pansy ass, on some middle aged man in love with her hooker boots, unless the Republican hierarchy forced her to choose a Chaney clone, say Karl Rove.

  41. newmom8:05 PM

    OMG. That screechy voice, the lame answer, and the absolute fear of being asked a question!! Ugh. How did this woman even get on the Wasilla city council, much less elected mayor?

    Was she even paying attention to what she was scribbling in those books? Was that a signature or a scrawl? Way to treat your most fervent fans... the ones who are still with you. You should be more grateful. These are the most determined to remain blind. They deserve better from you, Palin.

    And shame on that ugly little troll who scurried over to protect Palin from a mere camera. Would that she was as enthusiastic about washing her hair. Hope her hand didn't grease up the camera lens.

    I've just spent the evening watching Rachel, Lawrence and Keith prove just how wretched and obscene Republicans are... and now this?

    When is this show over?

  42. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Listen, the press is going to call out questions. That happens all the time. Presumably a politician knows how to manage this, as they normally want good coverage.

    Sarah doesn't seem to get this concept, and she truly seems terrified of any press she feels she doesn't know.

    That's just not typical.

    The woman does not have the necessary skills to run a national election campaign. It probably won't happen, or it will stop suddenly and early on.

  43. emrysa8:12 PM

    she's terrified of being asked a question that she can't answer. can't believe she got out of the chair like that.

    there ya have it, bots, your real mama grizzly! scared and paranoid...

  44. newmom8:15 PM

    curioser @7:06,

    I most emphatically disagree. This isn't the book signing of a romance novelist. This is a woman who has gone on record indicating an interest in the highest office in the land and has stated she thinks she can unseat the current President. Her book tour is no less than the beginning of a campaign.

    Moreover, the reporter wasn't in the least bit rude. He was pleasant and jovial. No normal person would or should have reacted the way Palin did. She was completely rattled.

    As for your contention that the questions were dumb, how so? For one, the reporter asked whether she was closer to making a decision to run... perfectly obvious question. And two, he pointed out the absolutely most relevant point in any discussion on Palin: the fact that she quit her governorship. Gracious, if only the press hammered her more about that issue.

  45. newmom8:18 PM

    PS - curiouser, Just when do you think the MSM is going to have a chance at a real press conference? It isn't as if Palin gives any. I say hooray! for taking any chance they can to ask this fraud a question or two.

    Cornered rat indeed! (lol, 5:10)

  46. newmom8:22 PM

    Sing it, Anon 7:43!

    Great points!

  47. newmom8:27 PM

    5:55, I thought I read in several places that Phoenix only drew 150 people.

  48. Anonymous8:36 PM


    Diva squared!

    oooh watch out Sister Sarah, the media is ON YOUR ASS.

  49. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Anon @ 7:43


  50. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Jon Stewart was in rare form tonight, talking about America's Tweetheart, and how the media reports every unintelligible tweet that she twitters. Jon also called out Sarah for claiming that she won in court, so why couldn't Obama prevent wikileaks in the same way. Unfortunately, Gawker published some 20 pages of Sarah's book, and they remained on line for days before they were forced to take them down. That is different from Sarah claiming to have "prevented" the leak. Sarah said that Wikileaks guy should be tried for treason, despite the fact that he is not an American citizen. Thank you , Jon.

  51. Anonymous9:05 PM

    If the press had been doing more of this instead of sucking her toes and reporting every fart she has like it was gawd's truth, she wouldn't have survived this long.

  52. aj weishar9:10 PM

    I was impressed with how she put her mark in the books without looking. So that's what people get with a "signed " book. Apparently she decided to destroy "writin'" the same way she murdered readin and rithmatic. That reminds me, do you still owe money for the hook after you purchase it? I know she has a habit of leaving places she worked in debt

  53. meena9:15 PM


    On the Daily Show tonight, Jon took up on mama Twitter LOL

  54. Ratfish9:37 PM

    She is on the road to perdition to the Bridge to Nowhere.

  55. Anonymous10:13 PM

    She baracades herself behind black curtains, plays loud Country Western music, all in fear of hearing THE question she most fears..."Why did you fake your pregnancy with Trig?"

  56. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Please God, all I ask is that "Palin's Alaska" producer Mark Burnett talk Donald Trump into getting Sarah on the next "Apprentice".
    Please. If there is a God, let that happen.

    I don't watch prime-time television and I don't have cable.
    THAT is a show that I would schedule my household around.

  57. Angela & newmom - I appreciate your perspectives but I still somewhat disagree. The reporter didn't approach her. He shouted out and interrupted time set aside for exchange with book purchasers. She handled it horribly, was rude to her fans, and showed her incompetence. I guess that's good for us.

    If the reporter wants more than photos but she says she won't answer questions, I'd like the media to stay away. No questions, no coverage of any kind. And if a reporter is going to ask her a question, please let it be something that isn't constantly asked and/or be ready to challenge her vague answers or talking points with fact-based follow-up questions to hold her accountable.

  58. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Oohh ooohh where do I run too, oh crap he has a camera, I can't run!

  59. Anonymous11:34 PM


    The reporters were not allowed to approach. They have been placed in a roped off or holding type area to the side. 3 or 4 allowed in at a time for approximately 10 or 15 minutes. Therefore, to attempt to ask something, it had to be called out to her. The appearance of shouting is because the mic was held by the reporter.

    The fact that the reporter asked the specific question as to whether she had made up her mind about running was for the simple reason that maybe you had not realized -- the whistle stop was in IOWA. In fact, the second stop in IOWA as she played her signing game in Des Moines on the 27th.

    Being that her events and speeches is like singing to the choir and are so tightly controlled & it is only pre-screened questions asked. That the reporter went for the opportunity to just go for it - great. It's on record for her incompetence and panic of dealing with a simple matter outside of her controlled FOX setting.

    Personally, I wish more had done it. Her last 2 signings Friday, media may not be allowed or if they are, they will be far away. She'll change rules so she can control situations. The fact the reporter 'broke' the rules set by her. Good. That she was rude to her 'fans'. She could have stopped signing for a moment but her choice was to continue. It's not everybody else's responsibility for her incompetence to handle a simple situation.

  60. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Don't they have hairbrushes in Iowa?

  61. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Somebody mentioned the girls who were working the desk, if they got spanked for letting a reporter come near the Queen? I bet they were beheaded for that gaff. Nobody comes near the Queen, and lives!

  62. Anonymous11:42 PM

    I just checked the NYT best seller list, and THE Queen is not even listed anywhere! Ding Dong the Witch is almost dead.

  63. Anonymous2:21 AM

    How anyone can take that whiny, screechy voice is absolutely beyond me.

  64. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Did you see that tour schedule? Texas, Louisiana, more Texas, Tennesee...etc. Where's NY, Cali, Pennsylvania, Illinois? Maybe she should add a stop at Montgomery Alabama, just for the nostalgia.

    This woman is off her rocker. She thinks she can actually pull off PRETENDING to run for president for the attention, and not see any reporters along the way. Seems like CNN had other ideas. There's only more of this in Sarah's future, so she'd better get used to it.

    Man up, Sarah!

  65. Anonymous3:25 AM

    She looks and sounds like a fuckin idiot in this clip ......
    "am i doing interviews?/ where's my music and enthusiasm?????
    What a petulant child.
    Also, notice how she is scrawling in the books. If i fuvkin waited in line for 12 hours i'd demand a neater signature not that scrawl.
    SHE's PATHETIC!!!!!

  66. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Scarah better get used to this. If she runs, people like us will turn out in DROVEs at all her venues and be asking about her faked Tri-g regnancy and fraud and CBj and why she named her kid Tri_G (and if it was an "accidental mistake" address it, bitch).
    Her life will become her worst nightmare. She won't last two weeks under real scrutiny.
    Pass the popcorn y'all!

  67. Anonymous3:50 AM

    CNN is so deperate for numbers and knows that Gov. Sarah Palin is their ticket that they will stoop to any story and label it news worthy. I'm totally lost as to the relevance of this "news" story and can only figure that it was to disrupt Gov. Palin's book signing. The lamestream media underestimates Gov. Palin and are only grasping at straws. Revenge shall be hers against the lamestream media when she becomes President in 2012 and pulls an Obama on all of them, well except FOX NEWS.

  68. newmom4:30 AM


    I wouldn't say the reporters shouted on purpose or with rude intent. Remember, the country music was playing very loudly. Probably deliberately to drown out any pesky questions. And they were hardly allowed to approach.

    Then God silenced the music, opening a window for the reporters to step through.

    It is only poetic justice that the Twitler, who spends her time screeching and shouting at others from the safety of her perch at Facebook and Twitter, had her favors returned.

  69. Anonymous4:57 AM

    I don't want to see this clip on Olbermann, Maddow, O'Donnell or any of the MSNBC news shows. I want to see it EVERYWHERE else. NBC, CBS, ABC (as IF!), ALL of the other networks! Would even like to see it on FOX (maybe they could use it to illustrate that the nasty lamestream media doesn't want to follow the "rules"). I think even some FOX viewers might see that "mask" came pretty close to slipping off that time. That way she can't spin it as the lefty media is attacking her.

  70. Anonymous4:58 AM

    On the tape you hear the reporter telling one of her handlers, "I just want a sound byte" or something like that. Well, he got one. NBC aired the tape of his question and her "Nope, no closer" on their story about her and other politicos' books this morning.

    The idea that reporters aren't going to ask her this question, without more in depth follow up and interview, just isn't reasonable. It's going to happen because it's all some media care about. It's completely within their job description, and Sarah needs to get it together or risk looking suspicious and pathologically defensive. Not a good message for her to be sending.

  71. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Forget how skittish Sarah looked---did you see the faces of her handlers! They looked positively FREAKED OUT when that reporter POLITELY asked a question. NOBODY talks to the Queen! Off with his head!

  72. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Can we find out if that reporter was escorted out? If so, can you say "Police State?"

  73. Anonymous5:10 AM

    No joke. Every fifth person on that line should look into her face and ask quietly, "Why did you fake your pregnancy with Trig?" I wonder if she would keep signing books like a robot. She would probably command they blast the country music a few decibels louder.

  74. newmom6:32 AM

    4:58a, To risk looking pathologically defensive? ??? LOL! I think that ship has sailed!!!!!

    Very apt description, btw.

  75. Anonymous6:40 AM

    The media questions became a distraction only because Palin cannot multi-task. I'm sure her fans would also have appreciated a thoughtful answer. It could have been a win for all, but for the immaturity of the presidential pretender.

  76. Anonymous6:47 AM

    @3:50 - Palin troll: the next presidential term begins in 2013, January. To quote RAM: "Buy a clue."

  77. Anonymous7:02 AM

    I've read that Palin is drawing far fewer people to this round of book signings, so why is CNN calling it a "sign of her continued political strength??" And how can they possibly repeat the BS that "Palin's actions were cleared by a state board investigating the matter???"

    All I know is that the true perception of Sarah Palin is contained in the comment section of that post. Hilarious. Does CNN realize that most people can't stand Caribou Barbie? Hence, her political strength is waning...

  78. What a screechy voice! I forgot.

  79. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Anon 3:50a.m.,

    You mean half-term governor! Palin's a quitter!

    "The lamestream media underestimates Gov. Palin and are only grasping at straws. Revenge shall be hers against the lamestream media when she becomes President in 2012 and pulls an Obama on all of them, well except FOX NEWS."

    It's Palin and her Palinbots "grasping at straws." Palin and her bots think winning the presidency is soooo easy. She thinks running a national campaign is going to be easy. She hasn't seen nothing, yet. The gloves will come off. I'm sure campaigning in safe red states only should work wonders for $arah Palin. Also, the important, and ever growing Latino voters in key swing states will just vote for Palin in droves, despite all of her hateful anti-immigrant rhetoric. NOT! And don't think that her republican primary apponents won't make an issue out Palin STILL dodging the press. That fraud has still not learned a thing in two years.

    Haven't you seen the polls? Out of all the "top" republicans $arah Palin continues to be the weakest against Barack Obama. Barack Obama, despite his problems can still attract key voting blocks that Palin continues to alienate. Even most women don't like her.

    Palin is the rude one. If she can't handle a stinking reporter asking tough questions, how is she going handle meetings with world leaders, who will be nastier? She's a coward who cannot handle confrontation, and is not ready for prime-time, and never will be! SHE. WILL. NEVER. BE. PRESIDENT.

  80. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Seems Anon 3:50 has an issue - Wet Dreams!

    The music turning off - hmmm. It blipped off for 3 to 5 seconds before she asked 'where's the music'. It becomes like white noise when played for a while so she probably never noticed it before that.

    But, if you watch behind her, what I noticed is it appeared to happen when one of the men in the dark suits in the back, had gone through the door into the back room for who knows what BUT the music went off while he was in the back room. When it bounced back on, there was static and it played louder. Sounds like a system problem the store has!! I listened but was unable to hear if the song changed as the man going in back, could have hit the button to go to the next track.

    She's totally Paranoid

  81. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Interesting: for all of the past signings, there have been a few pictures out via AP and Getty Images. None from yesterday. Could be coincidence but I suspect that the Queen (of hideous rose jackets) has decreed that NO ONE in the press will talk to her or take her picture.

  82. imnofred8:54 AM

    Sarah had better get used to being asked questions, especially the one as to why she quit. If she doesn't want to look like more of an idiot than she already does, she is going to have to answer some tough questions because those running against her are certainly going to ask them.

    Apparently, Sarah thinks running for President is like a popularity contest or a beauty pageant where she can wink a few times and give give canned answers to scripted questions. No wonder why she hides from the media.

  83. Anonymous10:54 AM

    I just keep going back to this clip because it continues to make me laugh!! Actually, the poor guy with the gray sweatshirt didn't get to shake Sarah's hand, but Sarah might have done that one purpose...the guy was going to town wiping his nose with his hand while he EEEEWWWWWW. Don't the bots know about and hygiene??? Yuck.
    Also, she reminded me of that I love Lucy episode, the conveyor belt episode, the way Sarah kept grabbing the books and nervously scrawling on them. Jeebus, could you imagine this chick tryingt to make any kind of serious decision??? Paper or plastic must send her over the edge........

  84. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I chuckled at the post where people said they poor man didn't get his hand shaken, they acted as if he was supposed to get a BJ or something!

  85. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Aonon@4:53pm, agree


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