Thursday, December 02, 2010

"Bristol Palin" responds to Keith Olbermann calling her the "Worst Person in the World." RAM is that you?

I call bullshit on this:

Recently, a left wing commentator named Keith Olbermann attacked me for being a spokesperson for abstinence education and for being an Ambassador for the Candies Foundation, which promotes teen pregnancy awareness and prevention education. He went so far as to call me "the worst person" he knows, apparently, for my efforts to educate teenagers about the real world risks of premarital sex.

Accusing me of hypocrisy is by now, an old canard. What Mr. Olbermann lacks in originality he makes up for with insincere incredulity. Mr. Olbermann fails to understand that in order to have credibility as a spokesperson, it sometimes takes a person who has made mistakes. Parents warn their children about the mistakes they made so they are not repeated. Former gang members travel to schools to educate teenagers about the risks of gang life. Recovered addicts lecture to others about the risks of alcohol and drug abuse. And yes, a teen mother talks about the benefits of preventing teen pregnancy. (Okay come on!  They used the word "canard."  Is anybody supposed to actually buy this bullshit?)

I have never claimed to be perfect. If that makes me the "worst person in the world" to Mr. Olbermann, then I must apologize for not being absolutely faultless like he undoubtedly must be.

To Mr. Olbermann let me say this: you can attack me all you want. But you will not stop me from getting my message out about teen pregnancy prevention. And one day, if you ever have a daughter, you may change your mind about me.

Bristol Palin

This is not the first time that the Grizzled Mama has attacked her enemies by using Bristol as her surrogate. And obviously she has had one of her many ghostwriters type this out and post it on Bristol's "official" Facebook page because she recognizes this as an opening to fight back against Olbermann's constant criticism of her in a way that has not been available in the past.

When Keith chose Bristol as WPITW I disagreed with him on on that. 

However Sarah Palin using her daughter, and all of her children, as a shield or to launch an attack on her critics, should make her now, and forever more, THE WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD from this day forward!


  1. pursang2:43 PM

    So Bristol Palin uses the word "canard" does she? Based on her Facebook rant w/her sister I find this very unlikely. O.K., I find it impossible and I also find it impossible that Mommy Dearest would use it either so it has to be the Manbeast.

  2. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Oh yes, I believe she wrote that (not) Where are all the "it sucks" and "crap" that Bristol uses among other words? Someone should explain to her what the reply actually means.

  3. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Why do they think it's necessary to defend themselves over every criticism? Can't they let anything go?

  4. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I seriously don't know anyone her age who takes her seriously. Have a baby and then tell others not to have sex?! How about how to use protection? In fact, when questioned, Dr. Drew, who was part of this Candies thing, claimed that he doubts Bristol thinks that because he too found it incredulous! Yea, look that word up, Bristol, just like the other 100 words in "your" Facebook statement.

  5. Anonymous2:53 PM

    @Anon 2:48 - NOPE!

  6. Anonymous2:53 PM

    You can see why RAM didn't make it as a screenwriter. She can't do Bristol or Sarah's "voice."
    Her dialogue skills are terrible. The vocab is obviously wrong, as well as the sentence structure (and too many polysyllabic words ending in "ity."). FAIL!

  7. Anonymous2:54 PM

    For once I agree with a Palin. The Olbermann thing was tacky and stupid.

  8. "Canard" leapt off the page for me too. What? Not even one use of "sh*t"? Guess she used her allotment in her last FB rant.

  9. Anonymous3:00 PM

    She couldn't even read it without stumbling.

    On another note: SP's hunting for caribou on her next episode of The Wasilla Hillbillies.

    Permit required? Only permit I could find on the State of Alaska website was for her father and mother (Charles and Sally Heath) not for Sarah herself?

    Am I looking at the right thing?

    Was she hunting legally?

  10. Randall3:03 PM

    It isn't that Bristol speaks about teen pregnancy prevention that makes her a hypocrite...

    It's the abstinence angle.

    It didn't work for Bristol and it doesn't work in general.

    Furthermore; to preach "abstinence only" results in teen pregnancy and STD rates to climb - or in the current case of Alaska - to explode.

  11. Anonymous3:04 PM


    Oh my god, that's hilarious.

    Bristol using the word 'canard.'

    No freaking way. No. Freaking. Way.

    I'm still laughing about this one.

  12. Anonymous3:06 PM

    What a joke!! Couldn't the ghostwriter try a tiny bit to sound like Bristol?? This is so obviously not her.

    I would give Bristol credit if she responded herself but you are right ..this is Ram Sarah ( my nickname).
    And IF Bristol is pregnant, this really is hypocrisy.

    Poor Sarah is afraid to stand up to Keith for all the times he calls her an idiot.

  13. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Bristol honey,
    common sense tells me you might fair better if you choose a high education pathway...

    speak about the perils (i.e. "Tripp") of pre maritial teen sex (i.e. "Tripp") all you want, but at least show the value of improvement while you are at it...

    look at it this way, when former gang members speak about the perils of thier previous life, they have racked up at least one accomplishment... i.e. completing a higher education to improve employable skills, moved out of the gang infested area...

    another way to look at it, is when former drug dealers speak about how the abandoned that drug pushin life, they accomplished at least on thing... i.e. stopped selling drugs.

    Bristol, if your going to be a spokesperson for no sex, at least pick a company that doesn't border soft porn in thier photographic advertisments...

  14. Anonymous3:08 PM

    To see something really scary, follow the link to Bristol's facebook note and read the comments her fans leave. Wow. Just wow.

    Here's a random one:

    "If he thinks he is "perfect" he needs to be reminded he's a liberal and liberals beliefs are not right by God."

  15. Anonymous3:09 PM

    One of the comments on Wonkettes article on this is hilarious. A few are actually.

    This is one of the best.......

    Is a canard something like a combination cunt/retard?


  16. angela3:10 PM

    Wow Bristol is an amazing writer, I can't believe . . .
    oh wait! Bristol can barely spell her own name and that has nothing to with her expanding head . Where are all the double negatives, threats and f words? Give me a break---"canard". Jeez Becky, you could at least put in the effort to sound like an illiterate eighth grader when you are being Bristol. It's almost like you want everyone to know its you.

    Well Sarah had to use Bristol. She couldn't say anything to any of the GOP who have been kicking her for the past week.

    And by the way---It is still a BIG JOKE that Bristol Palin is telling anyone to keep their knickers on.
    And if Olbermann ever had a daughter I think the adults in her life wouldn't be as irresponsible as Bristol's parents were.

    God these Palins are too full of themselves to know how stupid their Fakebook ghostwriter sounds.

  17. Anonymous3:11 PM

    This is why I wish Olbermann hadn't mentioned her. No publicity is bad publicity for her and just "fuels her fire."

  18. Anonymous3:12 PM

    "Canard," hmm, I have heard Olbermann use that word more than once...and with ten times the aplomb. Clearly much of her life.

  19. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Based on her Facebook ranks and listening to her talk, Bristol Palin did not write that. She doesn't even speak in complete sentences let alone uses words that big. Where are all of the swear words?

  20. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Your all wrong! Walk a mile in Bristols shoe's, she worked all day on a Face Book post, cut her some slack and whatnot.

    Canard, ha! As if. So fucking transparent.

    EXACTLY the same syntactic and semantic type writing. RAM's also on BSMP, LLC's payroll.

  21. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Not only that Randall @3:03, but she will only preach her BS message if she's getting a fat, undeserved paycheck.

    It's da Paylin way!

    How about giving that money to a girl who really is abstinent and has, I don't know, maybe accomplished SOMETHING other than gettin' knocked up and spoutin' a crotch dropping. If she wasn't head idiot Palin's daughter, she'd be lucky to have a job at the local Piggly Wiggly.

  22. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Oh good Lord, can't these people even fake write with some semblance of reality? She clearly did not write this and probably doesn't even know what half the words mean.

  23. Who would think that Bristol would know how to use a thesaurus?


  24. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I found the PSA with the Situation to be poorly done and objectionable considering his character. Bristol's performance was a flat liner for she has no emotional affect. Her Harper's story was loaded with lies or lying by ommission which I find dishonest to the core for ehr to actively, knowingly deceive teens who may believe what she says. The Palins wanted to lie to people about her pregnancy including the nation and then lie they adopted an infant.

    IMO, Bristol is a poor choice as any advocate for she is a poor example, deceives teens, in general is a lying, trashy piece of work. Her performance on Secret Life of an American teen was without a doubt the worsst acting performance ever allowed to air. That is being kind to her. She dropped out of high school and per her was completely unprepared for parenting and her parents evidently did nothing to prepare her.

    She would not advocate anything if she did not get paid. She walks around looking pregnant also. She has shown a sweet side but tht is when she lies in interviews. For all her grandiose claims she packed it up, went home wagging her tail abandoned her child for fame and money. She disgusts me.

  25. So, when is Bristol due?
    And of course Barstool didn't write that. Being like her mother, she isn't good enough to string words together.
    Hmm, sure hope that Mansour is getting a raise. So many people to hate on this week, she is going to have to work overtime.

  26. FJ Dandy3:21 PM

    "Accusing me of hypocrisy is by now, an old canard."
    Bottlebrush, please define 'canard'.
    As if the stupid, immature unwed girl-mother would even know how to spell half the words in the message!!!

    This nonsense has gone on long enough. Alaskans, how long are you going to let this garbage from the Paylin$ continue?

  27. angela3:22 PM

    Anon 2:54
    The only thing tacky and stupid on this one is Bristol letting her mother make her look idiotic.

    Abstinence DOES NOT WORK. People are tired of a twenty year old with a two year old who has an active sex life and a controlling mother pulling strings---- whining at them about not having sex. That makes us all look stupid.

  28. Anonymous3:23 PM

    If Bristol Palin had really written that, she would have told him to STFU. And then Willow would have called him a fat faggot. Nope, sorry, it was not Bristol. We already have a writing sample from her.

  29. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I though it was a mistake for Keith to lace into BP--not because she's an innocent--but because it gives them all an excuse to cry victim and launch an attack safely behind the screen of Facebook. Why didn't Bristol stand in front of the press and make a statement as eloquently as whomever wrote that facebook post? Because she can't. That's why not. All she knows how to do is say "Awesome." or express her desire to give everyone a big fat middle finger.

  30. Wizard of Oz!3:28 PM

    It's kind of like a spoken section from THE WIZARD OF OZ. Imagine the rhythm of the Munchkin Mayor's speech in front of the Wicked Witch of the East's house:

    "Accusing me of hypocrisy
    is by now, an old canard. What Mr. Olbermann lacks in originality
    he makes up for with insincere incredulity.
    Mr. Olbermann fails to understand that in order to have credibility.."

  31. Anonymous3:30 PM

    I say Bristol is the canard. Quack Quack.

  32. Anonymous3:32 PM

    pursang, EXACTLY! I didn't even get past that and I had to post - this girl wouldn't know a canard from a canary!

    This is such bunk.

    Is that picture the most recent sighting?

    OK, I'll go back and read the rest of it it now.

  33. Anonymous3:33 PM

    From the Wonkette comments site--Bristol is just practicing names for the new baby: Canard Tron Palin

  34. Anonymous3:35 PM

    "Canard", "incredulity"...uneducated teen-speak for sure. If they wanted anyone to believe she really wrote that, they should have done it in teen-speak. Another instance of the complete lack of understanding at how they (she, SP * her writers) are perceived...which actually serves pretty well, as the whole Palin schtick has reached, well, the a level o incredulity that's laughable. Well, at least worthy of derision.

  35. Anonymous3:36 PM

    How do you spell the word the sound your head makes while it shakes back and forth in disbelief? There probably isn't a word, but that is all I can do while reading that msgg and I need something to describe the feeling/motion. So far all the other words used so far to describe that familiar motion do not quite satisfy me anymore. The paylins really know how to redefine speechless.

  36. Anonymous3:39 PM

    OK. Didn't see that everyone, including Gryphen, saw the red flag in the use of 'canard'.

    What I cannot believe is that this woman would YET AGAIN insist on putting a spotlight on her daughter, a young unmarried woman who may very well be pregnant at the moment and thus is the least suitable candidate for an abstinence campaign, for which she is probably compensated quite handsomely.

    It's perverse. It's pathological. Is Bristol's mother truly trying to make life harder for her? Couldn't she simply have ignored Keith?

    Bristol needs to get out in public and prove to me (ha!) that she isn't pregnant right now. Only then will I get off the warpath I am treading right now.

    This woman needs to be STOPPED. (SP)

  37. Anonymous3:40 PM

    PS The rest of us realize that Keith was going as far as he could go on that segment without actually accusing Bristol of being pregnant. Surely Sarah knew that as well?

  38. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Yup, typical Palin bullshit designed to gin up the hate among her cult. Nice piece "Bristol".

  39. Anonymous3:46 PM

    so we are now supposed to imagine that Bristol's vocabulary includes terms such as "canard"?

    - kellygrrrl

  40. Anonymous3:47 PM

    I have a teenage daughter and I completely agree with Keith about the hypocrisy. Fortunately, my daughter i swell aware of her being a terrible role model and not someone who should be lecturing others.

    And no way does Bristol know what the work "canard" means. If they are going to use a ghost writer, they need on who knows how to emulate another's style and voice.

  41. 10catsinMD3:53 PM

    So now can Keith talk about all the rumors that B is preggers. Just rumors now. So what will B say to that.

  42. Anonymous3:53 PM

    THIS, from the girl whose only memorable words on DWTS were "this sucks" .....absolute, 100% bullsh*t. Hey Bristy're a big girl now....time to fight your own battles.

  43. Anonymous3:53 PM

    There is no way that I believe that she composed that statement also there is no way that the Penis Lovin Palin brat has refrained from her sexual urges.

  44. Anonymous3:56 PM

    If Sarah Palin and family are going to respond to ALL the upcoming criticism coming their way, oh baby, stand back! It will be a full time job to react to all the critics, but that's okay, because then the thin-skinned Palins can keep their snotty noses out of politics, hopefully.

  45. Facebook Lurker4:00 PM

    I think the real Bristol Palin would have sounded more like this:

    "I know your a lonely little fella but get a life!Your just jealous of me and my families success. I made $20,000 on Dancing With the Stars last night.That sucks your life is THAT boring :)"

  46. Anonymous4:02 PM

    It seems that ghost writers are in much demand in the Palin household.

    In a review on of America by Heart, a reviewer writes that Palin's book has many commonalities with We Still Hold These Truths, written by Matthew Spalding, Ph.D of the Heritage Foundation, who is arguing the case against liberalism.

    Still another example of those family values the right lauds over those who do not hold similar points of view are on display.

    To some, Keith Olbermann may be out of line but he's one of a few who speaks to the hypocrisy of the right's claim to ownership of real Americans.

  47. The Larvae's ghost writer says:

    "Mr. Olbermann fails to understand that in order to have credibility as a spokesperson, it sometimes takes a person who has made mistakes. Parents warn their children about the mistakes they made so they are not repeated."

    But this is a false analogy. Bristol is encouraging other teens to make the same mistake she did (by advocating abstinence-only sex ed). This is the same as a drug addict encouraging others to take drugs as a way to combat drug abuse.

    Unbelievably hypocritical and small-minded!

  48. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Hint to Sarah and Bristol: fire the ghostwriter. He or she isn't doing you any favors; he or she is simply making it obvious you aren't writing your posts or tweets.

    Find someone who speaks and writes in your vernacular. It shouldn't be too hard or too expensive - just pick someone up on the street corner. I think they will charge by the hour.

  49. emrysa4:06 PM

    and anyone who believes that bristol wrote this is THE STUPIDEST PERSON IN THE WORLD.

    dim-bulb bristol doesn't know the meaning of half of those words. she probably understands "a," "and," and "the."

    really though, just imagine you are tripp and you read that when you are old enough to comprehend things. I would damn sure think that screed meant that I was a mistake. these palins demonstrate repeatedly that they do not think before speaking, nor do they think before having others speak on their behalf.

    note to ram: you should really dumb it down quite a bit if you expect people to believe your bristol screeds.

  50. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Sewer mouthed, college drop out easy over Bristol said all that without a single STFU or Keith's a queer. And using Blue Blook words she probably has never heard in her whole life much less ones like condom or birth control pill, or virginity.

    Bristol you just turned yourself into a SNL skit circus clown.

    Come on out from behind mommy's apron.

  51. Yeah right. Bristol (or any other Palin for that matter) uses the word "canard". This come right after "flippin" no doubt. I'd say she's just hoisted herself on her own "crappy" petard. These people have truly become an irresistible comedy routine--do they not know that, "dang it"? Where is Kato Kaelin when we need him? She's a real inspiration for the youth of America. Congrats all round--what a brood.

  52. Anonymous4:11 PM

    If Bristol wrote it wouldn't it say. "Keith, this is a big middle finger to you, you dirty sh*t for brains f*ggot!", Canard would not have been in the sentence.

  53. Anonymous4:12 PM

    @ Patti 3:20

    She's probably closer to being fired.
    Who else will sarah blame for all this bad press she's been getting?

  54. Anonymous4:14 PM

    If Sarah does actually kill a moose or elk in her next TLC episode she will loose some more fans and gain none.
    The more she pushes her idiosyncrasies into the public eye the more people are going to not like what they see.

    There is a good reason why savy public figures keep their private lives private, and savy pols only talk politics in public.

  55. laprofesora4:14 PM

    I'm kind of ticked at KO for giving the Paylins more reason to cry "victim". They LOVE being victims, bunch of sickos.

  56. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Anonymous said...

    For once I agree with a Palin. The Olbermann thing was tacky and stupid.

    2:54 PM

    If you're a too soft hearted, naive IM'er - wise up.

    If you're a palinbot - in your face:

    Either way, A teen with her experience(s), who continues to pass on "advice" to other teens, that she knows and has two year old proof is "unrealistic" and actually dangerous, and makes a damn good profit off, is indeed a candidate fro worst person in the world.

    Can you say exploitative, BristolRAM? Guess not, you do better with pictures than words, right? Look in a mirror, Bitchtol.

  57. Apparently the Palins can't even find the high road, let alone take it.

  58. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Interesting that one of the commenters on BP's Facebook page wrote that far more people are reading her FB comment than probably heard Olbermann's piece in the first place. Why draw attention to it except to fan the flames of her mother's base?

    Also, too, can't help but wonder how many of Bristol's fans know what "canard" means!

  59. Anonymous4:34 PM

    CANARD? That highschool dropout does not know that word.

    She never graduated, or if she somehow did it was via cheating. puleeze

  60. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Hysterical!!! Exploitative Candies latest ad featuring other bad mom, cokehead Brittany Spears - starts with the contra-abstinence tagline:
    "You want a piece a' me?" Yeah candies, that's a real way to promote abstinence.

  61. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Bristol actually said "big middle finger" but that was lost in translation.

    Bristol's ghostwriter is flagrantly side-stepping the real problem with Bristol's message for teens. Abstinence DOES NOT prevent teen pregnancy. Bristol has no science to defend her stance, just her own and her mother's stupidity.

    Keith O. can surely find more terrible people to highlight on his show. But the race of religious grifters (of which Bristol is only mid-rank) deserves "WORST" title and should be hounded from their comfortable perches.

    Bristol rightly deserves criticism for another despicable act, pimping her kid on a tabloid cover in an absurd "we getting married" story. Bristol is continuing to show an immature lack of judgement even into her 20s. Parading her stupidity in front of teens is near criminal.

    Bristol's uplifting "it sucks" on DWTS is a true indicator of her personality. She is an "entitled little whiner" as depicted in her mother's book (which is NOT a best seller).

  62. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Anon said
    For once I agree with a Palin. The Olbermann thing was tacky and stupid.
    2:54 PM

    I would never admit to agreeing with a Palin but I do assume you agree with them all the time, so quit the rubbish intro "For once".

    Bristol behaves so like her mother she deserves any criticism she gets. To preach abstinence instead of birth control is just stupid - strange that abstinence education has NEVER reduced the number of unwanted pregnancies - but amazingly birth control does precisely that.

    Check your genealogy/family history - when women had no control over their reproductive organs they married at 16, had 10 plus children and very often died in childbirth or from exhaustion before reaching the age of 40. There was no abstinence.

    WHY do these fools want women living in the 19th century - it beggars belief.

  63. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Homely, lonely, boring women use words like canard to bolster their sagging egos. It's more effective than masturbation.

  64. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Oh come now... haven't you heard Bristol use the words 'canard', 'chloroplasts', 'rotoreflection', and multigravida' on DWTS?

    The liberal media only focuses on her words when she tells the 'haters' to F*#K off on national prime-time television.

    Seriously though, I can't believe quitty-pants pays someone for this amaturish propaganda!

  65. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Bristol's total vocabulary consists of the following words: O.K., this sucks, and I'm a single mom. If there are any other words involved, she didn't write it!

    I agree that Keith shouldn't have picked Bristol for WPITW, but I think he did just to get a rise out of Sarah. He knows how it ticks her off when someone critisizes her kids. Maybe he was hoping to get the Mama Grizzly to come out.

  66. That whole response is just silly. Anyone here teach HS? If you were given a sample of Bristol's daily writing and this, it would be even more obvious. The sentence structure, the vocabulary, the punctuation. All of these point to someone with training, which Bristol sadly lacks.

  67. I bet she couldn't spell 'canard' much less spell it or use it properly in a sentence -- and neither could her mother.

    Question: Is that a baby bump I see in the photo above? So much for abstinence.

  68. Tyroanee5:02 PM

    "Accusing me of hypocrisy is by now, an old canard." -Bristol Palin

    Ummm Bristol wouldn't know what canard even meant, let alone know how to spell it... maybe Cannoli, Cream-puff or Cupcakes, but Canard?

    No it's not on the McPalin McMuffin Menu of literature diet.

  69. canard get an amen!

    There is no way Sis'ta Bris'tal wrote that, none!

    She forgot to add the part about serving for less than half an elected term, her mom is free to go out and advocate that others run for election so they can quit too!

  70. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Bristol Palin wouldn't know a canard if it bit her on the ass. I doubt she even knew the word existed until after this post was made. But to be fair, her mother hasn't a clue what this word is either. Bristol's vocabulary hasn't gotten beyond 4 letter words yet.


  71. Anonymous5:15 PM

    So Christine O'Donnell uses big words instead of Masterbating with a big dildo? So big words replace big dildo's, huh, didn't know that.

  72. Britney Spears: "Kiss My Lily White Southern Louisiana Ass"

    Now, that sounds more like Bristol.

  73. Anonymous5:18 PM

    I have a Masters degree and couldn't define canard without a dictionary. My husband is fluent in two languages, has two Masters including one from one of them-there hoity toity elitist Eastern Ivy League schools, and I don't think he could either. And we are to envision Miss Wasilla High 2008 Drop Out of the year can define, spell and use it in a sentence?

    Sorry, but I'm not as stupid as the 'bots.

  74. Is a "canard" similar to a "double-breasted pushover?" Expecting abstinence of a teenager is like giving a Ferrari to a forty-year-old man and expecting him not to speed. So, we have the Palins, woefully uneducated, no students of history, never having visited or learned from people in other countries and cultures, using fifty-cent words like "canard" on the same Facebook page as previous vulgar/crude remarks resided. And expecting us to believe it. We don't. But, unfortunately, those Sam's Club/Costco people do. And that's really scary.

  75. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Rebecca MAN Sour will find herself thrown under the bus like all the rest of us. If she thinks she is special, she just needs to ask previous special Sarah friends. She hasn't been able to see through her doe eyed crush just yet, but she will. Wait and see! Canard? Becky Becky Becky...

  76. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Bristol didn't even bother to write or verbally give a response to Keith O. I doubt she really gives a hoot about Keith's comments. I'm sure her mother ordered the response.

    If Bristol wants to give a live rebuttal to Keith, I'll give her some credit. But this was beyond pathetic.


  77. It is true that the research on Abstinence has shown:

    1. They preach to teens that abstinence is the only way because (or so they lie)condoms are completely ineffective.

    2. The researchers found that teens practicing abstinence DID have a delay in the the onset of sexual intercourse by 1-1.5 years compared to those not practicing abstinence.

    3. They also found that when those teens previously practicing abstinence did start having sexual intercourse, they engaged in the riskiest of sexual behavior ie condom-free and thus were ultimately MORE LIKELY to get pregnant or have/spread STDs

    Bristol is the perfect person to preach the ANTI-abstinence message. She is the perfect example of of the end result of abstinence-only education. Didn't she even admit that it didn't work to Greta in front of cameras?

    Oh yeah! Scientific research is a non-entity to them!

    I also, too think KO may have been trying to lure BP out into the open so we can see how she's progressing. Any sightings??

  78. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Who would think that Bristol would know how to use a thesaurus?

    Come on we all know that Bristol and the Palinbots all think a thesaurus is a dinosaur.

    I picture Bristol in the clip where she tries to articulate that her mom is representing the USA with her arm movemoents when words failed her.

    That is the real Bristol. Funny as hell and dumb as a rock.

  79. Anonymous5:31 PM

    What a great name for her next bundle of joy:

    "Canard Abi Palin"

  80. Anonymous5:46 PM

    @Wizard of Oz, Yes, I can hear the Mayor it saying now! Too funny!

  81. MC30315:57 PM

    I know everyone else has said this but ... CANARD?? Cripes, if I were writing for Bris, I'd at least make an effort to use her same tone or vocabulary. CANARD??

    It is to laugh.

  82. GrainneKathleen5:57 PM

    there were no "it sucks" or "that's awesome's" in this little facebook rant. ram is making bristol out to be a martyr for the cause - again a palin is playing the victim card. ram sucks as a ghostwriter - ever think of writing in your eejit clients' voice rebecca?

    this is a busy pain news night, gryph!

  83. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Now I'll have to be the mama canard to that baby canard.

    Listen, Bristol, we have heard you speak on DWTS, and you say things, like "That sucks," or "I worked hard." We read your face book posts that you and Willow thought were funny. Your vocabulary is limited to four letter words. We have heard your mother speak, and her level of coherence is limited to 140 characters. So, we know that you didn't write your face book post.

    Bristol is famous for only one or two things: having had sex and having a baby when she was a teen. Instead of cashing in on these activities, it would be very nice for her to raise her child in private, and then no one will be able to insult her.

  84. Anonymous6:03 PM

    The voice is very much like Ram-it. Complex, compound, and compound-complex sentences? The correct use of a colon? The word "canard"? Definitely not barely educated and partially literate Bristol.

    BTW, exactly how many college credits did Bristol earn? I'm guessing she registered and dropped out before completing anything.

  85. RAM needs to do a better job of writing like Sarah & Bristol speak. Proper English is a dead giveaway that a Palin is not the author.

  86. Anonymous6:08 PM

    FAS? Maybe, maybe not. Good just be the lower end of the gene pool.

    Due date? President's Day? Wanta got with Abe or Abby? Probably not.

    YES! Trixie! Or Triksey...the spelling options are boundless!

    I am fairly sure that this one is a girl.

  87. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Bristol DID NOT write that.

    A huge word like that for a girl who uses such simple words..NOPE!

  88. "Accusing me of hypocrisy is by now, an old canard. What Mr. Olbermann lacks in originality he makes up for with insincere incredulity."

    Neither $arah OR Brisket could pronounce or comprehend any of this.........who wrote it, grandma?

    And YES Brisket IS a hypocrite.

    She told Greta that abstinence wasn't realistic....NOW, in typical Palin fashion, she decides to whore herself out for $$ by promoting it.

    Worse yet, we all know that she's pregnant again.

    Who do they think that they are fooling?

    Are we not to believe our lying eyes?

    After seeing how Brisket went after that bot on his own FB page, I do not have a scintilla of sympathy for her.

    Although they focused on Willard in the news, Brisket was the first to attack him, adding at the end of her first attack, "don't pretend you don't watch DWTS either" making it all about her.

    She is as rabid and narcissistic as her mother.

    They lengthy cyber stalking/bullying was disgusting and bragging about the $$ she is making shows what her sole value really is.

    Brisket is deserving of the critisizm from KO.

    What strikes me, is that although it is more than obvious, the press is not mentioning her current pregnancy, now THAT is criminal.

  89. Anonymous6:09 PM

    And if they were trying to get sympathy from the tea baggers, they used the wrong word for that too. All canard will do is confuse them. Gonna make the Palins look like those educated elitists.


  90. Tyroanee6:21 PM

    "This just really Sucks Canards" - Bristol Palin

    Okay, all fixed and it still doesn't sound right eh?

  91. dancingthroughlife6:22 PM

    I will comment about canard, too- I had seen it before, but needed to look it up to remember what it meant. And as Kathryn said, there's no way she wrote that-it's nothing like any of Bristol's speaking or writing (Facebook and MySpace) that we've seen. I see high schoolers' writing all the time. I doubt even honors seniors from Wasilla would know what half the words in that screed mean.

    What I love to stop and think- how much must it suck for RAM. I think I've read she's a former screenwriter, and now she's been reduced to writing a 20 year old's Facebook posts? I know Bristol says she's graduated from high school, but that's even questionable. The only productive thing she's done is had sex at the right -or wrong- time of the month. The rest has been a result of that.

  92. Anonymous6:36 PM

    @BrendaMoore, I've always thought the interview with Bristol on Greta V.S.'s show you mentioned was really strange. Bristol appeared to be trying to find her voice and did clearly say that abstinence was unrealistic. Then Sarah Palin literally barged into the interview on camera. I remember Greta said something like "Oh, this is a surprise, we were expecting the other grandmother." It was as if we could see Sarah Palin reigning her daughter in, in real time, during the interview.

  93. If any Palin fans are bragging about how smart Bristol is and how they can't wait for her to write a book, they're ready to be led over a cliff to their deaths.

    And if Becky really wants to talk canard and incredulity, then let's talk about Sarah Palin's pregnancy, labor and delivery of her 5th child, Trig. The words fit perfectly.

  94. FEDUP!!!6:42 PM

    You mean Bri$tol, over night, learned to use somewhat sophisticated English? I mean, come-on! Anyone who has seen her FB rants - either the newest ones, or even the older ones from 2007 - KNOWS that she has a VERY LIMITED vocabulary!

  95. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Now wait a minute folks, Bristol could have said canard, as in "Can Ar damn well take these f#*in tight Spanx off and let Jr (2? 3?) breathe a bit?

  96. Anonymous7:03 PM

    "Accusing me of hypocrisy is by now, an old canard... aw, screw it. Your just jealous. STFU, you suck."

  97. FEDUP!!!7:03 PM

    Ok, O/T, but has anyone sighted preggy Bri$$y? I wonder if she will not simply disappear like she did after the 2008 convention, and then re-appear skinny again, after having delivered a baby in secrecy and having it given to one of her relatives (because I somehow do not believe she would give it up for adoption).
    So: anyone who is aware of the Palin$ hide-outs in Wasilla, Anchorage, Alaska in general, Washington State Tri-cities area, LA area, Arizona, etc, PLEASE KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED and report!

  98. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Wonder who wrote this for her? Pretty big words from someone who did not finish real high school.

  99. No way in hell did Bristle (or any other Paykin) write that! I would have to guess ManSOUR did it.

  100. Anonymous7:24 PM

    So having Tripp was like being on drugs or a gang member. Boy, that kid's going to have esteem problems.

    Also, this mistake has raked in $4000,000 for Bristol this year. So what lesson do we learn from this?

  101. No way in hell did Bristle (or any other Paykin) write that! I would have to guess ManSOUR did it.

  102. pursang7:42 PM

    I'm torn 50/50 about whether Keith Olbermann should have done this. On one hand he's giving them a reason to play the victim.

    On the other hand it pushes one of their buttons, the one where they have to get down in the sewer and respond to each and every perceived slight. It makes them seem petty and juvenile to those independent voters who everyone is always courting come election time.

    At this point the more Palin comes off as childish and unpresidential the better. If that is the tactic then Palin is an easy mark. More and more people will push that button to get her to make herself look more and more the fool.

  103. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Guess it is back to the lab for RAMbo. She is going to have to dumb it down quite a bit if she wants us to believe knucklehead is writing these posts.

  104. Anonymous7:45 PM

    For what it's worth, the statement was posted last night via Bristols iphone using her private facebook account

    Bristol sheeran -> bristol palin

  105. Anonymous7:57 PM

    I would bet a $100.00 that Bristol doesn't even know what "HER COMMENT" said or meant.

  106. angela7:59 PM

    So who does everyone think Sarah will marry Bristol off to---- if indeed she is with prop?

  107. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Bristol needs a 'tween' ghostwriter. Even though she is no longer a teen, she acts like a child, and therefore, needs a ghostwriter that can capture that essence of immaturity. More like "hoax" or "bs" than "canard" RAM - you can do better!!

  108. Anonymous8:02 PM

    I have to admit this is all getting really good. I can't wait till Mitt and Sarah have shooting contest, at each other. Yummy, these GOP debates are going to be great!

  109. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Becky, Becky; your ignorance is showing. Think about this sentence for a moment; "Accusing me of hypocrisy is by now, an old canard."

    Setting aside the pour punctuation, Becky, you do know, of course, that a canard is a false or misleading story. So while you might argue with Keith's opinion that the Sex Pistol a hypocrite, it simply makes no sense to say that accusing her of hypocrisy is a "false story". Saying she's pregnant might or might not be a canard, depending on the current state of her busy uterus. But he didn't come right out and say that.

    Understand the difference, Becky?

  110. Anonymous8:09 PM

    3 generations of Heath/Palin's being knocked up before marriage. Granny did it, Mom did it, I did it, what's the big deal? We're Heaths/Palin's, that's what we do best!

  111. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Is it still abstinence if she takes it in the butt? Just wondering...

  112. Anonymous8:16 PM

    The FB post was not written by Bristol. This reminds me that Sarah did not have Bristol own up to her language on FB and DWTS instead spinning fiction to justify and purify Bristol and Willow's white trash talk. She lied about her daughter and about the other young man to clean up her daughter. They are not role models for anything except how to con people.

    LOL @ posted versions of what Bristol would haves written to Olberman.

  113. betsy smith8:30 PM

    Anonymous 6:00 p.m. is the funniest damn comment I've read in two years on this site!

  114. newmom8:39 PM

    I wasn't happy that Keith lowered himself to even address the Bristol Palin circus. She's a very minor celebrity who, if not for the Palin name, would not even hit his radar.

    I don't knock her for being an unwed teen mom. Hey, life happens.

    And I wouldn't knock a teen mom who is trying to help prevent other teens from falling into similar circumstances.

    But, as with all things Palin, the real story is murkier.

    She keeps telling us how hard it is to be an unwed teen mom... but all we can see is that she's got two people to care for her child.

    She keeps telling us how hard it is to provide for her kid... all the while she lives in relative luxury.

    She keeps telling us the child's father is a deadbeat, but we know he and his family would love to be more involved.

    She keeps telling us to chose abstinence... as she has... buy Ben Barber wants to know if she's pregnant.

    It's a sham.

    But still, beneath the dignity of an MSNBC show host to point out.

  115. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Sorry Gryphen she is still the WPIW. Check out my commentary in my blog:

  116. Punkinbugg8:53 PM

    Anon @ 5:29 said "I picture Bristol in the clip where she tries to articulate that her mom is representing the USA with her arm movemoents when words failed her."

    YES!! I was just about to Google the transcript from the encounter with the teacher in Homer, just to show how Bristol's replies are "worded".

    Here's a thought: WONDER IF RAM did this on PURPOSE? Maybe she's sick to death of "makin' up stuff" for the Paylin's and just slipped this right by them?

    NOBODY intelligent enough to use the word "canard" would USE that word when ghostwriting for a 20-year-old girl! Would they?

  117. Anonymous8:58 PM

    @7:45 - that just means that she was e-mailed the ridiculous copy & posted it herself...

  118. aj weishar9:15 PM

    Doesn't her mother shoot canards in the lake in back of the house?

    The notion of having experience at some problem seems to be opening the door for little sister to do some ads on alcohol addiction.

  119. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Attention Tina Dupuy:

    #69 on the Palin enemies list - Keith Olbermann

  120. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Apologies to Tina Dupuy; Keith Olbermann is already #49 on the list!

  121. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Okay, personal confession here...
    I hold a Bachelor's Degree, a Specialist Certificate AND a Master's Degree in Education. I had to look up canard to see what it meant. Really don't think Bristol could identify the definition on an SAT test multiple choice question (If she took it...maybe/probable she didn't), let alone use it correctly in a sentence.
    What a joke.

  122. I just played the Homer video again, turning the volume way up. While Sarah is pretending to be flattered to be called a celebrity, I swear it sounds like Bristol is muttering, "It's insincere incredulity to bring up that old celebrity canard" and then loudly, "She represents the United STATES."

  123. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Anon 9:59, kudos for admitting you didn't know the meaning of canard. It does seem our educational system has let you down.

  124. Gasman11:26 PM

    I'd bet my reproductive organs that neither Bristol nor Sarah Palin have ever used the word "canard" at anytime in their lives. Bristol is not much less articulate than her imbecilic mother, so I don't buy for a minute that she wrote this pissy little screed. The vocabulary just ain't Palinesque enough.

    I've graded many papers written by students about her age. This simply doesn't pass the smell test. Plus it bears no resemblance to the other obscenity laced writing samples of hers that we've seen on the interwebs.

    RAM must think that we're all moronic enough to believe this crap. I guess she spends to much time in the company of morons.

  125. Anonymous11:28 PM

    'Canard' like in "Now I'm a mother duck for this baby..."
    A long-forgotten post by Bristol on somebody's Life/Space/Face/something.

    You have all thoroughly covered it, and admirably. But I gotta add, of course.
    There is absolutely nothing so annoying to me than affected speech using the wrong word. If you're gonna try on big words, make it right. Bad enough that Sarah Palin adopts a North Dakota accent and speaks differently depending on her audience. But this is too much.
    The ghostwriter got it wrong, of course. All they did was make Bristol look stupider than ever.
    That particular word has been worn out with use in the Sarah Palin alternative universe.

    Origins of the application of "canard" to mean _a lie_, an intentional cheat, to trick.
    French idiom abbreviated from "vendre un canard à moitié," meaning "to half-sell a duck." Obviously, one cannot "half-sell" a duck. It's quite subtle - to "half-sell" is to not sell the duck at all. Hence, it's a trick to defraud the buyer.

    Around 1600, the common usage in France ("to sell a duck") meant "to lie" and a liar was slyly (or diplomatically) referred to as "bailleur de canards," a lessor of ducks.

    Perfectly appropriate; Brava, Bristol! Quack quack, you're smarter than we think! Exercising some of that 3.4 grade-point-average intellectual stuff!

    Your mother leases ducks from Rebecca Mansour and sub-lets the ducks to the ignorant masses.

    Piper! Bring me a duck!

  126. Anonymous11:59 PM

    To the comment that this was posted the nite before from her iphone. That is all the more reason to KNOW Bristles didn't write this, to compose a long detailed letter on your iphone is impossible. She copied it from an email or something that Becky, the nitwit sent.

  127. Anonymous2:52 AM

    Bristol's pregnant, no doubt in my mind now...send her a facebook message and straight up ask her, you don't need to be her "friend" to do it, we all know her screen name. Call her bluff, she is just as stupid as her mama, and reacts the same way.

    Secret's out Bristol.

  128. Anonymous3:14 AM

    I think that whoever wrote this was trying copy/mock Oberman's pompous manner of speaking in the same way Oberman seems to be mocking William Buckley's. Seems as if Becky must never miss an episode.

  129. Anonymous3:19 AM

    The gig is up, if it was Bristle she would have written Keith sucks the big one.

  130. Anonymous3:33 AM

    My goodness, doesn't she sound so "blue blooded" and "elitist" with those college words. What a crock of shit.
    My daughters, teens and early 20's, all know she's a fraud. They laughed at her on DWTS (at a pal's house since I won't have that crap pollute my TV screens) and howled with glee at her in that stupid abstinence ad. This latest rant has the college grad just crying with hilarity. She is off to do a search to find out where Bristol's ghost write copied it from.

  131. Anonymous5:13 AM

    I'm insulted.
    She gives a big middle finger to all of us, but Keith Obermann gets 'canard'.

    Has anybody heard if her momma has replied to Joe Scarborough yet?

    Interesting that she has not slammed him via twitter or face book?

  132. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Definition of CANARD
    From Webster's dictionary
    a : a false or unfounded report or story; especially : a fabricated report b : a groundless rumor or belief

    How has anything that Obermann said a 'canard"?

  133. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Anon@ 8:09 you're right about the Facebook writer's misuse of the word "canard," a "false rumor, or belief."

    No doubt the Facebook author meant the "canard" is that Bristol Palin is hypocritical, not that Mr. Olbermann's making the accusation of such is the canard--since he did make the accusation (welcome to remedial logic 101 Palin writers).

    Another (amusing) misuse of words occurs in the following: "What Mr. Olbermann lacks in originality he makes up for with insincere incredulity." (emphasis mine).

    Though the Facebook author may be pleased with the alliterative heights they're reaching for, the phrase "insincere incredulity" equals nonsense in the writer's context since it means the opposite of the author's intended meaning (unless we posit that the Facebook author's intention is to to sabotage the Palins by subverting their message).

    The dictionary defines "incredulity" as "disbelief."

    "Insincere" is defined as "lacking sincerity" or "hypocritical."

    Therefore a translation into current English usage of:

    "What Mr. Olbermann lacks in originality he makes up for with insincere incredulity."


    Mr. Olbermann's "incredulity is insincere, or Mr. Olbermann "disbelief" is not "sincere."

    Summing up, the actual meaning of the sentence is:

    "What Mr. Olbermann lacks in originality he makes up for with sincere belief."

    But in the Aliceinwonderland world of Palin, authoring nonsense probably gets you a raise.

  134. imnofred8:59 AM

    O.K., Now I'm pissed. This story is on the MSN home page. It's bad enough that the media hangs onto every word or tweet that Sara spits out, now they are doing the same for Bristol. This is f/n disgusting.

  135. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Add me to the list of those who don't believe she wrote this, given the way she writes in other situations, including her Facebook rants and comments on DWTS.

    And Bristol, if you are reading, I think it would be much more effective to give up your spot as a teen abstinence speaker and have someone who has had the typical experience of being a single teen mother speak in your place. You know, the teen mom without the support of a large, extended family and hired help? I'm thinking of the kind of teen mom that's working at least one full-time job and trying to make ends meet without the benefit of mom's celebrity and the high-dollar opportunities that brings you, and without the security that comes with knowing if you can't afford diapers or food for your child, or a place to live, your parents won't let either of you go hungry or homeless? You would do more good to protest companies like Candies that promote dressing 12-year-olds like prostitutes than sucking up their money promoting that sort of hypocritical organization and ending up a hypocrite yourself.

  136. college I think they're speaking about you know, stuff kinda like flipping Beauty College & secretary College.

  137. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Yeah, canard is a dead giveaway that SHE did not write the bloody thing. Sheesh! They really think we're dumb enough to believe Bristol wrote all that?
    M from MD

  138. There is no way Bristol wrote that. She doesn't have the vocabulary or education. She is not erudite. Neither is her Mother.

    Neither know some of those SAT words let alone how to spell them or use them correctly in a sentence.

    So I'll call hypocrisy and BS for that reply since it wasn't coming from Bristol's brain, Bristol's mouth or Bristol's fingers.

  139. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I found this ghost-written response actually very frightening. Do you think they have finally caught on that us un-real Americans don't appreciate trash talk or think that young people who use homophobic, racist insults are cute and endearing? Do you think they finally figured out that showing a modicum of intelligence and refinement is a good thing? Are they trying to win us educated elitists over? OMG! Are they trying to "pass"? Are they trying to look more like White House material? Will the next settings for her book signings be University libraries? Oh, I am sick at heart. Someone, please, tell me it's a fluke, that they can't keep this up!

  140. Anonymous5:38 PM

    The saddest part of all is that they paid someone for that crap. A lot of money.
    I'm for sale! I'll write some really good crap. That would be fun to read, at least. I'm not great with fiction, but hey, I can stretch.

  141. I studied communications in college. I was editor-in-chief of my college newspaper. I was a contributing editor to a local magazine. I've worked as a copywriter and a technical writer. I've written about topics like pop culture, social issues, business, religion, technology and politics. And rarely have I used the word canard.

    Vapid Bristol Palin has written this passage like I've played for the NBA. Give me a break.

  142. Lest anyone get the gist of this post - it is to make a mockery of anyone who professes the benefits of Moral Guidelines that will lead to productive and healthy lives. How dare they!!!! "Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" If you need further instruction go to :
    Most of the commenters can be rest assured we will not tresspass on your right to love and worship Satan. Have at it. LOL. The JOKE(R) is on you!!! LMAO. Idiot freaks. God Bless America......

  143. "Do what thou wilt shalt be the whole of the law." Praise Satan!!!! Isn't that what you all are professing? LMAO...........Good luck with that! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!

  144. Barber - Barber, shave a pig, how many hairs to make a wig? 40 and 20 that's enough.....give the Barber a pinch of Snuff!
    WTF? what the Hell is this guy trying to say? LMAO You will know tomorrow at 6:06 am Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!Ha!Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho! Tee Hee Hee! Tee Hee! Tee Hee! Tee Hee! Wah!! Wah!! Wah!! Wah!! Is it my Hit ? Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!!!!!!!


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