Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sarah Palin wins "Worst Mother in America" award.

This video is actually about eight months old, but with Palin recently winning all kinds of awards for some of her crazy, I just thought it was fitting to revisit this one as well.

Personally I would like to see an updated version that included making Bristol dance while pregnant on DWTS, Willow's Facebook gay slurs, and polishing up her family and forcing them onto the nation's airwaves in her crappy "reality" show. (Betty? Are you listening?)

In case you did not notice, I took yesterday off from talking about the Grizzled Mama.  It was Christmas and I wanted to focus on positive things instead.

But I am well rested and today ain't Christmas! So let the games begin!


  1. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Betty Bowers is a Goddess! That was one of the most hysterical assessment of the Palin family circus that I have EVER heard. What a perfect celebration of Sarah.

  2. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Gryphen, do you have confirmation that Bristol is pregnant?

  3. Anonymous6:33 AM

    I was just reading predictions about what Sarah would do if she was elected president.

    Well, I think we should all agree that everyone who has disagreed with her in the past, including the wife of Track's real Dad (she knows you are hiding out there somewhere and will find you), and of course, Gryphen (did you think that you would be immune?) would disappear as enemy combatants of the state.

    The Rapture-Sarah Palin-style!!

    Track would then be head of all military forces because he was regular folk and operated a tank.

    Bristol would be health and human services.

    Todd would be CIA/FBI combined because he would be responsible for the enemy combatants.

    Chuck would help him and probably advise young women on underwear.

    And, so it goes...

  4. I gotta admit this woman really annoys me though I agree with her. I stopped watching after she dissed Patty Ramsey. Normally I'm pretty cool with edgy stuff but that's just ignorant. Anyone with any hold on reality is aware that there is zero evidence Patty Ramsey or her husband were involved in her daughters murder. It's just plain laziness and ignorance to buy into the media hype of an interesting story and in the meantime ruin the life of a perfectly innocent family, particularly when the lady is no longer here to defend herself. Just my piece.

  5. Anonymous6:57 AM

    sarah should deserves the ¨Worst Mother in the World¨ award.

  6. Anonymous7:00 AM

    You still think Bristol is pregnant?

  7. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Here's some more jewels of hysteria!

    Mrs. Betty Bowers' Christian Sex Tape

    Sarah Palin Debates America's Best Christian

    Betty Bowers Explains Traditional Marriage to Everyone Else

  8. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Thanks for posting, I hadn't seen this video before. And you are right, it is a bit dated, or she would have mentioned how Bristol cheated to get to third place on DWTS, Willow's pregnancy scare, etc.

    I'm sure there will be more bad behavior to come. Stay Klassy, Palins!

  9. Anonymous7:46 AM

    I wish this video didn't include pictures of Mercede.

  10. London Bridges7:47 AM

    I think the Ramsey diss was due to letting a small child pretend she was an adult via the makeup and pageants.

  11. Anonymous7:52 AM


    8 months is a long time in Palinland. Betty should really update the video.

    - kellygrrrl

  12. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Bristol pregnant? Or did she get an "Arizona Whiteout" for Xmas?

  13. Anonymous8:47 AM

    We have learned that balanced nutrition is not top priority for the family. Even as far back as the fall of 2008, a NEWSWEEK reporter asked her what working mother in her right mind would dismiss someone whose sole job was to cook for her family. She replied, “I don’t want them thinking when I’m done being governor that it’s normal to have a chef. It’s OK for them to have macaroni and cheese.” I'm going to guess that she was referring to the boxed, non-nutritional version. No wonder Bristol is having a battle with weight issues already. Healthy eating is a habit that parents are responsible for establishing. But, we all know how Sarah feels about people encouraging healthy habits... while making s'mores for her family the Grizzled Mama said "This is in honor of Michelle Obama."

  14. @London Bridges

    yes, absolutely. But it wasn't. No one is more disgusted with child
    beauty pageants than myself but it's too harsh to judge another solely by that. If there was evidence JonBenet hated it then by all means I agree her parents were disgraceful. I don't think responsible parents would ever do that in the real world but that's only because I'm not from 'real america' where this happens far too much!

  15. Anonymous11:14 AM


    At the end of the year, can you make a post listing ALL the awards/honors bestowed on Mrs Palin for the calender year 2010. Just so we have them all in one neat little place. :-)

  16. Anonymous12:29 PM

    What's funny is, SArah has only openly discussed organic eating and fruits and veggies (most interviews and emails)

    Track and Willow have always been fit. Piper never hit the curse of the 4th grade chunk a lot of kids do. Bristol was slim as a child then fluctuated as teens can do.

  17. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Bristol pregnant? Or did she get an "Arizona Whiteout" for Xmas?

    Bristol is pretty far along for a 'wite-out' at this point. She may have been in mourning when she started DWTS, and it's possible there was a wite-out at that time.

    As the doctor said - THIS is not the same pregnancy.


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