Saturday, December 25, 2010

Our President and his First Lady have a Christmas message for you.

Now THAT is a Christmas message!


  1. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Oh my god, can you IMAGINE the low-class, crass, tasteless way that Sarah would handle this. I LOVE our President and especially our First Lady. They are truly gracious, honorable and humble people. Merry Christmas to all.

  2. Great, as usual. But was that THIS year's message? I don't remember Obama visiting Iraq or Afghanistan recently.

    He and Michelle are wonderful role models to all Americans. As a mother, I so appreciate how well they're raising their daughters. (The Clintons did a good job, too).
    They seem to "protect" the girls, while exposing them to the wider world in small doses. I'm not even sure which is Malia and which is Sasha, though I think the older one is Malia. And I'm a former Illinois resident who worked and voted for Obama in 2004!

    But again, I ask, IS this message from 2010? And not 2009?

  3. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Tea Party Cancels Christmas Pageant; Could Not Find Three Wise Men

    WASILLA - The Tea Party's plans for a first annual Tea Party Christmas Pageant have been cancelled at the last minute, an organizer of the pageant confirmed today.

    "We couldn't find three wise men," Tea Party holiday coordinator Carol Foyler told reporters. "It's too bad, because we had plenty of sheep."

    Ms. Foyler said that the Tea Party was hoping to replace its Christmas pageant, however, with an ambitious staging of the Book of Revelation.

    "We already have Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, and Christine O'Donnell lined up," she said. "One more Horseman and we're good to go."

  4. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Thank you for posting this. Nice way to start the morning! Merry Christmas to all.

  5. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Why, it's almost as if the two of them believe there actually may be more to the holiday season than ginning up the culture wars and buying obscene amounts of useless crap.

    The full transcript can be found beneath the fold and on the White House website.

  6. Colibrimoon7:42 AM

    Thank you for sharing. Merry Christmas!

  7. FEDUP!!!7:44 AM

    At least for today, forget all the pettiness, and forget all the politicks[sic]

  8. Anonymous7:53 AM

    phoebes- Pres. Obama just made a surprise visit, I think it was early last week or the week before..anyway what a beautiful caring message

  9. Anonymous8:02 AM

    @phoebes in santa fe

    President Obama was in Afghanistan just a few weeks ago:

  10. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Ya just gotta love the First Family. Such Class!

    My sincere apologies to the First Family for the inconsiderate things done and said by a certain family in Wasilla who showed their ignorance throughout the year. We Wasillians are not like them, but there is always a bunch like them around where ever you go.

    Bless your family and Merry Christmas and thank you for being our president.

  11. Thank you, President and Mrs. Obama. Merry Christmas.

  12. Anonymous8:09 AM

    A wonderful message from two classy people. I'm proud to have them in the White House. Merry Christmas to all!

  13. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Merry Christmas Gryph! I hope you have a wonderful day!

    phoebes in santa fe.

    The President made a surprised visit to Afghanistan on Dec 3rd

  14. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Merry Christmas to ALL, especially you Gryphen. Thanks for your tireless dedication.

    We are so fortuante to have President Obama, Mrs.Obama, Sasha & Malia in the White House: each one of them beautiful, gracious, dignified, charitable, and uplifting.

    (I loved hearing of Mrs. Obama helping track Santa last night on NORAD.)

    May 2011 be enriching and rewarding for each of you.

  15. Actually, the President just went over and visited the troops last month, wasn't it?

  16. Anonymous9:04 AM

    President Obama went to Afghanistan the first week of this month (of this year, yes):

    When in doubt, Google is your friend.

  17. Thanks to everyone who filled me in on the president's visit to Afghanistan this month.I don't know how I missed the news coverage.

  18. The Obamas are just so terribly . . . NORMAL!

    Merry Christmas everyone, all of Gryphen's fans everywhere across the world.

  19. Anonymous9:59 AM

    President Obama visted Afghanistan December 3. For security reasons, they didn't announce his visit until after the fact. I guess that security blackout was still in place in Sante Fe. The rest of us saw video of Obama and the troops.

  20. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Sarah Palin (or Rebecca Mansour) used a quote from Ronald Reagan in Sarah's Christmas Face Book Post:

    "Christmas is a state of mind. It is found throughout the year whenever faith overcomes doubt, hope conquers despair, and love triumphs over hate."

    With all due respect to Peggy Noonan who wrote many of Reagan's speeches, someone else kind of said it first:

    "To the American People: Christmas is not a time or a season but a state of mind. To cherish peace and good will, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas. If we think on these things, there will be born in us a Savior and over us will shine a star sending its gleam of hope to the world."
    ~ Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933), American president. Presidential message (December 25, 1927)

    And, also:
    Christmas, children, is not a date. It is a state of mind.
    -Mary Ellen Chase (no date given)

  21. Anonymous10:46 AM

    @phoebes, the (truly) lamestream media doesn't take enormous trouble to give positive coverage to President Obama. It's not totally shocking that you missed it. I mean, it's not like Sarah Palin tweeted or Facebooked about it, so it's not news, right? Ick.

  22. Yea it was a nice message, but it amounts to *selling war* on Christmas day.
    Yes soliders are patriots who sacrifice everything... and so do their families.
    No argument there....
    But why?
    Because Obama is perpetuating Bush's wars?
    Are they really protecting America from imminent harm.... keeping us all safe.... or just more of the same warmongering/perpetual war crapola we endured for the previous 8 years??

    Not to be a Grinch, but not buying the christmas war message.

  23. Anonymous1:53 PM

    President Obama, and his family are the real Americans. The voters of this country certainly made a wise choice in 2008.

  24. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Beautiful message from the President and the First Lady. Classy couple.

  25. President Obama's Christmas messager to Bradley Manning:

    Merry Christmas, Bradley. We'll loosen the shackles that are cutting through your ankles just a bit today. Or maybe we won't.

    And that sandpaper-texture rug we make you cover your all-but-naked body with all night, between being woken by the guards every 5 minutes if you try to hide your face from the glaring lights, well, we'll put some tinsel on it for ya.

    Merry Christmas, everyone!

  26. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Obama condemns Pakistan suicide bombing while continuing to kill innocents with drones while liberals look the other way.

  27. Anonymous3:19 PM

    So. Apparently at some point this past year, Todd Palin toured the Maricopa for homes. At the time the vice mayor, who accompanied him, was under the impression Sarah and Todd were the ones looking for a home. And was surprised Bristol signed it.
    Who knows the reasoning but I'm happy for them

  28. Anonymous3:54 PM

    We are celebrating xmas next week due to family logistics, so I am bored and went over to C4P to see what those nutcases are talking about. What a great idea and present for xmas. I had a very good laugh which is always good for the soul. They are giving tips on how to counter any attacks on scara during their holiday family gatherings. It is a hoot. Check it out with a glass of wine for some shits and giggles. They are truly crazy over there.

  29. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone.

    Thank you, Gryphen for honoring your pledge about this blog. I also thank you when you blog corrections if you learn of any misinformation.

  30. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:22 PM

    Merry Christmas to you and yours Gryph, and to all the commenters I enjoy every day on IM. What a wonderful message from the Obamas as well! Best wishes for a much brighter 2011, and to all on the East Coast, please take care in the expected snow event tomorrow.

  31. Anonymous7:17 PM

    I think a better heading should be: "Our President and OUR First Lady have a Christmas message for you." We've embraced them both, right?

  32. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Why can't the trashy Palins show some class like the Obamas?

    If you think about it, those Palin kids reflect their horrible parents. Especially Sarah with that garbage mouth of hers. I can imagine what she does with that nasty mouth of hers.

  33. Anonymous9:02 PM

    The fans who worship Sarah must have been afraid of facing the rest of their family during the holidays because they needed a crash course in arguments to defend Sarah Palin. Imagine, comparing Sarah quitting her job as governor to Obama who actually quit his job as senator. Of course, Sarah left to cash in on money making deals, while Obama left because he was elected to the highest office in the US. That's not exactly quitting; it's a promotion!

    Many of the comments are equally funny. If someone argues that Sarah is stupid, the best answer is "I don't agree with you. Sarah is not stupid." That will shut them up!

    The only problem is that they list five points, and the post is much too long. They should have highlighted five words that would fit on the palm of a hand.

  34. Anonymous10:56 PM

    2:48 you are very much mistaken. Liberals are not happy to still be at war, but at least with Obama, I can feel somewhat confident that it is necessary. Unlike Bush, whose word couldn't be trusted. .

    Merry Christmas everyone.

  35. Some how the feed for the vid just wont do much more than spin circles. Kind of like what we see from our federal government. I try'ed looking on youtube but still could not find this. It don't really matter.The understanding is already in place.

  36. ManxMamma6:36 AM

    Merry Christmas Gryphen! And thanks for sharing the epitome of class.


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