Monday, December 06, 2010

Teabaggers beg Sarah Palin to run for RNC Chairman. Okay this is just sad.

From Politico:

The Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips has sent a letter to former Alaska GOP Gov. Sarah Palin asking her to run for chairman of the Republican National Committee.

"In order for the Tea Party/Conservative movement to be successful, we have to have someone conservative running the GOP," Phillips told POLITICO. "She is the perfect candidate. If she does not try, I am afraid we will end up with just another establishment flunky running the party and the [Republicans in name only] will control the party again."

"She has a track record of cutting wasteful spending, which has occurred under the watch of Michael Steele," he added. "Finally, she is simply a rock star. She can raise money like no one else out there that I can think of."

In his letter to Palin, Phillips pleaded, “We need you as Chairman of the RNC. You have shown in the past no hesitation to take on the establishment...If we end up with establishment control of the GOP and their support for an establishment candidate in 2012, Obama and the socialists will have won."

First off Sarah Palin does not run things.  She runs FOR things.

While Mayor of Wasilla she had to hire a city manger to do the job for her, and while Governor of Alaska she was MIA so often that NOBODY knew where to find her when they needed her. 

Simply put, Palin is incapable of actually doing anything, except of course to talk about the desperate need to DO something. 

So in my opinion this is a wonderful idea!  With Sarah Palin at the helm we would finally see the GOP run itself aground and no longer be in a position to continue to screw up our country's opportunity to make progress.

This idea has the Immoral Minority stamp of approval! (That should help to sell it, don't you think?)


  1. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Former GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is saying leaked outtake footage from her TLC reality show Sarah Palin's Alaska has been taken "out of context," particularly the scene where she clubs and skins a miniature schnauzer, mistaking it for a baby seal.

    "Ya know, out in the tundra things happen pretty quick," said Palin. "When that snow's comin' down, a schnauzer and a seal are basically indristinguishable."

    Critics have pointed out that the "tundra" where Palin skinned the dog was actually the Bluff Park Farm in Knik-Fairview, and that before clubbing it she shot it from a helicopter using high-powered rifle with an infrared scope.

    "Plus an old lady was walking it," .

    ..."Well, maybe beatin' a seal to death sounds unearthadox to those high falutin' big-city PETA elites, but out here in the wilderness, that's how we roll," said Palin while signing books at the Walmart Superstore on South Seward Meridian Parkway in Wasilla.

  2. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Every now and then you read a smackdown that can only be called definitive.

    I experienced one of those moments recently reading Kathleen Kennedy’s Townsend’s response to Sarah Palin’s recent observations about President John F. Kennedy’s views on religion and politics.

  3. Anonymous9:19 AM

    RAM: ¨Would you write a letter to Governor Palin asking her to be the Chairman of the RNC?¨

    Judson Phillips: ¨Get the fuck out of here. I can´t stand the bitch.¨

    RAM: ¨We´ll pay you $10,000. And I´ll write the letter for you.¨

    Phillips: ¨Are you deaf? I said GTFO.¨

    RAM: ¨Okay, $100,000.¨

    Phillips: ¨From SarahPAC?¨

    RAM: ¨If that´s what you wish.¨

    Phillips: ¨Let´s make this happen then. I love screwing the bots more than Sarah does.¨

  4. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Sarah Palin Kills a Frolicking Caribou on the Arctic Tundra

    Look into Sarah Palin’s eyes. What do you see? Your own reflection probably, because she wears glasses. However, hoik those specs clean off her head and you’ll see a faint glimpse of life in those cold, dead eyes.

    That’s because Palin is a cold-blooded killer.

  5. Anonymous9:50 AM

    "She has a track record of cutting wasteful spending"??? Like for the Sport Complex? Ask the residents of Wasilla what wasteful spending she cut. These people are delusional, and she probably agrees with everything he said.

  6. Linda Arizona9:51 AM

    "She has a track record of cutting wasteful spending, which has occurred under the watch of Michael Steele," he added. "Finally, she is simply a rock star. She can raise money like no one else out there that I can think of."


    Phillips doesn't make any sense. Michael Steele didn't have a "watch" when Scarah was cutting essential funding for Alaska, did he?

    And, "rock star"?! Oh, yeah, Rethugs really, really need a rock star to dazzle and schmooze the ignorant masses. That's right, entertain them, take their money, have a hate par-tee!

    I agree, Gryphen, this is a fun idea. Keep 'em busy, while Democrats and serious leaders get the work we need done to save this country from these flunkies.

  7. This is great! She has to turn them down. That will alienate a substantial number of the 'morans.'

    I've been waiting for a train wreck. It's not going to happen that way. More like a loooong series of little derailments.

  8. Nadira9:57 AM

    Weird that they want her to be RNC Chair and not President. Is it possible even Teabaggers think she isn't qualified enough for the job?

  9. Pat in MA10:02 AM

    You know the painting "The Scream?" I'm thinking that's what Karl Rove looks like right about now. She's good at raising money, but money that goes into HER pocket.

  10. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Her book is a flop..Bush is even topping the best sellers list..LMA0!

  11. Wow.
    Yes! Pick her, please!
    As an Obama Socialist, I couldn't think of a happier ending for the RNC.

  12. Anonymous10:04 AM

    The white-out would be a "dark secret" because of the hypocrisy, not because of the abortion itself, imo. -B

  13. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Would this be the same Judson Phillips who gave an interview in which he states he thinks that only property owners should have the vote in America?

  14. Anonymous10:07 AM

    What a great idea! Let's see, Steele got himself into trouble because he acted like a diva and spent money like there was no tomorrow. Sounds like a job Sarah would be good at - really good at. She could raise money and then spend it on herself. She could have staff do the work, go around making speeches, pocketing fees just like Steele did, writing a book (well, having another ghostwriter write yet another book) like Steele and give the same old, same old speech time and time again just like Steele did.

    She might not have the courage or the ability to answer questions, though. That is part of the job - appearing on all talk shows and gibbering the party line. Of course, she is quite accomplished at ignoring questions and spouting BS, just like Steele did. So, what the hey, yeah, it's a good idea.

    Of course, I'd love to see Grayson at the helm of the DNC --- man, wouldn't that be a fireworks display having the two of them head at the head of their respective party? I love Grayson, dislike Palin (or couldn't you tell?), so it would be a match made in liberal heaven. Sarah wouldn't be able to last two minutes up against Grayson - not two minutes.

  15. Anonymous10:13 AM

    not going to happen, she'll have to talk to the LSM

  16. Anonymous10:15 AM

    "If she does not try, I am afraid we will end up with just another establishment flunky running the party and the [Republicans in name only] will control the party again."

    Too late - she's already there.

  17. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Sarah Palin as the official face of the GOP? Haha! Oh, Please God yes! She gets my vote too!

  18. Anonymous10:48 AM

    The comment of how she cut wasteful spending - would love to see the facts that back up that one! Where did their information come from - just the facts mame. Oh that's right, this is in the Palin world - facts and truths are non existant.

  19. Gasman10:49 AM

    I know that you have to be a peawit to be a Palin supporter, but Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips has plumbed new depths of hither-to-fore unimaginable imbecility. As God is my witness, I would not have thought that anyone who was even tangentially connected with politics could be that stupid. But when it comes to feckless vapidity, Phillips is an overachiever.

    Just when it looked like the GOP would replace Michael Steele with somebody more competent - not much of a challenge, mind you - Phillips offers the GOP an alternative: have someone even less capable than Steele run the RNC. Of course if you are looking for prodigious levels of incomprehensibly moronic behavior, Sarah Palin is at the top of nearly any thinking person’s list. It’s brilliant.

    Mr. Phillips, I applaud you. You have singlehandedly thought of THE most effective way to simultaneously destroy both the GOP and Palin’s political aspirations. I doff my chapeau at your elegantly simple solution. Bravo.

    Come on, Sarah! Why not bring your magic touch to the RNC? I’m certain that you would bring your typical organizational style, your finesse with the press, and you ability for long term strategic planning to this new post much as you did as Mayor of Wasilla and as Governor of Alaska. You can count on this liberal’s support.

  20. Anonymous10:55 AM

    And now a word from Sarah's pal...

    Ted Nugent: So Simple, He’s Stupid

    Yeah, you may need to watch the above video a couple of times to really grasp Ted Nugent’s message. According to the Motor City Madman, wildlife will cease to exist unless we hunt it and kill it. I guess that why Ted likes going to the Y.O. Ranch where you can shoot your very own Zebra, because nothing says “Conservationist” quite like the head of a dead Zebra on your wall.

    The Nuge also pontificates on life in Alaska, calling it “mystical” and saying it is a “perfect lifestyle”. Well, if things are so “mystical” and “perfect” why is B.S. always leaving her beloved state?

  21. My favorite line: "First off Sarah Palin does not run things. She runs FOR things."

    I'm gonna disagree about having her as RNC chair. She's toxic for the whole country in any political position. I want her out of politics...for ever.

  22. Anonymous11:05 AM

    My Lord. I think out of the Palins themselves and the cult that worships them, the only one smart enough to refrain from peddling this garbage is Trig. I feel for the boy, being born into such a family of retards.

  23. Where can we vote! That is definitely a position I would vote for her to win - that would definitely put the seal of doom on the GOP once and for all

  24. Anonymous at 9:10 a.m. I LOVE YOU! What would I do without the laughs I get here!

  25. Anonymous11:29 AM

    The prospect of Palin following Steele, delicious.

  26. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Can't think of a better person for the job.

  27. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I have to say this. I've read every account and opinion on the Trig Palin story there is. My conclusion:

    Sarah did not adopt a random child for political gain
    There is ONE Trig
    Trig is Bristol's, born in March 08, at 7.5 weeks

    In fall of 07, Bristol told her friends at school (wasilla) she was pregnant starting the rumors herself. She was then pulled out.

    The NY trip. possibly to see Dr. But id wager it was more a bday gift/cheer up gift for maybe finding out her baby had downs. idk. I dont think bristol and Sarah had their mother/daughter issues at this point

    Interviews have reported Bristol saying "my mom knows how much Tripp means to me" and she has said on camera "im just glad hes happy and healthy"
    Bristol is a bad liar. I truthfully dont think TRIPP was planned. Nor do I believe Levi much at all.

    My only reservations now are why Trig strongly resembles baby Piper and baby Willow. THe family does have strong likenesses between them, but the Piper resemblance is uncanny.

    It is weird that NO ONE speaks of fall 07. Mercede has never mentioned that time frame. We have one picture from then, of Molly, WIllow, and Bristol at a game. They all look happy. and even in the candid official governor photos, the family looks family.

    I hold to the belief that Levi was a pawn in Bristol's life. Like any rebellious teen, she didnt want to move to Juneau, she didnt want to change her lifestyle due to the job change. We know of the catfight between her and L Garcia in fall 07 which leads me to believe their relationship didnt begin until summer/early fall.


  28. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Good luck with that.

    The Republicans hate sarah.

    Also, too, sarah would love to get pregnant in her younger days. That meant several months of ¨Party¨ time before she ¨showed¨"and had to abort.

    She bragged about running about without wearing panties because they just ¨get in the way.¨

    Damn, she was easy sleazy. And Todd was the only one dumb enough to believe her.

  29. Anonymous11:55 AM

    This from the mouth of sarah On TPM.
    Sarah's answer to the question of her running the RNC.

    "there are others who would be much more comfortable asking people for money then I would be"

    This from a women that has done nothing in the last two years but, ask people for money!

  30. WakeUpAmerica12:04 PM

    Gryphen, here's a great video by Tina Dupuy about the Palin feud list. You should embed this.

  31. Anonymous12:24 PM

    You know, as I look at her eyeglasses in that photo, I realize it's the rimless ones she wears NOW that made her seem more "glamorous"---if she goes without them, or would wear something heavier, she'd lose her "power", in the same way as Samson without his hair. Mark my words.

  32. angela12:25 PM

    Oh yeah!

    She would make a lot of money for them (and probably find a way to take some for herself) then truly rip the hell out of what's left of the rotting corpse that is the republican party and still have time to run for POTUS and get home in time to appear on FOX and wear her raccoon wigs for our enjoyment.

  33. Enjay in E MT12:31 PM

    Wow - it does rather kill two birds with one stone.

    If (highly doubtful) she takes the RNC Chair - it's a contract term position (2 yrs I believe) - that means no presidential run in 2011-2012. Yet keeps her popularity on the GOP side and another up side would be she can't really talk out against the GOP or their candidates.

    Good plan - but she won't take it.

  34. Anonymous12:37 PM

    >>Lynn said: Anonymous at 9:10 a.m. I LOVE YOU! What would I do without the laughs I get here!

    I KNOW, that one made me spit out my coffee this morning...

    the part that isn't funny is that it actually COULD BE true about her.

  35. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Sarah say she isn't 'comfortable' asking for money. Ha, ha. What a rube.

    But in an exclusive written statement to ABC News, Palin says:

    "I respect the desire to have someone in charge of the RNC who understands the wishes of the conservative grassroots and understands that power resides with the people and not the vested interests in DC. However, the primary role of the RNC chair seems be that of fundraiser-in-chief, and there are others who would probably be much more comfortable asking people for money than I would be, and they would definitely enjoy it more."

  36. Anonymous12:52 PM

    She responded:

    "I respect the desire to have someone in charge of the RNC who understands the wishes of the conservative grassroots and understands that power resides with the people and not the vested interests in DC. However, the primary role of the RNC chair seems be that of fundraiser-in-chief, and there are others who would probably be much more comfortable asking people for money than I would be, and they would definitely enjoy it more."

  37. Anonymous12:54 PM

    The first stop: Sarah takes Kate to a bear safety class to prepare her for their camping expedition.

    On the road from Wasilla to the class in Anchorage, Sarah sort-of jokes that, in case of a bear attack, "You need a partner with you who's slower than you."

    "Oh, my gosh!" replies Kate, who already was spooked by the bear rug in the Palins' home. "Sacrifice your friends?"

    At the rifle range, she looks more miserable than she used to look with Jon.

    And that's only the beginning.

    The day of the camping trip, it's – wouldn't you know? – pouring rain.

    Out in the middle of nowhere by a stream and surrounded by mountains, Sarah is smiling, chipper and (literally) loaded for bear.

    "Rain or shine, Alaskans still camp. We still find a way to have fun," she chirps.

    Then Kate and her kids land at the campsite. Quickly, Kate proves to be a bigger pill than a horse tranquilizer.

    "I'm not worrying about bears right now," she is soon grousing. "I'm just worried about keeping my toes wiggling 'cause they're freezing."

    Sarah, daughters Piper and Willow, husband Todd and other family members seem to be having a blast. So, for that matter, are Kate's youngsters.

    "The kids are having fun, so I'm tolerating it, but this is my new home," grumbles Kate, having sullenly planted herself, apart from the rest, beneath a tarp. "I am miserable, but, I mean, somebody's got to be."

    Sarah, ever gung-ho, announces to the group, "This is the most luxurious camping spot I've ever seen!"

    Cut to Kate, who tells the camera, "It just kills me that people, like, willingly do this."

    Soon everybody else is enjoying hamburgers, hot-dogs and s'mores from the camp fire.

    Maybe it was finding out the hot-dogs are moose. About that time, Kate loses it.

    "I don't see a table, I don't see utensils, I don't see hand-cleansing materials," she whimpers. "This is not ideal conditions. I am freezing to the bone, I have 19 layers on, my hands are frigid. I held it together as long as I could and I'm done now!"

  38. Anonymous12:56 PM

    After I Compiled Sarah Palin's Enemy List...

  39. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Honestly, I think Sarah would succeed at being Chair. Shed never take it thought. They have Steele spending money like a democrat, dealing with retarded politicos who love a good fight with the pussy dems.

    btw - to whomever said Sarah "loved to get pregnant"...telling these bullshit stories does us no good. Stick to firsthand accounts please, from Sarah's mouth. NOT a "friend's" lips.

  40. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Raise money for the RNC? They have this backwards. Sarah Palin doesn't raise money for anyone but herself. In fact, the RNC has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on HER, including her family's clothes and lawyer fees!

  41. Anonymous1:02 PM

    1. David Letterman
    2. Wall Street Journal/Sudeep Reddy
    3. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R)
    4. Levi Johnston
    5. Shannyn Moore
    6. Katie Couric
    7. Nicolle Wallace
    8. Steve Schmidt
    9. Kate Gosselin
    10. The Fed/Ben Bernanke
    11. Pete Rouse
    12. Joe McGinniss
    13. Peggy Noonan
    14. Ashley Judd
    15. Congressman Spencer Bachus (R)
    16. Alaska State Trooper Mike Wooten
    17. Joe Miller
    18. Politico
    19. Karl Rove
    20. State Department (Ahmadinejad’s birthday)
    21. Rahm Emanuel
    22. Family Guy/Seth MacFarlane
    23. Michelle Obama
    24. President Barack Obama
    25. Kathleen Gustafson
    26. Brian Williams
    27. Emily’s List
    28. Ed Gillespie
    29. Mayor Michael Bloomberg
    30. Environmentalists
    31. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R)
    32. All “impotent” reporters
    33. Vice President Al Gore
    34. Charlie Gibson
    35. Maureen Dowd
    36. Bloggers
    37. Rachel Maddow
    38. 60 Minutes
    39. Mark Halperin
    40. John Heilemann
    41. Nick Denton/Gawker
    42. Barbara Bush
    43. U.S. Export Import Bank
    44. Blogger Jesse Griffin
    45. Blogger Dennis Zaki
    46. Andrew Sullivan/The Atlantic
    47. Keith Olbermann
    48. CSU students AKA “Dumpster Divers” Ashley Briggs and Alicia Lewis
    49. Blogger Jeanne Devon
    50. Palingates
    51. Linda Kellen Biegel AKA Celtic Diva
    52. Oliver Stone
    53. John Bitney
    54. Senator Scott Brown (R)
    55. Alaska State Senate President Lyda Green
    56. Andree McLeod
    57. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka
    58. PolitiFact
    59. Bill Ayers
    60. Secretary Madeleine Albright
    61. Senator John Kerry (D)
    62. Jonathan Martin
    63. NPR
    64. Congressman Alan Grayson (D)
    65. Stephen Colbert
    66. Helen Thomas
    67. PETA
    68. Anchorage Daily News
    69. Tina Fey
    70. Andrew Halcro

    Honorable mentions (by popular demand): William Shakespeare, President Ronald Reagan, President John F. Kennedy and American Idol contestants.

  42. Anonymous1:08 PM

    To Anon at 11:40...I totally agree with you. I think Bristol's is Trig's mother. Period. End of discussion.

  43. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Anonymous 9:10 - I wish you would have posted a warning to your comments. I just about choked to death laughing even as I was trying to swallow some tea. Goodness, that was funny --- mainly because it was almost believable. Thanks!!

  44. Anonymous1:16 PM

    I've always been curious how these newcomers to the electoral process feel they are in a position to determine RINO status. Wouldn't 'establishment' Republicans basically be the standard for what it means to be a Republican (thus, 'establishment')? Where did they get the notion that they get to show up late to the scene and then redefine the terms for everyone else? I'm not a particular fan of establishment repubs or of anti-RINOs, but I am rooting for the establishment to take these posers down.

  45. pursang1:26 PM

    Let's see, Sarah Palin as head of the RNC. Well she'll use the RNC's bank account as if it was her personal account, breaking the bank buying clothes for herself, Toddy-Poo, and the little grifters. To cover all the thievery she will indeed have to raise a ton of cash. Even with the creative accounting there won't be money to pass out to the candidates to do things like do TV ads and run campaigns so that's a win for us.

    She'll recruit candidates like O'Donnell, Angle, and Miller who will self-destruct through their own stupidity so that's another win for us.

    Finally, she'll fill every RNC position with family and cronies (just like her days as Governor). None of them will know their butt from a hole in the ground so again, a win for us.

    The final score of the Palin for RNC Chairperson game....3-0 for us, YEAAAAA!!!!!!

  46. Anonymous1:33 PM

    she's do just a great a job as Michael Steele. Plus, if you liked his gaffes to the press, you'll love hers!

    (Actually, this why she won't do it. She'd have to talk to the press.)

  47. Anonymous1:40 PM

    there are others who would probably be much more comfortable asking people for money than I would be

    Well, yes. She's not comfortable asking people for money to benefit anything other than herself. And for herself - she has her agent do it.

  48. Anonymous1:53 PM

    1:16; The establishment repubs manufactured the posers. Start to finish they made them and so they now own the results of their wingnut apprentices.

    Just like true repubs though it is always possible to shift the blame.

    In this case they blame our current president and decades of what they call persecution by left wing media and schools.

    Delay, Koch Bros, Scaife,Blackwell's Leadership Institute, on and on it goes.

    The wheels fall off the grand scheme when the actual teabagger voters think they have seized the reins of power. When they pull hard they will fall flat on their asses. They have voted and paid for reins that connect to nothing.

    It won't be pleasant when the teabaggers figure out they've been played by the same folks that put dubya in charge.

    It should start about January 4th 2011.

  49. FEDUP!!!1:57 PM

    "She has a track record of cutting wasteful spending" ... WHO in their right mind would write this???? I guess RAM has been sending out propaganda leaflets again...

    On the other hand, I heartily agree with you, Gryphen: LET THEM NOMINATE HER - like that, FOR SURE, the GOP will be broke by 2012, because She will have $yphoned off most of the $$$ into her own PAC or into her 'legal defen$e account'!

  50. To the Anon's at 11:40 and 1:08, yes. Thank you. March 8 is a pretty positive assertion. Assume you have good info. Leaves plenty of time for another pregnancy/baby born in Dec. 08, Tripp.


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