Tuesday, January 11, 2011

After so much insanity this weekend, a little justice shines through in Alaska.

From Sean Cockerham of the ADN:

The new state attorney general has found a ballot initiative essentially seeking to outlaw abortion in Alaska to be unconstitutional.

“The proposed bill meets the ‘clearly unconstitutional’ standard because it would supersede a woman’s constitutional right to privacy,” said the opinion, which was released late yesterday. “This right is a federal constitutional right recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade.”

Attorney General John Burns is recommending the lieutenant governor refuse to certify the "Natural Right to Life" initiative.

Th proposal tries to make it Alaska law that “the natural right to life and body of the unborn child supersedes the statutory right of the mother to consent to the injury or death of her unborn child.”
The main sponsor is Clinton Desjarlais of Anchorage. He had another initiative rejected as unconstitutional this summer that tried to say “an abortion may not be permitted in this state.”

Gee I wonder how the Grizzled Mama feels about her poodle Sean Parnell now that he has appointed an Attorney General with some integrity?

By he way historically Alaska has always been fairly liberal about a woman's right to choose.  In fact the state made access to abortions legal three years before Roe vs Wade. It has only been since the bible thumpers and conservatives came up here to chase the oil money that we have seen such backward thinking and attempts to oppress women's right to choose.


  1. Anonymous11:53 AM

    This will likely bring $P out of the woodwork. Waiting for her tweet....................

  2. Anonymous11:56 AM

    CBS poll says 57% don't believe the shooting was political.

    You lose

    Is that why you're changing the subject ?

  3. Pursang12:00 PM

    This is certainly good news for the women of Alaska. As far as your new Governor I doubt he much cares. He's too busy defending his $20,000 annual raise to be concerned about such trivial things as a womans right to chose.

    But for the rest of Alaskans, congrats on a big victory.

  4. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Anonymous 11:56 AM

    I can show you a poll where 99% believe YOU are an idiot.

    YOU lose.

    Good for Alaska on this ruling. At least your state won't waste thousands of dollars in lawsuits over it like Oklahoma does.

  5. Anonymous12:07 PM


    You should keep an eye out for Bristol's twitter page. And Willow's too for that matter.


    She appears to be going on a more moderate path a la Meghan McCain. She's criticized Hannity and says her mom isn't following her any more.

    BTW, I don't know for sure if this is the real Bristol and Willow but it certainly seems like it.


  6. Pursang12:14 PM

    To Anon @ 11:56am, can you give us a link so we can study the poll methodology? While polls are important, until you can view the way the poll was conducted the results aren't necessarily relevant.

    I'm not saying they're not mind you. Before I go off stating a poll though I want to be sure that the way the poll was conducted gives a correct overview of how the populace is truly thinking.

    Another quick thing. The world is big place and even though the Arizona tragedy is important, there are still other things happening in the world. The world doesn't stop spinning because of one event and this story is important to Alaskans and needs to be covered and discussed. It has nothing to do with the results of a TV News poll and needing to change the narrative.

  7. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Thanks to Sarah and Glen and the TEA PARTY

    Great comments by RUSH today

    Only 534 more to go

  8. Anonymous12:19 PM

    11:56, of course some believe it´s not political. sarah is not a politician anymore because she holds no title. sarah is a private citizen, celebrity wanna be, who is on a screeching nose dive.

    She will always be held accountable for the AZ tragedy, like Osama bin Laden will always be held accountable for 9/11.

    Once that bell has been rung, it can´t be unrung. Ask sarah.

  9. Interesting that this comes out a couple of posts past the abuse of alaskan native women.

    Thanks for keeping an eye out on things.

  10. Anonymous12:32 PM

    That is not the real Bristol or Willow. They are on the gravy train and won't poke their meal ticket.

  11. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn12:42 PM

    OT since I've been away from the computer all day, but just heard Mike Papantonio on Ed Schultz's radio show. He was commenting on SP's rhetoric and her suspicious silence on Tucson. He stated that those protecting her "have spent a billion dollars on her already, and will spend another billion" on a carefully planned PR campaign to protect her/spin the story to make the public feel pity for her. Their goal is to make her a viable POTUS candidate again. He also mentioned that the $$ were coming from a large West Coast group backing and sponsoring her in this WH effort. First time I heard this, and he spoke about it with certainty, as if it's common knowledge. Is this a new cabal, besides Murdoch, Samaritan's Purse and/or the looney RW Xtains? Are they all connected?

  12. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Anonymous 11:56 am

    They also believed Bristol could dance.
    Maybe they used the same method...of you know "cheating". I know, "shocker".

  13. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I take that back. After searching a bit more I'm led to believe the twitter accounts for Bristol and Willow are both fake. They did have me going for a bit. :(


  14. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Comment @ 11:56 a.m.

    No one is changing the subject - there are numerous topics here daily -

    People were murdered and families are totally destroyed by this violence and you stupid asshat have the nerve to come on Gryph's blog and pretend that everything in life is about a CBS poll and polls are just simply taken at random.

    Are you a Palin family member or just plain ignorant? How in the world do you live with your stupid self?

  15. Anonymous12:44 PM

    "It has only been since the bible thumpers and conservatives came up here to chase the oil money that we have seen such backward thinking and attempts to oppress women's right to choose."

    Sorry dude. As someone from the Midwest, I'm of mixed minds.

    Firstly, commiseration, as I feel your pain.

    Secondly, glee... because the more you have there, the less we have here.

    And thirdly... resignation, because they're frigging prolific in their breeding and indoctrination.

    They may not be able to out-think us, but by god, they will out number us!

  16. Anonymous12:48 PM

    @Anon 12:07

    I regret to inform you that that is a fake bristol twitter page. I'm almost certain of that.


    Simple. Look at their screen names.

    "Bristol Sarah Palin" for one. Umm; Sarah isn't her middle name. Whoever it was used that for people searching for "Sarah Palin" for that page to pop up.

    WillowPalinUSA? I'm sorry; no teen who was "breaking away" from patriotic momma would ever use something that retarded.

    The list goes on!

  17. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Bet Grandma Palin doesn't acknowledge this but who knows?

    I have been doing a lot of research and have come to the conclusion that Tawd is gay and not banging women prostitutes. Rumor has it that maybe the noise was him and a dude.

    Of course if I was married to the quitter twitter then I would be gay too.

  18. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Justice Antune Scalia claimed late last week that women's equality is entirely up to the political branches.

  19. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Want to bet that Clinton Desjarlais is the Christine O'Donnell of perpetual initiatives? He makes his living this way, fundraising from the fundies for the ongoing fight for natural life.

    Nice work if you can get it. Stepping on the necks of women's rights.

  20. Anonymous1:30 PM

    LOL, Anon Troll @ 11:56, you wait with bated breath for each new post, you must ironically be one of Gryphen's most faithful readers.

    Ever waiting to post a pro-Palin note desperate to stem the tide of rational objection of a trojan leader of anti-government/society proportions.

  21. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Anon @ 12:07 - Bristol or any of the Palin offspring aren't clever or smart enough to criticize Hannity. It's above their pay grade.

  22. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Wondering if that iceberg is getting ready to crash, does it have to do with lots of money?

  23. This is good news for women, indeed!

    On another matter, your trolls are ridiculously unlikable and unconvincing.

  24. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Anonymous said...
    LOL, Anon Troll @ 11:56, you wait with bated breath for each new post, you must ironically be one of Gryphen's most faithful readers.

    Ever waiting to post a pro-Palin note desperate to stem the tide of rational objection of a trojan leader of anti-government/society proportions.

    1:30 PM


    I don't want to be the one to break the news to you, but a lot of people wait for each new post. One more thing, there are a lot of Gryphen's faithful readers just like you sweetie.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.