Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Alaska's secret shame.

Here’s some news Sarah Palin never mentioned on her Alaskan reality show: Alaska Native women and girls are facing a dire trafficking problem. Sex-traffickers often lure the victims to Anchorage, where they’re separated from their local support network and then coerced into the sex trade. Investigators say that this trend has been on the rise for the past couple years, and they fear Alaska Natives are targeted due to their “versatile” look—which makes them easier to advertise on the Internet as Hawaiian or Asian. So how can both the Alaskan and tribal governments stop failing these girls? Two words: prosecution and education. Tell Governor Sean Parnell and the state legislature to strengthen Alaska state laws to mirror federal penalties and work with tribal governments to fund a trafficking-specific education program for families.

Amnesty International has estimated that Native American women are 2.5 times more likely than other American women to experience sexual assault in their lifetime. Previously victimized women and girls are prime targets for traffickers. Statistics show that within 48 hours of being on the street, one in three of runaways will be drawn into prostitution. The trafficking victims are then reluctant to seek help, due to psychological abuse, and an unwillingness to tell their small village communities what has happened to them.

Alaska’s state trafficking laws are relatively weak. Currently, authorities often choose to prosecute pimps under federal sex trafficking laws, as the state law only allows for prosecution of trafficking if the victim is transferred across state lines. Unsurprisingly, this system isn’t working. An investigator told The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner that even when girls are separated from their pimp and provided social services, the prosecutions are few and far between. Governor Parnell and the state legislature need to strengthen Alaska’s state laws to mirror the federal laws, and get traffickers off the street for good. This legislation can't come soon enough.

(You can read more by clicking here.)

I have spent my entire life in this state, and have seen first hand the unconscionable attitudes of men, from virtually every ethnicity, toward our native women. They are far more likely to be raped, molested, or to suffer domestic abuse than any other group of women in the state.

According to the US Dept. of Justice's own statistics, Native American and Alaska Native women are nearly three times more likely to be raped than women in the US in general. Too often Native American victims of rape have to go through a maze of federal, state, tribal and local laws to achieve any justice at all, while the agencies responsible for seeking justice on their behalf are severely underfunded and inadequate. Federal law limits the criminal sentences that tribal courts can impose and prohibits tribal courts from trying non-Indian suspects - even though data collected by the Department of Justice shows that up to 86% of perpetrators are non-Indian.

When Sarah Palin dismissively labeled Women's Right advocates as purposefully  "portraying women as victims" while suggesting that all women had to do to exercise their rights was to stand up to the men who had subjugated them, was a total slap in the face to women all over the world, but an especially ignorant and hateful thing to say concerning the indigenous women of the state in which she served as Governor.

Thankfully Sarah Palin is no longer part of the equation when it comes to protecting our fellow Alaskans.  In fact after this weekend she is essentially insignificant to ANY debate about reducing violence.

Today the person to reach out to is Governor Sean Parnell, and though in many ways he is a carbon copy of Palin, he HAS at least done some work to protect our mothers, daughters, and sisters.

So perhaps HE will be more receptive than his pathetically inept predecessor and respond if enough people sign this petition.

But if you don't think that is enough, than perhaps he would appreciate receiving an e-mail from you suggesting how he can better protect some of his most vulnerable constituents.

Personally I did both.


  1. Quill & Ink4:30 AM

    Does a hard copy letter have more weight than an email, or does it not matter?

  2. Chenagrrrrrrrrrrrl!4:42 AM

    Oh damn! This was supposed to get resolved with the land claims money. Guess I have been living in a bubble.

    I am activated in the names of fulls and happas -- Faye, Irene, Katie, Margaret, Marian, Lisa, Janet, Dorthy, Emily, Berniece, Martha, Rose, Twyla,, Jeannie.

  3. Anonymous4:47 AM

    I personally know two young Native women who were kidnapped off the street in downtown Anchorage and raped by at least two men in the car.

    These Native women are often skilled workers, mothers but in the 'big' city, out for a drink or two, it leads to poor judgment such as inebriation which makes them very vulnerable targets. There was never any justice for my cousin and my childhood friend. They walk around fragile shells, damaged in a way that can't be articulated with shame and rage. Not all victims are this way. Some get justice, some get redemption. Some become advocates and only stronger. But I know how many non-Natives look at us when we walk amongst them. Even sober. Even contributing members of society. They are the Ugly Alaskans I've often spoke of, the likes of Sarah Palin who chooses to look past us when no one is looking, but chooses to put us up as her husband and childrens people as some sort of bizarre de facto equality clause in her record.

    I cannot confirm the dates of either statements, but it appears to both have come in November. Palin, to reporters but captured by MSNBC for KO's purposes:

    We're raised up here to to know that, um -- you talk about equality? You see equality in Alaska. And so that's a good question, because I think that was a bit of a surprise on a national level, was -- what, you mean the other 49 states aren't quite there, like Alaskans are? Well come on, follow Alaska's lead and start allowing the equal opportunities and the equal treatment.

    AND THEN YOU HAVE in the following exchange:

    Brad Bailey to V.P. Candidate Palin at a rally: I'm the only minority here, my question is, how can you encourage more people to show up? How will you make that happen?
    Palin: We've got to be all about equality. The constitution preaches - Todd is Alaskan and if you go up to Alaska, we have a problem with Todd being a minority up there. We live it. We've got to do a better job about that. Thanks Brad.


    The woman is simply ridiculous. And dangerous. And stupid. And retreating. But I'm sure she'll be back with her guns blazing. Let's all be ready.

    Parnell has made a lot of noise about protecting women and children. So we'll see.

  4. Anonymous4:48 AM

    this subject is near and near to my heart. My niece chose to go to school in AK and only made it 3 months before she was raped. She is a gorgeous blond with blue eyes. As her school progressed in virtual night, she was followed home from class by an unknown person who broke into her room and assaulted her.

    There is nothing worse than getting that call from a hospital in the middle of the night and knowing that you are thousands of miles away and can't get there quick enough.

    Needless to say she dropped out of college in AK and moved home immediately, finishing school at community college. She was in no hurry to leave home after such a traumatic experience.

    We never considered rape when choosing schools. It was only after the fact, that we learned the rape statistics are abnormally high in AK.

  5. Anonymous4:50 AM

    I cannot confirm the dates of either statements, but it appears to both have come in November. Palin, to reporters but captured by MSNBC for KO's purposes:

    We're raised up here to to know that, um -- you talk about equality? You see equality in Alaska. And so that's a good question, because I think that was a bit of a surprise on a national level, was -- what, you mean the other 49 states aren't quite there, like Alaskans are? Well come on, follow Alaska's lead and start allowing the equal opportunities and the equal treatment.

    AND THEN YOU HAVE the following exchange:

    Brad Bailey to V.P. Candidate Palin at a rally:

    I'm the only minority here, my question is, how can you encourage more people to show up? How will you make that happen?

    Palin: We've got to be all about equality. The constitution preaches - Todd is Alaskan and if you go up to Alaska, we have a problem with Todd being a minority up there. We live it. We've got to do a better job about that. Thanks Brad.


    How'd that doing a better job (at what?) work out for Alaskan women and Todd there Sarah? You idiot.

  6. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Sex traffiking is quite a large industry. I'm sorry to hear it's a huge problem in AK but AK is by far not the only nor biggest problem.

  7. More collateral fall out from her & her family's crusade against Mike Wooten. Sarah "Crosshairs" Palin and Todd fired Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan 'cause he wouldn't fire Mike after Mike & "Crosshairs" sister, Molly, divorced. Walt Monegan was trying to do something about the problems in the villages. When he was fired the villages were left with cookies.

  8. Anonymous5:13 AM

    wow - before now I had never realized gun imagery has been used more often than I thought. I never new the democrats did exactly what Sarah did (map). Now did I realize Joe Manchin shot a target with Captrade on it. Competing? Do they think it's the most effective way to get a point across. I'm actually not sure guns are affective marketing tools. There was a reason guns were a way of life in "old school" america. PEople have to feel safe. Nowdays since the moral fiber has been completely eroded in this country (I partly blame the west and hollywood- check out that communist goals from the 60s, most have been actualized) people have felt no shame about carrying weaponry on them.

    I myself find it hard to shoot a gun pointed at even a nonhuman target. A lot of people do not.

  9. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Gryphen, Thank you for your understanding that women who are subjugated can not resolve that by standing up to a man or group (in cases of trafficking). That is a misconception that abusers, control freaks, mental and physical batterers are respectful persons who will respect boundaries. Abusive persons will escalate to dominate, subjugate and control. They won't back down and escalate to physical violence or increased violence.

    The irony is the misunderstanding blaming the victims that it is their fault...for not standing up to one who is intent on domination, using and abusing another human for their personal gain. This ill offered advice if followed will make a sick situation even worse and perhaps create it to be a life threatening situation. It becomes a viscious cycle of degradation and humiliation of the victim to be told "you did not stand up for yourself" as the situation escalates. When a sick mentally unbalanced person seeks to dominate, exploit use a person they are enraged when they are stood up to. Their solution is to esclate control, intimidation and even terrorize a person into submission.

    In domestic violence it is equivalent to being told it is your fault you were raped, you did not say No or stand up to the rapist. then told to be with the rapist and the rape becomes more sadistic and again told it is because you "allowed it" and did not stand up for yourself. the paradox is the greater the strength demonstratd the more aggressive and violent an abuser, trafficker becomes.

    The irony is, the worse the situation is actually that the person subjugated took a strong stand. The greatest danger and risk of life is leaving or seeking legal help and a restraining order.

  10. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Is RAM going to tweet a unrestrained, untrained bitchy correction demand from The Hill?

    "Her spokeswoman, Rebecca Mansour, defended the use of the symbol in an interview with conservative talk radio host Tammy Bruce."


    Everyone associated with Palin, including Sarah, are in over their head, ill-equipped and out of their depth. And it is embarrassing and a disservice to conservatives to keep defending this shell of a "leader / spokesmodel."

  11. angela6:34 AM

    Very informative post Gryphen. Thank you.

    In hard economic times subjugated groups get hit harder than ever. Women and children are still far down on the list for many people as far as their needs go. Many people and groups give lip service to the abuse visited upon women. Rape, forced prostitution and child molestation are a gaping wound that continues steadily, even though it is talked about openly.

    What this says about us as a society I do not know.

    But I do know that women like the ex-former governor has been no help at all (and never was)
    on issues of women's health and rights. We must get

  12. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Anon 5:13, your post is impossible to understand. The syntax, grammar and spelling mistakes make it very difficult. Is English your second language? You could use google translate and put your post through their translator and perhaps we might be able to comprehend what you are talking about. No offense, but it sounds like incoherent gibberish.

  13. Anonymous6:52 AM

    I was astounded that Oprah gave Palin a free pass on this subject.

    Sex/human slave trafficking is up there with drug trafficking. No one cares about the damage it does to individuals, family or society. It is about huge profits for businessmen.

  14. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Thank you for shining light on this. And also too, for reminding us why Palin is not now and never was an advocate for women or woman's rights.

  15. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Sorry Gryph, o/t but we all want to continue to analyse the Palin crisis. This is an excellent comment left on today's WAPost article.

    idontlikeyour wrote:
    Obviously her team is unaware of the Tylenol PR crisis methodology, the penultimate case study for saving the brand. She's an amateur and it's too bad she won't even be considered for the 2012 race. (What a wonderful gift to the Democrats her candidacy would have been.) Secreting the offending web page, facebooking and tweeting responses, sending out inexperienced staff to represent her, and emailing Glenn Beck are pretty lame responses in the face of a tsunami of negative public opinion.

  16. laprofesora7:57 AM

    I can only think of hateful things to say about Sarah Palin. In honor of the victims of this weekends shooting, I will keep those thoughts to myself.

  17. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Anon 6:43

    I am not the poster of the comment you question, but personally, I find your's extremely offensive. I read and understood the other post and I'm sure others did too.

    The fact you post 'no offense', doesn't give you a free pass.

    It's a bitch to be perfect I guess.

  18. Anonymous8:03 AM

    It may be a suggestion that you bring wider attention to this by bringing this to attention of Demi & Ashton, as they have become very involved in this issue.

  19. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Thanks for sharing this. I had no awareness, sorry to say. It is hard to understand the mindset of a politician who wants to exploit the resources of the state and yet ignore the people--typical of a republican like $P.

  20. Anonymous8:21 AM

    @7:59 - I'm with 6:43. No one is claiming perfection, but incoherent ramblings do not belong on any comments board--esp. not in these times. Incoherent ramblings do not further any discussion. And no one has the time to decipher what s/he was trying to say. Perhaps we should all err on the side of politesse-I grant you that. But otherwise, I'm with 6:43.

  21. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Sorry, i really do not understand what they are trying to say. Maybe you can explain it instead of putting me down. Gryphons post is about sex trafficking and I have no idea what the poster is saying. I use Google translate all the time because Spanish is my first language. I do not understand why you are offended? I wasn't being satirical ( is that the word)? My apologies because I thought I was making a suggestion.

  22. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Please, people, that post was perfectly comprehensible. One gets the gist and the general perspective being expressed.

    Let's not have the red pen brigade out again.

  23. Anonymous11:04 AM

    "Here’s some news Sarah Palin never mentioned on her Alaskan reality show:"
    Sarah never mentioned it, could it be because Todd is a valued customer?

  24. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Thanks for posting this, Gryphen. To the commenter who talked about your niece's experience, and the commenter who shared your cousin and childhood friend's experience--my heart goes out to them and to you. What horrible crimes to endure.

    5:08 a.m., sex trafficking may be a bigger problem in other places than Alaska, but that doesn't mean we should ignore what's going on in AK (any more than we should ignore it happening anywhere else). It's not a competition; standing up for the rights of Alaska's women and children doesn't negate the rights of women and children anywhere else.

  25. meena3:36 PM

    i waited all day hoping someone would u/l last nite clip:

    there is one more palin clip he played this first- TLC kissing with the banana stuff, it was hilarious - she laughs like hyena, if u can locate it do pl. post it.

  26. Anonymous9:33 PM

    @10:37 - what does it mean then?


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