Friday, January 28, 2011

Bristol is the best pupil a Mama Grizzly could ever hope to have.

Apparently having Washington University dump her as a speaker on a subject that she knows absolutely nothing about has pissed Bristol the Pistol off and she is, dare I say it, GOING ROGUE!

From Radar Online:

Now Bristol’s lawyer has release this statement to, slamming the university and even suggesting the Palin name is the real reason she was dumped.

"Bristol was invited to speak with college students as part of a panel. Evidently she has now been disinvited because of apparent concerns by some vocal members of the undergraduate community,” the statement reads.

“Bristol is deeply disappointed that an institution that publicly claims to "listen to diverse and sometimes conflicting perspectives, to contribute rigorous academic standards and unbiased scholarship to discussions, and to encourage a civil discourse in which a pluralistic society can respectfully address complex and difficult issues" would withdraw an invitation to a speaker because of "uproar" over their assumed content of her message or even worse, because of her last name."

Further down the page on the Radar Online post they go into more detail about how Bristol came to be considered for the position and why they ultimately decided to let her go.  Here is a hint: It did NOT have anything to do with her name, and everything to do with how much money she was being paid and why.

Which by the way closely echoes the reasons provided to me in an e-mail that I received earlier today from one of the professors at that very same University.

I enjoy your blog very much and am an avid follower. I don't know if you have been following this story, but Bristol Palin was first invited to speak on abstinence at Washington University's "Sex Week" by student representatives. The ensuing uproar by the student body resulted in a cancellation of this appearance. Wash. U. is a fairly liberal institution. But the students were not so much opposed to her viewpoint, but rather to her lack of expertise and the high cost she is charging.

So you see Bristol dumping your ass had NOTHING to do with hatred for your mother, and EVERYTHING to do with the fact that you are too unqualified to know what in the hell you are talking about.  But of course since you ARE your mother's daughter you simply cannot resist playing the victim card, can you?

Welcome to the world of academia little cub, where the standards are just a wee bit higher than they are in Wasilla, Alaska.


  1. Olivia4:31 PM

    The iceberg cannot come soon enough.

  2. Anonymous4:32 PM

    I dare say they could find NUMEROUS unwed mothers in their student body who would speak for free. Why would a University pay a no nothing uneducated Bristol to speak? What could she possibly bring to the table that they would have to pay for?

  3. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Hatred for those damn elites? Check.
    Victim in every circumstance? Check.
    Talking 'bout shit you know nothin' about? Check.

    Mama Brizzly doesn't fall far from the tree.

  4. Mitch who lives in Kansas4:38 PM

    Fuck her. Not literally but figuratively. She probably doesn't even know the meanings of these words. College grad that she is.

  5. Hate to break it to the Palin clan, but Washington University is a SERIOUS place and parents sending their kids there, paying private school tuition $$$$ are probably mobbing the phone lines about this "awkward" booking. The foundation/development hopes for the immediate future would be in some jeopardy. Good heavens. This isn't about free speech; it's guilt by association. One wonders how this engagement ever got past the university gatekeepers. Duh.

  6. onething4:39 PM

    Ah, well, Bristol, the only reason in a million million years anyone would pay you big sums to speak - you who cannot speak - is because of the Palin name, so if they now drop you because of the same name, well, count yourself ahead anyway.

    But it wasn't your name that caused you to be dropped. It was your name that caused you to be included...and then reality caught up with whatever silly administrators thought you had something real to offer.

  7. Anonymous4:39 PM

    The University issued a statement this morning saying the agreement was mutual for Bristol not to come to the event.

    Why would her lawyer fire off that letter after the agreement was made?

    What was the lawyer's name?

    Why doesn't Radar post a copy off the letter?

    You're having a very bad day aren't you?

  8. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Hey, maybe you can get her lawyer sent to jail too !!

  9. Anonymous4:44 PM

    It is so obvious Bristol does not fit in with the culture of that university. And now she's consulted a lawyer??? What a spoiled brat who is obviously beginning to have a sense of entitlement on top of everything else. Oh... it's going to be so satisfying to watch it all come crashing down. And if it doesn't come crashing down, I am really fearful about the dumbing down of America.

  10. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Britols abstinence speech in one word,swallow.

  11. BAustin4:48 PM

    first of all...Bristol doesnt have the concerns outlined by her lawyer. I doubt she knows what most of the 3 syllable words actually mean. Bristol was just pissed that she isnt getting paid!

  12. Any comment I made would not be as good as this Quoted from Radaronline article

    "One student, Ryan McCombe, 20, who is studying economics and strategy at the University, explains why he took an anti-Palin stance.

    “The issue meant a lot to me because I am a registered Republican and my vote went to Sarah Palin, but most of this didn’t have anything to do with politics – this isn’t about it being Sarah Palin's daughter,” He told

    “This is about paying an exorbitant amount of money to someone whose life has improved because of teenage pregnancy.

    “Bristol got pregnant at 17 and is cashing in on that, she’s not someone we should be hearing from. I want to hear from someone who had dreams and goals that were put on hold by teenage pregnancy - instead, her life has been improved financially and publicity-wise.

    “It’s very interesting how a 20-year-old who has only a GED can afford a 5-bedroom house. We don’t want our student union money going to her mortgage, we’re promoting responsibility.

  13. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Bristol're nothing special. Get a job.

  14. Anonymous4:51 PM

    What age did Sarah start playing the victim?
    It is so freakin' adorable!

  15. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Who was the attorney?

    God forbid that anyone disagree w/the Palin clan!

    I so wish I could say what I'd like to here - it isn't printable.

    Have to say that I'm glad I'm not from a family that duplicates theirs. Can you imagine being part of that screwed-up mess that is and has been led by the likes of Sarah and Todd? I feel so sorry for the up and coming Willow and Piper (the latter especially). Bristol is a mess already - and, I fear the younger girls are in for a rough road ahead!

  16. Anonymous4:52 PM

    If Bristol is so darned concerned about the issue of "academic freedom", then let her offer to participate in the panel discussion at no charge to the University.

    As if THAT would ever happen!

  17. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Get used to it Bristle!

  18. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Whether or not her name had anything to do with her being disinvited, they should fire/let go the genius that decided to invite Brisket.

  19. Anonymous4:54 PM

    The university would have gotten nothing for having a "Big Name" like Bristol show up because the event was free.

    Thank goodness Bristol had not signed a contract according to early reports so the kids can keep their money.

    There was only 20 grand scheduled for the event and that money came out of student fees. You know most of that would have gone to Bristol and then some. The other speakers are doing it for free.

    Boo-hoo, little Brissle. Boo-hoo. Who needs you?

  20. Anonymous4:54 PM

    You see, the Palins were only on first base back in September 2008 and now, thanks to John McCain's colossal mistake, they ALL think they've made a complete circle of the bases.

    If Bristol were smart (no further comment necessary), she'd start small, meeting with groups in local churches, community colleges, etc. But she thought she'd walk right on in to Washington University where everyone would love her and learn so much from her and her vast life experience.

    My god, this family so needs to be taken down about 25,000 notches...

  21. Anonymous4:56 PM


    It doesn't matter whether or not Brisket leaving was mutual or not, it's still going to leave a big fat FAIL mark on her report card for the week.

  22. WakeUpAmerica4:57 PM

    "“Bristol is deeply disappointed that an institution that publicly claims to "listen to diverse and sometimes conflicting perspectives, to contribute rigorous academic standards and unbiased scholarship to discussions, and to encourage a civil discourse in which a pluralistic society can respectfully address complex and difficult issues" would withdraw an invitation to a speaker because of "uproar" over their assumed content of her message or even worse, because of her last name."


  23. Anonymous4:58 PM

    The only problem, Bristol, is that the students realized you don't know anything about abstinence, so they didn't think you should be paid to talk about it.

    Nothing personal or political about that, is there?

  24. Anonymous4:58 PM

    I'm a teacher in CA, and I'm knee-deep in research papers right now--but I would like to say this: Bristol, honey, many of my former students are now college students who live on noodles and tomato soup while living in a crowded apartment with six other people. They struggle to make their tuition payments every month. They do not have your luxurious lifestyle, and you have NO IDEA how the other half lives. You don't deserve to be paid their hard earned dollars. And you aren't even trying to get an education. You are just spoiled.

  25. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Someone needs to tell Crisco that she's not relevant anymore.

  26. SME1315:00 PM

    The Univ was nice enough to make it sound as though they had mutually agreed to help Bristol save face. But no, that isn't good enough for the palin's they have to turn it into another play at victimhood.

  27. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Since when does "uh, yeah, we like did it, but you shouldn't" qualify as a diverse, scholarly opinion?

  28. "listen to diverse and sometimes conflicting perspectives, to contribute rigorous academic standards and unbiased scholarship to discussions, and to encourage a civil discourse in which a pluralistic society can respectfully address complex and difficult issues" would withdraw an invitation to a speaker because of "uproar" over their assumed content of her message or even worse, because of her last name."

    Hahaha! Bristol's simple mind couldn't even comprehend any of that. It's all about the money, like mother, like daughter!

  29. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Thank God someone wisened up and did the right thing here. I'm amazed Bristol ever got paid to speak at all with her hypocritical and worthless advice. Why would any sensible university director ever consider paying Bristol, a teen mom who chose not to attend college even though she has the resources, a credible role model for university students?

    Maybe Snooki could do her book tour at Brisol's speeches, now that would be a compelling, educational event for our kids. Are those "reality stars" who we want influencing our college educated children's ideals and beliefs? Not for $1.00!

    You can pout all you want Bristol, just ask yourself how many unwed teen moms have their own houses and lawyers? You don't represent normal American women your age.

  30. Anonymous5:12 PM

    A little OT but:

    Alaska Dispatch

    According to the Peninsula Clarion, the band "Static Cycle," whose members hail from the Mat-Su Valley and Anchorage, is doing well since Bristol Palin made a cameo in their first music video. Before jetting off to tour Europe later this year, the band is in Alaska on a statewide tour of small venues, showing off the songs on their new two-part EP. Last week Static Cycle served as the opening act for rapper Ludacris at the Sullivan Arena, and this Friday it's playing at Hooligans in Soldotna. Also buried in the story is a quote-nugget from the band's keyboardist, Danny Resnick, who said that Bristol and Jared Navarre, the lead singer, developed chemistry on the set of the music video and are dating. Earlier reports of Bristol's comments on Anchorage's Bob and Mark radio show held that she had started dating a pipeline worker, not a rock star.

    Thought she was with Gino in Maricopa. WTF?

  31. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I read the decision to not be on the panel was "mutual" but I had my doubts.

    If I was Brisdull, I would be plenty angry if I had my hand slapped away at the last moment from the thousands of dollars for less than an hours work.

    Heck, she was going to be part of a PANEL of speakers, she might have spent most of the time just sitting there, while the other speaker fielded the questions.

    I bet she is plenty pissed. I hope the Candies foundation wakes up pretty soon too.

  32. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Was there a contract signed by both parties in this 'speaking engagement'? If not, who gives a flying ==== about Bristol's feelings. She is an uneducated, little experienced young woman who is following in the sad footsteps of her mother, Sarah. Can you imagine having to be a part of that life?

  33. Anonymous5:15 PM

    The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

  34. Anonymous5:16 PM

    4:39 P.M.,

    It sounds like you are having a very bad day.

  35. I posted earlier in your blog about David Kernell. I cited my short experience as a social worker. It was short and my ensuing and enduring career for over 30 years has been as a college professor.
    Why don't college students want to listen to Bristol Palin?

    College students can smell hypocrisy for many a mile and she is a hypocrite. She advocates abstinence but what one reads in the rags, she is anything but.
    Why should a college pay for an uneducated woman who is unaccustomed to public speaking to spout her talking points?
    I am sure there are women at Washington University who are single mothers.These young women can speak eloquently about their lives as single mothers. Their lives would involve juggling jobs, daycare, and school. Who among them could say they just bought a house with their DWTS money? It would have been far better if Washington University offered a stipend to these women to speak rather than importing Bristol.
    I applaud the University students for refusing to waste their hard earned tuition in this way.

    A message to Bristol if your Mom is reading:
    No one hates you. You are not a victim. You really just have nothing to offer. You don't live in the real world of single Moms.

  36. Anonymous5:19 PM

    When Bristol made it to the finals at Dancing with the Stars, she said that she wanted to win in order to give the middle finger to America. It looks as if some people have taken Bristol's words to heart, and returned the compliment.

    Someplace, I read that Bristol was complaining that people were trying to shut her up. Always the victim! No, people just don't want to pay a lot of money to listen to her. She is free to talk about abstinence with those two nasty disc jockeys on radio. In fact, if Bristol is really going to be on the radio in Phoenix, she should take advantage of the airwaves to spread her message far and wide. That will really be good for ratings.

  37. Anonymous5:21 PM

    "“Bristol is deeply disappointed that an institution that publicly claims to "listen to diverse and sometimes conflicting perspectives, to contribute rigorous academic standards and unbiased scholarship to discussions, and to encourage a civil discourse in which a pluralistic society can respectfully address complex and difficult issues" would withdraw an invitation to a speaker because of "uproar" over their assumed content of her message..." (her lawyer's statement).

    Her lawyer got all of that out of a few "yeah...awesome...FU..."? Which is all I've every heard her say. And what typical 20 year old, unwed mother has her own lawyer making statements for her?

  38. FactChecker495:23 PM

    I am deeply comforted by the thoughtful and courageous students who refused to allow duplicity, greed and waste to be heaped upon their campus.

  39. Anonymous5:26 PM

    It's also ok if they don't like her message.

    Her message is not "be abstinent."

    Her message is, "my son was a 'mistake' who is making me a lot of cash. And education is for suckers."

  40. Anonymous5:30 PM

    IT looks like these kids are getting an education for their money and they are smart enough to know that Bristol was not a wise investment. I am very proud of these students. They have the right to choose and they chose. Democracy at work!

  41. Anonymous5:30 PM

    " Bristol Palin was first invited to speak on abstinence at Washington University's "Sex Week" by student representatives."

    The students noticed that their fees are being squandered by their reps. So they did a little protesting ala Tea Party and VOILA the money will be thrown to some other worthless apeaker.

    Bristol's reps were too stupid to CYA with cancellation charges.

    Not a lot of intelligence being shown by anybody involved in this deal.

  42. laprofesora5:30 PM

    "Rigorous academic standards"??? What on god's green earth would ANY of the Paylins know about "rigorous academic standards"???

  43. Anonymous5:36 PM


    You beat me to it. I was thinking the same thing. :-)


  44. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Its too bad she is not going-I would love to be there to see the look of utter incomprehension when the students ask questions.

  45. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Bristol, if your message is so important, you could still go and wave your fee.
    I know a lot of college kids that volunteer their time to the community. Dear, you are not a real ambassador nor are you educated enough for people to pay to hear you talk. I'm sure there are single mothers struggling to get an education at that school.

  46. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Bristol has a superior sense of entitlement given to her by her parents. I'm surprised she didn't learn anything after her Haiti trip. I wonder if she ever takes the time to read anything besides ET and fashion mags and find out how the other half of the world lives in less than ideal circumstances.

    So one of her speaking engagements is cancelled. Maybe she should go back to Haiti and see how the average 20-year old woman lives there, so she can gain a perspective on how her grievance looks so silly compared to the big world out there.

  47. Lisabeth5:50 PM

    Unbelievable. I know others don't feel bad for Bristol but I do feel bad for her that she was brought up by Sarah. She is CLUELESS about the real world. It's all black and white-if you disagree, you are a hater. She will never have real successful relationships because her mom created a wacko way of viewing the world inthis girls head. It is beyond sad to me. She is a brat.

    I hate to bring this up, but can't you please tell us something about WTF? Everyone keeps asking you. If you don't know yet or can't say, that is ok.

  48. Anonymous5:50 PM

    That's the Chits Driskol!

  49. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Bristol's a likable girl when you meet her. She's a sweetheart. She's incredibly genuine and doesn't bullshit you, meaning she doesnt hold back facial expressions or true feelings. But if you were her and you see and hear strangers make up stories about and trash your family for whatever reason, it's going to give you an edge.

    There's a reason the dwts crew loved her, there's a reason she makes people cry at her speeches, there's a reason she has lots of friends - new and old. Yes, money started coming easy to her since her fame took off. However, she's no diva and certainly not spoiled. She's hypersensitive to criticism because that's all she's seen in 2 years. She has to defend her mother at every turn. She defends her sister on every baseless accusation. She's a politicos daughter, one of the hardest positions to be in. Sons have it easier. Look at Meghan MCCain. She's incredibly genuine, friendly, and blunt and accepts all, yet she's attacked by the right and left for no reason.

    Females have it so hard in the world, the US is no different from burkaville.

    Hollywood protests the slaughter of freaking wolves (which kill people) yet won't address anorexia or discrimination against non-model like women.

    While I agree that the student union could best use their money on other things, I don't agree that Bristol should continue to be attacked ruthlessly. Your attackes justly make her a victim. Sarah is justified everyday as a victim.

    Why can't you all see that? Take the high road. Don't cut people down. Bristol's never once unfairly criticized anyone who who has been civil to her. Give her the same respect. I mean, the girl actually engaged protesters in Eugene Oregon. She's not afraid to address issues. Who can say the same?

  50. JenniferinVA5:52 PM

    If I were a student at WU and I found out my fees were going to pay for Barstool to be a part of a panel discussion, I'd be wicked pissed.

    She has nothing of value to offer. Everyone knows she is now famous because, AND ONLY because of her last name. I'm sure the students know there are plenty of single moms in their own community who would come to the panel discussion for FREE. And there are probably young women on campus who could address the abstinence topic because they actually practice it!!

    Why should the students fork out thousands of dollars for something they can get for free by people who actually know something about the topic being discussed?

    Bristol, your last name has gotten you rich and now you're going to bitch about it being used against you? Boo Fucking Hoo.

  51. Anonymous5:54 PM

    THANK GAWD!! People are waking up!! -E

  52. Gee, kinda rude bristol. And after the university tried to give you cover by saying it was a mutual decision.

    The university has a responsibility to the STUDENTS. bristol was not a good choice and THEY are the Deciders.

  53. Gasman5:58 PM

    Why the hell any university would pay Bristol Palin ANY amount of money to speak on ANY topic is beyond comprehension. Bristol - not to be too indelicate - is an ignoramus. Universities are places that celebrate learning, confronting new and differing opinions, and value the honest exchange of competing ideas. Bristol wouldn't know an idea if it bit her in the ass. It is a mockery for a university to pay her to speak - especially to the tune of $20K.

    Bristol also is somewhat lacking in credibility on the subject about which she was supposed to speak. Why not hire Christine O'Donnell to speak on the virtues of higher education? How about Hugh Hefner extolling the virtues of chastity? Ted Nuggent singing the praises of gun control?

    Bristol STFU for a couple of years and go enroll in your local community college or at least read a couple of dozen books (no, People magazine DOES NOT count) and THEN maybe you'll have formed an opinion that hasn't been spoon fed to your from your mom.

  54. This is off-topic somewhat, but everyone needs to visit my blog and read the suggestions made by the commenter to my newest post named LeftWolf. She/he offers some excellent, up close and personal suggestions as how to defeat the right wing juggernaut at its own game!

  55. Anonymous6:02 PM

    OT: I'm wondering if all Sarah's "WTF" talk was her giving the big middle finger to AlaskaWTF and its readers. The timing is suspicious.

  56. Anonymous6:05 PM

    She should market herself as a speaker about sex--that seems to be a topic she knows a LOT about.

    And frankly, if I were a student there and I'd found out her fee was coming from my tuition/student activity fee, I'd be protesting too.

  57. Anonymous6:08 PM

    See, I think that NPD is overwhelmingly a matter of nurture, not nature. Maybe some people start off with a predisposition to character "cracks," but ime NPD is fed/created by parents who 1) don't raise their kids to be secure, confident, and independent, but rather as the supporting cast of the All-About-MEEEE show, 2) do manage to project their own grandiosity on their kids: he's a GENIUS, she's THE MOST SPECIAL LITTLE GIRL IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD, and 3) emphatically do pass along the lessons for playing the blame game. These kids don't hardly stand a chance. Breaking the cycle requires either enormous strength of character or maybe a birth order that leaves one child relatively ignored/buffered. Kinda hard to hold out much hope for any of the Palin clan -- unless maybe Track has pulled away to work on getting his sh*t together. Bristol, forget it: she might only be 20 but the die seems well cast.

  58. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Quit living off of Momma's teat -- go get a real fucking job, live in poverty, raise your kid ON YOUR OWN, grow the fuck up a bit... then, just perhaps THEN you will have earned your right to speak to others about your "problems".

    You are truly as dumb as your mother.

    You are your own worst nightmare, kiddo. You have become mini-me, girlie. Yup. Welcome to the big leagues!

  59. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Why doesn't Bristol GO to college, instead of trying to be a paid speaker at colleges?

    Bristol, dear, you have the means and the opportunity - go to college and get an education.

    I used to cut Bristol slack for being a minor, etc. It is becoming pretty apparent she has internalized her mother's way of approaching the world, and life. Very unfortunate.

    Perhaps the exposure to other viewpoints, the time spent with other people - people not in the Palin bubble - would benefit her. I felt even that time amongst the dancers did her good, but they pulled her right back the moment she was done! It shows.

  60. Anonymous6:14 PM

    TIme to shut this show down once and for all. The truth needs to be made public and soon.

  61. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Bristle, If you would have been accepted to speak at Washington University about abstinence, would you have covered the following?

    1.) How the lack of abstinence before marriage has affected 3 generations of Heath women: my grandmother, my mother and now me.

    2.) How having multiple "buns in the oven" since 16 years of age is helping me research this theory about abstinence.

    3.) How my remark "abstinence for teens is not realistic" on Greta's show was simply a slip of the tongue and my rumoured co-habitation with Levi, then Ben, and now Gino will help me prove the opposite of that statement.

    (I personally would love to hear you address these 3 issues - but I am not willing to pay to hear you speak.)

  62. Anonymous6:16 PM

    O/T but worth the time.

    This is how a real leader speaks. This is why we elected President Obama:

    His full remarks:

    Good evening, everybody. My administration has been closely monitoring the situation in Egypt, and I know that we will be learning more tomorrow when day breaks. As the situation continues to unfold, our first concern is preventing injury or loss of life. So I want to be very clear in calling upon the Egyptian authorities to refrain from any violence against peaceful protestors.

    The people of Egypt have rights that are universal. That includes the right to peaceful assembly and association, the right to free speech, and the ability to determine their own destiny. These are human rights. And the United States will stand up for them everywhere.

    I also call upon the Egyptian government to reverse the actions that they’ve taken to interfere with access to the Internet, to cell phone service and to social networks that do so much to connect people in the 21st century.

    At the same time, those protesting in the streets have a responsibility to express themselves peacefully. Violence and destruction will not lead to the reforms that they seek.

    Now, going forward, this moment of volatility has to be turned into a moment of promise. The United States has a close partnership with Egypt and we've cooperated on many issues, including working together to advance a more peaceful region. But we've also been clear that there must be reform -- political, social, and economic reforms that meet the aspirations of the Egyptian people.

    In the absence of these reforms, grievances have built up over time. When President Mubarak addressed the Egyptian people tonight, he pledged a better democracy and greater economic opportunity. I just spoke to him after his speech and I told him he has a responsibility to give meaning to those words, to take concrete steps and actions that deliver on that promise.

    Violence will not address the grievances of the Egyptian people. And suppressing ideas never succeeds in making them go away. What’s needed right now are concrete steps that advance the rights of the Egyptian people: a meaningful dialogue between the government and its citizens, and a path of political change that leads to a future of greater freedom and greater opportunity and justice for the Egyptian people.

    Now, ultimately the future of Egypt will be determined by the Egyptian people. And I believe that the Egyptian people want the same things that we all want -- a better life for ourselves and our children, and a government that is fair and just and responsive. Put simply, the Egyptian people want a future that befits the heirs to a great and ancient civilization.

    The United States always will be a partner in pursuit of that future. And we are committed to working with the Egyptian government and the Egyptian people -- all quarters -- to achieve it.

    Around the world governments have an obligation to respond to their citizens. That's true here in the United States; that's true in Asia; it is true in Europe; it is true in Africa; and it’s certainly true in the Arab world, where a new generation of citizens has the right to be heard.

    When I was in Cairo, shortly after I was elected President, I said that all governments must maintain power through consent, not coercion. That is the single standard by which the people of Egypt will achieve the future they deserve.

    Surely there will be difficult days to come. But the United States will continue to stand up for the rights of the Egyptian people and work with their government in pursuit of a future that is more just, more free, and more hopeful.

    Thank you very much.

  63. Good for those students! Why would anyone in their right mind want to pay $20k to hear Bristol whine about how hard it is to be a single mom with a baby-daddy you no longer like? They could get that for free from watching any episode of The Maury Povitch Show. Anyway, given her mom's questionable talent at speaking, I imagine her talk would probably go something like this:

    "Hey, OK guys, so like did you guys know that if you, like, do it without protection you can totally get pregnant? It's true, it happened to me. I didn't know that was how it worked 'cause all my mom told me when I was growing up was, "you'd better keep your legs together, missy, or Jesus will send you straight to H-E-double hockey sticks with all the other sluts!"

    At the time I was all, whatever, but now I realize that was very good advice, 'cause, like, having a baby really, really sux and stuff, and they like cry a lot and you have to get a couple of nannies to, like, change his poopy diapers and stuff and eww gross.

    So, like, don't do you-know-what till you're married. I've totally learned my lesson and now I just let the guys put it in the backdoor because that totally doesn't count and you can still be abstinent.

    Thank you. Now where's my money?"

  64. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Prunella, that was hilarious!

  65. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Prunella you are a genius! Hilarious is right! If you don't write for a living, you should! You have perfectly captured Bristol the Pistol. Bravo!

  66. Anonymous6:32 PM

    My god she's just like her mother! Dumber then dirt!

    Bristol, the college was trying to show you some class (I know you don't know what that means but maybe you could Google it) They released a nice statement saying how it was a mutual decision, wished you well, etc.

    In return you issue this statement? Really? REALLY?

    Low class, mean spirited, spoiled rotten little rich girl. I'm sure mommy is so proud.

    Oh and I'm sure you insulting around 15k Americans is really going to help your mom's chances at.. anything she may want to do in this country.

    What a dumb ass you are!

  67. Since Bristol feels her opinions are so important why doesn't she just volunteer her services. That would be what a citizen who feels their message is extrememly important would do. Rather than speak at a college Bristol should be attending one.

  68. Anonymous6:37 PM

    I hate to go off-post, but would you please consider doing a post on the "no taxpayer support for abortion" bill proposed in the US House of Reps? It includes several issues which should be of great concern to anyone who is a woman or loves one.

    In addition to potentially making it next to impossible to get private insurance to cover abortion, it proposes to restrict taxpayer funded terminations to victims of forcible rape and incest with a minor. This means "no" would no longer define rape. Mother Jones has several good articles about this.

    Thanks for your great work (though it appears some days the Palins make your job easy lol) and for considering this request.

  69. Anonymous6:42 PM

    That's to funny, the daughter to the tea bagger queen doesn't like how an open society works. Those young men and women saw something happening they didn't like. They started a petition, they were respectful, they didn't wreck anything, they didn't hurt anyone, they didn't call names, they acted like rational people asking that their views be taken seriously and listened to. The school, in it's wisdon, decided to listen to the vast majority of people participating and do the right thing. Now the fighten Palins come to town, they are threatening to sue everyone, because they don't like the outcome of a debate in an open society. The Palins are just trash, is there anyone they won't fight with. Bristol honey, you're carrying around a child, that abstinence thingy, it doesn't apply to you. Do you get how that works!

  70. meena6:42 PM

    Funny she thinks she was uninvited because of her last name, why did she think she was actually invited in the first place?

  71. meena6:43 PM

    "One student claiming there were 563 signatures on a petition against Bristol and just 7 students standing in favor of her.

    One student, Ryan McCombe, 20, who is studying economics and strategy at the University, explains why he took an anti-Palin stance.

    “The issue meant a lot to me because I am a registered Republican and my vote went to Sarah Palin, but most of this didn’t have anything to do with politics – this isn’t about it being Sarah Palin's daughter,” He told

    “This is about paying an exorbitant amount of money to someone whose life has improved because of teenage pregnancy."

  72. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Gryphen, just to tell you, I truly do not believe you were lying in that post about Tripp's friend and Palingates.

    What the hell is going on here?
    What is this guy's problem?

    I think you may be dealing with a mentally unbalanced person, I am sorry to say. Or else he has worked for the other side this entire time. Stranger things have happened. We knew the stakes were high.

    Just because Regina met them that time and felt she could trust them does not make them trustworthy.

    Or else he is just so undone that he has been made to look bad, this is retaliation time... Ugh, can't stand it.

  73. Aussie Blue Sky6:49 PM

    Funny thing, that doesn't look like Van Fleece's work at all - it looks just like Bekki Mansour's ....

  74. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Anon 5:52 who told you that the DWTS crew just loved Bristol?? Because that is very very far from the truth from what I have heard. Thank you.

  75. Gryph, that photo of Brisket doing her Black Death Moth Dance on DWTS is just lovely.

  76. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Part of being a successful college student is learning to think logically.

    Logically Bristol cannot talk convincingly about the desirability of abstinence.

    Or in more simple terms she cannot convince even a second semester freshman that a person who is making tons of money, because she was an irresponsible easy lay teenage slut, actually believes in abstinence.

    Or put it yet another way college students are smarter than you are Bristol and they will not spend their money on a load of illogical moose muffins from a brainless twit.

  77. Anonymous6:59 PM

    What is really sad about this entire situation is that Bristol will be on the radio in Phoenix and could turn into a young Rush or Glenn Beck, both of whom never finished college and who continue to wail about all those intellectual elites. She runs the risk of coming to the same shallow conclusion because she has only learned how to play the victim based on her mother's example. And, she'll blame academia for not 'allowing' her to speak, rather than understand that she is a privileged single mother with little realistic advise to offer to most young single mothers. Grow up, Bristol.

  78. Anonymous7:00 PM

    I can't stop wondering if anonymous Patrick and Kathleen, though Regina did meet them and knows them supposedly, are somehow trolls. Hate that label, but you get what I mean.

    I think some of their most rabid supporters may be trolls. Not necessarily some of the more annoying regulars, but some others who are there still, on Palingates, and are unbelievably aggressive. I can't believe them, I am speechless.

    They must be really scared, Gryphen.

    I noticed their new site says they won't just be covering Sarah Palin. I find that odd for people who were so dedicated to the subject for so long.

  79. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Whatever could Bristol say to these students? Most avoided teen pregnancy, studied hard and are still working themselves to the bone. Many are anticipating debilitating debt at the end of it all on top of a seriously hard job search in this economy. What would they learn from Bristol Palin? Please just tell us!!

  80. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Prunella, you have a gift. Too funny.

  81. meena7:02 PM

    Michael Steele Agrees With Bill Maher: “The Knives Are Out For Sarah Palin”

  82. Anonymous7:15 PM


    This family is (and I do tend to use this word cautiously): insane.

    The school (or student group or whoever released the statement) just plainly told the reason why they decided against bring Bristol on to "speak" in a simple, matter of fact way.

    So she perceives they are defaming her.

    Then she sicks her lawyer on them because ... because it's obvious that when it comes to thin skin, she's got her mother's complexion.

    Just. WOw.
    Just... Wow.

  83. Anonymous @ 5:52 said:
    Females have it so hard in the world, the US is no different from burkaville.

    How sad I am for you.

  84. Anonymous7:23 PM

    OT, ok heard some radio tapes, heard the voice, yes he's German. At least that part is true.

  85. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Momma Palin and her daughter are determined to destroy the advancements of woman over the past hundred years by screaming victim at every opportunity. How about the board hire a real expert on unplanned parenthood. I bet they can find a real hardworking single mom who does not have celebrity status and a wealthy family. The real young woman facing the consequences of her unplanned pregnancy doe not have a fully paid for house, a paid for car and a full-time or part-time nanny. It truely is an insult to the millions of women who face this challenge on their own with far, far fewer resources than this young girl has.

    How come the Palins are the only ones that don't know what a charade this is. Only the bible thumpers are willing to pay for this imposter.

  86. Anonymous7:36 PM

    The university needs to go through with the speech. They invited her so they need to let her speak. It was not her fault that they invited her. Let the pieces fall as they may. If she can handle it then all is good

  87. If Bristol believes that her message is so very important to share with these students, she should offer to appear at the school for free. that would EVER happen.

  88. Anonymous7:52 PM

    The blogosphere has suddenly gotten very boring. Is Alaska WTF coming back? Was he hacked?

  89. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Uh, if only seven people wanted to see her, she could meet them at the local Dennys and buy them lunch.

  90. Anonymous7:57 PM

    I read the story on RadarOnline and I have to say that Bristol could have nipped this in the bud by saying the following words: I will participate for free. I will come to St. Louis on my own dime and I will be on the panel at no cost to the university or the student council. I want to deliver my message. She would have appeared to be serious about her message and perhaps the students would have accepted her. Instead, she comes off feeling bitter because the students didn't want her. This is why you don't follow shallow young folks. Their brains are still growing.

  91. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Hey Bristol,



    D. Kernell

  92. KiheiKat8:04 PM
    cf /


    "You got me Babe!" =)

  93. Anonymous8:04 PM

    5:12, So is Bristol slutting it up with a traveling musician or a pipeline worker? Music videos and mean snarky radio; such a little conservative.

  94. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Gryphen for some reason refuses to reply about WTF Alaska

  95. Anonymous8:15 PM

    5:52, I'll show Bristol Palin and Sarah Palin the same compassion that Sarah Palin showed the young man guilty of nothing more than guessing the right password on her email. A year in PRISON? Save it. I have no pity for either one of them.

  96. Anonymous8:19 PM

    On Alaska WTF, I can be patient. I have a feeling, if it was taken down, it will pop up somewhere else. And if so, once again, Sarah Palin will be furious.

    Dirk Diggler, if you're tapping away somewhere in the blogosphere setting up your new site, I applaud you.

  97. Anonymous8:23 PM

    6:16, I so agree with you on President Obama. Seeing him speak on Egypt today, I thought how lucky we are to have him speaking. Can you imagine Sarah Palin speaking to Mubarak? Her gosh-gee-willikers would represent the country so well. Not that she could find Egypt on a map.

  98. Anonymous8:35 PM

    "rigorous academic standards and unbiased scholarship to discussions..."

    'nuff said.


  99. Anonymous8:36 PM

    To the defenders who say what a nice person Bristol is, and that she has had to defend her mother for the past two years. No, she does not have to defend her mother. She could lead HER OWN LIFE outside of her mother's spotlight. She CHOOSES to be in the spotlight and she CHOOSES to partake in the nasty words tossed back and forth. She CHOOSES to make the spotlight her means of making a living, yet somehow she thinks that that life comes with no strings attached.

    Come on. What kind of idiot thinks she is a helpless victim?

    Should she decide to get a regular job that she is qualified for and should she decide to let her mother fight her own battles-and her Momma sure knows how to fling the hate bombs with the best of them-then the "nice" girl can live her nice life in peace.

  100. Anonymous8:41 PM

    It's time to fess up to being AlaskaWTF Jesse.

  101. Anonymous8:45 PM

    (yet another)anonymous 5:52PM - So we should discount everything our
    lying eyes & ears have witnessed
    over the last 2 yrs. about Bristol? None of it's true? Facebook rants at Mercede, finger episode on dwts, calling people names, intimating that Levi is a deadbeat dad - if he was she'd have him in court in 2 shakes of a wolf's tail, makin' stuff up at
    the Kernell boy's trial under oath,
    trashing Levi's family, none of it happened? Right! Maybe this recent rejection will be a wake-up call for her not to continue behaving like her mother.

    Sharon TN

  102. Anonymous8:47 PM

    5:52 Meghan McCain is far more grownup - better schooled - more mature - has a cute sense of humor - laughs off the insults to her Dad, etc. There is no way you can compare her to Bristol a matter of fact, it is very apparent she doesn't like Sarah or Bristol. Oh, something else - Meghan remembered to vote this last election!!! Bristol didn't!

  103. Anonymous8:47 PM

    7:36 p.m., the university never said she COULDN'T speak. As others have pointed out, if she really believed in her message and thought participation was important, she could volunteer. It's the money that's the issue. The students are upset because she charges per "speech" the same amount they pay for one semester of college. It was well publicized that at her last so-called speech, she talked for a whole 10 minutes. I imagine most college students who are taking out loans, working, and/or watching parents sacrifice to send them to a good school would feel gypped by ANY speaker who talks for only 10 mins and demands a $20K honorarium.

    I also suspect that most speakers who could charge that kind of money don't share Bristol's sense of entitlement, so they would make sure audiences got something WORTH paying for--as in, more than 10 minutes, substantial content, strong delivery. Heck, when I was in college 14 years ago, we paid a well-known author $10K to come to campus and speak. She flat out told the professor who contacted her that she wasn't worth that kind of money, but she charged that much so she only had to do one or two speaking engagements per year. The prof told her the school was willing to pay anyway, she came, and she delivered an astoundingly awesome keynote speech. We students were in awe for weeks.

    Add to Bristol's EXORBITANT fee the fact that, as one student so cogently stated, Bristol's life accomplishment consists of getting knocked up as a teenager. And she's one of a very, very few single teen moms who have made a killing from it. Hell, if I wanted to hear from a famous, single teen mom, I'd book Jamie Lynn Spears. She actually lost her TV show and moved from CA to Louisiana--more sacrifices than Bristol Palin has ever made. Oh, and she's keeping her kid out of the spotlight for the most part also, too.

  104. Bristol Palin would not survive the schooling she would get at Washington University. She has absolutely nothing to say to people whose lives already surpass hers in so many ways. They are students at a first rate university, high achieving graduates of good high schools whose parents cared enough about them to give them the information they needed to get this far in life without an unwanted pregnancy.

  105. Pursang8:58 PM

    I'm deeply disappointed that the Bristol ghostwriter couldn't work "canard" in to this one like they did her last oh woe is me reply. But I guess we can give them points for pluralistic society.

    Yep, having seen BIG Bristol's FB/Twitter rants I can see her using and more importantly knowing what a pluralistic society is. Hell she didn't know what birth control was and we're expected to believe she knows what a pluralistic society is?

  106. aj weishar9:06 PM

    The school released a clear message stating the cost, $20,000, and Bristol's lack of expertise were the reason students were upset. Her attorney must be upset because he is losing the cut he gets for reading contracts. Obviously, more venues are going to question the value of Bristol's appearances.

  107. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Alaska Dispatch under " Palin Watch" says Bristol is dating the keyboardist for Static Cycle.

  108. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Thanks for the post, 6:16. It was definitely worth the time.

    This line gave me the chills: ... all governments must maintain power through consent, not coercion

    To Sarah, that would be a "WTF" moment.

  109. slightly OT: how is Bristol Palin living with a man when a year ago she told Oprah she wasn't going to have sex again until marriage?

    Liar, Grifter, Non-dancer, hypocrite. Such an impressive human being she is.

  110. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Oh dear. Do you think she will have to get a job now?

  111. Anonymous10:01 PM

    You want her to speak and what get paid. Sure let her speak , let her do it for free. I'd like to bet you $500 she'd never give a free speach fom her heart. she's just in a panty twist right now because she lost money that she wanted to take from the students. What a joke all of this is, you want to hear het talk you pay her $20,000.00 see if you get your monies worth.

  112. Anonymous10:01 PM

    What about Bristol shacking up with her new boyfriend, Gino? She said so on the B&M radio show.

    And yet she is yapping about her meal ticket: abstinence.

    What a liar/loser. Like Mother Like Daughter.

  113. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Most kids in college were smart enough to get there without getting knocked up, so why do they need this bimbo to advise them?

  114. Anonymous10:28 PM

    I thought the same thing, all out to get Palin and then they changed ,the world don't revolve around Palin. I can't figure the interest in our political figures and to discuss them if your not from the USA. Bring Palin down yes, she is a threat but to dismiss her so fast and go on to others, makes me wonder.

  115. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Hmmm, that pluralistic society and diverse views debate - do you think that Bitchtol chickened out when she learned that she couldn't just give her 10 minute memorized script but she would have to stay on that panel and might actually have to give an unrehearsed answer to questions from students with IQ's about 100 points higher than hers?

  116. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Hey Pee'er at 5:52 - wolves kill people - what are you nuts - oh a pee'er never mind. There have been 2, yep, 2 wolf attacks in the US in the last 100 years.

  117. Anonymous10:50 PM

    So is Bristol blamimg her mother's rotten reputation and scandalous name as the reason she was dumped from telling
    students about her high school sexual wants and needs?

  118. Anonymous11:00 PM

    I am in college with other students preparing for our future. We do not want to hear about the Skank from Wasilla and her high school multiple sex partners. What can she offer us? She needed her mother's influence and position to get her out of high school.

  119. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Bristol shut those college pukes up!

    Show them you are just as smart as them!

    How you ask?

    Release your high school transcript and show them you are qualified to demand 20K for your 10 minute sex experience speech about your underage sex partners.

  120. Anonymous11:45 PM

    I'm just wondering if anyone out there knows how many times Bristol has successfully given and been paid for a public speaking engagement. How much has she earned from that part of her "career"?

    And who exactly is she dating anyway? Gino or Jared Navarre? Does she bring a chaperone on these dates? She does seem to have a very active dating schedule for someone with a celibate lifestyle.

  121. Anonymous11:59 PM

    What happened to Bristol's bun in the oven?

  122. ManxMamma12:01 AM

    I think it would be worth 20K just to have her read her lawyers statement and define some of those BIG words!

  123. Mother and daughter have had great opportunities to help families in two diverse areas, parents of handicapped children and teenage, unwed mothers.
    palin made promises she didn't keep to those parents and charges and a lot to talk to them.
    And Bristol is now "charging" to talk to people about her teenage pregnancy.
    Both these people have enough money. You would think that they would donate their time and effort to these causes, because they believe in them so strongly.

    If Bristol was so concerned about teenage pregnancy, why doesn't she agree to talk for free and just ask for travel expenses and maybe a hotel for the night?
    That would cost less the $20,000.

    I don't blame the college students. This is coming out of their pockets. Why here from a mother that has not gone to college?
    How can the kids relate to DWS vs. exams and papers and money problems??

  124. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Bristol and SEX

    It was said that when Bristol moved to Anchorage last year in a condo that boyfriend Ben was living with her.

    Next, Ben moves out and Levi moves back in and spreads rose petals all over their bed. They be getting married. Levi moves out.

    Recently, Bristol has Gino move in with her and Gino and the baby are getting along great. She says on Bob & Mark show that is who is her new man.

    Now the story comes out that she and Jared Navarre are involved in a love story with lots of chemistry.

    These 4 guys have been named as Bristol's loves in less than a year's time. Sounds like she knows a lot about sex but not abstinence.

  125. hauksdottir1:18 AM

    The budget was $20,000 for FOUR speakers on that Panel. Bristol was charging $17,500. That means the other THREE speakers get to share $2,500.

    Furthermore, if the University had to pay for her transportation and hotel costs (the Bristly One would never sleep in a dorm room), the other 3 speakers might not even get that.

    It is all a matter of fairness.

    And honesty.

    And expertise.

    If she REALLY cared about teenagers and sexual health, she wouldn't have charged them more than a token fee to cover expenses.
    And she'd speak for more than 10 minutes.


  126. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Washington University students canceled her appearance simply because they want their abstinence spokesperson to actually have practiced it.

  127. FloridaDem4:11 AM

    This is just another example of why this girl was not a typical unwed teen, (and now untypical single mom). Because other girls not only do NOT get extravagant lecture fees, but also because they do not have high-priced lawyers backing up their every move.

    In short, other girls have nothing, and she has every resource at her disposal.

    It's absolutely amazing to me that Bristol responds to opportunities for projects by sitting on her behind and doing nothing to bring her skills up to the task at hand. For example, it took her weeks during the dance competition to seriously practice. She was essentially shamed into practicing because she was a laughing stock. And for these speaking gigs, same thing. You would think she would work on her speaking skills, read, reach out to poor girls, and volunteer her free time, BEFORE or at least while she is collecting a paycheck for these gigs. And if she had, she would most likely be talking about these experiences during her speeches, and talk about condoms and STD's. But that's not her style. She shows up, rolls out the religious-right talking points and figures that's enough. Well, the student body spoke up and said it's not enough.

    What would actually be funny and make a statement, is to invite her and pay her, then immediately after her speech have a REAL unwed teen on stage to talk about the perils of early sex without condoms and the burden of truly raising a baby on your own, and have Bristol stay and listen.

    As far as taking after her mother, Bristol hasn't really done that. Her mother went to college, Bristol hasn't. Her mother wrangled a guy to marry her and work for her, she hasn't. Her mother grifted from scratch, with nothing, no rich family, out of a shit town like Wasilla. Bristol is grifting out of L.A. nightclubs, Radio stations, TV studios, and using weekly magazine spreads to write stories based upon her LAST NAME. So, there's the difference.

    Bristol is grifting on her last name, not on her own merit.

  128. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Gryphen, WTF?

    So much for "I am going to be very careful in how I moderate comments coming in for this post. I am afraid that I will NOT be allowing any mention by name of RN, P, or K, nor any attacks directed at Regina. If you want to be mad at me that is okay up to a point, but let's not go crazy alright?"

    There are at least 2 posts in this thread that discuss or disparage P or K. Anon at 644pm, Anon at 7pm, and Anon at 723pm.

    I like your blog, and will continue to visit, but stop the BS. You have a fully moderated forum, unlike PG, yet you approved these posts. If your intent is to keep the riff between your blog and PG, then you have every right to allow these posts to come in. If not, then how about you stick to your word, and moderate the posts?


  129. Such a silly little thing.
    “Bristol is deeply disappointed that an institution that publicly claims to "listen to diverse and sometimes conflicting perspectives, to contribute rigorous academic standards and unbiased scholarship to discussions, and to encourage a civil discourse in which a pluralistic society can respectfully address complex and difficult issues" would withdraw an invitation to a speaker because of "uproar" over their assumed content of her message or even worse, because of her last name."

    Wash U hosted the VP debate.

    Wash U is the home of the John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics, whose mission statement is:
    The John C. Danforth Center on Religion & Politics at Washington University in St. Louis seeks to deepen academic and public understanding of religion and politics in the United States. Our commitment is to listen to diverse and sometimes conflicting perspectives, to contribute rigorous academic standards and unbiased scholarship to discussions, and to encourage a civil discourse in which a pluralistic society can respectfully address complex and difficult issues.

    From the link immediately above, you can travel to other pages showing just how involved Wash U is in educating the whole person.

    The students who protested Ms Palin's being included in the panel were concerned that the 20K fee was excessive in light of the fact that, because of the economy, budget cuts have been made.

    If you track to Wash U's home page, and type in speaker series in the search box, a page will come up that will give you options to see distinguished speakers who have given their time and shared their knowledge with the students.

    I agree that a true teen mother would have been an asset to the panel, a wonderful asset. This woman could have talked about the real life of raising a child as a teen. Ms Palin's life is nowhere near real, nor is it likely to ever come close.

  130. Ratfish4:50 AM

    Bristol's laywer/publicist write that "she has now been disinvited because of apparent concerns by some vocal members of the undergraduate community” and that
    “Bristol is deeply disappointed that an institution that publicly claims to "to encourage a civil discourse in which a pluralistic society can respectfully address complex and difficult issues would withdraw an invitation to a speaker because of uproar over their assumed content of her message or even worse, because of her last name."

    No, she was not wanted by the vast majority of the students who were being asked to foot the bill for a person that they know:

    1. is not capable of discussing a "complex and difficult issue." She is only capable of wanting a huge fee from the students' accounts.
    2. she is a hypocrite, as she is shacked up in Arizona and does not nor has not practiced abstinence since her mid-teenage years.
    3. that she was only invited because of her last name. If her name had been Bristol Jones, she never would have been invited.
    4. that she is a crybaby just like her mother.

    And what people should know is the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

    In her early myth building days Palin frequently told a story about her and Todd "eloping" to save her parents the expense of a wedding. Her parents have as much dough as most Alaskans, and of course she could have had a small, inexpensive with a potluck dinner or whatever.

    Then, on August 29, 2008, when McCain trotted her out in Dayton, he announced it was his 72nd birthday. (Without thinking?) Palin announced it was her 20th anniversary.

    People in Alaska immediately went to Alaska Court Records and checked out Palin's first born son Track's date of birth and found out that Track was born on April 20, 1989, or about 6 weeks "early."

    Palin has always claimed that her first pregnancy was normal and full term, plus a 6 week preemie would be put into a neonatal ICU.

    The NY Times did a story, a small one about the elopment lie and then this one.

    "The Palins eloped on Aug. 29, 1988, and their first son, Track, was born eight months later, a fact that Maria Comella of the McCain campaign, declined to elaborate on. “They were high school sweethearts who got married and ended up having five beautiful children together,” Ms. Comella said."

    While most people could care less what other people do in their private lives, they do care when a hypocritical family values politician tells a lie about her own history- like "eloping" and then preaches abstinence for the rest of us- and then teaches her daughter to do the same thing

    Finally, for what's it's worth: Apparently the same thing happened with Sarah Palin's mother. Palin's parents were married in a Catholic church in Idaho in the summer of 1949, and their first born was born in February. According to devout Catholics, it was also- at least at that time- a sin to get married in a church if you were pregnant.

    In any case, Alaskans and others who know the true facts surrounding the lies of Sarah Palin talk about 3 generations of "knocked up" when the Palins start talking about abstinence.

    They know nothing about it, nor are capable of teaching anyone else about it.

  131. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Lawyer? WTF?

    What 20 year old unwed mother, with no education, with no traditional job skills, with no future.......needs a lawyer?

    It's great, spend that DWTS $, just as fast as you can.

    Lawyers cost money, they usually don't write letters and such for free!

    What other opportunities will be coming your way Bristol?

    Maybe you could behave in a more conservative manner, ie: don't waste your time or money with a lawyer, get an education, quit living with men (get married first) , provide a good environment for your child.

    You know, like a REAL CONSERVATIVE!!!!!

  132. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Do you realize that with minimum wage being $7.25 per hour, with a 40 hour work week, it still doesn't equal her "fee" for an enitre year's worth of work!! Perhaps, since most college students work & go to school full time they just did't want to hear from someone that is so clueless of what it takes to truly earn money. As an adult, I've worked over 6 months to earn $ 20,000, not a day, and that was at a decent paying job.

  133. Anonymous5:01 AM

    What a load of crap from the concern troll. Bristle has never said anything bad about people? hahahaahahahaaaaaaaaa!
    As for engaging the protesters in Eugene, I was there. The Palins never left the hotel. Bristle is a spoiled, ignorant brat with a potty mouth and an attitude of entitlement. What she did at the "hacker" trial was a crime. Lying under oath is a crime. Now go spout your "concern" elsewhere you pathetic lamebrain.

  134. London Bridges5:33 AM

    Why not have Bristol arrested and prosecuted for consumer fraud?

    After all she is America's most famous promoter of abstinence.

    Rather than jail time, probation should include monthly pregnancy testing.

  135. Bristol's Empty Head6:02 AM

    WAHHH, I already ordered new rims for my truck, WAAAAH, big middle finger to all you librul Washington University students who hate my mom and me. WAHHHH, now I have to take that stupid radio job.....WAHHHH

  136. Anonymous6:12 AM

    1. Bristol and/or her speaking booker(the store) offer her speeches (a pair of pants) for sale.
    2. The University (the kid's Mom) considers purchasing and places an order(Buys pants and puts on credit card)).
    3.The students(the kid) decide the pants aren't a good fit,and not worth the money(she gave the mom her babysitting money to pay for the pants) and asks Mom to return the pants to the store so she can buy something else(Students sign petition & request speech canceled).
    4. The University cancels contract(Mom returns unused pants to store and gets charge reversed on credit card).
    Perhaps that's in terms Bristol can understand.
    It's really that simple. Not a Free Speech issue. Unless you live in Palinland, I guess.

  137. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Anyone that would pay Bristol Palin to speak on anything and especially sexually absintence is utterly stupid. Very ignorant!

  138. Anonymous6:22 AM

    I live in St. Louis and know a number of students at Wash U. This is exactly what I heard as well, and it was reflected in comments in the Post-Dispatch. IT WAS THE MONEY, not the Palin name. Plus, I think many students felt like Bristol was so different from average teen moms, and that she herself had never even been to college. What could she possibly have to say that's worth $20,000?

    Of course, that hasn't stopped local wingnuts from pulling out the victim card. Granny Grifter has them well trained.

  139. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Bristol was just a medical doctor willing to speak about abstinence for FREE:

    "Now, the panel will feature Dr. Katie Plax, head of adolescent medicine and associate professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the Washington University School of Medicine.

    Plax is medical director of The SPOT, a teen health center at Washington University Medical Center."

  140. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Gryphen do you know anything about WTF Alaska and why it is still down?

  141. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Huge Goth Death Moth!

  142. Anonymous7:42 AM

    How much will Tawd charge the college students to speak during "Prostitution - John Week"? I'm sure he has some doozies to talk about.

  143. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Bri$tol darling, let me explain it to you in your lingo.... Would you pay $100 for a concert ticket to see a band that you knew really sucked? Or spend $200 on mary jane that didn't get you stoned? Or spend $75 on whiskey that was watered down? I bet you wouldn't. See Bri$tol darling, other people in the big ole United States also make decisions about how THEY want to spend THEIR money just like you do. And regarding what you have to sell, they have said thanks but no thanks and don't assume that they gave you the big middle finger. The students made an informed financial decision about their money so sorry babe, you just need to go peddle your wares somewhere else. And Bri$tol darling, I know you don't want to be taking away these student's 1st amendment rights (Palinspeak) nor their freedom to spend their own money how they see fit do you now? Go spend your money and time on getting an education so you don't have to keep relying on the Palin name to keep you afloat.

  144. Anonymous7:49 AM

    It was the people who were intended to be her audience - the undergrad students - who decided they didn't want her. What's more clear-cut than that?

    I'm just curious how Bristol would relate her story to college students. Would she understand the stresses of academic life? Concern about applying to grad school, thoughts of future careers, worries about whether there is on-campus day-care, or worries about whether the University's student health plan covers maternity care?

    Just exactly was Bristol supposed to be able to contribute that would be relevant to college students?

    Putting her on a panel to advise college students would be like putting the assistant night manager of Spudnuts on a panel to advise Top Chef participants.

  145. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Bristol Palin's advice to young college students dealing with single motherhood:

    "Call ahead and make sure they have a car-seat in the limo before they send it to the hotel to take you, the baby and the nanny to the studio."

  146. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Why abstinence itself is a position of fraud and it's proponents irrational:

    In the minds of many,(and even some statisticians) once someone gets pregnant - then they aren't practicing abstinence. So there is no way to EVER have it be less than 100% effective, barring "immaculate" conception So it isn't a testable position. The REAL failure rate of abstinence is what? 40-50%? more?

    So all that bs about abstinence being 100% effective is just that, a categorical, statistical joke.

    In the meantime, see how REAL birth control has failure rates in the low single digits, and even less if two forms are used.

  147. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Oh for heaven's sake!! From the Radaronline site:

    “No contract was signed we were just in talks."

    If responding with a lawyer is the way she handles a dropped UNCONTRACTED speaking engagement, she's going to find that very few mainstream groups are going to want to engage her. This is one of those "the group decided to go another direction" situations. They gave her an easy way out, and she's making waves and pulling out the lawyer talk.

    Her phone won't be ringing much more longer.

  148. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Alright Bristol - without using any of devices like blackberries or your boyfriend's mother - please define the following words:

    diverse, unbiased, rigorous and pluralistic.

    We'll be waiting for your essay. No cheating now!

  149. Anonymous8:20 AM

    @6:42--"Funny she thinks she was uninvited because of her last name, why did she think she was actually invited in the first place?"

    Bingo. Nothing more need be said about the whole business.

  150. Anonymous8:30 AM

    to @1:18 Bristol might have a little humility - confine your "talks" to audiences who really do know less than you. That would be at risk of dropping out high schoolers. Not college students.

    I mean imagine how any questions might go -

    Student: Uh Bristol, how do you handle pulling an all night study session when you know the baby will be up at 6 a.m.?

    B:Simple - never study!!!

    Student: So Bristol, should you take your baby to class when the baby sitter doesn't show up?

    B: The nanny lives in. I just wake her ass up.

    Students: My parents just lost their jobs, so I'm not on their healthcare anymore. I have a pre-existing condition. What should I do?

    Bristol: Well, you lazy bitch - here's a big fat finger to you for taking Government Healthcare. Just do what I do - be born 1/16 Native American and you'll never have to worry because you'll have lifelong government healthcare!

    Ouch!!! my brain hurts form typing that last one.

  151. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Do you get a family discount if you are screwed by Sarah's speech, Todd's vajayjay-sex exam and Bristol's speech and her sexual appetite?

  152. honeybabe8:51 AM

    the palins have not learned to keep quiet. every time they talk they make any situation worse. (fortunately for all of us)

  153. honeybabe8:51 AM

    the palins have not learned to keep quiet. every time they talk they make any situation worse. (fortunately for all of us)

  154. Anonymous9:05 AM

    If Bristol qualifies for the "best" pupil, I'd hate to see what qualifies as a Palin flunky...

  155. Anonymous9:06 AM

    @7:45 a.m.., ROFLMAO. You speak Bri$tol brilliantly!

    Re: Dr. Katie Plax--seems like an MD who deals with adolescents regularly is FAR, FAR more qualified to discuss abstinence (both from a health perspective and with realistic, extensive knowledge of how teens make choices) than Bri$tol. And wow, she's even doing it for free! Did you hear that, Bri$tol Paylin, you con artist? That's a woman who's more interested in helping educate and inform people than she is in making as much money as possible for the least effort possible. But then, she did manage to get through medical school, so we already know who has the REAL work ethic out of the two of you.

  156. Anonymous9:20 AM

    But... but... Bristol had an important message to convey, and those students should have been grateful for the opportunity to pay her thousands of dollars to hear it:

    Don't have sex before marriage. But if you do, use protection.

    And if you don't use protection, that's OK too, because you can just have a baby, appear in magazines and reality shows, make a few speeches and appearances, and get paid amounts that most people would have to work years and years and years to earn. It' so cool!

    And you can also turn to your multi-multi-millionaire family if you still need help.

    And that's why you should be abstinent. Thank you very much.

    Now, here is my adorable son, Tripp, who is the joy of my life. [Shows picture or he joins her onstage. He really is so cute!] He is truly a blessing and I thank God for him. I can't imagine life without him.

    But be abstinent.

  157. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Now that I have had some time to think about it, I think that the idea for this "comment" by Bristol really came from her mother. Remember, with Sarah, "It's all about ME. ME. ME." Bristol is a famewhore without talent, but she doesn't usually react this way. Sarah on the other hand...

  158. FloridaDem10:32 AM

    Let's face it, the whole abstinence idea is based upon a conservative parents' wish that their daughters not be total sluts. That's what it's about, and that's nothing new. If it was about prevention, they would talk about condoms.

    Nobody believes in 100 percent abstinence, all of the time, until marriage. They just want to dampen down the sexual activity. I mean look at Bristol, she's dating, she's always dated. Her friends are dating. Don't tell me Gino is telling Bristol he won't sleep with her because she's a role model. Lonely, single women like Bristol, who were never celibate and are used to having sex is EXACTLY who guys want to date, so they can get laid. The only chance abstinence has of working is with a 12 year old girl who has YET to have sex, who is a virgin, and who is willing to be celibate, to wait a little longer to do it. But the day she does, the "method" is a 100 percent failure. On that day, she can get an STD for life, get AIDS for life, or conceive.

    Sex, and the why's of sex, should be talked about with girls. But it doesn't happen. Bristol is not going to go up to the podium and talk about how horny she was at 16 and how great sex felt, or if it wasn't so good, or how confused she felt at the time. She won't talk about using boys as status symbols, or wanting a baby as a status symbol. But until we talk more about stuff like this, the teen birth rate will continue to rise.

  159. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Twitler is scheduled at a PUBLIC comm college in May, West Hills, in Lemoore, CA.

    Note there is no "sponsorship" info as promised, and this page links to SarahPac, her Twatter and FB.

    Where is Sen Yee on this? She is supposed to be paid $115K (plus expenses, no doubt).

    This is a PUBLIC SCHOOL. Is this CSU Stanislaus redux?

  160. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Black Death Moth Dance.

    ROTFL. OMG. I can't catch my breath.

  161. Anonymous11:22 AM

    What about "rigorous academic standards" does she not understand? Scratch that...she probably does not know what the word rigorous means.

  162. Anonymous12:08 PM

    The Palin family were big fish in a little pond in Alaska (population wise, not land mass wise) Anything could be covered up, pregnancies, vandalisms, fake pregnancies, bribes. It is a whole different ballgame in the lower 48. The sooner they wake up to that fact, the better.Doen here, they are just a nuisance, not a big deal.

  163. Anonymous12:20 PM

    BINGO !! FloridaDem @ 10:32

  164. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Sarah Palin Encourages Enquirer to Call Her More Often

    "Look at this recent b.s. about Todd [Palin] being all caught up in this prostitution ring in Anchorage. Heck, all they needed to do was to ask him, 'Hey, Todd, you been hanging out with hookers in Anchorage?' He'd tell the truth!" —In the hokiest way possible, Sarah Palin denies a recent National Enquirer story claiming Todd Palin was having an affair with a massage therapist who was (actually) busted for running a prostitution ring in Anchorage.

  165. indy_girl1:08 PM

    "Bristol is deeply disappointed that an institution that publicly claims to 'listen to diverse and sometimes conflicting perspectives, to contribute rigorous academic standards and unbiased scholarship to discussions, and to encourage a civil discourse in which a pluralistic society can respectfully address complex and difficult issues' would withdraw an invitation....."

    Really? Bristol said that. Right. That's a riot!!!!!

    Yo, Bristol: Having a GED and wanting to make a buck speaking to people above your own academic level, about abstinence you CLEARLY did not practice does not qualify as a "conflicting perspective."

    That would be called "ignorant" and "unqualified", plus "delusional", also too.

  166. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Saw a fab comment on huff po last night...didn't save it so I'm paraphrasing:

    "why is everyone so up in arms at the university's choice of Bristol the Piss-tol to speak at Sex Week? She's serially pregnant, has bedded a hockey player AND a pipe layer in the last six months, proclaimed on her own myspace page 'haha im a slut!'...
    Face it, friends. Bristol is more qualified to speak at SEX WEEK than Madonna. And Dr. Ruth. Combined."

    If ever there was truth in humor...!

  167. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Please let Bristol do her speech. I pray Bristol be allowed to continue her efforts to promote teenage pregnancy. The world needs more resource consumers in order to hasten the End of Days.

  168. What's the difference between Bristol/Sarah and a Prostitute?
    One is a whore who will do and say anything for money, and the other is, well a prostitute.

  169. Anonymous2:14 PM


    I first read this post when I was stoned, so I misread it and thought Bristol was suing the school -- or did it say that and the post has since been changed?

    In any case...

    This is hilarious. A thin-skinned Palin cannot just walk away.

    First of all, Bristol is attempting to be a spokeswoman for abstinence by serving as a model of what can happen if you become carelessly pregnant. Some take issue with this, likening it to paying Ronald McDonald $20,000 to be a role model for healthy eating, but I can see the other argument as well. Fair enough. Almost.

    The problem is, in order for this approach to be effective, we would need to see some sort of evidence that having a child prematurely was in some way a struggle in her life. Now maybe this is true, but she shows us no evidence of this. Given what is available to the public eye, we see that her situation has actually been an enormous asset for her, paired with being the daughter of a celebrity mother. Where are the negative consequences in her life as a result of becoming pregnant? We see none.

    If the Palins are the masters at one thing, it's deception. This is a false debate. It's not even a debatable topic. The school decided not to bring her on because she brings no substance to the matter, neither in the form of expertise or symbolically. She's a grubber, the school panel realized this, and made the correction. Nothing to do with a fear of discussing abstinence.

    Bristol, your stupid mother did not raise you well. Why don't you try being a good mother rather than sending the signal to Tripp that he was a misake?

  170. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I have a really crazy question. Was there a bunch of comments deleted? I don't see any shown since the flicker photos post around 8 something.

  171. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Please keep Bristol in Arizona. Alaska needs a permanent break.

  172. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Looks like these young people had the good sense not to pay $20K for a lecture on abstinence from a non-virgin. Now, if only some adults would stop paying $100K to a certain Quitter who abandoned her post for reality TV and book tours to speak about "hard work and personal responsibility."

  173. Anonymous3:33 PM

    5:52 OOOweee that must be some bad mofo shit you smokin. For real.

    It's comical yet real stupid.

  174. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Anon at 11:22am said, "What about 'rigorous academic standards' does she not understand? Scratch that...she probably does not know what the word rigorous means."

    Well, no time like the present to learn! Just use the word in a sentence Bristol can understand:

    "Despite a rigorous schedule of competitive dance practice and performance, one contestant still managed to gain weight every week."

  175. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Hey Gryph et al, did either LEvi or Bristol ever spill how she got preggers? I mean - was it well we used condoms, but it broke, or we forgot to bring them, or she "forgot" to take the pill or well we we being abstinent, but normal teenager hormones made us not be abstinent and we didn't think we needed protection, or were they using some reproductive mythology that comes from a lack of real reproductive education? Like withdrawal or some bastardized version of the rhythm method?

    Now, normally, I'd feel that asking such questions was an intrusion on privacy, but since her anecdotal evidence is the only claim she has to abstinence knowledge and she touts herself as an abstinence spokesperson - speak.

  176. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Ha ha.....why didn't Bristol write her own letter?! I'll bet she couldn't even comprehend some of the phrases written. Too Fuckin Funny.

  177. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Bristol has absolutely nothing useful to say to an audience of college students. Good for them for demanding better for their money.


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