Friday, January 28, 2011

Sarah Palin's e-mail "hacker" too well off for halfway house but not too well off for prison. WTF?

From the New York Times:

A top federal official is explaining why prison instead of a halfway house was a better place for a former Tennessee student convicted of hacking Sarah Palin's private e-mail account.

A judge had recommended that David Kernell serve his one-year sentence at a Knoxville halfway house. But the U.S. Bureau of Prisons instead sent Kernell to a minimum-security prison in Kentucky.

The Knoxville News Sentinel reports that Bureau of Prisons chief Jose Santana wrote to U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Phillips to explain the decision.

Santana said the halfway house space is needed for inmates who have limited skills, resources and community support. He said that Kernell has three years of college and the support of his family.

Kernell's lawyer says the explanation is lacking.

It is important to remember that the reason this kid is serving time at all is because Sarah Palin is a vindictive woman who wanted him punished.  All the dumb kid did was guess her stupid, ridiculously easy to figure out, password and this is his punishment.

In the meantime Sarah Palin encourages insurrection against our government, inspires people to threaten our Representatives, and broke very ethical guideline imaginable while Governor of Alaska, and she is still free as a bird.

I am no longer satisfied to see Sarah Palin failing as apolitical figure, or seeing her humiliated by scandals concerning Todd and his prostitutes, I want her to serve time.

Yeah I think THAT is the only way to feel that justice has been done when it comes to this hateful creature.

Oh and because Bristol lied about fearing for her safety while cohabiting with her hockey playing boyfriend Levi, and surrounded by Secret Service agents, I would not mind seeing her do a couple of months in the state pen as well.  That seems only fair to me.


  1. Amen Gryphen. When will quittypants be taken away in handcuffs?

  2. BAustin3:15 PM

    talk about a waste of tax payer dollars....arent there real criminals that should be in prison. he should have had a long probation and a hefty fine.

  3. Anonymous3:19 PM

    How many charges do you think she could be brought up on?

    [PS <3 your site]

  4. Anonymous3:21 PM

    This is a terrible waste of taxpayer money....esp as sarah is always crying about taxes and spending...surem letrs send the kid to can we get Sarah and Bristle confined to prison???

  5. I know this institution he's in--it is nothing like a halfway house (or for that matter home-monitoring with curfew/ankle bracelet which should also have been considered, although community service would have made more sense and cost taxpayers nada). When Sarah Palin talked to reporters outside the courthouse, dazzling the locals, a mistrial should have been called. This is class warfare of the kind some in this country adore. It's town/gown, anti-intellectual and reactionary. It's the politics of resentment and this young man is one of its latest recipients. Read the comments sometime in the Knoxville press and you'll get the drift.

  6. Anonymous3:27 PM

    As I recall, $arah also hacked into a computer once. Was she governor then, or was it prior to being elected? Too bad that incident can't be revisited.

  7. Anonymous3:29 PM

    If I'm the kid I'm getting book deal when I get out. If he hacked her email then it's likely he knows a few things. Might make a few bucks.

  8. Anonymous3:30 PM

    In my wayward youth, I knew this guy and
    decided to snoop in his Yahoo. It was super
    easy, I just requested his PW & then it let
    me change it with a few more questions. It
    was wrong, and he knew I did it, but he
    seemed to find it humorous. Most of the
    PW recovery questions are too easy to guess,
    I don't know why a government person would
    use a free email account, unless it was anonymous
    (ie no "alaskassarahpalingov" bs). SP is a bitch
    for targeting this guy. When you are young
    you do stupid things, like whorey Bristol getting
    knocked up by some skeevy loser. But she isn't
    supposed to be called a slut, because she was
    young and stupid.

  9. Lisabeth3:30 PM

    What is that expression? "from your mouth to Gods ears?"
    Not sure if that's it and I'm agnostic anyhow but I will pray for this to happen. I can't stand listening to Sarah and seeing what she gets away with. And she's creating mini-me versions in her kids and weird comrades-Christine,Ann,Michelle. They are such lovely ladies! And I think each one of them look good in orange.

  10. Anonymous3:32 PM

    When Palin left the Kernell trial, she smugly said that actions have consequences. That would apply only when people say things about Sarah, or take some kind of action against her.

    When things are reversed, and Willow was involved in vandalizing a house, there were no consequences for Willow. When Palin spoke during the 2008 election, her nasty rhetoric resulted in increased death threats against Obama. When Sarah's next door neighbor arrived last summer, she called him a pedophile and kept up a string of insults that resulted in the author and his family receiving death threats. No consequences for Palin.

    Palin uses words that inspire hate, such as "blood libel." Her ghost writer found some other examples of people who used the phrase, but that does not excuse the terrible reference that Palin made. No consequences. Sarah is never responsible for anything that she says or does. If she makes a mistake, such as saying that Russia went broke because of the space race (it was the arms race), there are no consequences for Sarah, only the other people.

  11. ManxMamma3:36 PM

    This is totally outrageous! There is a special place in hell for the Palins. I only wish it would happen quickly here and now.

  12. Anonymous3:44 PM

    OMG, are they kidding? This kid is not a danger to society in any way. What he should have gotten was probation. Instead, he is going to prison. What a waste of money. Well, at least his attorney is more qualified than Rex and will not let this slide.

    Gryphen, thank you for reminding us that Bristol is as much of a b*tch as her mother is. When people feel sorry for her, I hope they remember this.

    Here is hoping that Mother Palin and her mini-me be joined at the hip in one prison cell, wearing matching outfits to show their love and devotion to one another!

  13. Anonymous3:50 PM

    I am for Bristol and Sarah both serving time for lying about this court case. It is a travesty of justice that these two lied and manipulated this situation and this young man is going to prison.

    This case needs to be looked at again under a microscope.

  14. Anonymous3:52 PM

    How come the Google cache of AWTF's
    final blog entry is gone? I wonder who
    requested it be removed? Is it because of
    the Todd Palin rape allegations?

  15. Santana said the halfway house space is needed for inmates who have limited skills, resources and community support. He said that Kernell has three years of college and the support of his family.

    This is the most inane statement that I have read. If this were truly the case, the prisons would be emptied and the halfway houses filled with a burgeoning population. David Kernell made a mistake. He is paying for his "crime". In my former career as a social worker, I know a person whose first offense was armed robbery for drug money. The individual who had a college education and the support of his college educated family was placed in a half way house with drug rehab. Is it Palin or a combo of punishing a Democrat/Liberal family? This decision is despicable. You have written many time about Palin protecting her kids from their criminal activities, this is why I want her to receive her just rewards.

  16. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Amen Gryphen - AMEN! That is absolutely ridiculous and horrible. Ugh, that woman! You're the best.


  17. Anonymous4:01 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    OMG, are they kidding? This kid is not a danger to society in any way. What he should have gotten was probation. Instead, he is going to prison. one another!

    3:44 PM"

    What happened to Christian charity & turning
    the other cheek? It would have looked better
    on Palin if she would have requested they go
    easy on the kid, but noooooooooo.

  18. Anonymous4:05 PM

    I would be thrilled to see Sarah Palin in prison. No halfway house for her, serious prison. I hope this young man finishes college, goes to law school and makes it his mission in life to expose her and those who support her.

  19. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I wish his lawyer had pointed out Bristol's perjury.
    M. from MD

  20. Anonymous4:09 PM

    That would be real karmic poetic justice wouldn't it? And the thing is - I have absolutely no doubt that Sarah has broken many laws, a few of them felonies.

  21. Anonymous4:10 PM

    You need to take some time off.

    Has your daughter been to the Spudnut
    Shop in Richland,Wa ?

  22. I googled: Surviving Minimum Security Federal Prisons

    Not a walk in the park. I don't see any opportunity for going to school and finishing degree from prison.

  23. Anonymous4:17 PM

  24. Anonymous4:17 PM

    The entire thing is ridiculous. Why should this young man owe a debt to society beyond some sort of monitoring and possibly a record?
    I get that the half way house spots are needed most by those who possibly could not gain the necessary skills on their own, but is there really no other option?

  25. Anonymous4:24 PM

    It's what politicians do. Any of them, all of them

  26. Anonymous4:32 PM

    How can SP sleep knowing she sent a kid to jail for a year. Granted, he did something illegal and yes, there should be consequences - a fine, probation... but not this. She just goes on her merry way and this incident probably doesn't even cross her mind anymore. Yet her kids vandalize homes and cut school bus brakes. I truly hope she ends up with egg on her face... big time.

  27. honeybabe4:33 PM

    it seems there is one justice for the wealthy and famous and another harsher justice for us ordinary citizens. i am also waiting for all the facts to come out. i say it in my prayers, nothing violent. it will renew our faith in the system.

  28. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Another vile person that I want to see in jail is Rushbo. Apparently his latest antics of insulting those people who aren't like him is getting attention. Senator Yee from the Dumpster Diver days and his colleagues are calling for action against his behavior by boycotting his sponsors ex: Dominoes Pizza. I for one will be participating.... From Yahoo new:

  29. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Yikes, Who knew guessing a password for a free web based mail account that can be opened in seconds with multiple aliases, could land you in prison? I have a feeling many disgruntled ex-lovers/boyfriends/girlfriends/husbands/wives/parents were not aware of that.

  30. onething4:48 PM

    Why didn't his lawyer show up the perjury of pretending that Bristol was alone in a house without a phone?

    He should have gotten at most house time. We should write letters to the judge.

  31. Anonymous4:48 PM

    I know I am getting as impatient as everyone else to see justice served on Sarah Palin.

    The way I have seen Karma work, is it is so much "better" than we can dream up. Behind the scenes in Sarah's world things are being lined up for the right time and place.

  32. kdusmdd4:54 PM

    Gryphen....I'm asking..AGAIN......Is the ICEBERG still headed for Ms GotRocks Palin? Please answer...I've asked you many many times....

  33. SME1315:02 PM

    That's been my wish all along Gryphen. She has gotten by with breaking the law far too long.

  34. Anonymous5:12 PM

    David Kernall's attorney needs to do SOMETHING so a higher court can hear new evidence in the case.

    It was explained at trial that Brisol, pregnant and "all alone" at casa palin had "no way to contact her mother" due to the email account compromise.

    On SP's Alaska, we SAW a telephone sitting on the kitchen area desk. A land line telephone was clearly there; a secret service detail was there (with his handy-dandy cell phone) as she was the VP candidate; and most importantly, they hardly live in "rural Alaska."

    Bristol lied in her testimony.

    Kernall didn't hack Palin's account - she, Governor of a State, gave simple answers to very simple questions... of which the answers to were on Wikipedia! GIMME A BREAK!

    Guess email password is worse than slashing school bus tires? Worse than trashing a vacant house? PUH-LEEZE...

    Then again, we ARE talking about Kentucky.

  35. Gee kdusmdd, a guy can't always address every question posed in the comments section, plus I have been a little busy with phone calls and research today. Plus I had to use the boy's room, or is that TMI?

    Yes there are big pieces of information coming out that will forever make Snowdrift Snooki irrelevant, and might be even more devastating than that. No I am not talking about the original "iceberg" the status of which I am no longer privy.

    I do not have much to report about Alaska WTF, except that it is inspiring a number of rather bizarre conspiracy theories. (Do people really think that I had something to do with it going offline?)

    I talked to Dirk and asked him to leave a comment, but since he has nothing new to report he has not expressed interest in doing so.

    However he thinks he will know something by tomorrow or the next day.

  36. Anonymous5:21 PM

    " Gryphen said...
    Yes there are big pieces of information coming out that will forever make Snowdrift Snooki irrelevant, and might be even more devastating than that.
    5:12 PM"

    Rape? Murder? Snuff film? Tax evasion on the house?

  37. Anonymous5:27 PM

    OK, So why didn't Joe Miller, a grown man and attorney, who hacked into multiple employees' workplace computers AND tried to cover it up, is not in jail? He knew he was committing a crime and was attempting to falsify voting results in his favor to gain a political, taxpayer-paid position!

    It's time to ask Palin's attorney why her butt-boy Miller is not behind bars, while a young college kid who guessed a few passwords is going to jail for doing very little wrong except pissing off a very paranoid and vindictive witch.

  38. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Why did the attorneys representing the kid from Tennessee NOT pursue a rigorous defense of their client. Why was Bristol allowed to lie about her unfounded fears when her boyfriend and the Secret Service were outside. I just don't get it.

  39. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Amen, Gryphen!

    Thanks for your reassuring faith in karma, Anon4:48pm. I wait to see what the universe has in store for SP.

  40. kdusmdd5:52 PM

    Thank you Gryphen....Sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude, but I just want Palin to be stopped.
    I value your information and I appreciate all your time and effort.....and of course it's ok for you to go to the men's

  41. Anonymous6:16 PM

  42. Over-incarceration and privitization has destroyed all logic when it comes to the treatment of inmates. I had a recommendation of a half-way house or home detention from the judge, neither happened. The decisions about how a sentence is served is not made by a judge as most people think, the prison systems make those decisions. The decisions are made by people who don't know thier asses from a hole in the ground, so horrible things happen. The judge recommended the sentence he did due to my health problems, then the prison system in Alaska did everything they could to tell me I had no health problems and harm me. This goes on all over the country and people do not know. I think the reports about what really goes on in prisons is so hard to believe most people just don't believe them. There is no justice in the United States unless you have the money and/or power to buy it. Then, if you have someone with money/power fighting against you you get harsh treatment. That is why we have judges to look at the whole picture and make a decision based on the circumstances and justice. With help from private prison lobbyists the legislature decided some %$# at the DOC should have more authority than a judge.

  43. Anonymous6:39 PM

    glad to hear it Gryph. Looking forward to it all being exposed.

  44. Anonymous7:09 PM

    didn't Bristol lie on the stand? She claimed that photos of "her baby" were sent out. This was before Tripp was born.

  45. hauksdottir2:10 AM

    Well, somebody at that trial ought to have exhibited the tax assessor's map of the Palin compound and all the other lots and roads on the Lake. That is NOT the middle of the wilderness by any means!!!

    A map drawn up by the government's cartographers is an unimpeachably solid piece of evidence.

    Bristol didn't lie. She committed perjury. THAT is a crime.

  46. Randall3:17 AM

    And once again, Sarah nudges the wheel of Karma.

  47. London Bridges5:17 AM

    When all these new prisons were being built who was a msjor investor?
    Dick Cheney!

    This determines how justice is doled out.

  48. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Fortunately for this kid he will make a buttload of money on the movie...just deserts...hopefully they will make it after Palin is locked up...what a fitting ending.
    Hang in there Kernell, I hear there's much to be learned from the criminals in min. security prisons...just saying


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