Thursday, January 06, 2011

The final episode of "Sarah Palin sees Alaska for the very first time" gives off a scent of desperation. Update!

Well it looks like disappointment ahead for those who expected Palin's political advertisement/reality show to go out with a bang. 

It almost feels that this episode where they scrape the bottom of the sea looking for gold could be a metaphor to describe the show scraping the bottom of the barrel to look for interesting content.  You can almost hear the production meeting now.

Producer:"Well let's see we went dog mushing, clubbed a halibut to death, murdered Rudolph, and complained about a nosy neighbor.  What other Alaskana things can we possibly do?

SP:  "Well I could take my family out panning for gold."

Producer: "Is there a lot of gold left to be found around Alaska?"

SP: "Well no, but just imagine how cute Piper will look as she fails to find any."

Producer: "Ah who gives a fuck, we might as well.  Whose idea was this crappy show anyhow?"

SP: "You, are going on my list Mr. Producer-man!"

But hey on the upside, if you have a friend or family member who is thinking of voting Republican in 2012, you can buy them the show on DVD and scare them liberal.  See what I did there?  I took a dark cloud and found the silver lining.

Back in the real world there is some brand new scandal brewing about the Palins that has media types clamoring for information.  I am not able to provide any real information yet, but this one is both nasty and naughty, and it had my phone ringing off the hook with calls from gossip magazines yesterday.

Let's just say that the sordid underbelly of Wasilla is about to be exposed.

I do not know WHEN it will come out, but I have to imagine it will be very soon.

Update: Well I guess this "Dirk Diggler" received the same e-mail that the rest of us did.

Yes this is what I was alluding to earlier.  However let me say that I have NO idea how much of this is valid yet. 

I did do some checking, and sure enough Shailey Tripp (Interesting last name no?) WAS charged with prostitution in Wasilla back in March of this year, and she IS listed as a licensed massage therapist in Wasilla.  I also called some contacts in Wasilla, but none of them seemed to know much about this.

There have been all kinds of rumors about the Palins INCLUDING that Todd was getting a little on the side, but I had never heard about prostitutes or massage therapists before. However at least one of the tabloids that contacted me yesterday said they had already been following a similar story.

This could be a solid story, or simply idle gossip, I make no claims as to its accuracy, only that it is heating up Wasilla as we speak.


  1. Anonymous5:55 AM

    At the .37 and .51 mark, Granny Palin is doing her tongue thing again.

  2. ManxMamma5:59 AM

    I might have to break down at last and watch the final episode. Ahhhh, maybe not. I know you'll fill me in.

  3. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Very hag looking without all the makeup. I expect the divers required hazard pay, what with Granny manning the air hoses and the like.

  4. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Hmmm. Hesitant to get excited (no offense at all, Gryphen, but hopefully you understand better than anyone), but I HAVE been wondering at Mama Grizz's odd silence.

    OT, but does anyone have a clue as to why AKM stopped blogging on America By Heart? I thought that maybe she'd taken the holidays off (from crazy), but now the tab for it has been taken down. Strange doings in AK lately......

  5. Anonymous6:24 AM

    I have been reading your blog ever since Palin was thrown out in the spot light. But have not posted much in the last year.

    I have always enjoyed reading your posts and am thankful you have kept Sarah "The Fake As*" Palin in the publics eye.

    I just have to say your writing has been taken up a notch, no many notches and it is fun to read your new way of writing about a woman who is a BIG FARCE! Thank you.

    Sarah has exposed herself and her family in the most demeaning ways. Reality shows, stupid twits... If she would have shown truly helping people and causes from the heart.

    She might have a chance. And I say might, because there are many things that would have helped her. She was given a silver plater and destroyed the opportunity.

    Showed her true colors and those of her family, friends and associates. She does not care about serving people or the country only herself.

    Her Sh*t will catch up to her and all people that have been apart of her nasty way of dealing with people and we will all laugh when it does.

    I always had the feeling Michelle Bachman would run for President and knew that would put a different kind of wrench in Palins agenda.

    Thanks again for making me laugh and keeping the fire under her feet. She deserves to be in jail and so do many others hopefully we will see that day.

  6. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Tease but at least you are funny!

  7. Anonymous6:28 AM

    I'm going to take a wild guess here and say the new dirt is on Track and it involves drugs.

    - kellygrrrl

  8. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Will not watch any of the Sarah show...

    Previews are painful enough to watch.

    Sarah .. your show sucks!

  9. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Ohhh, its getting juicy. Gryph you tease.. you have me chomping at the bit. Please let this be the beginning of the end for these people

  10. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Stop it, Gryphen--can't stand the torture, just tell us!!!!!!!!! Hope it is juicy. Thanks for all you do.

  11. Anonymous6:37 AM

    "anything can go wrong at any time..." especially if Sarah Palin is holding your air hose.

    Let's face it, if you're within earshot of Palin, it's already a bad day.

  12. Anonymous6:40 AM

    looks like a big snooze, except for the Palin screetchin'.

    Can't say any of this has made me want to book a flight to Alaska, except for the beautiful scenery, which this show has only managed to capture at times.

    Right here in NY, we have: huntin', four-wheelin', fishin', campin' and lots of hard-workin' guys with dangerous jobs.

    This show has been less about the majestic state and more of the Palin's trying to prove that they are competitive, hard-working, adventurous, and oh, so family-oriented.

    Re: scandal: how about you beat the rags to the punch and disclose the goods?

  13. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Tell, tell, tell.

  14. Anonymous6:43 AM

    At the grocery checkout yesterday I noticed Sarah on the cover of National Enquirer's issue about who's gay and who's not - Sarah was cited for her kid's anti-gay comments, with a nice quote from an unnamed "friend" - just in time to follow up her retweeting nonsense

  15. Anonymous6:47 AM

    The sooner, the better Gryphen.

    Truth to tell, we may not know the entire story until those kids are in their 30's and 40's and that woman is a shriveled hag, still licking her lips and tottering around in Naughty Monkey pumps.

  16. Hate the teasing, but looking forward to hearing the news Gryph. Hope you are tweeting again for the finale. It cracks me up!

  17. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Oh My we have another iceberg from Gryphen. Does anyone see a pattern here?

  18. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Probably the "combat" vet and drugs, with a runner up of Miss "Abstinence" and sex and drugs/alcohol.

    My current favorite fantasy: Murdock has finally completed his research on the contemptible woman, looked at her plunging ratings, and told her that she is on her own from now on.

  19. Anonymous7:00 AM

    I hear both girls are pregnant. And Bristol has new media contracts. Yep she is a cultural icon! Being a teen mom is in after Bristol the Pistol " teen activist" showed US teens the way.
    I hear she is writing a book - it's a how to get rich quick by having babies when yer mom is famous. Her new reality show Is a "how to" get rich off having babies and promoting abstinence is already in the works.

    Other news: Bristol will be featured in US soon in a big photo spread. She's baking cookies wearing a gown just like her sisters spread for vanity fair. Andy is in some of the photos too.

    Piper Palin is being groomed to be the Hannah Montana for the conservative movement. She's taking song and dance lessons in prep for her debut. She is going to have her hair and styling done to be like her mom- bumpit, big jewelry, glasses and sparkly flag pin jewelry.

    Track is going to be on tv too soon. He agreed to take part in " celebrity rehab." This hit show shows celebrities dealing with their addictions.

    So that's all the gossip I've heard from my friend who works at National Enquirer.

  20. Anonymous7:00 AM

    She is a woman who knows her boyfriend is going to dump her and she is desperately doing what she can to make herself fascinating and drag the relationship out just a little longer to get through a gift season.

  21. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Affair with Tammy Bruce, perhaps?

    Or.... track is about to become a second time father, Willow first time mother and Bristol will deliver yet another cash cow soon.

    The silence of the palins is deafing. Somethings afoot. And it's got to be good.

  22. Anonymous7:03 AM

    "Let's just say that the sordid underbelly of Wasilla is about to be exposed. "

    Now there's a Palin story I will read. Looking forward to it. (Will this push her Israel trip back even futher?)

  23. Anonymous7:06 AM

    The sordid underbelly of Wasilla? Really? Tease tease we've heard these teases before and then nothing was was revealed. So I'm not getting my hopes up this time Gryphen.

  24. Anonymous7:07 AM

    It used to be that when you said that something was about to come out that I just thought you were stirring an empty pot. I still liked you, but I thought you were being a jerk. Over time I have realized that with the Palins, the rumors are usually true.

    I almost hurt for them, but their reality is not mine. It's like feeling bad for a boxer because he gets hurt, but that is what he chooses to do. Even little Piper is being trained for mean. She is a cat like her mom and sisters, and she'll date emasculated men like her father. These women are Jezebel characters. Jez was not beautiful nor was she liked, and people were glad to see her fail when she finally did.

  25. Anonymous7:09 AM

    The way she is flicking her tongue in and out all during that brief clip is creepy. I'm starting to believe the folks who say it is a side effect from psychiatric drugs. I don't remember her doing the tongue thing during the campaign, and it seems to have gotten worse over time. At first I thought she was trying to be sexually provocative with the tongue, but now I'm thinking she doesn't have control of it.

    She is appearing more snakelike over time. Her true form is revealing itself.

    I hope the gossip rags get the info they need!

  26. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Oops anon 7 am here- I meant Willow will be featured in a magazine spread soon. She saw how well her sister did all dressed up in her brand new "I'm responsible" condo.. So of course Willow wanted a spread now too- before and after baby spread.

  27. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Anyone know about this business? What is it? Called " The Sarah Palin Portal" in Redondo Beach, CA.

    If you go to google PLACES not web or images, you will see it there listed. It's listed as an economic development business.

  28. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Somebody posted tweets from Bristol where she claims that people will hate her even more in 2011.

    Note to Bristol: People don't hate YOU! I resent the fact that you have been making hundreds of thousands of dollars for doing nothing. Well, you did have a baby when you were an unwed teenager, but so have many others.

    Your mother put you on TV, in magazines, arranged for you to give speeches, again for doing nothing but producing a child out of wedlock. You were not a talented dancer, and you don't bubble over with personality when you are on camera. Maybe we are missing something, and you are a bundle of talent in private, but it doesn't show. From the looks of things, you are in the media for being the daughter of a failed vice presidential candidate who has to be in the spot light every day.

    Hate you? No, I feel sorry for you. You have been permanently frozen in life as an immature teen aged girl who hasn't grown up. And, as a sure sign of it, you are going to do something that will make people hate you even more. Maybe you should pause before you play.

  29. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Her political future is dead. At this point, she needs a scandal to keep her celebrity status going. Maybe she should release a sex tape.

  30. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Something is happening in Wasilla and the retarded hill billies are headed for the prairies.

  31. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Are Willow and Bristol going on a new reality show "The Pregnant Bachelorottes"?

  32. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Another example of what might be an Alaska activity but that is done in a way that makes it financially inaccessible to most people: Hiring a boat, special sea-bottom vacuums, divers.

    Like the other activities that require helicopter rental, etc. Not something I'm going to put together for my family.

    Message: An Alaska vacation is not affordable.

  33. I let the comment from Anonymous 6:57 though this time, though I usually reject the little Palin pantie sniffer's immature and repetitive comments as a rule, because I wanted to address the whole "iceberg" meme again.

    When the Palin iceberg was first reported about back in 2009, it was not my story. It was reported by the Alaska Report, and at first I was not even sure what it referred to.

    Since then I have been able to piece it together and it is indeed an iceberg of incredible proportions.

    However since I have NO control over when it arrives, or whether it ever arrives, I have been able to do nothing more than to wait patiently along with everybody else.

    But just in the last several days I have received the best possible news about this information and am now convinced that it is indeed coming. And it will not only devastate Palin, it will damage virtually everybody who helped her while she was Governor, and make Palin-bot heads explode all over the country. And NO that is not mere hyperbole.

    Now the scandal I am referring to in this post is NOT an iceberg. It may scuff up the S.S. Palin a little but will not sink it. Though it should be fun to read nevertheless.

    I will tell you all this, and you can take it to the bank, 2011 is going to be the WORST year to be Sarah Palin EVER!

  34. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Any trips abroad having to do with Sarah haven't been announced in any way by her people. Xmas time was a big time for her with lots of activity. Doesn't she have a couple engagements in the coming months over here?

    If a trip is planned, it's probably for the Spring. Considering Sarah's friends and supporters refuse to give media time of day, I have serious doubts as to the accuracy of your sources. They've led you down the garden path numerous times and for very different topics.

    There's no way her kids spill anything, as they support/defend her too. hmm

    Are we rethinking our sources?

  35. Anonymous7:45 AM

    that's a check I'll be cashing, Gryph!!

  36. Anonymous7:47 AM

    My guess -

    Bristol is hiding in AZ with her ever expanding tummy, annnnnd

    Track will emerge from the closet -- he's GAY!!

  37. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Is the scandal you refer to (on Alaska WTF):

  38. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Anyone in AK that is travelling via plane, have your phones, cameras, etc. ready at all times in the airport. You never know when you might be lucky to catch anyone of the Palins. There are $$ to be earned for pics of say an expanding belly!!!!

  39. Anonymous7:54 AM

    ¨...the sordid underbelly of Wasilla is about to be exposed.¨

    The sordid cellulite of Wasilla has already been exposed and that is some nasty chit.

    sarah´s two main bitches, Joe Miller and Todd, look pretty stressed, like a couple of rabbits cornered by a pack of hunting dogs.

    Hey, Todd, the lifers in prison are going to make you wear funky monkeys and do a little fancy pageant walking.


  40. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Jesus. For over 2 years you have been promising to reveal the big scoop.


    You don't have it and never did.

  41. Anonymous8:01 AM


    Seems there is a breech in the hull of the SS Palin:

    There goes 2012. Lifeboats!

  42. There is an email sent out to Alaska's media that says Todd Palin has been banging massage therapists around Anchorage.


  43. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Gryphen as much as you like to make Todd Palin out to be a pussy you are dead wrong on this. Todd is the real thing. He walks the talk and always has. His downfall came when he married Sarah and tried to meddle in politics which isn't his forte. His family is real Alaska and he can bacak it up. It's too bad he messed up and got involved with the Heath family

  44. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Check out the blog Alaska WTF...

  45. FIRST: @6:57 You have not been paying attention. Gryphen and DZ warned us of an iceberg and shortly after that SP RESIGNED!!
    WAKE UP and smell the moose blood!

    SECOND: I just read AWTF- it's all in the rumor stage BUT..
    as G has been saying, the Palins have a faux marriage AND as many of the commenters (including yours truly) have been saying, there is something NOT RIGHT about TRIPP'S story -- .

  46. Pat in MA8:13 AM

    can't wait for the sordidness to be exposed! It's clear that there is a concerted behind the scenes effort by Rove and others to take this woman down. Drip, drip, drip one by one they come out and criticize and distance themselves. It's just a matter of time before the drip becomes a flood. They miscalculated her usefulness and are horrified at the prospect of her potential involvement in the 2012 election.

  47. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Maybe that is why she's been so quiet! Is what AWTF just posted what this is about? If oh my...what a tangled web we weave...

  48. RE: Scandal...this will be just onother victim badge SP will sew on her Poor Me Vest.

  49. BanditBasheert8:19 AM

    A massage therapist with the last name of TRIPP - OMG that IS rich.

  50. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Howd like to know how these people get emails they choose to send this stuff to. I received this email and I live in NY.

    I have a hard time believing that Todd would stoop that low sexually. Being your wife's attack dog and pulling shenanigans such as this don't add up to much. The last name is a bit much too and kind of gives way to this being hateful gossip. I come from a small town and know how and why illegitimate gossip starts. It's true there have been no sightings of Sarah since the new year began, but there have been pics from the week of xmas, in her home and out and about.

    at least It wasn't hard to research this woman I'll say that much

  51. FacebookSleuth8:29 AM

    Thats funny you mention planes and grab your cameras because Bristol just headed back to AZ after the 1st. I don't know when and it could be today but the friend who is visiting her down there left today

  52. laprofesora8:29 AM

    Geez, if this Todd rumor is true, it'll just play into the Scarah is a victim meme. I want the dirt on HER!

  53. Anonymous8:35 AM

    O/T - This is scary:

    Rep. Bachmann lands post on Intelligence Committee

    Bachmann and Intelligence in the same sentence???

  54. Anonymous8:36 AM

    I have a friend who asked her friend, who works at Colony High School, if Willow was still enrolled. Her answer......"No Comment." Nuff said.

  55. Gryphen highlighted the link to the email sent to different media. Read it to know what he is referring to abut Todd and alleged connections to a massage therapist arrested for prostitution.

  56. Anonymous8:41 AM

    This explains a lot. Everything¨s beginning to fall into place. That odd peek-a-boo bump that kept appearing and disappearing on sarah´s face during the book tour, for example. We know what it is now. It was a syphilis cancer. Todd got the disease from whores, then transmitted it to sarah.

    Also, too, it explains sarah´s insanity.

  57. Anonymous8:42 AM

  58. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Everyone knows who Dirk really is Gryphen. It's been leaked several times.

    So is this where Trig really came from? REMEMBER all researchers.......Trig was Tripp before he became Trig.

    That is the key to babygate==Shelly TRIPP

  59. Anonymous8:44 AM

    hmmmm....The return of "V" including Jane Badler reprising her role as Diana and Caribou Barbie's strange licking of the lips.

    Coincidence? I think not.

  60. Anonymous8:44 AM

    With the comments of people saying how Todd looks thin and ill lately, hopefully he didn't contract Hepatitis C or HIV from the skank-ho's he's been doin'.

    His life time punishment from Sarah will be to her purse carrying, counter-wiping, slave.

  61. Anonymous8:44 AM

    The Todd rumour could explain the long silence from Palin.

  62. Facebook Lurker8:47 AM

    The jig is up. Story about Toad and his "massage therapists " broken in AlaskaWTF

  63. Anonymous8:49 AM

    You sure use that expression "pantie sniffer" a lot! I don't think you realize how much that expression turns off your female readers. Think about it. Your long term female readers. Not the bots.

  64. Anonymous8:50 AM

    @7:09, I can attest to the fact that it's true that some psychiatric drugs can cause that "tongue flicking" reflex. I have a close relative who had that happen and she didn't realize it until I pointed it out to her. I felt really bad doing so, but it just looks so bad. Fortunately her doctor was able to find an alternate drug. Either nobody's telling Sarah that she's doing it or they can't find another drug to deal with her brand of kraaaazy!

  65. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I feel for Wasilla as the added attention can't help the town. I'm glad that most people there refuse to engage outside media, as they all have ill intentions.

    These types of stories are pretty common all over the country and world. The massage world is sketchy to begin with. My uncle told his daughter and wife that anyone who makes a living touching others is basically immoral. He's also from northern mississippi so that explains it all.

    There's a reason SVU exists and rings true to reality. The world is a fucked up place. If we just do the best we can with what we have, we can be eternally happy. But like i've always said, TECHNOLOGY is the worst thing to have ever been thrust upon this planet. It has brought far more harm than good.

  66. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Shelly Tripp? TRIPP? ARE YOU KIDDING ME.

    There's no way that the Palins would have been so stupid as to name one of the babies Tripp after her, is there?


    Oh my God, they are the dumbest people ever. They blew their own cover.

  67. Anonymous8:55 AM

    I believe you, Gryphen.

    I'm sure there are many sordid personal lapses of behavior that could be exposed in this trashy, vindictive family but...

    what will really put this bunch of criminals behind bars is a solid case of financial thievery.

    And it had better be air-tight, because that contemptible woman and her minions would not hesitate a moment to lie under oath, threaten witnesses, or any dirty trick to slither out of trouble.

    I'm betting it is something involving Dairy-gate, and that it is the tip of a state-wide grab of government money and resources.

    To those who think she "cleaned up corruption in Alaska" - Nuts! - she just put her own gang of thieves in power.

  68. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Gryphen, I don't understand why you can't at least report on the specific rumor of what the "iceberg" is. You said it was "big" and "federal". Why can't you just say "rumors are she's being investigated for failure to report income" or "rumors are she's being investigated for misuse of PAC resources" or something like that. At least tell us why you have to hold back on reporting a rumor. I think it would put us all at ease if we had more specific information, especially regarding timeline. This "iceberg" was first reported around the time she quit being Governor, and it was alluded to that there was a federal investigation on her shennanigans that made her quit. But with that shit-eating grin she had on her face that day, it makes me think that was not the reason, and the true reason was simple greed and wanting to take advantage of the offers she was getting.

  69. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Anon 8:49

    As a longtime female reader of IM, 'pantie sniffer' is tame. Would you rather they be called 'C' sniffers.

    Get over it.

  70. Anonymous8:58 AM

    As a woman and a longtime reader, I don't find "pantie sniffer" offensive when it refers to people who would actually love to sniff Sarah Palin's panties.

  71. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Could this be where Trig first came from? Trig was Tripp before he was Trig.

    makes sense now

  72. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Trig was Tripp before he was Trig. Interesting. Shailey gets pregnant by a Palin, finds out child had Down Syndrome, and threatens to expose all unless the Palins adopt. Enter fake pregnancy and then Trig. I must say, I like Bristol's sense of humor naming one of her kids Tripp.

  73. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Todd Palin is a cheater and I live in Palmer, AK. My family knows Shailey and she is a good girl. It is well known she was his massage therapist.Leave good people out of this. As a mother and a hair dresser gossip is all over Wasilla and the valley about Todd and his asides. Before you post anything maybe you should have talked to her first. I like your blogs but this person is a good person.

  74. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Todd having an affair with a massage therapist in Wasilla??? Gee I hope that's not all it is, or Sarah will be able to use even that!

  75. Anons @ 7:09 and 8:50 - the term for the tongue protrusion and lip smacking caused by long term use of antipsychotic or neuroleptic drugs is known as tardive dyskinesia.

  76. BanditBasheert9:10 AM

    anon@8:50: Dystonia (tongue protrudings) can be caused by psychotropic drugs used to treat mental illness and it can also be a symptom of lithium overdose.

    RE: Shailey Tripp - born in 1974 - arrested and CONVICTED in Anchorage of running a house of prostitution. Convicted June 2010.

    I agree, this is a bump in the road - I find the name Tripp highly suspicious. I believe Todd is capable of anything inc. being bisexual. I think the marriage is a sham.

    Unless Trig was Tripp before he became Trig. Born from Todd and Shailey Tripp - ?

    Hey just speculating here.

  77. I saw in the very first frames of this video when The Grifter Gov rode off on the 4-wheeler, she was wearing that same black quilted jacket that she wore while allegedly "pregnant" on March 4, 2008 -- allegedly 6 weeks before her alleged "delivery":

    ( 2007 comparison photo, for the skeptics among us)

  78. BanditBasheert9:16 AM

    Shailey Tripp is a "good" person?

    She was arrested for "Maintaining a Place of Prostitution" /3AN-10-02448CR Municipality of Anchorage vs. Tripp, Shailey M

    In June she was convicted of this charge. et Date Docket Text Amount Amount Due Images
    06/15/2010 Charge Disposition: Defendant Convicted on Charge Charge(s) 1 disposed with a disposition of Charge Disposition: Defendant Convicted on Charge Charge #1: AMC8.65.060: Maintaining Place Of Prostitution

    As to her and Todd? It sounds like she wasn't alone - he appears to have been making the rounds (so to speak) of "massage therapists".

    The Court Records of Shailey Tripp are available on the internet / they indicate both her arrest and her conviction.

    She may be a very NICE hooker. She also does "virtual" blue hand massage.

  79. Anonymous 9:06, you are right, I DID not talk to Shailey about this story, because I was never going to post it. However when I started to receive all of the phone calls yesterday I realized it was going to come out.

    If Shailey is a good girl, as you say, then have her talk to somebody and get her side of the story out. She WAS convicted of prostitution so if she was set up then she deserves the chance to defend herself in print.

    I know there are tabloids that would pay her a ton of money to get her side.

    If she wants to talk to a more sympathetic ear have her e-mail me and I will talk to her and help her get her story out. I don't have to be the one who does it, and I certainly cannot pay the most money, but I also have connections to those that can.

  80. But Sarah is HOT! Heck, she's the perfect woman and Todd is the luckiest man in the world!!! hehehe!

    It's likely the Palin's won't be able to keep the lid on this. But will the other side -- Sarah's activities -- come to light?

    The 'yuck factor' of the woman's name -- TRIPP -- is off the chart.

    Repeat of part of my comment from Jan. 1:

    .... her [Sarah's] astrology chart shows a lot of stressful energy and coming relationship shifts (might not completely play out for a little over a year) while Todd's shows lots of 'playful' (ahem) activity. If she stays quiet for awhile, I think we'll definitely hear from her by Jan 21-22 (using 6pm birth time).

    If there's a real astrologer reading or a competent amateur, I hope they'll take a look and chime in. There's so much going on it's overwhelming.

    And from Jan. 2:

    I do wonder how long they can hide the marriage problems. And I hope someone's keeping track of Track.

  81. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Bristol & Willer apparently have new Twitters
    and they are as ignorant/trashy as you'd expect.
    The entire family is nasty. It is bad when you
    can't even say the kids are ok & they should
    be left alone--the kids are slinging mud as
    quick as anyone.

  82. Snowing in Alaska9:18 AM

    Todd is a sleaze - making a play for female guests at the Gov's Open House in Juneau. He's not smart, nor is he discreet. There are no surprises here, but I'm sure a lot of women who he has flirted with will feel vindicated when he's finally outed for the sleazy cheater he is.

  83. Anonymous9:22 AM

    9:06, you can still be a good person and make bad decisions. There was a legal filing against Shailey, in AK, for running a place of prostitution. That's not what we call gossip, that's called doing legally suspicious things.

  84. BanditBasheert9:23 AM

    Gryphen: There was a 19 year old girl arrested the same day (with the same case number)/for "practicing prostitution".



  85. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Symptoms of syphilis include:
    sore throat
    weight loss
    hair loss

    Primary Stage
    The primary stage of syphilis is usually marked by the appearance of a single sore (called a chancre), but there may be multiple sores. The time between infection with syphilis and the start of the first symptom can range from 10 to 90 days (average 21 days). The chancre is usually firm, round, small, and painless. It appears at the spot where syphilis entered the body. The chancre lasts 3 to 6 weeks, and it heals without treatment. However, if adequate treatment is not administered, the infection progresses to the secondary stage.

    Secondary Stage
    Skin rash and mucous membrane lesions characterize the secondary stage. This stage typically starts with the development of a rash on one or more areas of the body. The rash usually does not cause itching. Rashes associated with secondary syphilis can appear as the chancre is healing or several weeks after the chancre has healed. The characteristic rash of secondary syphilis may appear as rough, red, or reddish brown spots both on the palms of the hands and the bottoms of the feet. However, rashes with a different appearance may occur on other parts of the body, sometimes resembling rashes caused by other diseases. Sometimes rashes associated with secondary syphilis are so faint that they are not noticed. In addition to rashes, symptoms of secondary syphilis may include fever, swollen lymph glands, sore throat, patchy hair loss, headaches, weight loss, muscle aches, and fatigue. The signs and symptoms of secondary syphilis will resolve with or without treatment, but without treatment, the infection will progress to the latent and possibly late stages of disease.

    Late and Latent Stages
    The latent (hidden) stage of syphilis begins when primary and secondary symptoms disappear. Without treatment, the infected person will continue to have syphilis even though there are no signs or symptoms; infection remains in the body. This latent stage can last for years. The late stages of syphilis can develop in about 15% of people who have not been treated for syphilis, and can appear 10–20 years after infection was first acquired. In the late stages of syphilis, the disease may subsequently damage the internal organs, including the brain, nerves, eyes, heart, blood vessels, liver, bones, and joints. Signs and symptoms of the late stage of syphilis include difficulty coordinating muscle movements, paralysis, numbness, gradual blindness, and dementia. This damage may be serious enough to cause death.

  86. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Back in July 09, the fbi did say they werent investigating her. Dairygate is the only thing that comes to mind here. im thinking only a few people know about it like everything else

  87. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Good people don't get convicted of prostitution

  88. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Shailey was arrested for prostitution because she was having an affair with Todd?
    The ever-complicated saga of Wasilla's 1/2 term governor continues...
    let's hope Shailey gets an offer from Larry Flint to tell her side of the story, money, interviews, magazine spreads and a chance to piss off Sarah, nationally. Go Shailey, go!

  89. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Interesting story. But how do we explain that Bristol also seems to have the tongue flicking thing going on?

  90. Anon 8:26 -
    "...there have been pics from the week of xmas, in her home and out and about."

    Where? There haven't been any public photos. Give up the charade.

  91. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Anon 9:06

    It WAS NOT Gryphen who had initially mentioned Shelly. If you seriously read the comments, you will see it has been from another blog that someone has posted the comment about the info and only then in an update has Gryphen posted info.

    As to the 'good person' reference - that's your opinion. If it is true she hooked up with Todd - IMO she doesn't fall in the category of 'good person'. If you don't like the comments that will be appearing on many blogs, magazines, etc. - your computer days are limited now as it will be all over the place. It reminds me of the many times hearing mothers who claim their 'he was a good boy' when it's a gang member that hangs with people who do drive bys, etc. When truth gets dug up - 'He was a good boy' my ass. If it's true that she's humping Todd, it's not as drastic as my gang reference, but if it does come out, it's not mine or others responsibility for her or his choice of actions. If true, she knew he was and therefore it would be her stupidity - not ours.

    Rumors of Todd screwing around have been around for a long time. I remember when he and Willow had supposedly moved to Palmer last summer when Sarah was on the speaking tour. This has been hanging around for a long time and therefore it could be considered 'lucky' it's taken this long to be exposed. When you play with fire - you get burned!

  92. Hannah9:35 AM

    O/T ...but, Has there been any reaction at all from Palin concerning Michele Bachmann from MN announcing SHE"S going to run for president? My bachelor uncle, the tea party king in our little MN town, is salivating that they might "run together". Should I mention the dirty-ol-uncle part? He'd be happier still if they would jump in a pool of chocolate pudding in bikinis and wrestle it out for who's the pres. candidate and who's the v.p.

  93. FEDUP!!!9:38 AM

    This story is just getting more sordid every day!
    OTOH, if Toad really is banging around, that means that Grifter is going to be getting more sympathy from her minions, and more $$$ to help her with her legal fees...

  94. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Also too, as a long time female reader of this blog, I take no offense with using 'panty sniffer' for it perfectly describes what no other adjective can do.

  95. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I agree that Todd's misdeeds only make Sarah a victim (again). I hope the iceberg you're referring to is more damning.

  96. Anonymous9:55 AM

    OK, I have a very weird theory. What if Levi and this young woman got pregnant, and she found out Trig had Down Syndrome. Concurrently, what if Todd was having a relationship with the same young lady, and so Sarah agreed to adopt this baby for her own purposes in exchange for a coverup of Todd's infedelity?

    I think Trig looks very much like Levi. I also think he looks like a Palin, generally, however... I realize those two ideas don't add up to a consistent theory!

    This is unbelievable, but of course so very believable considering who we're dealing with. I think we all knew it was just a matter of time before some sordid story or another came out.

  97. Anonymous9:55 AM

    She pled No Contest in Anchorage. Not Wasilla.

  98. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Gryphen, re "I certainly cannot pay the most money, . . ."

    Are you paying money for info?

  99. All things considered, with the reported state of the Palins' marriage and the interactions (or lack thereof) between them, this isn't surprising at all. In fact, it's probably a fairly predictable path for Todd to go down. Maybe not prostitutes or massage therapists, but that would be the path of least resistance, and he certainly has access to lots of money these days.

  100. Anonymous10:01 AM

    "And it will not only devastate Palin, it will damage virtually everybody who helped her while she was Governor, and make Palin-bot heads explode all over the country."

    Now, THAT is truly a very, very fine thing to look see in our future.

    But even icebergs need help sometime, so keep posting away about the ups and downs of Sarah Palin's pyschotic universe, G. Much thanks.

  101. I will tell you all this, and you can take it to the bank, 2011 is going to be the WORST year to be Sarah Palin EVER!

    Then it should be the best year for Americans and decent people in general. As to the "panty sniffer" description, it is true, IMHO. It all started with William Cristol and John McCain. Two Grumpy Old Pricks who thought with their shriveled old dicks and picked Palin as the VP candidate.

  102. Facebook Lurker10:08 AM

    9:17, I was going to post that earlier, but I was doing it on my iPhone while working so I had to keep it short, too hard to cust and paste:!/WillowPalinUSA!/Bristol_Palin

    How long until the gay slurs start?

    Wonder if homeschooled Willow has been allowed back on Facebook yet

  103. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Was this prostitute/massager born a female?
    Before we start thinking she is Trig's real mother,
    are we sure she is a natural female?

  104. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I just wanted to comment that a lot of masseuses (sp) are on the honor system. They offer a price range and you pay what you can. I good friend of mine (an herbologist and massage therapist) charges 50-90/hour. He makes a decent living but he works out of his home. It's split in half essentially. Thats how the world should be, offer your services without forgetting that people are not equal therefore cannot pay the same.

  105. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Someone in an earlier comment mentioned Dairygate which is one of the 'gates' I think is the one that will blow Sarah up. With all the money involved and the 'friends'. I so wish this would be investigated as there is much to be found there.

  106. Anonymous10:16 AM

    "speaking tour last summer"

    uhhh, she resigned that July, was in San diego in august, and back by sept to welcome Track back home (pictures were posted)

    The book tour press started in oct and her speaking engagements picked up in january, with maybe a few beforehand.

    That Palmer rumor was truly a rumor, probably because Willow enrolled at Colony due to Wasilla High drama

    He may have cheated, but all his kids resemble him or a palin relative. STRONGLY

  107. Anonymous10:19 AM

    9:34, I know theyre not public, but if you truly care, youd know the facebook pages they're on. It's not that hard to find. Tripp showed up at a party Molly and fam were attending in early dec (around haiti time) and a PAlin friend's family posed with pics with Sarah.

    a couple pics were posted at a palin family holiday party (of willow, piper, and bristol) and one was posted inside the palin home

  108. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I think the tongue thing is a tick or mannerism that could also be inherited or picked up. I actually have caught myself doing similar things and when I read about it on PG I vowed never to again. It's like people who excessively use their hands or shake their heads when they speak.

  109. Gasman10:24 AM

    Wow! I've got my fork out! I'm just waitin' for someone to tell me that the Palins are "done."

    This is shaping up to be a grander demise than I could have ever dreamed of! Hookers, secret offspring of hookers, and lots and lots of lying. Hmmm, what will the brown nose panty sniffing sycophants of Sarah Palin do if even half of these rumors are true? What about Palinman? Can you imagine how crestfallen he will be?

    At this rate, booksellers will be paying people to take copies of "America by Heart." If the news breaks before the last episode of Palin's show airs, will TLC yank it? THAT would be just about the only thing that could make the details of this story demonstrably better.

    Will Bill Kristol STILL try and defend her?

    I've got popcorn. Hell, this might even call for champagne.

  110. Anonymous10:24 AM

    So who sent out that email to "all the AK media"? And why?

  111. Anonymous10:26 AM

    dude, those twitter accounts are fakes, as are the facebook accounts that are searchable. I have a feelings toddpalinusa is face too but idk yet

  112. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I'm not sure if Todd having an affair would be a good thing or a bad thing. I don't want ANYTHING to happen that might make Sarah a more sympathetic person to people who previously may not have liked her, or had no opinion of her...and nothing would do that faster than a cheating husband!

  113. Anonymous10:33 AM

    There was a Kashawn Thomas who was arrested for "practicing prostitution" on the same case number where Shailey was arrested for "maintaining a house of prostituion"

    It appears she may have given birth this last month as a single parent

    Things that make you go hmmm...

  114. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Even if the absolute worst thing about all of this is true, this isn't "iceberg" material. It's fun to talk about and speculate. But this is simply an extra marital won't bring down the house (although it might rattle some shingles on Chez Palin).

    I'm waiting for something else .. something effectively meaningful - like Gryphen said, something that would impact a lot of people. This doesn't seem like anything that would impact the State quite so much.

  115. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Funny quote from Alaska WTF:

    "That boner-shrinking skank-ass wife of his would force any man to seek another woman. Can you blame him?"

    So Todd is getting some on the side? Is this why Sarah started using words like impotent, limp and so on? She was really taking it out on Todd.

  116. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Gryphen, this must be the reason why the Palins are leaving Wasilla and going to Arizona. Because Todd was Gettin' Er Done with another woman, someone more womanly than Sarah.

  117. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Bristol is pregnant!
    Willow is pregnant!
    Todd doing the nasty on the side!

    Sarah is caribou hunting with her father. WTF?

  118. Anonymous10:46 AM

    You know, I may have been greatly underestimating Levi. The young man just might have named his son Tripp to stick it to Todd. Lordy, Levi bent Todd over good and hard. We heard some squealing all the way down here in the lower 48. Now I know it was Todd getting the old going over by Levi.

    Dammit, boy, good job!

  119. Anonymous10:53 AM


    If the rumor about Todd is true, then Levi put the total beat down on the Palins.

    Can you say ¨total ownage?¨

  120. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Remember Sarah Palin's picture when she was in Hawaii wearing that blue John McCain visor with his name blacked out with a marker? Then she had to leave Hawaii and return home because of Willow's breaking and entering arrest. Well Sarah's skin was blotchy pale white with cellulite and she looked awfully plain without makeup and she looked flat and saggy without her push up bra. This is why Todd is cheating, he has seen the true Sarah palin without makeup on.

  121. Aussie Blue Sky10:53 AM

    Why was this final episode re-scheduled in the week before it was due to be screened?

    It can't be because of the holidays because they knew back in September when they originally scheduled the finale for January 2nd that the holidays would be happening ...

  122. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I know what people mean about how this kind of thing can actually end up making a martyr out of the spouse, but then again stuff tends to come out about why the marriage sent one or both partners beyond, seeking love they weren't finding within it.

  123. Does anyone have a pic of Ms. Tripp?

    I surely hope she contacts you Gryp and gets her story out.

    Also, thanks for the iceberg explanation....can't come soon enough.

  124. I know someone who does that same thing with their tongue. In his case it's a side-effect of his psych meds. Just sayin'.

  125. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Alls fair in love and war. Didn't Sarah cheat on Todd with Todd's snowmachine business partner? Sarah sought comfort in his friend's bed then Todd and his partner went their separate ways and Todd was stuck with Sarah and then ended up with all those retarded kids?

  126. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I have been a good friend of Shailey's for years and all of you should be ashamed of yourselves. She is a wonderful person and none of you have any idea what you are talking about. You don't know the whole story yet you are not only judging her harshly you are making up crazy conspiracy theories. Sounds like some of you need to get a life.

  127. Facebook & Twitter Lurker11:16 AM

    He, he, you just can't make this stuff up. Willow and Bristol are having a twitter fight with some DJ in Arizona who tweeted that he was going to egg Bristol's new house...which she replied:

    Bristol_Palin Bristol Palin
    Haha this washed up dj wants to egg a house that I may/may not own. lol walk upstairs to brrw eggs from ur mom. Lol @ShanManOnline @AZN8IV

    The intellectual depth is astounding

  128. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I'm interested in the whole story about Shailey. Please let us know what it is.

  129. Anonymous11:29 AM

    11:16 - "May or may not own", huh. Well, I guess that's confirmation that it's a red herring property purchase, and she won't be living there.

  130. Anonymous11:32 AM

    @10:36, Grphen said that this rumor/scandal is not the "iceberg". Said that is still to come.

  131. @10:33 That is interesting. Do we know her ethnicity? Not to be stereotyping, but I checked out Shailey Tripp's fb, and there is a young African-American woman with the same last name. Could explain the Haiti trip.

  132. Anonymous11:42 AM

    " Facebook & Twitter Lurker said...
    He, he, you just can't make this stuff up. Willow and Bristol are having a twitter fight with some DJ in Arizona who tweeted that he was going to egg Bristol's new house...which she replied:

    Bristol_Palin Bristol Palin
    Haha this washed up dj wants to egg a house that I may/may not own. lol walk upstairs to brrw eggs from ur mom. Lol @ShanManOnline @AZN8IV

    The intellectual depth is astounding

    11:16 AM"

    HatERZ R Looosers! Palins RULE!!1!! Yew wish
    you all was a Palin!!111!! We rich n HAWT!
    Suck It!

  133. deebee11:46 AM

    The Paylins' closet must have more skeletons than the Roman catacombs!

  134. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Methinks some poor unfortunate soul is messing with the Alaskan "media". This is story is frankly unbelievable. Most of what is said is unbelievable. Just because it's about Sarah Palin and outrageous doesn't make it true. Now back to the GATES. Those have been proven. This is aimless canon fodder.

  135. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn11:50 AM

    Gryphen, when you say there's an iceberg out there, then there's an iceberg out there, and I'm sure the Good Ship Lollyplop will run aground for good when it finally makes contact. These things take time and it has to be the RIGHT time for the shipwreck to have maximum impact.

    For now, this new story will have the Paste Eaters for Palin gnashing their teeth in defense of their Queen. 'Cause, ya know, it just can't be true if the wholesome XXXtian Palins are involved, right? I'm still trying to wrap my head around the implication (in the email) that Ms. Tripp was arrested because she had an alleged affair with TAAHHD and it was masked as a "disturbing the peace" complaint? Or dare I say she could be the gal who will finally confirm the Trig Theory? Hope she can hide out somewhere, safe from the unhinged Palinbot Flying Monkeys.

  136. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I suspect something is going on as well. My husband saw Kristin Cole the other day and said she looks like hell. It's pretty obvious Palin's posse is not in a happy place right now.

  137. Anonymous11:55 AM

    10:46 and 10:53

    If Levi did that it would be EPIC pwnage of the Palins.

    If this is all true- then maybe that's why the second Levi Bristol engagement was called off.

    If all this is true then Levi needs a real agent- he just struck GOLD.

  138. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Kashawn Thomas is on Facebook--with a
    public photo album...

  139. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Where are the trolls now?

    Is that water in the bilge Cap'n Sarah?

    Is that bilge water rising Cap'n Palin?

    Quick go get Todd! Where is he???

  140. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Is she still going to England? How embarrassing if all this breaks while she's there:)

  141. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I bet Trig is Todd's son with one of his hookers. That makes sense!

    It is ridiculous that Bristol isn't the mother of Tripp, though that is a funny coincidence.

  142. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Anon 11:13

    You have probably trashed many others without giving it a second thought but now that you 'say' you know her, you've got you knickers in a knot.

    She's been charged with prostitution -- Yea, that's what I call a 'real nice person' NOT.

    Grow up and flock off as no matter what you say, I don't believe a word of it. A 'humper' no matter if it's with Todd or not is any number of names - trailer trash, a whore, the list too long to write. She should have thought of the consequences before she became a 'humper'

  143. Anonymous12:11 PM

    And of course, you all read the poetry Shailey wrote, right?

    My Myth

    I am the courage, the leader, the warrior I am the decision maker, the caretaker Strong in mind - body - soul Stronger than I know She will come to touch me as I am to prepare Destined to journey far into the darkness beware of fear and jealousy for they will stalk you but share your burden with sweet husband (family) For in the soul, so delicate, fraile Your child self sits...waiting for your protection as the world waits too... For I am young and have started a journey and the legacy awaits as...

  144. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Whomever is defending Ms. Tripp, we are not judging HER. You must understand that we are only interested in making sure that Miss Wasilla gets nowhere near the White House. We are only interested because of her perfect family schtick. We long for the threat of this crazy woman to be over.

    Good people do things for money when they have to, I do not judge her for that.

  145. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Kim said...

    @10:33 That is interesting. Do we know her ethnicity? Not to be stereotyping, but I checked out Shailey Tripp's fb, and there is a young African-American woman with the same last name. Could explain the Haiti trip.

    11:38 AM

    Well, also, too, the baby is named Ebony...

  146. Anonymous12:20 PM

    12:05, didn't you hear (from the C4Prs)? SP is going to the royal wedding in April! They suspect that William and Sarah have a mind meld in regard to Obama (and in general!). They believe that Sarah will be invited and the Obamas snubbed.

    No, you can't make this shit up.

  147. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Once again. She wasn't charged with prostitution. She pled no contest to "maintaining a place...". In Anchorage, not Wasilla.

  148. Anonymous12:25 PM

    oh dog, let this be true! with even more juicy bits than have been speculated about already. If there is a dog, I hope he will give me this gift.
    Also too, if Levi knew about the Toad's hawt chippy and named that baby Tripp, then he is my all time hero.

    a nonny mus

  149. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Panty sniffer, that is so funny and does not bother me in the least. I just might borrow that expression myself.

    I sincerely hope ole Todd has been getting him some loving on the side because Ole Scarah would make any man limp.

  150. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Are you people saying that Todd was watching that African American Queen Brandy on DWTS instead of watching Bristol and decided he wanted some of that and went home and wandered over to the wild side and hooked up with Kashawn Thomas and she gave birth to a child?

    Could that be why Sarah was seen at DWTS without Todd while Todd was at home dabbling in interracial relationships?

  151. Anonymous12:56 PM

    idk about Kristan cole rumors. she had a pretty amazing xmas including grandkid time and an engagement. all smiles were on facebook

  152. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I sooooooooooooo hope Todd and Sarah divorce and Todd cashes in with a book (Ghost written, obviously) and screws Sarah!!!!!!!! I would pay to read that!

  153. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Could it be that the Palins said that Bristol bought the house in Arizona and then she hires a nanny to watch Tripp Johnston, but in fact the nanny is Todd's baby prostitute mama and they wanted her and Todd's baby out of Wasilla?

    Or was this Haiti trip a cover up because Todd's baby is half black and now they can sell the story that Bristol went to Haiti and has now adopted a Haitian baby which is really Todd's baby and they moved to Arizona?

    Or did Bristol put on the weight on DWTS so that it looks like she is pregnant and now she will have the wild ride and when it's time to bring home Todd's new baby, Bristol will claim it as hers.

  154. I read all the comments and nowhere did anyone say Ms. Tripp isn't a good person.

    You can be a prostitute AND a good person. Ever hear the expression "hooker with a heart of gold"?

    Now if she was arrested, charged and convicted of running a place of prostitution and it was all a setup and she is totally innocent of the charges then she must have hired the worst lawyer in Alaska.

    And why would she plead "no contest" which is the same as pleading guilty if she's innocent unless, again, she had poor representation.

    So stop with the "good girl" meme. No one has said otherwise.

  155. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Does Sarah really think she could run this country when she couldn't ever oversee her family?

  156. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Does the news have anything to do with a certain massage therapist who was arrested ?

  157. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Wait a minute, if Todd's baby is half black, Sarah's cover story is that when she went to Haiti, she seen a 1/2 black-white baby and has now adopted her and her name is Tasheka Palin and if it is a boy, Tykeim Palin.

  158. ManxMamma1:09 PM

    I can't believe the vitriol being aimed at this woman. She's a hooker (maybe - when the Paylins are involved anything can happen. Look at Levi's mother). Big fucking deal. It happens for many reasons. Think Mary Magdalen. Judge not yet you be judged.

    And the term 'pantie sniffers' doesn't offend me in the least.

    Keep up the good work Gryphen.

  159. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I love that people think Todd is threatning. He's never been a threat to anyone. And don't bring up the Valdez incident. How would you react if some sketchy dude was randomly outside filming your wife instead of with his inside seeing her off. If Todd were a bully, he would have thrown a punch or actually done something. All he did was pull out his camera. NOthing wrong with that. Celebs do it all the time to say eff you to paps.

  160. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I've always thought that Todd seemed much more affectionate with Trig than Sarah. He's, since the campaign, held him much more than she does and you even see it in episodes of SPA. If Trig is really Todd's with another woman, then it all makes sense to me!

  161. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Oh my lawd, you guys are funny!!

    This Palin story reminds me of a soap opera. Specifically, Carroll Burnett's "As The Stomach Turns"

  162. Anonymous1:26 PM

    A nurse I know used to work at All About You in Anchorage. She said that Todd saw Shailey there for massages regularly and Sarah had botox while pregnant.

  163. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I guess the whole "good girl" and "you don't know the whole story" theme just confirms that the story is true.

  164. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I agree with "let's not judge" until we know waaaaaaaay more. Ms Tripp might have pleaded guilty because she was set up and threatened with much worse. This just reeks of set-up. Why did this info come to light only now? Who sent that first email?

    I just feel there are too many parts missing for us to trash a young woman.

  165. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Even by Sarah standards, that looks like a pretty lame episode.

  166. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I'm skeptical. If this were true, it would mean we can conclude that Todd has a penis.

  167. B C (from France)1:37 PM

    The effort to take this awful woman down is a disagreeable spectacle sadly made necessary by the threat of her continued presence on the world stage. I hope the end of her public life comes quickly and with the least possible collateral damage. It will be a joyless victory when it comes. Gryphen, I'm glad you do the work you do, but it's a rotten business to be in. Keep it up.

    Oh hell. Who am I kidding? I have to be honest: when she goes down, it will be a joyous moment. It's her own fault for being greedy, dishonest, careless and hypocritical, also, too.

  168. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I have no judgment of Shailey Tripp or Kashawn Thomas. They both may be kind, honest, truthful people.

    Now as to the other party.. telling other people how to conduct their private lives ("abstinence") while fooling around themselves = hypocrites.

    Also, liars and bullies for threatening Gryphen for reporting that their marriage was hitting a rough patch.

    Could they be honest and admit to having some difficulty? - NO - They had to present a FAKE image of their relationship.

  169. London Bridges1:45 PM

    12:05, didn't you hear (from the C4Prs)? SP is going to the royal wedding in April!
    Ahah! Sarah's undoing will be at the Royal Wedding when she "stabs" her iceberg lettuce with the wrong fork!

    As the prince says, "Stick a fork in Sarah, she is all done!"

  170. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Sarah aint woman enough to keep her man!

  171. Anonymous2:05 PM


    puts a whole different spin on it.

    Todd "gayer than laughter" Palin?

  172. Anonymous2:09 PM

    There are lots of coincidences in the Palin Family Soap Opera. Sherry Johnston may have been set up, and now that she sits in house arrest, she and her family are afraid to talk or make any waves. What if Ms.Tripp was also set up, in an attempt to keep her quiet, not to disclose who had been enjoying her company.

    There is also the curious business of Bristol and Levi's child being named Tripp, Levi living near Ms. Tripp, maybe saw her, maybe saw Todd leaving Ms.Tripp's place.

  173. Anonymous2:13 PM

    So Todd is a swinger, who would have THUNK?

    With all these babies, maybe the whole family swings.

  174. Anonymous2:18 PM

    @12:56: Hi Kristin!

  175. crystalwolfakacaligrl2:28 PM

    Love the Concern trolls worried about "panty sniffers" & Shalia...
    However there is one point, well several I would like to bring up here...
    Remember long, long ago there was a rumor that Toad cheated on Sarah and she went over the house and slashed the woman's tires? Idle Gossip I know but considering her Son did that to so many school buses...?
    Then when her sister going through a divorce the Heath-Palin clan did their damest to get Molly's husband arrest "Troopergate" anyone?
    Then....Levi, Levi speaks out to 2 mags and suddenly all the cops after him???
    So...I've given but a FEW examples, is it a stretch to think that if Toad was having a affair with a massage therapist, she would get her arrested for prostitution?
    I rest my case.

  176. Anonymous2:39 PM

    here's a post by Kashawn Thomas apparently picked up from her fb page 12/26:

    "wishful, nervous, konfused, and most of all afraid..Do I keep puttin myself
    thru dis or follow the yellow brik road blindfolded??...They say never
    leave the one u love 4 the one yu like but wat if the one yu love doesnt
    love yu anymore, and the one u lyk is u"

    Pretty girl from her fb picture.

  177. Eunice2:41 PM

    Hannah said...

    ...He'd be happier still if they would jump in a pool of chocolate pudding in bikinis and wrestle it out for who's the pres. candidate and who's the v.p


  178. Anonymous2:54 PM

    She was flicking her tongue as fast as she can... she must be in rehab by now. Not even her blind handlers can ignore the obvious forever.

    From the e-mail: "He apparently would visit these ladies and pay them for sexual favors."

    We all know that a Republican would never do such a thing. I went to school with many "massage therapists" during the Reagan Western White House years. College girls that liked to earn their own way and live well. Reagan was busy at his ranch and never accused. The Reagan's best friends the Bloomingdales's story was told because of the murder. Not one word made it in the press about the "massage therapists" that serviced the Reagan crews and other prominent Republicans. You just didn't talk. I would be visiting friends and have to sneak out the back when recognizable people would show up. I did get a peek here and there of their faces. It went on so long it was common knowledge in certain circles.

    I am shocked, shocked, I tell you that something like this could get out. I don't know I believe it. Todd has looked sick and may have an STD or worse. I doubt it came from these ladies. This story may be to throw people off. Further investigation as to why Willow is so angry and homophobic might shed some light. She is to be living with the friends from Idaho, Juanita Fuller, and her one or two more children. Who is watching Trig now? Poor Tripp. I have noticed someone named Tripp in Wasilla and an arrest, forget the details. Keep an eye on Willow or at least the fact if they are hiding her. Even home schools allow children to go in public other than as a reality star.

  179. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Todd looks "sick" in one instance. Just prior and just after, he looked normal and healthy. I say lighting and his oversized hat helped create the sickly illusion.

    To 2:54, you make no sense btw

    It was announced via facebook from both sources directly that Willow has chosen to be homeschooled back in late Oct, early Nov.

  180. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Willow probably chose homeschooling because she doesn't like missing the fun in Bristol's life. She went to LA whenever she could, she accompanied Sarah several times, schools in the valley and anchorage suck, I'd choose homeschooling too. Most kids try it at least once up there I've come to learn

  181. Anonymous3:05 PM

    2:28, troopergate is one big lie

    Mike Wooten shouldhave been fired and Walt M was ungrateful and shouldve taken SArah up on her offer of another (better) job that he actually wanted at one time

  182. Anonymous3:14 PM

    7:09, 8:50

    It may not be only psychiatric drugs that are Sarah's problem. She may continue to do street drugs and other home made concoctions. Hasn't Bristol started to show signs of the same problem? Neither woman has self awareness or has a clue about their body images. They do appear to be mentally missing. The are barely maintained by their masters. Things will crack with or without Todd news.

  183. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Why does everyone think shailey's black? isnt she a hot blond

  184. Anonymous3:31 PM

    What is Piper gonna do with Todd's half black baby's kinky hair?


    Possibly she'll just scritch-scratch the baby's little noggin' like Granny did to one of the littl'uns in Haiti.

  185. Shailey Tripp seems to also go by the name Shaley Lawes (perhaps one is her maiden name) which she used to sign her poetry on the blogit site (profile name: bluehands).

    From her online journal:

    Feb. 18th, 2008 at 9:52 AM

    1. my poetry calendar will be out in October!

    2. go to and search for Shailey Lawes and Shailey Tripp


    There are facebook pages under both names and their friend lists are almost, but not completely, identical. Shailey Lawes gives Hong Kong as her current location.

  186. Enjay in E MT3:43 PM

    I'm going to take a step back from this one for now.

    Small town gossip or true - Tawd having a fling (business deal) - as long as he asks for forgiveness from Gawd - am sure he'll be just like the other Conservative Christian GOPers (Newt / Sanford / Ensign / McCain etc...) Then Gawd can tell Sarah to stay with Tawd since he's so supportive.... And she can wear the shroud of a wife betrayed.

  187. Anonymous3:46 PM


    at Anonymous 1:38 and 2:06

  188. This is getting more and more bizarre.

    I'm just waiting to see LINDA TRIPP
    of Monica Lewinsky and the "blue dress" fame pop up next!

  189. Anonymous4:03 PM

    @ 9:30 AM

    Same drug habit.

  190. Anonymous4:07 PM

    "Good people don't get convicted of prostitution"

    Can you name all the times in history that prostitution wasn't a profession? Some societies just allow multiple wives or mistresses. Why is prostitution still scandalized and lop sided? Too bad you don't get all the names of the Johns. If sex workers could be tested and legal there would be bad and good people that do the work, like with everything else. You aren't stopping prostitution because men are not going to stop needing the service. Why not come to grips with that reality? Illegal drug and human slave trafficking exists in large part because of lawmakers. There is no way that our lawmakers couldn't improve the situation? I'm not against regulation and laws but some are just dumb and do more harm than good. We are stuck with these archaic views and judgments on all prostitutes and it is usually one that gives the Johns a get out of jail card. There are male and female prostitutes but overall they are thought to be female. Not much sexist about the whole deal, heh?. If you like the as is laws for the oldest profession, massage therapists without a medical license and board overview could be required to photo ID all customers. If they are arrested for a business related offense require them to reveal their files. Publicize their customers in the media.

    People are convicted in our courts everyday for crimes they did not commit. It could happen to a prostitute, a massage therapist or anyone else without money and connections.

  191. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Why are you people accusing Todd of cheating with another woman? I believe it may be the result of miscommunication between Todd and Sarah, husband and wife. We all know that it is hard to understand Sarah at times and Sarah has been telling America that the government can‘t control our desserts. So Todd kept repeatedly hearing Sarah tell America to get all the cookies you want and he misunderstood her and thought Sarah said to get all the nookie you want and he did.

  192. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Well, if any of this is true, it just goes to prove what I've seen time and time again: those who strut around, proclaiming their close relationship to God and pontificating how others should live their lives usually are trying to hide their own sins and shortcomings.

    Truly spiritual people who believe in living moral and decent lives usually are too busy minding their own business to worry about anyone else. They live quiet, dignified lives of service without tooting their own horns or at least try to overcome their own shortcomings. That can be a full-time job for any if us.

    Bible-thumpers usually live lives of tawdry sadness or misery that they try to hide or deny even to themselves.

  193. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Put this in your pipe and smoke it.

    According to the March 13 Ms Tripp and her husband had a child born at Elmendorf Hospital on Feb. 26 2005.

    Anchorage Daily News (AK) - Sunday, March 13, 2005
    Author: Staff

    Shailey and Jason Tripp , Eagle River, boy, Jayslen Brice, 6 lbs., 13 oz.

    You might note that Shailey also had to have several restraining orders filed against her former husband Jason, who apparently is or was in the military.

    At the very least you should go down to the courthouse to look at and copy the file, that's basic Reporting 101, dude.

  194. Anonymous4:18 PM

    That Bristol sure is a poor spokesman for abstinence. Why should you dummies hire Bristol to speak about abstinence. Look what happened to Bristol - another one on the way, her father is expecting and her sister Willow has a bun in the oven too. All has babies on the way. Great example those Palins are.

  195. Anonymous4:21 PM

    I know the Palins and they hate loosing with a passion. I'm thinking Todd impregnated a black woman to avenge Bristol's loss. With this new Palin being half black, they just increased their chances of winning the DWTS Mirror Ball by 50%.

  196. Anonymous4:32 PM

    What's the problem? Todd asked the lady if she wanted an Eskimo Pie? She said yes and since Todd has Yup’ik Eskimo background in him, Todd accommodated her.

  197. Anonymous4:34 PM

    2:28~ CrystalWolfCaliGirl,

    I think you've nailed it. If this rumour is true, that is very likely what has happened.
    Can you even imagine how $arah treated Tawd behind closed doors??
    Another woman touching HER man?!? She would have had revenge on her mind as soon as she found out. $arah is slime. She is a RAT. She is too cowardly to sit and discuss problems. Hell, she denies she has any!
    I think she DID set up Levi's Mom, and if this is true, I believe she set up Ms. Tripp.
    She is one of those women who hate all other women. Even the ones she pretends to like because she needs them for her agenda.
    She is a nasty f*cking RAT!!

    Mary B
    (for some reason, I cannot post through my google account.)

  198. Anonymous4:45 PM

    " Anonymous said...

    at Anonymous 1:38 and 2:06

    3:46 PM"

    I apologize, just trying to be funny. I may have made one more prior to this and I apolgize in advance and will not do it again.

  199. Anonymous4:56 PM

    There she goes, teasing the old men with her tongue. Gross.

  200. Anonymous4:57 PM

    You might want to note that Shailey's business license for "Blue Hands" expired in 2009.

    Here's an interesting listing for Blue Hands massage on a website called Family Flea Market.

    What is somebody with her IT background doing running a house of ill repute, which btw, she pleaded to a misdemeanor for.

    Some of the racist crap on here quite frankly needs to go, you should be above that Gryph.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.