Thursday, January 06, 2011

Cenk Uygur responds to Ann Coulter calling him "retarded."

For those of you joining us late, here is my post about this from yesterday.

By the way this is day two, and so far NO angry tweet from Snowdrift Snooki. Of course perhaps she is too busy getting tested for STD's to take the time to unholster her Blackberries.


  1. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I think that the "R" word is only considered insulting if it is used by Democrats or liberal fictional characters on TV. Sarah has been surprisingly silent about Ann's use of the "R" word, about the Todd and Tripp stories, in fact, all we have seen are a few tweets that could come from one of Sarah's ghost writers.

    Seriously, Gryphen, you do have to put on your best disguise, pull your cap low on your brow and drive past the Palin house to make sure that they are all right. Just check to see in there are lights in the windows. Don't get too close, or they will shoot you. (They don't have a lawyer since VF moved to Arizona, so they will just take the law into their own hands).

  2. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Honestly, with the weird blobs on $P's face, she should be tested for STDs. Sad but true.

  3. Anonymous2:55 PM

    inaccuracy. She only has one blackberry now lol

  4. Anonymous2:57 PM

    According to Sarah, Bristol, Piper and WIllow's pleasant demeanor in recent pics, I'd say all is well. This isn't the first time the compound "went dark" and nothing came of that except a book we all knew was coming.

  5. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Can someone explain about the "weird blobs" or direct us to where this has been discussed?

  6. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Palin retweet of "Fan Fiction: A Day In The Life Of Your Standard Manic Pixie Dream Girl" is just a little beyond bizarre. Somehow I don't think Coulter qualifies for Palin target practice.

    Palin's rehab company needs to do a better job of locking her down. Blackberry access denied 3, 2, 1, .......

  7. Olivia3:32 PM

    Awww, I don't think she needs to get tested. She hasn't been close enough to Tawd in years to worry about that.

  8. Anonymous3:43 PM


  9. Anonymous3:44 PM

    There is an ever increasing list of things that Scarah has not responded to, which she historically would. Something is definitely up, though I'm not sure what, either somebody told her to sit down and shut up, and all she could do but sneak in an attack on Obama, or she is in a bad state mentally...yes, worse than she is every day. There's some sort of spin that's being worked out on all sorts of fronts. Bristol, babies, affairs, gay rumours, Willow, babies, presidential runs, money laundering...yep, spin is being prepared as we speak.

  10. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Of course perhaps she is too busy getting tested for STD's to take the time to unholster her Blackberries.

    Thank you Gryphen! You're hilarious.

  11. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Someone from another blog said Sarah's best friend Kristan Cole looks haggard, and Van Flee skipped the state, so yup, something must be happenin' behind the scenes that isn't so good for Granny Palin.

  12. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Knowing that VanFlea has been cut, I'm waiting for the new mouthpiece to crawl out from under a rock to threaten somebody!!!

  13. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Where are the recent pics? I want to see their "demeanor".

    Pictures, pictures, pictures!

  14. "Of course perhaps she is too busy getting tested for STD's to take the time to unholster her Blackberries."

    Made me spit tea on my keyboard....HILARIOUS!!!!!!

  15. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Can someone explain about the "weird blobs" or direct us to where this has been discussed?

    3:18 PM

    In many pics - book signings? - there seem to be weird "age spots" on the top, not palm, of her hands, and IIRC even up her forearm, about 1-2" in size - but then not ther ein other pics. In one pic this summer, it looked like a marble was implanted on the right side of her mouth - most people guessed collagen injections.

  16. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I just cannot feel surprise over hearing that there are gay people who think the Republicans are on their side.

    Any more than how little in the way of waking up happened to the tea partiers, who stood there with their hands in their pants, while the Republicans insisted the tax cuts include EXTRA breaks for the exceedingly rich.

    Instead of having listened to the voice of the people in the election, they went ahead and sold everyone's children and grandchildren right down the Yangtze River (as it is they who will be working to pay back the Chinese for that welfare check sent out to the filthy rich, to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars).

    So, again, just like there were quite a few LATINO votes FOR Sharron Angle in Nevada, there is simply no logic behind why it is that people trust the Republicans.

    The rest of the world continues to laugh at the mental deterioration of Americans.

  17. dancingthroughlife4:42 PM

    According to Yahoo, the votes in the 112th Congress, including roll call and voting for Speaker, will probably have to be redone- there were two Republican House members who weren't on the House floor for the official swearing in, and they've been voting anyway, which technically makes every House vote so far invalid. They say they saw the swearing in on tv and raised their hands and took the oath where they were, and now they're trying to come up with something that says that oath is valid, but the vote on it has to be unanimous.

    (I'm on my phone or I'd include a link)

  18. Anonymous5:56 PM

    The only palin can get out of this fast is to claim some black man raped her, but she will stick to her core belief and have the baby. She dosen't bother with hers anyway

  19. Anonymous6:13 PM

    I though Cenk handled the insult wonderfully. Don't get mad just lob the ball back to the other side of the net and see how Ann and or Sarah react.

    Sarah has to respond some way or another there was simply too much publicity about the first instance and increasing publicity about these last ones.

    Gryphen isn't van Flein still Sarah's lawyer? Just because he moved doesn't mean they split.

  20. Anonymous9:03 PM

    While I wait for the story to come out my imagination runs wild... maybe someone told her pay up or they will leak embarrassing story to the media. The trickle of info was just to show they mean business.

    She is way too dense to know when sitting down and shutting up is in her best interest. If she's not sending her nasty mean girl tweets, it means something has changed.

  21. Ann Coulter is a hateful, nasty bitch. I wonder how Willow got to use her vocabulary?

  22. I see more Bristol bashing here than I do of Coulter herself. C'mon, she's not the best role model, but Coulter's a hateful tramp.

  23. Aussie Blue Sky10:19 PM

    It's just another kick in the gut for Trig, isn't it?

    Bristol and Willow are heartless jerks for not defending their family.

  24. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Ann Coulter, the woman with the giraffe neck.

  25. "While I wait for the story to come out my imagination runs wild... maybe someone told her pay up or they will leak embarrassing story to the media. The trickle of info was just to show they mean business.

    She is way too dense to know when sitting down and shutting up is in her best interest. If she's not sending her nasty mean girl tweets, it means something has changed."
    Anon, are you talking about Palin's or Coulter's mean girl tweets? Are you willing or going to bash Coulter here too?

  26. And both Palin and Coulter do not realize when to sit down and shut up. Crimeny, it's like we're painting Coulter as a saint nowadays.
    Everything in your post could describe her, too.
    I have yet to see anything more scathing about her besides that she has a giraffe neck, but see more scathing stuff about Bristol and Willow. You know that's a sad day.
    Hey, did Willow get to use the f-word in her rants because Coulter uses it in hers?

  27. "She is way too dense to know when sitting down and shutting up is in her best interest. If she's not sending her nasty mean girl tweets, it means something has changed."
    I do wonder if that post was supposed to describe Palin or St. Coulter? 'Cause it could describe either one.
    Coulter's rhetoric is like Palin's without the political correctness.

  28. Palin retweet of "Fan Fiction: A Day In The Life Of Your Standard Manic Pixie Dream Girl"
    Are you serious?

  29. Bristol and Willow are heartless jerks for not defending their family.
    And Coulter's a heartless jerk, too. Do I need to say that? Willow got her f-word vocabulary from all the times Coulter used that word.
    Bristol is not a good role model by any means, but she's a saint compared to Coulter or her mom.


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