Monday, January 03, 2011

George Will latest conservative to say flat out that Sarah Palin is unelectable.

From Mediaite:

Asked by Jake Tapper (filling in for Christiane Amanpour) to evaluate the Republican landscape for November 2012, Will began by addressing the fact that Mike Huckabee had performed particularly well in the primaries in 2008– better than Mitt Romney– and then added this salacious tidbit of speculation:

“The President’s secret weapon may be the Republican nominating electorate… There is one person, high in the polls, Sarah Palin, who cannot be elected president because she cannot compete where elections are decided. In the collar counties outside Chicago, Montgomery County outside of Philadelphia– just can’t compete there.”

At this point it would be much easier to find a Republican that thought Palin had NO shot in 2012, than to find one who thought she did.  Leave it to Palin to take a high positive approval rating among Republicans in 2009 and spend almost all of 2010 picking fights and over exposing herself until she cut it down to almost a third of what it once was.

According to the TLC listings for next week, it looks like "Sarah Palin sees Alaska for the very first time" will be broadcast on January 9.  (I still swear they said NEXT week, LAST week.  But oh well.)

I am sure that by the end of the two hour finale Palin will have managed to repulse even MORE thinking conservatives who might have once been open to supporting her.

Whoever came up with the whole reality show idea was simply brilliant. Yep brilliant. IF their plan was to make sure that Palin would never get anywhere near the White House.

Methinks the Palin camp might have a double agent.


  1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:35 AM

    Check this out, guys:

    Hmmm...this explains at least some of the Palin hijinx happening in AZ now. Methinks there's gonna be a lot of "interesting" stuff percolating out in the desert in the future. I feel sorry for the rational residents of the state.

  2. Anonymous4:13 AM

    Yup, you're right. The reality show thing did her in. Ironically, she probably felt she 'had' to do it, to some how justify the fact that she quit the governorship. Remember promising to continue to 'help' and 'promote' Alaska? However, her show has been less Sarah Palin's Alaska than Alaska's Sarah Palin and she's really continued to expose herself as an idiot and a fraud.

    At this point, I'm beginning to believe that she won't run, not even with all her stupidity and ego egging her on. Won't the Sea of Pee be crushed!

  3. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Its a good ol' fashioned pile-on! Love it!

  4. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Perhaps Granny Pee thought that if she just babbled the terms, "hard-working," "time-tested," "common-sense," etc. enough times, Americans would actually believe these attributes applied to her.

    "Where do they think their pretty little pencils and paper come from? They come from a TREEEEE...." Geez.

  5. Anonymous5:14 AM

    "unelectable" is a code word. In this case, the underlying meaning is

    "we were insane (and treasonous) to run this woman for VPOTUS and we are frightened out of minds that we'll be held accountable"

  6. Anonymous5:30 AM

    I bet to differ, Anon4:13am. Because she is an insane person, Mrs. Todd Palin will announce her run for president, even if she has to go rogue on her handlers. Jesus wants her to win (the way he did in 2008).

  7. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Now we know why Van Flein left AK. No one seemed to know until now. Two guys connected to Palin now mixing it up in AZ. Bristol buys a home down there. McCain is old and likely serving his last term. Maybe Palin is setting her sites on 2016. Providing of course, we all survive 2012. I know that's a concern of hers.

  8. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Double agent = Rupert Murdoch.

  9. I have to wonder if TLC didn't "Sarah Palin" Sarah Palin.
    Took her and used her to make as much money as they could while there was a chance. Showed her to be a fool, because that's what t.v. viewers want to see....people doing foolish mean things for the entertainment that's in it.
    TLC probably even gave Sarah her head to convince her that she was in control. Meanwhile, they're laughing all the way to the bank, just as she expected to do.
    Maybe we should thank TLC for doing to Sarah what she's done to us......brought out the worst in us for her enrichment.

  10. Anonymous5:40 AM

    According to the TLC listings for next week, it looks like "Sarah Palin sees Alaska for the very first time"

    Maybe the show should be rename.

    "Sarah Palin sees Alaska for the very last time"

  11. Palin has done her best to achieve higher office doing what worked for her in the state of AK. On the national stage to run as the VP pick it was an entirely different level of qualifications required.

    Palin seems to have believed she can flirt/tease, seek attention and run on being a hockey mom, her motherhood platform enhanced as a mother of also a special needs child and abstinence family. It appears Palin chose to ramp up the blessed virgin Mary prsona using the TLC show to spin she is an all attentive mother and family is first. I don't see with my eyes that is who she is.

    Palin's memes of "hard working" "hockey mom" "tough frontier gal" has fallen flat. She won't ever get it a national leader and the highest office requires more than a boy scout dad, clay pidgeon shooting handsome man...same goes for a woman. The Palin kids may be average teens not my standards nor how I was raised...but overall they are uncultured, uneducated, have foul mouths, lack class, lack respect for people different from them and are a liability, not an asset. None of them are role models IMO.
    The majority of the country is not that superficial.

  12. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Yes I also just read the roll call article on Huffpo about the retired dentist from Wasilla, turned Congressman, with ties to Palin, who moved to Arizona in 2009 and also has VanFlein as his attorney. Something is definitely brewing with the Arizona connection.

  13. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Has she surfaced anywhere yet ?

    Is the palin compound dark ?

    Maybe someone should check the palin's freezer ?

  14. Anonymous6:06 AM

    At C4P the comments did not think a reality show was a good idea. In fact they believed it was not a good move. Then as is the norm there they invented SPA would be a well made (classy) documentary of highest caliber focusing on AK.
    Considering the gullibility and black and white thinking of C4P supporters of Palin (consider the source) Palin's fan base even knew a reality show was not "presidential".

    In 2008 the republican party did not know much about then gov. Palin. This time around there are no excuses for them to promote an unqualified person who obviously disregarded rational and helpful advice to study, learn and pursue maximizing her leadership in AK and informed of international affairs. Palin went rogue doing it her way believing she'd gain expoliting her family, reload shooting people down and gain popularity in reality tv land that America would fall in love with Bristol and Sarah, the clan.

    People can like them or be amused or inspired by theri 42K weekend adventures but qualified and being leaders is a different criteria.

    This is hallow of me however it would have been to Palin's advantage to have a stylist. Her erratic, unprofessional to extremes of dressing like a horny female looking like a pick up in a bar has further lessened her credibility including the horrible wigs. She is not even smart enough to dress appropriately is what I am saying.

  15. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Gryph, what, if anything, do you know about "retired dentist Rob Robinson"? Does he have any history of activity with the Republican Party of AK? What is his church affiliation?

  16. Anonymous6:21 AM

    The funniest part of her downward spiral is how the Palinbots were convinced that it was a brilliant strategy to get around the "lamestream media" and set her on her way for her run at the White House. That once the rest of America saw the "real Sarah" unfiltered on her reality show we would turn into cool-aid drinking zombies like them. And once the rest of America read her new book we would see how smart and Presidential she is. The result of that brilliant strategy? Dropping approval ratings, escalating disapproval ratings, getting caught in more lies about herself and increased criticisms from her former allies. How's that booky- showy stuff werkin out fer ya?

  17. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Posted on C4P:-

    "Bogdan from Australia says:
    January 3, 2011 at 9:03 AM

    Hi there My American Friends. Hi there Right Wingnut! All The Best In New Year.

    I’d like to take advantage of the opportunity of being the second contributor to the Monday Open Thread and share with you some of my observations related to to Gov. Palin.

    We all agree that Sarah is an exceptionally beautiful woman. However, to say that she is strikingly beautiful is an understatement.

    She is a PIERCINGLY beautiful woman.

    It is particularily discernible on the photos of her signing her books. When she talk to the people at those venues, she seems to radiate some almost unearthly light.

    My observation, even if I haven’t got any opportunity to met her personally, is similar to those who have and who describe her as being even more beautiful at personal contact than on the photos.

    Apart from that, she is also becoming more beautiful with age, which is obvious when one compares the photos from her youth to those actual ones.

    This is a very unique feature and I’ve tried to analyze the genesis of her as womanly as unique beauty.

    This is not only the result of her hard work-out, her jogging and her overall effort to keep herself in an excellent shape. After all, it is being done by many women.

    I believe that it is an external visualisation of her internal, never ending struggle to make herself a better human. She is constantly putting an effort into eliminating any negative impulses or feeling from her spiritual functioning, any negative, petty elements that would pollute her soul.

    This is precisely in line with her strong adherence to her Christian faith with its emphasis on such internal struggle as its most fundamental and central feature.

    Needles to say that even as a young woman she must have been inherently good and noble person so that described above struggle started from much higher level than for most of us walking on the Earth with much greater baggage of negative ingredients polluting our own souls.

    That very struggle of winning making herself ever better and nobler human being that Sarah is always winning, is sculpturing her face which is simly devoid of any traces of negativism, pettinence, envy, jealousy, grudge, greed or whatever bad we can think of.

    There are only wrinkles of smile, love, friendliness that are entrenching themselves with the age on her face making her even more beautiful.

    There is also something more; She has discoverd the SPIRITUALLY HEALING POWER OF AN ENFORCED SMILE.

    She herself has stated that 10% of our life depends on the factors independent from us, while 90% depends on the way how we react to those factors, events, circumstances.

    She must have discovered that secret early in her youth. For me that has come much, much later,perhaps even to late to allow me to put it to work for my own benefit and the benefit of other people.

    However I UNDERSTAND PERFECTLLY how Sarah is employing that rule in her own life and using it to her own advantage and also to the advantage of the poeple she is willing to serve.

    It is not that difficlult to notice that the entire, very often vast congeregations of people are being infected with the smile that she is projecting. Such is the power of that expression.

    Sarah Palin is indeed an UNIQUE HUMAN BEING.

    If she decides to start the fight of her life – the fight for the Presidency of The United States Of America, it shall be your holly obligation, My Dear Friends to make EVERYTHING in your power to make sure that her dazzling smile will NEVER vanish from her face.

    God Bless Sarah Palin!

    God Bless America!"


    This has to be a spoof, right?

  18. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Glowing.... READY for what?

  19. Anonymous6:37 AM

    @ Rene, You said it perfect. The cutesy, flirty bimbo act may have worked in small town Wasilla, but the majority of Americans are smarter and more intuitive than she gives us credit for. She is wrong to misunderestimate us, also, too.

  20. Anonymous6:39 AM

    SPAK is a net negative for her and for the state. It is so beautiful, but now one cannot think about Alaska without thinking of HER.

    Moving to AZ would help Alaska.

  21. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Kathy Griffin Going After Willow Palin

  22. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Check this idiocy out... Priceless

  23. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Sarah Palin and the Politics of Victimization

    'Those darned "left-wing professors and journalists" just won't let up.'

    The second book in the Sarah Palin Å“uvre, however, America by Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith, and Flag, crosses the line from cute puppy bouncing on his back legs to mangy cur relentlessly humping a visitor’s leg.

  24. Gosar, the dentist from Wasilla said. "When it comes to politics, it's nice to be mired with Sarah Palin. But I'm Paul Gosar. I'm my own person."

    How nice to be in the mire with Sarah.

  25. Anonymous6:55 AM

    From a commentor on anther article, which I concur with:

    Have you noticed how calm and rational the political discourse has been this last week, without the ignorant and incendiary twitter/facebook outbursts from Sara Palin? Wow, it's quite wonderful. No random blaming attacks, no outrageous lies about policies, no whining about how everyone is out to get her. It's beginning to feel a lot like it did before late August 2008, when McCain unleashed Palin onto the national stage. Here's to longing for the good old days.

  26. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Which raises a vexing question. Who really wrote America by Heart? The blogosphere has vibrated with talk about Jessica Gavora, whose name does not appear on the cover but whom Palin thanks for her “most important work on America by Heart.” This would not be the first time that a politician has collaborated with a ghost writer, of course, so that’s not the point. But are we really supposed to believe that, amid her self-professed busy schedule, Sarah Palin spends her copious free time perusing Alexis de Tocqueville, J. Hector St. John Crèvecoeur, Abigail Adams’s correspondence, Frederick Jackson Turner’s “Frontier Thesis,” back issues of The Freeman from the 1940s and Booker T. Washington’s Up from Slavery, all the while keeping abreast of Antonin Scalia’s dissenting opinions and the latest from University of Chicago economist Luigi Zingales? (The book tosses out these references with an air of insouciance, as in “I came across a wonderful book...”)

    Perhaps Palin herself is, in fact, conversant with these sources, and, if so, more power to her. But we should probably remind ourselves that this is the same person who, during the 2008 presidential campaign, couldn’t name a single newspaper she read with any regularity.

  27. Anonymous7:06 AM

    The people who wrote "Game Change" gave us fair warning that Sarah did not take direction well and wasn't capable of learning anything. She had her own idea of how to run her campaign. And, that worked out very well for the country, but not for Palin.

    I'm sure she went back to Alaska, nursing her wounds and telling herself that if she was completely in charge, things would have been different. Now, we have had a sample of Sarah's judgment as showcased in SPA. Sarah can point to a beautiful mountain, go camping, fishing or hunting, and still she had to include spiteful remarks about anyone who wronged her in the past. Take that you Tree Huggers, PETA and Michelle Obama!

    If Sarah was really going to showcase Alaska and give a well rounded travel show, then instead of missing the caribou four or five times, she would have gone out hunting with the best hunter she knew (Chuck Heath), and watched him shoot the caribou. Sarah can't cut down a tree; the loggers should have shown us how hard that was.

    But, the pattern for those so-called reality shows is for the host to be put in some ridiculous situation, and we're supposed to love it. The President is the Manager in Chief, delegating duties. Sarah can't do that; she has to be seen as doing it all herself. When the NY Times Magazine article said that manages from the top down, there is no delegation of duties. It's all Sarah all the time. And, that's not a formula for success.

    By the way, why so silent, Sarah?

  28. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Let her and her wacko family move to the desert then. It still won't fix the stupid or the crazy.

  29. Anonymous7:08 AM

    McCain might not want to have any "work" done locally in AZ. Might have some sort of mishap or something and Jan Brewer might just have to plant Palin in his place. Watch your back McSame.

  30. Anonymous7:22 AM

    I would bey Meghan McCain is none too happy about Sarah plain coming to AZ, for her Daddy's death watch. Cindy may be very happy, cause it may just push along the process.

  31. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Not that it really matters, but at the end of SPSAFTVFT last week, they did say the finale would be in 2 weeks. How do I know this? Because I remember saying to my husband, "Holy shit, that crapfest is going to be 2 hours! At least they are giving us two weeks to mentally prepare and buy plenty of alcohol."

    I do think that the TLC show is NOT her friend. I was really hoping it would be like this, ever since one of the press releases said (paraphrasing) they expected Palin panty sniffers to watch as well as Palin detractors. I noticed long ago that TLC does this with their Duggar family show. They let JimBob proselytize, pontificate, and stand around being fabulous, but the producers subversively make him look like the huge patriarchal douche that he is.

  32. Julie7:45 AM


    "Mired with Sarah"---yes, it sounds like some strange kind of mud-wrestling, doesn't it?

    Oh, and did all of you know that George Will has a Down Syndrome son?

    One of the most moving columns I've ever read was one he wrote about taking his teen-aged son to a baseball game--they are both fans--and reminiscing about the many years of attending his boy's Little League practices.

    Other than that one column, I don't think he's ever mentioned his family in the course of his work.

    Poor Trig.

  33. Anonymous8:19 AM

    They're slowly laying her under the bus. Love it. No serious politician will back her in 2012, thank God.

  34. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I agree, Rene @5:47: Palin thought that what worked in AK culture and politics would work on the national stage via SPA. But she ended up making herself look smaller, pettier, and phonier, and she made AK a little bit crappier in my mind than the AK I've always envisioned (I've never been there). Altho it's Palin we're talking about, it still astounds me that she had the gall to claim the show was a documentary. It could not be more of a reality show. Thanks, Sarah, for confirming everything we believed about what's really inside of you, and not inside of you: Here's hoping you use your last episode to fess up about Trig's birth. Melly

  35. Gasman8:42 AM

    Now Palin will have to take on George Will as well. Palin in an intellectual duel with Will? Talk about going into battle unarmed.

  36. Anonymous8:47 AM

    btw, the salmon episode noted in the TLC promo ad ON THE SCREEN, the 'finale' would be 2hrs long on Jan 9.
    we caught part of it late last nite, we wanted to watch track
    'deal' with 'dad'.


  37. Gryphen, I dont have to watch the 2 hour finale of "That Awful Woman Kills Something In Alaska" to be repulsed by her. Hell, I wouldnt watch the show (or the networks that promotes her) on a bet and I assure you, she repulses me quite effectively nonetheless.

  38. Anonymous5:23 AM

    My oh my, that man from Bogden Australia has it bad for li'l Sarah. Perhaps he just likes the trashy look?.
    He does not know apparently, that the so called beauty of this pox on humanity, is not, a natural born beauty. Lots of botox, and plastic surgery.
    Please Mr. Australia, read the book Going Rogue then reevaluate.


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