Wednesday, January 26, 2011

In one last FU to the Alaska voters Joe Miller costs the state an estimated $100,000 in legal fees before fading into the fog of anonymity.

From Alaska Dispatch:

Assistant attorney general Sarah Felix, one of a number of state attorneys involved in the Joe Miller case, told the committee that the legal wrangling, mainly in the state Superior Court, cost the state $85,000 to $100,000. The state is currently seeking to recover 20 percent of the cost -- about $17,000 -- from Miller, the maximum amount allowed under the law.

"A team of five attorneys working around the clock" made up the bulk of the cost of the lawsuit, Felix said. In addition to the money spent in Superior Court, where most of the legal arguments and briefings took place, the state also spent money to argue in the Alaska Supreme Court and in federal court as well.

(Sen. Bill)Wielechowski, in an interview after the hearing, pointed out that the cost could have climbed into the hundreds of thousands of dollars if it had been appealed to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court.

I guess keeping costs down, and the Federal government out of state business, only counts when it does NOT benefit Joe Miller.

I am certainly no fan of Lisa Murkowski, but I just have to say how happy I am to have her as my Senator and not this hypocritical teabagging son-of-a-bitch.


  1. Anonymous7:24 AM

    He will be back. Once these free loaders realise how easy it is to make money in the "politics game" they don't give it up. He has watched Palin, with no qualifications whatsoever make a fortune. This guy will never work a regular job again, he will keep on promoting himself, watch and see. Who supports his large family, the state?

  2. Anonymous7:40 AM

    According to an article on Huff Post, Lisa's son had emergency surgery last night to have his appendix removed. She tweeted he was doing well after surgery.

    In other news, is Joe doing press releases for Sarah? Has he also relocated to Arizona? Didn't he close his law office?

  3. Kimosabe7:51 AM

    It is astonishing how much lawyers cost. $100K is really quite reasonable for a rush-rush case of this magnitude. And hey, the good guys won!

  4. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Joe is like Pan Am... gone, but not forgotten.

    Was Joe a client of Ms Tripp?

  5. Anonymous8:06 AM

    kind of off topic but I found the Palin Gov campaign video featuring BRistol advocating a Palin governorship. It took me aback and I hardly recognized her

  6. Miller should be "dogged" by some keen, smart blogger/reporter. Let's see what Joe is up to when he's not carpet-bagging Alaska for a living. Maybe he's milking the system to provide for his unusually large, and probably parasitic, family.

  7. Anonymous8:14 AM

    o/t is it just me or are there a shit ton number of realtors up in AK? I know pretty much all residents buy/build cabins, but everywhere I look, I find at least 5 more realtors up there.

  8. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Miller must have been as delighted as McCain to see the President call for an end to earmarks. Murkowski, not so much!

  9. Anonymous8:25 AM

    These fees should be paid with his campaign cash. Does he get to keep everything over the pittance he had to pay? This is a problem with politics in this country, it is a way to make money LEGALLY.

  10. Anonymous8:35 AM

    I feel so sorry for the people of Alaska. You have a police state that is ran by your politicians. When the politicians control your police it remains me of movies I have seen of some World War. You rate up there with Arizona (for nuts and death panels) and Texas (who are trying to rewrite history). Don't get me wrong I have been to Alaska on a 4th of July. I have seen bald eagles fly down to the water and get a fish. I have seen the whales jumping out of the water. I have witness the sun never going down. I have meet native people who were the best people to have a brew with. But when nurses comes up dead, Water in airplanes gas tanks. Church burnings, reporters arrested for asking a question and the police owned by politicians, I feel so sorry for the people of Alaska

  11. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Bristol Palin will be the keynote speaker at Washington U St. Louis for Sex Week!!! Just read it on Huffington.

  12. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Miller is without a lick of sense and is a self-entitled freeloader! He is a person with advanced degrees and was the recipient of government money for his education but still used DenaliCare for his eight(!!!) kids' medical bills. His anti-govt "we gotta stop spending and get rid of the health care bill" meme is indefensible. He should be in jail. I hope he rots in hell. It just pisses me off as I am the parent of two kids, never ever used govt. help, worked my ass off to clothe, feed and educate them. I don't mind paying taxes and feel such help should be available to people who have no other options. I don't think Mr. and Mrs. Miller are in this boat.

  13. Anonymous8:44 AM

    No, he is a parasite in nature and one of his crotch fruit will be back to avenge for his Pa. He's not gone.

    How likely is it that any of his kids will get away from him and see what a doofus his or her dad was and still will be? They have too many yes people around them to allow the apples to stray far from the compound.

  14. Anonymous9:24 AM

    A hundred grand for four or five attorneys - not overly much, but then they are probably working for the state. State employees are not the wealthy workers that the Tea Party imagines. That's why the GOP plan to let states declare bankruptcy and ditch their state employee pension plans stinks. Imagine working your entire life to retire and then some SOB says "sorry, we decided not to pay your contractual agreed upon pension - a pension you paid into.: Grrr.

    As for Joe - he has to be somewhere in the state or the country. How could anyone with that face and beard not be recognized? Someone needs to find him and let us know what he's doing now.

    The observation about realtors made by 8:14 is a good one. Could it be that the mining corps for the two big projects have spread the word that the fix is in and that realtors or bought and paid-for politicians have let it leak to their cronies that they ought to get ready for an influx of workers?

  15. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Bristol’s Move to Arizona is a Violation of Alaska Law

    In conclusion, the move by Bristol not only deprived Levi of time with his son, and was against the law, but was contrary to what was in the best interest of her son…according to Sarah Palin. It would be natural to feel sympathy for Bristol and Tripp. Being an unwed teenage mother, or being a child without a traditional two-parent family, would be far from ideal. Being related to Sarah Palin would be a tragedy. It is the hypocrisy of Sarah Palin’s sanctimonious recitation of her family values that is so offensive. As she pretends to have the family values to which we should all aspire, her daughter had a teenage pregnancy, has moved her son far away from his father in violation of the law, and Sarah Palin’s husband is in the middle of a scandal involving prostitution. Palin herself has spent more time away from her children than with them. When it comes to the Palin family we should not be celebrating traditional family values, but we should mourn the loss of them.

  16. Anonymous9:42 AM

    INSIDE THE PALIN BUBBLE: Here's Why The 2012 Republican Front-Runner Just Made Such A Fool Of Herself

    Read more:

  17. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I know this is the wrong thread but my observation from last night only provided severe laughing on my end. Biden literally had a permanent frown on his face (is that natural for the lips) and Boehner looked like he was at the point of intoxication where you are so sdrunk all you can do is sit there. Think hobo on the subway

    It was definitely a show last night

  18. Anonymous6:11 PM

    No one seemed to mind all the wasted government time on Palin legal suits....

  19. hauksdottir3:26 AM

    What EXACTLY is his "severe military disability"???

    This question must be answered.


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