Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Is Sarah Palin toast?

According to a recent Gallup poll Palin's ratings have hit an all time low.

Sarah Palin's favorable rating dropped to 38%, the lowest since just after bursting onto the national scene as John McCain's running mate in 2008. In the wake of controversy over her response to the Tucson shooting, her unfavorable rating hit a new high, 53%.

You know if she just keeps talking she might even get down to single digits.


  1. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Republicans rejoice! Now intelligent self-actualized Republican men and women come forth with productive civil discourse without regard to race, creed, color, or religion. The trash obstruction is moving out of the way. Just look away.

  2. One of my regulars said Mama Grifter is sinking faster than "a dense turd."

    My prediction is, Roger Ailes won't even want to be associated with this whacko once her contract at FIXED Noise is up.

    She's toast. A see a stripper pole in her future. Either that or porn.

  3. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Pass the butter.

  4. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Sounds like the e-mails are going to be pretty ugly for Paylin & Co.
    Notice some tempers are showing on some of the other sites. Gonna be a great 2011.

  5. Anonymous2:00 PM

    So does dirks vegas hint make sense to you?

  6. Anonymous2:02 PM

    She's toast alright, BURNT toast, her own doing.

    Mercede has a new post up.....she needs to keep exposing Bristle for the mini-me she really is!

  7. laprofesora2:02 PM

    Awww, now I'm gonna have to stop eating toast...

  8. Anonymous2:04 PM


  9. Anonymous2:04 PM

    You know if she just keeps talking she might even get down to single digits. ------

    If she ends up in radio, like other Republican criminals, she can still have a voice and make millions like Rush.

  10. Just a bit OT: Chris Matthews, in eulogizing the late Sargent Shriver, remarked about his five extraordinary children. He closed with the statement: you're known by your children. Do we need to say more? Look at Sarah's five children and then at the Shrivers. What exactly has Sarah done as an advocate for the developmentally disabled, like her son Trig? The Shrivers started the Special Olympics to honor those like their sister Rose. Oh, and there's the Peace Corps. No small accomplishment there. Shriver also ran unsuccessfully for vice president back in 1972. Afterwards, he went back to work helping people. RIP Sargent Shriver. And thank you.

  11. Anonymous2:06 PM

    38% approval still seems awfully high to me...

    I guess people really are that dumb.

  12. Anonymous2:07 PM

    The day will come when she wishes she'd
    went quietly into the good night. She could
    have taken her money & went away, or kept
    her job as governor, but nooooo. Like that
    SNL skit where Tina Fey eerily predicted that
    Palin wasn't going away after the election.

  13. "You know if she just keeps talking she might even get down to single digits."

    At least then her ratings will match her IQ!

  14. Anonymous2:12 PM

    And in the first post-AZ shooting poll on the 2012 Presidential election by McClatchy/Marist, Obama beats Palin by 26 points! Only a month ago the same poll had him up by 12. Yeah, there's a trend here.

  15. FJ Dandy2:13 PM

    Somehow, I don't think we'll see Quittypants slink quietly away. Her ME! ME! ME! is just too powerful. It will have to be a really big iceberg...fingers crossed!

  16. Beldar J Conehead2:15 PM

    That 38% of our fellow citizens have a favorable opinion of that screetchy wretch just makes me want to weep. Weep and relentlessly mock her, also, too, that is.

  17. Anonymous2:17 PM


    President Obama's approval rating surges in polls following Tucson, Arizona shootings


    Bam is back.

    The President has matched his highest approval rating in more than a year, according to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll.

    Fifty-four percent of Americans approve of Obama's job performance. Support for him hasn't been this high since April 2010 after he signed the health care reform bill into law

    The number is also a five point rise from December and an eight-point jump from his lowest rating in September -- just before the Democrats took a thrashing in the midterm elections.

    A CNN poll echoed the same results this week, with 53% of Americans approving Obama's job performance.

    Americans overwhelmingly favored how President Obama handled the Jan. 8 shootings in Tucson, with 78% approving and 13% disapproving, according to the ABC News poll.

    An impressive 71% of Republicans said they, too, approved of his response to the rampage, which left six dead and 13 injured, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.

  18. Anonymous2:21 PM

    The stench o' Palin shit--could it be fading?

    For the life of me, I cannot understand how a well-educated Republican politician can put up with the smell.

    Guys/Girls you have worked too hard to get short-changed by this POS in makeup and short skirt who laughs at you behind your back because she has been successful at gaming the system without coming up the hard way like everyone else. During the last election in 2010, everyone paid for her appearances, not unlike a whore.

    Maybe that is what makes Todd so comfortable with whores. Its a family tradition. Pay to play.

  19. Anonymous2:22 PM

    I am reading "The Authoritarians"
    right now, and have been doing so all day. I can see where it is leading, and I do not see Sarah Palin anywhere near the presidency. She is totally irrelevant.

  20. For once I'm glad I'm intolerant to gluten. No toast for me!

  21. Love the 'toast' graphic!

  22. Does anyone have the link to Mercede's blog. I lost it when she changed sites.

  23. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Gryphen, please do what you can to be able to be the first to be able to put out the news that is coming. I would hate to see other bloggers get the scoop...

  24. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Is she a candidate for suicide? Will she kill
    herself when she is completely disgraced, and
    we all know something will come out of those
    emails, in addition to her personal life. I can't
    picture Palin going to jail like Martha Stewart.

    I can't imagine she'd just go away for good,
    especially since she says she won't. She
    is like a duck in a shooting gallery, she
    keeps popping up so everyone can hurl
    hate her way. The more she is known, the
    more she is loathed. It will get worse for her,
    ESPECIALLY if she announces she is
    running for office in 2012.

    I'm sure she will always think she is the victim,
    but how much can she really take? No one is
    as proud as Sarah Palin. Pride goeth before
    destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.
    She'll come down hard...

  25. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I adore Palin. Palin is the shit-leg that the Republicans cannot seem to wash away.

    Wash it out boys and girls! Make the effort to get rid of the shit-leg.

  26. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Fantasies I'm having now:

    1) Fox drops SP

    2) Catherine Baldwin-Johnson calls a press conference.


  27. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I hope so.
    She looks and sounds mentally unstable.
    Could you imagine if she were a Democrat and pulled this stuff?

    When is the big hullabaloo supposed to start?

  28. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Breaking news: Lieberman will not run for re-election.

    Will Sarah move to Bristol, CT?

  29. Anonymous2:51 PM

    @2:27, Gryphen said the other day that another "media outlet" (I think that was the phrase) will break the story. It's planned. See his post:


  30. Anonymous2:51 PM

    NoMooseStew, Mercede's blog is at

    Read today's post. Bristol is calling Gryphen a pedophile. Really.

  31. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I dislike the fact they put Palin ('pushing back' commentary) at CNN under 'politics' (she's nothing more than entertainment/if that!) along side information concerning President Obama and the head of China. Absolutely amazing! As I've said before, Palin is not qualified to shine President Obama's shoes!

  32. Anonymous2:52 PM

    This portrait is thee perfect combo~~it captures her character, future, aaand her highlight/lowlights tones so well.

    may she go away yesterday. She mostly brings out the worst in everybody.

  33. Anonymous2:53 PM

    NoMooseStew - here ya go.


  34. Punkinbugg2:58 PM

    Anon at 2:21 said "...she has been successful at gaming the system without coming up the hard way like everyone else."


    GOP'ers are notorious for "waiting their turn" to run for POTUS.

    She cut in line!

    By including herself with the likes of Rush and Glenn, I think she's foreshadowing her next move: I'm a shock jock, y'all!

    Glenn and Rush maaaayyy not like that, either. Wouldn't it be ironic if THEY wound up bumping her off of their oh-so-lucrative playground?

  35. popcorn time2:59 PM

    Chris Mattew couldn't bring himself to call the Hannity Show with Sarah an "interview." Something about a televised meeting between colleagues.

    Looking forward to the e-mail revelations. Good for Sadie for bringing the Bristol problem out into the light. What WTF? is hinting will be of interest.

  36. Enjay in E MT3:00 PM

    I won't say "toast" yet -- look at Newt...

    He was persona non grata in...1995
    and now that Palin is on the skids, he seems to be the #2 GOP go to guy. Even as VP!

    No, the Palin Plague maybe in remission for awhile - but she can incubate for about 20 more yrs!

  37. Anonymous3:06 PM

    toasted by e-mails?

  38. Anonymous3:08 PM


    One of Palin's BFF's climbed out from under a rock this morning:

    Dr. Laura appeared on Today's Hoda & Kathie Lee.

    As in 'Palin speak', she came out combative - defensive of her 'N' rant; 'the bad guys have no rules and the good guys have to take the pummeling' and ranting that they are coming after her to silence her. Those same kinds of words that has that familiar tone!!!
    Palin victim speak: Check

    She believes what she thinks was an 'apology' should have been sufficient but is batshit furious she's still being demonized.
    Palin victim speak: Check

    Somewhere in there she identifies herself as a 'I’m a social conservative'. Really??? I still call her a fake licensed Dr. who is a racist bitch and will forever more. She was on the show as she's trying to hawk her new book. Good f*cking luck with that!! Same numbers as Palin's 2nd one I hope!!


  39. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Cute cartoon : )

  40. Emily Peacock3:11 PM

    Ya, she CAN incubate for another 20 years, but by then she'll be old and even more ugly than she is now. My mama always said, and it bears constant repeating: "Beauty fades. Stupid lasts forever."

    Popcorn, anyone?

  41. FEDUP!!!3:13 PM


  42. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Gryph, Bristol is saying some pretty nasty things about you. I read it on Alaskawtf. Bristol is making herself look worse by the day, just like her Mama.

  43. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Has Tawd been a bad bad boy with boy toys? Inquiring minds want to know.

  44. Anonymous3:32 PM

    She cant handle radio. It requires at least 3 hours of talking about something other than herself and saying more than awesome and other cliche phrases. She doesnt have the "gift" of gab.

    What a horrible role model she is! Most politicians and old school republicans would die before replicating her life family life style. Most everyone emphasize education--Not Palin. She emphasizes her c++t. And, it looks like her girls have inherited their mother's instincts for taking the path of least resistance.

  45. Anonymous3:33 PM

    She sinks like a dense turd because she is a dense turd. And, she personally conceived a bunch of turdettes.

  46. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Snow Billie Sarah is correct on one point. We don't like the message and we absolutely despise the messenger.

    WTF is her message anyway? Is it, "love me unquestionably or I'll have your eyes and hearts ripped out by my very own retarded flying monkey Geheime Staatspolizei"? Well, that's the message I've been hearing and witnessing.

    Beautiful Sarah (B.S.) is a serpent, period. There is not a single redeeming value or quality in her. She is a total waste of oxygen.

    Hate to you too B.S. You've spread so much of it around, that you now have blood on your hands. You OWN it now, live with it.

  47. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Sarah Palin and the Tiger Mom


    I wish Amy Chua didn't remind me so much of another public figure, plucked so recently from obscurity, who keeps rewriting the narratives that excuse and explain her bad behavior -- Sarah Palin. Can it be that Amy Chua is Sarah Palin with an Ivy League education? Palin with a lust for social and educational status, with a few degrees from Harvard, and without the rifle in her arms?

    For those who must dwell or have dwelled in hurricane households like Chua's and Palin's, some of these books and websites can be useful places to begin, or continue, the long process of healing and self-help.

    For anyone needing clarity on narcissism, borderline and other personality disorders, Out of the Fog is a supportive place to connect and vent.

    Stop Walking on Eggshells and Understanding the Borderline Mother are two books that can help make sense of a family member's or friend's baffling, hurtful behavior and propose coping strategies.

  48. Does anyone know where the bunker is? Hannity is saying Sarah is in Wasilla?

    She has not been seen since last December, right? Facebook, twitter and Fox don't count. I know Fox went to court and made it alright for them to lie. How much can they be part of a hoax or major deception of a so-called politician?

  49. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Whats a shit-leg?

  50. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Tahhhdd my polls went down again! Hurrrryy and git me Glenn Beck's email address, I need to fire off another email to him to git his advice on what I should do.

    Tahhhdd turn on my FOX camera, I need to do another video conference with Hannity so I can tell the people it's not my fault. Can you fax him these random questions I want him to ask me.

    Tahhhddd call Barbara Walters for me and tell her people are picking on me again. I need her sympathy one more time.

    Taahhhd tweet Gryphen and tell him I'm kicking his ass the next time I see him. It's all his fault people can't stand me.

  51. Anonymous3:46 PM


    Don't despair! Raisin toast to the rescue (Glutino brand ... not even SP can ruin it!)

  52. ot, but is bristol referring to you and dennis zaki here gryph? wtf? what is it with the accusations of pedophilia? it's the worst thing a person can call someone, especially when it isn't true at all. no one with a sound mind believes the palin's anymore anyway.

  53. Anonymous3:49 PM

    One thing that might not be common in Alaska that is in most rural communities in the US, especially in the South, is that funerals/memorials are taken very seriously they are somber social religious occasions, sometimes for entire small communities.

    You might not have respected the deceased but you don't drive by the church during the funeral service and honk and wave a fist.
    Effectively that is what Sarah did by releasing her tasteless video on the day of the memorial service. She disrespected the mourners and those who chose to show respect.

    In two words what Sarah did was disrespectful an dishonorable and a big time social blunder for a lot of rural and small town people.

  54. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Shit leg is literally from shitting on your own leg. The Republicans shit on themselves by allowing Palin to last this long and further, by genuflecting to her ideals that no one in their "right" mind or "left" mind would advocate, particularly family ideals.

    If Tawd is getting some on the side, good for him. Sarah and Chucky have basically neutered him. Tawd is good for security and holding handbags, buying tampax and spanx, that sort of thing. I remember Chucky saying that he saw Trigg being born--am I the only one grossed out at Chucky looking at her cooter waiting for the head to surface?

  55. Anonymous4:14 PM

    I hope you are consulting an attorney to sue Brisket for the statements she is making.

  56. London Bridges4:14 PM

    After this article Sarah is burnt toast:


  57. Nadira4:19 PM

    I've heard this pedophile rumor before...where the hell did it come from, and why?

    And no, I don't believe it. But it's not exactly the first accusation that comes to mind for people.

  58. Anonymous4:30 PM


    You might be recalling that Sarah accused David Letterman of being a pedophile after he made a joke about Palin's daughter (Bristol)

    It's one of the BS flames that family tosses around.

    BristleHo throwing this around now just further confirms to everyone about the Palin family that 'Money can't buy you class'

    They will forever be enshrined in the WasillaHillbillie Hilton aka 'White Trash'

  59. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Anon@419p: Remember that projection is a hallmark of NPD -- which it seems like Palin has successfully nurtured in her daughter. Ergo, Bristol accuses Mercede of stalking, when in reality it's the other way around. As for the accusations involving rape and pedophilia, to which the Palin women are so given -- as others have said, theories come to mind.

  60. Kimosabe4:33 PM

    No, SP is not toast, not so long as the MSM keeps buttering her up. Why oh why do they respond at all to her twitty tweets, facebook rants and non-interviews? Sometimes they really are lame.

  61. Anonymous4:33 PM

    I agree sue Bristol. It's so sick. There is something very wrong in that family now and before

  62. Anonymous4:35 PM

    From another thread here. What is going on with Track, anyway? Is he out of the service? Why? How?
    Anonymous said...
    :D :D :D :D
    I'm sorry, Palin's son did not fight anybody. Track was in the service but did not receive a Combat Infantry Badge which means he is not a combat vet. I do acknowledge Track was in the service, but he did not fight anybody plain and simple. This is another charade by Sarah Palin who said that she raised a combat vet which she did not. She is a liar.

    12:17 PM

    Thank you, 12:17. This needs to be said again and again and again. He was NOT in combat. I believe there is also some question about when he came home, and why he is still home.

    1:30 PM


    "I believe there is also some question about when he came home, and why he is still home."

    I too was wandering why Track came home so early and stayed home. Usually soldiers who come back from Iraq receive orders to report to another station, but Track must of received orders to report to "Fort Palin" in Wasilla. Did he get special treatment from his superiors or with John McCain's help? Did Track have health problems from foreign substances like meth? Why is he at home?

    2:58 PM

  63. #1 I LOVE the Palin/Toast graphic!!!!

    #2 Such bullshit. All Palin had to do was STFU, but no, she insists on desperately grabbing for the spotlight.

    #3 Clearly her philosophy is that there is no such thing as "bad press", therefore if she can get her mug on the news, or name in the headlines, then she considers her mission accomplished/successful.

    Yes, I think most people feel her most recent follies are just plain crossed-the-line offensive.

    Then she goes to speak @ a hunting & gun show in Nevada @ the end of the month.... w no press allowed.

    What that says is Palin **does not get it**.... which most of us knew all along, but now it is glaringly freaking obvious to those who had any doubt, other than the lunatic fringe, who don't hold much hope for reasoning anyway.

  64. Anonymous4:39 PM

    This is why I don't really believe she will be running for prez. She absolutely HATES to lose, and she must certainly know she WILL lose if she runs.

    Too bad...I was looking forward to an Obama/Palin debate.

  65. Anonymous4:39 PM

    I agree with the commenters who say she'll end up on radio. Her mean, vindictive style will be well-compensated on the commercial stew that has become the public airwaves. We would be wise now to keep the gloating about her never-likely-to-prevail-anyway presidential ambitions to a minimum so as not to elevate her poor-me stock-in-trade. We should deal with the hate-mongers who use the public airwaves as a group, not feed their demons by giving them all the personal attention they crave. It's a sick game and we need to stop playing! Turn off the TV and radio schmews, and encourage everyone you know to do the same! Ratings feed the beast.

  66. I think sp gave us a BIG clue about her future (while seething on FAUX last night).

    She specifically said that if SHE and Rush and Levin are silenced, the Republic will be over.

    Far right wing radio hosts (merchants of hate) - yes, the Republic needs THEM to survive, LOL!

    She knows her political career is done - probably has offers for a hate-spewing radio show show.
    She can make millions doing this.

    Just read that Maricopa, AZ is the headquarters of some Dominionist group of whackjobs. Read last week that Bristol was offered a job to co-host a radio show there.

    Watch for her hideousness to make a lucrative career in radio (once she pays her debt to society re the prosecutions that arise when all the govt. e-mails are released). Just wild speculation, yes siree, you betcha and whatnot.

  67. Anonymous4:45 PM


    I don't think narcissists are prone to suicide. Maybe borderline personalities and schizophrenics are.

    Anyone who thinks they are always in the right is going to construct a world which makes that so, or go down fighting. Surrender (suicide) is not an option, I don't think. A megalomaniac can always invent an excuse or an out for themselves.

  68. Anonymous4:46 PM

    " Anonymous said...

    You might be recalling that Sarah accused David Letterman of being a pedophile after he made a joke about Palin's daughter (Bristol)

    It's one of the BS flames that family tosses around.

    BristleHo throwing this around now just further confirms to everyone about the Palin family that 'Money can't buy you class'

    They will forever be enshrined in the WasillaHillbillie Hilton aka 'White Trash'

    4:30 PM"

    Don't forget, when Joe moved in next door to
    the Palins, she accused him of looking in Piper's
    bedroom window, and at her "family's swimming
    hole" meaning he was watching all her children
    in their bathing suits. The Repubes accused
    the Obama/Biden ticket of leering at Sarah
    Palin during the 08 election, because Joe Biden
    said she was better looking than he is. There was
    also the pervy ads about Obama wanting to
    teach "sex ed" to 5 year olds, when it was
    actually stranger danger education. It just
    goes on, and on, and on, with the Right.

  69. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Thanks 3:08 PM
    Dr. Laura and Tammy Bruce are bff from the old KFI radio days. It was Bruce and Doc before it was Bruce and Mansour/Palin. They go by the same play book. They do the same book scams. They have the same radio posse behind them. They will do the same for Palin as they did for Doc. No she is not a doctor. She is another fake that makes big bank.

    Doc's kid had a similar experience to Track. He was a miscreant and the Army took him. Doc's kid had been in social media as a college drop out and he had certain patterns and traits. While in the Army he posted illegal cartoons depicting children, killing, rape, mothers, he is sick beyond words. Laws have been enacted to criminalize "obscene images of children, no matter how they are made," for inciting abuse The Army does not look for mental illness signs and does not try to get soldiers like Doc's son into treatment. While in Afghanistan serving our country he did other things on social media that were racist and sick. The Pentagon shuttered his site and got him out of the legal ramifications of what he did. If he had any consequences they were light weight. They kept it out of the media also, too. Pretty sure he was able to stay in the Army and work toward becoming a mercenary. The Army covered this up and they will cover up for other right wingers. The Morlock's might have a real good reason to think that Jeremy will get off, at least a very light sentence. The last I knew Doc's kid had a gun and he is free.

    "My brother is in the military, and I know you are a soldier as well. Since you are a patriot serving his country don't you think you deserve to hang out with a better class of people than somebody who would be friends with a pedophile?" Bristol Sheeran January 16 at 7:16am Facebook

    Her brother is in the military?

  70. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Palin blamed the school in Juneau for threatening her kids, thus forcing her to work from her home in Wasilla and getting extra pay. Of course, she never notified authorities of such threats. She just made it up and successfully alienated an entire town.

  71. Anonymous4:57 PM

    I saw a very short clip on Media Matters from the Hannity interview. I think it was when Hannity ask her how she felt because people were saying her political career was over. (that's roughly paraphrased). Palin was biting her lip, looked like she was about to cry. The tough girl, "I'm not going away" is a facade. She's nearing the breaking point. She stepped into it big-time and instead of just saying "I'm incredibly sorry if Loughner was influenced by me" and then shutting up...but she just won't do that.

    I see rehab in her future with the drama of "look what they did to me".

  72. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Howard Stern is on Piers Morgan's show tonight.

    As Stern sliced and diced Palin on his radio show after her video last week, will be interesting whether he is asked and/or talks about her tonight. I hope Morgan asks!!!!

  73. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Here is something funny. On Huff Po, Newt Gringrich is telling Palin to STFU.

  74. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    NoMooseStew, Mercede's blog is at

    Read today's post. Bristol is calling Gryphen a pedophile. Really.

    Thank you. I find it on one of the blogs on the side of IM. Yes I read that crap. Sarah and Bristol are two of a kind. Always calling people pervs. I think some abuse is in their past. They think all men are like that. I don't believe one word from either one of them. Not about Gryphen or Joe who lived next door.

  75. Anonymous5:06 PM

    I know you cannot sue Bristol for the comments she made because she did not use your last name and she sent it in a private email...But I believe you can send her a stop and desist letter telling her to stop slandering you to others??? No?

  76. Anonymous5:08 PM

    OMG!! Gryphen, you're churning out too many news stories! I don't have enough hours in the day to read all of the wonderful comments and I need to keep my job but I'm just too addicted to IM. HELP!!!! You rock!! Do you take Master Card, American Express, Visa or just the plain old green stuff in an envelope?

  77. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Hey Gryph, just trotted over to Mercede's blog. If it is true that Bitchtol is spreading rumors about you being a pedophile that would be libel? I think a cease and desist form your attorney would be a nice present for $carah's mini-me. She's an adult now and has assets to lose all her own.

  78. Anonymous5:30 PM

    No cease and desist. You need to file a complaint and sue her ass. Someone needs to stand up to these assholes.

  79. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Palin just uses men. She wanted Curtis but married Tawd because she was knocked up by Curtis. I wonder if Curtis payed her child support?

  80. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Yea, Gryphen. Sue Bristol and take all of her hard earned cash from DWTS away frome her and then take her little shit house from her and then she'll have to return to the Alaskan compound. Boo Hoo.
    Anybody have any pics of Bristol post "white out"? I hope she's on Jenny Craig and loses the belly fat. The belly fat is not healthy.

  81. Anonymous5:45 PM

    The "belly fat". I guess it's the price of three pregnancies in four years.

  82. Anonymous5:59 PM

    WE have met the ENEMY and THEY are US:

    If you create an atmosphere of hate, anger, frustration, finger pointing and blame as both the Nazis so effectively did in the past and Palin & Co. are so effectively doing in the present, the carnage unleashed, small (6 and counting) or big (6,000,000) is inevitable and unstoppable.

    Ordinary people like you & me, the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker, when slowly and consistently fed a diet of hate and racism, can often act in compliance with the unspeakable removal of "less desirable" segments of the population. The co-participants in such an outrage truly believe they are doing the RIGHT thing, that this would strengthen their economy, increase job availability, protect their borders and preserve their way of life. But


    Palin & Co. hide nothing from the public; their hateful vitriol is out there for everyone to see and when called out for their reprehensible behavior, they deny, rationalize, prevaricate and turn a blind eye and ear JUST like the German public did 4 score ago. They point their fingers elsewhere and claim that they are ONLY protecting their country, their way of life.

    It's not complicated and has been tragically effective over the years; people become complacent with violence when overwhelmed by a barrage of violent words, images and finger pointing semantics. It's always easier to deal with one's problems when there is someone else to blame; self righteous fury has no limit if one is convinced that THEY are to blame.

    Creating and nurturing "social separateness" (THEY are not like US, THEY are to BLAME for the difficulties WE suffer) makes it easy to hate and denigrate any societal subgroup unpopular at the time and, in the worst case, leads to their "removal" from society. It always makes the dominant group feel better but



  83. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Sarah Palin Responds to 'Blood Libel' Critics, but Who Listens?


  84. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Dr. Laura always does those book promotions.

    She says she moved to satellite radio for ‘freedom of speech without being assassinated’

    She would use the word assassinated after the attempt on Gabrielle Giffords life. Of course, she is looking for ‘freedom of speech.' She had all those years she had to suppress what she really meant to say. She is the absurd one in regard to her break down when she couldn't stop using a racist's word, 15 or so times. Where did her son get his racist leanings? Also, he was so mixed up about his Jewish roots.

    I hope people will keep an eye out for the truth about Track. I know what was covered up on Dr. Laura's son and who knows how many others. Sarah has been using Track (he could have put a stop to it) to build herself up and that should not be tolerated in the least. If he has a good record in the service that is nothing to hide. Why does she have to say he is a 'combat vet' ? Now Bristol is writing to someone in the military and saying that ""My brother is in the military, and I know you are a soldier as well." Doesn't she know the word was? That is not a big deal but how weird to learn that Bristol is using Track's past service to smear Sadie. We don't even know how worthy Track's service was. If the Pentagon covered up the pedophile murder cartoons for Dr. Laura, what else would they cover up for another "fiscal conservative."

  85. Randall6:06 PM

    Sarah - read this twice:

    "I don't think it's their fault. It's not the parents' fault. I'd like to think I'm a person that's
    somewhat forgiving. And I mean, they've got to be hurting in this situation as much as anybody.
    I'm sure they love their son. And they must be as distraught over this as all of us are."

    That is what Gabrielle Gifford's husband said.

    THAT is compassion.

  86. Gasman6:11 PM

    Palin is really in the deep shit now. She keeps doing and saying things that are so unbelievably stupid and callous that she’s driving away boatloads of people in the GOP. If she can’t attract a majority - hell, even a decent sized MINORITY - of the GOP, how the hell is she going to attract moderates and left of center Democrats? She sure as hell won’t win even the Miss Congeniality award in the next presidential election with the support of just the dumbest of the dumb teabaggers. Add to that her fading allure as the aging GOP sex kitten - the faint traces of jowls, the ever growing number of lines in the face, and that oh-so-unflattering cellulite; she just doesn’t make them stand at attention like she used to - and it pretty much sucks to be Sarah Palin these days.

    Palin on radio? No way. If she can’t speak extemporaneously for 10 minutes before descending into an incoherent stream of unconsciousness gobbledygook, how the hell is she going to speak with no script for 3 hours everyday? It ain’t gonna happen. Hell, she couldn’t READ that much everyday, let alone come up with anything to say.

    I still see chick boxing, midget mud wrestlin’, and boat shows in her future. The pole dance idea seems plausible in terms of her character, but since she is aging by the minute I can’t imagine that even Rupert Murdoch and Bill Kristol would pay to see her on a pole (even theirs) for much longer.

    She is the queen of mean spirited nouveau riche white trash. She is a vindictive bitch, an odious little turd, and quite possibly the least intelligent person to stride across our national stage. I will indeed celebrate the day she finally emerges from her lair with that giant proverbial fork stuck into her.

    I am saving a bottle of bubbly for the day that her ultimate demise becomes official. I had one that I opened when DeLay was sentenced to prison and I’m saving one for Palin. My bet is that I won’t be keeping cellared for too long.

    Palin, you are a moron and I will cheer the day you finally are escorted from the national stage. In the inimitable words of the French Soldier in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail,” I say, “I fart in your general direction.”

  87. Love the images!

    Maybe my patience will finally pay off. Bye, bye Sarah.

  88. Anonymous6:36 PM

    "Just read that Maricopa, AZ is the headquarters of some Dominionist group of whackjobs. Read last week that Bristol was offered a job to co-host a radio show there."


    That is so strange. Long ago I read about early radio and this charlatan. I don't recall all the details but we can thank this guy for what he did for radio.

    He couldn't transmit in the states and so he went across a border. I don't know if it was Arizona or another place but it would not surprise me if it was also headquarters of some thing like a Dominionist group of the last century. Every time period has it's hucksters that are able to bamboozle masses of suckers. Some things don't change. I guess that is why that quote about if we don't learn from history are destined to repeat it?

    If anyone is interested in radio or history, don't miss the book Charlatan by Pope Brock. Ella, I think you might find this interesting. It is certainly colorful.

  89. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Randall 6:06

    I too am watching the interview of Gabby's husband -- I've been in tears.

  90. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Make sure to watch Jon Stewart -- He goes for Palin right off the top!!!!!

    As I dry tears from watching Gabby's husband's interview with Diane Sawyer, which just ended, I now find myself laughing.

  91. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Jon Stewart is all over Palin tonight. Hysterical stuff!!!

  92. Anonymous7:06 PM

    There's been some talk as to whether or not the Coming Iceberg might be enough to drive the Queen into true madness & off herself. It's possible--after all, anything's possible--but considering her extreme narcissism, not very likely.

    Compare her to Tom Delay's recent sentencing. Not only is he appealing, he's so thoroughly unrepentant that he *still* refuses to accept any blame whatsoever. I predict you have just seen a preview of the Queen.

    However, if the news *is* more than she can bear, I'm also fairly sure which method she'll chose. Women rarely if ever do anything to physically damage themselves, so if you're thinking a Glock to the head, forget it. Besides, remember her aim just isn't that great.

    No, whether she succeeds or just does it for attention, nothing will damage her face. She wants to leave a good looking corpse. She's not capable of genuinely caring about any loved ones who have to deal with the aftermath. It's more like getting even with her tormentors.

    But I honestly don't think she'd do it. A try for dramatic effect & sympathy maybe, but not actually commit the act.

  93. Anonymous7:06 PM

    OT: I was wondering why Gryphen didn't announce Mercedes' new post, until I read it. He's probably forming his response carefully. It appears they are close enough friends that she would give him a heads-up that this was coming.

    However, if she blind-sided him, I think he should start spilling her secrets. She posted private e-mails which included incredibly harsh allegations against him. Gryphen's been very good about not posting anything that could hurt anyone who trusted him.

    While we all know it's just another narcissistic Palin spouting venom, there are most likely plenty of Palinbots that read her blog. There are plenty here that can be directed there. The slightest suggestion of perversion by a Palin ("peeping in Piper's window"), and they're ready to take him out hunting.

    I hope you're safe, Gryphen. And I hope you got fair warning so you can protect yourself.

  94. Anonymous7:06 PM

    OMG. Jon Stewart is hitting it out of the park tonight on Palin. Put up the video!!

  95. Anonymous7:07 PM

    I wrote this to Mercede because she desperately needs to realize some things.

    If you are a kind and big person as you claim you are, you'd tell your supporters NOT to trash the mother of your nephew. Because that will only hurt him in the future.

    Also, I hope you realize that what you've experienced in the past 2 years absolutely PALES in comparison to what Bristol has been through. You've pretty much been on a joyride if you take away the embellishments you add to your poor poor me tales.

    But seriously, you prove yourself as trashy as you call BRistol when you don't try to stop the endless and illegitimate bad mouthing of your "sister in law."

    She needs to begin adulthood and start creating her own life, one that doesn't start from grifting off supporters donations (just for telling some bs story) No one respects papparazi and thats what she's become.

  96. Must see TDS tonight. Jon Stewart nails it!

  97. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Here's all you need to know about Dr Laura. She has no credibility talking about morals. She was married when some other guy was taking this and other pix of her.


    And I have seen it without W covering her. Hustler material!

  98. honeybabe7:17 PM

    i would truly love to have a body language expert analyze palin's little talkfest with hannity. is that analysis anywhere in the blogosphere? keep up your good work and thank you g

  99. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Anon 7:07

    Do as the birds do - FLOCK OFF

    Palin's panties are hanging on your door knob - go sniff them and cream your jeans like you do every night.

  100. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Steve Colbert seems to have compared Sarah Palin to one of the Kardashian's a** implants. Hmm. Hahahha

  101. Anonymous7:37 PM

    From Crystal Sage..." Chris Matthews, in eulogizing the late Sargent Shriver, remarked about his five extraordinary children. He closed with the statement: you're known by your children. Do we need to say more?"

    Only a tiny bit more - Chuck and Sally won't be looking to good either.

  102. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Isn't this the second incident where Bristol was caught cyber-bullying? You can only imagine how many times before that it has happened. No one bothers to report anything because no Palin will ever have to deal with the consequences of breaking the law.

    The time Bristol, Willow and the TV boyfriend were bullying the boy from Wasilla it was Bristol that gave that fake apology. What a shocker! A Palin apologizes! Not actually, she was forced to have her ghostwriter put up some words she didn't mean. The screen shots showed the three of them acting like a cyber-gang. Sarah is not a Tiger Mama, Willow did not have to apologize at all and she was very, very bad. Doesn't law enforcement take racist cyber-bullying as a serious crime?

    If this was anyone else their computers would be with FBI forensics, NOW. Bristol would have already tried to destroy all the evidence and possibly have other charges.

    Cyber-bullying is "the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others"

    "Obviously, repeated or excessive harassment via email, forums or chat is harassment and should involve the police."

    In the real world there is no excuse for Bristol to contact someone's boyfriend for any reason. To try to control him like she did is a very sick mind. She really thinks she is entitled and her word is that powerful.

    Months ago I did notice that Bristol would "friend" people and then "unfriend" them. She was putting all that effort into stalking Sadie? Now she is to be so happy with Gino in Arizona yet she thinks she can influence Sadie's boyfriend in Wasilla and get him to leave her. Scary Bristol is very off balanced. Now that she can't cyber-bully what will she do? What is the point of leaving Wasilla if she is so obsessed that she is virtually there?

  103. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Be careful people.

    She's like the evil character in a movie that you think is "dead", but keeps on coming back to life just when someone turns their back.

    She should have been stopped by all the ugly truths that have gotten out so far: troopergate, travelgate, and reports of her loony irrational behavior from the campaign trail.

    These things might stop a rational person, but that is not what we are dealing with here. As long as there is still money in that bank account and people willing to pay to hear her speak, there will be good lawyers to help get her a result like McCain's lawyers got her in Troopergate.
    She'll be like Delay. Above the law.

  104. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Anon@7:07 Really? Wow. Just wow. You are so far off the mark. Bristol is as nasty and selfish as her mother. Her Facebook rants and "middle finger" to anyone who didn't worship her efforts on DWTS is more than proof of that. How on earth do you negate that?

  105. Anonymous7:57 PM

    7:16: I'll just take your word for it.

  106. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Radio. Really. Not so good for someone who doesn't have a thought in their head.

  107. Anonymous8:05 PM

    OK, Gryphen, this is my advice to you about stupid things Bristol Palin or anyone attached to that family might say about you, in order to smear you:

    Ignore them. 100%, completely.

    It's the oldest trick in the book, when people think their backs are against a wall, particularly legally speaking or in matters of public reputation.

    Seemed like she used the term quite casually, anyway. Like she'd say that about anyone. I assume you know this.

  108. angela8:05 PM

    7:07 (the first one)
    Give me a break. All Bristol Palin has been through has been self inflicted, delightful for her or brought on by her mother.

    Let's see . . .

    Bristol got pregnant and her mother made it respectable for her to be 17 and pregnant.
    Bristol had a direct line to PEOPLE and US Mag to dish dirt on Levi (who is silly) and get paid for it.
    The Palins got rich and Mercede's mother went to prison.
    Bristol went on DWTS, Mercede watched after her housebound mother.
    Sarah pimped her family out every time she could, Mercede got to listen to her brother diss her and her mother to the world.

    Foul mouthed illiterate Bristol continues to follow her mother's trail of calling people child molesters while accusing others of things she's already done.

    Yeah, the big problem is Mercede not saying things about Bristol. What insanity.

  109. meena8:11 PM

    Jon Stewart Mocks Sarah Palin’s Double Standard Over Inflamed Political Rhetoric

  110. Anonymous8:14 PM

    7:06: That was pretty harsh, but I was thinking almost the same thing. Except she'd fake it. Sort of like Bulworth meets Wag the Dog. Bulworth the Dog. It almost sounds like a family movie.

    We know CBJ would fake delivering a high-risk pregnancy in a non-equipped clinic, even though she's not an OB/GYN. Why not add brain surgery to her resume? I'm sure one of her bots would be more than willing to fire some blanks at her for a big chunk of change.

    How much more unrealistic would that be than a fake pregnancy?

  111. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Jon Stewart Mocks Sarah Palin’s Double Standard Over Inflamed Political Rhetoric

    Jon Stewart opened The Daily Show tonight by discussing the miraculous recovery of “the victim our nation has been tracking so closely for the last ten days.” Of course he was talking about Sarah Palin, who last night sat down with Fox News Sean Hannity for her first live interview since becoming a central character in the finger pointing that followed the Arizona shooting tragedy. Stewart ridiculed Palin’s hypocrisy of calling out inflamed rhetoric whilst making the very same types of attacks herself.

    It was a brilliant take down of the angry Alaskan Governor, best summed up with Stewart saying “Is it possible Governor that you have become a lightening rod, less for your clarity of vision but more for your ability to turn any criticism of you into persecution of you, while still very casually being able to dismiss a pretty large portion of America.”


  112. angela8:20 PM

    Anon 7:07
    So when did Levi and Bristol get married?! You called Bristol, Mercede's "sister in law". I thought Bristol was just the mother of her nephew. Enquiring minds . . . .

  113. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Gasman (6:11) - too funny!

    She sure as hell won’t win even the Miss Congeniality award in the next presidential election...

    In the inimitable words of the French Soldier in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail,” I say, “I fart in your general direction.”

    That will always be one of the funniest lines of all time! Is that why you're called "Gasman"?

  114. Sarah Palin adds nothing of value to the national conversation. She's just a mess of trouble. Mostly, I think she's mentally ill.

    I don't want her humiliated or in jail. I just want her to disappear and

    1) quietly pay restitution for her grifting out of her ill-gotten gains,
    2) take her ill-bred, foul-mouthed, untalented daughters with her, and
    3)finally show us the birth certificate! We must know the truth about Trig, one way or the other.

  115. Anon @ 2.17, Wow, there's actually 13% who disapproved of how Obama handled Tucson? IMO, anyone who'd disapprove of how Obama handled Tucson is just obnoxiously partisan. To cling to such disdain is just petty and small.

  116. Anonymous8:38 PM

    It looks like Laura Schlesinger is going to pump up her new satellite radio show and book by tagging herself with fellow conservative woman and media target Sarah Palin.

    Dr. Laura On Hannity: Sarah Palin Is Criticized Because “She Has Balls”

    "Because . . . can I say it bluntly? She has balls. And they don’t like that in a woman. She’s pretty, she’s smart, she’s tough, she’s strong, she won’t quit, she won’t back down. They can’t stand that. And now they got two of us."

    Neither Schlesinger or Palin will go away anytime soon. Absolutely will not STFU.

    Palin will be a "political" star as long as she can. She would be a disaster on the radio, why would that stop her? If she wants to make big money and say what she wants. They'll put a studio in her house. She could start by co-hosting with someone to carry her. Schlesinger had an awful voice. If it wasn't for her calling people biological errors and sluts she would have faded away. It does not take talent to get set up in radio. It takes a willingness to be a proud jerk. I am hoping Sarah will be in prison and they won't let her do a show from her cell.

  117. Anonymous8:39 PM


  118. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Gryphen, I have two questions for you:

    1) Do you have extra people watching your back these days?

    2) Is this going to be a Korbel iceberg or Moet?


    From tonight's Daily Show

    Jon Stewart Mocks Sarah Palin’s Double Standard Over Inflamed Political Rhetoric



  120. deebee9:07 PM

    That toast gotta be "sourdough", right?

  121. Gasman9:20 PM

    Anon @ 8:28,
    "Is that why you're called 'Gasman'?"

    On the advice of my attorney, in response to that question I am invoking my Fifth Amendment rights against self incrimination.

  122. Anonymous9:31 PM

    7:07, you sanctimonious, prissy little fart. who are you to tell anybody anything? the fact that you've run over here to breathlessly report to a group of people who couldn't care less tells us what we need to know. As for what Bristol has "been through," from where we're standing, she's had it fairly easy, what with a nanny and a bodyguard helping her carry her load. go away.

  123. Sarah is a woman who has raised a few children who are poster children for bad behavior, she will be quick to admonish anyone else that does not subscribe to her "Grizzly Mom" style of child-rearing.

    Sarah Palin admonishes those that have achieved advanced degrees in our halls of education; she on the other hand will glorify her own attempt at achieving such a degree in our halls of education.

    Sarah Palin will spout divisive and inflammatory rhetoric, while admonishing anyone else that does the same.

    Sarah Palin will tell the world that she is a talented and practiced hunter of big game, while asking her Dad if that gun will "kick" , and then asking her father to reload the weapon for her in between her use of said weapon.

    Sarah Palin will call for transparency in Government while requiring at minimum, stalling tactics, or actual redaction in the information contained in her emails requested while she was an elected public official.

    Sarah Palin would get upon a national stage and proclaim that Alaska was currently undertaking the largest Energy Project in the history of our country, when no such gas pipeline will ever come to fruition.

    She will say she took on the Old Boy Network in Oil Production and raised their taxes so that Alaska could reap the benefits. The current Governor is now lowering those taxes so that oil production can continue.

    Sarah Palin will say that God opens doors for her, and she hopes to always be cognizant of those "open doors" so she can "plow right through them". God must have a sense of humor, or He has a penchant for Toast.

  124. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Jeeze, who makes faces like that?

  125. Anon at 3:49 pm: I'm not from the South, and now live in a big northern city. I didn't miss the tastelessness and disrespect for the deceased. I think Sarah made her narcissism pretty obvious. Six people suddenly, pointlessly dead, but she has to be the victim.

    Anon at 8:38 pm quotes Laura Schlesinger as saying Sarah Palin "has balls." I am so tired of Sarah Palin and her supposed "balls." Dear Sarah, if you can't play nicely, just take your balls and go home.

  126. Jon Stewart called her an Anchorage Steamer. Works for me. He also used a "Petty Woman" graphic. Brilliant as usual.

  127. Anonymous10:47 PM

    "Sarah Palin is a woman who has raised a few children who are poster children for bad behavior, she will be quick to admonish anyone else that does not subscribe to her "Grizzly Mom" style of child-rearing."


  128. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Anonymous said...
    7:07, you sanctimonious, prissy little fart. who are you to tell anybody anything? the fact that you've run over here to breathlessly report to a group of people who couldn't care less tells us what we need to know. As for what Bristol has "been through," from where we're standing, she's had it fairly easy, what with a nanny and a bodyguard helping her carry her load. go away.

    9:31 PM

    You forgot to add the hardest thing Bristol has done besides Levi and the boys in Wasilla was DWTS and from what we seen during the shows she took that fairly easy.

  129. Anonymous11:12 PM

    It says a lot about Palin in the company she keeps! She's not selecting the correct ones if she really wants to move toward the presidency. She is such an idiot or so self-absorbed...cannot decide which!

  130. Take this, SP, from the Business Insider:

    It was, to say the least, a disappointing showing. Because even if you don't agree with her political platforms there is always the hope that at some point she will display a depth worthy of all the attention she has received in the last two years.

    The Palin that showed up last night, however, was typically both angry and victimized. But also, for the first time maybe, scared. This was no smirking former governor contemptuously brushing aside criticism, this appeared to be a woman shook to the core (and understandably so) after being widely associated with a mass murder.

    Alas, for Palin that core-shaking has apparently not lead her to any greater conclusions about herself or the nation.

    Despite her few protestations that we should keep in mind this wasn't about Palin, it was of course about Palin: She will not be made to sit down. She will not be silenced.

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/its-fairly-clear-sarah-palin-has-no-intention-of-running-for-president-2011-1#ixzz1BSyoB6dM

  131. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Gabby's husband gave a wonderful interview tonight w/Diane Sawyer. He is not happy about the rhetoric in the U.S. that is for sure. (Sister Sarah, I hope you watched the interview!) He came across wonderfully - a truly smart, loving man.

    I can hardly wait until we get to the point where we hear from Gabby herself. She went through some pretty tough stuff during her last campaign/re election to office due to having voted for health care and other things.

    I am one that does believe Palin's gunsite map and negative national statements did and do have an influence on others that promotes the grud we've seen at rallies, on signs, etc.

  132. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Sarah Palin is 24/7 insufferable. Newt and others are telling her to dial it back, will she go back to the hiatus? If she is quiet her compadres will take up her cause and martyr her as a victim with out free speech. O my, Dr. Laura had to change venues before she was assassinated.

    “Wait a minute,” said Dr. Laura to Lauer as she finished her point which included blaming CNN for having “a field day” with the controversy.

    1-18-11: CNN, Ridiculist, Anderson Cooper responded to Dr. Laura's accusations with facts. He had the correspondence where she was asked to come on the show. She claimed they went on a 48 hour vendetta against her.

    The revenge of Dr. Laura Schlessinger The controversial radio host defends her "n-word" meltdown on the "Today" show -- and still has no clue

    People will have to pay money to hear Dr. Laura carry on about the victims of free speech.
    Can Sarah Palin listen to Newt?

  133. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Sarah having her own radio show in her next life? Cannot imagine. Bet she'd last a month if that. She wouldn't have the intellect or stamina to do the preparation for a daily show. Can you imagine her three hours a day (as an example), five days a week? Repeat, repeat, repeat as she has done nationally for the past two years with her standards!!!!

    She'd be a huge fail - as she has been in everything else in her life.

  134. Anonymous11:58 PM

    On the cover of the National Enquirer the collapsing Lisa Marie Presley beats out Todd's sex scandal.
    NE pays big bucks

  135. Aussie Blue Sky12:06 AM


    Thanks for the Jon Stewart video.

  136. I dont know man the shits gettin deep and i cant eat popcorn. Guess i will stockup on cornbread fixins. That and honey goes great with red wine.
    Keep it comin Gryph we are set back and watchin.

  137. Anonymous12:50 AM


    Does National Enquirer have a big story out about Todd and his indiscretions ?

    Check out all the blogs - looks like that iceberg is beginning to drift on down.

    E-Mails - are they coming now - looks like lots of birds are singing in Alaska - oh happy days are coming - say good-bye to the twitter grifter.

    Has RAM been refudiated? Believe she has been. Maybe she decided that "silence is golden".

  138. Anonymous2:43 AM

    @7:07, the only things that Bristol has "been through" in the past 2 years are being regularly verbally abused by her mother, who in her delusional state blames Bristol for losing the '08 election, and becoming overweight. That's pretty much it. Otherwise, she's been on a gravy train that any sleazeball reality star would envy.

    Well, I guess she's "been through" being a Palin her whole life, so I'll give her that hardship. It's a doozy.

  139. Anonymous2:59 AM

    Well, should she have to hit the strip club circuit, according to her last SarahPAC FEC disclosure report, she already has someone on her payroll that can arrange the tour:

    Allison Meyers, who was kicked out as director of the RNC Young Eagales for arranging that "donor's dinner" at a Hollywood sex club.

    Don't know what "services" Palin is currently paying her for, but she might come in handy in the future.


  140. Anonymous3:25 AM

    anon 7:07 says "But seriously, you prove yourself as trashy as you call BRistol when you don't try to stop the endless and illegitimate bad mouthing of your "sister in law."

    When Bristol gave a great big fat middle finger to the world in general it was "trashy". When Bristol announced her forthcoming marriage to Levi on a tabloid cover it was "trashy".

    I think we don't need to look any further than Bristol for examples of "trashy".

  141. Anonymous3:52 AM

    Dr Laura's statement on balls.

    Rachael Maddow has balls. That is one smart, beautiful and gutsy gal.

    Palin... no, Palin is a coward. Always has been, always will be.

  142. Anonymous4:53 AM

    Bristol is getting a lot of negative publicity about her going to Bryan Jan 22 to give a speech about how hard it is to be a single mother of 3 and make hundreds of thousands of dollars while doing it.

    Talk of boycotts and demonstrations, she better keep her fat azz out of Texas cause they don't want any more trash.

  143. Anonymous4:53 AM

    8:14, only she would have to make the perp look "apolitical or left-leaning" to get the full effect. Thats just how she rolls.

  144. Anonymous5:02 AM

    When you peel back the ghostwriters for both her books, the ghostwriters for her speeches, the ghostbloggers for her Facebook, her ghost twitters, her ghost Governor (when she was Gov.), her ghost mother for the family of trailer trash kids and the ghost wife for Todd, what is left? Sarah is nothing without all her ghosts.

  145. 38% is still way to high. How is that possible?

  146. Anonymous6:15 AM

    "However, if she blind-sided him, I think he should start spilling her secrets. She posted private e-mails which included incredibly harsh allegations against him. Gryphen's been very good about not posting anything that could hurt anyone who trusted him. "


    My first thought was along these lines. I sure hope Mercedes gave Gryphen the courtesy of a heads up before printing the email from Bristol. Yes, it is more proof that Bristol is as horrid as her mother but it does Gryphen an incredible disservice to reinforce a charge of criminal behavior that has been completely unsubstantiated. It was at best very irresponsible to reprint this rubbish. So, Bristol is vulgar...we knew that.

  147. Anonymous7:08 AM

    But seriously, you prove yourself as trashy as you call BRistol when you don't try to stop the endless and illegitimate bad mouthing of your "sister in law."

    I have not found anything "illegitimate" especially after Bristol on camera for DWTS, public appearances, telling new lies contradicting herself. The FB rant shared by Willow nd Bristol exhibited a pattern of behavior, distorted denigrating rhetoric consistent with their mother's pattern. I have seen and heard lesser extremes by Bristol. Considering both sides she shows the dark side is real also, not "illegitimate".

  148. Anonymous8:49 AM

    " Jo said...
    38% is still way to high. How is that possible?

    5:20 AM"

    I still see people driving around with their "W"
    stickers. Some people are always going to be
    hard core right wing, no matter how uncool it is.

  149. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I love the toast pic. Reminds me of the Jesus face on toast that they were trying to sell on e-bay a couple years ago.


  150. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Most people think Dr. Laura is dead. Actually, she does have a significant block of RW followers that will pay $$ to listen to her. They teach their children to trust her, she is wonderful and they are glad she can be free to speak. She was frustrated before because she couldn't be more political. The RW radio hate speech enthusiasts will use her to keep their ideology and other spokes persons influential.

    We know how Dr. Laura detested Sarah Palin at first, because of her bad parenting example. She as since been persauded to overlook that and support the Palin brand and she's been attacked meme and now she is carrying on the she has balls visual.

    I didn't realize until Tammy Bruce started courting Rebecca Mansour how cuddly they were all becoming. Then before the Tucson massacre, Sarah had been in her Christmas seclusion and her first roll out was on radio. The time she joined Laura Ingraham and pushed the Glenn Beck meme about the line in the sand. They all must have had something going with that and it may have changed after Tucson.

    I don't listen to Satellite radio and I won't know what Dr. Laura is up to. I hope the public is aware of her how she has so much covered up in her life and more about who she actually is. If you read about her relationship with her mother it is more disturbing then you want to know. Remember all the time she was fooling people into how she was this wonderful relationship guru and making big money on her fudged credentials. She is not a doctor at all and that is a sham that doesn't get any attention. As an entertainer she can use the title to trick people into thinking she is a psychologist. She has cleared that up some, but not enough that people aren't fooled.

    Before Sarah Palin was covering up for her children, Dr. Laura was an expert of doing the same for her son. Starting back when he was about ten years old. He was always troubled and the answer was military type solutions.

    Talk about perverts and sexual pedophiles... yikes Dr. Laura is involved in one of the most disgusting and damning cover ups of modern times. Not to mention her insane position on guns. She wasn't free enough to say it but she wants guns in schools to solve situations like the Virginia Tech shooting. This is the part she really hides, she didn't think females should be in the military and she didn't think they should learn to shoot or have guns in school. Only boys can have guns in school. That doesn't mean that she can't have a gun. These people are lying hypocrites and that is what you get.

    If she is going to be supporting Sarah Palin on Sirius XM Satellite radio I hope people won't totally disregard her potential to spread lies. They need to know more about her and her relationship with the military, cover ups and violent murderous obsessed pedophiles. She is not one who should be supporting anyone that cries wolf by falsely accusing innocent people of pedophilia. Worse yet the Palins are teaching their children to do the same. Don't let the RW get by with that.


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