Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sarah Palin interview with Sean Hannity Part Two: Caribou Barbie strikes back!

Hannity starts off broadcasting video of the "Leather Clad Caribou Barbie" from John McCain's re-election campaign.  (You know THAT got the male Fox News viewers attention! "Now I remember why we like her!")

Hannity reminds her that when she used war imagery it was "not a call to arms," and that she was ignored by the media.  "Does that frustrate you more?'  Uh oh!

Palin: "When we talk about being up in arms we're talking about getting to the voting booth." Very angry. You know I am pretty sure I could fry bacon on her forehead right about now.

(It appears that there is a teleprompter reflected in Palin's glasses, yet she seems to struggle often to find the right words, and frequently falls back into her habit of garbled together word salad that simply sounds like nonsense. If that is a teleprompter whoever is running it is an idiot (Todd?) or Palin is too pissed to read anything off of it.)

Palin goes on to say that the most frustrating part was the accusation that she, and others, "upon responding to false accusations of being involved in...murder. That we have interjected ourselves into this story." (Yes because releasing your highly polished professional "blood libel" video on the same day the President was speaking at the memorial for the victims was not "interjecting yourself into the story" now was it?) 

Oh my God!  Sarah wants to share "a little secret" with us.  Could this be it?  Is she going to admit what I hope she is going to admit?

Oh, it is about how the "lamestream media" actually works. Boring.

The "secret" is that the media wanted a response from Sarah after the shootings, and people started talking about her famous map which targeted Giffords among others. Is it really a "secret" if everybody would have expected that to happen?  

But according to Palin she did not respond until the appropriate time. (You know when she could try to steal the attention away from the President before he delivered the memorial speech, and invite comparisons between her video and his speech.  THAT, in Palin-land, was the appropriate time.)

"My statement of defense, it was NOT self defense, it was defending those who are innocent, talk show hosts, talk show listeners those who have nothing to do with a crazed EVIL gunman who killed innocent people."

Hannity goes on to say that multiple media outlets have used the term "Palin in the crosshairs" and suggests that they are somehow hypocritical since they are condemning her for using the images.  As he says this you can see that Palin's face is extraordinarily tense and she seems to be having difficulty biting back her anger..

"Do you receive, Governor, a lot of death threats?" And with that Hannity serves Sister Sarah the softball that she has been waiting for all evening.

"We receive a lot of death threats, my children do (Gotta inject the children for maximum sympathy), umm that's the worst part of it, as you can imagine.)

Now Hannity is going down the line of threats that have been directed at Palin.

First up the international terrorist known as "Madonna." (Wait! The "like a virgin" Madonna?)

Madonna: "I will kick her ass if she does not get off my street." (Here is video of the "threat" which Madonna even puts to music to make it especially terrifying.)

Then we have Sandra Bernhard saying that if Palin comes to New York she will be "gang raped by my black brothers".  (Another clearly viable threat.)

Now Hannity introduces a cartoon (WTF? A cartoon?) of Palin being punched in the face, and a bumper sticker that reads "Abort Sarah Palin." 

(Okay hold on a minute!  THOSE are the best examples of the "threats" that Sarah Palin receives?  Really?  Is Hannity fucking kidding me?  Does he actually have the audacity to compare THESE EXAMPLES to the very real threats that come at anybody who dares to criticize Palin the minute she points her flying monkeys in their direction?)

And now, feeling vindicated by Hannity's parade of non-threats, she calls those on the Left hypocrites?

Now she is bringing up her children and then quoting the Bible to energize her supporters, but I think this interview is another complete failure on her part to make herself appear sympathetic in any way.

Hearing Sarah Palin calling for civil discourse and condemning violence it is almost like hearing John Edwards, or even Todd Palin, talk about marital fidelity.  It just comes off as extremely hypocritical and pathetic.

Now almost immediately after Palin calls for a more civil discourse she slams the President's memorial speech in Tucson as a "pep rally" or a "campaign stop." (Wow!  I think she managed to remain civil for almost fifteen seconds!  I do believe that is a new Sarah Palin record!)

Yesterday somebody told me that NO WAY could Palin make things any worse for herself with this interview.  I respectfully disagree.

What do you think?


  1. Anonymous7:48 AM

    I think it's more likely thats a tv screen with Hannity on the other end.

  2. Anonymous7:54 AM

    eh, I think she handled herself well considering all the stupid people TRYING DESPERATELY to link her to anything evil. She is not evil. She's naive.

    So, by your Todd/infidelity comment, can we assume the news coming out in weeks is Ms Tripp's story (gotta milk grifterhood and assoc with the PAlins like everyone else after all)

    That is beyond sad.

  3. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Scarborough nailed it today on Morning Joe: Sarah has now aligned herself with Mark Levin and talk radio, instead of with presidential contenders.

    She's toast.


  4. Anonymous7:54 AM

    At times her jaws were clinched so tight I thought her head would explode but I could see fear in her eyes...she's done.

  5. carol from Minnesota7:55 AM

    Sarah tries to say that the left is the same as the right (HA) and she will not stop inflaming her people. This link http://www.csgv.org/issues-and-campaigns/guns-democracy-and-freedom/insurrection-timeline
    is very revealing-showing the threats and actual violence that has been carried out under her and the other right wing influence or encouragement.
    Very upsetting. And she says she won't stop. God help us.

  6. Chenagrrl7:55 AM

    On the threats. No one trashed an SP office? Dropped moose nuggets at the end of her driveway? Whispered FUSP in the privacy of their own home?
    Go figure. Irrelevant, and getting more so.

    The big scandal needs to break soon, lest the rest of the world forgets about her, like Anita Bryant!

  7. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I like the "Todd Palin" crumbs you are leaving us, Gryphen...

    1) I have a feeling that there is a refrigerator someplace nursing several dings and picking canned good fragments out of its ice cube maker.

    2) Hearing Sarah Palin calling for civil discourse and condemning violence is almost like hearing John Edwards, or even Todd Palin, talk about marital fidelity.

  8. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Palin defending her defense. I'M SOOOOO CONFUSED!!!! Oooh, my aching head. Seriously. Trying to follow her logic this time around was painful.

    Great commentary, Gryph, keep it up. Have I read hints on here about some amazing news coming from Wasilla soon?

  9. Anonymous8:01 AM

    All I want to know is , when will this parisite vanish ? I thouroughly enjoy your blog . It has given me hope along with other blogs that this parisite is being exposed . I can no longer even stand the thought of her . She continues to be a major embarrassment to the U.S. .I am hoping others , including the media will begin to report on her less and less. And see her for what she is . An ugly parisite .

  10. Anonymous8:06 AM

    She and Hannity are almost certain reading off a script for the most part. The script may be bullet points that give room for ad-libbing, but it's clear they are both engaging in a reading exercise as they speak.

    If this could be suggested more and more...and I don't see why it isn't, because she always sounds so very oddly scripted on Fox News...it would make her look like the biggest hypocrite in the world, considering how much she blasts Obama for using a teleprompter...which he obviously doesn't in his interviews, or when he schooled the Republicans on live TV.

  11. Anonymous8:11 AM

    I could hear the whining all the way here in Chicago!!! AND, Cluster-Fox wasn't even turned on !!

    How much longer is the media going to inflict this fog-horn's mouth on us?? WHY can't she just fade into the perma-frost??

  12. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Could someone please tell me what the he** a "time tested truth" is and exactly who and how these truths were implemented to solve problems as great as the ones before us today.

    No. Sarah is not evil. Can't you just see that she is someone filled with the Holy Sprit, love and compassion.

  13. Anonymous8:12 AM

    "Now almost immediately after Palin calls for a more civil discourse she slams the President's memorial speech in Tucson as a "pep rally" or a "campaign stop."

    You are wrong, SHE SLAMS THE PEOPLE OF TUCSON because they were not SILENT and bow their heads. It is one way with her: her way.

    She is vulgar.

  14. Anonymous8:15 AM

    I find it very interesting that the news channels are barely talking about it. I bet the major media powers had a pow wow and decided that, for whatever reason, no more attention to scara. I found it interesting that the Last Word was able to so quickly comment on the interview because maybe they agreed to not talk about it so much today. It will be interesting to see what happens tonight. It looks fishy to me. It probably would be a good idea if Keith stops talking about it as it will look like he is beating a dead horse at this point. Scara made her bed, let her sleep in it and let faux continue to allow her to F*ck up. The American public have/has eyes and for the most part functioning brains, we know what went down.

  15. RebainVa8:18 AM

    A long while back I referenced a very old movie (even think it's black and white0 called 'The Picture Of Dorian Grey' and how it parallels the Grifter Queen...

    The main character sells his soul to the Devil and in return he never appears to age...but the mirror never lies and shows him for the pitiful soul he has become...

    Every time I see her biting that lower lip to maintain her composure...Yep she sold her soul when John McCain asked her be on the ticket with absolutely NO qualms on her part that she was NOT ready or capable to lead America.
    Get the hook...she's done.

  16. Watching this shrew defend her stupid statements I am struck by how tenuous her sanity seems to be. If I'm not mistaken, I think Sarah Baby might be very close to what used to be called a "nervous breakdown. She is riding a very thin edge and I'm waiting for the fall. Bye bye Baby, bye bye.

  17. majii8:20 AM


    Palin had had over 2 years to learn what she needs to know to run for president in 2012. Palin may be "naive," but she wants to be POTUS anyway. Berlesconi, Medvedev, Ahminadijhad, Putin, Merkel, Hu Jin Tao, Kim Jong Il, Cameron, Netanyahu, Sarkosy, etc. would eat her alive for breakfast, boil her bones, and have Palin soup for lunch and dinner with salad as a side dish.

  18. laprofesora8:20 AM

    Notice how her eyes light up when she gets to glom on to one of her talking points: "time-tested truths", "common sense conservatives". It's like she's completely floundering then she finds a lifeline.

  19. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Sarah Palin fears Madonna. Enuf said.

  20. Anonymous8:23 AM

    @7:54, she's naive? Fine, that is as good a reason as any that she should not be putting herself forward as the voice of the GOP.

    She's not naive. She's stupid, yes, but not naive.

  21. Anonymous8:25 AM

    One must give credit where credit is due. Say what you will about sarah´s fashion ¨sense,¨ however, there is no denying sarah has the burned out, former porn actress look down cold.

  22. Anonymous8:26 AM

    The saddest part of all of this is, I honestly believe, Palin hates Obama more that she loves anyone or anything else in her life (husband, children, country).

    She is fixated on him and it is incredibly sad. She is a verbal stocker. Like Limbaugh (her mentor)she allows for no debate.

  23. Anonymous8:27 AM

    If Mitt Romney gave an interview and performed one tenth as badly as Palin, the media would destroy him.

    Palin is still teflon. And as sociopathic as ever.

  24. laprofesora8:27 AM

    I just finished watching all of it. Sarah Palin is a pathetic POS.

  25. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Well, we can definitively say that the flag flunked its screen test.

  26. I have decided to ignore trolls. It is non productive. You are bigger person then they are, you let them post, unlike at their websites where comments not praising the queen of gaffs are flagged.

    As far as Sarah Palin only the seriously delusional still think she could run this country and speak to other world leaders. I suggest in the kindest way possible to seek professional help.

  27. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Painfully watching the interview again to actually see her body language as I was multi-tasking last night with my ears doing one thing and my hands and eyes doing something else, I have to agree that she is drugged. Some kind of prescription drug for sure. I also picked up another lie, she stated that she waited UNTIL a memorial service had taken place before she wanted to make her comments--AGAIN, lying so much she can't keep up. I also noticed how she was smiling when she was talking about her kids being threatened. Not the expression one would expect on a Mother's face. I would hope is it a smile of fear.

  28. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Would someone tell the Fox news "journalists" that Palin is no longer governor? She has been a private citizen for a few years now, even though that description hardly fits her. We should all thank McCan for this permanent headache. Please replay the video during the campaign where he was wandering around the stage, cackling "How about that Sarah Palin last night, eh?? EH?"

  29. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Anon at 7:48 AM: "I think it's more likely thats a tv screen with Hannity on the other end."

    No, the same image was there when she gave her scripted video statement a few days ago.

  30. Anonymous8:40 AM

    She doesn't need glasses so why does she wear them when they reflect the telepromter?

  31. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I never expected the ghoul to administer her own "Bitch Slap". That's pretty satisfying! Just sayin'...


  32. Anonymous8:43 AM

    "common sense conservatives"

    No such thing.

  33. Anonymous8:44 AM

    just want to remind everyone of this as well. Perriello was also on Palins crosshair map


  34. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Every time we think she can't she outdoes herself in stupididy. She's mavericky that way.

  35. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Well, at least she got rid of the photo-shopped flag . . . and piper diaper's necklace. That's gotta be worth +2 points, no?

  36. Anonymous8:48 AM

    SnowSnook has no concept of the art of rhetoric...it's all a fight with her.

    She should learn how great leaders can concede points to others and still win the argument.

    She'll only ever appeal to that small, hating base.

    That's cool with me.

  37. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I would LOVE to see Giffords's husband come out against Palin for the "pep rally" remark.

    Slimy bitch.

  38. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I think the Todd hint involves one certain hooker who is singing like a caged bird. Tweelie-deedlie- deet.

  39. Anonymous8:56 AM

    If Mitt Romney gave an interview and performed one tenth as badly as Palin, the media would destroy him.


    You mean like how the President can make multiple verbal blunders indicating he either has no idea what he's doing or really does know he can indeed get away with ANYTHING and you and the media alike either ignore it or physically cant see it?

  40. Anonymous9:01 AM

    The near complete twitter silence from Palin must mean someone/something has control of her blackberry. From this Hannity interview, it's clear that she's in no mental state to be quiet on her own.

    Wonder what kind of reward Palin gets for each minute of twitter silence.

  41. I noticed Sarah's breathing, which was just short of a full-blown panic attack. Fight or flight. We know which one she chose. I really laughed when Hannity trotted out the "threats" against Palin. One from a rock performance star whose stock in trade is to shock people. Ditto for Sandra Bernhard - a comedian for cripes' sake. As someone up-thread said: when was Palin's office, bus or home ever vandalized? The only "threat" she has documented is the so-called "pedophile writer" who moved in next door and wrote a book. And, of course, her fears were aired on her pathetic reality show. Contrast Gabby Giffords' meet and greet to one of Sarah's book signings. To get close enough to Sarah to even talk trash to her, one has to buy a couple of her crappy books and empty their pockets. Most librulls prefer to stay home than spend time threatening public figures. And did any of the left wing media really put Sarah "in the cross-hairs?" Hannity is now the leader of the Maim Stream Media.

  42. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Palin's Favorability Plunges

    Source: Teagon Goddard's Political Wire
    A new USA Today/Gallup poll shows Sarah Palin's favorable rating has dropped to 38%, her lowest since just after bursting onto the national scene as Sen. John McCain's running mate in 2008. In the wake of controversy over her response to the Tucson shooting, her unfavorable rating hit a new high at 53%.


  43. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Here's the context of 2 Timothy:
    3 I thank God, whom I serve with a pure conscience, as my forefathers did, as without ceasing I remember you in my prayers night and day, 4 greatly desiring to see you, being mindful of your tears, that I may be filled with joy, 5 when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also. 6 Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

    On 2 Timothy 1:6-7:
    "It takes the Spirit of God to produce a truly sound mind. This verse also implies that, as long as the mind is devoid of God's Spirit, it cannot be considered to be truly healthy. Any mind that lacks the Holy Spirit will, like Esau's, be limited in its outlook, unstable to some degree, and focused on itself. It may be very sharp regarding material things, but it will be deficient in the ability to cope with life in a godly manner because it cannot see things in a proper, righteous-or-unrighteous context. Instead, it will have a strong tendency to twist situations toward its own self-centered perspective. This does not make for good relationships."
    John W. Ritenbaugh

    More from Mr. Ritenbaugh, on the power of words and language:
    "The Holy Spirit is described generally as the power of God, which is certainly correct, but power comes in a number of forms. There is a flowing power caused by the movement of an object. Thus God uses water to illustrate an aspect of the Holy Spirit (John 7:37-39). There is healing and nourishing power, so God uses oil to symbolize His Spirit. Words, symbols we use to represent ideas, the raw material of our thoughts, have awesome power to influence. Thus God says through Jesus that His words "are spirit, and they are life" (John 6:63).
    Words give us the power to communicate ideas from one mind to another or to many minds. They carry the power to instruct, encourage, discourage, mollify, anger, vilify, inspire, exhilarate, create, or destroy. They can make a person change his mind, motivate him to stop or move, do, undo, or redo. The power of words is almost limitless."

    But, Sarah, listen up. Here's what 1st Timothy says:

    2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
    8 Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing.
    9 I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes,
    10 but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.
    11 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission.
    12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.

    Aren't you a "Bible-Believer", Sarah? This is what it says in Timothy, you know, your own reference.
    Those in authority; peaceful, quiet; without anger or dispute.
    Get it, Sarah?

  44. Anonymous9:04 AM

    There are hookers and then there are hookers. Wonder how many hookers loves them some Tawd?

  45. Anonymous9:12 AM

    @8:56 - there's a huge difference between an occasional misspoken word or term from a man who speaks publicly more in one day that you do in a year--and what Sarah Heath Palin did last night in a scripted interview, looking like a deer with Alzheimer's in headlights.

  46. Anonymous9:12 AM

    She was totally reading her statement for the first 2 1/2 minutes!

  47. Molly9:14 AM

    Hey, and to think I was thinking what a weirdo Madonna had become of late: my opinion of her just went up! Although personally, I don't think I'd kick her ass if SP didn't get off my sidewalk, I'd probably just make faux throw-up noises and pointedly cross the street to avoid her. Perhaps I'd yell out a gratuitous "Worst Governor EVAH"!!!

  48. dancingthroughlife9:17 AM

    Gryphen, I bet you and other bloggers could teach Mrs. Todd Palin a few things about threats. She's being threatened by a global megastar, a comedian, and a writer? Please. I bet you and other bloggers who dare to say "mean" (ie, true) things about her get ten times the threats she does. Notice there was no mention of the young man from PA in there... and wasn't it just last week that HP had a story on him again, something about his renewed threats to her? I think it would be interesting for you bloggers to post another threat or two (as you have posted emails you've gotten in the past), show her what real threats are, and remind her that none of you play the victim in this.

  49. Anonymous9:21 AM

    For her to refer to the Memorial Service as a 'Pep Rally' - she just insulted the citizens of Tucson.

    Think of the protests etc should she ever try to step foot there.

    She should consider herself lucky that Congresswoman Giffords' husband is a truly class act as he has every right to chew that bitch up and spit her out.

  50. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Just in the interest of accuracy...

    SP said in part II that she refrained from comment until after a memorial MASS had taken place. This is correct. I remember it because she made reference to the Mass and again to a Roman Catholic Mass so that her connection of the use of "blood libel" would be clear.

    Other than that, her lies are monumental and her message as mangled as she could make it.

  51. Anon 7:54:
    Naive is believing that babies come from storks.
    $arah is EVIL. Since 2008, she has done nothing but incite hate in her already bigoted ilk. $he has done her best to divide the Country with her lies about the President.
    $he is not Christ-like. $he is Satan like. $he is evil.

  52. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I wonder what Hannity's rating was for having Palin on his show. There was some tough competition - I watched Oprah's interview w/Pier and thought he did a good job.

    Palin got little coverage, which I find positive. She's going down slowly but surely at all her own doing!!!

    And, Sarah, please know you in NO WAY compare to our wonderful President Obama!

  53. Anonymous9:36 AM

    My gosh, that's a staged interview if I ever saw one. It was so obvious she and Hannity were reading off a prepared script while trying to sound natural. Well, not a surprise coming from the network that had a producer caught on tape urging protesters to make more noise.

  54. Anonymous9:36 AM

    As a parent, wouldn't you want to shield your child from ugliness like the thought of death threats?

    I don't believe for a second that there are any credible threats against the Palin kids, but I can imagine that there's some coarse things said on comment boards. Why would you, as a parent, tell your children about these?

    Why would you tell your little 9 year old girl that the man next door is going to do her harm? Why would you tell your children that they are in danger of being killed by people because of Mom's politics?

    What kind of emotional state would that cause a child? Fear and paranoia, yes, but also internalized resentment and hatred of the parent ("it's because of her") and also the sense that people out there hate you, the child.

    How can anyone poison their children's minds like this?

  55. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Ok, we are really supposed to believe that the Facebook post-sounding answers she gave just came off the top of her head? Like the one where she launched into a quote from MLK? I mean, I knew she was pre-fed questions for other interviews, like the one where she looked at her hand. In desperation, Fox is slapping up the answers for her to read while she's giving the actual interview. I have never seen such a concerted effort to help someone fail so spectacularly over and over and over again.

  56. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Anon 7:54

    Palin is not naive. She is full of hate but she thinks its acceptable because she speaks to others like her. This woman believe what she says because she says it some passionately. It's evil pure and simple. I can imagine that in Palin's perfect world, only those who look like her and think like her would be in charge in this country. What she doesn't realize is that we are global and not insulated. There are many out there who fear her type of mindset is dangerous, too.

    Naive, no. Evil and delusional, yes.

  57. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Anon 7:54. You know, many in the GOP thinks that this woman is a idiot. They don't respect her. But folks like you hang on her every word and worship her. She is your God. Not ours.

  58. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Like many who follow news of Palin for the same reason we follow news of a flu pandemic possibility, she's dangerous, I realize that in the gazillion words I've read of her, not once has anyone, even among Palin fans, used the word "kind", as in being kind, or doing a kindness to someone. Is it possible she hasn't a drop of kindness in her?
    Amazing, but yes, I think it is.

  59. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Gee, with all the attention on Todd, I've been waiting for a newsbreak about Sarah and Mansour. After all, Mansour seems to be more protective of Sarah than Todd and is much more aggressive (in public, at least). I don't actually care much about who is loving whom except when a marriage is involved.

    Seems to me the Adulterer label would be quite difficult for either spouse in such a pious family to handle. Ahem.

  60. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Would be interesting to see what Madonna and Sarah B have to say about Snowdrift Snookie now. Can someone get over to them and ask for a comment of the Hannity interview. Maybe now they are getting hate mail as a result??????? Not a wise move, hannitypants.

  61. Anonymous9:49 AM

    It sure is entertaining $carah, to watch you self-destruct.

  62. Anonymous9:51 AM

    More on Sarah's bible reference to Jeremiah:

    The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron; with a point of diamond it is engraved on the tablet of their heart, and on the horns of their altars, while their children remember their altars and their Asherim, beside every green tree and on the high hills, on the mountains in the open country.
    Your wealth and all your treasures I will give for spoil as the price of your high places for sin throughout all your territory.
    You shall loosen your hand from your heritage that I gave to you, and I will make you serve your enemies in a land that you do not know, for in my anger a fire is kindled that shall burn forever. Thus says the Lord: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart turns away from the Lord...”
    Jeremiah 17:1-27

    Sarah, you have to stop with the bible passages.

    Here's what I see that defines Sarah Palin completely.
    On-stage at the Republican National Convention in 2008, Sarah Palin promised Christian-based supporters across this country, that her pregnant teenaged daughter was going to do the Right Thing and marry the boy she had sex with.
    She didn't. How do you justify that?

    And how come she hadn't already been married, before the convention? Like in May?
    There are Christian families in Wasilla and from one side of this country to the other who married their pregnant girls off. Because of you and Bristol, Sarah.
    Hypocrisy, much?

    Sarah Palin quotes bible verses. Sarah Palin claims some kind of higher purpose ordained by God. Sarah Palin claims that God is leading her.

    What exactly are Sarah Palin's "values"? What kind of a "Christian" is she? What church, exactly, does Sarah Palin attend? What congregation are Sarah and Todd Palin members of? Where do the Palin children go to Sunday School? Where does Tripp go to Sunday School?

    Sarah Palin lied. From the very beginning. She convinced her Christian supporters to think that she was like them. She's not.

  63. Anonymous9:53 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    eh, I think she handled herself well considering all the stupid people TRYING DESPERATELY to link her to anything evil. She is not evil. She's naive.

    7:54 AM"

    She is not naive, she is cruel. Cruel=evil IMO.

  64. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Palin apologist @7:54 A.M.,

    You are beyond sad.

    $arah Palin did not handle herself "well." I think President Obama has handled himself perfectly, considering all the vitriol coming from $arah Palin and her far-right monkies who have been trying desperatly to link our president to anything, and everything evil.

    Our president has had to deal with more crap than Palin, but I don't hear him complaining. She has accusued him of being an enemy of America, and let's not forget how she accused him of trying to murder the elderly with "death panels." $arah Palin is not naive. She IS evil.

  65. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I finally figured out Sarah's role:

    She's a spokesperson for the ignorant. Hey..... every voice should be heard right??

  66. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Ok, about this scripted interview thing. It makes sense now why Fox put a teleprompter in her TV studio. If it really turns out that a good deal of her Fox interviews from her home have actually been fake and part of a script slapped up on her Teleprompter, then Fox has hit a new low, even for them. Can someone please tell me why they are considered a legitimate member of the press? They are a conservative propaganda outfit, period.

  67. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Next up, Bristol takes over for mom.

    LOVEFEST 9 - EMPOWERED! DON'T MISS OUT! REGISTER NOW! Registrations for LoveFest 9, to be held on Feb. 12 and 13, 2011 at Our Savior Lutheran - Arcadia, are coming in from all over!
    Don't miss this opportunity to hear compelling presentations from our featured presenters -- abstinence advocate and "Dancing with the Stars" alum Bristol Palin, and Revolve Tour speaker and author Chad Eastham.
    We will also have a concert by the award-winning Christian music group Group 1 Crew!
    There are many new and returning breakout sessions including Bullying, Body Image and Identity, How Far is Too Far, PG-Rated Sexuality, Sexual Sin and Forgiveness, the "Me" Generation, Peer Pressure and Gangs, Internet Dangers, the ever-popular Worth Waiting For, and many, many more! The registration fee is still only $20.00, and that includes lunch and dinner. We expect to sell out early and have to cap attendance at 1,000 SO REGISTER NOW!
    See our web site www.LoveFestOSLC.com for a registration form and detailed information about the event including local hotel accommodations.

  68. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Anon @9:36. I have often wondered the same thing. Why don't the bots pick up on this? If she is being threatened, why is Bristol all alone in AZ? When I saw her make that comment to Piper about the neighbor next door, I nearly called Child Protective Services. Is that not a form of child abuse? She is scaring the heck out of that child and does not care and makes a joke about it, and now she wants us to believe she is getting threats. Yeah, threats to have her kids 'taken away" more like it.

  69. Enjay in E MT10:12 AM

    Do you agree / disagree that THIS is what is going on in our country with the RWNJ? Is this what they want? A theocracy?

    snip] Politicians in Congress and state legislative bodies who subscribe to fundamentalist Christian beliefs are making dangerous moves to change religion-neutral laws to a theocratic-themed set of statutes meant to reflect evangelical core beliefs that define immorality and sin as the greatest threats to America’s greatness. These so-called Christian Reconstructionists and Dominionists are fighting an imagined threat posed by feminists, homosexuals, liberals, and secular humanists, and have as their provocateurs of hate people like Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and the C Street pack of fanatics who if allowed, will install the Ten Commandments as the law of the land. [end snip

    more @ http://www.politicususa.com/en/dominionists-over-america/comment-page-1#comment-58410

  70. Anonymous10:16 AM

    "dmoreno56 said...
    I find it very interesting that the news channels are barely talking about it. I bet the major media powers had a pow wow and decided that, for whatever reason, no more attention to scara. I found it interesting that the Last Word was able to so quickly comment on the interview because maybe they agreed to not talk about it so much today. It will be interesting to see what happens tonight. It looks fishy to me. It probably would be a good idea if Keith stops talking about it as it will look like he is beating a dead horse at this point. Scara made her bed, let her sleep in it and let faux continue to allow her to F*ck up. The American public have/has eyes and for the most part functioning brains, we know what went down.

    8:15 AM"

    I NEVER click on links about her--like on
    Google news--because I don't want the stupid
    news people to promote stories about her.

  71. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Keep blabbing, you stupid magpie. And please run for President. I want to see your own kind turn on you.

  72. Anonymous10:17 AM

    She is not naive. She is calculating and shrewd. Do not ever forget that.

  73. Anonymous10:19 AM

    You know, I really, really, don't like that woman. She is selfish and mean and an idiot. However, I am starting to feel sorry for her. She must be soooo very sad. Can you imagine how horrible it must be to be her? She has money and fame, but no soul. When you surround yourself with evil and hate, you become that.

    Now I don't want her anywhere near the White House, (and there is no way that is going to happen), but I have to wonder why so doesn't get help. She can go to a shrink, get a divorce, try and TRULY find the lord and turn her life around. Maybe she then can see why see keeps stepping into poo everytime she opens her mouth.

    I usually find myself completely disgusted by her and I still do, but somehow, today, she is so impotent and limp now, that she seems just pathetic and sad. It's hard to hate an animal who is cornered and fighting back for the last time.

    Her career is pretty much over, her marriage is a sham, she blew her chance at her reality show by making it all about who she wants to be, not who she is, her kids are screaming out for attention and/or help and her base is dwindling.

    Palin, people are flawed, it is what makes us human. If you never admit to any flaws or mistakes, how can anyone see you as human. You had so many chances to change your demeanor and choose light over dark and just can't seem to grasp the concept that people don't like mean people. MEAN PEOPLE SUCK. Sound familiar? It should since you guys get most of your talking points from bumber stickers.

    Do yourself a favor and take a break, get some help, and make up for all of the evil you have done. It's amazing how uplifting it is to do something for someone else, without expecting a reward.

  74. Anonymous10:22 AM

    "she slams the President's memorial speech in Tucson as a "pep rally" or a "campaign stop."

    So this is what happens when you go to 5 or 6 different colleges to get one journalist degree. While America including John McCain and other high ranking Republicans praise President Obama for uniting and inspiring our great country, Sarah Palin is at home sulking in her makeshift oval office overlooking Lake Lucille. How is she suppose to be presidential material when she can't even bring herself to acknowledge what President Obama did was a great thing for our country? It is obvious that Sarah Palin is so pissed she can't even relax her jaws or see straight. America should be relieved and thankful that Palin took 5 - 7 shots to bring down a caribou that just stood there or we would have to be worried about Palin and her anger and what she may be capable of doing.

    Levi thank you for not showing Sarah how to shoot.

  75. Anonymous10:23 AM

    NoMoose, I agree with you about the trolls. We know they are going down for the last time and just trying to stay afloat.

    I think it ticks them off more, that no one pays any attention to them and their pathtic little poop throwing fest.

    Better to just laugh and how stupid Palin looks while trying to behave like a decent human being.
    It's like watching a dog try to climb a tree, not gonna work.

  76. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Now I understand. She HAD speak up to defend the talk show hosts. That is why she HAD TO go on the defense before the memorial service or the burial of the OTHER victims. Lord knows the talk show hosts and paid pundits deserve to have their grievances aired within days of the tragedy or as Sarah calls it the event.

    Keep digging Sarah.

  77. Anonymous10:25 AM

    @ 9:36 Her three older children's lack of morality in their behavior is an indication that there a HUGE issues of dysfunction in this family. She is not setting a good example of how to be a decent human being for these children. That is the saddest tragedy of it all, that another generation will perpetuate the ignorance, petty selfishness and hatred of this woman. This is why it is so important that there are American citizens who counter this with thoughtful and intentional parenting.

  78. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I like the bible verses given here on the blogs. Its amazing but I truly think Palin has not a clue regarding scripture. It is just a tool to get folks culled in.

    I hope its not about Todd having an affair bec then she will play the victim card again. Another soap opera.

    I wonder if she was really born in this country? Knowingly running for president under this lie could be considered a very bad thing.

    Please hurry with the ice burg--i only have so much down time.

  79. Anonymous10:29 AM

    The worst thing is that she is trying to take attention away from the victims, or at least in trying to take attention away from Obama she is simultaneously trying to take attention away from the victims and from the national respect and concern that is being shown them by the presence of the President of the United States of America, by claiming that she is somehow more the victim than a murdered 9 year old innocent child.

    That is heartless and damnable. And is the act of a person with no moral/social compass She is showing total disrespect for the innocent victims, their families and friends so she can play victim caus her widdie feewings r hut.

    That is damnable. To try to take attention away from an hour or two of the nation showing respect, support and sorrow toward the victims of as assassination attempt, for Sarah to try to take attention away from that tragedy because her feelings are hurt is just damnable.

  80. Anonymous10:31 AM

    8:56 A.M.,

    The President has never admitted he didn't know what he was doing. For someone who doesn't know what he's doing, he has the most legislative accomplishments since Franklin Roosevelt.

    Unlike $arah Palin, the President has given numerous unscripted press conferences, including interviews on Fake News, (Fox, to you) debated John McCain, (and won all three times) smacked down the republicans on live t.v., and has had successful meetings with world leaders.

    Palin, on the other hand, mostly sticks to Fake News, must have the questions in advance, writes cheat-sheets on her hand, will not give press conferences, wouldn't dare go on MSNBC, didn't really debate Joe Biden, (since they shortened the time and format to accomidate her stupidity, so that she could stick to her talking points, instead of having a real discussion) and on, and on... She can't even speak in complete sentences, and let's not forget her "refudiate" fuck-up.

    Barack Obama also doesn't need to hide behind ghost-written Facebook pages, and Twitter. Barack Obama can even write his own books. But, not Palin.

    Can you give any examples of $arah Palin not being stupid? No? Of course, not. You are as dumb as Palin, which is why you can't see how dumb she is, physically, or otherwise. Since you can't defend Palin, you bash the President, instead. You failed, by the way.

  81. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Anonymous said...
    There are hookers and then there are hookers. Wonder how many hookers loves them some Tawd?

    9:04 AM

    :D :D :D :D :D :D

    I'm sorry you got this all wrong. Dem hookers don't love them some Tawd!

    Dem hookers loves them some Sarah Palin! If it wasn't for Sarah Palin, Tawd wouldn't have any money to spread the wealth to the ladies so that he could get some of that womanly loving he has been waiting for. Every time Sarah leaves Wasilla or goes to sleep Tawd is spanking somebody's ass and it aint Sarah's.

  82. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Both Toad and Sarah have been known to have had affairs...Sarah always brings up the christian stuff to the extreme right...when we know she and her family do not attend church in Wasilla and have not for a long, long time...their actions do not show them as christians....they have been proven to lie, cheat and steal.

    The fact Sarah has any followers is totally amazing to me! But, her popularity is dropping as she continues to show herself on Fox. What a disaster!

  83. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Ratings last night:

    Fox - Hannity 2.36 million
    CNN - Piers Morgan 2.1
    MSNBC - Maddow - 1.1

  84. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Facebook has a STFU Sarah Palin page.


    Democratic Underground has a page titled Sarah Palin needs to STFU

    Both links could use some serious updating and friends. There's certainly no shortage of material to add to the discussion of why she should!


  85. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Where was a mention of Glenn Beck last night? She ran down the list of talk radio folks but left out the guy who she ran to first when this broke out? No gratitude, Sarah? Or do you have to keep your boys separate? Like don't talk about Glenn when in the presence of Sean...? And what happened to the flag?

    All we have to do is tweet about the flag or this or that and she changes it. (Too bad she won't listen to the STFU tweets).

    Palin and her crew keep trying to blame the media for the country's dislike of her. Needs to be pointed out again that up until lately the MSM has kindly (or for $$$) given her a pass. I can't stand her because of her past record as mayor, as governor, as a candidate and how she's conducted herself for the last 2 years. There's nobody in the MSM or on cable who could change my opinion about Sarah Palin. It's all on videos or on blogs or in print. Can't spin her words, her videos away. She might as well come out and say "I can't stand the MSM because they show what I said and what I did. I'm so pretty they shouldn't do that. Waaa-waa."

    Hurry up with the Iceberg.

  86. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I'm just surprised that $arah didn't make any reference to Tammy Bruce. In case you haven't noticed, there's an interesting alliance that's been created there. Tammy Bruce is hardly influential (has less than 15,000 followers on Twitter) and plays to the REALLY angry right wing. She did a "live blog" of sorts on her Twitter feed last night. She LOVES herself some $arah!

    Just thought I'd mention this as another example of how $arah is continuing to play to the fringe and further marginalizing herself, rather than appealing to the broad middle. She's scary as hell.

  87. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Here's ONE thing Sarah and Obama have in common. They both give, bad, very staged interviews

  88. Anonymous10:46 AM

    sarah palin got to´ up by perky, harmless Katie.


  89. Anonymous10:54 AM

    It's difficult for me to be civil about Sarah Palin - but I'm trying. If the public hadn't come out strongly and loudly against her when the Tucson tragedy happened, she would have still made it All About Sarah. In her mind, she is the country's leader so she has to speak out and get the attention on herself.

    She's not going to go away. She has been rattled by the quantity and quality of the criticism. She isn't stable enough to keep it together if the pressure stays on her. I say bring it on...in a civil and polite way of course.


  90. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I didn't watch the whole thing, but it looks
    like she isn't doing that thing where she
    pushes her bottom lip up to her nose quite
    as often.

  91. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Is that true that she doesn't need glasses? Why the H does she wear then?
    If it is to try to look more intelligent, it isn't working !

  92. gryphen

    What every happened to the flag that was wrongly placed by the fireplace and yesterday it was gone! LOL
    So she is not patriotic after all.

    She seemed rattled made no sense.
    usual shit finger-pointing.

    How Palin Is Like Snooki

    "A younger generation they want to watch this character with big character with big hair who’s funny…you don’t know she’s going to say. It’s no different but for a higher demographic! We watch her she’s interesting looking..whats she going to say? She’s campy, she’s kitschy, it’s telegenic, its television, its entertaining that’s the fascination. Beginning, middle and end of story, she’s Snooki."


  93. Anonymous11:02 AM

    If someone does a graphic of a noose and you are hanging from it, that is a message. If you tell the graphic artist that that hurts you and let's do something about this, yet the graphic artist ignores your pain, that is pouring salt on your wound. If the graphic artist says that it was a rodeo rope and they meant you were a calf in a rodeo and it's all fair, everybody does it. You may or may not believe them.

    The graphic artist may be a jerk and a liar but they did not pretend they didn't hear you at all.

    Sarah Palin and Sarah Pac stand behind their "graphic artist." A business with a name who can speak for themselves.

  94. Anonymous11:04 AM

    If the story IS about Todd's infidelity, how would this hurt Sarah? It could have the effect on her that it had on Hilary and be sympathy building. Certainly don't need THAT happening at this point in the game.

  95. Anonymous11:12 AM

    I watched as much of that bullcrap as I could stand. If I had it in me, I'd go back through it once more just to count all the times she smacks her lips.

    I'm guessing that she smacks her lips because she rilly rilly wants to smack SOMEBODY, but she just has to settle for smacking her own lips....

    Anyway, it's rather amusing to note the lip-smacking, kinda, sorta...

    Anyway, I'll just let it go. Thank you, Gryphen, for putting up with her bull so I don't have to.

  96. Beldar11:13 AM

    Gryphen says "You know I am pretty sure I could fry bacon on her forehead right about now."

    Sure these are tough economic times, but a good value is sometimes too compelling to pass up even if some budget juggling is needed to free up the cash. I'm willing to cancel 2 scheduled medical procedures and forgo any solid food for 10 days in order to buy tickets to Gryphen's cooking demo/screeechy wretch event. Who else is in?

    (some how the bacon fry ties in to the "blood libel" thang, but Im not sure just how...)

  97. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Lovefest with Bristol the Pistol - will she bring her 3 babies for everyone to see and present them on stage? Has she gotten married to any of the guys she was with?

  98. Aussie Blue Sky11:15 AM

    I just knew Trig was getting death threats!

  99. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Anonymous @ 7.48, you really need to think again. You sound like a Palin fan - they're always trying to make excuses for the teleprompter, too, and when confronted with the evidence they run away crying and hurling abuse.

    The nasty little offering last week revealed the identical autocue. No Hannity there.

  100. Anonymous11:21 AM

    I"m not sure what time the interview was on, but I was watching either Jersey Shore, or the new one on MTV, Skins. haha Suck it Sarah.

  101. Sarah is LSM's darling sociopath11:21 AM

    Palin doesn't lie, she has a license to rewrite history. He son fought for her freedom to do that.

  102. Anonymous11:21 AM

    She was definitely reading off a teleprompter. She had to write three basic talking points on her hand. This is not the kind of person who can remember an entire quote. And the square light reflected in her glasses might not be a teleprompter light. It might just be a studio box light.

  103. Dot_The_Bot11:21 AM

    Oh Dear, everyone is angry here.

    I am fairly new to this online world. A year ago, my grandson set me up on the world wide internets and I was able to read the conservatives for Palin web site. I also useed email a bit. Now I just added twittered. I sent my first twitters today. Lord, that was a thrill. Not bad for a 83 year old gal.
    I was absolutely stunned to see the hostility from both sides. The Sarah Palin I met in person in Alaska and have read about is kind, caring and fearless and devoted servant of God and the public good. There are so many hateful notes about her and this surprised me. Here and on twittered. I also see some of her followers saying very terrible things too that are uncalled for. This anger is so bad for the soul, don't you agree? I pray daily to be free of negativity and for God to fill me with light and His spirit.

    I promise I will work on those on those faithful to her who say bad things. I sent a few twitters to them today. As for all of you, I know I can't change your opinion of her but I wish the personal brutal and lewd comments would cease. Please pray on this. I don't let hatred into my heart, no matter what, because it hurts me as well as others.

    Please follow me on Twittered at Dot_The_Bot

    Isn't that a delightful name? My grandson came up with it after reading you people called Palin faithfuls: "Palinbots". I don't understand the word, but it happened to rhyme with my name and that gave me the giggles.


  104. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Just so there is no misunderstanding, I am a registered Republican and so are my Family and mosts friends . We are all intelligent and are also furious why the likes of Ms. palin is supported and defended by any party .(We think we understand why Teabaggers do) .
    We quite frankly see her as an entertainer and her BS should be captured under Entertainment certainly not Business nor Politics .I really question the sanity of those folks that talk to her, like they are actually taking her serious . She is a mean and vindictive excuse for a human being.A lot of folks are seeing her as mean spirited regardless of Party affiliation . Lets hope she moves on to other interests that don't incite hatred and danger to our fellow "Countrymen" . thanks

  105. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Again, please Republicans. The first act -- Palin for President === will certainly put in perspective anyone else you put on the planks.

    While she is entertaining, and her family, rib-tickling, we do understand that this is just the "opener," to a intellectual and stimulating election season.

    In the meantime, we will sit back and enjoy the show--it certainly has been entertaining so far and educational. Like that White Trash Alien cartoon on Adults Only.

  106. John Ziegler: Changing My Mind On A Sarah Palin Presidential Run

  107. Dot_The_Bot11:26 AM

    Heavens to Betsy!! No man or woman should judge another as EVIL. Only God can judge that.
    I also did not like Sarah calling the Tucson killer evil because he has a mental illness and I wrote and told her this. I have a cousin with manic depressive illness so I know it is an illness not the devil or evil in her.

    Pray about the power of this word: "evil" and what it means. Can you really call someone you have never met such a strong term? How do you feel when President Obama is called evil or anti-Christ from the Palin faithfuls? I vow to confront them when they do as this too is wrong.

    Blessings, Dot

  108. Anonymous11:31 AM

    8:12 AM

    It is well known that how grief is handled is an individual matter. The same with a community of college students. Sarah Palin is vulgar and malicious to SLAM THE PEOPLE OF TUCSON in this sly manner that we saw. As much as she wanted to find a way to dig at President Obama it would have been better to leave a suffering community alone (she is the only one pretending not to know the facts). Giffords district is free to speak and have the speakers they ask.

  109. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Lawrence O'Donnell (Last Word) on MSNBC dissected her, literally on the show last night.

    David Frum said "she should stop talking now"


    (BTW Mediate is a RW website)

  110. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Not only is Palin a hypocrite in that video but watch the beginning vid Hannity uses. There stands McCain and his stepford wife, Cindy, BOTH nodding their heads at Sarah's violent words and lame excuses for using them. Cindy McCain should never be allowed to do a NO H8 campaign again. The whole Republican party is devoid of compassion for anyone. McCain used Ms. Wasilla Violent Word Salad to secure his recent re-election. That's why I laughed at his bullshit op ed the other day. That man's entire career has been so twisted he should run as John McCain (Tornado-AZ) next time.

    Plus all the so-called reputable elected officials that to this DAY refuse to call Palin out for what she is. Oh, once in a while someone will utter a sentence and then everyone goes wild but NO ONE has utterly dismissed this ghoul for the ignorant vicious wench she is.

    This whole Hannity slurp-fest just makes her look worse. Simply because she does NOT know when to shut up,when less is more and wisdom should have told her that silence can ,indeed, be golden. She's a moron. However, until someone important really calls her out or some horrific scandal actually presents itself to take her down(not just swirls in the wind as things have for 2 damn years) Sarah will continue to sucker the minions, rake in the bucks and poison our political discourse.

  111. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Anon 7:54AM, there are a lot of terms that can be used to characterize
    that woman, but naive sure isn't one of them. She's been at this game too long & knows exactly what she's saying. All her interviews are stage-managed. Due to the fact that she's not adept enough at using the English language or constructing concise sentences not a slam, but a fact -
    her interview words & messages are
    composed for her. BUT, as RAM has
    emphasised, Palin approves every word written for her. Sarah is far from

    Sharon TN

  112. Anonymous11:39 AM

    8:06 AM

    The people who are familiar and work in media can see what is happening with those two. If wikileaks had their transmissions, faxes or e-mails it would come out as fact. Until then the people that see can tell about experiences and how things work in general. Others don't like to give away trade secrets.

  113. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Madonna: ¨I will kick her ass if she does not get off my street.¨

    Katie: ¨I literally kicked her ass up and down the floor on National TV.¨

    Lisa Murkowski: ¨I kicked her fat ass from end of Alaska to the other.¨

    Andrea Fay Friedman: ¨I kicked her dumbass into cartoon land.¨

  114. Anonymous11:42 AM

    " Aussie Blue Sky said...
    I just knew Trig was getting death threats!

    11:15 AM"

    Poor kid, first Sarah threatened him with an
    abortion, now this...

  115. Anonymous11:45 AM

    7:54, hmmmm, well "naive" never sounded quite so evil.

  116. angela11:45 AM

    I almost choked laughing.
    Stop it!

  117. Anonymous11:50 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    Ratings last night:

    Fox - Hannity 2.36 million
    CNN - Piers Morgan 2.1
    MSNBC - Maddow - 1.1

    10:38 AM"

    Maddow is too smart for a larger audience.
    People won't watch someone who makes them
    feel dumb. That is why so many hate the
    President. And why so many voted for W Bush.

  118. Don't you mean Caribou Barbie?

  119. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Has RAM another alter ego in Dot the Bot? Does anyone else see this as a ploy to suck up to Paylin? Guess what, if you don't like to hear all of the "horrid, horrid things being said about Paylin, don't come and listen. I don't buy it for a minute. Do you think that acting like a sweet old lady would change anyone's mind about the hag?

  120. Anonymous12:02 PM


    Sorry, but it is obvious you do not know Sarah Palin as do Alaskans!

    The woman is in no way who you think she is. You need to vet her! Please research her rolls in Wasilla (mayor), Juneau and Anchorage (quitter governor). She did both jobs horribly and has left Wasilla in debt and is on record as Alaska's worst governor.

    She was proven to be unethical by our State Legislature (even though she denied and lied about it on the campaign trail w/McCain). She has been caught in lie after lie. She professes to be a christian woman, but doesn't attend church and she certainly does not act like a 'christian'.

    I'm sorry to say this to you, but 'meeting' her doesn't give you the full picture of our sister Sarah.

    Vet her, please. We are not puffing smoke about the woman from Alaska. Did you know that she has a lower approval rating in Alaska than does our President Obama? And, we are a red state.

  121. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Just so there is no misunderstanding, I am a registered Republican and so are my Family and mosts friends .

    There is a reason "most" (I say all) of your friends are Republicans. Intelligent people can't understand how you could support a party that does not support the middle class but only the rich. Oh yes I forgot your party does have God on your side. I guess if you don't think you can control your own life there is always God to fall back on.

  122. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Dot the Bot:

    I pray daily to be free of negativity

    We here at IM pray constantly to be free forever of Sarah, The Impaler, Palin! Sarah is evil incarnate!

  123. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Can we pleeeeeeze stop comparing paylin's speech giving abilities to the President's as if she is/was, going to be, or wants to be president. There is no reason to compare them--NONE. She is operating on a totally different planet. There is no reason to pretend that she will EVER be able to compete and there is no reason to confirm what is obvious. The gap between her and any other functioning human being is huge. Comparing Obama to her is like comparing the Universe to a piece of sand. By doing so gives the impression that she is legitimate in even a tiny way--she is NOT.

  124. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Dot_the_Bot says: "... I wish the personal brutal and lewd comments would cease...."


    Please read wonkette.com especially the comments about the posts. Whining about the comments on Gryphen's site just makes you seem, well, er, a little dotty.

  125. Anne In DC12:13 PM

    Trying to save Palin from herself is an exercise in futility, since she is bound and determined not to let "liberals" shut her up. As for the remark by 7:54 a.m. that Palin is "naive," this is a woman who will be 47 in 24 days, and who has been in the national spotlight for more than 2 years. She is immature, petty, and needy for attention, which is why she says the asinine and ignorant things she says. And her hatred for President Obama is painfully obvious, as she regards him as a "usurper" who is where she should be.

  126. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Sarah is LSM's darling sociopath said...
    Palin doesn't lie, she has a license to rewrite history. He son fought for her freedom to do that.

    11:21 AM

    :D :D :D :D
    I'm sorry, Palin's son did not fight anybody. Track was in the service but did not receive a Combat Infantry Badge which means he is not a combat vet. I do acknowledge Track was in the service, but he did not fight anybody plain and simple. This is another charade by Sarah Palin who said that she raised a combat vet which she did not. She is a liar.

  127. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Anon 10:38: "Ratings last night:

    Fox - Hannity 2.36 million
    CNN - Piers Morgan 2.1
    MSNBC - Maddow - 1.1"

    Yep, millions more watched something else besides Palin. And that's not even including all the other shows that were on.

  128. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Even in a staged, scripted, and paid interview, she flubs it.

  129. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Blessings "Dot_The_Bot"

    You are what you are. At first it was humorous. For what reason, I don't know, you couldn't maintain and now you are irrelavant. All over the world people do get angry and vent, breaking news? I also don't care for using the word "evil." Rarely does it seem to fit a discussion, except to flame or name call. It is used a lot to transmit how one feels about something, it is not always a judgment. You will want to call Sarah by the name of Snooki, isn't that cute? Others are calling her Snooki and it is catching on. Very popular and it tells you all you need to know.

    Jared Loughner is mentally ill. Sarah Palin is documenting with video that she is in the same category. Most of the time it is old world to call the mentally ill "evil."

    "Dot_The_Bot" thanks for the candor. Don't judge me because I don't find you interesting and won't follow your twitter account. If you want a following remember "Snooki." Very big following (Nicole Polizzi). May the grandson explain to you if you have any questions. Remember, there is always help here: http://techrepublican.com/

  130. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Have you ever noticed the strange look on McCain's face when Palin is talking? It looks like a mixture of embarassment and fear for what will come out of her mouth. Never in a million years would he admit he was wrong to pick her, but you know deep down he is still kicking himself for being such a dumb shit.

  131. Anonymous12:34 PM

    So Sarah Palin is afraid of Madonna. I was wondering, what with all her supposed death threats, why she hadn't called the police. I imagine if she did, and told them Madonna threatened to kick her ass, they walked out laughing.

    Jon Stewart, please interview Madonna. I understand it was from 2008, but this is just too funny.

  132. Anonymous12:36 PM

    10:38 A.M,

    So, what? Fox "News" always gets more viewers than CNN, and MSNBC throughout the entire day, whether $arah Palin is on, or not. What's your point? Who cares if Sean Hannity got 2.36 million viewers last night? Sponge Bob Square Pants gets more viewers than that.

    I notice the trolls always talk about Fox "News" ratings, but they never like to mention Palin's terrible poll numbers.

    Have you trolls seen $arah Palin's crappy poll numbers, lately? She's still sinking like a rock.

  133. Anonymous12:36 PM

    10:38am said:

    Ratings last night:

    Fox - Hannity 2.36 million
    CNN - Piers Morgan 2.1
    MSNBC - Maddow - 1.1


    That's because most intelligent people have better things to do than stare at a TV tuned into Faux all day. They are smart enough to watch Maddow over and over again via their computers or their correctly programmed DVRs.

  134. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Anon 11:50

    If it was not for the fact MSNBC posts online Rachel, Keith, et al, I would not see them as MSNBC is not available everywhere. That too adds to the lower numbers.

  135. Irishgirl12:39 PM

    10:19 AM

    I had the same thoughts exactlyl.

  136. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Just read a twitter message which ABC News confirms, that Sargent Shriver, Maria Kennedy Shriver's father, has passed away.

    And yes I know she's married to Arnold but have no clue for spelling as it's not high of my list to know.

  137. Anonymous12:46 PM

    10:43 A.M. said,

    "Here's ONE thing Sarah and Obama have in common. They both give, bad, very staged interviews"

    This is becoming more common: Trolls pretending not to be trolls.

    Wrong. At least Barack Obama doesn't come off as a deranged idiot in his interviews, and at least he can speak without a script, unlike Palin.

    President Obama's poll numbers are on the rise, while Palin's are still sinking. They are worlds apart.

    You FAIL, asshole!

  138. I'm loving Dot the Bot! :)

  139. Anonymous12:55 PM

    11:21 A.M.,

    I'm not angry. I'm having a blast.

    $arah Palin, and her P-bots are angry.

  140. Anonymous1:00 PM

    It's hard to swallow hearing Sarah quote scripture, 2 Tim. 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." She finds solace and claims she doesn't have to be afraid. That's what this verse is for, to help those who are afraid......BUT, how can a christian freely accept this compassion from God, and still perpetuate fear on others, like Gabrielle Giffords, and those on her map. How can she in good conscience expect God to alleviate her fear, when she turns it around and puts fear in the minds of the families on that list since last March?

    Any christian believers out there who can answer that?

  141. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Anon 12:36

    Don't assume every post that you read and accuse as being a troll is one as I am not. That I only posted the ratings with no other ramblings - so be it. It's like many posts on IM, when we find info we post it.

  142. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Dot, you sound like a sweet woman. Unpleasant comments from other readers aside... can you not accept that you've been bamboozled? I mean, when you met Sarah, of course she acted nice! She wants your support and your money. Please take a step back.. a bigger step back, Dot... come on... and look at how Sarah has conducted herself. Look at how all of her children (except Piper because she's still young) has conducted themselves (property destruction, public foulness). Look at how her husband has bullied people (the videos are there). If you were honest with yourself and God, you could hardly say Sarah is kind, a servant of God, or of her country. She is simply too mean-spirited.

    Have a nice day, Dot.

  143. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Sarah Palin's poll ratings fall after 'blood libel' row

    Poll taken after Tucson controversy shows Sarah Palin's rating at lowest level since she emerged on national scene

  144. Anonymous1:04 PM

    "Dot" @ 11:21 A.M.,

    At least our side doesn't wave guns around, and put cross-hairs on people.

    The nexty time you meet $arah Palin, why don't you tell her all the stuff you told us?

  145. Anonymous1:08 PM

    SNL should feature Madonna and Tina Fey. They could go at it tooth and nail.

    Then Madonna could battle with "Bristol" while singing "Like A Virgin."

    Who should play Bristol? Kathy Griffin in a fat suit?

  146. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Merriam-Webster: Evil= reprehensible, sinful, wicked.

    Sarah Palin absolutely is culpable for her use of violent words and images. She is free to speak out about the issues. But she chose to use powerful angry words against people. She used lies and violent words order to get the maximum attention and to fuel the anger in her supporters.

    She didn't accidentally use these words. They were chosen carefully. When people, including representative Giffords, spoke out and said that Sarah's use of rifle sights was too far over the top, she doubled down and released another gun-related tweet about reloading.

    If lying to the elderly and telling them their government wants to cut off their health-care because they are not worth the money isn't evil, I don't know what is.

  147. Watch Hard Ball. Chris Matthews and panel are taking Palin apart - word-dor-word.

  148. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Okay for you Republicans that troll this site--not Palin pantysniffers

    Lets looks at the Republican party, sans Palin, as a guy ready to run a huge race. He has his special track sneakers on to take him from event to event. But guess what, there is dog shit from McCain's dog Palin deeply imbedded in the treads of his sneakers. Everywhere he goes, the Palin shit stink follows. He tries to wash the Palin shit out but it wont move because it is determined to stay. The Republican is a reasonably intelligent person, albeit with different views from the Democrat. However, everywhere he goes, he becomes associated with that horrible Palin shit smell. Independents turn away and even old Republicans remember that Palin shit smell in the voting booth. Everyone is thinking hmm, that Palin shit smell doesnt make the Republican seem too bright. I mean, why would anyone want to smell like Palin shit?

    What should he do? Throw away the Palin shit sneakers! Disavow any knowledge of the Palin shit except as a distant memory. And, never go near that Palin shit again.

  149. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Can anybody tell me what this interview between Hannity and Sarah Palin accomplished? It only repeated what she said on her solo video? Nothing new was added and she still had that clinched angered face. I don't get it.

  150. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Holding my breath....
    Word on the street: From a reliable source, some very damaging information on the Palins will be revealed very soon. Impatiently waiting.
    about 3 hours ago via web

  151. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Please, people. "Dot" is a troll, or a wry mischief-maker.

    No actual Christian lady is going to call themselves "Dot_the_Bot" at the same time they swoon "Heavens to Betsey!!" Nor would she introduce herself by saying hello to "all you Socialists".

  152. Anonymous1:19 PM

    "Dot" at 11:26 A.M.,

    There is no proof yet, that the gunman in mentally-ill. That's just speculation. Palin, and her ilk, are hoping that he is mentally-ill, and is in no linked to the far-right.

  153. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Sarah quotes scriptures? How about she reads this.

    Psalms 73–89
    A psalm of Asaph.

    6 Therefore pride is their necklace;
    they clothe themselves with violence.
    7 From their callous hearts comes iniquity[b];
    their evil imaginations have no limits.
    8 They scoff, and speak with malice;
    with arrogance they threaten oppression.
    9 Their mouths lay claim to heaven,
    and their tongues take possession of the earth.
    10 Therefore their people turn to them
    and drink up waters in abundance.[c]
    11 They say, “How would God know?
    Does the Most High know anything?”
    12 This is what the wicked are like—
    always free of care, they go on amassing wealth.

  154. Anonymous1:30 PM

    :D :D :D :D
    I'm sorry, Palin's son did not fight anybody. Track was in the service but did not receive a Combat Infantry Badge which means he is not a combat vet. I do acknowledge Track was in the service, but he did not fight anybody plain and simple. This is another charade by Sarah Palin who said that she raised a combat vet which she did not. She is a liar.

    12:17 PM

    Thank you, 12:17. This needs to be said again and again and again. He was NOT in combat. I believe there is also some question about when he came home, and why he is still home.

  155. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I read an article in which a former girl friend of Jared Loughner says he thinks he is faking mental illness.

    Why, she says that? Because she figures that he expected to be killed in a shootout. Since he didn't die, he had to use a strategy to avoid the most severe punishments.

    That's why he used that shaved head and goofy grin oon his mug shot.

  156. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Who am I to judge or call someone the anti-Christ. However, when I look or hear words from Sarah Palin I do see and hear evil. Again I'm not calling her the anti-Christ, but with her words she creates violence and hatred. The people who worship her looks evil as well. I can't think of anything Sarah does except line her own pockets and create hysteria.

  157. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Mmmm. Your grandson set you up with the name "Dot the Bot" and you don't know what it means? But—not knowing what it means— it "delights" you??

    The word RO-BOT has been in use since 1920, "Dot", significantly before the year of your claimed birth.

    Don't pull this "I'm just a simple Cave-Man lawyer. Your modern ways confuse me" crap.


  158. Anonymous1:39 PM

    @1:00 PM,

    Well, sorry then. Trolls have been around here a lot lately.

  159. Anonymous1:42 PM

    1:00 PM,

    If you don't want to be mistaken for a troll, then... Never mind.

  160. Anonymous1:43 PM

    If you want to boost ratings try Madonna and Sarah Palin mud wresting.

  161. Anonymous1:46 PM

    I cannot wait to hear Gryphen's input on this: http://mercedejohnston.blogspot.com/2011/01/love-lies-and-drama-of-facebook.html

  162. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I would love to take those pointy little fingers of hers and put them in a titanium Chinese handcuff.

  163. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Ari Fleicher is on Wolf's show right now pouting that we on the left pick on scara's kids too much and maybe we should stop. Paul Begalia put him in his place by suggesting we want more scara and that she is infact the head of their party and indeed the intellectual head of the party. (he did have a shiting eating grin on his face when he said it,you have to look quick) Maybe Ari should call scara and tell her to stop parading her kids and family in the spot light. Does he not know about her show. What a jerk.

  164. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Anon@10:19, feeling sorry for Sarah.

    There is absolutely no need to, outside of your own personal need. I would save any tender feelings for people who CAN change, who CAN see the error of their ways, or for those who are Sarah's victims.

    From all I personally know and from what I have read, Sarah cannot ever change, nor see the error of her ways. You can feel sorry for her, but (objectively) why? She is more happy as a victim than as someone who could do something constructive; it's HER CHOICE. This is who SHE is.

    A million other people in her shoes might do something positive, but she cannot. She CANNOT. So there is no point crying over the spilt milk that is the sociopath Sarah Palin.

  165. ManxMamma1:52 PM

    I think Dot the Bot needs to read Helen and Margaret. They are so refreshing!

  166. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Looks like Bristol has the same dirty mind
    as Sarah:
    Bristol Sheeran January 16 at 7:16am
    You're are such a liar! You continue to amaze me with your compulsive lying and pure stupidity. You are no where near "civil" with me. You have a blog dedicated to talking shit. You are so strange and like I've said multiple times, you need to get a job, or a hobby, or something; you are obsessed with me! You stalk FACEBOOK all day everyday to see what I'm doing and saying to my friends!! Get a life girl, you can't stalk someone and except to live their life. Levi, your dad and I all agree you need something positive in your life. You can't continue having these weird, unusual and very very very strange relationships with psycho guys like griffin and zaki and then expect me to be ok with my son being around that. Hell no will Tripp every be around pedophiles and straight up STALKERS.


    Gryph, can you sue her for slander?????

  167. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Bristol's gig: emphasizes "$20.00 for lunch AND dinner"

    Is this to attract the fixed-income / homeless crowd or something? I've never seen a real conference that touts its cheapness vis à vis the value of whatever industrial catering.

  168. Anonymous1:59 PM

    on @ 10:19.

    The reason Sarah doesn't get help is because she doesn't believe she needs it. If everyone else would just fall in line, her world would be just the peachiest keeniest place you ever saw, ya betcha.

  169. Anonymous2:01 PM

    You will want to read the transcript of January 18, 2011 as soon as it is available.
    Also video. Talk about the lovers of miserable. Radio and Sarah Palin.

  170. Virginia Voter2:05 PM

    Y'all, I'm pretty sure Dot the Bot is sarcasm, I find her hysterically funny.

    Peace, Dot, you're my new fave ;0)

    For real drama, go visit Mercede's blog...apparently the new Palin meme is that G-man is a pedophile

  171. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Dot, if you are just having fun with these people (who take themselves a tad too seriously, imo), then more power to you. I think it's pretty funny how riled up you seem to have made some posters here. Not real sure what you'd have to gain if you are a troll, maybe just some laughs.

    If you are sincere, however, please do excuse their rudeness and their disproportionate concern about your true identity and motivations. I have no idea why people on these threads have absolutely zero tolerance for any dissenting viewpoint, or why they find themselves feeling so incredibly threatened if anyone dares to utter anything at all supportive about Sarah Palin. It's frankly a little embarrassing and even a bit concerning. I think some of them need to take a vaca from all of this. Sarah will continue to put her foot in her mouth, don't worry.

    Lighten up people. Dot is not our problem.

  172. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I"m 10:19 and you guys are right. I'm back to my senses. She is a lying, cheating, nasty, vile and hateful person. Ohhhh, that felt good. I had a moment of pity and let it get the best of me.

    When she used the tragedy of last week to try and garner some cred, she just flushed what little cred she had.

    And Dot, nice try. We are smarter than her base. Gotta remember that.

  173. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Hey Sarah you claim you are a fisherman, maybe you will appreciate this:

    Matthew 13:47-50 (New International Version, ©2010)

    The Parable of the Net
    47 “Once again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish.

    48 When it was full, the fishermen pulled it up on the shore. Then they sat down and collected the good fish in baskets, but threw the bad away.

    49 This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous

    50 and throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

  174. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Anonymous said...
    :D :D :D :D
    I'm sorry, Palin's son did not fight anybody. Track was in the service but did not receive a Combat Infantry Badge which means he is not a combat vet. I do acknowledge Track was in the service, but he did not fight anybody plain and simple. This is another charade by Sarah Palin who said that she raised a combat vet which she did not. She is a liar.

    12:17 PM

    Thank you, 12:17. This needs to be said again and again and again. He was NOT in combat. I believe there is also some question about when he came home, and why he is still home.

    1:30 PM


    "I believe there is also some question about when he came home, and why he is still home."

    I too was wandering why Track came home so early and stayed home. Usually soldiers who come back from Iraq receive orders to report to another station, but Track must of received orders to report to "Fort Palin" in Wasilla. Did he get special treatment from his superiors or with John McCain's help? Did Track have health problems from foreign substances like meth? Why is he at home?

  175. lwtjb3:26 PM

    "You mean like how the President can make multiple verbal blunders indicating he either has no idea what he's doing or really does know he can indeed get away with ANYTHING and you and the media alike either ignore it or physically cant see it?"

    Name one.

  176. Anonymous4:06 PM

    12:17 - I've often thought about what it must be like to be any of Palin's children. Imagine Track - knowing full well he didn't fight (combat)while in the military, but his mother is saying 'nationally' that he did! Palin continually lies and so many of her statements have been proven to not be correct. (Hey Sarah, where is the pipeline you said was under construction 'because of your efforts' in Alaska? You lied about that too while on the campaign trail w/McCain, who never should have picked you!!!) How would Track respond to his buddies when they tease him about what he 'didn't do'?

    Bristol is becoming more and more like her mother, which is very sad. Just read what she wrote to Mercedes recently regarding her (Levi's too) son and the verbage she uses in keeping the little guy away from Mercedes - his aunt. It would be hell being connected to that Palin clan!!!

    Bristol uses the exact same verbage as her mother. Sick!

    I cannot help but feel sorry for the kids - especially Piper. I'll wager she'll end up being one messed up young lady when she reaches her teens. It's always about Sarah to the detriment of her children. She is the poorest excuse for a mother I've ever seen!

  177. I made myself listen to this video. A few things...
    #1- Why the f#@k do they keep calling her "Governor Palin" ??? She is NOT the Governor, she quit. Stop using the damned title.

    #2- She has this goofy grin after she says her kids have had threats made against them.
    Not something myself or most parents would be "smiling" over with some fake ass grin.

    #3- The president's message should have been it's not her fault???

    Obama did well to not respond to a college student yell *we love you* @ the memorial (as he would have @ a rally).
    It's not his fault some were rowdy-- he kept it classy, heartfelt & real.

  178. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Naive? My ass. This is a choice.

    I have a relative that reminds me a lot of Mrs. Todd Palin. Both are narsacistic to the core. Both profess their undying fundemenatal Christian faith. Both are the first to judge others. It is always someone elses fault and they are the victom.

    End of comparison: my relative actually earned at least two college degrees in science related fields, but still chooses to avoid responsibility by playing stupid. Paylin has never had to play act.

  179. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Anon 8:40- Bingo!

    Finally someone else notices this!

    She wears them to make her eyes look LARGER and balance out that huge jaw of hers.

    Actually the glasses do not appear to be plain glass - that would not make her eyes appear larger. The effect they have suggests that they are lens designed to treat far sightedness which magnify the eye.

    If she does not need glasses, it would really make it hard to read a teleprompter. And give her some major headaches!

  180. Anonymous6:51 PM

    It is amazing how Paln makes comments about leaving children out of conversations, but then she drags in her own kids by making statements to the nation about how Track is a combat veteran which is a lie and a slap in the face of real combat vets. So Sarah remember these words:

    So, how about, in honor of the American soldier, you quit making things up.

    Sarah let's expand your sentence to fit your lie:

    So Sarah, how about, in honor of the real American combat soldiers, you quit making things up and stop referring to yourself as a mother of a combat vet.

  181. Anonymous7:19 PM

    ""We receive a lot of death threats, my children do (Gotta inject the children for maximum sympathy), umm that's the worst part of it, as you can imagine.)"

    And yet, she's relaxed & smiling when she makes that statement. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm.

  182. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Re: Palin's glasses-she has always worn them:



    I do remember hearing she'd said she liked
    wearing glasses and her hair in a bun,
    because when she started her political
    career she wanted to be taken seriously,
    and she wanted to appear frumpy.

  183. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Now Colbert is hitting Palin upside the head. Some of the funniest lines I've ever heard!!! LMAO.

    Colbert..."....there would be more journalistic integrity reporting on one of the Kardashian's ass implants. You say a silent prayer each morning that maybe, just maybe, Sarah Palin will, at long last, shut up for ten fu--ing minutes."

  184. Anonymous8:26 PM

    I believe Palin wears glasses to correct her "lazy" eye. Without them she looks quite cross eyed. I don't have the link but the video where she was a "sportscaster" in her early days, she wasn't wearing glasses and. I think it was her right eye. was headed inward to a significant degree.

  185. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Ooh! Did you see that? That was an "Exclusive"! interview! How amazing is that? Good job, Sean, for getting .....oh, wait. Your boss built her a studio at her house, and she won't talk to anybody else. Never mind.

  186. Anonymous10:25 PM

    How did Hannity keep a straight face? Death threats from a singer and a comedian, over a year and a half ago? Really? I believe that's called desperation. And b.s. And Sarah, where do you get off commenting on a memorial? I'm pretty sure that nothing was done there that the families of the victims didn't agree to. If they wanted a pep rally, a celebration of life, it's none of your damn business. When you plan one you can have your witch doctor spout bible verses. Until then-"sit down and shut up." I believe Timothy said that.

  187. Anonymous10:37 PM

    For those who keep asking SP wears glasses because she is cross-eyed. Not a lot, but when she doesn't have them on, you can see it.

  188. Anonymous3:09 AM

    At the time of this rally I remember thinking how incredibly inappropriate it was to show up in a biker chick jacket, and now I think that even more. (And hey, absolutely no offense to biker chicks!)

    She's so ridiculous and everyone turns a blind eye. What if Janet Reno showed up for a rally dressed like this? I think actually political people are embarrassed by her, but pretend to like her.

    Ok, now back to watching. Had to stop 1 minute in because the whole biker chick thing got me!

    R in NC

  189. Anonymous3:12 AM

    Wow! What the f is wrong with her?!! She's slow, lethargic, definitely seems like she's on some kind of drugs.

    I can't watch. Three minutes is my limit.

  190. I want a bumper sticker that reads "Abort Sarah Palin."


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.