Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert brilliantly use comedy to expose the hypocrisy of Sarah Palin.

You are going to love this!

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Petty Woman
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

Now take a moment to catch your breath after that brilliant evisceration before enjoying this verbal coup de grace delivered by the amazing Stephen Colbert.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Mika Brzezinski Experiences Palin Fatigue
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogVideo Archive

Now that is a great way to start our morning!


  1. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Ass implants and sarah palin in the same sentence, sounds just about right.
    Could have used 'foot meets mouth' more though.

    I wonder if wailing palin is upset about the up coming firestorm that is about to hit her?

    What will it be, Dairy-gate, more info on Trooper-gate or that pipeline that has taxpayer liable for the bill even if it isn't built and may not be?
    So many to choose from. So much time before 2012.
    I wonder if that is why her lawyer left for sunnier climes?

    I feel bitchy writing all of this.
    But if there has been wrong doing on the part of palin as Gov. we need the truth and we all need to know. We need the truth, something palin has been less then charitable with.

  2. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Stephen Colbert was genius. It is so gratifying to hear someone speak those words on television.

  3. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Welcoming ceremony for President Hu. His comments?
    "Sincere greetings and blessings to the people of this United States of China." "...Open new chapter in our cooperation as partners." Translation:" I have arrived to take my rightful place as leader of the US of China. Please cooperate." Just saying. China owns us and I am thoroughly sick of everything I buy that comes from China breaks almost immediately. Really, it isn't anything against the Chinese people themselves, just against their oppressive government.
    And in 3...2...1 the Palin slam. Wait for it.

  4. angela5:42 AM

    Stewart--- LOL.
    The “Palin and Hannity Cognitive Dissonance Hour Special Victims Unit”. ...

    And Colbert absolutely slammed it!
    "self promoting ignoramus".

    "more journalistic integrity in reporting on one of the lesser Kardashian's ass implants".

    "Maybe, just maybe, Sarah Palin will at long last shut up for ten fucking minutes".


  5. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Thanks Gryphen for highlighting Stephen Colbert. That was art brilliantly articulated! Jon is always so good!

  6. Anonymous6:07 AM

    “Palin and Hannity Cognitive Dissonance Hour Special Victims Unit” lol <3 Jon and <3 Stephen, they make America feel that little bit saner.

  7. Anonymous6:20 AM

    LMAO!!! I love Jon, Stephen, and you too!! Keep up the great work.

  8. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Sarah 13% to be GOP nominee

    Romney 21.7%

    She's toast.

  9. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Gawwwwwwwd I luuuve Jon Stewart--Brilliant!!! Stevie TOO!

  10. I love both of those guys. I knew they would going to hit that Hannity "lovefest". LOL Both of them are funny but Colbert playing a conservative cracks me up.

  11. This rant should be memorized by school children

  12. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Please, Sarah, please, go after Jon Stewart. I dare you. It would be so much fun to watch that take down.

  13. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Both of these satirists make me smile, laugh and feel so much better about Palin!

  14. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Contrast the writing, wit and brilliance of these comedy sketches with Sarah's twits, facebook posts, and speeches. The comedy writers have one day to prepare and slam it out of the ballpark.

  15. Anonymous7:28 AM


    O/T, but have you heard about Bristol's latest scheduled speaking gig? She'll be in Bryan/College Station (home of the fightin' Texas Aggies) this Saturday. Here's the local news announcement:

    Here's the charity's link (Central Texas Orphan Mission Alliance)complete with their expensive guest speaker:

    What an absolute sham!

  16. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Seems recently Anderson Cooper has 'grown a set'. Last night it was a good one on Dr. Laura. Anderson is tired of those 'in the public eye playing victims'. Hmmm!! I wonder who he's referring to!! LOL

    Comments by a number of people were posted in the 'Is Palin Toast' blog of Laura's appearance twice on the Today Show in full copycat Palin victim mode.

    Anderson didn't like her BS and the lies about CNN Laura spewed so he went after her. He provided facts - Yahoo!!

    Here is link to the full Matt Lauer interview

    Here is link to Hoda & Kathie Lee interview which I liked more as Kathie Lee wasn't totally letting her away with it - she was turning it back on Laura:

    Note - I don't call her Dr as she isn't. My standing joke is she got her Dr. cert from a Cracker Jack box!!

  17. Gasman7:51 AM

    I loved Stewart's assessment of Snowdrift Snooki's nasal/anal probe by Hannity as the "Palin and Hannity Cognitive Dissonance Hour Special Victims Unit." That pretty much sums it up.

    As for the "Petty Woman" graphic, it inspired me, with apologies to Roy Orbison and Bill Dees:

    Petty woman, walking down the street
    Petty woman, the kind I’d hate to meet
    Petty woman
    I don't believe you, you're not the truth
    No one can lie as much as you

    Petty woman, you don’t seem bright to me
    Petty woman, I couldn't help but see
    Petty woman
    That you’re vindictive as can be
    And you’re dumber than a tree

    Petty woman, don’t stop a while
    Petty woman, don’t talk a while
    Petty woman, don’t give your bile to me
    Petty woman, no no no
    Petty woman, just go go go
    Petty woman, please go away from me
    'Cause I loathe you, I loathe you tonight
    Cause you’re nasty, and filled with spite

    Petty woman, please walk on by
    Petty woman, please don’t make me cry
    Petty woman, please walk away, hey...okay
    If that's the way it must be, okay
    I guess I'll plug my ears, it's late
    There'll be tomorrow night, but wait
    What do I see
    Is she walking back to me
    Oh God! she's walking back to me
    Oh, no! Petty woman

  18. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Watching Jon Stewart's clips of Palin talking...again, it is so obvious she is reading off some sort of script when she gives her answers back to Hannity. She sounds exactly like an amateur actress trying to sound natural. It's just so artificial and scripted sounding, and she never pauses, never moves her eyes in another direction except straight ahead.

  19. Anonymous8:16 AM

    O/T - Wow, just Wow

    Boner is passing on the State Dinner for China. Boner passed on the Memorial in Tuscon.

    His office says he has a 'private' meeting scheduled with Hu later in the week - I'm sure to undermine President Obama.

    Time to hit back on Boner. His favoribility ratings went up not for long. He's not concerned with what is good for America - he's only concerned for himself and his 'corporate Boners for Boehner'

  20. What a treat!!!
    I am so glad that Jon and Stephen both gave her a spanking. I can hear the Palin whine all the way in Maine! No one deserves it more. And I LOVE the looks Mika gave, as if she was trying to keep her breakfact down in preparation for watching this woman yet one more time. This is how most of us look, I believe, before we click the icon to hell and whining of the shrew. Oh Mika, I feel your pain! But you guys are doing a good job of discrediting her by challenging to GOP to defend her indefensibles.
    I don't know that I can agree with Jon's statement that Palin's rhetoric and map and avid support of irresponsible tea party candidates who also use violent rhetoric as well as literal threats does not, at least in an indirect way, contribute to a climate where an impressionable, unstable, angry young man might do what he did in AZ. I believe we have to hold politicians and whatever the heck Palin is accountable for such behavior. Who can forget the video of Giffords herself saying that she felt threatened by Palin's map? I don't believe she was just politicizing the map further, though - look who she was running against! An enormous ex-marine who advertised shooting a machine gun with him at rallies and, paraphrasing, getting Gabby under their scope. I would feel a little threatened, too. Makes her victory over him even more sweet. Bastard. Sorry.
    I am going to watch these again later on and enjoy them all over again! My hubby will get a kick out of it too. He can't even stand one second of Sarah's voice, but he loves Jon and Stephen, so he will be ok.

  21. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I want a picture of Stephen Colbert above my fireplace, because he RULES!

  22. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Hannity doesn't hear her fighting back? He doesn't listen to her, or take her seriously, either?

    "I and you. . ."

  23. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Loved watching them both. Hope Palin saw them...hiding away in her FOX news home studio...afraid to come out and talk to any other journalist...spouting her idiotic rhetoric from Wasilla, AK!

    Sarah, you are going to have to grow a pair and become a big girl and answer questions eventually. Can hardly wait!

  24. Anonymous10:54 AM

  25. onething12:12 PM

    Jon Stewart was too quick to agree with Sarah. She may or may not be partially to blame for the shooting, but she and others on the right are openly instigating a climate violence and fear, with violence as the solution to those fears.

    Second amendment solutions! Armed and dangerous! Don't retreat, reload! Don't kill ALL the liberals!

  26. Anonymous12:31 PM

    "There's this trifecta THING going on in our country..."

    The only time I ever hear that tone of voice used is when the fifth grade girls in my school are being particularly snotty.

    But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised...that IS about the level of maturity she displays most of the time.

  27. Anonymous5:58 PM

    I wonder what it is about people like Sarah Palin,
    she can blame President Obama for the bad singing
    on American Idol, but no one can blame her for
    anything. It goes beyond IOKIYAR, it is mental.
    But what kind?

  28. sandipants8:48 PM

    I respectfully disagree with anyone who says that only the shooter is to blame. No motive has been released to the public, so maybe he was moved by hateful speech ala Palin and Beck, or maybe he was not.

    Facts: Palin had a US map with rifle crosshairs specifically on Arizona and had Gabrielle Giffords name on the same page. Fact: Palin directed her followers to her Pac page which said Don't Retreat, Reload.
    Fact: Gabrielle Giffords was shot at point blank range in the head.

    It would be irresponsible NOT to ask if there was a correlation between the facts.

  29. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Yes! YES!!

  30. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Somewhere, I saw someone question the use of 'purport' by Palin in her 8-minute speech.

    Interestingly, Glenn Reynolds concludes his "Politics of Blood Libel" opinion piece [the one Palin alluded to on Hannity]in the Wall Street Journal with this line:

    But those who purport to care about the health of our political community demonstrate precious little actual concern for America's political well-being when they seize on any pretext, however flimsy, to call their political opponents accomplices to murder.

    RAM really should attribute her source when she borrows or steals.

  31. Anonymous8:38 AM

    " sandipants said...
    I respectfully disagree with anyone who says that only the shooter is to blame. No motive has been released to the public, so maybe he was moved by hateful speech ala Palin and Beck, or maybe he was not.

    8:48 PM"

    I bet if he was a liberal radical they'd be telling it.
    They are keeping it all quiet for a reason.


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