Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mercede's last post and accusations from the Grizzled Mama's cub.

A number of you have asked for my response to Sadie's latest post which, sadly contains accusations about me from Bristol Palin.

For several months now I have been aware that my name has been mentioned, and not in an exactly a glowing way, around the Palin household. This point became somewhat obvious when I attended the Palin book signing in Anchorage.

I first heard that Bristol had mentioned my name in connection with pedophilia sometime in the last few months, from a source other than Mercede.  Then somewhat later Sadie contacted me and told me she had been told that as well.

It was not the first time my name had been dragged through the mud by Bristol and Palin associates.  During the deposition of Mercede (ostensibly about custody of Tripp and right before Levi and Bristol reconciled), Thomas Van Flein spent an inordinate amount of time demanding that Mercede no longer associate or talk with me, as well as Dennis Zaki and Joe McGinniss by the way.

Later of course Mercede started her blog for which I provided support, which must have infuriated the Palin family to no end.  After that the goal became to shut Sadie up and to use her association with me to discredit anything she might say.

Now for those who do not remember, the accusations of perverted behavior directed at me came after the Splitsville story in August of 2009, only a few months after a similar tactic was used by the Palin-bots to discredit David Letterman. (I remember being upset at the time that Letterman apologized for his joke, thinking that he was establishing a dangerous precedent by giving into pressure from Palin and her followers.  Of course I did not realize that I would be a target of that same tactic less than two months later.)

The decision by the Palin-bots to suggest that I was somebody who would hurt a child was an obvious one for them, since at the time I worked at an elementary school.  What better way to hurt me, and get me to back off, than to cost me my job? (No it didn't cost me my job, but I did stop working at school to dedicate more time to the blog but the Palin-bots still pat themselves on the back for their "success.")

Once the Palin's winged monkeys had firmly established my guilt in their minds they started to use me to attack my fellow bloggers, any journalist who talked with me, and politicians that I supported.  At first it even worked to some degree and I found myself increasing isolated.

However if Palin thought she shut me up she had another think coming.  As time went on instead of becoming a pariah, I became an example of somebody who had weathered a vicious attack by the Palin's and was still standing, and still actively criticizing them.  Because of that defiance I have been interviewed, and had conversations with, some very impressive individuals that probably would not have even known who I was if not for the Palin smear campaign.

Since then of course Palin has used the similar tactics to attack Joe McGinniss, and many others who have dared to defy her. If Palin and her minions have NOT called you a pervert, well than you can hardly call yourself a real Palin critical journalist now can you?

Now getting back to Bristol's defamation of my character. Well in my opinion she is simply regurgitating the same accusations that have clearly been used around her house, and in front of her for quite some time.  I do not know if this rises to the level of defamation, but of course I am looking into that.

However I am loathe to take one of the Palin offspring to court.  That seems like a small and insignificant waste of time to me. I would much prefer to be sitting across the courtroom from Snowdrift Snooki herself.  Now THAT would be a fun blog post to write!

As for her attempts to use the smear campaign against me to destroy Sadie's relationship, well that is just pathetic, and so mean it could probably only have come from an offspring of the Grizzled Mama.


  1. Anonymous7:40 AM

    A simple 'cease and desist' letter should take care of it.

  2. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Perfect answer, perfect attitude. At some point, the public is going to start to wonder why the Palins insinuate child molestation so frequently against their critics...David Letterman, Joe McGuinness, Gryphen...

    It would be nice of Palin would actually donate to a child defense cause for a change, instead of just caring about such issues whenever she starts a feud with someone.

  3. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Gryphen----check-out the National Enquirer sub-heading:


  4. Anonymous7:54 AM

    You go, Gryphen. So true about the accusation being an indicator of the level of their concern about your power to expose them. As I wrote in an earlier thread, it's the oldest trick in the book. Custody battles are rife with this sort of thing, for example, as you know.

    I imagine forthcoming revelations will put them so deeply into defense mode they won't even have the energy to attack anyone. It will be total crisis mode for them at that point. This was a last ditch effort, I would guess.

    They know the end of the line is near. They have been damn lucky to have access to such massive earning power. If one of them doesn't end up in jail, at the very least they have enough money to get by, right? Sarah has probably known that all along, and it's precisely why she quit - to make money while she could.

  5. Anonymous7:58 AM

    She's like the girl who cried wolf. Soon, every person in the country who doesn't love Palin is going to be a pedophile.

    She needs to come up with better insults before this one loses all meaning and her followers realize she's lying and that all the people who criticize her are not actually pedophiles.

  6. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Yes, it seems that the term "pedophile" is always on the tip of a Palin's tongue. Why is that? Seriously....

    Thanks for all you've done, Gryphen. Thank goodness she will no longer harbor dreams of the White House other than childish fantasies.

  7. Anonymous8:03 AM

    I think it's possible, given their obsession about sex predators that the females in that family - & I use the term 'family,' about them loosly, have experienced some very unseemly incidents, the type of which are not spoken about above a whisper, if at all. Why is Bristol pestering Mercede
    & her boyfriend? Thought she moved into her abode in AZ?? Bristol is lucky Mercede is so nice, there's some who would have sicced the law
    on her for harrassment.

    Sharon TN

  8. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Sue the Twinkie slut! She will continue to defame you.

  9. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Someone needs to notify the Candies Foundation about Bristol Palin and her filthy mouth.

    Also notify the ones paying her for the event in Bryan, Texas that is on Jan 22. Please let them know of her filthy mouth, college students should not have to be subjected to this unwed mother of several children who gets free health care and checks from the Alaska Oil Fund.

    Just say NO to Bristol and her fake NO SEX speeches.

  10. Anonymous8:06 AM

    One good thing about it - it is nice to know how BADLY you get under their skin.


  11. Gasman8:07 AM

    Palin and her simpering imbecilic shithead posse are loathsome contemptible miscreants. I've scraped shit off of my shoe that I held in higher regard than that entire pack of petty, repugnant morons. These assholes blithely hurl charges of pedophilia simply to wound. Only the most detestably reckless reprobates would stoop so low.

    However, I have no doubt that Palin, her entire clan, and her pack of slobbering sycophantic buffoons are capable of even more disgusting, fetid, and vile behavior.

    That anyone would support this foul and repellent simpleton astounds me no end.

  12. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Congrats Gryph! I would be proud to be public enemy #1 in the Palin house. But it is a very tough job, so stay strong, my friend.


  13. angela8:13 AM

    It seems that the Palins are truly damaged goods. I like your attitude about the name calling.

    Sick doesn't fall far from the tree. So Ms. Bristol is smelling pretty bad now rotting on the ground.

  14. Anonymous8:15 AM

    That the Palins jump to the pedophilia accusation says far more about them than anything else. It is not a typical accusation and as you mention, they have used it often. You have to seriously wonder why. Why pedophilia?

    But as it concerns you Gryphen, talk to an attorney and take their advice. If you need to make an example of Bristol, who is a legal adult and responsible for her actions, so be it.

  15. Molly8:15 AM

    Did you say that Mercede has been in contact with Joe McGinniss?

    May I assume you have, as well?


  16. Anonymous8:18 AM

    There's something really wrong in the Palin household. Aside from being beyond reprehensible, their tactics almost seem like a projection. Why is this word in their vocabulary at every turn, they think way too much of this word. Wonder Why????

  17. Anonymous8:20 AM

    I disagree with one thing. Letterman should have apologize and rightly did. It was wrong of him to stoop that low. It's wrong of Kathy Griffin to attack minors and it's wrong for comedians and other "role models" to bully out of humor.

    If Sarah is responsible for the shootings, all these people are rsponsible for bullying and torture

  18. Molly -
    My thoughts exactly.

    I think one of those surprising places Gryphen will be showing up is in McGinness's book! :)

  19. Anonymous8:28 AM

    It's time for Bristol to grow up and take responsibility for her behavior. A cease and desist order from an attorney would underscore to her that words matter - especially in the legal sense. Otherwise, she'll continue to post mean-spirited and childish messsges.

  20. You know, I really think I would like you. May I offer a term for you compendium of Palinisms? A Palindrone, not to be confused with a palindrome, is defined as an, "incessant whine emanating from an innoculous source". I think that's original to me but I am getting old. Thanks for your wonderful blog. If you're ever in Kentucky, look us up.

  21. Anonymous8:31 AM

    hang in Gryphen...

    you will get the last laugh.

  22. Anonymous8:31 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    Gryphen----check-out the National Enquirer sub-heading:


    7:51 AM"

    Which sex scandal is it???

  23. Anonymous8:33 AM

    I actually wish Sadie would just stop engaging with them in any way. I know she felt compelled to defend her friends and protect her relationship from Palin poison, but these people have pathologies that simply defy any reasoning. It does no good to try to point out the factual errors in their reasoning because they are missing the emotional/integrative components that would allow them to see things rationally. It is a waste of time that jeopardizes Sadie's sanity. The best way to deal with someone with a personality disorder to have no contact. Period. Even psychologists who treat PDs have 'reality check' protocols in place where they check their perceptions with other therapists from time to time because having to deal with individuals with certain PDs can be such a mindf**k. I think it would help Sadie to talk to a professional or support groups familiar with personality disorders because, like it or not, she is stuck with these people in her life to some degree and it would help her to get some guidance on how disengage without hurting herself.

  24. People forget what the term pedophilia actually means - molestation and sexual conduct with a PRE-pubescent child. It is just about the worst thing anyone can accuse someone of it is false - which of course it always is when Palin accuses someone of it. It can destroy someone's good name and, worse, make others so hostile to that person that they are willing to hurt or kill that person in righteous anger. It is a dog whistle for the Palin's to get their minions to attack, if not literally, then verbally. The Palin's use of that against men who they feel are a threat to the money-making potential is despicable and should be stopped or at least exposed for what it is.
    I won't offer you advice, Gryph because i am sure you are aware of you options and must choose what is best for you, but I am sure that there are legal remedies to your defamation of character by at least two Palin generations. Whatever you choose to do, take good care of yourself. And thanks again so much for devoting your time, energy, and good name to being a watch dog (not a put bull, though!!!) to this menace to our society who might otherwise get away with so much more.

  25. Anonymous8:37 AM

    It would be so cool if the Palin Family learned the true definition of libel. I'm no expert, but it was in writing and calling a grown man a pedophile is certainly defamatory.

  26. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Anyone might be tempted to say
    "poor Bristol, another of Sarah's victims" but
    then she turns around & shows what a rotten
    person she is, and she isn't a child...

  27. Anonymous8:41 AM

    You are right, Gryphen, to just ignore it. Sure, comment on it in passing. Such a charge rings so false to me that I don't really care about it. A non-event.

  28. Anonymous8:41 AM

    You can mail a registered letter to Bristol's address in AZ

    Just tell her to cease writing untrue remarks about you OR you will take appropriate legal action.

    ps: and write to her next door neighbors and ask them to send you up to date photos. Tell them NE may pay big money for a "pregnant" shot.

  29. Anonymous8:43 AM

    I love you Gryphen! Marry me? I knew your response would be worth the wait. My favorite part -

    Because of that defiance I have been interviewed, and had conversations with, some very impressive individuals that probably would not have even known who I was if not for the Palin smear campaign.

    Probably not the results she was hoping for, eh?

  30. Anonymous8:43 AM

    I'm wondering now if the iceberg has something to do with the REAL reason Sarah Palin quit. The two times I have seen her this tense and shaken were when she resigned as Governor, and in her "I'm not responsible for AZ" speech. Now maybe the AZ shootings and the aftermath of bad publicity pissed her off a bit. But I'd say more that she was shaken and scared by something. Maybe the iceberg? I've heard rumblings that one iceberg has something to do with the e-mails being released, that there are several really damaging revelations in them. The fight to have them released started before her resignation. Maybe she thought something was coming out then and lost it and resigned. Then maybe she thought somehow they'd got things under control and the really damaging stuff wasn't going to come out and she was now free to be a star and make beau coup bucks. But now it looks like whatever she thought was suppressed, is coming back to bite her and there is no way to stop it. That might explain the panic she's in now.

    Because I don't believe bad publicity from her crosshairs ad would shake her up this bad. She's been getting bad publicity for quite a while now and while she lashes out at it, She seems to maintain her composure for the most part.

    But she seems real scared right now about something. And I don't think it's about her husband's sex scandals. When those rumors came out, there wasn't a peep out of her. She's petrified right now.


  31. Anonymous8:47 AM

    It never hurts to talk to a Lawyer, Bristol is known as a speaker any THING she says is powerful and if she is getting paid to represent causes etc...she has to start to be responsible for what she says.

  32. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Three things I have to say about Bristol:
    1. She is a product of her environment.
    2. Money doesn't buy happiness
    3. Money is the root of all evil. Bristol, my dear, you are turning into a very evil person.

  33. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Better to be a pervert (Letterman and McGinnis) than to be soft, limp, flaccid and impotent (Toad).

    Many have wondered if the hooker-boot-wearing mama's obsession with sex and child molestation might be rooted in personal experience: maybe that's why she married a gay guy! Not that there's anything wrong with that for upstanding Republicans- see Larry Craig, Tom Delay and Ted Haggard!

  34. Anonymous8:48 AM

    There is something weird about Palin(s) throwing this kind of accusation at so many different people. Are all men who are not interested in the queen pedophiles? Could they think it's the only explanation for someone not falling into obedience under her charms?

    It could just be their limited ability to understand the criticism discussed here and then defend themselves through thoughtful discourse.
    It's all they got. How's that homeschooling going for ya?

  35. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I just posted links at Mercede's blog that indicate Bristol has probably violated Facebook's Terms of Use agreement, and that she, and you, should file an abuse report with FB. That, plus a cease and desist to Bristol, should remind her that she is an adult now, responsible for her words and behavior.

    FB Terms of Use
    "...nor do we allow comments that are abusive, hateful or intended to defame anyone or any organization."

    FB Report Abuse

  36. and clets' i love your word, palindrone!!! so do we have permission to spread it far and wide as the drone itelf?

  37. Anonymous8:58 AM

    It does seem strange that "pedophile" is the first insult that they throw out at anyone who does not toe the line they draw. They use that as often as some people use "left wing" or "progressives" Almost as though they have direct knowledge of a real "pedophile" and he is very unwelcome in their circle. Either that or he is IN their circle, and they can't expose him because of the resultng scandal. Terrible label to put on an innocent man. How fast is the iceberg approaching? Very fast, I hope.

  38. Virginia Voter9:00 AM

    Hmmm, makes you wonder who the real pedophile Sarah and Bristol have come in contact with.

    Bristol is a product of her mother's parenting, selfish, immature, petty, and vindictive, and probably suffering from some sort of psychological disorder line depression. She is too young, unintelligent, and incurious to be coming up with this shit on her a trained parrot, she's just repeating the crazy things her insane mother spews all the time.

  39. Anonymous9:03 AM

    i have no time for people that throw the accusation of pedophilia or other sexual abuse around so lightly just to shut somebody up. It is a slap in the face to people that are the real victims of abuse. It says a lot about the Palin family and their lack of class and it shows again how they have no problem of accusing people of all kinds of stuff but god forbid somebody "rightfully" criticizes her for her rhetoric.

  40. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Every time I see that picture of Bristol, I think of Martin Short doing his Jiminy Glick character. How sad that such a cute girl has devolved into an ugly troll inside and out.
    Thank you for withstanding the slings and arrows Gryphen! No way anyone in their right mind could believe such an accusation about you but I'm sure it's been a painful road for you just the same.

  41. Anonymous9:09 AM

    btw there is NO difference between Bristol or anyone else calling Gryphen a pedophile randomly and ALL of you speculating that A) Chuck is one or just an abuser B) there is a sordid history in the family of abuse

    Your comments are what they deal with. Of course they're going to be defensive. ALl of you are WAY out of line, beginning with the nonsense that BRistol has more than one child

  42. Anonymous9:10 AM

    8.49 said -
    I just posted links at Mercede's blog that indicate Bristol has probably violated Facebook's Terms of Use agreement, and that she, and you, should file an abuse report with FB.

    I agree this should be done. However you wish to deal with this going forward, Gryph, I respect. But, filing an abuse report with FB is something I think each of us should do when we see violations.

  43. Anonymous9:11 AM

    to 8:49, does this mean everyone will stop slandering Chuck Heath and anyone else wrongfully acused of pedophilia etc?

  44. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Could there be a pedophile in their circle? Is that why Piper has to go everywhere with Palin, and miss school? Who is protecting Trig from this person, or doesn't he matter?

  45. womanwithsardinecan9:14 AM

    Once again, just like when she lied under oath at the "hacker" trial, Bristle shows her true colors. Funny, her aura looks a lot like her mother's. Bristle is just about the worst role model any young woman could have.

  46. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Ah, I read that over at Sadie's blog. I feel for her, but I think she and Chris can weather it just fine. They know the truth. And so do thePalins.

    In Bristols case, Its simply that no one can be happy, because she is not. She's saddled with a kid, who's only purpose in life is to provide her a paycheck, she's saddled with crazy eye Mama, and wandering dad. She's saddled with a bro who was forced into the military, and now claims to still be IN the military, although he's not doing anything more than cleaning the Palin guns. She's got baby sis, not only following in her footsteps, but enhancing the foot print with her B&E.

    Plain and simple: The Palins are Jealous of us who have and live normal lives, have normal families and hold down normal jobs. Stick that in your arizona dog house and smoke it!

  47. Anonymous9:18 AM

    And PS. I'm not a pedophile either. I am a mother of 8 children.

  48. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Gryphen, shutting down Bristol's FB page is a wonderful idea. Of course, that will make the issue hugely public, but then Bristol will be unmasked publicly for the nasty person she has become.

    That, along with a letter from an attorney who is unafraid of the Palins should do the trick.

    Bristol should not be able to write these kinds of slurs on FB - no one should. Perhaps, if you can afford it, a letter or email from your attorney to FB should cinch it or simply the statement that you will be seeking legal counsel if FB does not shut her down.

  49. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Mercedes says Bristol did or said something. Teens and young twenty-somethings aren't the most reliable source of information especially when their emotions are involved.

    Anyone can say they were not responsible for a facebook post. No way to prove who was pressing the keys on the keyboard. It's the ideal environment for emotionally youngster to vent. But as court evidence... it's a hard sell.

  50. Anonymous9:21 AM

    to 8:49, does this mean everyone will stop slandering Chuck Heath and anyone else wrongfully accused of pedophilia etc?

  51. Anonymous9:22 AM

    hmm, about her demeanor recently. This is pretty much a very new thing. She wasn't nervous or anxious or terrified over xmas. Who knows

  52. honeybabe9:23 AM

    it's the palin's trying to cry wolf once again. they've done it so many times before that it means nothing.

  53. Anonymous9:24 AM

    To Rick, I agree she looked as if she wanted to simultaneously vomit and bawl for hours

    However, if there is something going on inside her emotionally, she's keeping it a huge secret from her extended family. They act as if nothing is wrong over facebook and still have high hopes of her success. I'm talking about Palin relatives, not Heath

    Including Bristol

  54. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Anon down below... No one is accusing Sr. Heath of pedeophilia. However, he has said some weird crap that would keep me from allowing contact with my kids, of any age.

    For instance, during the general election, he mussed that the kids kept losing their underwear.


  55. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Hey, Sarah and Bristol --- take note. Words have consequences.

    If you don't shut up, you will find yourselves in court which you may think is funny or inconsequential because you have a lot of money.

    Know what? Damages and attorney's fees can be awarded to the person you maligned - lots of money.

    Neither of you are going to be earning big bucks for much longer as the public tires of your shenanigans. Your mean girl personas are getting old fast.

    Apologize to Gryphen fast. Make it public and make it sincere. Make it now.

  56. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Bristol ate her children, Tripp and Trigg, and Piper´s puppy! And in anticipation of the palinbots asking how I know this information, I have two questions for them:

    1. How do you know Bristol didn´t eat her children, Tripp and Trigg, and Piper´s puppy?

    2. Have you seen them lately?

  57. Gasman9:29 AM

    Anon @ 9:11,
    Ah, the inevitable "Someone from the Palin clan is a victim" card, this time played for Chuck Heath. It is simply amazing how EVERYTHING that ever happens in the universe can somehow be turned around to focus attention upon the eternal victimhood of all things Palin.

    It's almost as if the entire universe were conspiring against Sarah Palin to bring her down.

    a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self importance, typically elaborated into an organized system. It may be an aspect of chronic personality disorder, of drug abuse, or of a serious condition such as schizophrenia in which the person loses touch with reality.

    • suspicion and mistrust of people or their actions without evidence or justification."

    Hmmmm, remind you of anyone?

  58. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I swear, that whole family is just a bunch of bullies. I really don't know how to deal with that. Someone must.

  59. Anonymous9:35 AM

    You need to at least threaten with a lawsuit unless Bristol apologizes publicly. Now that the charge against you is made by Bristol you will remain suspect if you don't pursue an apology. All it would cost you is a small fee for your lawyer to write a letter on your behalf. It's the perfect storm Gryphen.

  60. Anonymous9:37 AM

    To all of Sarah's defenders wasting their time coming to this site:

    I am tired of complaints about "what they deal with". The Palins always strike first and they've slandered reputations for years starting with Sarah's first campaign for mayor. "Pedophile" is their new go-to term to describe their enemies so don't blame people for starting to question why.

    And while they keep playing the victim card, what about the despicable claim that our president wasn't born in the us despite mountains of evidence to the contrary? The threats against him escalated the moment Palin started trying to link him with terrorists, while it's she and Todd who are actually affiliated with an anti-American organization. You don't hear a peep about that from Obama, he just goes about his job and handling the nation's business. If he put out an eight minute video every time he was accused of something he'd be in front of the camera all day. This is one of the many reasons why Sarah's not fit to be president.

    Sarah is not the victim, she is the perpetrator and the blowback and disapproval ratings from the American people are called REAPING what you SOW. She needs to get used to it, because her glory days are over.

  61. AKRNC9:41 AM

    I'm incredulous at the thought of Palin's mouthpiece, Van Flein, thinking he can enforce a rule regarding who Mercede can and cannot speak to. This is just another example of $arah's over-the-top behavior, believing she cannot be disobeyed as if she really is a fucking queen. Gryphen, you don't have to necessarily take them into court but a sternly worded letter from your attorney to Bristol might have the desired effect. No matter what they do, accusing someone of so vile a crime is inexcusable. They are a despicable bunch who aren't fit to be around decent people.

  62. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Anon 8:20 PM - Read what you posted.
    Does it make sense even to you?

    Sharon TN

  63. Anonymous9:50 AM

    So was Todd caught with female or male hookers?

    Bristol looked very pregnant, she must have already had the baby if she is going to Texas to give a speech. Is Gino still living with her, who's the baby daddy?

  64. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Chuck Heath is a pedophile???? Where did this come from?

  65. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I can't think of a more horrible accusation to hurl at someone, than abusing a child. It makes me really uneasy that "pedophile" seems to be their go-to smear.

    Unfortunately, Brisdull has just enough smarts to not mention you by name, so I doubt a defamation suit would be successful.

    Besides, I would hate to see you tied up in court just when the poo finally hits the fan.

    I expect that woman to explode in screechy denial "I've been framed by Obama, they are all jealous of me, it's all Becky/Meg/Kristen's fault".

  66. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Molesting minors- wasn't Brisket knocked up while she was a minor?

  67. Anonymous10:01 AM

    @ Anonymous 9:11
    If anybody accused Chuck Heath falsely of pedophilia he has every right to go after them, but i don't recall Gryphen accusing him of it, so just because "SOMEBODY" accused Heath doesn't mean Gryphen has no right to defend himself

  68. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Poor Bristol. Go eat a couple more cheesecakes, sweetheart, maybe you will feel better. Remember, lots of guys like chubby girls, doncha know? You betcha.

  69. Anonymous10:03 AM

    All I could think of when reading her comments was how sad that there are two innocent little boys being raised in such an angry, toxic environment.

  70. Anonymous @ 9:09 & 9:11

    There's a difference between speculating as to $arah and Bristol's possible exposure to a pedophile and both of them calling people who dare to disagree with them, as in Letterman & McGinniss, or Gryphen & Zaki.

    Now run back to Sarah & Bristol and tell them you're unable to get the job done! Bye-bye!

  71. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Just goes to show how deep under their skin you are now.


  72. Anonymous10:11 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    Chuck Heath is a pedophile???? Where did this come from?

    9:52 AM"

    The way Sarah Palin acts towards men (accusing
    them of preying on her children sexually), the
    fact he said he watched Trig pop-out, and he
    said something about his grandkids underwear.

  73. Randall10:14 AM

    WAYYYY OT, but...

    This is to all the Palin-bots out there:
    I'm watching the press conference with President Obama and Chinese President Hu right now.

    Be truthful; can you imagine John McCain standing there and trying to answer some of these very pointed questions?

    Or (God forbid) Sarah Palin?


    Barack Obama majored in Political Science with a minor in foreign affairs. (And graduated cum laude I might add). He then went on to earn a doctorate in law from Harvard.

    McCain studied alcohol and crashing planes. Palin took 5 years to get a four year degree in journalism for chrissakes.

    Do you honestly think either McCain or (God forbid) Palin could be standing there right now and doing any where near the job that Barack Obama is doing?

    Look at how Sarah reacted to some petty criticism she got after the Tucson shooting: she made the story about herself. Thirteen wounded, six dead - and Sarah still thinks the story is about her.

    Do you believe that "good ol' common sense" is a viable substitute for a rock-solid grasp of political science, history and foreign affairs when it comes to dealing with heads of state?

    What the hell is the matter with you?

  74. Anonymous10:19 AM

    The Palin, every time I read their quotes or hear them speak I think of the Bible. And Satan. What a cut clan of snakes they are.

  75. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Bristol is a foul-mouthed, diseased-brain, intellectually-challenged, twit. I feel sorry for her child(ren). It looks like the sick Heath-Palin cycle continues into the next generation as another idiot "raises" her offspring.

  76. Anonymous10:31 AM

    If I were Mercedes or Bristol's moms, I'd be suggesting they get off facebook. Stop discussing personal feelings, considering they are and have been cycled in the news. They are "celebrities" in their fans eyes, and them having it out on facebook, blog, on display for everyone to read, is immature and pointless.

    If Mercedes wants to be really happy, she needs to remove herself from prying eyes, stop engaging with the Palins, ignore them, refuse to give them what they want. Mercedes seems like a very nice girl, and I wish the best for her, but she needs to be more like President Obama, and make one public statement about anything Palin, which should be, she doesn't think about them.

    Arguing, responding to any Palin is a no-win situation. The only weakness they seem to have is they love attention. Mercedes shouldn't feed the beast with the attention it craves.

  77. Anonymous10:34 AM

    So, Bristol's middle name is "Sheeran" as in she ran?

    Gosh, I can't stop laughing. That's just perfect. Sarah and Todd sure have a sense of humor --- or is it a lack of imagination?

    Shee-ran --- funny and sad. I keep thinking of the cellulite on Sarah's hind quarters. She ran - yeah, right.

    Maybe, if we're lucky, we can all read about the bad old days when Sarah/she-ran for President and embarrassed herself and her family. Funny and sad.

  78. I swear, the Palin Place* saga just keeps getting stranger and stranger. When that iceberg finally comes into view smack dab in front of the Good Ship Sarah, it's gonna be a beaut.

    After it knocks Queenie off her political throne, the title of her next reality show should be "Sarah and Todd Plus All That Is Odd."

    *For those too young to remember, "Peyton Place" was the most popular and over-the-top TV soap opera of the 1960s. Give it a Google!

  79. elliegrl10:37 AM

    Hey Gryphen,
    I think we'd all be willing to chip in for a lawyer's consulatation/letter writing fee if needed!

  80. Anonymous 9:09 AM -

    1. NO commenter here has said or speculated that Chuck is a pedophile or an abuser. You brought up his name.

    2. Gryphen's post doesn't remotely deal with the question of Heath or Palin abuse.

    3. There IS a difference between CALLING someone a pedophile and SPECULATING.

    3. There is ZERO basis to accuse or speculate about Gryphen. Sadly, there IS basis to theorize that Sarah was abused and, yes, even to question Chuck, since you brought him up.

    Perhaps, any commenters considering whether there was abuse in Sarah's or Bristol's past as a defense for them should stop. Perhaps, it's just time to call their unwarranted accusations against others as the evil that it is. Sarah's Christian followers should note that the Bible condemns her and Bristol's behavior.

  81. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:37 AM

    Sorry, the mysterious "fte" poster above was me. Who knows how that happened--can I claim a rogue cat paw?

  82. Anonymous10:41 AM

    836, thank you

    now everyone stop accusing chuck heath of lewd behavior

    and yes 8:20 makes perfect sense

    celebs, comedians, snl contributes to the world through humor.

    to combat the bullying problem, it's best not to support unnecessary targeting of anyone, regardless of age.

    Many people were turned off watching the Golden Globes.

    We live in a world where "liberals" can literally get away with anything and conservatives are watched with eagle eyes.

  83. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Anon 7:44
    More than a few have already wondered why Sarah is so obsessed with rape and now Bristlie with child molestation.
    And why did the Palins need a 14 ft fence to keep prying eyes from Piper's bed room anyway?

    This whole family from "My daughter's hot" daddy to the frequently finger flipping Piper is deeply sick.

  84. Here's me being catty...why is it that Bristol looks like a 35 year old woman?

  85. Anonymous10:46 AM

    right on for you gryph...

    taking the high road. so gross that these bitches pander to the lowest of the low.

    so grody.

    you are a true inspiration and a true american.


  86. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I don't think you guys really understand how these white trash girls from the valley fight. They know damn well they can destroy or try to destroy a male they don't like by either calling them a pedophile or claiming they are a pervert. I have seen girls do this to teachers and make their lives a living hell. They know the public will take their side first. Sarah Palin and her daughters are white trash who are good at one thing very well and that is hurting people. They are very good at it. Any teacher knows who this type of girl is and believe me they tread lightly around them. Sad but true

  87. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Incidentally, anyone who is around the Palin's when their denouement (look it up Sarah) finally does hit the fan, remember that feral animals like the Palins attack when cornered.

    Sarah is obsessed with images of guns and with violence, she is by word and deed an attacker.

    She is insane, look at the way she twitched and rambled last Tuesday night.

    Anybody who she might be angry at with the end of her days at hand, as the Republican's girl toy, will need to watch their backs, their fronts, their family and their pets.

    I would put nothing past a person who loves revenge like Sarah.

    Also, too shy clear of buses.

  88. Anonymous10:53 AM

    You're ability to stand up against the Palin garbage is exceptional. This is not easy to openly talk about and that is exactly what is needed. Pour some sunlight on this. Also, thank you Mercede.

    This is one of the most disturbing Palin trait. What a monstrous thing to air in media and social media. It is bad enough the parents do these false accusations and media has been so soft on them. They teach their children to do the same. Bristol is a role model that young girls are to emulate. What does that say?

    We haven't even heard from Willow and Piper. I can't even comprehend the effect this will have on Tripp. If he is going to be a hockey boy like those that went before him, it is too sad to imagine what fall out he will suffer.

  89. PollyinAK10:53 AM

    Thank you Randall!!!!!

  90. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I sure hope the coming bad news to the Palin camp is not the Enquirer article. Exposing Todd's fun times would be a win-win for Sarah the Professional Martyr. I can hear it now - "not only is the far left out to silence me, they are destroying my family, my little children. With my broken heart I will go on to... blah, blah, blah." (Might get out of splitting the assets, too).

  91. Anonymous11:00 AM

    If it's any consolation, the next time Bristol is in the checkout line a Walmart
    here is something she can read while waiting...

  92. Quite possibly, Gryphen is sparing the piggy banks of SP/BP's fans.

    No doubt once he sends a cease and desist letter they will start another "defense fund" for those pitiable denigrated victims.

  93. Anonymous11:11 AM

    RE: Anonymous said...
    If it's any consolation, the next time Bristol is in the checkout line a Walmart
    here is something she can read while waiting...

    11:00 AM

    Is that the AWTF blog on the bottom right???

  94. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Sheeran is Sally's maiden name

  95. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Bristol and Willow have both been caught red-handed before posting nasty things on facebook, there were screen shots of the posts and Bristol halfway apologized and Granny Palin acknowleged on Fox to Greta that they did it.

    Looks like Bristle the Pistol did not learn her lesson. I find it hard to believe that someone would pay her to talk about having babies and how she does not have sex while looking like the baby is about to be born on the spot.

    Maybe since it's Texas they are doing a paid back favor for oil money profits from the Palin ex-governorship.

    Bristol is not a role model for innocent young girls and a terrible role model for the Candies Foundation. She is sadly lacking in morals and social skills.

  96. Tyroanee11:16 AM

    Well it's just so shocking to hear of such thuggish behavior coming from a Palin...I mean c'mon hasn't someone in SS or anywhere investigated this Crime Palinbino Family of Goons?
    Nope, it's just up to the bloggers and honest citizens to be the ultimate crime fighters!

  97. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Oh, my, that National Enquirer link to the article is really going to feed into Sarah's victim profile.

    Of course, it might raise Todd's profile some considering how has been accused of being impotent and wimpy.

    For the fundamentalists, they have to condemn Todd as an adulterer and even cast a severe eye at Sarah because she "failed" to provide what Todd needed. What is it that some of them say, "a man doesn't stray if his wife gives him what he needs."

    Oh, well, just another day in the scummy saga of Palinworld. It's no wonder that most of us feel the need to shower after reading about what they're saying or doing.

    What an embarrassing family they are for America.

    Let's all let them know we are praying for them (if we are inclined to do that, i.e.) because they surely, surely need it.

  98. Anonymous11:21 AM

    The sexual imagery Sarah paints probably has to do with growing up in a man's environment, having to hunt from an early age, following her father everywhere. It's probably a sign of rebellion. She's taking control of HER life for once, she joined a masculine profession (one where woman aren't respected) and uses the diction to her advantage.

    Thats common sense right there.

    And having 3 daughters, of course they're not going to be submissive

    Until 2008, the Palins had a very normal life. Adjusting is difflcult. Ask any starlet

  99. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Who in the world does this??????

  100. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Thank you for the shot of the tabloid page about Todd's affairs - I will PRETEND right now to be the Twisted Sista's lawyer and consultant and advise her to go out and spend hundreds of thousands buying all the copies up just like she did in her ghost written books. How's that for being an advisor to the grifter woman?

    Of course I could put on another hat and advise her to shut up or to do the thing as "I lied, and I sinned - please help me get committed somewhere.

  101. Anonymous11:35 AM

    The Facebook accumulations of visual and hateful rhetoric, including what Gabriel Giffords brought up and was ignored by a political action committee, that is not abusive or hateful?

    Why was Gabriel Giffords attempting to protect her district from what was going on with Facebook and a political action committee?

    "...nor do we allow comments that are abusive, hateful or intended to defame anyone or any organization."
    FB Report Abuse

  102. Anonymous11:38 AM

    @11:11, it sure is.

  103. Anonymous11:44 AM

    I hope the Candies Foundation hangs in there and Dr. Drew continues his support of Bristol. The longer the better because when things really blow I want them to go down with her. At best, they have been reckless and neglectful of vetting her ass. They deserve to be exposed as the complicit creeps they are. To give Bristol some mellow release doesn't expose their dark side and they may prop up a worse liar and fraud the next time. They will continue to do awful things for children as they pretend to care.

  104. Anonymous11:50 AM

    11:21, With all due respect, you are stupid. Using the term "pedophile" at the drop of the hat is not a reflection of growing up in a masculine environment. I know the flying monkeys are desperate but no one will buy that one. If my child used that word, it would stop me in my tracks. It's not a common word AT ALL. I would immediately be asking if there is something I need to know. It is extremely disturbing that the Palin family uses such a word about anyone they don't like and one can't help but wonder if there is an underlying reason.

  105. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I'm more curious as to this National Enquirer story on their site.

    Bristol Palin Name Game wherein it tells the story she has changed the name of Tripp with Levi's approval. Those famous words "A source" told The ENQUIRER that Levi agreed to the name change if he didn’t have to pay child support.

  106. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I agree with the commenter who mentioned a simple cease and desist letter.

    Someone was doing something like this to my pedophilia smears but other things...calling his place of work and his friends to intentionally spread false information.

    He had an attorney send her a registered letter telling her that if did not stop or if it happened again, he be seeing her in court.

    Never heard another peep.

    I'd give it some thought Gryphen.

  107. Forever Anonymous11:58 AM

    a cease and desist letter seem a good idea to me. It would document a grievance, perhaps the first of many as it appears she is following in Sarah footsteps.

  108. Anonymous11:59 AM

    10:14, Brilliant. And I absolutely agree. Sarah Palin would be a puppet president because she simply does not have the intelligence.

  109. Anonymous12:00 PM

    The last thing I want to know about is Todd Palin's sex life. I am grateful if the truth comes out.

    I am grateful it is not Chuck Heath, who I hear may have some issues and is not innocent of spending some time on a few bar stools back in the day. I hear he has retired to the recliner.

    The Palin and Heath families are probably like many who have enjoyed a community of late night and bar room shenanigans. The problems is they play like good church folk.

  110. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Gryphen, Bristol is an ADULT. She has free will and cannot hide behind her mother's poor parenting skills as an excuse anymore. At the very least, please have an attorney send her a "cease and desist" letter. She needs to know that words have consequences. She needs to learn responsibility and receive a good dose of good old fashioned fear (since it is clear she lacks any guilt). Had someone done that for Sarah early on, maybe she would not have grown to be the sick person she is today.

  111. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Why are you not covering the Palin Affair story? got the scoop before anyone else did. And now AlaskaWTF. Do you know anything? She isn't well she isn't a looker, why would he cheat with that woman? Not sure if this is even true.

  112. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Bristol isn't a pistol, she's a loose cannon. And I do mean loose!


  113. Scandal: Fox cancels Joan Rivers for Palin insult!

  114. Anonymous12:07 PM

    She does not believe that words have consequences.
    Therefore, she can call anybody anything and if there is a problem, she will just cry and wail that she is being;
    1. abused by the lamestream media.
    2. her first amendment rights are being taken away.
    3. told to shut up.
    4. getting death threats too.
    5 I am a victim too.

    Did I forget anything?
    I would hire a lawyer and have him/her send the palin family a letter. Somebody has to stand up to her and her daughter is following along in her footsteps. She is a coward and a bully and she will not stop until somebody stands up to her.
    I was a school nurse. If somebody messed with my reputation, I would not put up with it.

  115. Anonymous12:08 PM

    You want us to believe that is who he cheated with?

  116. Anonymous12:10 PM

    We had a neighbor that did strange things. Other than that he "loved" children and did good things. It was similar to the situation with Chuck Heath. People want to know if children could be in danger. If they are noticing contradictions and signs they will talk about the situation around a person like that neighbor or Chuck Heath. The intentions are not the same.

  117. teutonic1312:18 PM

    Wow Gryph-

    If it matters- If i thought you were a pedophile I wouldn't take the time to spit on this blog. That is a terrible thing to be accused of. For her to continue is criminal and slanderous to your reputation.

    I am surprised you haven't sued the Palins for that- after all you can definitely show cause and damages.

    Bristol really thinks a lot of herself and very little of others.

    She looks like a fat chesire cat- with that stupid grin on her face.

    In time she will fade away. I look forward to it.

  118. Anonymous12:19 PM

    10:14... Oh yeah, he's smart... but.... but... but.. he's BROWN dontcha know? ;-)

  119. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Gryphen, OT, but can you comment on the Nat. Enq. story on Todd? I am hoping that this story is not the big one. Is this the one that will "knock her back on her heels"? I wouldn't think it would, since people usually discount the Nat. Enq. Yeah, they got the Edwards story right, but it took a long time. Anyway, if you could share your thoughts, I'd appreciate it.

  120. angela12:32 PM

    Anon 11:21
    What a load of crap . . . . .
    The Palins were never normal.

  121. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Anon 8:48

    Money also doesn't buy 'character' as we see they're still Wasillabilly Trailer Trash.

  122. Anonymous12:49 PM

    about time. At least Levi can get out of debt now

  123. Dot_The_Bot12:51 PM

    Oh my!! This upset me terribly. Surely Sarah isn't aware that Bristol uses language like this. And what is this about Bristol being pregnant. How can that be since she advocates abstinence! Goodness gracious! I will write Sarah to be sure she is aware of this situation. It's time for me to send a donation and I will ask her to pray with me so He can guide her. Sarah will know what to do with Gods help. know it.

    The language is sinful. In my day we would wash her mouth out with doph A child speaking with such dirty words is deeply disturbing! Lord, hear my prayer and help Sarah guide this sinner.


  124. Anonymous12:58 PM

    How come Bristol is eliminating Johnson from the Baby's name and giving him Palin as a sur name? Is it because it isnt Levi's?

  125. Anonymous1:00 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    She isn't well she isn't a looker, why would he cheat with that woman? Not sure if this is even true.

    12:04 PM"

    Men don't cheat because their wives are ugly,
    or because the other woman is hot.

  126. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Scandal: Fox cancels Joan Rivers for Palin insult!

    Rivers can make jokes about having no free speech.

  127. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Bristol, Willow and Andy Almond got away with a vicious act of cyber-bullying. They don't know that there are consequences to violating others or breaking the law. They will continue to cyber-bully until the problem is better exposed and dealt with.

  128. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Sarah is 25 going on 50. She trots around with Piper Diaper to look younger than she is. Aging is and will be difficult for her. She is obsessed with her looks. I remember reading as Governor she had a huge tantrum when not mentioned as one of the best looking up and coming politicians or something like that.

    I dont know if Chuckie is a pediophile. I doubt he is. But he does say weird things.

  129. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Maybe Tripp isnt Levi's kid? Why wouldnt you want your kid to have a father figure?

  130. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I dont think Todd was having sex--I think he was just ministering to the ladies in the best way he could.

  131. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Gotta see this:
    BRISTOL PALIN is one step closer to eliminating LEVI JOHNSTON from her life!

    The ENQUIRER has exclusively learned that the 20-year-old former Dancing with the Stars contestant has changed the name of she and Levi’s son to Tripp Easton Mitchell PALIN -- knocking off the Johnston surname.

    In this screenshot of a recent Facebook posting to Bristol’s personal account, Bristol showed her excitement for the name change, saying “Tripp Easton Mitchell Palin… PALIN!!!”

    A source told The ENQUIRER that Levi agreed to the name change if he didn’t have to pay child support.

  132. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Ok, it's more than clear now that Dot is joking. Well-played, Dot, well-played.

  133. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Dot you are so yanking people's chains, if they haven't figured it out already.

    I guess you are amusing yourself.

    Someone needed to shake things up with this crowd, haha!

  134. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Anonymous said...
    How come Bristol is eliminating Johnson from the Baby's name and giving him Palin as a sur name? Is it because it isnt Levi's?

    12:58 PM


    This is the second dumbest crap Bristol has ever done with DWTS being the first. Bristol thinks changing Tripp's last name is great for him? The name Palin is not like "Kennedy" or "Rockefeller".

    The name "Palin" is more associated with the likes of "Bernie Madoff" or "Carrot Top".

    Fucking Dumb!

  135. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Lots of talk about how the Todd scandal, whether it's the whole ugly truth or not, is not enough to bring the Palin political ambitions down. Well, folks, this is America, and while I don't give a crap about that and many of us don't care, there are a whole lot of rill Americans who are going to raise an eyebrow, at the very least. Drip, drip, drip, is how I look at it.

    Will it be covered by the MSM? Should be, if they can verify it, since they went after John Edwards for similar activities and everyone thinks Sarah is the head of the GOP - not. That's going to do some damage, people.

  136. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Comment 11:21

    Palin normal - now a starlet.

    Jeebus, that really takes the cake. Thanks so much for that funny, I needed a good laugh today.

  137. Virginia Voter1:52 PM

    Dot, honey, from your lips to God's ears!

    Sarah and Todd need their prayer warriors more than ever.

    Oh, and maybe you should include a little extra in that donation this really didn't need those new dentures anyway.

    Heh, heh ;)

  138. I was pretty disgusted when I read Mercede's response to Bristol. I kinda thought Mercede was a whole lot smarter than getting herself drawn into the BS.

    I do realize these are young women with history via friends, boyfriends, and family. Mercede has made great strides while Bristol is a sad lonely woman.

    And Gryphen, there's that old saying "sticks and stones can break my bones but names will never hurt me". We all know Bristol is spouting BS and I can only hope she takes it up a notch and embarrasses the hell out of herself and family. Like her mother, she has no FREAK FLAG!
    And doesn't CBJ specialize in something akin to child abuse?

  139. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Note to Mercedes: Don't wrestle with pigs. The pigs love it, and you'll simply get very muddy in the process.

  140. 10catsinMD2:35 PM

    The state of Washington has a law about "abusive use of conflict" in divorces. You don't call out if you can't prove something. If it involves children and is a lie, the custody parent could lose custody for this.

    Alaska isn't the state of Washington, but the idea is very well stated. Untrue lies can hurt people excessively, destroy their reputation, much less hurt relationships with their children.

    If enough conflagration occurs, individuals can end up in court with consequences to inciting party. If this continues enough, it doesn't matter what state the inciter is in, trouble may follow.

    I hope you do something Gryphen, as those folks did more harm to you and others and need to be amde accountable for this lies.

  141. 10catsinMD3:27 PM

    Does any of the icebergs have anything to do with Bill Allen of Veco and his attraction to teen age girls?

    Just askin.

  142. Anonymous3:42 PM

    According to Mercede, she agreed to lie for the Palins, I'm guessing, in the beginning when Tripp was to be an accident.

    Who else would have agreed to lie to support a Palin story? I can see why no one wants a child to be called a bastard. It is enough if the mother is not married. If a child has a biological father that is unknown or is in question, it it easier to say that is a bastard. It also does not help Bristol to sell herself as the type of speaker she claims. Since DWTS she is also to have won the hearts of all Americans as a hard working single mother. It is better to think she has been honest about the child's father. Now she is questioned in that way. Levi can just have a better life in Wasilla or wherever he goes.

    Now things are a mess for Tripp.

    He is told what he is told. He will be sheltered with in the "extended family" or cult. Whether he knows who his real father is or not, a deal was made for the Johnstons. I believe that some of them do think they are blood related to Tripp. If not they still love him and are bonded like blood. The emotional relationship counts.

    It is only because of the way that the Sarah Palin brand, now the Bristol brand, is being packaged and marketed to a gullible public that the family secrets matter.

    If the Johnston's are capable of a little lie for Bristol who knows what more they are omitting? The truth must come out with or without the Johnston in put. I wish them well and don't blame them for trying to survive in this mess but wish they could act for a higher good. If not, leave them alone. Someone else will tell their stories for them. Like it or not they are in the middle of this mess.

    I hope the brave souls that do come up with the truth about all the breeders of Wasilla will make a small fortune. Don't leave out the wild party life and carelessness that was a big help in getting unweds of Wasilla knocked up. The whole truth is what is going to leak out.

    Those who are holding back will be among the Palin frauds that obstruct justice and truth.

  143. Anonymous4:43 PM

    The Todd thing is not enough to do much to Sarah. It will mark him. He has failed at being a potential First Lady. Sarah will do what is best for her brand. She will certainly be blamed by Dr Laura who has a strong position on marriages when the hub needs out side help. Dr Laura really trashes women who allow that to happen. There is no excuse. Sarah Palin failed the institution of marriage and Todd. When it comes to sex Sarah Palin has no balls and Dr Laura, in her way, must be forthright about that fact.

    The Palins can deny this and they must sue the NE. If not, it is clear that this is true. It is a good time for the working women in Wasilla to delve into how the business works up there. I would like to see them do well and also help others. It might be a business without health insurance. How can it be improved for the workers?

    The Palins will also try to destroy anyone that is not covering up for them. The flying monkeys will be cruel. I hope that others will not be so harsh.

    There are massage and sex workers because it is a job in high demand. It is a fact of life and American culture. It is not the fault of the few that get noticed. Many married men can only be satisfied by someone other than their wife. It is physical act but not due to any one persons physical appearance. If some of the high rollers that need this kind of sex would be honest they could do more to support the unemployment numbers and situation. The type of fiscal conservatives that lie about this should never go near any state or federal positions. They are hypocrites and can't be trusted. They must speak up about this job market and how to make it better for the workers. Todd is not one who will be able to carry off a Swaggert or Haggard moment. That won't work for him or a potential First Lady.

    I would like to see more facts about Todd and others that are part of the lying politician schemes. I don't usually buy the National Enquirer but they are doing an important job and I want to support them.

  144. Gryphen,
    I am sorry this has happened to you.
    No one deserves this kind of attack.

    Also, am I the only person who finds it creepy how the Palins believe an accusation of pedophilia is the proper response to a comment about their family?

    Why is that their go to response in three instances: Letterman, McGinniss and now Gryphen.

    There's something disturbing about this.

    Reason 245 to keep these people and their issues out of the White House.

  145. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Now Randall, unfairly smearing ALL journalists is pretty ridiculous. There are some very respected journalists, (as in Pulitzer Prize winning types who started out as journalists). Journalism schools like Medill are nothing to sneeze at. However, That's not the type of journalist $carah was. She was a newsreader of sports happenings. And where she cobbled together a four year degree in five or six years is not on the impressive list. She can't write, she can't think, and heck, she can't even communicate in the public speaking sense very well - too tense, too uptight, to word salad when unscripted - she woulda' been a Wasilla media market has been, maybe reading puff pieces of doing the winning lottery number announcement - nope, not that - you have to be PLEASANT to do lotto - do they have a lottery in AK?

  146. Anonymous10:41 AM

    RE: 10catsinMD said...
    Does any of the icebergs have anything to do with Bill Allen of Veco and his attraction to teen age girls?

    Just askin.

    3:27 PM

    You mean Palin covered something up? Hmmm
    Senator questions why no charges for Allen


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