Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Levi is an idiot! Update.

From the National Enquirer:

The ENQUIRER has exclusively learned that the 20-year-old former Dancing with the Stars contestant has changed the name of she and Levi’s son to Tripp Easton Mitchell PALIN -- knocking off the Johnston surname.

A source told The ENQUIRER that Levi agreed to the name change if he didn’t have to pay child support.

“Levi is so cheap and will do anything to get out of paying any money for Tripp,” stated an insider.

“He doesn’t care about spending much time with Tripp—Bristol does everything and her boyfriend Gino has been more of a father figure to Tripp over the past couple of months than Levi.

And with that the very last shred of respect I ever had for Levi is gone.  There is NO excuse to buckle under to the Palins like this.

Maybe he doesn't get it right now but someday he will look back on this as one of the dumbest decisions that he ever made.

Update: Okay before I start I want everybody to know that I am standing by my headline.

I have had numerous male friends when I was younger, even my own brother, who gladly took what they thought was the way out when offered it to them by the girlfriends they had knocked, up only to, years later, talk about that decision as the worst one they ever made.  It seems like an easy fix when you are young and poor, and you still have wild oats to sow, but it leads to the kind of pain that no amount of drinking can ever completely deaden. 

My own father learned that the hard way.  He died of liver failure brought on by his acute alcoholism, and the broken heart that resulted from never having been a part of his children's lives.

As for Tripp's paternity, as far as I know Levi always refused to get a DNA test, but both Mercede and her mother swear that Tripp is the spitting image of Levi at his age.

In the case of the custody payments, unless either Levi or Bristol filed with the CSSD there is no agency regulating payments, and it is entirely up to them to determine how much child support either party has to pay, or if Levi can stop making payments. (However, and Levi needs to know this, IF Bristol decides in the future to file with the Child Support Agency, Levi could find himself automatically in arrears, and I don't believe that ANY legal document saying he does not have to pay support will save him from finding himself thousands of dollars in debt. Child support agencies advocate for the child and they don't usually care if the parents made some sort of side deal between themselves. If any family attorneys want to chime in on this I would appreciate any correction or confirmation.)

Somebody asked if Sadie knew about this, the answer is no.  If she had she never would have written this: "Because I know once Tripp is older he will be SO PROUD to be a JOHNSTON!"

Looks like Bristol decided that she did not want either Levi OR Mercede to feel any connection to her son.

Listen I KNOW it has been tough on Levi.  In fact I KNOW it has been tough on Bristol, but I don't care about either one of them at this point!  When you have a child, things are no longer JUST about you!

The facts are that Levi could have had a REAL book deal, he could have hired a REAL lawyer, and he could right now have his son.  Bristol should NEVER have been able to take Tripp to Arizona without Levi's okay, but nobody seems to have told him his rights.

Am I projecting my own feelings about almost losing my daughter in a custody case twenty years ago?  Of course I am.  How could I not?

But I am also speaking as one who has been down, and watched others go down, the road that Levi now finds himself.  And at the end of that road is a lot of "if only's," and "what ifs," and "If I could just go back in time's."  Children need BOTH of their parents.  You don't have to be perfect, but you DO have to present.

Some of you have suggested that just because Tripp is no longer a "Johnston," that Levi still has parental rights.  No he doesn't.  At least not in actual practice. He has only seen his son a handful of times since the custody agreement, despite having a court agreement that guarantees him several days per week, does anybody really think he will have more access now? Or ANY access?

Children are not objects to be taken away, or weapons to be used to hurt either parent, I hate to see this child missing out on a vitally important relationship just because his mother never learned to share.


  1. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Any chance this actually means he found out he isn't the father, and took a payment to keep quiet and let this story out instead?

  2. Anonymous1:34 PM

    This sounds like either complete bullshit or Levi knows something about Tripp's paternity that we don't.

  3. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Or maybe he knows something we don't?

  4. Gryphen - here's my question: why would the money grubbing Palin's be willing to give up the child support in exchange for changing Tripp's last name?

    Why are the Palin's now planting stories with the National Enquirer? I thought their preferred outlets were TMZ and People.

    This is what the Palin's want us to hear. What is the rest of the story?

  5. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I'm a 53 year old woman, yet I think I understand Levi's reasoning, and I wish him well. He will NEVER have an uncomplicated life as long as Bristol and her mother call the shots, so it's best if he moves on. Sorry, Gryphen, I know as a dad you feel he's making a mistake he'll live to regret, but in years to come, Tripp will seek Levi out if he wants to, no matter what his mother threatens him with!

  6. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Perhaps Levi knows he is not the father of Tripp.

  7. Anonymous1:41 PM

    my brother got involved with disfunctional family like this, had a kid and just gave up, after so long you just grow too weary of the fight, Is it worth it, I can ever say, unless you've been in those shoes and know that you'd have a whole life of nothing but agony and torment.
    i sympathize with Levi, the dumb ass that he is.
    cut him a little slack

  8. I can't say that I blame him.
    Hopefully he learned from this experience and will got on with his life.

  9. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Even if he has done a DNA test, and Tripp is not his, abandoning this child to that dysfunctional family is cowardly.

  10. kdusmdd1:43 PM

    Did he EVEN try to get a DNA done?

  11. angela1:44 PM

    Yeah, he's a moron. All he had to do was get his child support lowered.

    But don't worry---Poor Tripp will have twelve name changes by the time Bristol goes through the entire telephone book of men in Alaska and Arizona. Of course, she might keep his name as Palin---it is a moneymaker.

  12. Anonymous1:44 PM

    That was easy you think there was a DNA test?

  13. Anonymous1:44 PM

    I raise the question now as I would never have before as I would not have believed it:

    How much did Levi get paid off to do this??

  14. Tripp is not Levi's baby.

  15. Anonymous1:45 PM

    makes me wonder .... maybe he has been told he is not the father (or maybe he had a DNA analysis done)...and with the wheels falling off the bus for the Palinocracy, if I wasn't the father I'd get the heck away from that whole family. I would hope the real father would step up to the plate.

  16. Anonymous1:48 PM

    You may be right, Gryphen...Levi may be an idiot...
    But perhaps he has good reason to not pay child support? Could he have had a DNA test done (finally) and now knows that this precious child is not his? If this is the case - WOW...
    If he just doesn't want to pay child support and deal with the payless family then deadbeat dad is too good a name!

  17. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Well, this is what happens when uneducated, unmotivated, unambitious children reproduce.

    Levi just happened get the wrong piece of tail at the wrong time of the month. Despite all his hemming and hawing about not seeing his son, I never thought he had much of an interest in that child -- I can't think of too many 19, 20 year old men who are interested in settling down and being daddies. His mom and sister seemed interested in the child, but not Levi.

    I always felt that if he wanted to have more of a role in his son's life, he would have found decent attorneys and would have been awarded liberal visitation -- whining about not seeing him on TV and in magazines wasn't going to cut it. The fact that he did none of these things sealed it for me.

  18. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Tripp is Levi's kid? Really?

  19. Anonymous1:50 PM

    What is so strange is that the Arizona child support calculator considers both parent's income. Levi likely could have had a substantial reduction. Maybe he just couldn't afford the Alaska ordered support. The guy doesn't seem to be the sharpest knife in the drawer.

  20. Anonymous1:50 PM

    So his initials spell TEMP now?

  21. DootDid1:51 PM


    Have to defend Levi on this one. This just says to me Levi is NOT the father of this child and just went along with the whole scheme from day 1 for his 'then' girlfriend because her Mother was just announced as possible VP and he was ambushed into the whole deal.

    I know he's done interviews, etc. but still could have been part of the act. No way they'd let him off from paying, no way, no way, no way. Not as vindictive as this bunch is. They know all too well they could limit the possibilities of his life by sucking him dry 12 times a year for 18 years.

    Unless you know for a fact that he had DNA done as hard as it might be for Mercedes to accept this is probably why he would agree. Giving him the benefit of the doubt til we know more.

  22. angela1:56 PM

    dsmyre 1:44
    Hmmm. Two brown haired, dark eyed parents and one blond, blue eyed baby. . . .

    He's still a moron.

  23. Anonymous1:58 PM

    This may underscore why very young, immature people should not be having babies. I find this to be very very sad and a decision Levi is very likely to regret. Imagine telling your son why you chose to allow him to be renamed, thereby denouncing him as your son--in order to avoid paying child support. Who the hell is advising Levi (unless as someone speculated that there really is an issue with paternity)

  24. Anonymous1:59 PM

    This is so she can have a "fresh" start with the life she has now. Her upcoming marriage will come with an insta-family. So sad when little ones get caught in the middle of these unstable lives. Makes a tough road ahead for them.

  25. Can we get more info? Agreeing to a last-name change doesn't necessarily mean Levi is also giving up his custody rights or that he won't provide for Tripp in ways besides regular monthly cash payments to Bristol. However, it sure does sound like he's given up and moving on. That would be sad for Tripp who will grow up completely brainwashed.

  26. I think it's clear that we all get it-- Tripp is probably not Levi's child and this is the "plot line" being used to allow Bristol to move to Arizona (or Saturn,) with this child.... or appear to be moving.

    I will say this for the umpteenth time: I do not believe the whole story of Tripp's birth, parentage,etc. It was all TOO CONVENIENT. SP faked her pregnancy with Trig and Tripp is part of the cover-up. I am not sure who he really is and who his parents are. But I know that whatever the Palins say ain't necessarily so.

  27. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Did Mercedes know this was happening, Gryphen? I'm appalled.

  28. Anonymous2:00 PM

    He never had a chance. I suspect he was bullied into this decision. That is the Palin way is it not?

  29. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Levi has never once fought for that child. He basically gave him up. Sorry but I knew it the minute he didn't ask for basic visitation.

    Next will be him signing away his rights so the 200lb Briskets lastest boyfriend can adopt him.

  30. Anonymous2:00 PM

    betting Tripp is not Levi's. betting Tripp is Gino's.

  31. I think perhaps Levi needs to move on from Bristol even if it means losing his child. Levi is young, he can move forward. Bristol and Levi were thrust forth as parents by the McCain campaign as a couple; a couple facing impending parenthood, for no better reason than to prove that Bristol did not birth Trig.

    The world now knows that Bristol is at best, difficult to get along with. A rather reactionary and bitchy girl is what we have been presented with thanks to the overexposure of her in the media.

    Any man in his right mind would distance himself from not only his "baby mama" but her mama and all the drama of that family.

    Perhaps Levi just wants to move on.

  32. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Perhaps Tripp is not his. But even if he is, there is just no way he can continue trying to be a part of his child's life with the current situation.

    This is a dysfunctional family that also has a whole lot of money, lawyers, and connections at their disposal. They can keep him wrapped up in legal processes and keep him from ever having gainful employment in Alaska. They can also harass everyone in his family, any girlfriend he would ever have, etc. And they'll keep taking the kid out of state and he can do nothing to stop them.

    I think the "source" is editorializing the "cheap" thing. It is probably a matter of not having the funds to fight it and to keep paying them and having to go back to court.

  33. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Maybe, just maybe, Levi was a stand-in for a knocked up Bristol like Tawd was a stand-in for a knocked up Sarah. They needed Levi and now they dont need him anymore as she is on the single woman with child lecture circuit.

  34. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Levi is still young and stupid. Hopefully, he will wise up starting with losing Tank and his lousy lawyer. What a POS he is right now. He should have fought for his son and fought to have his support lowered, considering how much mulah Bristol was making. However, we don't know what kind of pressure was being put on him from the Palin camp, so I won't hate him yet.

  35. Facebook Lurker2:03 PM

    Saddling that innocent baby with the last name Palin is child abuse.

    I was going to post something siimilar to Angela....

    That poor kid will be known as Tripp Easton Mitchell ____________. Fill in the blank


    The possibilities are endless. Personally, I don't know that Levi even has a job now, so it probably was an offer he couldn't refuse

  36. Anonymous2:05 PM

    I do believe that the P-bots are the "National Enquirer's" demographic. Where will their loyalties fall? Tough call.

  37. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Yeah, I'd say Tripp isn't his.

  38. Imagine this:
    Levi told Bristol he'd marry her if she agreed to DNA testing for Tripp.

    The test showed that Tripp is not Levi's baby.

    Make Levi sign & swear not to reveal the info to the "lamestream media".

    Cancel the engagement. Forget about visitation or child support.

    Bristol now has to nail the real baby-daddy.

  39. WakeUpAmerica2:06 PM

    dsmyre, how do you know that Tripp isn't Levi's baby?

  40. Anonymous2:11 PM

    1. I don't think you can give up support for a name change. Support is the right of the child. The court's don't recognize some contracts as valid.

    2. As best I can tell, Levi isn't given an opportunity to spend time with Tripp. I don't know if it's true, but I find it plausible that hte Palins can put up enough roadblocks that fighting for time is a losing proposition. If this is what happened, I can understand Levi's decision.

    3. Maybe #2 isn't totally correct, but Levi is a young and immature. Palins are a force that has scared a WHOLE LOT of adults in Wasilla. Maybe it's technically possible, but Levi just doesn't have the inner resources to fight Palin. A lot of people don't.

  41. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Who cares, really?

    This is hilarious though...
    "the name of she and Levi’s son".

  42. ManxMamma2:13 PM

    And given the storm clouds gathering, will Bristol regret saddling her son with the family name?

  43. after banging many a whore like bristol, I really think even if the kid isn't his he is doing whats best for him. As selfish as that sounds, you can't really reason with crazy. men all to often get put in the situation of dealing with whores mistakes. What ever happened to "pull and shoot"?
    I don't know if levi has the inclination that he is just being used, or if he cares and if he doesn't more power to him!

  44. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Anon @ 2:00, I agree. There is no winning with this family. Who's to say the 'in exchange for no paternity payments' part is true, anyway?

    If people saw the photos of Levi at the same age, which made the rounds way back, they'd probably be fairly convinced that Tripp is his son.

    Maybe Levi figures he will need to wait until Tripp is older and can decide for himself whether he wants a relationship with his father or not. I don't really think Bristol or her parents were giving Levi much access to begin with. This may not seem like such a big change for Levi, name change notwithstanding.

  45. Anonymous2:15 PM

    I predict that in the future Palin will appear on Jay Leno drunk as a troll and later will blame it on cold medicine.

    I predict that Sarah will have a facial surgery that will raise one eyebrow permanently above the other, giving her a forever questioning look.

    I predict that Bristol will run off or get knocked up by an illegal alien. And then try to pass it off as someone else's baby.

    I predict that Sarah's hair dye will fail to hold and underneath, when she puts up her hair, it will look like a bird's nest.

  46. Anonymous2:17 PM

    yeah, it seemed pretty obvious quite some time ago that Levi didn't really care too much about Tripp.

    I'd have to imagine a great many people would do just about anything to cut ties with the Palin klan -- but walk away from your own kid ...

    - kellygrrrl

  47. Anonymous2:18 PM

    There is some reason that the July Engagement of Levi and Bristol fell through.

    Bristol has shown signs of being with child since August of 2010.

    She now will go speak on behalf of orphans in Texas January 22.

    Either she is going to "adopt" a cute little orphan infant that most likely sprung forth from her vagina, or she is leaving the products of her latest conception at the orphanage.

    The best thing that any of these kids could do, Levi, Bristol, Mercede and all the other Valley kids running around procreating and partying, is further their educations and perhaps then be able to ascertain why others are laughing at them. They don't even realize what jokes they are. Life's tough, education is the most basic of requirements to make it a bit easier. Having babies just makes life much more complicated.

  48. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Betting Tripp was fathered by an anonymous summer construction worker who left after the season. Very aryan kid for such dark parents.

  49. Anonymous2:19 PM

    the only thing that matters more than $$$ to the incestuous Palin klan is their EGO.

    I suppose Tripp could be worth more than the child support if they get him signed up with those agents right away.

    - kellygrrrl

  50. Anonymous2:20 PM

    He has discovered or known all along that he is not the father of this child.

    So to get out of any further obligations for a child that is not his, and one that he hasn't been allowed to see anyway, he agrees to the name change to Palin, as this is not a Johnston offspring.

    I would also suspect there has been a substantial cash payout to him behind the scenes, in return for his silence in not mentioning the lack of paternity, so that the Palin money machine can continue with the current storyline...instead of the truth about the kid's real father.

    What a farce of family values.

  51. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Another fucked-Palin boy with his nuts in a Palin shopping bag.

  52. Anonymous2:22 PM

    I think back to that time and wonder how the republicans would have reacted to a Democratic candidates daughter being an unwed pregnant teenager. Could you imagine the outrage and the blame about liberal morals?
    Palin really, really got a pass on that.
    Remember palin tried to hide the pregnancy at first.

    I wonder what tidal wave is coming at palin. I wonder what those emails are hiding. Somebody wants to hide something.
    I didn't think she resigned just to make money.

    Poor Levi. He is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. He doesn't seem to have much parental support.

  53. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Now how long before Bristol comes out and cuts him to pieces as she has done in the past?

    I believe there is a lot that we don't know about this baby situation.

  54. Tripp is Levi's son. Tripp has Levi's father's eyes.

  55. Anonymous2:25 PM

    A boy/man that got engaged TWICE to Bristol Palin is probably not the brightest guy on the planet.

    Tripp got a poor deal from the instant of his conception. His parents were drinking and drugging. His grandparents are all troubled. He's never had a consistent family life.

    He'll probably grow up to be president.

  56. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Sometimes it's just better to walk away from such a dysfunctional family.

    I think Levi made a very hard decision and in the long run the right one. Tripp can contact him if and when he chooses to seek out his father (if he IS indeed his father)

    I am very disappointed in you Gryphen. You have been piling on Levi for a long time now. I am not amused at you trying to push your moral standards into a situation that I don't think you are fully aware of.

    Dealing with a dysfunctional family of this caliber is much more than most of us would be willing to take on, much less a young man who has his whole life ahead.

    Save your animosity for $carah. That's the correct target.

  57. Anonymous2:28 PM

    I called this awhile ago. Levi reminds me a greatdeal of my ex. He had a child when he was around 20. The ex talked a good game about loving his son, but he never put forth the effort to be a dad, even when it was easy to do so. The ex didn't have the smarts to negotiate for the name though.

    I'm sorry for Mercedes that her brother isn't the man she wants him to be.

  58. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Kind of trailer trashy. My stupid brother did the same lame ass thing.

    20 years later he's totally in touch. All that growing up must have helped.

  59. Anonymous2:29 PM

    This story doesn't make sense. Child support usually isn't negotiable. It's what is best for the kid. There is a formula and that is that. I can't see any judge letting anyone off the hook for child support because they agreed to a name change. Something shady about this.

    The only way it would make sense is if Levi gave up all parental rights to Tripp and a judge agreed to let Bristol have all parental rights and responsibilities and Levi is completely out of the picture.

    What would make more sense is

    A. Levi isn't Tripp's biological father.

    B. It has been proven. (DNA)

    C. Levi was off the hook for child support.

    D. The Palins still wanted it to look like he was the father but is a deadbeat/uncaring dad and they are Saints.

    E. They paid off Levi to keep pretending and make them look like the good guys in this.

    F. Levi decided whatever they were offering him beat the heck out of nothing.

    In this scenario, I still lose my respect for Levi.

    Which ever it is, he's still proved himself to be no better than the Palins. He is a tool......and a fool.

  60. Anonymous2:30 PM

    When you live convoluted lives, rationalizing things can become a way of life. I thought that he may have given Trig up before, but now it seems that it's possible there is a crazier story than that??

  61. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Methinks Sir Levi has found out he'd been cuckolded by Maid Bristol.

  62. WalterNeff2:34 PM

    When did any of you think he was anything other than an idiot?

  63. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I expected as much. But who could blame him
    for washing his hands of them all?

  64. Anonymous2:37 PM

    While Bristol wanted Levi, the two of them never seemed to be faithfull.

    Have always thought he was the scapegoat, the best looking for publicity blah, blah, blah. They would get him a good paying job.

    He isn't the sharpest kid in Wasilla, but he seemed like a decent lug.

    It really makes no difference who the real father is in that family. The kid is a Palin forever.

  65. laprofesora2:38 PM

    I'm guessing there's another baby daddy out there.

  66. Anonymous2:39 PM

    My son also got involved with a batshit crazy. They got married, then pregnant. She decided she didn't want to be married, and that if my son didn't agree to let the baby be adopted out, she'd take off and he'd never know what happened to it.

    As you can imagine, everyone in our family was devastated and offered to take the baby. She refused and told the adoption agency all kinds of nasty stuff about us. Upshot is that my son saw his firstborn son in the hospital, and that was supposed to be the last time we were to have any contact.

    But the Lord works in mysterious ways. We accidently found out the last name of his adoptive family, one of our extended family members wound up being his Sunday School teacher, and another member was called to do some repairs at their house. When the time comes, we know where to find him and will be able to share with him what really happened.

    Yes, the Palins are still PWT no matter how much $$ they have and Levi isn't much smarter than a box of rocks sometimes. It would be nice to send prayers and positive energy on behalf of Tripp and Trig, regardless of who their parents might me. They're going to need it.

  67. Anonymous2:42 PM

    He's a stupid guy. That was clear when he decided to pose for playgirl. If he's not paying child support I see no reason why Bristol shouldn't change the child's last name. Bristol is arrogant like her mom and wants her kid to share in the "status" of being a Palin. By the time he grows up that name is going to be nothing to be proud of, though.

  68. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Re: Anonymous said...
    I always felt that if he wanted to have more of a role in his son's life, he would have found decent attorneys and would have been awarded liberal visitation -- whining about not seeing him on TV and in magazines wasn't going to cut it. The fact that he did none of these things sealed it for me.

    1:48 PM


  69. Anonymous2:46 PM

    That child, Tripp, looks so much like Chuckie, maybe Levi just got tired of looking at a Heath look-alike.
    I really don't believe Levi is the father and he finally found out.
    The paylins were never going to give him access to this child anyway.
    Just hope Tripp has a good life, somehow. It's a shame that the people who love him can't have time with him. I have sympathy for Mercede.

  70. Anonymous2:48 PM

    If this is true, then FUCK Bristol and her "friend" for leaking this to the NE.

    Shame on you, Bristol, you terrible excuse for a mother. You have done nothing but trashed the father of your son whenever and wherever possible (and for lots of cash) since your ill-fated, first sham engagement fell to pieces.

    More proof that the Heath-Palins are a family that believes in vengeance above everything, no matter who gets hurt.

    Stop airing your dirty laundry in public. Your children will one day learn that you were a raging asshole to their father(s).

  71. Anonymous2:51 PM

    With the pending birth of her next child, Bristol wanted as clean a slate a possible as she prepares to set up a household (I doubt whether she understands the concept of a home.) with her latest squeeze, who may or may not be the father of this next baby.

    I don't think we have to worry about Tripp as long as he learns to read because there is a wealth of information out there that he can read and make up his own mind about.

  72. Anonymous2:51 PM

    This is the only time I have been disappointed in you. Levi was pulled into the Palin world and then discarded. And, then, taken advantage of being people with his best interest at heart--yea right. He doesnt have an education bec he was pulled out of school to ensure that Bristol didnt look like a slut during the campaign. He has paid a lot of income to her via court. He has hooked up with her for magazine appearances for her benefit. He is not from the most sophisticated family in the world and no one has a non-$ interest in him. AND, he is only 20--talk about people taking advantage of chldren. He was used, abused, and thrown away by the Palins. So, give him a break. Bristol has a nanny, house, long breaks from the baby, etc. etc. He has and will never have anything.

  73. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Gryph, I am sad to see you so angry at Levi. I feel parenting means the childs needs come first always. I believe if Levi is the actual father ( this has never been proven and out there)he will be doing this to try to let Tripp have a life without all the he said she said drama.

    That said, it is hard to be Levis age and go through the hell that he has been put through. I would not want to be in his shoes. His whole family have paid a high price for his connection to the Palins. Their lives will never be the same or whole now.

    As far as the quote from the NE it is coming from the Palin side, who knows what or how much is true. I would want more evidence before condemming Levi.

  74. London Bridges2:53 PM

    Many states have rules that you can change your name to any name you want to as long as it isn't for fraudulent or illegal purposes. That said, I would assume that for a child, both parents would have to agree to a name change.

    I doubt that a judge would permit it is she/he knew it was to work out a no child support agreement. That is likely to be illegal.

    Now a judge could be unaware of a behind the scenes agreement, but then some judge would have to make a separate ruling on child support, and ruling on reducing child support to zero would always be subject to revision, unless Levi was ruled not to be the father of Tripp.

    The insider (Bristol?) who made the statement about Levi agreeing to the name change in exchange for ending support payments was likely getting in a dig at Levi.

    The name change was probably necessary for Tripp's new reality show: Tripp, The Wonder Dogg.

    Needed a Palin last name to attract the P-Bot audiences.

  75. London Bridges2:58 PM

    Buffalo Beast has its annual 50 most Loathsome list out:

    Sarah does well in this list.

  76. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Has anyone stopped to think that this child might not be Levi's? I suspect it greatly due to all the lying that has come out about the Palin group....Bristol HAD to have a father for the baby she was carrying when Palin ran for VP with McCain.

    It was mentioned quite awhile back that Bristol was calling her son by her last name...think it was mentioned when they were going to go after Levi for child support in the Palmer/Wasilla Court. Remember, the OPEN Court we were going to be able to watch and view and never heard another word about it!!!! All handled 'privately'!!!

  77. @angela at 1:56:

    It's not odd for brown-eyed parents to have a blue-eyed child.

    Two brown-eyed parents can have a blue-eyed child if both parents are genetically Bb. That is, both parents carry the brown version of the eye color gene (B) which is dominant over the blue version (b). There is a 1 in 4 chance that theese parents will have a bb child with blue eyes.

    And, in fact eye color is determined by more than one gene, which is why blue-eyed parents can have brown-eyed children and people can have green or gray eyes . . .

  78. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Ok, this is the National Enquirer. They got the Gore story wrong. Did Mercede confirm this? I can't imagine her and her mother not giving Levi hell for this.

  79. Anonymous3:06 PM

    This is strange. If the kid is his, it doesn't matter what his name is, the biology of who the father is, is what will matter in the future. Who's idea was this? Did they go to him with the idea and what a strange offer, or did he go to them? The money thing does not seem to be important. You can't squeeze blood out of a turnip and who can expect Levi to come up with that monthly sum? I would be surprised if he has been making those payments and they don't need his money, but,again, biology is the issue, so why is it important to them to change the name???? Who Cares. Everybody knows that Levi is not seeing that kid whether he wants to or not. Something else is going on. If it is just to further demean Levi, well, are we surprised?? Tripp will grow up and learn and Bristol will pay.

  80. Anonymous3:08 PM

    I hate reading where Levi is called moron and other nasty words. We have no clue what the Palin group has put him through.

    He is no longer doing interviews, etc. Got out of the spotlight...perhaps in agreement w/the Palin group, who knows.

    None of us has walked in his shoes and I know I wouldn't want to!

  81. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Is there court records to document the exchange of the kid's name for the elimination of child support payments? Or is the NE good enough for you?

  82. Anonymous3:12 PM

    With Bristol living in AZ, how often could Levi manage to get down to see him,and could he afford it? Would he even be allowed to see him?

    I have wondered about the AZ/AK thing. Isn't the parent who has custody supposed to stay within the state? This depends on the legal settlement, I guess, but I sure thought they couldn't take the child out of the state without the other parent's consent. (Which, for all I know, may have been given.)

    I agree with the poster who said Levi should just call it quits and get on with his life, or else he will spend it in the thrall of the Palins for the rest of his life.

  83. Anonymous3:12 PM

    agree with Anonymous @ 2:53 PM
    It is the NE we are talking about..once in a blue moon they get things right but they also get a whole lot wrong. Who knows what the truth is .

  84. Molly3:13 PM

    Whoa Gryph, are you SURE this is true? Are you absolutely SURE? Because I always have sided with Levi in all things Palin. Always.

  85. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Even if Levi is Tripp's father, there is every chance in the world that the little boy's "impression" of his father has been, and will continue to be, poisoned by the vipers that pass for a Palin family.

    Levi's best chance for a relationship with him is when he is an adult and can see the viciousness of the Palins.

  86. Anonymous3:19 PM

  87. Nadira3:20 PM

    @2:39 pm: How is that legal? I thought both parents had to agree to an adoption.

  88. Anonymous3:22 PM

    @1:37 I agree with you completely. I have felt from early on that Levi should just walk away. Doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't have feelings for his son, assuming Tripp is his son. There is no way Levi can have anything remotely resembling a cordial relationship with his son, given Tripp's mother and her family. There is no way he can pay the amount of child support Tripp's mother wants (but certainly doesn't need); and we can be reasonably certain that Tripp would have a good many years of hearing about his deadbeat dad being too cheap blah blah. The day may come, too, when Tripp decides to change his name in order to escape his mother and her family. The Johnstons all need to let go. It will be hard not to see Tripp, it will hurt. But, based on my experience with a similar situation, walking away is the only sane thing to do. If Tripp is Levi's son, then Levi can start a trust account for Tripp, and present it to him on Tripp's 21st birthday. Levi doesn't impress me as the writing kind, but a note written on each of Tripp's birthdays could accompany the check.

    Personally, I hope that Levi isn't Tripp's father, and that he derived great satisfaction from depriving Bristol of a penny of child support.

  89. Facebook Lurker3:24 PM

    Check this out regarding the other NE story:

    Interesting comment left:

    It's not based on shaky evidence. It's more involved than you think-multiple hookers, not just her. Boys and girls, proof and receipt.
    Also the name Shelly Tripp-? Bristols son is named Tripp and rumor has it that Trig was Tripp before he was Trig. Sarah didn't give birth to Trig. So see, there is quite a bit to this very convoluted tale. It's so sordid that I would feel very sad for Sarah except I don't because she is a true bitch who has has a very negative effect on our country.

    Posted by: Mr Victor Fliender, AK | January 19, 2011 at 04:25 PM

    Apparently Todd's hooker gave $900 worth of massages to the Palin/Parnell campaign, which is in the article. If I wasn't so tired, I'd be running over to Walmart to get a copy, but that will wait until the morning.

    This is only the beginning, there is much more to come....

  90. Anonymous3:24 PM

    I agree with all the posters that feel Tripp is not Levi's son. Both of them have dark hair and dark eyes. Sarah and Todd have dark eyes. Mercedes and her mother have dark eyes and dark hair. Who in the circle has blazing blue eyes and sun-kissed blond hair?

    The kid looks like Bristol but nothing like Levi.

  91. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Agree with Anon @2:51-I bet what Levi has been through in the last three years blows even my wildest imaginings out of the water. Ever since he became enmeshed in the first fake pregnancy scandal, they've had ample power and money with which to manipulate and blackmail him. He is not sophisticated or wealthy enough to work an end run around the machine that is Palin in his home town and I don't know who would be. They've attacked his immediate family and probably threaten to do even worse. I've never bought into blond Tripp(who looks nothing like either "parent") even being really his or hers for that matter. God only knows how ugly the real truth is. So sorry for the little blonde boy known as Tripp but I can't really judge Levi harshly on this one. I wish Levi and Mercede much love and healing. All shame and disgust toward Bristol!! To inflict such a public humiliation on her prop just to grab some more martyr headlines while simultaneously making Levi seem like the cad is vulgar and contemptible.

  92. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Remember people, Tripp was called 'Palin' and not Johnston in some Court documents when the custody/support matter was before the Court.

  93. Anonymous3:30 PM

    I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that even if a father makes a deal with the mother to not pay child support, the state will still make him pay it.

  94. Hmmmm....when it comes to the Grifters always believe the opposite of what they say. For example...Levi is the father of Tripp...the truth...nope.

    That family LIES about EVERYTHING. Levi was used during the VP run. I think his father had a lot to do with his cooperation.

    I think Levi KNOWS he's not the father...but needed it confirmed. Notice that when Levi and Bristol got back together last summer then broke up again...Bristol's comments towards him have been particularly vicious. I'm sure they found out that he KNOWS that he's not the father. IMHO

    For some reason...Levi has made himself scarce. I think they came up with this running for "Mayor" thing as a diversion.

    Saw this link posted on here a month or so ago....

    Why is
    the Palin Family Refusing to release Tripp’s DNA test results?
    Levi Johnston is balking at paying child support and demanded a DNA test to prove paternity. Why is the Palin family refusing to make the results public? Why is Todd laying low?

    Answer by HEAD M&M IN CHARGE
    first of all what business is it to go public, second he wants a test to prolong paying support

    Here's the link:

    Don't forget to read the comments at the bottom.

  95. I have to agree with Anonymous @ 2:51 p.m. Levi is fighting a losing battle and the Palins have already shown him they play hardball e.g. his mother's arrest for drug possession. As long as the Palins have any power, they will use it to keep everyone, especially Levi, quiet about the true nature of Tripp's as well as Trig's birth. I truly believe that Levi is not Trip's father and that that information came out last summer. Even if Levi wasn't smart enough to get a DNA sample someone must have been. First thing I'd do. After a while, (believe me, I've been there) you give up, hoping that the child will come back to you when they grow up. It is very painful living with the constant rejection and knowing that your child/relative is being brainwashed against you.

  96. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Okay guys.
    Just because the child's last name has been changed does NOT mean parental rights have been terminated.

    We need to find out if the temp order in place has been dismissed or vacated. If NOT, there's a temporary parental-child relationship IN PLACE. This means Levi still has his parental rights and child support obligations.

    We need to know what happened with those court orders.

  97. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I believe there is much more to the story and one day in the future we will hear it. Levi has always been stuck between a rock and a hard place with the vindictive righteous Palin family. No telling if he, Mercede and their mother has been threatened or WHAT. Anything could be happening and we certainly don't know the entire story yet. For one I am NOT ready to stick Levi's head in a guillotine and I do give him the benefit of the doubt for now. After all he DID speak the truth about the Palin's (before he felt forced to say that he lied). He's been awfully quiet for quite a while so I respect him for that! I'm sure he knows much more than we do with all our speculations. I remember how dumb I was at 19 years of age - the same age "governor" Palin publicly went after him. If she and her cronies can hide emails for over 2 years imagine how much they can intimidate a then 19 yr. old. Brisket & Sarah tried to take the baby away from him right off the bat for starters. I say give Levi a break! ....for now until the truth comes out!

  98. ...He's used-up. They got what they wanted.
    Anything to keep that 'I'm not a Slut' story going.

    I don' believe he's the dad.

  99. meena3:41 PM

    Wonderful news:
    Mrs. Giffords Stands On Own Two Feet

  100. Well look at the source. (although they were right about John Edwards) I seriously think that he would do that so that he doesn't have to pay child support. Maybe the child is not his and he is being paid to be quiet or they are just wrong...I don't know...go figure with the Palins...such white trash!

  101. Dancin Duces3:56 PM

    Why are you not covering the Todd Palin sex scandal? Or are you waiting to spring with your information at the right time?

  102. Anonymous3:56 PM

    this is all Palin bullshit to distract from the Todd/hooker/masseuse story coming out. I call bullshit.

  103. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Whassup Wasilly?

    Levi found the DNA doesn't match I think.

    In honor of a certain upcoming tabloid story- I'd like to post a link.

    "09/01/2006 $900.00 NON-MONETARY PALIN/PARNELL 2006 State General"

    Insert your own sound effect after following the link.

  104. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Worth repeating:

    This is the second dumbest crap Bristol has ever done with DWTS being the first. Bristol thinks changing Tripp's last name is great for him? The name Palin is not like "Kennedy" or "Rockefeller".

    The name "Palin" is more associated with the likes of "Bernie Madoff" or "Carrot Top".

    The name Palin symbolizes trailer park uneducated hill billies who got everything by selling out their self respect.

    All Tripp has to do is Google "Palin" and he'll see how much hate and ridicule is associated with that name.

  105. Anonymous4:05 PM

    I'm a 60 year old woman, and I'm with 1:37 on this...he couldn't win for losing up against all that money and might...Tripp will just have to find his way home to his Daddy in his own time.

    Can you image how exhausting and draining it is for him? and he does not seem to have a deep bench to help him with this fight.

  106. Gryphen, this isnt such a surprise, is it? Are you sure you arent projecting your own strong parental feelings for your child onto Levi?

    Some men are fathers and some men are only sperm donors. You're a father and now we know what Levi is....

  107. Anonymous4:10 PM

    well, before accepting a story from the Enquirer, it might be prudent to check the court file to see if anything has been filed in the custody case or if a new matter has been opened. One cannot just change a child's name--it's a legal proceeding.

    If it turns out that there was a name change, there's no reason to assume it's either what is being suggested by the anonymous source or anything else. To just accept this as true, much less attack Levi based on it, is nonsense.

  108. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Jeez, the kid looks like a Paylin, is now named Paylin, d'ya suppose maybe the father is a Paylin?

  109. Anonymous4:12 PM

    I don't blame him for giving up; he is too young, too naive and too immature both emotionally and financially to.take on the Palins - I give him credit for even trying - most kids his age just walk away. At least he tried, but at every turn people took advantage of his naivity from his lawyer and agent to vanity fair to the tabloids and others
    Let them all move on with their lives

  110. Anonymoose4:20 PM

    Hmm suspicious it comes out after Mercede's post. Bristol knows the easiest and cruelest way to hurt Mercede is through Tripp. What better way than to call up the Enquirer and tell them Tripp isn't a Johnston anymore? That's her big old FU to Mercede for saying Tripp will be proud to be a Johnston - responding that he ISN'T a Johnston and doubly stabbing Mercede - one, Tripp isn't a Johnston, two, her brother has kept secrets from her, while publicly humiliating her to boot. I'm not sure if I believe this story, it seems pretty obvious to me that Bristol is mindfucking Mercede in the way she best knows how. Screams borderline/histrionic reaction

  111. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Another thing, the Palin's DON"T want ANY thing related to Tripp not being Levi's (if that is the case) going to court because then they risk it becoming PUBLIC RECORD. Why else would they be offering him $$$ ???? Unless they can pay the judge off of course. The truth WILL come out one day. Give Levi the benefit of the doubt, otherwise you are hurting Sadie & siding with Mama Grizzley. GO LEVI AND WE WISH YOU, SADIE AND YOUR MAMA THE BEST OF LUCK!!

  112. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Actually, Gryph, this new development makes the MOST sense than anything else that proceeded it.

    Because nothing before added up. First they forgot the condom, then they claimed a baby and wedding was planned. Then they hated each other, but put aside the hate long enough to do a magazine spread announcing their wedding? Then Bristol used some lame excuse to break up with him 5 minutes later. And meanwhile, from day one she really hasn't wanted him to have anything to do with his "son." Put that together with Levi's weird casual attitude regarding his son, and removing the Johnston name, and what do you get? I dunno...but to me, you get a big fat lie. What you get is a girl who screwed around in high school, got knocked up, and her mother dragged Levi into the family to play dad. It's likely the aryan child is not Levi's child. Bristol leaving Alaska for good, and ditching the Johnston name is a real obvious indication of that. There is no judge in the world who would let that child leave Alaska or take the father's name off the birth certificate if that child's biological father was Levi Johnston, no matter how bad your lawyer is.

    Now it really makes more sense to me. Even the little things, like how indifferent Bristol is to her son's father, and even Levi...on tv show interviews he seemed to beam when they talked about Sarah and said he'd vote for Sarah, but not much said about Bristol. Sarah asked him to help her daughter and he did it. A boy doing a good deed. No doubt Todd chimed in too, that he stepped in to marry a pregnant Sarah and if Levi was a man he'd do the same thing. Well, Levi wanted to prove he was a man, and in return I'm sure he was promised Palin money and media attention. AND that explains why Levi has been on such a chase for fame and less focused on fatherhood, because it was all part of the original deal.

  113. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Gryphen...Please tell us that the story from the National Enquirer about Todd with hookers isn't the iceberg, is it?

  114. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Gryphen - something doesn't smell right. Why is this story coming out now? Maybe attention is being diverted from the dirt that is coming out about Todd?

    Please don't let Slippery Sarah (what an awful visual that creates!) slide out of this one! She has to be brought to justice! I just hope that "the big story" coming out is more than just Todd dipping his noodle in some hookers, because Sarah will easily make herself into a martyr and keep right on truckin'.

  115. Anonymous4:27 PM

    You shouldn't be loving on Sadie and completely hating on Levi, her brother at the same time. After all Levi is flesh & blood to Sadie and her mother. I cannot stand my ex because of the horrible things he did years ago (put me in the hospital, women's shelter, did not pay child support, etc.). At the same time I NEVER openly dissed their father in front of them - they grew up and gradually realised for themselves the truth. Now they are all grown, I am proud of them and if I "hated" their father with all my guts then I'm hating the other 50% of my very own children.

  116. Anonymous4:27 PM

    (Revised Facebook Lurker comment)

    Saddling that innocent baby with the last name Palin is child abuse.
    That poor kid will be known as Tripp Easton Mitchell ____________. Fill in the blank


    And whoever else’s last name Sarah sold Bristol to for air time on tv or to get on stage.

  117. Has anybody heard that news story about Palin and the goat in China? It's just soooo weird.

  118. So now that the child's last name has been allegedly changed to Palin, can Bristol claim a virgin birth?

  119. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I don't think I know enough of the truth about Levi to blame or criticize him for doing this-even if it really true.

    What a terrible mess for all involved. this is how blameless children are dragged in and their lives potentially messed up. See how it goes from one generation to the next. It is just sad for the kids.

  120. Anonymous4:34 PM

    What a tragic situation for everyone, especially Tripp. Bristol and Levi made mistakes but, instead of learning from them and making the best of the situation, they have chosen to take the easy path and think only about today.

    Sadly, I suspect that there will be a lot of heartbreak in store for all three of them and, unfortunately, Tripp is the only one who is completely at the mercy of adults who are clearly still focused on themselves.

  121. Anonymous4:35 PM

    The real reason Bristol changed Tripp’s last name to Palin is to prevent future (and near future) embarrassment.

    Bristol does not want to go through life with multiple kids with different last names representing their different fathers. Now all her kids will go to school with the same last name. If they even go to school?

  122. FEDUP!!!4:37 PM

    Haven't read the responses here yet, but IMHO, Levi must have finally done a DNA test, and it came back that he was playing surrogate daddy for the cuckoo in his nest.

  123. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Let's face it the Palins and beaten this kid to a pulp over and over. It's extremely unlikely he can afford to pay the child support, and he can't afford a lawyer to protect his rights. But the Palins can keep dragging him back into court forever.

    Does Levi have a responsibility to his son? Absolutely. But under the circumstances he can't really fulfill it anyway.
    Levi needs to get his life together, finish school, get a job and lead a normal life so he can get his head straight, recover from that horrible virulent infection called Sarah Palin.

    I don't disagree that he will regret the decision, but let't put the blame where it belongs on the family of the Wicked Witch of the West and her evil spawn.

  124. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Oh my!

    How long will it be before young Tripp “Palin” will be carrying his grandmother’s purse around just like his grandfather Todd “Palin” does.

  125. Anonymous4:46 PM

    What if Tripp is not Levi's? Nothing about the Palins is what it appears. I've given up trying to guess, forecast, understand anything the Palins have touched. Everything tainted by them is chaos. . .

  126. Anonymous4:52 PM

    There’s always a good side and bad side to everything.
    Bad side is that Tripp is stuck with the last name Palin which is associated with the words “Village Idiot”, but then there’s the good side to having the last name “Palin”.

    Tripp Palin is now eligible for family discounts at massage parlors throughout Alaska and in some states located in the lower 48.

  127. Anonymous4:58 PM

    If Levi is Tripp's father, day may come when Tripp decides he wants his daddy's name back. I know a guy who at 35 changed his name back to his birth name. Said he had always resented it that his mother kept him away from his real father. Poor Levi. Poor Tripp.

  128. Anonymous5:00 PM

    @Mona - you said that Tripp has Levi's father's eyes... but that's not what I see at all. When I look at Tripp, all I can see is Creepy Chuck, including the eyes. I don't see anything about Tripp that looks like Levi. Just another perspective, FWIW.

    I don't think Tripp is Levi's son. I do think Trig is Levi's son, though. The kiss on the head at the RNC and the Triggybear photos sealed it for me.

  129. Nikogriego5:03 PM

    I am a family law attorney in California. I am not familiar with the laws of Alaska, however, they may be similar to those in California. In California, one parent cannot agree that the other parent will not pay any support. The support is for the child, and not for the parent to negotiate. The parent can decide not to collect support that is due, but cannot negotiate away the right of the child to support. So I agree with those who raised this issue already.

    Also, after a paternity decision is made by the courts in a case which then becomes the basis for custody and support orders to be made, the courts will not allow a DNA test. Once the father has agreed that he is the father, unless there is provable fraud alleged and proven, that is decision that cannot be overturned. And if it was overturned, it would have to be in the court file, as the court would have to make the orders setting aside the prior paternity finding and judgment.

    Name changes cannot be made unilaterally without a hearing unless one parent cannot be found.

    Who actually knows what is real in this story?

  130. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Anonymous @ 1:50
    "TEMP" - how funny.

    And another funny thing - I like the remark "Gino has been a better father for the last couple of months than Levi". The last couple of months? I'm surprised Gino lasted for a couple of months. That's long-term relationship for Bristol isn't it? What a family.

  131. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Let's wait until we have actual proof and not just speculation.

    Anyone else wonder how they would have withstood the horror of dealing with sp as a teenager and survived it all? I don't know that I would have survived and I have many years on Levi....

  132. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Anonymous angela said...
    dsmyre 1:44
    Hmmm. Two brown haired, dark eyed parents and one blond, blue eyed baby. . . .
    He's still a moron.
    1:56 PM


    I had asked about that a good while ago. Two brunet brown eyed or even dark to the point of looking black haired brown eyed parents can have a blond haired blue eyed child but not usually. They both have to have the genes for blue eyes and for blond hair. And they both have to contribute each gene.

    Tripp is extremely blond and extremely blue eyed, his parents are brunet and his mother is part indigenous American, all the Palins are brunet or black haired, his aunt is brunet.

    So where did the Nordic genes come from? Eye and hair color are the expression of several genes (more complicated than Mendel's peas) but there have to be blond genes and blue eyed genes some where in Bristol's and also in Levi's family trees.
    Both parents have to have contributed the gene for blue eyes and the gene for blond hair as they are recessive.

  133. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I don't blame him, my friend. It's time for Levi to cut his losses and get as far away from these vermin as he can. One day, Tripp will look up his dad (assuming Levi actually is his dad!) and they can work at building a relationship then, away from the toxic influence of Sarah and Co.

    I'm also suspecting that something is going on here behind the scenes. Bristle needed Levi's permission to carry Tripp off to LA for DWTS. Yeah, he's dumb enough to have simply given it. But he has sure shut up lately, despite lots of provocation. There's a reason, and Bristol's Baby Number Three can only be part of it.

  134. Anonymous5:10 PM

    "America by Heart" is not on any bestseller lists anymore... not even on the Amazon subcategory "Biographies" top 100! And dropped off NYT nonfiction top 35 after only 6 weeks. People aren't interested in her. She has now been relegated to the stuff of National Enquirer. That's all that draws interest to her, now. It seems like it's been a long time coming but maybe, finally, we may be close to bringing this nonsense to it's conclusion? (fingers crossed)

  135. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Bristol's friends have no credibility. Gino does look like he has a nice personality and is a better schmoozer. But get real.
    " Gino has been more of a father figure to Tripp over the past couple of months " sounds like crap. What about Ben Barber's few months with Tripp? If he had passed the test and could be a Bristol boy friend and Tripp father his few months it would be said he is better than Levi and more of a father. Bristol has a rep as a ho for a reason. How many could pass the few months test? They may as well have said " Gino has been more of a father figure to Tripp over the last one night stand " because that is the picture we get of how Bristol rolls.

    If Bristol is any kind of a semi decent mother she will get rid of idiot friends like that. She needs to find friends that aren't ashamed to use their names. Most of the friends from Wasilla are messed up party girls or breeders. No one you would want your child to be near them. That is why Bristol can't have a friend with a name.

  136. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Levi is walking away from the fight he cannot win. You need to understand Gryph that this is his life, that child's life and perhaps take a step back and try not to see it through the lens of your own experience. He's letting go of the rope in the tug of war. Because no matter what, the longer he tries to reason with these wackos, they will make his life utterly miserable. And they will always talk trash about Levi, no matter what the judge has mandated. Its over and he knows it. I'm very sad this little boy wasn't adopted out and instead they used him as a meal ticket for tabloid deals. They disgust me. And on and on it will go.

  137. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Speaking of Gino...the story awhile back that he "worked on the Northshore and that he had recently bought a house in AZ" and that he's in his early 20's. That strikes me as odd. AZ is a long way from AL. How many kids in their 20's can afford to buy a house in AZ if they live and work in AK? Real jet-setters aren't they?

  138. Dot_The_Bot5:21 PM

    Dot here again,

    Some of you need to lighten up a bit. Don't the Palins just drive you bonkers to the point you want to cut all your hair off and scream?

    Thank you to those who realized my sarcasm. I just needed to laugh and I am sorry I annoyed some people. 36% of our fellow citizens want her to be president! That drives me to the point of crazy.. Seriously! That drives me crazy.

    Virginia Voter - you are a sweetheart, I get a kick out of you too.....!!

    Gryphen, you are a great person and I THANK YOU for all your hard work. I am sorry about the pedophile accusation. IT IS WRONG. As a victim of a real pedophile at age 11, there is nothing that infuriates me more than what Bristol did. PLEASE do something. She isn't a child anymore. I respect your decision though.

    I won't be back as Dot, but I will be antagonizing the real bots at Twitter if you want to visit.


  139. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Levi is not an idiot. He hasn't knocked up anyone else, right? He didn't marry Bristol, right?

  140. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Bristol is every girl I went to high school with (late 90s)

    She is of the popular crowd her whole life and part of higher social circles because of family placement.

    Levi is a lothario- "fucking redneck" who doesn't care abt shit and even dropped out due to learning disab

    He obviously had not-there parents
    Her father worked away a lot. Mother was gov and mayor.
    Bristol is close to her family. Levi seems to not be close to anyone. He seems to attachment himself in weird ways for the wrong reasons (opens up him being easily abused)

    Anyway. We know bristol was a fun lovin girl in 07. Who laughed at the thought of being prgnant.

    I'm starting to think she miscarried in dec. She wasn't in school. She didn't look pg long. She went to ny in oct and was seen out randomly with family. She was seen serving food at a picnic in june looking the same size as the sept picture.
    According to sadies friend in may 08, most teens their age had babies. Bristol is totally the type to follow that. She maternal. She wasn't in school. Heck I almost did it to keep up 10 yrs ago

    Ezcept 10 yrs ago pg teens went to wilderness camps and such

    Bristol never felt true feelings for levi. She easily cast him aside in may 08.

    This to me is 100perc not a shock. And we're overthinking it

  141. Anonymous5:29 PM

    The answer is simple. Levi is not Tripp's father so what does he care. Levi is Trig's father.

  142. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I'll miss you Dot the Bot.

  143. Aussie Blue Sky5:37 PM

    Am I expected to believe all of this on the word of the National Enquirer and Bristol Palin Inc.?

  144. Anonymous5:38 PM

    wait. we are commenting on a bloggers' reaction to a National Enquirer story as though either were gospel? NE doesn't know, Gryphen doesn't know, you don't know and I don't know jack shit about any of this. geez.

  145. Anonymoose5:38 PM

    in response to your update: not only did Bristol not learn how to share, she learnt that the best way to get what you want/win an argument/control people is through emotional blackmail. So take that, Mercede, for daring to write a blog post exposing Bristol! Now you have lost your only lasting connection to your nephew, and have been publicly humiliated. Classic borderline behavior, someone get that girl to a psych!!

  146. Anonymous5:41 PM

    OK. I agree with you, Gryphen. A child needs both parents. And it should be criminal for either parent to use a child as a bludgeon to beat the other with.

    Having said that, I remember how stupid and naive I was at 20. I can't imagine pushing against someone as wealthy and powerful as $arah has become.

    As another poster said, Levi is walking away from a fight he can't win.

    "For he that fights and runs away, may live to fight another day, but he, who is in battle slain, can never rise and fight again." Oliver Goldsmith

  147. Anonymous5:46 PM

    This may free Levi and whatever his place in Tripp's life it may work out better for him. Who knows. The Palins had all the power. There are times you have to let go to love someone. The mother may have been poisoning the Tripp's mind with how her friends talk about Levi and worse. She is relentless. What is going on did not stop her from stalking Sadie. How will she win in that obsession?

    If Bristol can release Tripp from constant harping about his "bad, evil, on and on" father. Day and night she may have gone on. If Levi can now be his own person, build up his strength and he is not bound to some contract. He will recover from his lose and reflect on these years.

    There are too many unknowns. Will Sadie and Sherry be able to see 2 or 3 times a year? If they are shut out of his life now they won't have to placate or lie for Bristol now. At some point there will be those who want to live with truth. That can be tough. When the shit hits the fan you have to be ready to get through it.

    Remember all of the Valley has it's own mind set about family, sex and the way they raise children. We don't hear all the details of all the other broken relationships and the strange parenting they do up there. How many babies come into that world with parents that are married? I've read Bristol's friends and they are so mixed up about their families. especially the ones that claim God and I love may family. Well what does that mean? Most of them don't know who their real fathers are. are they just accepted that mother married the nice boy down the road because dad was already married to his third wife. You have no idea how confused most of her friends are, but it is all they know and they don't think they are confused. The poor things can't even give their names when they talk about her and support her weirdness. April Morlock is about the only one and she had to STFU.

    They call it Valley Trash for a reason and it is why Sarah is proud. She keeps the lid on the secrets. They won't tell hers and she will paint Wasilla as if it was Mayberry, USA.

  148. Anonymous5:58 PM


    That is probably not the half of it.
    And how many more did Bristol drop for her life in a cult?

  149. Anonymous6:02 PM

    G -
    I respectfully have to disagree with you, in part, regarding the child support issue.

    Your state's CSED is the IV-D agency for the state, a federally funded agency. They are there to establish, enforce and modify child support orders.

    However, they work in conjunction with the court system in the state. They are NOT the court. They are a state agency.

    Someone is not required to go to this agency to establish an order. It can be done through private attorney, through the court system without the CSED.

    I work for the Texas equivalency.

    If there is already a court order in place, which we all said there was due to child support, then yes, there is already a court order with rights and obligations. Even if it's a temporary order... it's STILL a valid order unless it expires, or is dismissed or vacated.

    Sorry -- professional hazard rearing it's head....

  150. @5:46pm:

    You make very broad statements like "Remember all of the Valley has it's own mind set about family, sex and the way they raise children"

    In fact, there are many of us in the Valley that have always found Sarah Palin and much of her family to be abhorrent in both their lack of intelligence and general behavior. Many of us were appalled when she was elected Mayor and even more so when she was elected Governor.

    There is a contingent, a very large one, in the Mat-Su Valley that find her and her family to be exactly the "Valley Trash" that they proclaim to be. Certainly they are not a family to be looked up to or emulated. At best they are a fine example of what NOT to do.

  151. Anonymous6:07 PM

    "If people saw the photos of Levi at the same age, which made the rounds way back, they'd probably be fairly convinced that Tripp is his son."

    There are other Johnstons and Sampsons. These crazy family practices aren't that unusual in some areas of the country. No one can be the one to talk because the whole place will come down on them. Convenient that Sherry and Sadie can't leave.

    Didn't Sadie say something about Bristol saying Levi and the father backed her up? Keith Johnston has always stayed out of the picture. Except when he was being supportive of the Palins earlier on.

    There is a lot we don't know. Sadie and her mother may not know. They just saw what others wanted them to see.

  152. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Having worked in PR, it is a great time for the Bristol name change to be leaked. If I had been handling PR for the Half-term Quittypants, I would have leaked a story to compete with the Todd Palin story. Both stories are going to compete for media time and the media will pick up the Bristol story before they pick up the Todd story. Let the stories run for a couple of weeks, then announce the Bristol story was fabricated and a lie and thus the Todd story must be a lie as well.

    Sarah will announce on one of the conservative radio shows how the media has attacked Bristol and made up this story. Then a month later, Bristol will change the kid's name. Remember Sarah's follower believe what she says over what any media reports.

  153. Anonymous6:09 PM

    This has been discussed in depth...all the bases covered including basic genetics.

    With all due respect to young Levi, he never struck me as the brightest light on the street. He always struck me a totally "pussy whooped". I feel that this is a wise choice on his part. A certainly hope he has matured enough to run for the hills. Because the she will come back after him.

    As for the kid...he is probably better off out of the spot light. Maybe he can have a "normal" childhood if the nannies raise him.

  154. I think he is either being paid off or just realizes there is no way he can win against the ugly Palin machine. It is sad, but he has so few resources and is not "mean" enough to fight them.

  155. If Bristol married, then her husband adopted Tripp. Levi could sign his rights away but it would have to be done in the courts.

    If no court was involved to absolve him of his child support he got screwed. In more ways then one. He just pissed his rights away to that beautiful child. All for money. He could have gotten his support order lowered if his income changed.

  156. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Whoa. National Inquirer? Do we know this is the gospel truth? Could be just one of their "Woman, age 83, gives birth to alien pig" stories.

  157. Anonymous6:13 PM

    What kind of woman would deny her child
    his father's name? That doesn't just spite the
    father, it spites her son. I know Tripp is illegitimate,
    but at least allow him to have his father's name.

    I always thought women gave their kids
    their own last names when they didn't know
    who the father was, or didn't want the father
    to know/be involved. To just take away his
    name is so strange, and it shows a lot about
    this family.

  158. KatieAnnieOakley6:15 PM

    NO, it is NOT left up to individual parents to "negotiate" child support. If that were the case, you'd have mothers holding babies hostage and reluctant dads bullying mothers of their children to stop asking for child support.

    In 1988, the UCCJA (Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act) was enacted to stop parental abuses like I cited above. It is a FEDERAL STATUTE. How do I know such things? I was subject to it when I filed for divorce from my cheating ex-husband in 1988.

  159. Anonymous6:33 PM

    I am not really into who is whose mother or baby.Except for if something comes out in support of what some think.I have seen all the pictures and read all the posts and have to agree that palin did not look PG but some women don't.That said I think Levi was kind of forced to do what he did maybe for the good of his son.How would it help for his son to continually hear how awful Levi is and although I at one time thought Bristol would think for herself. I no longer think that.She is being led by the nose.If Bristol marries whoever and he wants to adopt Tripp,Levi can agree and that would also stop the child support.I will also agree he cannot continue to fight the palins and I would be very fearful that one of her supporters or even her father might do Levi or his family harm notice I said might not would.JMO

  160. Anonymous6:38 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    What kind of woman would deny her child his father's name? That doesn't just spite the
    father, it spites her son... To just take away his
    name is so strange, and it shows a lot about
    this family.

    6:13 PM


    Sad to say, it runs in the family. Mother like daughter, Track took his mother's last name "Track Palin".

  161. Anonymous6:39 PM

    So sad for all the young people involved. This situation would be hard enough without the interference and control of Sarah. Unless the grandparents are willing to work together for the best interest of the child this type of power struggle was bound to happen. I've seen several situation where the young parents did not marry but shared responsibility for the child--not just money--actual caretaking. This took effort, guidance and
    and support by the grandparents. They made sure that both the young people finished high school and went on to college. But this takes selfless adults who are willing to help the young parents make the best of their situation. Lord knows in this case there is one extremely selfish adult that is unable to put anyone's best interest before her own.

    Someday the kid will want to know and they will have to tell him. If the Palins attempt to poison the reputation of his father, beyond just saying he was a stupid young man not ready for fatherhood and not able to stand up to the high dollar lawyers, it may come back and bite them on the ass.

  162. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Whoa. National Inquirer? Do we know this is the gospel truth? Could be just one of their "Woman, age 83, gives birth to alien pig" stories.

    6:12 PM

    Was the alien pig wearing lipstick?

  163. SME1316:40 PM

    This is actually old news. Bristol filed this with the court in 2009. There were 3 of 5 hearings on this that were vacated meaning the parties agreed before to what was being asked for.

    Is Levi stupid? Hell yes. But we already knew that.

    And yes Gryphen is right, regardless of whatever agreement they come to CSSD can turn around and charge him for all those years he didn't pay if she ever turns it over to them.......... and chances are whe will.

  164. Well, this was the plan all along. The Palin's arranged for a bankrupting, choking, obscenely high child support to break Levi. Then they could hold that over his head and this is the result. Agree and you don't have to pay.

    It also makes me think that Tripp isn't his. Without DNA there is no way to prove it. And I'm thinking that is also a way for the Palins to avoid any future possibility of a forced DNA test that might prove to be...embarassing.

    I think Levi is cutting his losses. His son is already lost to him. At least now he has his future back.

    That may be cold, but it is also real life.

    Maybe he can protect his family from more hurt by distancing them from the Palins. Do you think his Mom would have an anklet and a prison record if it weren't for Tripp any everything surrounding that? Sarah attacks your weakness. Levi's weakness was his Mom and so she was attacked. His sister too. His livelihood. His future.

    I'd say this is the first smart move he's made in a long, long time.

  165. Anonymous6:43 PM

    "Anonymous said...

    Sarah will announce on one of the conservative radio shows how the media has attacked Bristol and made up this story. Then a month later, Bristol will change the kid's name. Remember Sarah's follower believe what she says over what any media reports.

    6:08 PM"

    But dumb ass bristol posted it on her facebook.

  166. Anonymous6:44 PM

    "Jeez, the kid looks like a Paylin, is now named Paylin, d'ya suppose maybe the father is a Paylin?"

    my thoughts, exactly.

  167. Just read your update. Bravo!

  168. I'm having a weird thought related to the timing of this story and it being published in the Enquirer.

    What if the Palins planted a fake or partially fake rumor re little Tripp to attempt to shed doubt on the Enquirer's Todd sex scandal/Shailey Tripp story?

  169. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Please use birth control and plan your parenthood.

  170. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Still no one here knows any facts for sure about any of's all emotions and conjectures so far which is interesting. So in the meantime send in those pictures of all the possible fathers of Tripp and let's compare them side by side...all of 'em, any of 'em from all those years. Get crackin' Wasilla people who knew who Bristol possibly mated with. Send in those names and pictures of all the possible baby daddy's so we can have fun comparing!

  171. onething7:04 PM

    How could the Palin's forgo the money? Easy, Levi is unemployed and his fame is over. Bristol has plenty.

    It's interesting to think again about Palin quitting as governor. I had finally accepted that she had done it for the money, to shop her book, but then I remember how sudden her decision was, how she dragged Todd home from afar to be at her side and how strangely seething her emotional state was at the time.

    Maybe she was afraid of something like her emails being released, and then managed to stave it off.

  172. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Gryph, thank you for sharing so much of yourself in this very personal post. Obviously this topic touches you deeply, and I, for one, really appreciate your knowledgeable take on the situation. You may not be totally up on all the laws, but you certainly understand all the feelings that underpin the situation for both parents and grandparents and the child. How sad. I agree, Levi will be sorry.

  173. Anonymous7:14 PM

    yeah, I truly think Bristol just wants to be absolutely DONE with Levi and his family forever. She will probably still allow him time with Tripp as I think she has some pleutonic, mother to father, feelings for him, but she wouldn't be the first person to want to put behind her a whole lot of shit.

  174. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Hey Gryph, is this stuff about Todd and the hookers for real? Now that it's out, can't you give us a few hints? Is Todd guilty of cheating on the Queen? Or could this possibly have been started by the Palins to cover up a much bigger scandal?

    Please, pretty please (with sugar on top) tell us a little more!

  175. Anonymous7:21 PM

    I have to disagree with the notion that young fathers usually feel deep deep regret at not choosing to fight for their kid. However, I CAN see Levi at SOME point feeling a little regret IF he never finds his career path that fulfills him. That could never happen is he doesn't pull his head out of his ass and forget about empty fame that obviously doesn't suit him. Same for Mercede. No wonder they're desperate for attention and unhappy. No wonder Levi drinks most nights and acts like the typical 20 yr old.

    And about the book deal. Yeah right people were gonna buy his book. maybe maybe 500 people. I mean Meghan Mccains book TANKED and people find her interesting. annoying, but interesting. Levi pretty much gave the major goods in early interviews. Yeah right he knows much more.

  176. Anonymous7:25 PM

    You know, the story isn't that sad. Levi's free to fuck around with his fading jersey shore like fame while one day soon impregnating Sonny. Yes he drinks underage still, yes he acts stupid in public as most 20 yr olds do. But he has no child rearing responsibilities, something he DEFINITELY WAS NOT ready for.

    The story would be sad if there were babies addicted to drugs, parents addicted to whatever, and no ext family support at all, and the mother was living in a 300 sq ft apt unable to pay rent.

  177. Anonymous7:35 PM

    i honestly don't see the point of giving a child the father's last name in the first place. i know that goes against what we're culturally taught, but we're culturally taught chauvinism. in Indonesia (among other cultures), people can even have only one name, no family name. name does not equal legal custody rights.

  178. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Honestly, if you don't raise one kid, and you raise future kids, some people have no regrets as long as that first kid is well taken care of.

    I was adopted as an infant. My mother was the victim of military rape at age 23 and voila, ME. 3 years later she had her second kid, different father obviously and that son has never met but tried to find. 2 years later, different man, another son. He has met his father and lived with him for a couple months until they demanded he pay child support which he wouldnt so they took the son back. This kid has MAJOR issues and is now in the army.

    several years later at age 45 she had a daugthter. 4 father whom she lives with in a single wide. This child has some developmental disorder that slows progression of walking and talking by years. They refuse to admit this because she doesn't look "retarded". My mother's pretty loving and cares for her kids, but her life has been one shitstorm after another.

    I last met with them all 4 years ago and that visit ended with her pushing me down a flight of stairs. Haven't been back. She hasnt called. It happens.

    I don't know if she feels attachment to me or if I remind her solely of the day she was raped. I feel nothing for her but a shitloads of butterflies and nausea that tell me to never go back there again. You found what you needed. You have a good family and wonderful parents at home.

    Everything happens for a reason. Tripp's future will be written day by day.

  179. If only, the real parents of Tripp could come forward and end all this mayhem!

    They probably have a contract with the Palins and can't. If there was any parentage between Bristol or Levi and Tripp, they would put him on the cover of every magazine they could.

    The press is eager for him...not Bristol or Levi.

  180. This may be just another dig at Levi, like Bristol calling him a deadbeat dad when he was paying over $1700/ month. Everybody keeps saying he should go back to court and fight for his rights. With what money? They have drawn out the proceedings so much each time, the Palins have bankrupted the kid. He has no money to go back to court. He'd be in court constantly. How long did that visitation agreement last before Bristol was off to LA? Welcome to the best justice money can buy.

  181. Techgnome8:19 PM

    Do you think Bristol is still moving to Maricopa? This would put her about an hour's drive from where the shooting in Tucson happened. I think she'd be safe enough, but I suspect that Momma would prefer to stop seeing AZ and Palin in the same sentence. Besides all of this will just make that house seem creepier at night.

    A WSJ editorial coined a fun new word: Palinoia The editorial is bullshit, but I think the word has an obvious fun use they didn't intend.

  182. The thought just occurred to me. If Levi really has given up his right to see his son, and allow his son's name to be changed, why didn't Bristol taunt Sadie with that in her latest post? That would have been a lot more hurtful to Sadie than threatening to not her to see Tripp because of the guys she hung around with. I think we need to wait for the whole truth to come out.

  183. Anonymous8:58 PM

    "As for Tripp's paternity, as far as I know Levi always refused to get a DNA test, but both Mercede and her mother swear that Tripp is the spitting image of Levi at his age."

    Very quaint and old world but they are neglecting reality. They may want to deny. The science is available to find more conclusive evidence. I read that at one time Mercede was interested in becoming a forensic scientist. She could be preparing on-line by taking classes and one day go to a college. Near by or in the lower48. Some one may want to sponsor her. She needs to care for her mother and look into a petition or way for her mother to also go with her. As far as being so moonbeam about a simple procedure to ease Tripp's life, it's hard to say. Why would anyone who loves Tripp not want to give him a secure identity?

    I have no idea what the outcome of the two latest National Enquirer stories. Todd's story sounds like it is just starting and a boring old men caught with pants down while wife works. I hope there are many well known names from the area that can let people know what goes on. If there are shady money deals, that must come out. It is probably just how the man thing up there is. The older generation had their version of it. The wives of married men know. Chances are that most accept it. Any graft needs to be cleaned up once in awhile.

    The more recent pictures that I saw of Tripp he looks lost and distant. Sometimes their are very happy pictures. It is one hell of a first few years of life for him.

    Bristol signed him up with an agent. That is what she values. The last rendezvous with Levi was manipulation from from her mother. It was a success. I don't know what went on with Levi and the back room deals. We know who was in control. Bristol is to be moved or moving to Az with a man, they may want Tripp to start working.

    The NE story makes Bristol look awful. I can't imagine they would approve that? Her friends do sound like the petty Wasilla crowd. It was ugly and felt desparate. How much are they just making things up?

  184. Anonymous9:08 PM

    I do believe that Tripp might not be Levi's because of the quotes from kids at their high school but I really must correct some of the talk of genetics I have read.
    Two dark haired, darked eyed parents can have children with any hair and eye color combination if the parents carry recessive genes.

  185. Anonymous9:10 PM

    @ anonymous 7:21 PM "No wonder Levi drinks most nights and acts like the typical 20 yr old." and then immediately after @ anonymous 7:25 PM "Yes he drinks underage still, yes he acts stupid in public as most 20 yr olds do."

    How the heII would YOU know that and what does that have anything to do with anything if he did have a drink? Is that you Brillow? Since you know so much, how often does Todd hide out with his snowmobiles in the garage and drink? How often does Willow break into houses and drink? How often does Track and Todd's sister do hillbilly meth? How often does Track drink, do drugs and cut the break lines off 20 school buses? How often does brisket eat cheetos and sleep around? How often do the Palins order from Taco Bell down the road? How often do comedians and well known author pedophiles harass Sarah and her babies? Tell us please know it all. Sounds more like you are recounting your own days as a 20 yr. old. And by the way, how often do the Palins lie and how often do you lie? Once a day or once an hour? Do you do this while drinking or what?

  186. Anonymous9:17 PM

    O/T. Uh, oh, my PDS is showing!

    I was browsing around on Hulu and discovered one can search by film studio...BeliefNet was bought up by Murdoch last year, and they are now featuring the following movie, starring Peter O'Toole and Omar Sharif (shades of Lawrence of Arabia!):

    One Night With The King.

    'A sweeping epic about Hadassah, the young Jewish orphan who becomes the biblical Esther, Queen of Persia.'

    You know how the Dominionists call her that, as well as 'The North Star'? it all folds into some crazy apocryphal fable about God's Warriors, yada yada. the long run, it is this kind of crazy that worries me the most.

    Touching, anguishing life stuff, here, Gryph; your writing today was so honest and strong. I disagree with you, but then I have always felt maternal toward Levi.

    Take care of yourself.


  187. Anonymous9:37 PM

    "Read it and weep you inbred Palinbots. Todd Palin has been banging hookers! For years! Just wait until you read the details and see how long this has been going on."

    He may have done it on the state's dime.

    I'm looking forward for some court drama.

  188. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Palin, thy name is dirt.

  189. Anon 2:25:
    Nah, Tripp could never grow up to be President. Look at what he came from: A skank of a mom, who probably isn't even sure Who the father of any of her kids are, and a maternal grandmother who is hateful AND stupid.
    Following in his mother's and his maternal grandmother's footsteps, he will be a grifter.

  190. Anonymous11:28 PM

    IF this story is 100% accurate, and if Levi has one brain cell that is still working, he'd better consult with a real family law lawyer and and figure out what he is still on the hook for.

    I believe he is still responsible for his child support no matter what Bristol says or even if they sign a contract. If so, it will accrue over the years as he is getting his life together and moving on. Then out of the blue, Bristol will turn him in and he'll look like the same old deadbeat dad she always painted him. But worse, it will totally ruin him financially and probably his family. (wife and kids if he's married) I wouldn't be surprised if the Palins know this and set him up again.

    Levi, you need to quit being a doormat for these grifters. They play you for the fool and so far, you have proven them correct.

    When you're 40, you don't want to hate the 20 year old Levi for being foolish.


  191. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Who in the hell would want the last name Palin? It's like naming the boy Retard or something. It is not a name you would want to be associated with.

  192. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Where's Todd? TAHHHHHDDDDD go home.
    Sarah said that she'll give you a massage........... with a 2 x 4 and a can of Alaskan salmon.

  193. Anonymous2:24 AM

    I've always suspected that Levi is not the father of Tripp. He knows it. Bristol knows it. So why should he pay child support for a child that isn't his?

  194. Virginia Voter2:48 AM rock, and I will be looking for you on reminded me instantly of our old friend Catfood from Audrey's blog!

  195. Anonymous3:11 AM

    Tripp probably is not Levi's. He agreed after Tri-G to pretend to be for the VP roadshow. I just have a feeling he is not the bio dad of Tripp....The Johnstons see what they want to see in that baby. To me he looks just like Chuckled junior. Yuck. No chin chuck. Yuck.

  196. I don't think we know the whole story about this yet. I'd like to hear Levi's side before making judgement on it.

    That said, I don't believe teenagers who decide they want to have a baby have any idea of how hard it is to raise one. I was 27 when my first son was born. I was a nurse, married, oldest of 4 children and had taken care of my siblings growing up, babysat for extra money as a teenager, and had even done clinical in pedi and the nursery at the hospital. After all of that, I can remember sitting on the couch, sleep deprived, holding him in my arms while he was crying, thinking, 'Does everybody live through this?'

    I feel bad for Mercede. She loves Trigg. If everything in the article is true, it is going to be very painful for her and the rest of her family.

  197. Anonymous6:30 AM

    "So his initials spell TEMP now?"

    coffee on monitor - LOL

  198. Now that it's come out her Dad may have had an affair with a woman named Tripp, do you think she'll change her son's first name too?

    Or maybe start calling him Easton?

    Or Mitchell?

  199. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Well, let me put in my experience: my ex-husband is a worthless piece of dirt who stopped calling about his son 1 month after the divorce was final. I met my new husband when my son was 6 months old. People would stop us on the street and say that my son looked like his father - and they weren't talking about my ex. People see what they want to see when they look at babies. I don't believe that Levi wanted a baby, even if Sadie insists that Bristol and Levi were actively trying. The only reason I can see a boy of 19 wanting a child is the fact that Bristol's family was well off. But most likely, this child is not Levi's and he conceded to the name change to drop support charges on a child that isn't his. And for the people who talk about his "abandoning" Tripp to the Palins...when have they ever allowed him to be in the same room with his son within the last several months? Even if he wanted to take care of a child that isn't his, there is no abandonment there.


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