Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Today must be the day for video smackdowns as Anderson Cooper schools Dr. Laura concerning her claims of "victimhood."


  1. angela1:08 PM

    I love Anderson.
    Of course if the whining is held at bay what would Dr. Laura and her sister in crazy (SP) do with their free time?

  2. Nadira1:09 PM

    When are people going to learn that having freedom of speech does not mean being immune from criticism?

  3. Anonymous1:14 PM

    It kind of makes me giggle when I think about how Obamabots and palinbots are identical in that they bot flip the fuck out when someone says ANYTHING remotely negative (even if true) regarding their favorite politician. Go on over to AKWTF and see some poor obamabot flip out over the NE article that reported his affair.

    *Note: I dont believe said article. But using the other anon poster's logic, there is truth to it

  4. Anonymous1:30 PM

    I know this is off topic but this is to funny!

    picture of the Enquirer spread on Todd's hooker. On sale now!!! LOL!

  5. angela1:35 PM

    Anon 1:14
    Ahhhhh, did they give you a hard time over at AWTF as you tried to start shit? Looks like they deleted your comment.

  6. Anonymous2:02 PM

    It looks like Dr. Laura has caught Palinfever; criticized for one insensitive broadcast and she says she is being "assassinated". Pathetic.

  7. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Dr. Laura, who ain't a Dr., is a lying heap of monkey shit.

    With all due apologies to heaps of monkey shit.

  8. Gasman2:53 PM

    Dr. Laura indeed has an earned doctorate, but it is in kinesiology, not psychiatry, psychology, or counseling. I could do the same thing and hang out my shingle as “Dr.” Gasman and dispense all sorts of useless bullshit advice based upon whatever nonsense I could manage to pull from my ass. I do happen to have such a degree, and no, neither am I qualified to offer any such advice.

    Pompous assholes like Schlessinger seem to think that her degree elevates her to some sort of elite status that qualifies her as an expert on all things. In my case, the degree looked a whole lot less impressive once I actually got one. It also reminds me that my expertise extends to but a very small slice of life. Beyond that, I’m just another schmuck. I am reminded of the words of Groucho Marx: “I don’t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member."

    Apparently, a degree in kinesiology is worth SO much more than that. Schlessinger is proof positive that an extensive education and intelligence are not necessarily always concomitant. It is quite possible to possess either one without the other.

    If I need advice on how to relieve a cramp or the proper way to stretch, maybe I'll consult the good Dr. Until then, she should just shut the hell up.

  9. i love you anderson cooper.

  10. Anonymous3:45 PM

    She would have loved to accuse the media of "blood libel" since she's Jewish but of course Palin, the leader of using your feminine wiles as a mantle of victimhood when it's convenient, thought of it first. Victims my @ss!!

  11. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Why in the world would she refer to her verbal and well earned criticisms as an assassination just one week after an assassination and attempted assassination? I mean there she is alive, whole and yapping and nobody has taken a shot at her.

    Is she a Sarah clone, heartless, selfish, and totally self absorbed?
    Is that a rhetorical question?
    1) Yes
    2) Yes

  12. Anonymous9:11 PM

    She will get more Google hits with that word assassination.

    You have to admit, if you are going to play victim, assassinated is about as victim as you can get. DL is the consummate hero so she is both a victim and saving herself from that actual deed. She and Sarah are bonded now but they still have a friendly rivalry. Sarah can't get all the assassination sympathy.

  13. Anonymous1:48 AM

    I wish one of these reporters or someone, anyone, would explain to these idiots what the first amendment actually is about. palin and others like her obviously don't even know what it says.


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