Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A little perspective for the Teabaggers.

I believe the message is clear. If you hate Obama, then you must DESPISE Jesus.

And you people call yourselves Christians.  For shame.


  1. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Oh come on.
    We all know Jesus is white, blondish brown hair and blue eyes.
    And he was born in the USA, the best est most exceptional country in the world.
    He is coming back, to Alaska, where the Star of the North lives.
    Don't know if he'll get sister sarah to be POTUS though, she'd hard on the ears and a tad crazy. And she doesn't do as she is told.
    His job is to save the world from the Muslims, browns skinned people from South of the border, atheists, Catholics, main line Protestants and to get even with the Jews, who killed him the first time around.
    Everybody knows this, they teach it at my born again, evangelical church. Everybody is praying for this.

  2. Anonymous5:11 AM

    For starters, it's not free healthcare people are against as millions of people everyday do to the ER and do not pay, making the taxpayers cover it. People are against the nonsensical passing of worthless bills that do not support natural born americans or legal aliens. People are against entitlements. people are against corruption. Not all corporations are corrupt but the corrupt ones taint everything else. democrats appear to be against success, as they have no shame is endlessly taxing the wealthiest to cover other things (welfare being one of them)

    Are SOME teapartiers racist? I imagine so, as in certain areas, it's INCREDIBLY difficult to overcome a way of life. But people are people and most people just want to succeed and help their kids succeed. No reason to criticize anyone for anything (barring death threats)

  3. Anonymous5:14 AM

    The democrats seem to be the only ones who continue to bring up race and in particularly inappropriate ways. People do not hate obama for his skin color. People distrust him because he's a huge liar with a VERY secretive past. That is fact

    I have no doubt he's a good father and husband like I have no doubt Bill Clinton, both Bushs, or Todd Palin are either. People are human and only we know our personal stories.

    The whole country needs a lesson in judging others. I think most people fail the Kindergarten rule, "if you cant say something nice..." including every commenter, politico, blogger, whomever

  4. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Can I see Jesus' passport?

  5. Awesome photo. I love to start my day with a smile. Thanks Gryph.

  6. Miss Dee5:37 AM

    @anonymous 5:14am
    What is so very secretive about the Presidents past. We know where he was born we know where he went to school, we know where his children were born and when he got married. We know both his mother's and father's history and that of his grandparents in Kansas. What is it exactly that you don't know and need to find out?

  7. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Would love to see that on billboards all over the country.

  8. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Wow, Gryphen, the truth of the sign really brought out the trolls.

    Where they get the idea that only progressives or liberals criticize people is beyond me because that's all the Tea Party and GOP does do - criticize. They lack new ideas and refuse to compromise or build consensus.

    They are masters are projection.

    BTW, I love the sarcasm of 5:06. It is more truthful than the the next two comments by right-wing commentators.

    Thank you for posting the sign. It is going to make people uncomfortable as it touches much of the heart of the problem.

  9. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Come on now, Gryphen...there are plenty of us Christians who have been shaken to the core by mere association with SP's brand of "Christianity".

    Your photo of the protester's sign has it right. There must be more than one Jesus because the Jesus I know isn't the judgmental, mean-spirited, person they keep claiming is coming back to rule the world.

    There are a few of us out there who truly believe in the love and acceptance of Jesus. We try to treat others as he would have treated them. It gets harder and harder to stand by the name "Christian" when so many have twisted it into something unrecognizable. It is devastating to see the world lump all of us together as if we have one goal, one mind. I would imagine people of the Islamic faith feel much the same as so many are quick to lump them all into the "extremist" camp.

    I know one thing for sure...this is NOT what Jesus Would Do and I don't think I'd want to be the person standing before God trying to explain the hate-filled rhetoric I spewed during my time on earth.

    Some Christians really do "get it", Gryph! Thanks for exposing some of the crud.

  10. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Anon @ 5:14, the reason those who hate Obama and his efforts don't bring up his race is because they don't want to expose what they have a problem with it, deep down.

    The "socialist" label was offered up toward the end of the 2008 campaign, almost spontaneously - long before Obama and his team figured out what they wanted to try to do to increase access to healthcare. The GOP supporters were given the more socially acceptable criticism, "He's a socialist!", because obviously most couldn't go out in public and say they didn't want a black man in the White House. It was so transparent, but it stuck.

    Many, many in the GOP are closet racists. They may go on about 'big government' (the government expanded to historic proportions under GW Bush, btw), or taxes, but what they really hate are any sort of rights for people of color in the country. Any policies that would help those less fortunate, also. We all know people who are down on their luck have only themselves to blame, right?

    As for images of Jesus, please lets be clear that many Christians in this country do not, in fact, have the attitudes described by Anon @ 5:06. Why would someone go to a church if that's how they feel about what's going on there, anyway? Sounds like you might have left, and good for you. There are progressive, mainstream congregations all over this country, as an alternative.

    It's like saying the Taliban represents Islam, or the Hasidim represent Judaism.

  11. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Brilliant sign. Sadly, those who should read it, won't.

    - kellygrrrl

  12. Anonymous5:52 AM

    I am laughing so hard at poster 5:14. You call President Obama a liar...which you say is a fact???....and then tell the rest of us to quit saying bad things about others.

    Pot, let me introduce you to my friend, Mr. Kettle.

    Gryf...you surely bring out the crazies! And, that dear 5:14, is really and truly a FACT!

  13. dominicastar5:53 AM

    This bill short of being all things to everybody, but it is not worthless that's one; ask those with pre-existing conditions, children parents with kids up to 26 years old.

    I don't hear anyone going crazy about 'corporate entitlements' Abusing the system by rich or poor is wrong, but what kind of nation would America be by ignoring the poor and their sufferings.

    I am curious to know, if the people who hate Obama for his secretive past, also hate Ms Palin???

    What aspect of Obama past is secretive, his school days, his work, while he was in foreign

    As for your kindergarden phrase "if you can't say something nice..." you need to tell that to Ms Palin. I think the Obama's are very aware of the saying and put it in practice a lot of the times. Shame the same can't be said for presumably your queen $arah!

  14. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Awesome Poster!

    All churches are mini government's in their own right. What is the difference between welfare given out by the government or churches helping the homeless, deprived and suffering? NOTHING!!!

    It is the same. But people think they are so Godly giving to their churches and helping people, but hate giving to the government. Did your God not create the government?

    If people would follow the one golden rule "Do unto others as you would want done to you" this world might be a better place. But that will never happen. Ever!!!

    My mom passes away 5 months ago. And I am the black sheep in my family. She loved FOX "BS and LIES" along with my two brothers and their families.

    She watced that while lying in a hospital bed at home dying. A week before she died the whole family was over and they all ganged up on me and attacked me for my beliefs.

    Even my mom who lived one more week had this look of rage and evil on her face because I did not beileve what the FOX low lifes lie about. It was sick and sad.

    My mom hated me before she died because I did not follow FOX and get into their cheerleading, hate baiting agenda against the President I campainged for.

  15. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Hmmn. . .and exactly where was Jesus between the ages of 12 and 30, before he appeared to pop up "randomly" with a riveting message of hope and change that threatened the establishment and challenged people's core beliefs and habits? Which later was made into a Book, "ghostwritten" by his followers.

    Veeerrrry secretive, if you ask me.

    And we know for fact who his mother was, but his Father. . .? You have to be a person of great faith to swallow that story.

    Obviously a Conspiracy.


  16. Anonymous6:12 AM

    @ 5:14 am, secretive past? How exactly? The man wrote and published a very detailed memoir years before his political career even started. We have heard from people who knew him in Indonesia, Hawaii, California, Chicago and Cambridge. The idea that Obama is a big liar is some right wing meme that does not hold up.

    Even Wikileaks showed that what goes on behind the scenes doesn't veer far from this administration's stated policy.(even if - disappointingly so - it hasn't been as transparent as promised)

    I know that many or most who disagree with Obama's policies are not racist. Many of them even like and admire the Obama family. This idea that he is sinister and secretive is a right- wing fantasy rooted in old prejudices - it must be, because there is no basis for it.

  17. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Check out this Palinbots blog. Ok I'm am elitist, but seriously!!


  18. Anonymous6:22 AM

    I'm noticing that the rightwingers who try to pass themselves off as Christians have actually tapered off on even referring to Jesus. They just say God. Notice how Palin never talks about Jesus?

    They can't. It is simply impossible to reconcile everything they stand for - primarily, profits - with what Jesus taught about rejecting wealth, loving your enemy, and helping the poor and sick.

  19. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Anon at 5:11: "democrats appear to be against success, as they have no shame is endlessly taxing the wealthiest to cover other things (welfare being one of them"

    As I was saying about how these fake Christians can't possibly reconcile Jesus's teachings with their idolatrous worship of money and their vile contempt for the poor...

  20. Anonymous6:28 AM

    anon at 5:14 am, at least we know Barack Obama got his wealth from his book sales. I would like to know how Sarah Palin already had a mansion on a lake, vacation properties, and an airplane when she was still just a small town mayor and her husband was a blue collar oil worker and seasonal fisherman.

  21. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Anon 5:11, huh??? People are against entitlements? What are you talking about. Most Americans statistically are in favor of Medicare and Social security. SS alone has lifted millions of senior and disabled Americans out of poverty. Should we just throw them out on the street homeless. People have paid into these programs their whole lives and to end them without a very long tem plan is criminal and a crime against humanity. Polls show 80% or more of Americans want to strengthen those programs.
    I can't even comment on the rest of your post.
    As a fellow American, I find your attitudes selfish, stupid and uninformed.

    Democrats are against success? Do you have any idea how ridiculously inaccurate that statement is?

    I'd love to know what you do for a living and how educated and successful you are?

  22. Anonymous6:30 AM

    dominicastar reasonably asks: "but what kind of nation would America be by ignoring the poor and their sufferings."

    Certainly not one founded on Christian-Judeo principles, as the rightwingers are constantly insisting (while never actually following those principles).

  23. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Some of the most awful people I have met go to church every Sunday and always have a bible at hand.

    Sadly, the word "christian" has ceased to have any meaning because to me because of these folks.

    As the old saying goes "The more loudly he proclaimed his honesty, the more quickly we counted our silverware."

  24. Anonymous6:39 AM

    It makes me laugh when the Palin Bots echo the notion that Obama is a liar and has a secret past. I have researched Obama as deeply as I have Palin. I was a Hillary supporter almost up to the nomination, so I vetted 'Bama "real good." Could find no basis whatsoever for the outlandish claims made.

    These people (and yes, I mean YOU!!!) get all there information from the likes of Geller, Beck and World Nut Daily, et al., never ever going outside the box to search for contrary information.

    Ever. That's why it is useless to argue with them. They are entirely uninterested in facts. And the few facts they spew are generally truncated - i.e., something that is part true but misleading unless the entire statement or context is provided.

    "Good Germans," all.


  25. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Thanks for the poster. As someone noted, it is a wonderful image to wake up to.
    And as for our taxes helping to keep us all healthy, that's a bad thing? Better that than creating "wars" and killing people.
    And then there are the churches who don't pay taxes, yet we help support their Minister's Mcmansions.

  26. Anonymous6:45 AM

    All the right wing rhetoric about Pres. Obama and his mysterious past is just a cover. They can't understand how someone like him (African-American) could have gone to Columbia and Harvard. Check into the background of Palin's supporters from her FB page. No college graduates, no ambition, no view of the world outside their own small town.

  27. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Hey 5:41 - if you are serious, then it's time for you to either "take back" the right to be called a Christian - by calling out those who abuse and pervert the label, or to come up with a new name for yourselves.

    Your last option is to repudiate the label all together, work with the sane folks and keep your religion a private matter. Something about "They shall be known by their works?" I remember.

  28. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Anon 5:14, oy vey, where to start.

    First, the president does not have a secret past, nor is he a liar. It's a fact? No it isn't. If you think so, prove it to us with statements of fact.

    Second, I'd love to know where you live that you think racism is not an issue. Only Democrats bring up race? Again you are wrong! There is a HUGE white supremacist movement in this country. They dontime blacks, Jews and they dont want more Hispanics. Their are large groups if far right miltia too most of which are also white supremacists. Threats and terrorism related to race are at an all time high in this country, look it up. Anti-Semitic threats and threats against Hispanics and gay people are at an all time high.
    Do you think all of these groups and threats are made by Democrats?? The answer is NO! They are right wing groups. And it's a fact that there are very very few acts od domestic terrorism by the far left. In the 60s, there were some. Now all these right wing bigots affiliate with Republicans/conservatives/tea party. Yes it's true. Try reading about domestic terrorism and then have the gall to say race isnt an issue when it comes to the president!

    And Gryphen, wow, the tea party Palinbots appear to be obsessed with your blog. They must be really worried about what is going to be coming out soon. You can spot them easily as they spout superficial inaccurate talking points they must have gotten from Fox. Gee just like Sarah they are clueless about the resents the United States. They are stuck in their little white tea party groups bitching about everything, with no understanding of economics,government, current social issues and American history. These are voters! If you all ever wondered about the 20% of ril Amerikuns who wear Sarah 2012 shirts, here they are, in all their glory at Gryphens blog! They can't stay away!

  29. Anonymous6:57 AM

    I didn't say right wingers dont criticize (wrongly or justly). I was saying that most libs I speak to and read about claim criticism and hate comes solely from the right. THAT is the most blatantly inaccurate statement of all time. Hate is universal. The world has witnessed hate since the beginning. People are flawed. We recognize this, refuse to judge, and move on. Thats how to live a truly non hateful life. It's all about wrongfully judging, something most people are guilty of

  30. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Anon at 6:34 am: "Sadly, the word "christian" has ceased to have any meaning because to me because of these folks."

    That IS sad. I have said time and again, that these people are sullying Christianity. And that looks like the devil's work to me.

    Will you please consider one day visiting some churches? You will find there are many who actually subscribe to Jesus's teachings, despite the hateful rightwingers who keep showing up in the media to proclaim their Christianity. They are fakes, using the religion as a mantle to hide their immoral persecution of the poor.

  31. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Dont discount good Christians because of a few imposters youve encountered and dont write people off as immoral/evil just because they may drink too much and don't have faith. When we think collectively, we lose

  32. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Anon6:01am, my heart goes out to you. My dad is in poor health, and could go any minute. He spends most of his day in an easy chair watching Pox News and their stable of hateful, fear-mongering bullies.

    I refuse to discuss politics or religion with him. I just do not want an ugly fight. There is nothing I can say to change his mind, and I am an adult who has my own opinion.

    I speculate the adrenaline rush of feeling like he is under attack, that there is someone out there that he needs to fear and fight makes him "feel alive". Yes, anger and hate can be addictive emotions.

    I consider him an "addict" who needs his rush, just as I daily go to Gryphen's blog for a little humor and reassurance that there are other people who see past Quitty's song and dance act.

    Truth will prevail.

    My belief is that once our friends and relatives have dropped the chemical environment of their physical bodies, and are able to discern far more clearly the TRUE vibration of another's souls, they will have a very humbling experience.

    Peace to you. In the river of time, all things will heal.

  33. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Wow! someone with a brain holding a sign. I only wish there more. Thanks for the positive post...

  34. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Anon at 4:16:

    Thanks for the link:

    Suggest everyone head over there...it's interesting that on this web site, Newt Gingrich gets the most votes for POTUS.

    $carah can't even poll #1 on a web site that is promoting her for POTUS. Poor baby!

  35. What kind of excuse is that? My family was racist. I denounced racism as a child. As far as going to the ER, it is for emergencies, not preventive health care. So it is ok to pick up your tab because you are stupid enough to go to an ER for something a doctor could prevent or treat for less cost.

    I bet you are against abortion too. I am pro-choice not pro-abortion. No welfare for that little baby once they are born heh? Tough shit for the baby unfortunate enough to be born to a teenager who doesn't have free health care or a Governor's daughter.

  36. @anonymous 5:14am
    What is so very secretive about the Presidents past.

    Nothing. They don't read but listen to Fox news.

  37. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Lets all boycott covering this phony christian called moose crap Palin.

    Check this out.

    Oops no media allowed..

  38. Anonymous8:11 AM

    I am a Christian and I and many other Christian love what President Obama doing and trying to do... There are many Democratic Christians who support the president and praying for him.

  39. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Along with the ridiculous slandering of Obama and the Democrats, the Fox channel goons do everything they possibly can, to bolster the oligarchy that is overtaking America. (I had to Google that word--not really surprised that there is a definite noun to describe the ruling class of a nation)

    The one saving grace if this trend continues (being that the top 1% or so of Americans, who already control an obscene portion of the wealth, want EVERY SINGLE DOLLAR that anyone else has) is that Americans are not as likely to lay down and TAKE it, like we see in countless other countries.

    No, once it gets to the point where there are hundreds of millions of people feeling actual hunger, they are likely to get out all those guns they think are for fighting the government, and go after those people behind the high brick walls, who stole all their money--in "legal" ways that the Republicans put into law.

    It is so pathetic to see the Tea Partiers supporting those who are screwing them so royally. Sooner or later, they will get wise to how badly they've been conned, and then: watch out.

    Meantime, I cannot find a church anymore, that isn't in essence, a fundraising arm of the Republican party. Talk about pathetic.

  40. Anonymous8:45 AM

    The problem is that the people that should read that sign and look inside themselves are the ones that will not.

    My only problem with true christians is that while I know many, I have yet to hear any religious leaders step forward to point out the hypocracy of the other fake christians. Thus tarnishing all.

    I did have an amusing encounter 2 yrs ago with someone that told me we should BAN all middle eastern religions, but they were not very amused when I pointed out that CHRISTIANITY IS a middle eastern religion.

    If Jesus re-appeared in Arizona today...he would be treated badly and most likely deported to Mexico no matter what he looked or sounded like.

  41. Anonymous9:46 AM

    6:59 - well and beautifully said.

    8:45 - Loved what you told that hateful person about Christianity being a middle-eastern religion.

  42. "Your photo of the protester's sign has it right. There must be more than one Jesus because the Jesus I know isn't the judgmental, mean-spirited, person they keep claiming is coming back to rule the world.

    There are a few of us out there who truly believe in the love and acceptance of Jesus. We try to treat others as he would have treated them. It gets harder and harder to stand by the name "Christian" when so many have twisted it into something unrecognizable. It is devastating to see the world lump all of us together as if we have one goal, one mind. I would imagine people of the Islamic faith feel much the same as so many are quick to lump them all into the "extremist" camp."

    I second all of this.

  43. Anonymous10:28 AM

    LOVE this sign, love the comments from Christians who like Obama and believe in loving others.

    I'm recovering from a Dominionist upbringing and have ventured back into church only recently. I started attending a church in the same denomination my parents grew up in (semi-liberal but not mainline). They came to visit for Thanksgiving, and we attended a potluck at the church. Imagine my surprise when my dad--who believes everything Rush Limbaugh says, thinks Obama is a Muslim non-citizen, yada, yada--was confronted by a member of this congregation, a man he'd actually known in college, who said, "Please think carefully about whether your beliefs about Obama are in keeping with Jesus' teachings and whether they speak to where America is at this point in time, with its diverse cultural and economic population." The man continued with a recommendation that my dad really look into the values and beliefs of the progressive movement. I was floored and totally impressed.

    I guess there is hope for American Christianity after all! But I hate using the term "Christian" to describe myself, because for me it smacks of the hypocritical, Palinite aspects of my upbringing.

  44. honeybabe11:51 AM

    dear heavens! that is the most wonderful sign i have ever seen. if i go to a demonstration i want to carry this sign. thank you to the wonderful sign maker!

  45. @5:06AM, "... Oh come on.
    We all know Jesus is white, blondish brown hair and blue eyes."

    You're right. I saw his picture at Sunday School.

  46. @6:58 AM.

    Nope. I'm not going to be a Christian or visit any churches until this insanity of "TeaBagger Christians" is purged. It is too much for me to stomach.

    I'm pretty sure Jesus gets my drift.

  47. @6:01AM,

    I'm with you. Keep heart.

    My family spews that teabagger insanity, too, but I'm the only one with a job who can maintain my disabled mother after my father died last Feb.

    My good thoughts to you to give you strength.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.