Wednesday, January 26, 2011

More bad news for Palin. But hey, good news for us!

The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin [Hardcover]
Joe McGinniss (Author)
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List Price: $25.00
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This title will be released on September 13, 2011.
Pre-order now!

I understand that the image of the book cover should be up soon.

Well just to start things off I just pre-ordered my copy. And while I was at it I pre-ordered Geoffey Dunn's book as well.

2011 is going to rock!


  1. Olivia4:16 PM

    I hope they come out in ebook versions soon. I can't wait.

  2. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Pre-ordered for the Kindle!

  3. Anonymous4:30 PM

    The fun just keeps on rolling. I respect both of these authors, and I bet their books do very well.

    In particular, I hope Joe M. devotes an entire chapter on his stay in Wasilla.

  4. Anonymous4:30 PM

    And it says at the link it is available for the Kindle $14.85 - most best Christmas present I have had in years and wonderful also too

  5. Anonymous4:30 PM

    September 2011? Seriously Joe write faster, write faster, write faster.

    American can't afford to put up with this woman or her de-moralizing family one second longer.

  6. Thanks, Gryph. I wondered when the books would be available.

  7. Anonymous4:37 PM

    I'm laughing at all the tags associated with this book:

    true crime(17)
    joe mcginniss(12)
    unfit for office(8)
    corrupt politician(7)

  8. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Finally! I hope these books are all that we hoped for and discuss her in less than fawning ways.

  9. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Surprised that it's being released more than seven months from now. A lot can/will happen before then. Will the book still be relevant?

  10. Anonymous4:39 PM

    I've preordered both also. too

  11. Anonymous4:42 PM

    September's a long time to wait.

  12. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I just ordered BOTH books! One will be out in April and the other September!

  13. Anonymous4:44 PM

    An amazing post by Andrew Halcro:

  14. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Does this mean she's a bonafide politician. You know since all top politicians have these types of books written about them?

    It better not be anonymously sourced

  15. I do hope both books do well. I fear, however, they will have missed the target audience if Palin does not deign to keep herself in the public eye. Many of us were looking forward to a February 2011 release of both books, but if they end up being "Palin History Books" they will still be worth a read once they are published, if only to describe our fascination with this person that became irrelevant.

  16. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Cool. I pre-orders Dunn's book last year. It's to be released April 12, I think. Now off to pre-order McGinnis' book.

    Presently, I'm reading "The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama" by David Remnick. It is very good. Remnick wrote "King of the World" about Muhammad Ali, and "Lenin's Tomb: The Last Days of the Soviet Empire" that earned him the Pulitzer. (it's probably at the public library, but i bought my own copy)

  17. I pre-ordered my Dunn book ages ago - I thought I did the same 'bout McG but I'll have to check.

  18. I'm looking forward to Joe's book but waiting to order until I know whether there's a picture of Sarah on the cover. Her image is not allowed in my house (sorry Geoffrey Dunn).

    This will be McGinniss' shortest book at 240 pages...whatever that means.

  19. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I hope he was at the lakeside house the other night when, from what we've heard, there was a battle royal going on at Chez Palin next door!

  20. Olivia5:20 PM

    Hopefully, they will both be books about history when they finally are out.

  21. Anonymous5:21 PM

    @SoapyDog- You're right. Those tag words sure gave me a chuckle! Thanks!

  22. Molly5:22 PM

    I am JUST not good at being patient. SepTEMber???

  23. Ripley in CT5:28 PM

    Don't Forget Leah Burton's book also, too. Palin's America: god, Guns and Greed. Available for pre-order, too.

  24. As long as they come out during the primaries with the effect of keeping Di$hRag $arahPayMe out of office, I'm happy.

  25. Aussie Blue Sky5:34 PM

    I don't care what SHE is doing or has done when the books come out. I don't care if all her ugly scandals have long since brought her down. I'm buying both books and will drop everything and read them cover-to-cover. With champagne. I've earned it.

    I half-expected the 13th to be a Friday, but it's not.

  26. imnofred5:34 PM

    I wonder how long before Scarah will go on Fox News to take a preemptive strike at Joe McGinnis?

  27. Anonymous5:35 PM

    does it come with forks to stick in our voodoo dolls?

  28. Thanks for the head's up. I've preordered both.

  29. Aussie Blue Sky5:39 PM

    Bretta, you may have done what I did: ordered Game Change and the Dunn book at the same time, a long time ago.

  30. OT - Bristol Palin to speak during Sex Week - Washington University, St. Louis.

    Bristol Palin has been selected as keynote speaker for this year’s Sexual Responsibility Week at Washington University.

    Student Union Treasury on Tuesday approved a $20,000 appeal by the Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) to sponsor a four-person panel featuring Palin. The appeal was initially set at $25,000 and renegotiated.

    The $20,000 comes from the Student Activity Fee collected from each undergraduate student at the beginning of the year. The Student Activity Fee is fixed at one percent of tuition.

    While Palin has not formally agreed to the appearance yet, she is expected to do so shortly.

    SHAC would not release the exact amount charged for Palin’s appearance. According to ABC News, Palin charges $15,000 to $30,000 for each appearance on the speakers’ circuit. More...

  31. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Soapydog, the tags are the funniest thing. I came here to comment on the same thing. Right now it's:
    true crime(17)
    joe mcginniss(13)
    unfit for office(9)
    corrupt politician(7)

    C'mon, everyone. Go to the Amazon page and tag the hell out of this book with your personal favorites.

  32. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I wonder if he actually was fair and sought out friends. Or just waited for the fame seekers to find him. We shall see. I enjoy unoffic bios for their entertainment factor and bias. But generally they mean nothing as you never know someone until you walk with them awhile

  33. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Both books are on my wish list.

    Looking forward to both!

  34. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Good. His other crime books have been excellent.

  35. BAustin7:46 PM

    Re: anonymous at 5:40

    So funny ...Bristol is neither abstinent nor a student...why on earth pick this girl for the event!!

  36. Anonymous8:12 PM

    I want this book, but why is it taking so long? September?

  37. Anonymous8:19 PM

    yeah btw, Gino doesnt live with Bristol. and the nanny does. Lets NOT assume things just because we wish them so

  38. Anonymous9:01 PM

    I will pre-order both!

  39. Anonymous9:06 PM

    8:19, yeah, and Gino goes home to bed every night also too.... alone.

    please. ben barber asked bristle if she was preggers. that's not a question that comes to mind for an abstinence spokesmodel.

    we're not idiots, even if you are.

  40. Enjay in E MT10:04 PM

    I love my Kindle - but I love political books to be books so I can highlight & pencil notes in margins....

    I pre-ordered Geoffrey Dunns book .... Feb. 2010 - Joe's is pre-ordered now.

  41. Anonymous10:46 PM

    I don't even have a Kindle yet, but I pre-ordered the Kindle version since it can also be read on a computer. This way, I'll get it delivered immediately instead of waiting for the mail to arrive.

    And, it just might be a good excuse to actually buy the Kindle I've been promising myself.

  42. SME1312:02 AM

    Thanks for the reminder G. I can't wait to read it. And Dunn's book too.


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