Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"You know who" will be on Greta tonight trying to one up Michele Bachmann's rebuttal of the President's SOTU speech. Oh THIS ought to be good!

I am curious to see if she will address the Todd sex scandal or not.

Remember if she refuses to deny it then it MUST be true!

By the way I have received a PDF of the National Enquirer's new story and they are still being VERY cautious.

However Shailey Tripp IS quoted in this one and she confirms that she and Todd did indeed have sex numerous times and that she even once gave a massage to the Grizzled Mama herself. (No happy ending provided of course.)

And by the way there seems to be some confusion as to where the arrest took place. It was in Anchorage at Blue Hands Massage, not Wasilla.


  1. Anonymous12:09 PM

    CAT FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Eew, that would be weird. So Sarah knows her well enough to have received a massage from her and she had sex with her husband? It's nice that they can keep it in the family like that. Love those conservative values!

  3. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Did Bachmann announce her candidacy? Is Sarah going to now try to out-Tea her? Should be...different. Will wait for your take on it since I never watch Faux.

  4. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Come on. This story is dead.

  5. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Gryphen, any news on the speech at the Hunting club last night?

  6. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Todd will not be mentioned. Greta would not want her husband's illicit behavior, were there any, being used against her. -B

  7. Anonymous12:22 PM

    "Blue Hands Massage: Blue Balls' Best Friend!"

  8. Lisabeth12:24 PM

    Thanks in advance for watching the queen of mean so we don't have to.

    Gryphen, how is this article really any different then last weeks?? Do you think this it or will there be much more?

    If the police know Todd is involved, they are jerks for covering it up. Real jerks!!

  9. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Sarah is starting to seem so 2010. She was a strange novelty act whose, well, novelty has worn off.

    Soon all the news crews will pack up their gear and move on to the next hot story, leaving Sarah in their rearview mirrors. And our distant memories.

    Won't that be a golden day for the rest of us?

  10. Anonymous12:25 PM

    This could not have happened to a more deserving person. What is Twittler going to do now? Can't leave Todd, he has too much sh*t on her. But staying with him looks weak for the tough Grizzly Mama.

    And Palin on Greta trying to rebut Bachmann? That's like the blind leading the blind! Seriously, Greta, you are ugly but you are not dumb. Why stoop this low? I guess you are still in high school too. ;p


    “For the record, I believe Sarah Palin is a true statesman whose experience as a failed Vice Presidential candidate, half-term governor, and eight-episode reality show star has fully prepared her to take control of our nuclear arsenal.” LOL

  12. Anonymous12:27 PM

    The arrest was in anchorage the business name was cybertron, at least that was in the police records.

  13. Oh, please! Oh, please! Oh, please!

    Let a 3-way be revealed!

    Oh, please! Oh, please! Oh, please!

  14. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I could be wrong but I don't think a speech happened in Reno last night. I checked the Reno Gazette Journal and it said she speaks Saturday. No reference to anything last night.

  15. Anonymous12:31 PM

    we dont know how well SARAH knows her. Todd could have given his wife a massage as a gift hehe

  16. Anonymous12:31 PM

    so post the pdfs

  17. Anonymous12:34 PM

    This past weekend in Ohio Bachmann actually rewrote history again and said our founding fathers worked tirelessly to end slavery. I think that would be news to a lot of people huh.

    Thankfully Chris Matthews charged hard on it and ripped her a new one.

    I can only imagine what SP will have to say to try and top Bachmann. I'm sure it will be enough to gag anyone unfortunate enough to watch.

  18. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I think there's a great deal more than blue balls here. She donated to Palins campaign, a campaign that ended with Todd Palin essentially acting as Governor. Maybe he is the real leader. he is the commander and protector of his wife and he is the researcher and scheduler. hmmm

  19. Anonymous12:37 PM

    The more I think about it, the more it seems Todd has been using Sarah as a stepping stone in HIS quest for power. That would explain the shadow governor, the protection of her the leaving his job...

    I think she wouldve been happy being a housewife. She looked sublimely happy when she wasn't in office or running for office. She took her kids on playdates. She enjoyed herself at games and actually went fishing and hunting with her family. It was Todds family that was in politics first. Todd was equally active if not moreso in her becoming mayor/gov whatever.

  20. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Time to sharpen up the 'victim' tools for tonights broadcast, and tell the world what a wonderful douc, I mean, husband she has.

  21. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I don't think she will bring it up and I imagine she has given instructions for Greta not to. I'm guessing that Sarah feels the whole thing has been taken care of with the Police statement and nothing more needs to be said about it. Way to take charge... the way a real leader handles a crisis, with a cover-up?

  22. Anonymous12:44 PM

    She will go on Greta tonight and: a) deny all the Todd rumors (like she did the breast implant story), and b) announce her candidacy (to take the wind out of Michele Bachmann's sails). No way is she going to let Michele steal her thunder.

  23. Boy, it sounds like someone is seething that Bachmann has outplayed her. Must go to Greta Van Suck-up and show that upstart Michelle that Sarah will not be ignored! Greta, I'm ready for my SOTU - er BSCRTTSOTU.(Bat Shit Crazy Response to the State of the Union.)

  24. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I saw CNN's showing of Michele's address: Afterwards, the CNN panel said that it was a great addition to Ryan's address -- no one questioned anything she said or her graphs or her camera issues -- nada.

  25. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I doubt that Greta would even bring Toad up.

  26. 10catsinMD12:57 PM

    No matter what they say, sounds like the Palins have and have had an "open marriage" for quite awhile.

    The only thing they probably agree on is to not tell anyone about it.

    My ex wanted one. I said no. I know of others who tried it and the divorce finally came through. Some others still do it.

    This is CYA time for both of them.

    Maybe Dave Parker is in one of their lines and he is covering his A**, or covering for someone he knows.

  27. Anonymous1:00 PM

    BLUE HANDS MASSAGE?!!!! Yuck! that is so gross! When people die, their bodies take on a blue hue and they go stiff and cold.

  28. Anonymous1:01 PM

    @ anon at 12:30

    She was scheduled to speak at the Weatherby Foundation dinner at the Silver Legacy last night. I was at their website earlier and it showed her as headlining the event but when I went back later to get the link that page was no longer there (under news).

    Either she didn't show or it sure seems like she is able to avoid the press when she "wants" to.

  29. Anonymous1:02 PM

    My bet is that Sarah won't say anything about Todd or Bachmann's statements that our founding fathers - she cites John Quincy Adams - getting rid of slavery just because they loved this country so much.

    (Now if that is not a good reason to support public education over home schooling, I don't know what is.)

  30. Anonymous1:03 PM

    So... Gryph. If the NE soft pedals this, are you spilling what you know? Or is there going to be a NE part 3?

  31. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Greta may bring it up. She brought up the breast implant rumor. Then again, Greta and Todd are bff

  32. Anonymous1:09 PM

    wait, Bachmann said what about slavery?

    wow. now it is true that by the end of Washington's life, he released all his slaves when a change of mind and heart overcame him, but thats very different from saying they worked to end slavery

  33. Randall1:13 PM

    Does everyone have their Sarah Palin BINGO cards printed out and ready?

  34. Anonymous1:13 PM

    hm, maybe Sarah and Todd actually engaged in a 3 way. Sarah was quite the kinky little minx and Todd looks like the kind of guy who'd do anything submissively as long as he gets off.

    Maybe all this is leading up to Shailey saying it was a 3way. now THAT would make every teabagger's loins explode

  35. Anonymous1:14 PM

    "While President Obama will be delivering the State of the Union Address to Congress next Tuesday, Sarah Palin will be speaking to a hunting group in Reno, NV.

    She will deliver the keynote address to 54th Annual Weatherby Hunting and Conservation Award Dinner. According to its website, the Weatherby Foundation “exists to help preserve ethical sport hunting on a global basis.” It was created in honor of Roy Weatherby who was a major figure in the gun industry. His official bio says he, “championed the benefits of ultra high velocity by creating proprietary Weatherby Magnum cartridges. He also developed the legendary Mark V® rifle action.”

    The speech to this hunting group will be the first of two that Palin will deliver next week in Reno. On Saturday January 29th, she will address the annual convention for Safari Club International. Anyone who has watched “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” on TLC knows that Palin is an avid hunter who relishes delivering “organic sources of protein” to her family. The show pictured her shooting a variety of different guns."

    ABC News, Jan 20, 2011

    but, not report yet on what did or did not transpire last night.


  36. Has anybody heard of the plans for a new TV show starring.. wait a sec.. Sarah Palin?? Contracts are being signed as we speak, apparently.

    I think it could be a hit.

  37. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Sarah PAC Year End Report:


  38. Anonymous1:17 PM

    To Anon @ 12:15pm
    "Gryphen, any news on the speech at the Hunting club last night?"

    Not sure about the speech last night, but I have the feeling there was none from the §P. I know that picture (with security guards and tawd) that keeps being showed with articles referreing to how good her speech was (? ? ?), is an older one taken at the trial of that kid who supposedly 'hacked' into her yahoo email. I recognized it right away, and know it was not from last night -- whether or not she was even there and/or gave any speech.

  39. If you love mud rasslin' or roller derby, then go to Palin's Facebook account in the discussion section and on any topic, just talk about how Sarah is OUT and Bachmann is IN. And then sit back.

  40. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Oh goody, we get to see Sarah on tv again. I just had a day at the doctor's office and needed some comedy time.

    Poor dumb Sarah, dumbing down America one step at a time. She has been outfoxed by the crazy Bachmann and can't stand it that she has lost her crazy base to the Bachwing witch.

    Ever time, she goes on Fox, well she just totally self destructs and the fox bots make fun of her behind her back.

    Everyone is picking on poor dumb Sarah and her philandering husband.

    Sarah wants to keep money rolling into her pac so she can make donations to others as quid pro quo and they will pass the money on to pay for Bristol's speeches. Keep that pac money all in the family.

  41. Anonymous1:22 PM

    I don't trust the Anchorage mayor or his police department on this matter. Something truly stinks!

    Let's see if the Palin's file against NE and their two articles to date. They have always been so 'take you to court' oriented....if not in this case, then NE is probably being truthful.

    Andrew Halcro has written an outstanding piece on Sarah's a great read and should go national. He knows more about her than most in having run against her for governor of Alaska awhile back.

  42. Anonymous1:23 PM

    See, according to Michele Bachman and the Texas Board of Education, that whole Civil War thing was a waste. The slaves were already free.

  43. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I share others' disappointment that nothing ever seems to really stick or pan out. However, it increasingly seems that old Sarah's doing a great job making herself irrelevant, and everyone's getting tired of seeing her/hearing about & from her. I suspect 2011 will see her fade from sight like Paris Hilton. Other, younger wingnuts will take the spotlight and become famous for being limelight-crazy and just plain loony, Michelle Bachman for instance, (who actually holds and elected national public office, and has kept her job). Sarah's aged, and so has her appeal, such as it was.

  44. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Wasn't it reported that Sarah Palin wants to announce her candidacy on what would have been Ronald Reagan's 100th birthday, which is 2/6.

    However, other recent conjectures are that those GOP candidates who get paid for their appearances on Fox News don't want to give up their lucrative gigs.

    Where's the FEC when we need them?

  45. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Gryphen, just because she doesn't address the rumors doesn't mean they are true. Granted, it's out of character, but maybe she's finally learned that some things aren't worth a response.

    However, I do want to know if anyone is taking bets on whether there will be even more inaccuracies in Sarah's rebuttal than Bachmann had in hers.

    Palin and Bachmann are in a race to the bottom.

  46. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Gryphen, the sooner you tell us what you know about this story, the sooner we will know what's really going on. What are you waiting for? The NE story is out. Do you really have more information?

  47. Anonymous1:31 PM

    "The lineup of speakers features 2008 vice presidential candidate and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who will give the keynote address Saturday."

    See? No reference to Sarah Palin speaking last night. Only Saturday.

  48. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I could never make up my mind which Palin Greta had a bigger crush on - Sarah or Todd. Guess that will be clearer tonight. Watch Greta's body language towards Sarah and also if the subject of Todd's special problem pops up.

  49. Anonymous1:40 PM

    According to Hollywood insiders, failed VP candidate and quitter Alaskan Gov Sarah Palin has been offered a lead in a hot new TV show written and directed by the same people who brought you the Emmy Award winning and uber-hip "Mad Men."

    The period show, MAD WOMEN, is set in the 1990s and will follow the lives of five middle-aged women who have decided to enter into the male-dominated world of politics.

    "A general lack of focus and coherence threaten to destroy her career"

    Buzz around Hollywood is sketchy at the moment but if the rumors are true, Sarah Palin will play the central role of Susan Perin, whose complicated private family battles and general lack of focus and coherence threatens to destroy her career. Soleil Moon Frye, unforgettable child star of "Punky Brewster," is set to play her wayward daughter, Crystal. Daniel Stern, from "Home Alone" (1990) and "City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly’s Gold" (1994) has been cast as her philandering scheming husband, Rodd. True Lies (1994) Tia Carrere plays her Becky Beckistone, her seemingly close friend and assistant who's secretly out to destroy perennial victim Perin.

    In addition, Erin Gray (from the ‘80s TV series Buck Rogers) will play cut-throat Congresswoman Michelle Bleakman whose secret affliction (Tourette's) and a campy doctor hubby threaten to destroy her career.

    Sara Gilbert, famous for her Emmy-nominated supporting role of "Darlene Conner" on Roseanne, has been cast to play cash-strapped Sharia Angel, a Utah conservative politician with an secret obsession with germs and her.refusal to be interviewed threaten to destroy her career.

    To round out the talent, Alicia Silverstone, whose smash hits include "Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed" (2004), will be portraying the erratic but lovable Christa O'Dell, the scatterbrain, no-holds barred candidate from Rhode Island with a penchant for hunky men and dangerous liaisons. O'Dell's dark history of Satanic cults threatens to.. make her a laughing stock of the entire nation.

    Count of this show to be a lot more steamy than Palin's previous single season bomb, "Sarah Palin's Alaska. After only the first episode, audiences were unexpectedly bored with gawking at the woman.

    "It'll get her a lot of attention. And she likes that.'

    "With there being nudity in our show," promises one unnamed staffer on the production team, "she'll no doubt make a point of showing her ass sometime during the season. It's not nice and it's not pretty but it'll get her a lot of attention. And she likes that. A lot."

    Others on the set agree. "Oh this'll be groundbreaking TV, that's for sure. It's a whole new genre. We are just calling it 'fictional reality TV' and it fits Sarah Palin like a glove."

    Producers of the show, however, were adamant about one provision in Sarah's contract. Lynn Gwenny, the show's executive producer stated, "We stipulated that Palin had to complete all 23 episodes of the first season. We didn't want her to quit half-way through the season."

  50. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Will Sarah accuse Greta of palling around with undesirables?

    Greta's dad was a close friend and campaign manager of Sen Joseph McCarthy. They lived in the same town. Eventually, and to his credit, Van Susteren broke with McCarthy.

  51. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Maybe Scarah and Toad will make out in the hot tub for Greta's viewing pleasure!

  52. Anonymous2:11 PM

    So, Debbie Downer is going to whine to Greta how awful it is of Obama to want to "fundamentally transform" our crumbling infrastructure? Sounds like a must miss to me.

  53. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Bachmann is positioning herself for 2016, which happens to be the last possible year that Sarah would still have any traction. It's a PILF fight to the death.

  54. Anonymous2:28 PM

    I finally figured out what seemed so wrong about the supposed "press release" by the Anchorage Police Dept.

    This part of it.....

    "The National Enquirer has not contacted Anchorage Police Department Public Affairs Unit to fact check its story so their reported “call to Anchorage Police Department” could not have been returned."

    Now this so called "press release was sent to one place and one place only, the National Enquirer. The National Enquirer knows if they called the APD. They know if their call was returned. So why even put that in the release? who is the APD trying to bullshit? And who knows who in the Dept NE may have talked to? It may be that tried and true "anonymous source".

    This "release" was a scare tactic. Who was responsible for it is another matter. If it wasn't the APD after all, then whoever sent it may be cited for impersonating a law officer.


  55. So perfect that the video trailer was prefaced with an Olive Garden commercial. Sarah Palin and Fox news are the intellectual equivalent of the dumbed down American palate that finds the Olive Garden to be tasty fare.

  56. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Any denial issued on Faux News doesn't count.

  57. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I can't wait to watch it with the sound muted. $arah gives so much of her$elf away when you watch her body language without the distraction of that horrible voice. We all know her words have never meant anything anyway.

  58. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Of course she won't bring it up. It's now a he says, she says situation and that's good enough for the Palins. might interfere a bit with how often Todd can go out and get laid though. Cause that's a festering sore and Sarah isn't putting out for him, that's for sure.

  59. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Levi Johnston Takes The High Road, Won't Bash Bristol Palin

    ...On Monday, Bristol didn't hold back saying that she was displeased with Levi's role in their 2-year-old son Tripp's life. The 20-year-old daughter of former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin said, "Have I asked (Levi) to change Tripp's last name? Of course. Just sign over your (parental) rights. He just doesn't want to sign them over because it looks bad on paper."

    Bristol also claimed Levi has only seen Tripp "at most three times" since her elimination from 'Dancing With the Stars' in November 2010.

    But Levi's manager, Tank Johnson, says his client is taking "the high road" and refusing to dignify Bristol's accusations of him being an absentee dad. In addition to his claims that his client has spent as much time as possible with Tripp, Levi's rep offered up some advice for the Palin family.

    "The Palins need to take the high road," he said. "There's a child involved in this and Levi is not going to stoop to this level. The Palins like to fight. They can say whatever they want to say. But Levi is not going to dignify their comments with a response."

    Levi's rep added that he will not give up his parental rights or agree to changing Tripp's last name from Johnston to Palin. "Levi has his son, and that isn't changing," he said. "It is what it is."

    A source claims that despite the rumors and Bristol's radio interview bashing Levi earlier this week, the two young parents "are actually getting along pretty well just now."

  60. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Sarah Palin's SarahPAC Has $1.3 Million In The Bank

  61. Anonymous3:00 PM

    This is O/T, but I passed on the picture of Ted Haggard in the hot tub, that we all enjoyed.

    And now this, which I think is kinda brave of him:


  62. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Palin’s PAC Raised $279,000 in Late 2010

    Palin PAC posts $1.3 million 2011 balance, little sign of 2012 ramp-up

  63. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Bristol, Don't Trash Talk Tripp's Daddy

    Another day, another misstep in the Palin clan. Usually we try to leave the littlest kids out of the three-ring-circus that is the family Palin, but Bristol brought two-year-old Tripp into a very public discussion. So report on it, we must. Sigh.

  64. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Following her stint on ABC`s Dancing with the Stars and moving on from her former boyfriend Levi Johnston, Bristol Palin has revealed that she has a new boyfriend.

    During an interview on `Bob & Mark` radio show on Friday, Bristol revealed that she was happy with her new man. She did not, however, name the man but there`s a rumor that Bristol`s new man is an Alaskan pipeline worker.

    Bristol said that, `I`m seeing a guy and he`s really great and Tripp loves him and we`re having a really good time and we`re really good friends. Let`s go with that.`"

    A few thoughts on this article:

    The fact that Bristol Palin revealed this interesting tidbit on a radio show and not on a program like "Entertainment Tonight" demonstrates that Bristol is still a D-list celeb.

    Bristol may think of herself as a budding celeb, but I`m glad she`s keeping it real by dating a blue-collar worker. If Bristol hooks up with the likes of a Britney Spears back-up dancer, we will hurl.

    If the Alaskan pipeline worker is laying pipe for Bristol, let`s hope he plays it safe.

  65. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Too funny Randall.

    Hahahaha.... Love the Palin Bingo cards. I expect that there might be a new 2011 limited edition of Tawdry Palin Bingo cards.

  66. linda3:08 PM

    According to the C4P website Sarah was supposed to speak last night at the Weatherby Hunting & Conservation Awards dinner. Here is their November newsletter giving the date as 1/26/11 and saying that Sarah is the keynote speaker:

    And, don't barf, but here is the C4P thread stating the same thing:

  67. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Candies Girls: Vanessa Hudgens vs. Bristol Palin

  68. I hope we can get beyond 'caution' in this or future revelations about Palin fraud.

  69. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Is it true bristol and levi aren't really fighting?

  70. Anonymous3:20 PM

    So Bristol is going to speak at Washington University in Seattle? And SeeofPee thinks that's a good idea? Do they think Seattle is stupid? They will take one look at this new mother trying to sell abstinence and roll their eyes laughing. I don't know a single person in Seattle that doesn't think Sarah Palin is so pointless she doesn't warrant even commenting on.

  71. Anonymous3:30 PM


    ...But many students are up in arms about Palin's price tag. A source tells NewsChannel 5 she will be paid $17,500, which will come from student activity fees, as voted on by the student government.

    According to reports, the young mother usually gets between $15,000 and $30,000 for each speaking engagement.

    "There's nothing that really qualifies her to ask for such an exorbitant amount of money just to come speak here about abstinence, so the reaction is pretty negative. We think that we could be using our money better to get somebody who's more qualified to come speak than Bristol Palin," said senior Pierre Boncy.

    "That's an awful lot of money to be spending for a speaker and I'm a little skeptical because I'm not really sure what expertise she has or what she's really going to bring, so right now I'm pretty skeptical but I'm still open to hearing what she has to say because she is close to our age, so it could be interesting," added sophomore Ali Ruth.

  72. Anonymous3:37 PM

    In other news, Bristol may be paid for yet another abstinence my hometown of St. Louis! Can't believe Washington University, which is generally pretty liberal, is even considering this nonsense:

  73. Anonymous3:47 PM

    So Gryphen.... are you going to tell us the ENquirer story or do we have to buy it?

  74. Anonymous3:49 PM

    not too long before this is willow or even piper

  75. Anonymous3:55 PM

    About Bristol the Pregnant Pistol getting 17,500 for a speech on Absinence....... Her last abstinence speech was reported to have gone all of 10 minutes. Basically long enough to introduce herself. That is because she has NOTHING to say on the matter. What a waste of money. I'd be pissed too. That works out to over $100,000 per hour. Nice work if you can find enough suckers to pay for it.


  76. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I'm all Palined out. I am completely bored.
    I think the reality show bumped her into
    oblivion. I'm happy. She killed herself with
    overexposure. I can't even muster a comment
    about the hookers.

  77. Anonymous4:01 PM

    " Anonymous said...

    ...But many students are up in arms about Palin's price tag. A source tells NewsChannel 5 she will be paid $17,500, which will come from student activity fees, as voted on by the student government.

    According to reports, the young mother usually gets between $15,000 and $30,000 for each speaking engagement.

    "There's nothing that really qualifies her to ask for such an exorbitant amount of money just to come speak here about abstinence, so the reaction is pretty negative. We think that we could be using our money better to get somebody who's more qualified to come speak than Bristol Palin," said senior Pierre Boncy.

    "That's an awful lot of money to be spending for a speaker and I'm a little skeptical because I'm not really sure what expertise she has or what she's really going to bring, so right now I'm pretty skeptical but I'm still open to hearing what she has to say because she is close to our age, so it could be interesting," added sophomore Ali Ruth.

    3:30 PM"

    So, they are paying her for being a slut?
    Kind of like she is a hooker? A hooker who
    talks about sex she isn't supposed to be having?

  78. Anon@3.20p - Bristol isn't speaking at the University of Washington in Seattle, she's speaking at Washington University in St Louis, an excellent private liberal arts university. (Two of my sibs graduated from there).

    The school has had a long time liberal lean so I am surprised they're hiring Bristol Palin. What a complete waste of student funds.

  79. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Just saw where 42 million watched President Obama's speech last night! Makes the viewership of Fox pretty small doesn't it!

  80. Anonymous4:30 PM

    1:28 I think what will have more importance is whether or not the Palins sue NE....that has ALWAYS been threatened in the past by Van Flein. That will speak volumes if nothing is done!

  81. Anonymous4:33 PM

    4:09, Thanks for the correction. I couldn't imagine Bristol coming to Seattle, they really would mock her.

  82. Megan McCain just described Michele Bachmann as "a poor man's Sarah Palin." She said that with extreme sarcasm. Admitted her father was on a "prom date" with John Kerry. She looks good and she certainly gives a much better example of a Republican than the other two MILFs.

  83. Anonymous4:58 PM

    I'm not sure who would be more jealous about Todd getting a happy ending form Tripp, Sarah or Greta, who has had a crush on the "First Doooood" since her 2008 visit to Wasilla.

  84. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Bristle (that's intentional, folks) has no business speaking at any university. Did she even graduate from high school? Are you kidding me that Washington University couldn't find a better educated spokesperson to appear at their Sexual Responsibility Week? What is she - the Oxymoron?

  85. Anonymous5:15 PM

    More people watched sotu on fox than any other network. By a lot

  86. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Gryphen, how do you know there wasn't a happy ending when the Tundra Turd had a massage?

  87. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Will she take her supporter's credibility down with her?

    What happened to Joe McCarthy's supporters?

  88. Anonymous5:41 PM

    I get such a kick out of Meghan McCain's thoughts...she can say much more than can her Poppa. I wouldn't be one bit surprised he has some of those same thoughts, but cannot publicly express them since it would counter his support of Palin being put on the ballot w/him.

    Thank God - once again that that they lost and we have our wonderful President Obama and VP Joe Biden.

  89. Anonymous6:01 PM

    My former republican boss is a big time donor at Washington University (he even has a hall named after himself and his wife, he's given THAT much money to them.)

    I think he may be what is driving the Brisket speech at WU as he still thinks Palin is qualified to replace Obama.

    Let's just say it's not Scarah's intelligence that appeals to him....he's a bit of a perv. He used to ask my partner for links to free porn sites so he could surf at work where his wife wouldn't see him.

    My guess is he will be there in the front row as it brings him close to Scarah in a pervy sort of way.

  90. Anonymous6:01 PM

    @5:19 - When Sarah Palin is involved, there is no happy ending, for anyone.

  91. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Can you post the PDF showing this woman is saying she was with Todd?

  92. Anonymous6:17 PM

    APD says there is no story.

  93. WakeUpAmerica6:21 PM

    The Frigid Bitch, "...would like to see a lot of the hypocrisy in the media cleaned up." WTF, WTF, WTF????? The hypocrite queen ends with a ginormous, redonkulously hypocritical statement. Oy vey!!

  94. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Anonymous said...

    My former republican boss is a big time donor at Washington University (he even has a hall named after himself and his wife, he's given THAT much money to them.)

    I think he may be what is driving the Brisket speech at WU as he still thinks Palin is qualified to replace Obama.

    Let's just say it's not Scarah's intelligence that appeals to him....he's a bit of a perv. He used to ask my partner for links to free porn sites so he could surf at work where his wife wouldn't see him.

    My guess is he will be there in the front row as it brings him close to Scarah in a pervy sort of way.

    6:01 PM


    Dear God, please help us get the dicks out of government, education, and abortion rights.

  95. Just more stupid.

    She thinks Sputnik was the cause for the end of the cold war.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.