Saturday, January 08, 2011

One of those targeted by Sarah Palin with a sniper site for elimination in 2010 election, Gabrielle Giffords, has been shot! Update!

From ABC News:

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was among as many as 12 people wounded in a shooting at a Tucson, Ariz., grocery store where she was holding a campaign event.

ABC affiliate KGUN-TV in Tucson reported that as many as 12 people had been shot, including Giffords. A law enforcement source told KGUN that the shooter was in custody.

Now as many of you remember Rep. Giffords was one of the Democrats that Palin "targeted" on her Take back the 20 website using a sniper site image.

From USA Today:

Included among Palin's Democratic targets: North Dakota's at-large Rep. Earl Pomeroy, Southeast Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and Virginia Rep. Tom Perriello.

Now let me say right off of the bat that I do NOT think this shooting has anything to do with Sarah Palin's dangerous use of the gun sight image to identify who she wanted defeated in the election.  However because she demonstrated such incredible insensitivity her name will be connected by numerous media outlets to this horrible event.

I would call on her to come forward and denounce this act of violence and to admit that her use of such images was ill advised and hateful.

As Palin often likes to say, "Words have consequences."  Though I do not think her use of the symbols had anything to directly do with this, she did contribute to the desensitization of people toward gun violence, and if she is not a coward she will, at the very least, tweet some response condemning this action and expressing her concern.

Update: Rep. Gifford has died from a a gunshot wound to the head.

There is no question about it, Sarah Palin MUST speak out about this terrible tragedy.  This woman was shot dead after having Palin target her, and Grizzled Mama may face serious repercussions for that choice.

Update 2: Reports of Giffords death may be premature, MSNBC reports she is alive and in surgery.

Update 3: Palin has responded on Facebook:

My sincere condolences are offered to the family of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the other victims of today's tragic shooting in Arizona.

On behalf of Todd and my family, we all pray for the victims and their families, and for peace and justice.

- Sarah Palin

Is that it?  No way is that going to be good enough to wash your hands clean of this one Sarah!

If this guy is a Right Wing conservative, or donated to your campaign, or voted for you in the past, you are fucked!

And it could not happen to a more deserving person.


  1. Linda Arizona10:27 AM

    There are some news sites reporting that she has died. We are heartbroken.

    There is a war on, I believe, against sanity, reason and progressive ideals.

  2. FEDUP!!!10:27 AM

    WHAT'S UP with Arizona lately? Ever since Bri$tol supposedly bought a house there, politicians have been targeted. Coincidence or not, I don't know, but sure makes you go hmmm...

  3. Anonymous10:28 AM

    She swears, she uses gun sites-- she is pushing the envelope of decency and good taste. Sarah Palin for 2012.

  4. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I not want palin to say anything. It is partly her fault because she spews nothing but hate.

  5. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Can't they get Palin for something?

  6. Anonymous10:32 AM

    I don't think so. Sarah Palin contributed mightily to this tragic event!

  7. Anonymous10:33 AM

    My condolences to Mrs. Giffords's family. I'm speechless. I knew this was going to happened.

  8. Anonymous10:33 AM

    If ms Gifford and the others were carrying guns they could have defended themselves.

  9. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Well, Gryphen, you are a much bigger man than me, I must say, since I believe that Sarah stokes and stirs the fires of violence and this is an end result. I hope that the media connects the dots exactly the way they go. She called for targeting, and the woman was targeted. Pretty simple to me. As far as her stepping up and doing the right thing...dream on.

  10. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I think I will reserve my judgment of whether or not the sniper site website had anything to do with it until we find out the facts.Perhaps the shooter was influenced by the site,maybe she was his first target.

  11. Gryphen,

    NPR has reported that Congresswoman Giffords was killed. My heart goes out to her family.

    I don't care if this was connected to Palin's damning phrase (one which I will never use to mock her again) or not. Words DO have consequences. And Palin is as fucking guilty as the shooter.

  12. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Wherever she is at, Sarah Palin is smirking.
    I keep checking her Twitter, I expect her to
    post a "p" at any moment.

  13. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I'm glad you posted this.

    Here's a link from SarahPAC, identifying who Sarah Palin thought should be "eliminated."

  14. Consequences. Either you mean what you say or don't say it. She not only said it and broadcast is on the public airwaves, she drew a gunsight and put it on a published map so there would be no mistake about who should be taken down and where. There is a direct connection between that person's published words and the result--the consequence.

    All the other targeted people on that map should be scrambling for cover right now.

  15. when people gleefully demonize people who disagree with them for fun & profit on the air nonstop -- this is what happens.

    Someone deranged takes the rhetoric to the next step.

    There are conflicting reports if Giffords is still alive (I hope she is), but this is a nightmare.

  16. Gabrielle Griffords of Arizona is the first victim of Sarah Palin's death panel.

  17. Anonymous10:37 AM

    It is confirmed that the Congresswoman and six others have died.

    Have we, as a people, become this intolerant and myopic that we cannot understand the majority rule and the rule of law?

  18. Sarah won't say anything. She hasn't the ability to care.

  19. Anonymous10:38 AM

    There's your 2nd amendment remedies.

    Stay classy GOP.

  20. Anonymous10:39 AM

    We should not jump to conclusions, obviously, about the shooter's motivations, but THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN IRRESPONSIBLE IDIOTS RAMP UP THE RHETORIC. Sorry for the caps, but I'm furious. You see the "Second Amendment solution" touted all over the RWNJ sites. This is what it looks like folks. I am hearing that included in the dead is a child. That is unconfirmed, but possible, as it was at a Safeway.

  21. Linda Arizona10:40 AM

    Conflicting reports about her condition. NPR says dead. Local news says in surgery.

    There will be a press conference at 1:30 PM.

    Progressives in Tucson are discussing what to do in response.

    Brewer will appoint a replacement if necessary. You know what that will mean for Arizona. This is election by gunshot--the wild west.

    Thanks Glenn, Sarah, Rush, et al. They are the worst of traitors. They have assisted in the destruction of a brave and good woman, mother and wife.

  22. Anonymous10:41 AM

    You are letting her off the hook much too easily, Gryphen. Palin and those like her in the hate monger camp created these beasts. They are the ones to blame.

  23. Anonymous10:41 AM

    She was shot directly in the head at close range.

  24. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Sarah should be quaking in her shoes right now. This is going to be tied to her no matter the reason why this person shot.

    Everyone will still remember Palins sniper sites with people targeted. I know if it were a member of my family, I would sue Palin, and Angle, and have my lawyer check what other references were made about 2nd ammendment rights and such.

  25. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I really hope that someone publicly calls her out. But I'm sure she'll just run away and whine about the media picking on her again.

  26. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Oh,Palin will play the victim to the hilt on this one, saying how ridiculous it is that her name is connected to this assassination and murders. See? They are ALWAYS picking on me! EVERYTHING is my fault! I can't win!

    Well Sarah, YOU were the one who "targeted" Dems back in November with your gunsight logos and metaphors. You are the one contstantly spewing violent rhetoric. I can't wait for this guy to say why he did what he did. It will make my day to hear anything remotely related to Palin. "Palin, the Mama Grizzly, told me to do it."

    I am sickened and disheartened by the whole thing. Those poor families.

  27. Anonymous10:42 AM

    some hospital spokesperson just reported she is still alive and in surgery, still heartbreaking for all the victims.

  28. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I disagree, Gryph -- there is blood on Sarah Palin's hands for these senseless killings. And Jan Brewer, too -- for promoting concealed weapons and limited gun control. Prayers go out to Rep. Giffords family, staff and all others impacted by this tragedy.


  29. melissa10:43 AM

    I'm just going to flat out say it, blood is on Palin's hands. You don't just put a map out to a bunch of crazies with crosshairs on it and a list of people you need to find a 'solution' to. Shame on Sarah Palin, shame!

  30. Anonymous10:43 AM

    How is the targety-shooty thing working out for you, Palin? This is one shot you didn't miss, you pathetic excuse for a human being.

  31. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I'm one of the people in Arizona who has tried to support reason, sanity, and prgressive politics here in this god-forsaken state. I have been concerned and angry at the growth of right-wing extremism, hate, and bigotry here in my native state. Right now, all I can remember is that map Palin put out with the sniper sights targeting my Congresswoman. Like Linda Arizona, I am heartbroken. I am also very, very angry. Please pray for Giffords and her family, and for the rest of us.

  32. Betsy S10:43 AM

    Why can't the Secret Service investigate the basis of the hate crimes, rather than the Peace Rallies?

  33. Anonymous10:44 AM

  34. Anonymous10:45 AM

    she is pushing the envelope of decency and good taste


    Yes because this is brand new to the political world. Wow, even I wouldn't say that. Sarah's pretty tame compared to old school politics. You'd be shocked at some of what you hear in DC

  35. Anonymous10:46 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    I'm glad you posted this.

    Here's a link from SarahPAC, identifying who Sarah Palin thought should be "eliminated."

    10:35 AM"

    OMFG! The bitch took it down! Fuck you, Sarah
    Palin! We know it is your fault! Pig!

  36. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Sorry to disagree with ya Gryph...

    But if she says one word about this - there needs to be one huge collective "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" response to her and her minions.

    Here's to hoping that the few sane Republicans left will start shunning her and those of her ilk (i.e., TP asshats)

  37. Anonymous10:46 AM

    $P has blood on her hands.

  38. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I hope they drag her ass in the mud over this.

    a little bit of good news

  39. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I really think someone should go on the record with the insider details of all the past political assassinations incl any deets that coverup govt involvement. American politics is a nasty business and these circumstances are not new. People are generally more accepting to they hurt us collectively more often. Yes, it would be nice if Sarah addressed this and reneged on her target map. But legally speaking, unless she has specific ties to the young man who committed this crime, she cannot be blamed.

  40. Anonymous10:49 AM

    What do you wanna bet this is some teabagging Becktard?

    I Don't know where this was posted originally, but it sure tells a story:

  41. Anonymous10:50 AM

    This attack is horrific and I absolutely agree that the likes of Sarah Palin, Rep. King, Rep. West and Rep. Michelle Bachmann should walk back their rhetoric. We decide elections with ballots, not bullets. My prayers are with all the people that have been shot and families.

  42. Anonymous10:51 AM

    I actually think SArah's so used to nothing like this happening that she hadn't thought about what amped up rhetoric does to the psyche. Look at how we all react when Gryphen relays a rumor he hears: we embellish and dramatize it to the max when it probably wasn't true to begin with.

    SArah is someone who does learn from past mistakes. I hope she learns from this. Even McCain aids commented publicly that she learned quickly and efficiently.

  43. honeybabe10:52 AM

    here is the result of "don't retreat, reload" from palin. the evil fruit of all her foaming at the mouth. wake up america!

  44. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Update 2: Reports of Giffords death may be premature, MSNBC reports she is alive and in surgery.

    I hope that is right.

    Shooting a Congress member on the job is certainly a way to distract attention. I'm not saying the Sarah Palin people are that desperate or would have anything to do with targeting a public official and their staff. They do incite their nuts. I won't be surprised if this shooter is never caught and we can only speculate who would do this awful thing. Reminiscent of the officials dropping the ball with the Wasilla Bible Church Arson.

    One person shot all the staff and they shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords point blank in the head? How close were they?
    If the lone nut is caught they probably have ties to Socialism and are as skilled a rifleman as Lee Harvey Oswald. If they can convince Arizonans an Illegal immigrant is to blame they could start a war. This is sick whatever turns out to be fact.

  45. Anonymous10:54 AM

    You are letting her off far, far too easily! This is EXACTLY what she has been stirring up since her first appearance on the national stage! She is a despicable woman and she wants this country in violent turmoil. I've never hated her more, and I don't use the word hate lightly.

  46. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Anonymous said...

    We should not jump to conclusions, obviously, about the shooter's motivations, but THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN IRRESPONSIBLE IDIOTS RAMP UP THE RHETORIC.
    Yes, this inflammatory rhetoric is precisely like yelling "fire" in a movie theatre. And the Palins, Limbaughs, Becks and O'Reilly's are implicated, if not directly responsible.

    The shooter may, in fact, be an isolated crazy, but crazy people listen to this rhetoric and don't know how to synthesize it!

    As others have said, our words (and actions) have consequences...violence breeds violence and we all lose.

  47. WakeUpAmerica10:56 AM

    Gryphen, I wouldn't be so quick to say it doesn't have anything to do with Palin's crosshairs. We really have no idea if it does or doesn't at this point.

  48. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Linda Arizona--

    I thought I read that there must be an election. There can be no appointment. Checking it now....

  49. Anonymous10:57 AM

    "If ms Gifford and the others were carrying guns they could have defended themselves.

    10:33 AM"

    You are a dipshit and a maroon even if you meant this as satire.

  50. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Well, Sarah, you must be very proud. One of your targets has been "eliminated" just as you were hoping would happen.

  51. Anon@10:33am

    Respectfully, sir or madam, a fucking civil society does not make a point of engaging in armed conflict with each other! Jesus Christ, what an idiotic fucking retarded statement!

    You jokers clinging to your guns ARE the perpetrators of assassination and domestic terrorism events such as the one that just occurred. Yet you want for "the other side" to be armed as well so that there is some sort of Wild West shootout? The West was tamed many years ago and society must become more civil and much less armed if we are to evolve any further.

    Hopefully this event will put the heat back on lawmakers to have another look at our second amendment and make it a little more difficult for idiots to score guns....

  52. Anonymous10:59 AM


  53. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Blogger omomma said...

    Gabrielle Griffords of Arizona is the first victim of Sarah Palin's death panel.

    10:36 AM


  54. Lisabeth6011:00 AM

    I am in Arizona and I'm at home watching CNN, crying and in shock!!!!!

    I have avoided this blog because of the ant-Arizona talk to be honest. It really upset me. I lived my whole life in a very liberal place before moving here 12 years ago. It definitely shocked me when I moved here but I have also met TONS of wonderful people here. The only things I dont like here are the summer heat AND the politics which are getting worse. But Gryphen there are a lot of good people here and you were far too tough and it bothered me so much for some reason. I always loved coming here until that.

    Anyhow I'm in shock and so upset! And I BLAME the Republican party and FOX for not stopping those on the far right who constantly spew hated and venom. A big FUCK YOU to Sarah Palin, Jan Brewer, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin AND RUPERT MUDOCH, John Boehner and MITCH McConnell and others. YOU are to blame for this and you were warned about far right extremism and you didn't care. If you cared you would not be SO HORRIBLE to the President. The tone of our politics is out of control and you are to blame!!

    God I am so mad and upset!!! Gabrielle was shot point blank in the head. Why?? So senseless.

    Something has to be done in this country to shut up Sarah Palin and Fox and far right Republicans. They have all gone too far and they will take no responsibility. Wait and see.

    Really to everyone, how can we stop this hatred from continuing?? Otherwise more violence will occur.

    Thanks for letting me vent Gryphen.

  55. Anonymous11:01 AM

    RW talking points in place--he was a lone gunman,
    who was disturbed, etc etc.

    Fuck that--you know he is a good conservative
    and probably a "Christian" doing it to save
    aborted babies, and America from commies, fags,
    and Mexicans. Oh, and to make Sarah Palin's
    panties wet.

  56. Anonymous11:02 AM

    That's magnanimous of you to not blame Palin, but I believe she's ultimately responsible for the actions of her crazy cult members. Also, her nasty interview w/Ingraham yesterday could very well be a catalyst for this action.

  57. Anonymous11:02 AM

    "Thanks Glenn, Sarah, Rush, et al. They are the worst of traitors. They have assisted in the destruction of a brave and good woman, mother and wife.

    10:40 AM"

  58. Anonymous11:03 AM

    anon at 10:35. the link you posted is down...things that make u go hhmmmm

  59. Gryphen, can you keep that map live? It's reportedly been scrubbed from palin sites.

  60. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Wasn't there another shooting incident in a mall in Phoenix last week? What was that about? I know they are safer in Arizona because they can carry weapons. I can't imagine going to the market in the morning and witnessing any part of this. It just goes to show you must carry your gun at all times if you live in Arizona. No one drew their gun and shot at the lone nut to stop him? If he shot 6 people he could have shot 6 more. What is the point of being able to carry your gun if no one is going to use it at a public event shoot up?

    LIVE UPDATES: Giffords Shot In Head In Arizona.. In Surgery.. Suspect Tackled, Now In Custody, Reportedly Mid-20s.. At Least 12 Injured

  61. Anonymous11:05 AM

    She is currently in surgery. Can't imagine what prognosis would be possible with that kind of assault.

    I know you are trying to hold back here, Gryphen, but I absolutely hold anyone who would employ gun sights on a map responsible for this.

    People have been warning that something like this would eventually happen for months, almost two years, since Sarah's first rallies where people were screaming violent things against Barack Obama.

    She didn't speak out against it then, and she has further incited violence since.

    Enough of this woman, and enough of these people.

    The Tea Party is a fascist extremist group that has no place in our nation.

  62. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I just read that Sarah took down the crosshairs picture from her website. Have you saved screenshots listing the names of those that were to be "eliminated."

  63. Here's what's at

    500 Internal Server Error


  64. Lisabeth6011:07 AM

    Can we start a twitter campaign And/or other towards Sarah Palin, Fox and the Republican party about this???
    They are to blame. I don't care what they have to sat. This is their fault!! Boehner that KKK supporter ass is already releasing his bs press release.

    I am devestated by this, truly devastated. How can anyone be so full of hate that they would shoot a woman point blank in the head. A child may have been shot too they said on CNN

  65. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Well done Sarah. Remember "Don't repent Reload."

    Some how she will find a way to blame this on Obama, no doubt.

    Maybe we ca call her Sarah bin Laden now.

  66. Anonymous11:09 AM

  67. Anonymous11:09 AM

    I think you're being too generous, Gryphen. Of course she is responsible. She doesn't bear all of the responsibility, but her politics of hate, all of her "don't retreat, reload" and "take aim" crap--along with her support of irresponsible politicians talking about "second amendment solutions" if the elections didn't go their way--ALL contribute to people thinking violence is acceptable.

    I suspect we'll hear lots of condemnation of violence from Democrats and crickets from the Rethugs.

  68. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Vacancies in the House, however, take far longer to fill. The Constitution requires that member of the House be replaced only by an election held in the congressional district of the former representative.

    "When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies." -- Article I, Section 2, Clause 4 of the U.S. Constitution

    "According to the US Constitution and state law, the governor of the state calls for a special election to replace the vacant House seat. The full election-cycle must be followed including political party nominating processes, primary elections and a general election, all held in the congressional district involved. The entire process often takes as long as from three to six months."

    Apparently House seats cannot be filled by appointment.

  69. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Has sarah established residency in AZ yet ?

    Will Gov. Brewer appoint sarah to the open seat in Congress ?

    I hope the person in custody sings and implicates sarah.

  70. Anonymous11:11 AM

    The Republicans--the Becks, Palins, etc.
    are GLOATING right now. Will there be
    a retaliation against them? Is this the start
    of a war? This is terrorism, nothing less--"my
    way, or the highway"--"you believe what I
    believe, or I'll kill you"--be it religion, or
    politics, it is terrorism.

  71. "My sincere condolences..."? John Boehner sounded like he was sincerely horrified...not Sarah.

  72. kdusmdd11:12 AM

    NOW...if ANYONE knows ANYTHING that will bring Palin down....I hope they have the BALLS to TELL IT ALL. How many GOOD people have to die before PALIN is STOPPED?

  73. Anonymous11:13 AM

    How tragic. But really something like this was inevitable. The rhetoric has reached a level that incites the lunatic fringe. Don't retreat, re-load. Targeting politicians and electoral districts with gun sight images, calling for second amendment remedies, the tea party in Arizona saying Garbrielle Giffords was "toast". The GOP have happily let the crazies run their mouths. The tea party thinks it's back in the 18th century and it's time to use your guns rather than the ballot to get your way. Unless there are radical changes, this is only the beginning. Very sad for your country but people like Sarah Palin, Sharon Angle, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter et al have done great harm. There should be a limit to any number of things in your country - like the ability to say anything you want ie inciting hatred or violence, the ability to bear arms for no good reason and so on. Man, your country can't even get some form of universal healthcare in place without violence. Very sad, as I said before. Our thoughts are with Ms. Giffords and her family and the families of all others harmed in this "targeted" murder.

  74. Anonymous11:13 AM

    You are being very kind and I must say cautious in your words . But we all know Paylin is somewhere secretly smiling to herself . Thinking that she has the "power to influence her idiot followers to actually carry out her twisted and hateful orders .She is a monster and will continue to incite harm to others at our Country's expense .She will attempt to leverage this tradgedy in her favor . Just watch , and no doubt will get away with this horrific accessory to a felony crime .

  75. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Anon 10:51- shut the fuck up you Troll!?!? Sarah Palin learns from her mistakes??? Are you serious!?! She has NEVER taken responsibility for any mistake!! Memorizing facts for a debate is NOT the same as looking inward, self reflection and apologizing!!!!!

    What is wrong with you?

  76. Anonymous11:15 AM

    She is married to Navy Capt. Mark Kelly, a NASA astronaut who is scheduled to lead a space shuttle mission to the International Space Station.

  77. Anonymous11:15 AM

    10:33 There is something really wrong with you! You have no soul.

  78. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Her ghost helpers are unable to keep the Facebook comments cleaned up. She posted "condolences" and is being peppered with accusations.

  79. I knew that something like this would happen as Sarah Palin's hate-filled speech appeals to a segment of the population that is close to the edge - and armed. Is it ironic (or co-incidental) that the Palins are moving to Arizona and that Giffords was on Sarah's "hit list?" Whomever this guy is, I would bet money that he is a Palinista who is trying to impress his "queen."

  80. The current is she is alive and in surgery. There is hope for her, but not for others. We can all keep praying for all concerned. Arizona's law allows anyone to carry a concealed weapon, anywhere. There are no background checks. So you've got crazy people being egged on by crazy people with unlimited access to firearms. Until enough people in this country are willing to take on the NRA; these tragedies will continue.

  81. Anonymous11:18 AM

    SarahPac took down the "target" flyer but it's still around - here's a link to the image -

  82. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Dang. Hope someone has a screenshot of the actual list of Democrats who were on the target list. Sarah took the page down from her website in the last hour. I saw it earlier this morning... Then she posts the retarded condolences on her FB.

    From Giffords website, one can tell she was engaged and loved by her constituents. I would feel that they will demand some answers, not only for Gifford but the others who have been injured or killed.

  83. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Let's be fair Gryphen, no matter what she said in response to this assassination, we wouldn't be satisfied. Sarah's a coward and admits no wrong-doing. We aren't going to find this to be a teachable moment for the emotionally and intellectually stunted woman that want to be our Commander in Chief.

    Rest in Peace Congresswoman Giffords. We rational Alaskans and Americans apologize to you, your family, staff and constituents.

    M in BET

  84. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Gryphen - I stopped coming to your blog..I used to be here everyday. I stopped worrying about this woman. But now, Palin has blood on her hands..there is no denying what she has created. She's a hate monger..she caused this.She's as guilty as the murderer..

  85. Anonymous11:19 AM

    "Second Amendment solution"

    Wasn't that Jan Brewer's statement?

    "Brewer will appoint a replacement if necessary."

    What is the story with the Pima County Sherriff? If they are questionable, who is to say they will do a righteous job?

  86. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Having read about the Todd being squired around Maricopa, looking at homes before one was purchased in his daughter's name, about her AK atty taking a year sabbatical to work in AZ for a politician, and the rumor that Sarah might be looking for a situation where she could step into a congressman's shoes, I'd say the fact that someone has tried to assasinate Ms. Giffords is downright creepy.

    Given that Sarah and Jan Brewer were so tight, and that Giffords was a target on Sarah's list, maybe the sniper/crosshair deal wasn't just done in bad taste.

    Maybe Palin stupidly thought Brewer could do her a favor and appoint her to replace Giffords in the AZ congress (or any other gov. in a state where one of her targets was elminated by a crazed palin-bot)?

    Probably not - but I do recall the rumors that if Joe Miller was elected, some bad stuff from his past would be revealed, he'd have to leave office early, and Sarah would get appointed to fill the remainder of his term - a short cut to the needed gravitas that she lacks. Of course, Miller blew the election, so who knows; maybe this event can be plan b.

    I'm sure Sarah would be most willing to step in and serve out Giffords term "for the good of the country. Good thing she hasn't taken residence in AZ yet or this could be a reality. What a scary world we live in right now, that such things could be possible.

  87. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Anon @ 10:33 a.m. Go fuck yourself. Wrong forum.

  88. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Gryphen why are you being so kind? Sarah takes down her map ALREADY? She knows she is responsible!!! What a bitch! She actually took it down!

    Are you proud Sarah?? Your hit list campaign worked!

  89. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I read a white male in his twenties, clean-cut, with short hair was being held.

  90. Anonymous11:21 AM

    That bitch had the nerve to make a statement it was at the bottom of fox news ticket. What a fame whore.

  91. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Awww, Sarah is going to pray. That makes
    it all OK.

  92. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I hope this teaches us all to say no to hate - privately and publicly. Including nasty comments and posts on blogs. We here at this blog are part of the collective problem. We may not use crosshairs but we invite tongue lashings upon ourselves when we opine and harshly criticize others, even Sarah. Comediens are as much a part of the problem with their bullying and rhetoric.

    What happened to good, moral humor and being a good neighbor?

  93. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Sarah may not have pulled the trigger, but she definitely bought the bullets and loaded the gun.

  94. Gasman11:22 AM

    THIS is the end result of the mindless calls of violence from the teabaggers. THIS is what it means to "take our country back." THIS is what it means to exercise "Second Amendment remedies." THIS is what results from Sarah Palin targeting Rep. Gifford with crosshairs.

    Gryphen, you are cutting Palin slack she does not deserve. That loud mouthed bitch is directly culpable for acts committed by her pack deranged cousin fucks that hang on her every word. If the shooter has ANY tangential ties to her, she bears no small share of the blame. Sarah Palin has spent the last two years fear mongering and race baiting her followers and cannot claim surprise or innocence when an act of violence occurs. Sarah Palin chose the crosshairs, and not by accident. There can be NO OTHER REASONABLE CONCLUSION DRAWN from such imagery than violence. When the fuck else do you site objects with a rifle scope OTHER THAN WHEN YOU ARE PLANNING TO SHOOT!?

    Welcome to teabagger America. If this shooter has ANY ties to any known teabagger movement the Justice Department MUST investigate these groups thoroughly.

    Are you happy now, Sarah Palin? This is in no small part your handiwork.

  95. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Granny twat is learning that she can't "hide" her poor judgment when she chooses to use face book and the web as her method of communication.

    Her mean, thoughtless, dangerous rhetoric will be revealed for all to see.

  96. Anonymous11:23 AM

    KGUN???? really?

  97. Anonymous11:24 AM

    oh goody-- found the screenshot, that god's own party, saved!!

  98. Anonymous11:24 AM

    omomma said...

    Gabrielle Griffords of Arizona is the first victim of Sarah Palin's death panel.

    Shudder. You are right. A Sarah Palin brand of governing will have the righteous and arbitrary Morality Police on us 24/7, ensuring our Americanism, Patriotism, Virginity/Abstinence, Birthability, Heterosexuality, Family Values and faith is enough to their standards.

    When she asks if we love our freedom? We answer by voting against her.

  99. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Time to get someone to clean the SarahPac database of any donations from the shooter.

    Hey Todd! Do you personally know anybody who is good with computers? Somebody from Wasilla? Somebody with good hands?

    Tahhhddd don't act like you don't know who we are talking about!

  100. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Dr. Tiller was the first target. Now add Congresswoman Gifford.

  101. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Sarah if finished, stick a fork in her.

    I have been reading for the last couple of hours and her name is connected to this shooting everwhere I go to read.

    She has also had a post put on the story on HP sending condolences but that is just bull crap after the fact.

    Sarah Palin, sit down and shut up because we are sick of you. Too late to say you are sorry after the fact.

    Was Palin getting a house ready to move into in Arizona to replace this woman after her death?

  102. Anonymous11:28 AM

    "... I’ve already heard Mama Grifter’s mealymouthed attempt to distance herself from what happened today, and I’ll tell you right now-that shit ain’t gonna fly. Here, preserved for all to see it, is Mama Grifter’s “target” map."

  103. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Comment on a link that someone just posted
    " if this were high school, this would be considered a THREAT and you'd get expelled."

    This is so true...if a kid put his classmates and teachers on such a map he would be held responsible for his why not our leaders or people on tv, etc???

  104. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Mobilize now.

    Call Senators and Congresspeople.

    Demand congressional hearings into hate speech inspired violence.

  105. Anonymous11:29 AM

  106. Anonymous11:30 AM

    This is an chance for Palin to appear bi-partisan. Why wouldn't she offer condolences and yada yada to make herself look good?
    She will use this tragedy to say some of her crap. I don't expect her to mention that she targeted the woman and her staff that were shot.

    I am a little suspect that Sarah Palin has been so quiet. The facebook and Twitters have been slight and who knows who that was? The only things were the digs she got in on the radio with Ingraham. Interesting timing. What was that "Drawing the line in the sand" over and over and over and over?

  107. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I think we just witnessed the death of the Tea Party and Sarah Palin's political career.

  108. Anonymous11:31 AM

    "Here, preserved for all to see it, is Mama Grifter’s “target” map"

  109. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Went to Palin's FB page so I could tell her I hold her responsible, but they've shut down the ability to write on her wall.

  110. Anonymous11:31 AM

    For all who live in AZ and are appalled by what is happening - for goodness sake, don't just avoid blogs where unpleasant things are said.

    Instead, go to them, say your piece, give your vital opinion on what is going on in AZ and fight for your lovely state.

    It is a great place, but if you don't voice your opinions against the nonsense that is trying to take over AZ, then people will continue to get the wrong impression.

    Please - take your state back from the loonies that have come out of the woodwork! This is more a crazy thing, than a liberal or conservative thing going on down there currently.

  111. Anonymous11:32 AM

    This screenshot includes the names of the targets below the map and it's signed by Sarah the murderer.

  112. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Gryphen, I too respect the fact you are giving Palin the benefit of the doubt on this. I'm not so generous. Palin's irresponsible, childish, hatefilled retoric that started at the RNC convention is well documented. She riled up bastards like this and there's no getting away from it. She can tweet all the sympathy she wants. It doesn't change the fact that people are responsible for their bullshit statements that they make without realizing that some nutcases will take them literally.

    My heart goes out to the victims and their families.


  113. Anonymous11:33 AM

    "Her father Spencer Giffords, 75, was rushing to the hospital when asked if his 40-year-old daughter had any enemies. "Yeah," he told The New York Post. "The whole tea party."

  114. Anonymous11:34 AM

    That bitch Sarah Palin had the nerve to release a BS statement from her and Todd? A bit quick dont you think?

  115. If she does die, I certainly hope that the press will call it what it is, an ASSASSINATION!

    Not "murder", she won't have "passed", she will have been "assassinated". I'm real sick of euphomisms.

  116. Anonymous11:36 AM

    On Sarah's "Target Map" it says,

    "Let's take back the 20, together!
    JOINMETODAY Sarah Palin"

    I guess Sarah is gonna change it to "19".

    Sarah, CALL OFF YOUR DOGS before it is too late!

  117. Sarah is already scrubbing her sites featuring her crosshairs map. Her FB note was lame and condescending. Not remotely close to sincere. Is she kidding?

  118. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Can you please change your exclamation points to periods. I'm sorry, and I know you don't mean it, but it looks like you're happy excited about the news, and I know you're not.

  119. I am at the movies so of you all can help keep us updated in the comment section I will update the post when I get home.


  120. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Sarah, it looks like someone is trying to tell you something,

    "You stupid sons of bitches (and stupid bitches) play with fire, and real-live people wind up dead."

  121. Anonymous11:42 AM

    I just saw one of the detective shows where a woman worked up a man to kill her husband.

    Manipulative people are very good at knowing how to work people without getting into trouble. The hard part for the law is connecting the dots and proving intent. If the law is corrupt they will just go along with the ruse.

  122. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Sarah Palin is not sorry this happened. Sarah Palin loves the idea that people would kill in her name.

    It is the ultimate power trip for a narcissistic psychopath like her.

  123. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Get a screenshot!! Quick. I don't know how!!

  124. Anonymous11:45 AM

    "Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot in the head Saturday"

    Interesting, Palins and cronies moving to Arizona looking for jobs.

  125. Are you HAPPY now, Sarah Louise Heath Palin?

    How DARE you even offer condolences.

    How dare you.

  126. Anonymous11:48 AM

    The Seattle times is reporting the congresswoman was interviewed on FOX this week.

  127. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Gov Jan Brewer don't worry it's not coming out of your budget. Miss Gifford of Arizona has medical insurance and does not need your health care denial.

  128. Anonymous11:54 AM

    From SP's FB "Notes"-

    Don’t Get Demoralized! Get Organized! Take Back the 20!
    by Sarah Palin on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 at 5:41pm
    With the president signing this unwanted and “transformative” government takeover of our health care system today with promises impossible to keep, let’s not get discouraged. Don’t get demoralized. Get organized!

    We’re going to reclaim the power of the people from those who disregarded the will of the people. We’re going to fire them and send them back to the private sector, which has been shrinking thanks to their destructive government-growing policies. Maybe when they join the millions of unemployed, they’ll understand why Americans wanted them to focus on job creation and an invigorated private sector. Come November, we’re going to print pink slips for members of Congress as fast as they’ve been printing money.

    We’re paying particular attention to those House members who voted in favor of Obamacare and represent districts that Senator John McCain and I carried during the 2008 election. Three of these House members are retiring – from Arkansas’s 2nd district, Indiana’s 8th district, and Tennessee’s 6th district – but we’ll be working to make sure that those who replace them are Commonsense Conservatives. The others are running for re-election, and we’re going to hold them accountable for this disastrous Obamacare vote. They are: Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ-1), Harry E. Mitchell (AZ-5), Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-8), John Salazar (CO-3), Betsy Markey (CO-4). Allen Boyd (FL-2), Suzanne M. Kosmas (FL-24), Baron P. Hill (IN-9), Earl Pomeroy (ND-AL), Charlie Wilson (OH-6), John Boccieri (OH-16), Kathy Dahlkemper (PA-3), Christopher Carney (PA-10), John M. Spratt, Jr. (SC-5), Tom Perriello (VA-5), Alan B. Mollohan (WV-1), and Nick J. Rahall II (WV-3).

    We’ll aim for these races and many others. This is just the first salvo in a fight to elect people across the nation who will bring common sense to Washington. Please go to and join me in the fight.

    Stand tall, America. Real change is coming!

    - Sarah Palin

  129. She may have tried to scrub the PAC site of the targets list, but she's simply smudging her fingerprints. The chart can be found at the Dish, along with a disturbing attack ad, para-military AZ- style. We all knew this was going to happen sooner or later.

    So, so inevitable. The equation of free speech with violence can only end tragically.

  130. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Shooter = Jared Laughner

  131. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Bitch's facebook is ON FIRE! They are giving
    her hell--and her bots are trying their best
    to defend her.

    Any doubt the shooter will claim he is a liberal???

    MSNBC says she will live! Oh, I hope she is ok!

  132. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Glenn Beck has been explaining to his cult how it is progressive's plan to start "the event."

    I know that Ted Nugent isn't a heavy weight but I am real curious what made him not support Sarah Palin to run for office? She says the right things and all. She promotes filling your freezer with the food you eat and hunting. He did part ways with Sarah on bashing Michelle Obama. Sarah looks sexy with a gun and she is not worse than Dick Cheney as a hunting partner. Did he pull out of his support for Cheney after that friend was shot in the face? Did that make Cheney unable to govern according to Ted?

  133. Anonymous11:58 AM

    No Sarah this not a photo op opportunity.

    You've done enough.

    Stay home in Wasilla.

  134. Anonymous11:58 AM

    @10:33 a.m. said:

    "If ms Gifford and the others were carrying guns they could have defended themselves."

    What a stupid $arah Palin type thing to say. I heard on the news a child was shot, too. Apparently, you believe the victims are to blame, and not the shooter. Fuck you.

  135. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Gryph, Firedoglake has a posting of an ad that encouraged violence towards Gabrielle Giffords, by her political opponent, Jesse Kelly.

    Here is the text:
    By: Jane Hamsher Saturday January 8, 2011 11:43 am

    Per Puppethead in the comments, Giffords’ 2010 Congressional opponent Jesse Kelly held a June 12 gun event that was billed as follows on the Pima County Republican website:

    Get on Target for Victory in November Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office Shot a fully automatic M15 with Jesse Kelly

    Kelly’s website has apparently scrubbed the event , but here is the account from the Arizona Daily Star:

    Jesse Kelly, meanwhile, doesn’t seem to be bothered in the least by the Sarah Palin controversy earlier this year, when she released a list of targeted races in crosshairs, urging followers to “reload” and “aim” for Democrats. Critics said she was inciting violence.

    He seems to be embracing his fellow tea partier’s idea. Kelly’s campaign event website has a stern-looking photo of the former Marine in military garb holding his weapon. It includes the headline: “Get on Target for Victory in November. Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly.”

    The event costs $50.

  136. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Palin (a) used the "targets," (b) employed the "reload" theme, (c) perpetuated the "death panel" falsehood. The only statement that ought to come from that miserable excuse for a human being is that she is horrified and, to the extent she in any way contributed to it, she will never be able to atone. As for her useless sack of crap husband, who cares what his opinion is about anything?

  137. Anonymous12:00 PM

    When is she scheduled to be in the new FOX show? Tomorrow? She will probably address all this then. But honestly, her "crosshair" map was put up over a year ago. She hasn't even referenced violent rhetoric recently. I doubt one has anything to do with the other.

  138. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Anon at 11:43. Screenshot taken and emailed to Gryph.I have also captured 10 pages worth of facebook comments thru before they are sanitized. All sent to Gryph

  139. Linda Arizona12:02 PM

    Ten patients. Giffords is alive, in critical condition. Optimism for recovery. Five in surgery. A young child was killed.

  140. Anonymous12:02 PM

    The young child shot has died. My heart breaks.

  141. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Sarah Palin is not sorry this happened. Sarah Palin loves the idea that people would kill in her name.

    It is the ultimate power trip for a narcissistic psychopath like her.


    This is what i'm talking about. Gry, this is the anger you help to breed by spewing distortions and lies, as well as your own anger. Grow up everyone. People are natural killers. History proves this. Just because the US is a free and more accepting country than overseas countries doesn't mean we're exempt from the same behavior.

  142. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn12:04 PM

    Got a screenshot of the SARAHPAC "gun sight" map. In any society with any sense, Saint Sarah and the cowards of the whining Pee Party would be toast at this point!

    Sending positive, healing vibes to Congresswoman Giffords and those surviving this horrendous episode, and condolences to the families of those who lost their lives.

  143. A nine-year-old child is dead, according to the update from the hospital. Giffords has a good outcome to live, but it is not known whether there will be permanent damage. She's out of surgery and in ICU.

  144. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Hospital Press Conf

    She is out of surgery and surgeon optimistic about her recovery.

    The child who died was approx. 9

  145. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Moose Killer Mama must be in 7th heaven right now knowing that she finally incited one of her panty-sniffing cult sycophants to commit the ultimate crime.

    Her pathetically insignificant tweet leaves a whole lot to be desired and in no way covers her publicity whoring, daughter pimping ass!

    Her teabagger Bon Mots of "don't retreat, reload" and "we came unarmed...THIS TIME", along with her constant threats of taking down Obama and others could only result in this kind of horribly tragic and senseless behavior. Sara has ever made her racist, bigoted hatemongering speaches directly to the willfully ignorant extremists that we all knew would result in violence. It was just a matter of time.

    Be forewarned Sarah, no matter how many people you "inspire" to be killed, YOU WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT, and when Poetic Justice or Karma serves you your just deserts there will be hell to pay.

    Who are you "RELOADING" for next MURDER MAMA PALIN?

  146. Anonymous12:10 PM

    "Anonymous said...

    Get a screenshot!! Quick. I don't know how!!

    11:43 AM"

  147. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Huffington pOst actually had guys enough to post the map with the crosshairs along with palins statement. I emailed fox news and told them it was disgusting to have her statement on their ticket while reporting this story.

  148. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Every site that I go on there is comments about Palin and screen shots of her map. They are even on conservative sites and she is being blamed with blood on her hands.

    She better take a leave of absence from Fox cause many are calling the FBI on her and want her locked up because she is inciting hate and murder.

    While she is doing her PRETEND praying, she better truly pray that nothing happens to President Obama cause that would write her last song forever.

  149. Anonymous12:13 PM

    If ms Gifford and the others were carrying guns they could have defended themselves.

    To the Dumb Fuck at 10:33, how do you defend yourself with a bullet in your head? Not even an armed person can do that.

    Oh yeah, you're an insensitive and crass piece of garbage too. Also.

  150. London Bridges12:13 PM

    If ms Gifford and the others were carrying guns they could have defended themselves.

    10:33 AM

    If there were no guns, we would have to talk civily.

    A gun does not defend one from an automatic weapon.

    Put Palin on the no fly list immediately!

  151. Anonymous12:14 PM

    YouTube posting from Jared Loughner, the suspected shooter.

  152. Anonymous12:14 PM

    It is being reported that the shooter's name is Jared Laughner. I think we should start doing some internet sleuthing to find out if he has a direct connection to Palin before more things get scrubbed from the internet.


  153. Anonymous12:14 PM

    You let Sarah off the hook too easily Gryphen. While she might not have goaded this guy on to do what he did, she helped set the climate that gives nutcases the idea that they can shoot somebody they don't agree with. The same as radical so called Christians setting the stage for people to shoot abortion Dr.s and then deny they had any responsibility.

    I hold Sarah Palin partially responsible for this.


  154. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Just to be fair, she has addressed violence in the past

  155. Anonymous12:16 PM

    If this turns out to be politically motivated, Sarah Palin absolutely did everything but pull the trigger. Why so hesitant to state the obvious, G?

  156. Anonymous12:16 PM

    ____ If she does die, I certainly hope that the press will call it what it is, an ASSASSINATION! ____

    Why aren't they calling it an assassination attempt since that is the case? How many times does an assassin try to take out that many people at once? How lonely of a nut could he be? He had no training for his big day?

  157. Anonymous12:17 PM

    @10:51 a.m. said,

    "SArah is someone who does learn from past mistakes. I hope she learns from this. Even McCain aids commented publicly that she learned quickly and efficiently."

    What are you smoking? Palin will continue her death panels, "don't retreat reload," bullshit. $arah Palin is a cold-hearted woman. $arah Palin is glad this happened.

  158. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Someone posted this picture from his Facebook page before the site was take down - note the Glock in the picture.

  159. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn12:21 PM

    I'm SO angry I can barely see straight, but I just noticed that at the top of the SARAHPAC "gunsight" map, it reads:

    "20 House Democrats from districts we carried in 2008 voted for the health care bill...IT'S TIME TO TAKE A STAND."

    It goes on to name the House members, their states/districts and ends with "Let's take back the 20. JOIN ME TODAY" and has SP's signature.

    Isn't the House voting to redact the HC bill next week? Timing, anyone?

    Regardless of whether this was a veiled attempt to appeal to SP's base using target imagery, it may have inspired the suspect to react in this horrific fashion. I'm not sure if the shooter is in custody, but I AM sure the AZ authorities are working to squash this obvious connection as we speak.

  160. Anonymous12:23 PM

    There is blowback on facebook!!/sarahpalin?v=app_2373072738


  161. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Gryp, they are spelling his name wrong! It isn't Jared Laughner but Jared Loughner! Check out his YouTube video before it is gone:

  162. Anonymous12:24 PM

    A young child maybe as young as 9 is dead. I am positive that this will be a crazy teabagger. The re-puke-i-klans have been fomenting hatred not just in AZ but everywhere in this great land for years. First it was African Americans, then the LGBT, now finally Hispanics have seen the wrath of the Grand Old "bigotry" Party. SP is directly responsible for this with all her hate spewed speech. Cult leader Beck, Faux News, Limpbaugh, and many in congress are responsible for this. One can only hope that this will make them to STFU now.

  163. Anonymous12:27 PM

    The shooter's Youtube:

  164. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Sarah Palin's show glorified guns. She said don't get mad, "just reload".

    There are images of her shooting off guns from only 3 or 4 months ago.

    Luke Russert just mentioned that media have been concerned about "billboards with targets" on them....probably Sarah's group.

    Blood on her hands.

  165. Anonymous12:29 PM
    Picture of the shooter???

  166. Anonymous12:32 PM

    ooo this isn't good

  167. Anonymous12:32 PM

    @11:22 a.m.,

    No one who visits here does anything close to what $arah Palin, and her people do. $arah Palin is a liar, and stirs up hate. We don't incite violence against Palin, or anyone else.

  168. Anonymous12:33 PM

    It looks like fox has quit playing the palin statement

  169. Linda Arizona12:33 PM

    From a quick search on the suspect who shot Giffords:
    Edited on Sat Jan-08-11 04:05 PM by Joe the Revelator
    Jarred Loughner Myspace:
    posted a new bulletin:
    My Satire Fiction Short Story: Degenerate Casualty Number 88
    ......Degenerate Casualty Number 88........ .... My sleeping bag is at an interstate wash from Tucson to Phoenix. I’m able to sleep, but the...
    See more

    Dec 29 Jared Loughner
    Every US Government offical agency is illegaly accepting payment without gold or silver. The swat team is a US government offical agency. Thus, The SWAT team is ilelgaly accepting payment without gold or silver.
    Comment ·Like·Share

    Last post was titled "Goodbye"

    Had picture of a Gun on top of the constitutionJarred Loughner Myspace.

    Site was scrubbed?

  170. MolliBlum12:34 PM

    Sincere condolences? Tragic shooting?
    That's all -- not one word condemning the violence?
    Well, that in itself speaks volumes. The site is down where Mrs P called for 20 democrats to be taken down. But HP has reposted the map:

  171. Anonymous12:34 PM

    This seems to be the shooter's YouTube channel. If it is him, then he is obviously, seriously, mentally ill.

    If you look at his favorites, there is a disturbing and weird video of someone burning an American flag in the desert. No mention of Sarah Palin, but certainly doesn't mean he wasn't influenced by those that worship her (tea party).

  172. Anonymous12:36 PM

    It sounds like a form letter.

    My sincere condolences are offered to the family of _____ and the other victims of today's tragic _____ in _______.

    On behalf of Todd and my family, we all pray for the victims and their families, and for peace and justice.

    No repudiation of senseless violence whatsoever. What an unspeakable C word.

  173. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I wondered about that "drawing a line in the sand" comment repeated over and over and over in that interview. All I could figure was that she must really have Arizona (and all its sand) on the brain.

    Now I am wondering if it was some kind of code to rally her whack job Arizona base.

    Nice work, you stupid, dangerous, evil bitch.

  174. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I am longtime follower of this blog but have never posted before. I have been fearing something like this would happen ever since Sarah Palin began her hateful spewing. I live two blocks away from this grocery store and it is my regular grocery store. I would have been there this morning like I usually am on saturday morning except that I got a call from my sister and then my mother and was delayed getting there. I am sick to my stomach and hope that all the people that have been shot and are still alive pull through this. I can still hear the sirens from my house.

  175. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Contact Discovery and demand that they take off Sarah Palin's Alaska finale as a result of her connection with this shooting.

  176. Anonymous12:43 PM

    By her talk and cross-hairs, Palin wanted something like this to happen...and was hoping someone else would do the dirty work for her.
    That's my honest opinion.

  177. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Why is Sarah Palin running her fat mouth?
    To remind us what power she has? To remind
    potential assassins that there are still more
    targets left?

    You are not the president, idiot! You hold no
    title except quitter, fame whore, and bimbo!
    Leave America alone! We didn't elect you--
    stop promoting your stupid self!

    Even if the shooter is a flaming liberal--you
    still wished it on her!

  178. Anonymous12:46 PM

    The blood on her hands and under her nails now include a child.
    The Pima County Sheriff's office said that five others including a child had died, and a total of 18 people were injured.

    There are many wonderful people in Arizona. That doesn't change the history, the current climate or people in positions of power in the state. Let us not forget John McCain was just re-elected and his history of getting into and out of scraps is a never ending story.

    Is this a lone nut assassination? Mafia assassination? Political assassination? A combination?

    Don Bolles was an American investigative reporter.
    James W. Hensley, Kemper Marley Sr

  179. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Hate breeds and incites hate. There is responsibility in our words and actions.

  180. Ferry Fey12:48 PM

    Sarah Palin's own prayer group has approved of imprecatory prayer. So when she says she's praying, it's not like it's a good thing.


    Enough said...

  182. Anonymous12:51 PM

    RAM is trying to start the notion on twitter that those were not gunsight targets but surveyors marks. Seems we are stupid for thinking they are targets!

  183. playwithmatches-getafire12:52 PM

    I'm watching and recording the FOX News coverage of this. The alleged shooter is a far right nutbag according to the excerpts from the web postings of the alleged shooter being read on air as I type this. No surprise.

    The facts and past statements and actions of the far right speak for themselves.

    Sarah Palin in particular is one of the participants in fanning the flames of hatred in this country.

    "Now let me say right off of the bat that I do NOT think this shooting has anything to do with Sarah Palin's dangerous use of the gun sight image to identify who she wanted defeated in the election. "

    I think its too early to say this.

    She hopes your statement is in fact true- but is wondering if it is true.

    Sarah Palin knows what she has said and done. GUNSIGHT on the Congresswomen Gifford's picture. On Sarah Palins website.

    Mealymouthed statements by Sarah on this very topic of the incitement of violence.]

    Other inflammatory statements by Palin. Spew hate= get hateful speech and actions by others.

  184. Anonymous12:56 PM

    The FBI director, Mueller [ FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III was nominated by President George W. Bush and became the sixth Director of the FBI on September 4, 2001] is on his way to Arizona. Does that mean they will do a better investigation than the Wasilla Bible Church Arson? One can hope.

  185. Anonymous12:57 PM

    The shooter is an anti-government extremist. Look at his youtube video page...

  186. Anonymous1:00 PM

    There's a special place in hell for hateful monsters like Palin, Angle, Beck, etc... Sarah Palin is personally responsible for these atrocities. When will she finally get what she deserves?

  187. Anonymous1:02 PM

    This is very sad for this country that stands for peace.
    Whether this is because of the right wing rhetoric influence, not letting Sarah off the hook, with her hate and rhetoric nosense, and her public exposure of hate towards rebrus or anyone who has a D in front of their names, gay, and the president, or anyone who disagrees with her.
    So what will happen if she is elected president? Line up all black people and Latinos, Mexicans or send them to the concentration camps? Is that what we are craving for in this country? Or just put all blacks and those who disagrees with the Tea Party -Republicans Doctrines in chains to pick fruits in the farms for their queen? Is that the insanity we are headed to, which the fore fathers practiced? Or is it me who is just missing a point about the interpretation of the Tea Bag - Republican,Sarah doctrine. Somebody help me with answers, because after listening to the nosense the house Rep are introducing in the house, to Sarah's nosense and then the shooting of a Democrat Congress woman, who Sarah targeted in the last election, and then have her move her family to Arizona, makes me go Mmmm.
    I do not give it a fu..k. S..t on which spectrum one is. Lives have been lost because of this political nosense for power hungry. How do you preach democracy to the entire world, when you have your own people not respecting the voting process, or accepting their own elected President.Jesus did not preach hate when he was on earth. This notion of entitlement of leadership is really getting out of hand. How many people are going to lose their lives. call it the 14th amendment,whatever it is in the name of freedom of speech, this has to stop.
    Do I have to keep a gun in my house in fear that a tea bagger, or Sarah's clan may attack me, because one I support a democratic president, or I do not agree with the Sarah doctrine? This is letting out of hand, and whatever it is, if some people think it is hot to be exposing shooting guns on reality TV, well it is not fun to some of us who have had family members shot, and have families in the military. It's not fun to see blood shed. It is insanity. And now we have lost a congress woman out of what? Rhetoric.

    My in-laws are Republican. We always meet for Christmas at their house.
    This year they bought Sarah Palin's book America by heart and displayed it on the table.
    My 13 year old niece, who has been watching Sarah's Alaska whatever its called, saw the episode where Sarah was teaching Bristol to shoot.
    From that point my niece wants to learn to shoot. She has been bugging that she want to become FBI,and she want to learn to shoot. Think about it,this is girl is 13 years old. And my in- laws think it is so cool.
    I controlled myself. They made sure the book was facing me at the dinner table, just so they can see my raction.I pretented it did not exist. I showed them I was never bothered, and Sarah to me is just a nobody. I was just disappointed, my sister in Law is educated. To have her believe in the Sarah crap gave me chills.
    Sadly, but true, Sarah the crazy, has educated people pushing her candidacy because,
    They hate to have a Dem black president in the WH. They may be racists.They are Self rightious.
    They are greedy Bilionaires who are in this country to make money and criple this wonderful nation
    They do not care about fellow Americans.

    We are all Americans,Rhetoric in the name of freedom of speech should be condemed by every American.I dont care which side of isle you are sitting. We are all Americans, and should learn to agree and disagree in peace and not with guns. This crap of Republicans running with the constitution like they know it in and out is very hypocritical, when they leave out portions that points back at them.
    Governing with hypocricy will back fire in the long run. America has come a long way. Do not destroy its progress. You want to stay stupid, stay stupid, but do not impose on everyone that education is not a good thing for America.

    I rest my pledge

  188. Anonymous1:02 PM

    If prayers for peace and justice were answered, Sarah would be in prison.

  189. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Yes Bristol, we know you a radio personality.

    Yes Bristol, we know you are a DWTS finalist.

    Yes Bristol, we know you are a highly paid speaker.

    Yes Bristol, we know you bought a home and live in Arizona.

    Yes Bristol we know you did all of this with a GED.

    No Bristol, you cannot apply for the Congresswoman job in Arizona.

    Please tell your mother she cannot apply for that job either.

  190. Anonymous1:05 PM

    It's ironic that for the last several weeks, America got to see Granny Palin clubbing fish and shooting animals. Violent person? Incites violence? So now we just need the complete list of SarahPAC donors. Are they accomplices to violence as well??

  191. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Watch Palin have to increase the security she has around her when she is in public.

    I sincerely hope something is done in Congress about free speech as to suggested violence. This stuff has to stop.

  192. Anonymous1:08 PM

    "I read a white male in his twenties, clean-cut, with short hair was being held."

    He must be a life long registered Democrat like Tammy Bruce.

  193. Lynne1:08 PM

    Huffpost has three YouTube videos posted by this shooter. What else he is I don't know, but this guy is into some serious drugs.

  194. Anonymous1:09 PM

    The found who shot them Jared Lee Loughner: check out his crazy youtube videos, especially the third one. Talking about the government and the constitution. No surprise.

    This will be the end of Palin and the end of the teabaggers. I hope she is able to feel shame.

  195. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Is this finally Palin's macaca moment?

  196. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Palin is toast and should be charged with inciting violence and murder.

    Just came back from Huff Post and other news sites and there are stories on Palin and a copy of her map. There is no way on God's Green Earth that she will survive this because everyone is putting the blame at her doorstep.

    She will be blasted in public and shunned from the airwaves so she better pack up and get out of the country on Preacher Graham's private jet. No one will want to be associated with her now and Fox is destroying their shows if they have her on there.

    Even those who took up for her is blaming her and saying she started it all.

    She and her family better move out of the USA fast because she now is a liability to the TEAparty and the Republican Party.

    Remember the old saying ------What goes around comes around------

  197. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Gunman Identified As Jared Lee Loughner

  198. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Check out the shooters youtube channel!!

  199. Anonymous1:17 PM

    This is unbelievable. Is this what we have become as a country?

    I wonder if Stupid Sarah knows this might finally be her end. The GOP has been looking to unload the bad merchandise that is Sarah and her crass family, so this just might be the straw.

    Then again, nothing happened to Billo the Clown in the wake of Dr. Tiller's murder.

  200. Anonymous1:22 PM

    I want Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh implicated as well. The shooter's profile page has him writing about gold and silver as the only viable currency (sounds like Beck influenced him) and many of his other rants mimic Limbaugh's thoughts. Enough with those clowns! There really need to be consequences for those who INSTIGATE others to violence.


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