Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sarah Palin defends Todd against the charges that he is involved wiith prostitutes on the Bob and Mark radio show.

(Forward to 11:36) With no prodding whatsoever Palin denies the Todd prostitution story.

"What hurts are the lies that come from Alaskans, look at this recent BS about Todd supposedly being all caught up in a a prostitution ring in Anchorage. And then APD had to come out and say 'Bull, theres' no evidence'..or heck all they needed to do is ask me...or ask Tawd himself. 'Hey Todd you been hanging out with hookers in Anchorage?' And he'd tell the truth, and obviously it was a big lie but things like that, you guys, that come from Alaskans and then they go viral. They are picked up by national, and international press, we've been dilling with THAT issue the last two weeks. It's a waste of time..things like THAT are hurtful because when we trace back the lies and know that they come FROM our home state of ALASKA that's what hurtful but..besides know..I know that other people take a heck of a lot more meaningful, hurtful shots than we do when it comes to things that REALLY matter in this world people who are..losing their jobs, or maybe have a sick child, or their health is in jeopardy, and those things that really, truly matter in life. Todd and I an our kids know that we are so extremely blessed and we'll take those political shots that come our way, but I shore wish that people would just believe in truth and tell the truth and then and we could all be a bit more productive and not waste time in this world."

So, she finally came out and denied the story.

Good that is what everybody has been waiting for.

Hey Sarah, I am totally with you. I ALSO wish that people would believe in the truth and tell the truth." And I am planning on helping people do that very thing.

BTW this story is now going mainstream thanks to Palin finally addressing, it as you can see here.  Thanks Sarah, as usual we could not do it without you.


  1. Anonymous11:37 AM

    BS-- can she not swear for once?

    She is no lady by any stretch of the imagination.

    Can't she look in a thesaurus and get other words? Poppycock? Nonsense? Come ON!

  2. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Gryphen, where's the story?

  3. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Bob and Mark? She is sooooooo presidential. What's next? Celeb weight loss?

  4. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Alrighty, then! Now it's out there. Now, people with the evidence, bring it home. Please.

  5. Anonymous11:42 AM

    If she thought her poll numbers were low wait till she sees what this stunt costs her. She gets on the worst possible show to make her denials. Good God will this twit never learn.

  6. Anonymous11:44 AM

    This is what a few where looking for to read again.

    "Anonymous said...
    now where is the part where Todd Palin was involved in a murder of a prostitute on KJB that was native? Or the getting a IBEW electrician to tape a girl that they just can't KILL or get to MOVE?
    ABI Case number 06-76332 about a child rapist that Palin convinced the Palmer DA to not prosecute because the children were not worth it? or could it be the finanical genocide she inflicts on a mother and her children because she wants them to MOVE?
    Her mother and Palin's best friend came over to the mothers house in 1998 and tried to convince her to move...when she didn't? American Domestic Terrorism...then there is severe domestic violence. or how about the Trooper Wooten who didn't arrest the SOB when he pointed a 9mm at the mother? or left a rifle and released him? how about a coniviction of violation of DVPO being erased so the rapist could drive a school bus?
    or how about going after her employment with the MSBSD and when they didn't fire her?
    They went after her oldest by sending in a kid to start a fight..or how about no child support for 7 years now? or the Commissioner of Revenue being killed by a seatbelt error?
    Same hanger as Todd's plane? or how about the mother sending an email to Palin's best friend Mary Ellan Moe dated July 3rd and then Palin shakily resigned less than 24 hours later? HUGE reasons like a trust fund that belongs to the mother with children that Palin and Moe's didn't want her to find moreless take back
    January 26, 2011 4:45 PM

  7. Anonymous11:46 AM

    How come I can't find the newest pics of the NE story online showing where some girl claims she slept with toad?? Can you show it here, Gryphen. Gryphen, you seem relieved that she made a statement???? What have you got up your sleeve???? It is interesting to me that they are talking about a "ring" and not just a hook-up. Splitting hairs????? I am even more convinced that the AlaskaWTF site is down due to $paylin witchcraft. Would you guys get on with it already, the iceberg, I'm getting impatient. AHHHHHHH poor scara wants people to tell the truth. Change starts at home, honey. WC's smack down on scara was good if you all have not read it yet.

  8. Anonymous11:46 AM

    she is blaming 'alaskans'...

    nice so she can play victim and up and leave alaska now (which she has ALWAYS wanted to do....)

    but its too late.

    the world doesnt give a shit anymore:)

  9. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Which part is exactly a flat out denial? There is a lot of dancing around, but no actual "he didn't"

  10. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Come on Gryphen! Tell us what you know!

  11. GypsyGirl11:49 AM

    Is there a difference between "having an affair" versus "being involved in a Prostitution Ring"???

    My how she just switched the story around.

  12. Anonymous11:51 AM

    The APD didn't say "Bull, theres' no evidence". They said Todd wasn't involved in the ring (as anything but a very, very steady customer).

    Isn't this Cheney's mo?- plant a story in the NYT in time for an appearance on a Sunday talk show, and then quote the story as proof of your veracity?

    In any case, we're all with the scamming grifter- we're sick and tired of lies by Alaskans!

  13. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I just don't understand that post at WTF. Maybe I am retarded but are they talking about Todd doing these things or several different cases? How do we look up the case number.

    Sarah seems to think she has killed the story and it's over. That's what she is implying. Is she right?

  14. Anonymous11:53 AM

    "I know that other people take a heck of a lot more meaningful, hurtful shots (SHOTS) than we do when it comes to things that REALLY matter in this world people who are..losing their jobs, or maybe have a sick child, or their health is in jeopardy, and those things that really, truly matter in life. Todd and I an our kids know that we are so extremely blessed and we'll take those political shots (SHOTS)that come our way, but I shore (IS THAT LIKE A DAY AT THE SEE-SHORE?) wish that people would just "

    Sarah the stupid, I see you are still using your badazz grizzly gun moll language, have you learned nothing from the tragic events in Arizona?

    Did you EVER hear of using a spell check?

  15. Anonymous11:55 AM

    No one is accusing Tawd of being part of a prostitution ring.

    They are accusing him of cheating on his wife with a massage therapist that also happened to get busted for running a prostitution ring. Big difference.


  16. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Celeb Weight Loss is for Bristol.

    We have been told that Tripp and another woman have sold their stories. No one would buy their stories if no-name oil workers were their clientele. And if it's not Charlie Sheen, then there is another well-known name involved or no one would pay a penny.

    So deny and refudiate, but there is a reason someone paid them for their story.

  17. Recommended: Alaska must release Palin e-mails by May

  18. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I just picked up the "I Slept with Sarah Palin's Husband" issue of the National Enquirer and read the article.

    Two things: Shailey Tripp says that she gave Granny P a massage during late 2007 or early 2008.

    "At the time, Sarah was Governor of Alaska and pregnant with her fifth child, son Trig, who was born in April 2008."

    Oh, really? I wonder if Shailey knew at the time SP was supposed to be pregnant.

    So it looks like one of the few people to brave going public with blowing the whistle on these lying, hypocritical grifters is a poet-prostitute.

    Shailey is said to be very intelligent, and her picture shows a determined, well-groomed woman.

    I wish her the best; I hope she is smart and tough enough to withstand the fury of the Palins.

  19. Anonymous11:59 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    Which part is exactly a flat out denial? There is a lot of dancing around, but no actual "he didn't"

    11:48 AM"

    Yea, it appears they are denying he was
    arrested, or involved in running the place,
    but no one is saying Turd is 100% faithful
    to dear Saint Sarah. He could have had an
    affair with Tripp, and not have been a
    paying customer.

  20. Anonymous12:06 PM

    she's lying again. There is EVIDENCE that Todd was messing with prostitutes. Thinking there may be even MORE than evidence.

  21. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I think Palin just played right into the NE hands. Now, they can print the proof.

  22. Anonymous12:07 PM

    "And he'd tell the truth," but Sarah doesn't tell us exactly what the truth is. She didn't say, And he'd tell the truth and say he didn't do it.

    Gryphen the story is out and Sarah has denied it(sort of). IT'S YOUR TURN! You said you had to wait till the story was out. If you really do have dirt on the Palins, spill it!

  23. WOW! Do I ♥♥♥♥ this blog. Gryphen, You sure know how to tease!

  24. Virginia Voter12:11 PM

    Again, she never denied that he had sex with hooker, only that we wasn't involved in the prostitution ring...No ever said Todd was a pimp, just that he was a customer, Sarah.

    This was the furthest thing from a denial, and you could hear Sarah's voice go up about 5 octaves when she flat out lied. The police statement was very carefully worded to state that Todd was not linked to the specific arrest. Just like Troopergate, she waited for the statement she liked to be put out, then used that as her backup.

    Gryphen, we had a snowstorm here (DC metro area is sorely lacking in the snow removal dept), and the Walmart I went to did not get the new National Enquirer issue yet. If you have it please post it!


  25. Anonymous12:12 PM

    By blaming Alaskans she may be building the case for moving to AZ. -B

  26. I am, once again, confused. I thought the story was about Todd cheating and the Palins' fake marriage.

    Sarah didn't address that. She changed the subject, using the APD 'news release' to deny what would be a criminal connection to a prostitution ring. And her denial was seasoned with the usual jokes and laughing that accompany her lies or distractions.

    She used a similar distracting technique to successfully stop questions from the MSM about her fake pregnancy. Instead of it being about whether she birthed Trig, it became 'Bristol can't be Trig's mother'.

    I hope her redirection for this rumor about Todd doesn't derail getting out the truth.

  27. Anonymous12:19 PM

  28. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Here is that disturbing post from Alaska WTF last night. You might want to save it.

    Anonymous said...

    now where is the part where Todd Palin was involved in a murder of a prostitute on KJB that was native? Or the getting a IBEW electrician to tape a girl that they just can't KILL or get to MOVE?

    ABI Case number 06-76332 about a child rapist that Palin convinced the Palmer DA to not prosecute because the children were not worth it? or could it be the finanical genocide she inflicts on a mother and her children because she wants them to MOVE?
    Her mother and Palin's best friend came over to the mothers house in 1998 and tried to convince her to move...when she didn't? American Domestic Terrorism...then there is severe domestic violence. or how about the Trooper Wooten who didn't arrest the SOB when he pointed a 9mm at the mother? or left a rifle and released him? how about a coniviction of violation of DVPO being erased so the rapist could drive a school bus?
    or how about going after her employment with the MSBSD and when they didn't fire her?
    They went after her oldest by sending in a kid to start a fight..or how about no child support for 7 years now? or the Commissioner of Revenue being killed by a seatbelt error?
    Same hanger as Todd's plane? or how about the mother sending an email to Palin's best friend Mary Ellan Moe dated July 3rd and then Palin shakily resigned less than 24 hours later? HUGE reasons like a trust fund that belongs to the mother with children that Palin and Moe's didn't want her to find moreless take back
    January 26, 2011 4:45 PM

  29. Anonymous12:21 PM

    "we've been dilling with THAT issue the last two weeks"

    If it is nothing, what it there to dill with?

  30. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Please delete 11:44 and let whoever wrote it prove it somewhere else.

  31. Anonymous12:23 PM

    11:44 Wow! Appears much of what you say can be you think it will eventually all come out?

  32. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Bob & Mark show doesn't count either.

    So where's the text of the NE article?

  33. Anonymous12:24 PM

    What a lucky coincidence for Sarah that mayor Dan's APD issued such a helpful statement for $arah to refer to.

    But there is no such thing as a coincidence is there? Isn't that what she always says?

    Will give a listen after the stiff drink (celebrating already!) is made!

  34. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Holy Smokes, that dingbat just got snookered by Gryphen and all you had to do was bait the line and she swallowed it hook, line and sinker. Now Gryphen is what I would call a Real True Patriotic American. Kudos to you.

    So she wonders why somebody didn't just ask her or the last dude about this hooker scandal. Well gee Missy Palin, how come Fox didn't ask you? You know Missy since you work for the lame stream media Fox Lite and you got that big ole tv studio with that big ole teleprompter in your 2nd house there in the big ole compound in Wascilly?

    Lol, lol, lol on the Bob and Mark radio show for pete's sake. Now that is what I would call dumbing down America with Bob and Mark and Sarah Failin.

    Hey Tawdry, how's that hooker thing working for you?

  35. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Gryphen, use your head. You and the rest were played. Every time you breathlessly run one of these false stories, it damages your credibility and no one will believe you when you do have something.

    There was no divorce, no federal investigation, the house wasn't built with Menard Ctr materials. Trig is Sarah's kid, so is Track, Tripp is Bristol's.

    Find something real.

  36. Anonymous12:30 PM


    "I wish her the best; I hope she is smart and tough enough to withstand the fury of the Palins.

    I have good reason to believe that she has made at least one smart move!

    Paylin$ vs someone with apparent technical skills. Might make things a little more interesting.

    $arah- careful that you don't say anything which can be refusdiated.

  37. Anonymous12:33 PM

    She says Toad is being lied about, says the police released a statement, but never says "No, Todd did not have a sexual experience with another person outside our marriage."

    She dances around the issue, but never denies it.

    I think the whole riff on "Alaska" betraying her was either:

    1. Projection, since she herself betrayed her promise to serve to chase after the book tour millions in the lower 48 states.


    2. A psychological pushback as she sees Alaska and her citizens continue to free themselves from the spell of charm SP used to slither into positions of power.

  38. Kimosabe12:35 PM

    For cripes sake, the text and photos from the NE can't be published here, the NE owns them, and very jealously enforces their copyrights.

  39. Anonymous12:36 PM

    She appeared on Greta Van Suck-Up's show last night and did not use that occasion to tell a much larger audience (hand picked, no less--the Fox viewers love her, no?) deny the allegations against Tawd? Well that was a missed opportunity! She would have reached many more people on that network.

  40. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I will begin screengrabbing IM frequently.

    If something happens to IM- should it be reposted elsewhere NOT on Blogger?

    What do you say to this idea G?

    And if just a few people did this it might be even better.

    Maybe G. has already planned for this possibility ;-) and is ready for what might come.

  41. $arah:

    IF it a'int true; you ignorant skank, then sue the NE. You won't because you your whole life is one big lie.

  42. kimosabe12:38 PM

    Yeah, like Sarah said: "we need to worry about serious issues, like what if they lose a job, or have a sick child, or have health problems?"

    Well, under your Republican/Tea Party regime, Sarah, if they lost their job the would not get unemployment insurance, they could not afford to take their sick child to a doctor, and that "health issue"? Sorry, preexisting condition .. die, suckah!

  43. Anonymous12:39 PM

    12:22, Why should the 11:44 post be deleted? Why is this particular post so electric? Does this post have magical powers? I'm starting to think it does.

    National Enquirer, please research this story. Something about this is starting to sound like gold, as sad as it is. Do you need me to post it again? Because I saved it. I don't know who the poster was, but they might have some important information.

  44. Anonymous12:40 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    Gryphen, use your head. You and the rest were played. Every time you breathlessly run one of these false stories, it damages your credibility and no one will believe you when you do have something.

    There was no divorce, no federal investigation, the house wasn't built with Menard Ctr materials. Trig is Sarah's kid, so is Track, Tripp is Bristol's.

    Find something real.

    12:27 PM"

    In other words, "leave Sayruh alone!1! u haTerZ!"

  45. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Please delete 11:44 and let whoever wrote it prove it somewhere else.

    12:22 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Gryphen, use your head. You and the rest were played. Every time you breathlessly run one of these false stories, it damages your credibility and no one will believe you when you do have something.

    There was no divorce, no federal investigation, the house wasn't built with Menard Ctr materials. Trig is Sarah's kid, so is Track, Tripp is Bristol's.

    Find something real.


    That you, $arah?

  46. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Poor Sarah, she can't say Todd is an unfaithful husband and their marriage is a sham and they are in fact, perhaps even separated...because that would prove Gryphen correct! Mark my words, you will never hear Sarah Palin say she and Todd are getting divorced.

  47. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Someone needs to ask Shaily about exactly when the massage occurred and if SP *told* her she was preggers or if it was evident. My daughter is a massage therapist (the real kind), and the first thing she does is ask young women clients if they're pregnant or think they are. Some massage techniques can be very dangerous during pregnancy.

  48. Anonymous12:42 PM

    So the party line is that Todd wasn't involved in a prostitution ring? Nobody said he was, Sarah.

    Did he sleep with other women? Did he pay some of these women for their sexual services?

  49. Anonymous12:45 PM

    on jan 21 the NE posted.."Interestingly enough, The NY Daily News reported that when the Palins were confronted with cheating allegations in both 2008 and 2009, the then-Alaskan Governor was quick to issue a denial.

    The News reported that neither Todd nor Sarah Palin have yet to comment on The ENQUIRER's report."

    on the 25 the NE posted the APD denial, but didn't retract their original story. Why?

    Didn't your advisors or attorneys warn you,Sarah?


  50. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Wow, I bet those Alaskans who are spreading "rumors" about the Palins are sure sorry now. Look what you made her do, Alaskans, you made her leave the state! I bet you feel terrible about that, don't you?
    I wonder how long it will take Arizonans to catch on? (Start creating rumors, NOW, Arizonans. Maybe she'll go somewhere else.)

  51. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Let's not forget that when the Trooper Investigation found the grifter guilty of overstepping her authority, she held a press conference to declare she'd been found completely innocent.

    And she's not an energy expert. And there's no gas pipeline. No Santa Claus either.

  52. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Anon 12:27- Gryphen never said there was a federal investigation and he did not say Track wasn't Sarahs. Those were other blogs. You are obviously just trying to discredit him.

    PS Re the divorce, the marriage is a sham. He's only still there for one reason.

  53. BAustin12:56 PM

    why on earth would she dignify a rumor on an un-dignified radio show?

    Most celebs and politicians would do a sympathetic sit down with Barbara or Oprah. She is coming unglued...

  54. Anonymous1:03 PM


    Keep giving Palin your money. She'll gladly take it.

    Are you from Organize4palin that has a "project" to dispute at anti-palin sites?

  55. Anonymous1:04 PM

    12:27 PM - be careful what you wish for. Truth is coming and it ain't going to be pretty for dear little Sarah.

    I dispute your contention that the points you listed are not true. Prove it if it Sarah is all truth and light. Prove it.

    I don't think you can.

  56. Anonymous1:07 PM

    O/T bits and pieces:

    This is an aggregating site of pro-Palin blogs. It amazed me how many there are. I have linked to their calendar of her activities.


  57. Anonymous1:08 PM

    " . . . or heck, all all they needed to do is aks me . . . or ask Tawd himself."

    Yeah, right, like that would just solve everything.

    Sarah, with your track record, no one is going to believe you or Todd because you've proven yourself to be willfully ignorant and arrogant. You've lied before and now you ask us to believe that you will tell the truth is simply asked?

    Sure, whatever, Sarah. Now go play with your hair and new lips in the mirror. While you're there, ask the mirror who is the most honest girl in the land. It ain't you, babe.

  58. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Take a look at this: the new macmansion on the lake there in Wazilla - only worth $5,500 and yes that was the appraisal when 100 complete.

  59. Anonymous1:14 PM

    ok please clarify because Im getting conflicting info

    Did the NE actually interview Shailey or does the newest article speak through a friend. Does it say 'Shailey said "I gave a massage..." or does it say 'a pay said, "Shailey gave a massage"

    sorry I think I used those quotes wrong but im really confused

  60. Anonymous1:16 PM

    I still dont think shes officially moving to AZ. Isnt that house just rented? They did JUST paint and redec the big red barn in wasilla and the studio/office/garage isn't even fully completed yet or it might have just been finished.

  61. Anonymous1:17 PM

    12:37 I think screengrabbing IM would be a very good idea. Sarah Palin is looking crazier every day and it appears she has more skeletons than closets.

    Hi Sarah! We know you are reading all of this!

  62. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Good luck to Shailey. The chickens will come to roost. Liars and purveyors of filth will be judged. The poisonous toad will be exposed. Just sayin'.

  63. Anonymous1:18 PM

    government sucks...

    Ms Tripp was running a nice small mom and pop business, just trying to make ends meet..

    and lo and behold, the government steps in and shuts her down.

    Where will Todd get his happy ending now?

  64. @12:49
    "Let's not forget that when the Trooper Investigation found the grifter guilty of overstepping her authority, she held a press conference to declare she'd been found completely innocent."

    SPOT ON!

  65. Anonymous1:28 PM

    There are already rumors in Arizona. Believe it or not there are a ton of blue people here. There are signs put up all over Scottsdale and certain parts of Phoenix (Arcadia, midtown, central and north central) The signs look like wanted signs only they say something like You are Not Wanted here, go home to Alaska. There is a poster of Sarah and one of Bristol. That's all they are. Nothing threatening or violent but with a clear message. I've seen them at Whole Foods and Safeway myself, but other people from a group I'm in have said they seen them other places including Tucson.

    Of course no one in my political group would live in Maricopa. There is nothing there to visit either. So no one has told me they are there. I also don't know who did them but it the rumor is that they are conservatives ( not liberals) down here from Alaska!

  66. Anonymous1:29 PM

    So sad, Sarah has no choice but to defend Todd.

    Todd: People are saying nasty things about me. You need to do something about it. I already told the APD to release a statement, but I need my "wife" to come out and defend me.

    Sarah: I don't care! And I don't have to do a F*uckin thing!

    Todd: Fine, then lets get a divorce and I can sell my story to the NE. Hell, I can give it for free to the Alaskan blogs.

    Sarah: Sh*t! All right! I'll do it, but I will only go on the Bob and Mark Radio. (Mental note to self: Those dumb asses will air anything, and they are not going to ask any questions).

    Todd: Remember who's the real boss in this relationship. ;)

  67. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Keep up the dysfunctional behavior, Palins. Sarah's ratings continue to fall.

    That goes for Glenn Beck too, also..

  68. I missed a critical part of your post:

    "Hey Sarah, I am totally with you. I ALSO wish that people would believe in the truth and tell the truth." And I am planning on helping people do that very thing."

    Looking forward to your help, G! Vive la verite!

  69. Anonymous1:31 PM

    "...because when we trace back the lies and know that they come FROM our home state of ALASKA that's what hurts..."

    Veiled threat?

  70. Anonymous1:34 PM

    What's going on with Alaska WTF? The site says 'blogger not found'...

  71. Anonymous1:34 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    Take a look at this: the new macmansion on the lake there in Wazilla - only worth $5,500 and yes that was the appraisal when 100 complete.

    1:08 PM"

    Ooooh! How did they manage THAT?

    Residential Building ConditionStandard DesignDaylight Basement BasementPartial Construction TypeFrame Year Built2009 Main Floor Area9479 Building Appraisal$2000

    2010Yes003511.786 $1440.25 2009Yes003511.7 $1365.39 2008Yes003512.269 $1431.79

  72. Anonymous1:35 PM

    12:39 - I think that post does have magical powers. According to the poster:

    1998 - Palin's mother and best friend asked a woman to move. Why? Perhaps she was having an affair with someone that they were related to or knew?

    This person was apparently threatened and abused at home.
    Trooper Wooten seems to have been involved. Did someone die?

    The writer suggests that a domestic violence protection order was lifted so someone could drive school bus. This may have put an abuser closer to their target at a Mat-Su Valley school where they worked.

    I do not make the connection to the lose of child support, but the event happened 7 years ago (2004?)

    Was that related to the accidental death of a commissioneer of revenue?

    And then there is the stuff about Todd, his plane's hanger, more prostitures and finally the investigation of a child rape case that was dropped.

    Someone has been through a lot here. Is this a parent searching for justice for a child or a child searching for justice?

  73. go to 11:40 on the tape, just before she says,"Here's the deal, though." It sounds just like she is saying "Here's the dildo" ROFLMAO!

  74. Anonymous1:42 PM

    The funniest part of this whole interview was "all they needed to do was ask me or ask Todd" in order to know the truth. No, no investigation necessary, every word that comes out of her mouth is absolute truth that can be 100% relied upon. And you're right, she just gave the mainstream media license to cover this story now.

  75. Anonymous1:47 PM

    1:35, thanks for breaking it up. It's hard to understand and I've read it several times. There's also something about a trust. Money? And SP and her friend? Did they take this woman's money that was from a trust? Who is this friend of SP's? Is she generally known?

  76. Anonymous1:48 PM

    An outtake of Greta and $carahs "SOTU" fake interview on Wonkette ; "And yeah, the Snowbilly is definitely in her "Fat Elvis" final days of narcotic confusion"....LMAO..

  77. FEDUP!!!1:51 PM

    Anon @ 1:08 : Sounds like you have uncovered another Palin-Gate! WOW! THAT mansion appraised at $ five THOUSAND?!? Time for me to move to Alaska!

  78. pacos_gal1:52 PM

    ""...because when we trace back the lies and know that they come FROM our home state of ALASKA that's what hurts..."

    Veiled threat?"

    Like Palin could trace her own rear end. ROFL!

  79. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Someone must be feeling very sure and very smug. When the police can say an unofficial but official press release and then not back it up, and evidence can start disappearing, and a good story looks like it can be supressed, well I guess I would feel confident too, and talk about it on a talk show. Excuse me Sarah but these rumors have been traced back to 2 years ago as far as most of us can tell and they DID not start in Alaska. (Can you imagine?) Can you use the archive button? Why not just use an older version of IE? What goes on the net stays on the net. We can delete , erase, change our minds, but you can bet there is a record of it! Just knowing how to access it is a trick. Oh wait, wasn't Tripp a computer hacker or security or whatever.....If I were Todd and Sarah no I wouldn't address it either, at least not head on. Heck if rumor can go viral I am sure addressing it on a radio talk show can instantly assure and hinder anyone thinking that the rumors have any merit. If I was confused or had doubts, I am completely convinced now that a cover up is going to happen. Todd Palin I know you are guilty of something bad!

  80. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Great job, Sarah! Glad to see you finally taking a stand against lies! Now, will you tackle the biggest lie of all - yourself?

  81. Anonymous2:02 PM

    "all they needed to do was ask me or ask Todd"

    Hey Sarah, do you really expect us to believe that you'd take a question about your husband's alleged infidelity from someone off the street? According to her, we are supposed to believe that the following scenario could actually happen:

    Sarah: "Hey, Gryph! How's it going? I heard you had a question for me!"

    Gryphen: "Doin' just fine, Sarah! And yeah I did have a question for you. Is it true that Todd got caught having sex with hookers?"

    Sarah: 0.o "Whaa? I don't think so!
    Where in the heck did you hear that from? That's a pack of lies! That's my story and I'm sticking to it".

    Gryphen: "Oh, ok! Didn't mean to upset you or anything, I just had to hear it straight from the horse's mouth. You won't hear anything more about it from me, I promise! Thanks, Sarah!"

  82. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Sarah, dear, you are slipping seriously. Two whole weeks to pay off and threaten enough people so you could make a slushy rebuttal on a local show? Seeing as how the NE has national print distribution and lots of international readers following their website I'd think you'd have held a press conference and made your rebuttal like a big girl, especially after losing two whole weeks to the project. People will think you are just some naive, wimpy hick who doesn't know how to deal with her life. Come on, buck up and git 'er done.

  83. Anonymous2:15 PM

    hate watch:
    "...Pro-immigrant activists have been threatened with notes that promise to “shed blood” to “take back” communities. For these communities, the aftermath of these laws has simply been a trail of tears."

  84. Sarah Palin is absolutely the last person on earth entitled to complain about taking hurtful shots. She is outrageous. Outrageous.

  85. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Looks like someone gave an order to the Police Dept to call off the dogs and then Sarah comes strolling out to make a statement.

    Would that be corrupt and stupid also too?

  86. Anonymous2:28 PM

    If it has not been mentioned already I am sure Sarah could only defend Toad on the radio airwaves, because we could not see her face and all her expressions for each lie she told and talked about.

    You coward Sarah. Yes Sarah Palin you are a True Coward. They don't get anymore cowardly than you lady. And your husband Toad, your father Chuck and your Fat ass daughter Bristol are COWARDS!!!!

    Do you know what a COWARD is Sarah. Someone who dishes is out and uses other people to fight their fights while hiding in the back because you are a LOSER!!!!!

    I cannot wait for the day your career comes to a dead end and you land your crazy ass in jail along with your cowardly family and friends involved.

    Get you Jesus Mafia family out of our lives and stop destroying peoples lives in your town and state you COWARD!!!! You piece of sh*t COWARD!!!!!

    I am on a rampage today because I truly have had enough of this COWARD terrorizing this country and good peoples lives because she is a COWARD!!!!!!!

    Sarah Palin the COWARD that is all you are and all you will EVER BE SARAH a piece of ASS COWARD!!!!!

  87. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Dedicated to Sarah -------

    Sleeping single in a double bed with nary a thought in your simple head

    sing along with me now

  88. Anonymous2:32 PM

    I think $P using the same "prostitution ring" terminology as the APD statement is telling since no one claimed he was involved in a ring, just frequenting the ladies. I still think her people wrote the statement and gave it a contact/palinbot at APD.

    I also agree with the veiled threat to Alaskans a previous poster mentioned. That's why she's addressing it on an Alaskan radio show and not on the national stage. It's a warning.

    Anybody think the move to AZ fit in nicely with her getting pissed at Tawd? She moved in Nov? or Dec? and the bad news comes out now? Convenient. It's easier to be fake married when you're thousands of miles away. I wonder where Trig is or Piper or Willow. AK w/Tawd or AZ w/$P?

  89. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Gee Sarah, so sad all the TRUTHS are coming out about you from people you know in your own home state? Where else would the most honest, reliable and credible sources be, you idiot?

    Yes I'm sure everyone you dealt with during the McCain campaign, your book tours and reality show all have their juicy stories too, but who better to know the rill dirt on Toad and you than your friends and neighbors?????

    As for the person who describes a dark history with the Palins, you should contact the National Enquirer and get some protection and an attorney (maybe the NE would provide this)because it sounds like you've got some very damning information to tell.

  90. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Domestic violence orders, Eliz Jackson v Daniel Rene Jackson:

    Part of the heinous acts alleged in the anonymous post everyone is discussing.

  91. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I don't know about those weird posts about Elizabeth Moe or whatever. Her facebook was crazy. I smell psychosis

  92. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Ok you didn't say Todd would say no and deny the rumors you said he would tell the truth. Todd Palin did you have any kind of sexual relationship with Shailey Tripp and did you pay her money for it?

  93. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Back to the new McMansion:
    Look for aerials of the site. THere is a white building located away from the house and the lake that looks like a hanger. Was that listed on the tax assessment?

  94. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Anon 2:48- And who are these people; the Jackson's? How do you know they are linked to this?

  95. She said "prostitution ring" which is not the same as using the services of a prostitute.

  96. Anonymous3:18 PM

    comment @ 2:48 pm

    That link for records Jackson does not work - error - signature not found

  97. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Anon 2:48: Guess I got the names wrong. I did not find any domestic abuse charges for those Jacksons only moving violations and a divorce with children.

  98. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Just ask you or Tawd any questions? Okay, can we see Trig's birth certificate? One more question, how did Track get out of the Army so fast? Wait, I got a few more questions. Are you still claiming that you are the mother of a combat vet? How many kids has Bristol given birth to and how many aborted or given away for adoption?

  99. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Back in the 60's, we anti-war (NOT anti-soldier) organizers had to be very careful; often the loudest voice in the room was later identified as an undercover agent.


  100. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Being There is on TCM tonight. Maybe
    the Good Sister will watch it.

  101. FloridaDem4:12 PM

    Well, it sounds like she's been quiet all this time trying to dig out the evidence. To see what's there. That's exactly why there was an official police response, because she contacted them, and she's been nosing around and cashing in her favors around town, making a list of who's on board and who's planning on throwing her under the bus, and the police decided to come out with a statement to protect their OWN legal ass.

    She seems satisfied there's no hard evidence. Nothing with Todd's name on it. So the waters are safe for a denial at this time. If this all comes down to a hooker's word against Todd's, then there's no story.

  102. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Sarah and Todd Palin, Parcel ID starts with 666? Sara

    Her Parcel ID starts with 666 and Sarah Palin doesn’t believe in coincidences. She wrote these words in Going Rogue and repeated them in her speech at College of the Ozarks in Missouri.

  103. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Anon 12:27PM - Sounds like you've really got a window on Palin-World,
    but alas, NO.
    No, there has been no divorce YET.
    No, she has not been prosecuted for using Menard Ctr. materials on her house, YET.
    Trig's parentage has NOT been proven
    You have no inside knowledge re Track's father, nor Bristol's child,
    so what else have you got to say for yourself?

    Sharon TN

  104. Martha4:49 PM

    I still want 4:45 removed. What disturbs me most is the explosive hatred based on so many extreme accusations, many of which are new. This one outburst includes charges of murder, rape, genocide, terrorism, and domestic violence, with connections to children and guns. It's the verbal equivalent of cross hairs on a map. It's too much. The person with these concerns needs to be listened to thoughtfully and rationally, and this seems like too much to do in a public forum. And I'd just as soon pull out a few others that are just angry vulgar outbursts without much context.

  105. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Why does it make you feel better that she came out and addressed/denied it?

  106. Frozen Vogler5:44 PM

    It clearly says in the documents that Tripp's boyfriend works for "GLG"

    There's also a notation that her attorney's will address any conflict.

    People, there's something WAY more to this story, WAY, WAY more.

    They don't mention any items seized in Shailey's file, only Kashawn's.

  107. Frozen Vogler5:45 PM

    wtf dude ?

  108. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Now Sarah may have sort of defended her husband but she didn't say I have never had a massage by Shailey Tripp. She didn't say Todd has never had a massage by Shailey Tripp. She did not deny knowing Shailey Tripp. She chose to comment on something that isn't mainstream news and has been limited to National Enquirer and Internet blogs. National Enquirer did not retract their story. Rather they said Shailey had sex with Todd in the same room she gave Sarah a massage. Now that is sleazy reporting but no one is screaming that it isn't true.By the way where is Shailey Tripp in all this and why hasn't anyone interviewed her?

  109. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Thanks for the heads-up, 3:48. I love that movie! I'd prefer Chauncey Gardener as president to Sarah. He, too, has nothing but tapioca between the ears (or was it pea soup?), but he's honest and couldn't hurt a fly.

    1:08 - Sarah's obviously got someone at the assessors' office under her thumb. If I were a homeowner in the Matanuska-Susitna I'd be bullshit.

  110. Anonymous6:14 PM

    lather, rinse, repeat. she's so predictable!

  111. Anonymous6:17 PM

    From the omnious post with lots of strange information, this is what I have & haven't possibly figured out: 1) Todd's involvement with a prostitute "on KLB"= Kodiak Island Borough??(this is an I not L) any ideas? 2) The guy from "IBEW"= International Brotherhood of Electricians that taped a girl who they "couldn't kill"??? Were they into bondage or snuff films??

    3) I discovered the supposid identity of the man being discussed who apparently raped young children repeatedly and victimized his family-but I won't post his name and can't claim this as factual. I can't figure out why Palin didn't want the Palmer DA not to prosecute him or why Wooten (Palin's former brother-in-law) didn't arrest him for domestic violence. Also why did Sarah's mom & BFF get involved & try to make the woman move, then try to get her fired..thus, I believe there is a family connection with this guy since there are too many family connections for mere coincidence.

    4) The "Violation of DVPO" =Domestic Violence Protective Order 5) Woman was employed w/MSBSD=Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District?

    I make no claims that my rookie research has any merit and certainly don't state these as facts regarding this response to an anonymous comment.

  112. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Martha, start your own blog if you want to control what's posted or you will get frustrated. I do not mean this rudely. This is Gryphens personal blog or journal. It isn't a newspaper or formal organization. He can write or do what he wants - including swearing, lying or plain making stuff up! I'm NOT saying he does this!! The point is as readers we can choose to stay or go, we are guests. So if it upsets you, I don't think he's going to remove it.
    I thought it was really disturbing when I saw it. But maybe it's the only way she/he feels comfortable getting it out there.

  113. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Frozen Vogler.. WHAT documents are you talking about?

  114. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Martha, I see 4:45 as someone hoping someone will help. Guess it's all a matter of perception.

  115. Anonymous8:30 PM

    About 11:44 AM.

    I was posting a comment on ADN perhaps a year to 18 months ago, and I think that the original poster of this comment started a conversation with me. I just remember the part about Sarah, the best friend, and a stolen trust fund.

    Then I'm pretty sure that ADN deleted their comments, because when I went back to reread them, they were gone, and it looked like I was talking to myself! At that time, thee were no references to prostitutes, murder, or child molesters. I believe that I recommended that if their story was true, they could contact several people in the media who could get it out for them. They said something like, "No, it will be decided in the courts".

    Don't know that this is relevant, but it shows that they are still out there and sticking with their story? bt

  116. Anon @ 629 - I went to the Anchorage Court House and photocopied Tripps & Thomas' court files.

    In Tripps file, there's a notation that her boyfriend works for GLG.

    GLG, Gorton Loque & Graper is a law firm in Anchorage that does Public Defender work on contract to the City. There's also a notation by the court that the attorney's will address any conflict.

    I'm not sure what means. I do know that Jim Gorton was busted for soliciting a 17 year old prostitute in Spenard in 2005.

    Local attorney sentenced in prostitution solicitation - JIM GORTON : Lawyer is given $5,000 fine, community service.
    Anchorage Daily News (AK) - Saturday, March 5, 2005
    Author: SHEILA TOOMEY Anchorage Daily News ; Staff

    I've also cross posted that part pf Lt Parker's statement does not jive with the "Agreement of Defendant",
    as seen here

    "The investigation of the prostitution operation was initiated by Anchorage Police Department’s Vice Unit responding to internet advertisements, not through information developed from any tips or other persons." - Lt Dave Parker, APD

    Besides Kashawn Thomas, there are two other people that Tripp is instructed to stay away from, not sure who they are though.

  117. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Thanks for explaing Vogler. I have this feeling, a terrible one, that Sarah made this all go away with the help of her police friends. Yes this is wrong and cooked if so. But if others have more info many it will come out.
    I wish Gryphen and Dirk would spill what they know but obviously they cant.

  118. Anonymous10:43 PM

    @1:29 pm - It IS very interesting that Todd hasn't spoken a word while Sarah is on the warpath.

  119. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Thanks FrozenVogler.

    That law firm has worked for years providing public defenders for Anchorage.

    I found that article too.

    Wonder what other details there are to find?

  120. Frozen Volger - Awesome! Lt. Parker has some 'splainin' to do.

    I wonder if the NE checked the police file and, if they did, why they didn't contradict Parker's statement.

    Gryphen - I can't wait for you to expose the frauds!

  121. FloridaDem1:36 AM

    "She chose to comment on something that isn't mainstream news and has been limited to National Enquirer and Internet blogs."

    Yes, but she's done that before, remember boobgate? And the rumors were wrong, she hasn't had a boob job.

    Just my opinion, but the fact that Sarah said nothing for a couple weeks, then came out and ridiculed the idea that Todd is hanging with prostitutes, as she puts it, means there's nothing on paper. It means it's a hooker's word. Not only that, but a troubled hooker besides, if you read her poetry. The poetry indicates issues with sex, rape, etc, and it's not a great leap to postulate that she might be delusional in terms of who she's remembering, who she's fantasizing about, and who she actually had sex with. It's not a great leap. And besides, if a 'nobody' got in trouble with the law, it's also not hard to picture her throwing out a famous name to get some attention, or to try to get herself out of a jam.

    Unless there are Brett Favre texts, or extensive information ala Tiger Woods, or a picture of a rentboy carrying Todd's luggage, or ANYTHING incriminating like that, then this story is over. I'm not saying it won't have an impact, it already HAS. She was a joke on Leno, for god's sake. But it will not explode, if there's nothing to ignite.

  122. Kudos to anon 6:17 and Frozen Vogler.

    Please continue digging. I especially like the photographic evidence. Breaking down the acronyms sure helps us out of town people!

    Do Alaskans use a lot of acronyms when they speak or just the ones that work in government?

    Does anyone know the name of the revenue commissioner that was killed? I've been unable to find anything.

  123. hauksdottir3:25 AM

    Good gravy! Thanks for the link!!!

    I clicked on bldg details and their forms are different (I was a property tax appraiser at one time), however it appears that the residential area is 9479 sq ft, and that the garage has an area of 4200 sq ft, and there are a couple of out-bldgs (sheds?) at 1843 sq ft each.

    The form says no business use, but if Sarah and Fox fitted this up with a TV broadcast studio, the structure MUST have top-grade power and light and communications. And communications IS her business. pfft!

    Brand spanking new... and appraised at $5500? Pennies per sq ft? PENNIES???

    Is the Assessor an elected official? This is about as corrupt as one can get, and grossly unfair to all the other taxpayers in that county!

    I was trying to find the parcel number for the Best Western, after all, that is just residential, also too.

  124. Anonymous4:00 AM

    What is happening with Alaska WTF?

  125. Okay, he wasn't part of a prostitution ring, but that doesn't explain why he and Tripp had an affair! I need Sarah and Todd to go on record stating that their marriage is strong and that the National Inquirer got it completely wrong. I would also like them to explain why their grandson shares the name "Tripp" with Shailey Tripp the prostitute at the center of this latest scandal. Thanks!

  126. DearSarah6:00 AM

    Dear Sarah,

    You seem ambitious. However your recent babble about Todd being involved in a prostitution ring leads me to believe that maybe you are just stupid. Run Sarah, divorce Todd and distance yourself from this story. The women in it are not people you can control. And I know that has to scare you. You have been preparing for two weeks on this. If anything people will pull to you and support you if you leave his sorry ass. Using the police and covering evidence up isn't going to work either. Sarah "MAN UP!".

  127. DearTodd6:06 AM

    Dear Todd,

    You are not going to bully any women anymore. Your time is up and all your shady business deals are going to be exposed. At least leave your wife and distance yourself from your children now and people will have some shred of respect for you as a man and a father. There are loose pieces floating around out there in virtual space. I have researched this and Mrs. Tripp was definitly a hacker. Don't hackers ban together and have their own special ways of passing information? Todd, your time is up and the information is out there floating around the internet somewhere. As far as I can tell the rumors did not start in Alaska or even on Alaskan blogs. Man up TAWD!

  128. Nan (aka roswellborn)8:02 AM

    Anonymous at 8:30 said (in part):
    "I was posting a comment on ADN perhaps a year to 18 months ago, and I think that the original poster of this comment started a conversation with me. I just remember the part about Sarah, the best friend, and a stolen trust fund. "

    I'll sorta back that up. I've seen reference in other comments - dating at least that far back - about a stolen trust fund. I"ve seen it on IM, and on other blogs, too.

    I remembered it last night after reading the captured WTF page (which was reposted here, but apparently deleted since - ?)

    I don't remember if I saw it at ADN too, or just on blogs. But I have seen it in other places.

    Makes ya wonder...

  129. Anonymous9:08 AM

    " kimosabe said...
    Yeah, like Sarah said: "we need to worry about serious issues, like what if they lose a job, or have a sick child, or have health problems?"

    Well, under your Republican/Tea Party regime, Sarah, if they lost their job the would not get unemployment insurance, they could not afford to take their sick child to a doctor, and that "health issue"? Sorry, preexisting condition .. die, suckah!

    12:38 PM"

    So true. They pretend to care to take the
    heat off.

  130. Anonymous9:10 AM

    ANon 6:17:

    Good work. As for the "KLB" I thought it might be reference to fishing boat or cannery in Bristol Bay.

    Under the circumstances, it is best not the reveal any names but it does make it challanging to establish a connection. And by connection, I tend to agree that this person is related in someway.

    I have not been able to find any references to the death of a commissioner of revenue....

    What did that have to do with the hanger? Is this another snuff film reference?

  131. onething5:09 PM

    It seems ridiculous to me in this day and age for prostitution to be illegal.


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