Monday, January 17, 2011

Sarah Palin posts Facebook message in attempt to stave off criticism for making Hannity appearance on MLK day.

From Facebook:

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Today is a day to reflect on the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King dedicated himself to justice and the struggles of an imperfect world. In the face of fierce opposition, he stood up for the oppressed, and he ultimately sacrificed all for equality and freedom. His was a remarkable life of love and service for all mankind. His work must continue.

With Dr. King’s faith in God and his unwavering hope in a brighter, stronger future, let us recommit today to continuing his work for a more peaceful and just nation.

- Sarah Palin

This woman has NO shame.

And to celebrate Dr. King's message of peace and hope, Sarah Palin will appear on the Sean Hannity show in just a few hours where she will desperately attempt to convince her followers that SHE was the true victim of the Tucson shooting and refuse to take responsibility for helping to dredge up renewed feelings of racial hatred, distrust of our government, and political unrest.

Do you know what Dr. King would say to you Ms. Palin if he were still with us?  Do you!

He would say that he forgave you.

Because THAT is the type of man that he was, and the kind of loving heart that he possessed.  And if you understood that, even just a little bit, you would have known exactly what to say after the terrible tragedy in Tucson, and you would know what you needed to do today to honor his memory.

You provided a quote from Dr. King at the beginning of the Facebook post that RAM clearly wrote on your behalf, but perhaps this one is more fitting for the occasion:

Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.

Just meditate on that for awhile.


  1. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Dr. King's thoughts and actions were always for the good of others.

    Palin thinks of no one but herself. Even her children are second to her own selfish and petty needs.

    Let's hope that the lessons Dr. King taught us will help us get past this shameful period on our history and somehow, someday become a better nation.

  2. Anonymous12:03 PM

    ME! ME! ME ! ME! and I would like to add one more thing, "ME!"

  3. Anonymous12:08 PM

    There are a number of pundits both right and left who have strongly suggested over the past couple of weeks that SP would serve herself and her party if she would just shut up! The GOP has enough problems without her dragging it further down with her. But is she listening? Of course not because it's all about her. Classic NPD.


  4. Anonymous12:11 PM
    Why does our media treat Palins Tweets or Facebook entries differently from any 14 year olds? Instead, they treat them as though they are proclamations from the Gods on Mount Olympus which must be covered no matter how silly or lame.

    She can't expect to be taken at all seriously if she won't stand up, speak for herself, and answer adult questions. Continuing to bomb drop on Twitter or Facebook and then face no scrutiny is cowardly. Her appearances exclusively on Faux Made Up Newz or on Palin-Friendly Right Wing Radio is another indiction of her childish avoidance of any accountability or responsibility.

    by Puddytat on Mon Jan 17, 2011 at 12:54:47 PM PST

  5. honeybabe12:11 PM

    gryphen my dear, that is the most perfect quote for this time and place. thank you!

  6. Anonymous12:17 PM

    You know that if she didnt put out a MLK message shed be criticized and called racist. Dont deny that

    I truly believe that if Dr King were alive today, he'd be disgusted at the state of mainstream black America. It isn't all bad of course, just some of the loudest voices. We have a long way to go.

  7. wakeUpAmerica12:18 PM

    Perhaps the Tundra Turd will read what Mansour wrote and learn from it.


  8. Anonymous12:18 PM

    cannot imagine how Dr. King would feel about the current state of Evangelical Christianity in America.

    - kellygrrrl

  9. RebainVa12:20 PM

    Put down that coffee...

    Unbelievably hilarious!!

  10. Anonymous12:21 PM

    How easy for Sarah to post some CRAP that RAM wrote. Unfortunately, Sarah is still a clueless dolt. I have no doubt that had Sarah really been of an age to understand what Dr. King went through and was advocating she'd have joined many wearing a white sheet. The wench was 4 yrs. old when he was murdered and I highly doubt Chuckie shed any tears. I saw that happen even in my own city...people cheered. GAG She's disgusting.

  11. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Selfish is as selfish does. Sarah Palin is the poster girl for narcissism.

    If she ever wants to gain credibility, she needs to face off with real journalists from other networks.

    President Obama has gone on Bill-O's show, why doesn't she show she has guts and go on Keith's, Rachels or Lawrence's show?

    Because she's not only selfish, she is a certified coward, that's why. Without her props shielding her (aka children, husband, bots) and without her mouthpiece (aka RAM), she lacks the guts and the ability to take spontaneous questions and answer them fully or well.

    Sarah Palin is a selfish coward. Her own behavior proves it.

  12. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I just watched "King" on tvone. Sarah, and all the media who give her excuses, should watch it. It shows what a heated political climate can do.

    I remember a time (I'm 61) of vicious rhetoric, George Wallace, David Duke, riots--just awful. I can't help but look at Palin and her ilk and feel that this is the kind of stuff she instigates--hate,division,violence.

    I don't care what people say, Palin should not be given a pass for her part in the political climate. What will be the excuse if another politician or anyone puts up a crosshairs map over districts and says reload all the time?What will the excuse be then?

    Palin thinks she can win an election with fear. If she does win, I seriously doubt independents/moderates/Dems would show up because of the danger that might be.


    I would be in jail for a "terroristic threat" if I did that as would many others. That map should have been pulled down and stopped when it went up.

  13. Anonymous12:26 PM

    I'm starting to wonder if Palin will "announce" her run for the presidency on the Hannity show, in an attempt to stave off the impending iceberg.

    If she's an announced candidate, an indictment or arrest might be cited as an infringement of the CONSTITUTION!!!!

    (good luck with that, sarah)

  14. Anonymous12:31 PM

    LOL... Oh Sarah.

    Shut up.

  15. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Don't also forget that it was that frat boy Hannity who suggested that the US go back in and rape Iraq for its oil as "repayment" for "services rendered."

    Brilliant, Sarah. Real show of foresight and authenticity there.

  16. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Which is it lady! You're either Ronald Reagan re-incarnated or MLK jr. You cannot have it both ways Ayn Rand wannabe!

  17. London Bridges12:43 PM

    To learn more about Re. Martin Luther King watch today's Democracy Now. The entire program covers parts of two of his speeches: One given a year before he was assassinated and the latter the day before he was assassinated.

  18. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Sarah Palin, half term governor of Alaska.

    You took away a beautiful day to celebrate and memorialize American citizens who were killed and injured in Arizona.

    We had to hear about you and how you were the victim.

    A day where our president is scheduled to give a speech to try to unite our great country, in your mind for some reason, you had to beat President Obama to address the nation and invade our homes with your divisive "All About Me" rhetoric.

    There were families grieving for their losses, there were families praying for the lives of their loved ones fighting to survive and there was a nation saddened from the tragedy. Sadly, they along with America had to hear your attempt at presidential speech, we had to hear about "Blood Libel".

    Now today is a day for America to celebrate a great man, Martin Luther King, and again for some reason you find it necessary to make it about you. A day where children are learning about civil rights and the sacrifices Americans gave for the rights that we have today, you find the need to invade our homes once more with your rhetoric about how you were the victim.

    How many times do we have to hear from you about this terrible day? You first posted an announcement that was about you. You then created an 8 minute video presidential looking video with an American flag to say you were the victim and that failed. With that video you tore off wounds of a past that people do not want to hear or talk about, but you did it for your own personal reasons and personal gains.

    So today of all days where we celebrate a great and brave man who lost his life for all of us, we again have to hear about the victim Sarah Palin. It is a sad for you and your family.

    The next time you find a need to address the nation, may you consider the feelings and thoughts of others who may be grieving the loss of loved ones in a tragedy or others who are celebrating a person or a holiday that Americans are proud of.

  19. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Let's write her speech for her:
    Welcome, Governor. Good to see you.
    You betcha, Sean. Great to be here with you on this important day.
    You mean Martin Luther King Day?
    No, the day I'm going to say things to our great nation. Is there a flag behind me? I'm wearing several also too. I believe in violence; peace is wrong. Um, no, in peace and violence is wrong. Any of 'em, all of 'em, as a real American.
    Thanks, Governor. It's still good to see you. Any comments about the national tragedy in Tucson last week?
    On the advice of counsel, I will only say I was not there, so it's not my fault. Tragedy affects us all. I get lots of threats, also too, Sean, and so do my kids and Todd. I'm a great shot, though. Did you see me on TV with Dad and a rifle? I brought you a complete DVD set,which others can buy soon for $47.95. (Holds up DVD set)
    Thanks, Governor. What do you think of the idea that we need to tone down our political rhetoric? Any ideas about how to do that?
    I'm not going to retreat, Sean, I'm going to--
    Wait, Governor, Governor-- We'll be right back after a word from--
    Don't you want me to announce my run for president? Still taking donations from the PAC that ran the crosshairs ad at the midterms, guys. Rupert and David Koch told me to be sure to mention--

  20. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Gryphen...when, in particular, will life become the living hell Sarah Palin so justly deserves?

  21. Dot from C for Palin12:52 PM

    To Gryphen and all you Socialists,

    Praise the Lord! I think you will be surprised by Sarahs talk on the Hannity show. She KNOWS the Lord and has prayerfully meditated on any role she may (or may not) have had in the political climate. Give her a chance. Open your arms to your foe. Sarahs heart is pure as you can see by her Facebook statement if only you would take it at face value. This is an olive branch from CforP to you and your readers.

    Give Sarah a chance and you will see she is God's servant. Her only wish and dream is to follow God's commandment to her that she lead the blessed. Why can't you understand that. She is not a dumb woman. She is humble, giving and kind.
    When you watch the Hannity interview, you will see by her peaceful beautiful face that she will consider all the negative feedback given, and move forward in Gods graces to lead us all! Please be open and like us, you will see the circle of golden light that surrounds her.
    Please, in peace...
    Servant of God
    And Beloved Sarah

  22. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I went to the MLK Celebration in downtown Anchorage last night ... it was as beautiful and "unSLICK" as ever. Both of our senators were there. Mark Begich's speech was much more impressive than Lisa M's ... and Begich stayed for the entire celebration (Lisa ducked out early). He alluded to the Tuscon tragedy and called for something MLK would have wanted to see: respect and civility in our debates and dialogues. Governor Parnell was not there, and I do not believe he sent anybody as a representative for him, though his appointed judge (Pamela Washington), a black woman was there as the keynote speaker.

    There was a series of young leaders of many backgrounds who spoke eloquently, far more eloquently and with much more powerful (and peaceful!) messages than I've heard Sarah Palin utter. It was a wonderful oasis of peace and love yesterday at the Performing Arts Center. And as always the MLK Choir was powerful, beautiful, inspiring.


    Sarah Palin was not there .. don't believe she ever has been. When she was governor she sent her spokesperson .. that guy (apparently part black) who is long gone. I don't remember his name.

  23. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Anonymous at 12:17 pm wrote:

    "I truly believe that if Dr King were alive today, he'd be disgusted at the state of mainstream black America. It isn't all bad of course, just some of the loudest voices. We have a long way to go."

    Just some of the loudest voices??? Oh, I get it they are suppose to shut up and go to the back of the bus! What an A-Hole. So much for first amendment rights. Is that you Palin?

  24. Since "blood lust" doesn't cover enough of the racist basis in America;

    Sarah Palin supporters record bizarre 'Battle Hymn', that includes " coming South to hunt some skunk" meaning being black and white like Obama (video)

    They just cannot leave the death threats alone...........

  25. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Palin could have used a different quote. "Our lives begin to end". Since she is attached to lives that ended, why even have a reference to any lives beginning to end?

    I love the quote--but not for her on her FB page. Others, yes, Palin,no.

  26. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Dot - that is satire, right?

  27. Anonymous1:01 PM

    A little nine year old girl was killed in Tucson. What would a mama grizzly do? ? ?

    I wish someone would ask her, but I don't think Hannity will.

  28. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I feel very blessed to have once lived in the same house Dr King stayed in while in FL. My room was not his, as that room wasn't used but it felt good.

  29. mommom1:08 PM


    Have you looked into mental health care? The followers of Jim Jones sounded a lot like you.

  30. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I am sure her followers are real MLK fans. After the hateful way she has acted the last two years she is not a lover of peace. Maybe the two black palinbots believe her but I don't. Can you imagine what would have happened if MLK would have put crosshairs on a map with his foes names on it?

  31. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I'd like to know the real story behind the assassination of MLK Jr

    Why were our greatest, most promising leaders killed, yet these idiots currently in power continue fucking up the great country their predecessors tried to perfect

  32. Anonymous1:10 PM

    What kind of wishes did she have for MLK day when she was governor?

  33. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Dot from C for Palin said...
    "To Gryphen and all you Socialists,"

    Hiya, Dot. Are you maybe thinking that this greeting is real Christian, loving, Jesus-invoking, joyful, kind? Or are you maybe thinking you'd slip in a quick insult while God was busy elsewhere?

    Guess what, Dot. It does not work that way. And God will torment you in hell for each and every one of your cutesy-poo little transgressions. Have a nice day, Dot.

  34. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Anon 12:17- you a a very ignorant person. Black people in America have the loudest voices? HUH??
    You are such an angry, bitter racist that I doubt you have ever stepped foot in a black community. And if you did, I'm sure you would be armed and loaded. You are the lowest form of living creature and unAmerican as well.
    Take your fat angry lily white ass somewhere else buffoon!

  35. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Gryphen-Will you PLEASE give us a hint as to when the hammer will drop on the Tundra Turd? This week? Next week? We've been waiting for over two years!!!

  36. Anonymous1:17 PM

    12:52 Dot says "Sarahs heart is pure as you can see by her Facebook statement if only you would take it at face value."

    You can kiss your career in marketing good-bye, RAM.

  37. Dot....was your post a joke?? You poor thing....what have you been smoking, drinking, inhaling?? Have mercy....this is the craziest thing I have ever read on this site. Thanks Gryphen for letting the post thru. *shaking my head in disbelief.

  38. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I expect an interview where she plays up the phony death threats against her. Fox will use her to try and cast all this as part of the great false equivalency they are pushing.

  39. junasie141:22 PM

    "He would say that he forgave you... Because THAT is the type of man that he was."

    Excellent post Gryphen. And your quote at the end is very fitting too.

  40. Anonymous1:25 PM

    When quitter governor of Alaska, she did NOT proclaim the special day (in June) for our black commuhnity even though she was asked to sign it more than once. It is something prior governors have done annually. She FINALLY signed it prior to quitting her role as governor.

    She was seen as racist because of this as well as for her lack of help to the native people of Alaska.

  41. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I enjoyed reading that but I disagree with one thing. I truly think that the majority of the country is "conservative". Most people of all generations, though don't disrespect them, don't want to see gays marry; most support strong homeland... security; most don't see this admin as selfless as some radical liberals sincerely believe the players are; most people I talk to see through the HCR. THe fight for gay rights and furthering womens rights is comparable to blacks rights. Growing up in certain environments, it's damn near impossible to not think in racist terms and to think everyone is equal. We can't continue to condemn inherent racists either, just the act itself. People are generally selfish. We work each day, care for out families and hope to leave the world and our kids a little something, including a more fair and better world. But most people have the charity bone. Most people freely give to others in millions of different ways. I think the major difference in the 2 parties is, one side believes we are one and each person is entitled to what the other person has regardless of effort. The other believes we are all human of equal worth who live day to day supporting out loved ones and helping out a friend in need when the moment comes.

    It's the difference between feeling the desire to help our your fellow neighbor and being forced to by the big wigs in DC.

  42. Randall1:28 PM

    Remember Jim Nabors?
    Gomer Pyle?
    Member how he sang with this wonderfully deep, rich, melodious voice?

    And then he'd talk in that high-pitched, dumb-as-a-post, g-droppin, stupid-ass voice? Gah-ah-AH-ahhhh-lee! ShaZAM!

    That's what it's like reading Palin-signed, Mansour-written pieces - and then hearing Sarah talk.

    So I saying that maybe Sarah really DOES write those pieces, that it's just the singing Jim Nabors in that case?

    God lord NO. She's a blithering idiot.

  43. lilly lily1:30 PM

    my word, is Dot from the sea of pee delusional or what?

    Is it a real person posting?

    Must be one of her cult following.

  44. laprofesora1:35 PM

    To Dot from C for Paylin:

    I truly feel sorry for you. You are deluded and misguided. These heathens that invoke the name of Jesus are manipulating you and others like you. They take advantage of your faith. You hear the word "Christian" and look no further into the person's character. Let me guess: you've given money to Sarah. Well you'll never see that money again, but I pray you can see what a fool Sarah is making out of you. She is a liar, a fraud and a phony. I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you. The truth will come out and she will break your heart.

  45. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Dot, if you are for real, what a nice gesture. May I suggest that you convince your own people of what you are trying to convince us here. Change starts with you. You need to see the same thing in our president as you see in your beloved one. FYI, if YOU truly know the lord, it would be crystal clear to you that paylin has no clue about Christian teachings. So take out your mirror and look very carefully at yourself and then maybe we could have sincere dialog and intellectual debate. Smash that magnifying glass while your at it. If Dot is just a joke, then HA HA HA to the comedian among us.

  46. Anonymous1:38 PM

    12:17 P.M.,

    Fuck you! I know a racist troll, when I see one. What "mainstream black America" do you speak of? It is whites such as Rush Limbaugh, and $arah Palin, who have the loudest voices.

    Racists such as yourself, actually believe that whites are now "victims," because we have a black President. This country has a long way to go, but whites, don't have a long way to go. Whites have done it all, the world is our oyster. This country has a long way to go, because of racist assholes, like you!

    When was the last time the loudest voices in "mainstream black America" influenced blacks to bomb a white church, lynch white people, or drag whites behind pick-up trucks?

    Timothy McVeigh listened to Rush Limbaugh and $arah Palin put cross-hairs on a woman who is now in the hospital in serious condition from being shot in the head.

    You don't know what the fuck Martin Luther King, jr. would have thought of "mainstream black America, today." Racists back then, and today, still believe Martin Luther King, jr., and Malcolm X were the same. They were not. Malcolm X was pro-segregation, and MLK was against segregation. But racists didn't see any differences between the two men. They just heard two black men talking back to white people. If MLK were alive today, you would consider him part of "mainstream black America" today, too.

    It's people like $arah Palin, on the far-right who were calling MLK an "extremist" in the 1960's. MLK lost his life because of racist, right-wing, extremists, like you.

    If Martin Luther King, jr. was still alive, he and $arah Palin, would be on opposite sides. Martin Luther King, jr., told the truth. To you, the truth is "hate-speech" against whites. It may come as a shock to you, but despite what Rush Limbaugh told you, whites make up about 80% of the U.S. population. Blacks only make up about 12%. Blacks could not take over this country, and punish whites, if they tried.

    Most Americans, and people around the world, like and respect our intelligent black President. Most Americans, including people all over the world absolutly detest, that mean-spirited, devisive, hateful white woman, $arah Palin!

    Fuck You!

  47. Anonymous at 12:17 pm wrote:

    "I truly believe that if Dr King were alive today, he'd be disgusted at the state of mainstream black America. It isn't all bad of course, just some of the loudest voices. We have a long way to go."

    The translation of this is: we have an uppidy ni**er as president, put there by a bunch of other ni**ers.

  48. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Sister Sarah isn't going to be happy:
    WPost Poll - 30% Approve Palin Response, 78% Obama to Shootings
    And 46 percent of those polled disapprove of Palin's response, including 32 percent who say they "strongly" disapprove."

    Perhaps more troubling for the Palin team; fewer than half of Republicans say they approve of her response, 48 percent.

    Ahh, nothing like a bit of Schadenfreude in the afternoon. (!)

  49. Anonymous1:48 PM

    To C4P poster:
    Substitute "Jesus" for "Sarah" and your post would make more sense. As a Christian it should give you pause that in praising Sarah Palin, a human being, you sound like you're trying to convert unbelievers and convince them to follow and serve the Lord. Make Jesus your standard instead of Palin. She's not worthy of your worship and devotion.
    Bless you back.

  50. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Facist @12:52 p.m.,

    How the hell are you going to come here, and call us "socialists," then beg us to "open" our arms, to $arah Palin? (I will never "open" my arms to that woman, by the way.) $arah Palin is a fucking intolerent witch. She smears anyone who doesn't worship her as an enemy of America. By the way, $arah Palin is NOT G*d, you sick puppy. If you are serious, you need help. If your blathering was a joke, you are forgiven...

  51. Anonymous1:53 PM

    On her facebook page, not everyone is a supporter of Rev. King. The racists have come out.

    inside the beltway

  52. BAustin1:57 PM

    I thought Sarah didn't like black people...

    What a load of crap....she only posted something because she'd be called out if she didn't.

    BTW - that idiot Beck compared Sarah to MLK on his show today. Un-freaking-believable!

  53. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Dear Dot: please stop drinking the Koolaid. Call 911, they can give you stuff to vomit up the poison you've been ingesting from Sarah.

    If I were you, I would not give me real name or allow a photo of myself to get out because people will have you committed. You are seriously out of touch with reality.

    I understand. Cults are like that. Maybe your loved ones will stage an intervention for you.

    I will pray for you, sweetie. Stay calm. Stay put. Wait until you are beamed-up.

  54. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Yee she's comparing herself to MLK. Before that Thatcher and Reagan. Totally delusional!

  55. Woo Hoo! You really got the craziest troll post here today. Dot@12:52 has to be the looniest, crazy Christian yet.
    Servants of God and Beloved $arah?! Made me laugh so hard.
    I guess Dot didn't read the part in the Bible that condemns idol worshipping.
    I know many good Christians, and NONE of them ever vilify the President or name call anyone. Socialist, DOT? Really?!! Too funny. Maybe you ought to read the Bible. Follow Jesus in his footsteps. He was NOT a hater. YOU are, and so is $arah.

  56. Anonymous2:30 PM

    "His was a remarkable life of love and service for all mankind. His work must continue."

    It occurs to me that she sees herself walking in his shoes; that she is one continuing his godly service for all mankind.

  57. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Gryphen, it's just mean to ask her to do something she is just simply unable to do. You act as if she has ever shown us any evidence that she is deliberative and able to think things through.

  58. honestyingov2:34 PM

    Her NOT signing the Juneteenth Proclamation back in 2007 when She WAS Gov. shows what a lying piece of ***t she is.
    I would love to have someone in the Media interview Kim Chatman about what she wrote today..?
    Celtic Diva wrote about back then too.

  59. Dot from C for P2:35 PM

    Oh My!
    I didn't mean to offend with the socialist comment! Honest! Don't you all want socialized medicine? I've seen many a liberal say they like socialism so I was trying to relate fears.
    No need to be so cruel in your responses.

    To others who were kinder: thank you! I WILL give your words thought. I happen to like the president. I just don't agree with his policies. Isnt that fair? I agree that the folks at C for Palin should be civil and I am working on them off line.

    I don't agree with you about Sarah though. I ADORE her and have actually been blessed to meet her in person. It was the most glorious day! She was lovely and so sincere.
    Don't you ever admit if you are wrong? Glory be! Sarah is the one. She radiates light. She's the real deal.

    My note to you really was an olive branch and also I wanted you to please listen to her and try to find good if you can. She might surprise you on Hannity .

    Blessings, I bid you goodnight. My friends and I are getting ready for the Hannity show.


  60. Enjay in E MT2:36 PM

    Dot f/C4P

    Sure sounds like you are on the "Right" side of the God Almighty.

    It will be very interest to see what Ms Palin has to say tonight. If you are familure with her FB page - am sure you know all the nasty things people said after the event in Tuscon, plus all the fanatical supporters who claimed it was the beginning of a new revolution. It was interesting to see their comments didn't get deleted. Dot, words & actions have consequences, intentional or not.

    I am not a socialist, Dot. I am an American, as real as Sarah Palin or Jimmy Dean.

    Now, I have been more than polite and would like to remind you it is RUDE to come onto a blog (or room) labeling people without getting to know them.

  61. Anonymous2:43 PM

    - You know that if she didnt put out a MLK message shed be criticized and called racist. -

    If she was genuine and from the heart it would be different. You don't up stage anyone dead or alive that you respect. Read her history about African American holidays and tributes. It doesn't matter what anyone calls her, it is what she is that counts. Actions speak louder than words when it comes being a racist or not.

  62. Anonymous2:43 PM

    1:25 p.m.,

    If most of the country was conservative, they wouldn't have elected a black president. Most of the country supports Medicare, and social security, wants both wars ended, and wants the rich to pay higher taxes. The majority of the country is moderate. (I'm just a plain old Leftie, myself) If the country was so damn conservative, most of the country wouldn't oppose $arah Palin. $arah Palin may not be a "big wig" in Washington, D.C., but some of those "big wigs" have done more to help others than she has in her whole life. Palin only beleives in helping herself.

  63. Anonymous2:47 PM

    1:25 p.m.,

    Yet, $arah Palin wants to be one of those "big wigs" in Washington, D.C. She could have kept her governor's job, and chose to help the people of Alaska. But instead, she told them to fuck off, because she wanted to cash-in, and live in the White House.

  64. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Dot, I for one would not have dismissed your "olive branch from C4P" out of hand, but for the fact that you began your post with the slam "all you Socialists."

    This is a Christian greeting? "Dot's Letter to the Corinthians"? You trip over your own ire before your words have even left the box. I am sorry but a true olive branch is not proferred with a perceived, well recognized insult from the Right Wing to the Left.

    We are not all Socialists here, and even if we were, what of it?

    What most of us are are American citizens who have spent a great deal of time actually researching Palin's personal and political life. Some of us take the trouble to do research from both pro-Palin and anti-Palin and neutral sites. I was actually for her before I was against her - although that admittedly took only a short time before I figured out what she really was.

    We anti-Palin posters have come to the inevitable conclusion that she is not humble, not a Christian in any recognizable sense of the Word, and that her political and religious record simply does not hold up under scruntiny. Spend some time actually researching her personal, religious and political record and you will find it is shot full of holes. She is a grifter and a fake.

    And has proved, already, to be a danger and a threat to all of the highest values, both political and religious, that this country holds dear.

    Next time you offer an olive branch, try to be sure that the hand holding it is not shaking its fist.


  65. Anonymous2:49 PM

    The difference between Sarah and Dr. King is that she's an idiot and he was brilliant. And she will never be.

  66. Enjay in E MT2:52 PM

    Gryphen --

    I think you should consider a Troll Post a day where we can really unload or work on our own civility skills

    That was fun!
    Challenging --- but fun!

  67. Anonymous2:53 PM

    _I would be in jail for a "terroristic threat" if I did that as would many others. That map should have been pulled down and stopped when it went up__________________

    The world is full of rogue politicians. Why doesn't Sarah's Pac have any responsibility? Facebook allows Palin's killer porn, why no complaints to them?

  68. Anonymous2:59 PM

    C^nts4Palin? C for Palin, surely you jest.

  69. Anonymous3:02 PM

    1:53 p.m.,

    Typical. Most people are not fooled by Palin. We know who she really represents. I doubt $arah Palin will scrub any of the racist messages off her Facebook page.

  70. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Of course Dr. King would see right through her and also the racists who claim to be Christians.

    This section from the I Have a Dream speech reminds us of how he might proceed in the midst of recent events - and it is not the easy path:

    But there is something that I must say to my people, who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice: In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again, we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force.

    And while it may bug people that he was a steadfast (though imperfect, as all human beings are) Christian, these words are powerful, too:

    And I say to you, I have also decided to stick to love. For I know that love is ultimately the only answer to mankind's problems. And I'm going to talk about it everywhere I go. I know it isn't popular to talk about it in some circles today. I'm not talking about emotional bosh when I talk about love, I'm talking about a strong, demanding love. And I have seen too much hate. I've seen to much hate on the faces of sheriffs in the South. I've seen hate on the faces of too many Klansmen and too many White Citizens Councilors in the South to want to hate myself, because every time I see it, I know that it does something to their faces and their personalities and I say to myself that hate is too great a burden to bear. I have decided to love. If you are seeking the highest good, I think you can find it through love. And the beautiful thing is that we are moving against wrong when we do it, because John was right, God is love. He who hates does not know God, but he who has love has the key that unlocks the door to the meaning of ultimate reality.

    The scary thing about Sarah is that she hides much of her hatred, or rather she tries to hide it. That's why she has gotten this far. I do think Dr. King would know what's underneath her doublespeak, however.

    Can you imagine a meeting between the two? His light would make her dissolve, she would be repelled by it. I almost can't imagine a world where the two could even exist at the same time. Or, her ambitions would have been stopped long ago. Same goes for Cheney, who is popping up again. Can't imagine him being able to face Dr. King. Dr. King would wither the two of them with the power of his oratory and by his courageous example.

  71. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Maybe Dot is Rupert Murdoch. Ha! Palin goes up against Oprah on CNN with Piers Morgan. (revenge--Remember, Oprah said she didn't worry about Palin. She trusts the American people.)

    It's all about ratings and Palin trying to outdo Oprah.

  72. Anonymous3:10 PM

    2:35 p.m.,

    Bye, crazy person!

  73. Anonymous3:16 PM

    So the scuttlebutt is that Scarah will announce that she is running for president tonite--that should show all the her haters. These dang rumors. Should be interesting.
    Where is that iceberg when you need it.

  74. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Methinks DOT is pulling our legs here. I shall ignore.


  75. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I think the message is to help people who exhibit signs of mental disorders by better mental health treatment.

    Prayers have not been working.

    I don't know a trolls intentions but I think it is satire or to jerk some chains. Either way they are proof that prayers aren't working.

  76. Anonymous3:34 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    So the scuttlebutt is that Scarah will announce that she is running for president tonite--that should show all the her haters. These dang rumors. Should be interesting.
    Where is that iceberg when you need it.

    3:16 PM"

    If she announces, she'll be trashed like no
    candidate EVER. People will start searching
    for more info on her & they'll end up @ blogs
    like this.

  77. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Everybody say hell-o to Dot, the old RAM. How do I know that is RAM? Because she posts on Huffington Post under many different hat names and the words are almost like DNA.

    RAM has stated many times before that she adores Sarah. She wants you to watch Hannity because what Sarah says is what RAM told her to say. These two appear to be lovebirds. Maybe these two will be able to get married someday unless Sarah gets indicted.

    Gryph, the trolls are out in force tonight so please stay safe.

  78. Anonymous3:39 PM

    I don't think there is any esoteric meaning to what team Palin is up to. They are finding ways of plagiarizing Martin Luther King and getting by with it. She may just do 80% of his quotes to sound as if it is her. Later they can chop this up and it will sound to her followers like she is gifted and brilliant and inspirational.

  79. Anonymous3:53 PM

    What it is about pacifism and nonviolence and equality that Republicans don't understand?


  80. Anonymous3:56 PM

    If we turn on our TV to Oprah, are we counted in the ratings or not?? I never understood how that worked!

    Hi Dot. I think you are too complimentary of Sarah. Thanks for explaining yourself although personally I did not take socialist as an insult. To me, Socialists aren't bad! So many don't understand the word. Are all Scandanavians bad? No and they actually are much happier people then us. A lot of surveys have shown that.

    I do think Dot, that you don't see Sarah accurately at a but I guess you have a right to your opinion. Thanks for visiting!

  81. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Dot, are you the Church Lady, Minnie Pearl or just a misguided Palinista with a wicked sense of humor? Did you laugh your head off when the charming little Willow smashed cute little Piper's head in the cake? The word socialist is not offensive, it is what you are behind your words that matters. You may be alright but it is hard to beat this act.

    I'm already laughing so hard that Sarah and Sean are going to have one hell of a time now that they are following these acts. What a genius way to bring herself down, announce a run for President on the back of a truly great American.

    Sarah could have started her campaign before she exposed her true colors with Juneteenth. It is too late now.

  82. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Nobody even stands in the same category of greatness in the US during the first half of the last century as FDR.

    Nobody even stands in the same category of greatness in the US during the second half of the last century as MLK.

    No Presidents are as beloved or as respected around the world as FDR and JFK, and this drives the Republicans to levels of hatred that may destroy this country.

    They are so jealous that they do not rate the love or respect that these great men had and still have that they are willing to tear this country to shreds to undo all the good these great leaders did.
    But that is a fools errand because they will never be able to erase the history of these men’s work. All of these men are renowned around the world and their history will live everywhere else even if the NaziCons burn every book that records their acts and reeducate every American for generations -
    They cannot kill the dreams.

  83. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Like Palin would know what the word 'altruism' means! God, I wish the media would ask her history lesson questions on the era of Martin Luther King! She'd flunk as she would questions on Alaska history!

  84. Anonymous4:20 PM

    President Obama #2 following Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., among the Most Influential African Americans.

  85. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Dot from C for Palin said... at 12:52

    Great satire Dot. Loved it. Just too too funny.

  86. Anonymous4:28 PM

    "I expect an interview where she plays up the phony death threats against her."

    A perfect way for her to cue into how she identifies with MLK. Isn't she Margaret Thatcher, too? She hardly has time to be the same as Ronald Reagan these days. I don't know how she does it. Thank heavens she has that Mansour gal and Tammy Bruce to help out.

    If Dot is Mansour, that is one of her better scripts. I will watch it on You-Tube or just read about it. Sometime the mug on HDTV is fun at the local watering hole.

  87. Anonymous4:28 PM

    12:25 I so agree with you. I hate the fact that Palin (by the media) is being given a pass on the Tucson situation. She is guilty from one end to the other.

    Seeing her speech being compared to that of President Obama at the memorial service took the cake! She doesn't begin to compare to him in thought, word or deed. She knows nothing, writes nothing, debates nothing on a one-to-one basis with anyone and sets everything so that she cannot be challenged. Palin, you idiot, that is not how life would be were you ever to serve as President of the U.S. (God forbid!) For those of you that don't know it, she hid herself in Alaska too prior to quitting as governor.

    I love the fact that President Obama has risen above her and doesn't give her one ounce of recognition!

    She's not what I want as a spokesman for, or about, Alaska much less the United States of America. She is already a laughing stock in Europe!

  88. Dot needs to be wary of false prophets. Really.
    Head meet desk.

  89. Anonymous4:33 PM

    * He would say that he forgave you. *

    That is what Rebecca Mansour's father would say, that was the lesson he taught her. What happened to these two women? Why did fate or whatever put them together to feed off each other and package and sell the never let go of a vicious revenge philosophy?

  90. Anonymous5:39 PM

    watching Plain interview, the flag that was placed behind her few days ago is GONE, LOL

  91. Dot from C for P6:35 PM


    I can tell you that I'm definitely not RAM.
    I'm just a good Christian woman trying to spread peace, love and harmony.

    I hope Darlings wasn't offensive!


    PS Sarah dear was not her best tonight. I agree. It saddens me to see her so sad and stressed. I think she feels badly but just can't say it. Alaskans are like that.

  92. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Deluded Dot @6:35
    Poor bot. Gather your rice & spam, your dear queen is going to be a lot more stressed in a few wks time according to this blog & AlaskaWTF.
    I'm glad your keeping your eye on this blog so YOU WILL BE THE VERY FIRST TO REPORT TO PEEZOO!

  93. Punkinbugg8:39 PM

    Hi "Dot".

    Just wanted you to know that you are not the only woman of faith posting messages on this blog. My saviour is Jesus Christ, and through His Grace alone will I meet my maker some day.

    What I have learned over the many years is that blind faith only belongs to God, NEVER in one of his creations. "For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of the God." Romans 3:23

    Most of the Christians I know would, when asked if they have transgressed, look you right in the eye and say, "Yes. I am a broken person. I have let you down. I'm sorry."

    NAME ONE TIME that Sarah Palin has ever uttered those words.

    ONE TIME, when caught red-handed doing something questionable, even WRONG, she didn't blame somebody else. Or quit. Or hide.


    I can't think of any, either.

  94. Anonymous3:12 AM

    Anon @12:17 said:

    "You know that if she didnt put out a MLK message shed be criticized and called racist. Dont deny that."

    Since I believe Palin is a racist, JMO, it does create quite a dilemma for her, doesn't it?

    Anon @1:25

    I'm pissed that my tax dollars go to support wars that conservatives love to get us into. I would rather see it go to help others. I'm also pissed that conservatives sat on their asses the past two years instead of doing anything positive for the American people that they "claim" to care so much about. Now they want to repeal what good has been done. If you think the US is as you claim, you must live in that other America that Palin talks about.


    lol. Did you need some attention Sweetie?


  95. Anonymous4:34 AM

    The flag is gone because you can't photoshop one in on a live interview.



Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.