Monday, January 17, 2011

Malia Litman is coming to Anchorage on Saturday January 22nd, to promote her new book and meet the people who know Sarah Palin best. Her fellow Alaskans.

Here is Malia's press release:

Making a Difference in Anchorage

Alaskans are the people who seem to know Sarah Palin best, and object to her most. Democrats, Independents, and Republicans are each susceptible to PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome). Hope is coming to Alaska . Malia Litman, blogger at and author of The Ignorance Virtues of Sarah Palin: A Humorous Refudiation of the Half-Term Ex-Governor will be at Borders at 1100 E. Dimond Blvd , Anchorage on Sat. Jan. 22nd at 2:00. Malia will give a presentation and sign books, guaranteed to provide much needed relief for PDS. If you are one of the unfortunate Americans afflicted with this disability , come to Borders on Saturday. Together we can find comfort and therapeutic relief for our ailment.

Please join Malia.

I had the pleasure of personally meeting Malia during Jon Stewart's "Rally to Restore Sanity" in Washington D.C.. As Malia wrote at the time we had a wonderful dinner, shared some blogging anecdotes, and I dished about some heretofore unknown information about Sister Sarah. Good times.

I encourage everybody to take the time to visit Ms. Litman at the Anchorage Borders, and to let her know how much you enjoy her blog and to pick yourself up an autographed copy of this very humorous book.

I imagine I will be able to make some time to stop on by myself just to say hi, so perhaps I will see some of you there.


  1. Anonymous10:32 AM


    Please give her a hug and "thank you" for all of us who aren't in Alaska.

  2. Wish I could be there!
    Love that blog!

  3. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Please let her know how much we value her voice. Thank you Gryph for all you do!

  4. Anonymous10:44 AM

    You know, when Sarah's days at seeking the WH are over and she's just a B lister, I sure hope you will continue to report on her oddities.

  5. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Good Luck, Malia, you are a hoot and a treasure to the sane. Well, everyone, but the insane don't know it yet--Thanks. Will be sure to pick up your book ASAP

  6. Anonymous10:47 AM

    The wonderful truth that's emerged thanks to you, Malia and others, is that we now know that Sarah can't and won't be told what to do, refuses to be held accountable for anything, accepts no restrictions and respects no one but herself. THUS, we also now know there's no way in hell she will go for, or could achieve the Presidency which is a 24/7 job fraught with responsibility and accountability. Whewww. She'll just ride the cash cow which as we speak is becoming exhausted.

  7. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Is the book out yet? Of course I will buy it. All you Alaska bloggers that want to write the dishy books, please feel free to share your wit. If she can make money with her ghost-written tripe, you can make money with your delicious desserts!

  8. Unfortunately, I missed her in my neck of the woods (Union Square in S.F). I second anon's thought at 10:32.

  9. Be sure to mention that proceeds from book sales go to Planned Parenthood!

  10. Anonymous12:39 PM

    ml is my favorite!

  11. Anonymous1:07 PM

    G, if you go, please give a run down of Malia's event from the perspective of what a normal book signing event is all about. ex: any attendees being removed or having their t-shirts being reviewed, security hovering, grand entrance setup, family props, press restrictions, etc...

  12. Irishgirl2:28 PM

    Give Malia a hug from me too. I missed her by a day in DC.

  13. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I totally enjoy Malia's blog!

  14. KiheiKat5:04 AM

    Gryphen, please give Malia my thanks. Tell her how much we all appreciate her.


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