Friday, January 21, 2011

Some people are simply incapable of noticing the writing on the wall.

I still have at least this much of  chance don't I?
From Real Clear Politics:

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has tasked her aides with quietly gauging her level of support for a potential presidential campaign by making inquiries to a select pool of likely allies and grassroots activists in Iowa, RealClearPolitics has learned.

Key Republican officials and operatives in the nation's first voting state had begun to assume that Palin would not run for president in 2012 since most of them have not heard a word from her or from her small circle of aides, even as other likely candidates have begun jockeying more forcefully behind the scenes. But a Palin adviser confirmed that although the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee's footprint has not been as heavy as that of other possible candidates, her political action committee has indeed been taking discreet steps in Iowa that would help her build a credible campaign here if she decided to launch one.

"The idea that we're not in Iowa is inaccurate," SarahPAC adviser Andy Davis told RealClearPolitics.

A top official in the Iowa Tea Party who insisted on anonymity to avoid betraying Palin's trust told RealClearPolitics that a friend of SarahPAC met with him in person in Des Moines late last year and prodded him for suggestions on how Palin might mount a grassroots campaign in the state.


After having been connected to an attempted assassination in Tucson, with poll numbers now at an all time low, and with a spanking new sex scandal involving her husband currently picking up steam on the internet, one has to question the sanity of a person who would seriously contemplate the idea of launching a campaign for the GOP Presidential nomination at this time.

If Howard Dean could be knocked out of the running with nothing more than a scream, and George Allen see his hopes and dreams deflated after just one word, how in the hell is it that Palin is so disconnected from reality that she does not notice the giant fork sticking out of her political career right now?

But hey, I guess if she were at least semi-intelligent and capable of making rational decisions she wouldn't be Sarah Palin, now would she?

Fine bring it on lady.  As far as I am concerned the higher you climb before reality knocks the stool out from under you, the bigger the crater will be when you land. And that works for me just fine.


  1. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Well, to be fair, Dean started screaming after he had already lost a race.

    I have no idea why Palin would run, I really think it's just to get her name in the news so she can make even more $$

  2. Anonymous4:13 AM

    Well, she was stupid enough to think she should run for VP--we are not surprised. This woman's ability to self-reflect is missing in her DNA--anything goes---ANYTHING. Glad to know that the name change thing is false......I thought it was fishy.

  3. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Hey, this is the lady who "didn't blink" when asked to be McCain's running mate, despite having no idea what the job of VPOTUS entailed, parenting a newborn with special needs, having a pregnant teen, and dealing with the emotional impact on her 3 daughters of their brother's imminent departure for war. (I'm all for coparenting and women in the workplace, but I'd criticize any parent running for office with this much going on at home.)

    While I'm glad she saw God opening a door, how many times must God slam and deadbolt that door again before she gets the hint?

  4. womanwithsardinecan4:41 AM

    Can't somebody open a door to a closet for her? Pleeeeeease?

  5. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Sarah and her team of cheerleaders have no clue as to what is going on. Remember the old saying - "You can't fix stupid". Everyone except the tiny group of uneducated palinbots is saying they are sick of her and her hatefulness and stupidity. She has no clue about when to quit and fade into the woodwork.

    She was over before all this sex scandal business and she definitely is down and out now.

    The sex scandal is being talked about everywhere and was even on the headline news when I clicked on my computer this morning. Sarah is done just like so many that try to whitewash their private lives while condemning others.

    If Sarah cared anything for her kids, she would stay at home and try to make their lives better instead of constantly making things so much worse for those kids. Bristol is going to get a big slapdown this week-end by giving a speech in Bryan. Plans are already being put in place to picket her there with signs and demonstrations.

    You would think they would finally figure out that good, decent families want nothing to do with them.

  6. Anonymous4:43 AM

    She needs to keep up the illusion that she might someday be our president in order to keep getting attention and money. Otherwise, why would anyone care about her? (Apart from having NO chance, I doubt she even wants the job which is too much work for too little money.)

  7. Anonymous4:43 AM


    Who cares what SarahPAC adviser Andy Davis says? You're going to believe that over every other organization in Iowa, including key republican operatives? Why don't we ask Trig if she's running? Just as good.

    The article admits that unlike ALL the other candidates, there is no organization on the ground for her in Iowa, and I'm sure Sarah doesn't like that to be known, so she has to feed teasers out there to keep the money flowing. After all, why on EARTH would anyone donate money to Sarah Palin if they didn't think there was a chance she would run? Turn off the tease and turn off the money spigot.

    And if she does run, and she loses badly, which she will, who will pay off her campaign debt? No one will, she'll owe that. Think she wants to pony that up? And if some organization does end up paying her debt (like the GOP) then it proves to us she's been a tool of the GOP all along, just like the baggers, and there's no independent operation going on there.

    She's a media creation, always has been. Although polls have fluctuated, after the failed VP campaign, she's NEVER had enough support in this country the last 2 years to make a viable run. It's the media that keeps saying she has a shot. No she doesn't. She doesn't have a shot anymore than Al Sharpton did when he ran. Where were the media darlings then? Why didn't they report all the Sharpton comments and tweets on things he knows nothing about?? Because that wouldn't sell advertising or generate ratings.

    She's a political loser, but a rich loser.

    And as an aside...can Bristol Palin shut the eff up? I want to run a red hot poker through the eyes of everyone in this f*cked up family. I am sick of them.

    Palins...Go Away! Go away Bristol and no one will care what your FB page says and you won't have ANY problems or be involved in ANY gossip, you famewhore.

  8. Anonymous4:46 AM

    One word finished George Allen in Virginia - that word was "macaca" -he was a well respected man and was not trailer trash.

    Palin is going to just bring back lots of trash on her family again, and she could care less as long as her name is in the news.

  9. a Tea Party spokesman spoke on condition of anonymity so as not to break Rah-Rah's Trust....
    now, what does that say about the TP'er? Rah-rah has a good trusty crew, eh?
    Rah-Rah is no longer of any real concern. Remember, she is nothing more that a polebrity.

  10. Anonymous5:00 AM

    After Tucson, no one wants her in the GOP. But she's so far gone mentally that she only cares about her own childish girlhood fantasies. To $P: You're almost 47, lady. Grow up, woman-child; plow your way through some polls. Iowa doesn't want you. America doesn't want you. Try it & it'll be hilarious to watch you lose, to the adults.

  11. Anonymous5:02 AM

    We need to stop assigning normalcy toPalin. She is a narcisstic sociopath. She doesn't think or act like us. She is incapable of reading the writing on the wall.
    So much money will be wasted on this futile effort of hers. Meanwhile, kids are hungry in the US and cold also too.

  12. Anonymous5:06 AM

    No matter how Sarah plays the game, the only way she'll ever step into the White House is on the public tour. She's an unelectable, delusional quitter and nothing can change that.

  13. London Bridges5:10 AM

    Looking at this picture, did you ever notice how much Sarah (head shape) looks like Sylvester's pal, Tweetie?

    Maybe you can post Tweetie's pic below Sarah's for comparison!

  14. Virginia Voter5:11 AM

    As a Virginian, I can tell you that George Allen (aka Felix Macacawitz)is planning a comeback to run for the Senate seat he lost. I am no fan of his, but after his humiliation and defeat, he went on to embrace his mother's Jewish heritage, and fly under the radar, staying scandal free, and burning no bridges in the Republican party.

    You haven't seen the last of Felix....the public has a short memory, but his problems weren't even one iota of what Sarah's are.

    On another note. I agree with 4:43...if the Palins would just STFU and go away with their millions everyone would leave them alone and not give a shit if Bristol's pregnant, Willow's a gangsta, or Todd's hookers love him long time. They are a bunch of frauds and criminals who have been too greedy to get off the famewhore gravy train, and now they will pay the price...I hope they have to use up all their millions to pay legal fees and still wind up in jail.

  15. Anonymous5:12 AM

    She's still got a host of people in Wasilla, including Todd's family and her close friends, who act like she's running and they are excited for her journey

  16. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Exactly, Gryphen. Couldn't agree more about your comment on Dean. It just goes to show you how far down in the toilet we have sunk. We were at a point where people used to at least try to be politically correct and watch what they said. Palin and her puppetmasters tapped into the undercurrent of bigotry and made it appear to be OK. That's why she disgusts me. They needed a dimwit to spout off about that black man who dared to run for President.

    She doesn't have a chance in hell. It's all about the money. I don't care if she winds up a billionaire. No amount of money can buy class and integrity.


  17. Anonymous5:16 AM

    dmoreno56- In Palin's mind Katie Couric and "Charlie" are at fault for making her look bad instead of Palin making a poor showing. It is starting to sink in with me that Palin's cognitive distortions are delusions i.e. things she is convinced of despite evidence to the contrary and she is unable to self reflect evidenced by the frequency she projects her shortcomings and behaviors onto others.

    Palin's self defense video about the Tuscon shootings was revealing. I could understand anyone in her position spinning a defense seperately from addressing the assassination and massacre of bystanders. Palin does not care about nor does she address issues, demonstrate she can identify problems (including when her means fail or poll numbers drop) nor does she care about citizens in a tethered in reality way.

    Palin controls essentially pyschodramas by running distortion campaigns setting people up positioning them then plays people. She is the star or center of attention spewing fiction and recruits allies posturing as the eternal victim. Whether Palin casts people as "pedophiles", "stalkers", or spins fiction she or Bristol do it all with no help and hardly any money it is effective with 25-30% of the population who get sucked into their BS fiction.

    "Rogue" might be an attention getting word. The Palins actually believed the nation would fall in love (adore, worship, adulate) Bristol and Sarah via reality tv and that would grant them to be the first family. By positioning those who do not swallow the lies, fictional personas spun in extreme distortions and lies spun to distort everyone else is the extreme opposite, and the projections as "HATERS" demonstrates their malignant entitlement and more projection for people are to only love, like, see them as bove all others and they are entitled to get away with anything.

    I doubt any potential candidates for any party would be so foolish to allow their offspring to curse, bash, distort lie on face book.

    Evidently Palin will now ramp up her tactics incapable of grasping the correlation of their choices, missteps, her fundamental lack of knoweledge and cognitive functioning with the falling poll numbers. They see what they want $$$, and number of face book fans, her first book sales and celebrity deluded people are envious. In Sarah's mind enabled by Todd, and the delusional offspring (Track is still a combat vet in the army not sitting at home with no job)if it were not for the "haters" they would be in the white house despite she was VP nominee. Realty tv is the means to being first family, paid speeches, and tabloid covers.

    Twitter, FB is Sarah's means to control her word be the only words believed. Palin is mentally incompetent and therefore intellectually incompetent. Her spouse and kids came to believe up is down.

  18. Anonymous5:17 AM

    She isn't going to have a ground game in Iowa or anywhere else.

    I agree with Anon 4:43, when the truth that she is not running is known the money flow stops.

    I believe she really wants a Rush type gig, but part time. Talk , and make some $. But, that is probably impossible now. Just too much baggage.

    People want jobs, the economy to improve, housing market to get better, to retire, to start new careers, finish their education.

    $P has no solutions/ideas/plans for any of that.

    2011 is the end for $P, she fade away into obscurity. Real candidates will step forward, and her charades will be exposed for the attention money grabbing mistakes that they are.

  19. Anonymous5:18 AM

    This is simply a massive case of denial at work.

    Clinical, delusional, denial.

    She won't get far.

    I think by playing this game she can eek out just one more day or week or month of money, from her supporters? Is that why she does this?

    Or, she figures she has a group that won't desert her, no matter what, so come time to nominate she will broker a deal with the GOP (for VP, God help us) that includes the votes she can bring along. I think that number is shrinking as we speak, however.

  20. Anonymous5:19 AM

    A top official, who remains anonymous spoke "late last year". A lot has changed since late last year. I wonder if that anonymous official has even heard from her since "late last year"?

    This is just more of Sarah's con artistry...teasing as long as she can to keep her cash cow alive. I honestly believe that cash cow is currently dying a slow, very painful death.

  21. Anonymous5:26 AM

    "The idea that we're not in Iowa is inaccurate," SarahPAC adviser Andy Davis told RealClearPolitics.


  22. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Some people are incapable to seeing the writing on the wall. As long as she can command the attention of the media, she will keep on going.

    Remember McCain was traveling to the NH primary in the coach section,no private plane with only one aide? He ended up with the nomination and our nightmare began.

    She's not going away anytime soon.

  23. fed up mama5:29 AM

    There is NO WAY she is running for president. She and her aides keep hinting at it, so that she can keep herself in the limelight and sell more books and make more money. The minute she is no longer "maybe" running for prez, that spotlight is gone. Of course, we and the media do our part to keep her in the limelight.

  24. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Do a little homework on how campaigns work in Iowa. It is all pushing and shoving and ham-handed tactics that serve Palin very well. The caucus process is made for an aggressive person like her. Now it's true the other candidates are starting to book campaign office space and meeting rooms, but Palin doesn't need boots on the ground early if she has people who can get in and throw elbows and twist arms when the time comes. Really, make some contacts in the Dem party in Iowa and learn about that process. What's missing though, is she has yet to form an exploratory committee and that is almost required before announcing a run for President. It would be difficult to allocate enough money out of SarahPac to do the exploratory ground work without announcing a committee. I suspect she is trying to do it on the cheap so when she finally declares, there will be plenty SarahPac money for her to tap into for the luxury travel and accommodations she craves now. Anyway, don't underestimate how well she could do in Iowa.

  25. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Dean didn't scream when he lost. He was excited he'd done well and was trying to shout over the noise of the crowd. Come on people, it was only 3 years ago. Refresh your memories. Just google "Dean Scream". I am always appalled at people's inability to accurately remember recent history. It's shameful.

  26. Anonymous5:39 AM

    If the reality is that Sarah is paid by her masters to be a distraction; then she can't not run.

    Her skills are not in governing; they are in attracting attention, for which she has been very well paid.

    As long as she is useful to those who finance her, she will be front and center.

  27. Anonymous5:42 AM

    "The idea that we're not in Iowa is inaccurate."

    Every word that comes from Palin's camp is so unprofessional. You'd think after Meg she'd learn to hire some real PR professionals instead of idiots who only know how to kiss her butt.

    What's really funny is how the Bots have it so wrong. They think *Palin* gets under our skin and drives us crazy. Not true. What drives me crazy is how anyone could think this woman can offer America anything but narcissistic drama. How can anyone look at *points* that and listen to her self-centered, beyond-the-expiry-date-platitudes and think she can actually provide leadership and ideas?

    That's what drives me crazy: that there are people out there who genuinely believe Sarah Palin is a "good idea." I feel like the little kid among the cheering crowds: "but she's got no clothes on!!! Can't you see she's naked?"

  28. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Gryphen, my take on this news coming out right now is that Scarah and her crew of misfit advisors got wind of Michelle Bachmann's announcement released yesterday about MB being in IOWA today! She's going to meet with top GOP and Tea Party officials. How dare she!

    So Scarah just had to get on her game and make a play to keep her supposed lead in the pathetic pack of contenders.

    I'm sure MB is now on Scarah's shit list. The game is on between the mean girls. And poor little Scarah is having trouble looking good. Oh dear, what's Scarah to do?

  29. Anonymous5:47 AM

    I think the poster about the Dean Scream meant that all it took was that scream to doom Dean's chances of the nomination. I saw the scream live and thought that was the end when it happened, primarily because it fed into what folks were thinking about Dean anyway. One shouldn't be so nasty when responding to a post they didn't understand in the first place.

  30. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Sarah may have been able to break into the "all boys" club in Alaska and trash the place but the National level is another story. Did she honestly think she could trash the RNC institutions with her male bashing nonsense and then have them support her? She's about to find out that the Republican boys club doesn't take kindly to her BS.

    She was OK to use as a foil, to make their base go crazy, to fire them up. But there's no way they'll let her permanently damage their brand. It may have been fun for her to trash talk Rove and others from her castle in Alaska but those people aren't stupid. They know just how much rope to give that smirking wench before watching her hang herself. It's happening. I hope she has prepared herself for the fall because it's coming and she's going to land hard. All of it well deserved.

  31. I still think Todd was doing opposition research. Or polling sex workers to find out their voting proclivities. Or... oh, hell.

  32. Anonymous6:07 AM

    I am an Iowan, and am related to a lot of conservatives. The general consensus that I'm hearing here is that they don't like her. Most specifically, they're pissed she quit her governor's job to do a reality show.

  33. Anonymous6:09 AM

    I just don't think she's seriously going to run, and that she's only dropping hints of running to keep the cash flowing into her PAC. How she will get out of actually running remains to be seen. I suspect she'll pull the "I don't need a title to make a difference" card (to keep the money rolling in), coupled with some victimization cards about what it will subject her family to. She will probably hint that the door is open for 2016 (also to keep the money rolling in).

  34. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Sarah Palin has Executive Function Disorder. Google it. It's why she has no one in Iowa at this late date; it's why she can't govern. She cannot organize or analyze. That's why she needed Todd as shadow governor.

  35. Gasman6:21 AM

    One of my favorite quotes is from Sir Francis Bacon who simply HAD to have been thinking of Sarah Palin when he said:

    "[S]he doth like the ape, that the higher [s]he clymbes, the more [s]he shewes [her] ars."

    It would seem that the last 2+ years has been nothing if not a continuous Palin arsfest. It seems that we've seen nothing BUT the royal ars. Except for Toad, that is, who has been gazing upon another's ars.

  36. Anonymous6:23 AM

    More on Executive Function Disorder: remember when Meg would have to make excuses for when Palin would be so late to confirm or miss her speaking engagements? Executive Function Disorder. Her inability to understand ethics could also be connected to this disorder.

  37. Anonymous6:36 AM

    "A top official in the Iowa Tea Party who insisted on anonymity to avoid betraying Palin's trust..." Oh good Lord. This sounds like fealty owed to a queen, not the political dealings of a democratic society.

  38. Anonymous7:08 AM

    @5:39 - True. She'll be used to attack the Obama administration until the last possible minute. Though I have no idea what the GOP has that will then make her go away, for good.

  39. Anonymous7:11 AM

    She'll be a hit with the spousal-abusing, baby sitter-fucking, libertarian economic-genocidal "Christian" demographic.

  40. Anonymous7:15 AM

    "I saw the scream live and thought that was the end when it happened,"

    Yeah, well too bad that the media colluded to make him look bad, by turning down the volume on the crowd, so it seemed like he was the only person screaming like that.

    Just like the media is colluding to keep a lid on Babygate, and to keep Sarah "viable" as presidential material.

    There is no way for the vast majority of people to find out the truth about a single god-damned thing. It's all smoke and mirrors.

  41. Anonymous7:18 AM

    everyone would leave them alone and not give a shit if Bristol's pregnant, Willow's a gangsta, or Todd's hookers love him long time

    Best line of the morning. thanks for the chuckle!!!!!!!

  42. Anonymous7:23 AM

    This is the GOP's biggest conundrum in all of this: like it or not, agree with it or not, they do not have anyone remotely approaching Sarah's level of charisma (I said, agree or not...). She is telegenic, she has this strange appeal to a lot of folks. Mitt, Newt, Mike, none of them even approach her in this way. And she knows it.

    They are just so pissed she doesn't have the true substance required for the job. (Or pedigree, like GW). They are so stuck on this problem that they don't know what the hell to do with her. They know she is a liability, but they don't want to cut her loose entirely.

    It's funny to watch.

    She doesn't have the votes, so no worries.

  43. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Check out the last two paragraphs of the story Gryphen linked to:

    "The confusion has been amplified due to activity on the part of a loose, nationwide network of Palin's most devoted supporters -- many of whom are actively promoting a possible campaign. Several of these Palin devotees have traveled to early voting states at their own expense to try to build grassroots support for a campaign, without the explicit backing of SarahPAC.

    One Palin supporter from California told RealClearPolitics that he has spent the better part of two months in Iowa trying to drum up support for a campaign among lower-level officials and activists. During a recent dinner hosted by the Polk County Republicans, a county official mistakenly gained the impression that the California supporter actually worked for SarahPAC and insisted to a reporter on Thursday that Palin already had a staffer on the ground in Iowa."

    Good luck controlling the message from your minions, Sarah!

  44. Anonymous7:30 AM

    "Well, to be fair, Dean started screaming after he had already lost a race. "

    The sentence is absolutely clear. The person thinks Dean screamed because he lost. It's completely wrong. Dean was excited because he'd won. I stand by what I wrote: it is appalling how poorly people recall what happened only a few years ago.

  45. VirginiaVoter definitely wins this thread with this brilliance: "...if the Palins would just STFU and go away with their millions everyone would leave them alone and not give a shit if Bristol's pregnant, Willow's a gangsta, or Todd's hookers love him long time. They are a bunch of frauds and criminals who have been too greedy to get off the famewhore gravy train, and now they will pay the price..."

  46. Anonymous7:41 AM

    I agree that Sarah loves money, but I've never believed that money was the driving force. IMO. her narcissistic ego has her believing with all of her dark heart that she DESERVES to be the leader of the world. If you have money - you have power. You can be fawned over, adored, you can get away with anything & everything and no one can tell you NO! She'll keep on running until she finally cracks up or is jailed - whichever comes first. Either works for me, but I prefer the later. =)

  47. Anonymous8:01 AM

    why? 3 big letters: NPD

  48. angela9:10 AM

    It's all about the money. Now that Koch can put an endless supply in Sarah's coffers she can blow it up like a drunken sailor on leave. She can spout lies, roll in bullshit as usual and still have someone pay for expensive hotels.

    Sounds like a winner for Sarah. I don't know how she's going to do on the Sunday morning talk shows though.
    I'll be she'll try to phone it or email it in. LOL

  49. Lynne9:11 AM

    I fully agree with Anons 5:39 and 5:50 that Sarah has been very useful to her behind the scene "enablers". She has provided chaos, distractions and attacks on our President...a veritable lightning rod for crazies. Now it is time to take her down, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if they have so thoroughly vetted her and her family's sleazy background that they can feed stories and scandals out all through the next year and a half to bring her down. Sarah will go down in series of hysterical, freaky is happening now. Since I don't have Gryphen's connections up around Anchorage/Wasilla, I don't know the sources...local or big money. Doesn't matter to me as I'm loving it. More popcorn anyone?

  50. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Sarah is just pissing in the wind keeping her name out there so she can collect more money from the Palinbots who really are deluded to think she will.

    Sniffing panty syndrome for the dirty ole men
    I wanna be just like her for the ole ladies and young stupid girls.

  51. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Had a typo in my comment.

    The sentence should read

    This is how you win primaries without the normal trappings and filings of a legitimate candidate.
    Just like certain religions think it should be done. By hook or by crook and on the creep.

  52. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Today, Friday, on Time's Swampland:

  53. I have no problem with George Allen making a come back. He has apparently learned from his mistake and has done what Palin didn't do. If she had just gone back to Alaska and governed her state in a responsible manner until the end of her term, she would have much more credibility and a stronger base. But, we all know how that worked out. Now that another delusional person, Michelle Bachman, has put out feelers in Iowa, Palin is freaking - as her chances slip away, scandal upon scandal. Someone will earn a doctorate or make a lot of money dissecting the Palin Phenomenon and how it almost brought this country to ruin. (Of course, the story is still in progress, but the end is in sight.) *fingers crossed*

  54. Anonymous11:53 AM

    The only reason for this is to keep the $$$ flowing into her PAC. If she didn't give Iowa a superficial effort, the coffers won't be filled. If you look at the C4P site they still think she has a great chance (yes, and so does Ronald Reagan, despite his death!). Those are the people sending her money. If she doesn't make some effort in Iowa, they stop contributing. This is simply to keep the money train rolling as far down the tracks as possible.

  55. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Interesting words from Australia:

  56. Anonymous12:32 PM

    People follow the Palins for the same reason they rush to a fire, explosion or trainwreck. They know there will be bodies, blood and gore enough for everyone.

    One thing for sure, whenever one of those "GOD WHISPERERS" starts getting messages from gawwd, someone is going to die! Or lots of people!
    American King James Version
    Genesis 1:27

    "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."
    I am Jehovah, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil. I am Jehovah, who does all these things” (Isa. 45:5-7).

    So keep in mind, according to THE BOOK, whether you are looking at the Palinistas, Charles Manson, Hitler, Dick cheney, GW Bush, Moses the murderer, child molesters or what, you are looking "AT HIS IMAGE". Consider the violence in the world today along with the two quotes above...what does that tell you about his gawwd that the xtians want to force on everyone?

  57. Aussie Blue Sky12:38 PM

    I think she would only run if folks told her she had a good chance at the nomination, because if she got that she would make history - and many more millions.

    Even I might be willing to pay for a whining book about her POTUS loss. ;)

  58. Anonymous12:44 PM

    I think this was before recent events. I'm not sure that this reflects current sentiments.

  59. Anonymous12:49 PM

    If she really thinks God has chosen her for POTUS the she will expect him to make sure the others fail for St. Sarah's sake.

  60. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Anonymous womanwithsardinecan said...
    Can't somebody open a door to a closet for her? Pleeeeeease? 4:41 AM

    I was thinking along the lines of the movies from the 30's and 40' where people were constantly walking through doors and nothing was on the other side.

    Oops. Splash. Sorry about that, but you just wouldn't take my other hints.

  61. Anonymous1:31 PM

    From Andrew Sullivan

    A reader writes:

    Number of unrestricted press conferences held with US media:

    Hu Jintao, Paramount Leader of Communist Red China 1

    Sarah Palin 0

    Feel free to check the math

  62. Just as Rove was Bush's Brain, there are a few that would love to be Palin's Brain. Murdoch and the Kochs would love to run America by proxy.


    ot....E! News reports that Tripp Johnston is still Tripp Johnston, citing an Alaska court official who's confirmed that no legal petition to change his name has been filed.

    Does this mean the NE will make a correction?

  64. DetroitSam3:33 PM

    I would like to know who, exactly, is fronting Sarah Palin?

    He father, Chuck, once said that She does not make her own decisions.

    So who does, exactly?

  65. Anonymous3:44 PM

    We all now know that the more people know of Palin, the less they like her or feel she's presidential. If polls showed that her unfavorability helped McCain's numbers tank, just look what people have been exposed to since that time?

    Also think of the dozens of people she's dissed in her books, on twitter & Fox. I've never seen such a self destructive person, constantly burning bridges with everyone she meets. Now all those people have negative views of her and many are in various forms of media, so one can only imagine the constant barrage of negative comments from multiple sources if she runs.

    Also look at the negative input from a variety of countries after her blood libel comment! It would be too risky for international relations to even consider her because people around the world think Americans are stupid to entertain her as a "political commentator".

    I also think her crosshairs map and gun references, along with the AZ massacre with the killer's anti-goverernment beliefs have discredited her beloved teaparty and shown how extreme their views can be taken, weakening her base.

  66. I've been saying she is finished for ages. Too much money in what's she doing, and running creates too much risk to further expose her as an idiota.

  67. Anonymous3:20 AM

    I'm the poster from 4:09. This is what I meant: Dean lost the IOWA primary, he came in third. AFTER that, he started screaming. So he screamed after a major loss. That's what I meant, I did not mean he started screaming after all primaries were finished.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.