Friday, January 21, 2011

Is the tide finally starting to turn in the President's favor despite constant attacks from the Right? In a word, yes.

The Wall Street Journal:

President Barack Obama is riding a surge of public support into next week's State of the Union address, with more Americans approving of his performance and more seeing him as a political moderate, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.

In the survey, 53% said they approved of the job Mr. Obama is doing as president, up eight percentage points from December. Forty-one percent said they disapprove of the president's performance, down from 48% last month. The poll surveyed 1,000 adults from Jan. 13-17.

Among political independents, positive views of Mr. Obama's job performance surpassed negative views for the first time since August 2009. For the first time in a year, the president drew a positive reaction from white adults, when asked about their feelings toward Mr. Obama.

I just thought it would be nice to start the day off with a little positive news.


  1. Anonymous2:17 AM

    How is it possible? He went from being a foreign-born, socialist, anti-white, terrorist-sympathizing, Marxist, Nazi Muslim to being just a run-of-the mill American president. Will wonders never cease.

  2. Anonymous2:49 AM

    Local Fox affiliate in Beaumont TX begrudging acknowledging Obama is right where Reagan was at this time. That's gotta hurt.

  3. Anonymous3:02 AM

    Kudos, President Obama. You are up to the task.

  4. Anonymous3:31 AM

    I voted for President Obama and am proud of the accomplishments he made during these first two years in spite of the Republicans blocking him every step of the way.

    Now, it is being reported that Boehner and Cantor (Republican leaders) are planning to shut down the government mainly due to the health initiative that was passed under President Obama. They certainly do not appear to be working with President Obama to create jobs.

    This next two-year period is going to be difficult to watch. The Republicans are having a difficult time accepting the fact that President Obama's approval ratings are going up, up, up as they continue to be nothing more than obstructionist. It is so apparent they do not like President Obama...I watch the faces of McCain and Boehner when they are around the President and their looks are so obvious.

    I say a prayer every night for President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. They will need all of our suppport in the days ahead.

  5. ManxMamma3:34 AM

    I've been behind him 100%. He is exactly the kind of leader I want, not that I necessarily agree with him all of the time. But I bet I could have a civil discourse with him about those differences. What has really galled me are the attacks he's endured from the left since day one.

  6. Anonymous3:35 AM

    The Palins, who have previously been dogged by cheating allegations in 2008 and 2009 and have vehemently denied each and every accusation, though they have not commented on the Enquirer story.

    Read more:

  7. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Obama 2012!

  8. Anonymous6:08 AM

    2:17 A.M.,

    The Fox affiliate is lying. Ronald Reagan's job approval ratings were in the 30's at this point in his presidency. Barack Obama is better off than Ronald Reagan was at this point.

  9. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Washington DC Fox affiliate last night reported Obama's approval rate "below 50%". Ah, Fox, we can always count on you for the stupid lie.

  10. Anonymous7:27 AM

    I remember that after the 08 election, the
    Repubes said it didn't matter that he'd won,
    they could blame everything on him. They
    did, and the Democrats did, and so did
    everyone else...

  11. This is good to see. Two years ago yesterday - Jan 20, 2009 - I stood on the front lawn of the Capital in DC (in the infamous "purple section") with my three adult children, watching Barack Obama take the oath of office. I stood in a group of men, women, black, white, young and old. We were all thrilled to be there. I hope I will be there on Jan 20, 2013 to watch him for the second time take the oath of office.

    I think he has done an amazing job so far, righting this country from the ditch the previous eight years of Bush/Cheney had driven us into. Do I agree with everything he's done? No, but he has the intelligence we need at this low point in our history.

    The people in whom I've been the most disappointed in for the past two years are not the Republicans/Tea Baggers, but the Democratic Progressives who moan and keen and wail that Obama has not been "progressive" enough, and therefore, they're disappointed and will not support him. Bull shit! These people are as naive as those Tea Baggers on the Right about how government works. Get a clue, folks, Obama is doing a very good job and can really use your support.

  12. Anonymous12:05 PM

    So much for that overwhelming 'mandate' the Republicans claimed they got last November!

    Now Boehner and his cronies are tripping over themselves, making stupid mistakes and continuing their furious campaign to destroy the Obama administration. However, the American public is starting to realize that they only support legislation that benefits their corporate contributors or furthers their own political careers. Many more Americans are beginning to understand that the policies of the Obama administration are designed to actually make their lives better and the Republicans are doing nothing but obstructing them. The Republicans scream about how everything that was accomplished during the last 2 years was so horrific, but they have absolutely no alternate plans. They've got nothing to offer but noise.

    While the Republicans continue to behave like whining, spoiled two-year-olds, the President keeps plugging along, trying to get the country out of the royal mess it was in when he took over. As the economy continues to slowly crawl out of the crevasse it was in, and the Republicans do nothing to help it improve, Obama's ratings will continue to improve...right up until November of 2012!

  13. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Great family in our White House. It is not easy to run anything big, and I do not believe any of President Obama's opponents would have had the energy he demonstrates to juggle so many very, very heavy issues.

    A level head, calm demeanor and long hours devoted to the myriad of disasters perpetuated by those before him left him a monumental load to "undo."

    Lest we forget, it was Clinton (whom I supported to the end and mocked the "religious zealousness" of those trying to fry him for consensual sex, regardless of the circumstances) who let the Glass-Steagall act go away, and it was Greenspan who refused to recalibrate the margin requirements for stock buyers gone mad, both of those acts intact could have prevented our economic disaster alongside an intact stock market "uptick" rule that the repugs got rid of soon after taking over with Bush.

    That chaos created in the financial setting by those 3 situations cannot be fixed overnight, even by President Obama.

    We know President Obama has already reduced the deficit over 12% but did that make headline news? We also know factually he has accomplished more than any of his predecessors in such a short time frame, as well as creating more jobs so far than Bush did in 8 years.

    Too bad the MSM must bend to Murdoch, et al to publish fantasy or choose to publish nothing regarding President and Mrs. Obama that give them credit for their endeavors.

    Rest assured the remainder of the world knows about the Obamas and thinks they are to be admired!Just check in with your European relatives as I do. They just say that their news channels are not owned by the right wing Amerikins.

  14. Obama is picking up more right leaning moderates. Many have said that Bill Clinton was the best Republican president we ever had. Obama has forsaken the left even allowing disparaging remarks about us to be stated from the Whitehouse. Would he have done this is he valued his left base? No. He is after the votes from the right, it is his main strategy for 2012. Perhaps he will be taking Bill Clintons place. All you have to do is take a look at his new appointments to understand what he is about.

  15. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Gryph you did not mentioned anything about your senator Murkowski siding with President Obama four times.hmmm.see huffpost article


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