Saturday, January 22, 2011

This is the video I wanted to post last night.

One of the things I will miss the most about seeing Keith on Countdown weekday nights is hearing the compassion in his voice for those who are hurt, or discriminated against, or treated inhumanely.

He did a wonderful job of covering Gabby Giffords horrendous attack and her courageous recovery.  I hope that someday soon she comes to know how compassionately he discussed her situation, and how he spoke out against continuing to reinforce the kind of hateful environment which might inspire a similar attack in the future.


  1. Anonymous2:49 AM

    Oh for christ sake grygh, get over it already, these people make money. Just stay true to yourself and expose the creeps of the world.

  2. Anonymous3:03 AM

    I'll really miss him. Never understood that hate toward him, he stood up for the working class, created a way for those who didn't have health care to receive donations, fought for what he believed in, and pointed out the crazyness of beck and o'reilly in the most creative and artful way.

    Hope he comes back on another show and revives puppet theater :)

  3. Anonymous6:08 AM

    I love Keith. I've loved him since he went after the GOP for impeaching Clinton for lying about oral sex. And that was in the late 90's.

    But Keith is rich and in his prime. He may have to stay off the air for awhile, but he's a great writer (book!), and he can do radio. When he's ready to come back, I'm sure it will be spectacular. And with what he's been through personally in the past two years, I'm sure he could use a break from being in front of a camera. He didn't seem sad about it last night, and I'm going to use that as my cue to cheer "Go Keith! Enjoy life! See you when you're ready! Thanks for all you have done and will do!"

  4. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Yeah Keith! Thanks for the positivity!! Go Gabby!!

  5. Anonymous7:38 AM

    I'm looking forward to a KO without the restrictions and limitations of MSNBC. You know, one who can exercise his own free speech.

  6. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I was a regular viewer of Countdown. But only when Keith was the host. If I turned it on at 8:00 and heard another announcer's voice doing the intro, I knew Keith wouldn't be on that night and I changed the channel.

    Now I don't even have to bother.

  7. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Keith set a higher standard for news commentators during his tenure on Countdown - one that will be difficult for even great talent like Rachel to measure up to because he not only gave insightful commentary, he gave of his own wealth and inspired others to give as much as they could. He just didn't talk the talk, he walked it.

    He is one of great broadcasters. As such, he will be missed.

    If Rachel, Ed and Lawrence do not take up his example, I am done with MSNBC. I do not need to waste my time with empty chatter.

    Mind you, Rachel is a gift that Keith ensured we had. I hope she repays his generosity of spirit with more of her own. She is one of the last investigative reporters on the air. She can not let us down by softening her approach.

    Whatever Keith does in the future, I am full-square behind him because he has always been full-square behind those less fortunate than himself.

    His mother and father were justifiable proud of his accomplishments and would even prouder of how he handled his exit from Countdown. He has left a legacy of honor and integrity.

  8. Anonymous8:06 AM

    I respect Olberman for being a genuinely principled person and his commentary grounded in principals. He gets intensely passionate to the point of putting some people off by his intensity.
    I have enjoyed his program. Olberman uses the same standard of measure despite which party is in the news or being evaluated.

    I changed news channels during the 2008 campaign beginning with the conventions. The MSNBC team I found used equal standards to evaluate both parties to critique.
    I am a principals, ethics, values oriented person so MSNBC appealed to me also.

  9. Anonymous8:29 AM


  10. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I wonder if any of the other MSNBC liberals will take up his willingness to raise money for good causes.
    It would be truly tragic, but not surprising if some one in Arizona who needed a transplant died because Olbermann was not longer asking for donations to that cause. There are of course thousands of low income, elderly, and young Americans who have received free health care in considerable part because Olbermann asked his viewers for donations.

    A major loss to the left and to doing good works in the US and an omen of much more repression of the voices of the left to come.

  11. Gasman10:14 AM

    Let us not forget how Olbermann rallied the nation behind the free health clinics across the country and brought national attention to the plight of the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation.

    Who else in the news media has consistently done such work?

    Anon @ 2:49,
    Did you mistakenly take an Asshole pill today? We are perfectly free to express our dismay at the way Olbermann was treated. He pretty much did the show I would have done had I found myself in that position. He did more to expose the bullying mendacity of Cheney/Bush than the rest of the press corps combined. You may not give a shit about his departure, but many of us do. If that bothers you, who cares?

    Olbermann did this nation a great service and he appears to have been fired in a petty pissing contest with MSNBC execs. It astounds me that those execs were big enough divas to toss out their biggest star because he wouldn't bow and scrape enough to suit their egos. That is an incredibly stupid decision business wise. I wonder how the new management team will view such an action taken seemingly to boost their fragile egos?

    A new reorganization would be the perfect excuse to send these bozos packing.

  12. Anonymous3:06 PM

    He'll be back on another network. I am not even worried about him in the least. Keith could start doing his own podcast and he'll have an instant following!


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