Sunday, January 02, 2011

What? No new episode of "Sarah Palin sees Alaska for the very first time" tonight? But I have all of this snark saved up, whatever will I do with it?

Somebody just left a comment saying that there was no new episode of Sarah's failed reality show/political advertisement showing tonight.  I checked it out, and yup they are correct.


Did they not advertise a two hour finale to be aired this week after last week's abysmal episode?  Why yes they did.
Hmm, what to make of this.

No tweets since Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas to All!
24 Dec via Facebook

No blow back after attacks by Charles Krauthammer and others.

No defense of Bristol's new choice of home in Dreary Gulch, Arizona.

Nothing!  Not a snotty comment aimed at the Obamas.  Not a fake article written by her troop of ghostwriters.  No barely literate tweets from her Red Bull energized fingertips.  Not...a...peep!

Which of course means it is open season on conspiracy theories.

Did Bristol suddenly lose several pounds during a blessed event?

Is Palin freaked out about the fact that her e-mails might finally be released in May?

Is the Mama Grizzly having a breakdown of some sort and currently bouncing off the walls in a rubber room somewhere?

Did she get a load of some of those sides shots of her face on TLC and decide to get a little more surgical assistance?

Did Willow finally make a break for it and the family is currently involved in a Wasilla wide manhunt?

Beats me.  But do you know what?  This IS Sarah Palin, so you can count on there being something scandalous behind the scenes that is the cause of this strange eerie quiet from the Palin camp.

We may never know exactly what it is, but it is almost a certainty that SOMETHING is going on.

What do you think?


  1. Anonymous8:17 AM

    I had sent a correction. The finale is next week. Sorry.

    I think the silence is a run-up to an announcement timed to coincide with the finale.

  2. womanwithsardinecan8:18 AM

    Here's hoping she fell into a deep crevasse.
    "Todd! Help Help!!"
    "Sorry, Juicy, I've got to go tune up the snow machine. Here's one of Piper's juice boxes. See ya!"
    "Todd! Damn it, you flippin' ass, get me out of here...!"
    ~snow crickets~

  3. Anonymous8:20 AM

    After the audience reception/critique of the prior shows, this finale may have been dissed because it has some real incriminating doozies in it. Perhaps TLC got a brain and Palin and them are at war with each other. Palin's camp is therefore too busy dealing with it to twitter, FB, and so on... VanFlee, fleeing out of AK is connected somehow. OR. There is some legal situation that is arising, and the finale show would be at odds with the developing "situation"...

  4. laprofesora8:24 AM

    I think I love the silence. But let's face it, Scarah only has two modes: 1) attack mode and 2) victim mode. Someone might have told her it's not a good idea to go on the attack at Christmas and it's also not a good idea to cry "poor me" when so many people are actually suffering at the holidays. Other than that she really has nothing to say, thus the silence.

    But I do agree with you, Gryph, I think there's something else going on. Oh, Scarah, what a tangled web we weave...

  5. Anonymous8:28 AM

    im with medical procedure'S.
    both of them *knew* they needed some work done.

  6. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I, for one, relish the quiet. I certainly hope the Xmas Eve tweet will be the last we hear of Twitler.
    It'll be an Xmas miracle!

    Unfortunately, I know I'm not that lucky and I'm sure a national crisis of Biblical proportions is abrewin' in Palinland.

  7. Maybe after Bristol's latest "white-out" there were complications?

  8. Ripley8:28 AM

    OOOOOhhhhh what fun! Does this mean they pulled it from airing?

    Oh let this be due to lawsuits against TLC for something she did (Joe M. or no seatbelts or something).

  9. Anonymous8:29 AM

    I think she is laying low for some reason--there
    is no way she grew tired of the attention. Maybe
    she is out of the country with a pregnant Bristol
    and/or Willow, that is what old time movie stars used
    to do, give birth in another country & pretend
    they adopted. Or else they'd have their abortions
    in other countries where it wasn't illegal.

    You know Sayruh is DYING from attention

  10. melissa8:31 AM

    I personally think she's recovering from more plastic surgery, or had a botox treatment go bad and is waiting for the effects to wear off!

  11. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I read a blog that stated the finale was slated for next week?? Don't know, don't have a television.. But, the eerie quiet from the Palin camp is eerie. Is she getting ready for her New Year's announcement that she is running for POTUS?

  12. I have noticed myself that it is VERY quiet on the Palin compound. Are they staying low to hide the pregnancy of "two" daughters? Has Sarah and the first dude separated and need to hang low? Are they planning a HUGE announcement which involves Sarah keeping her mouth shut for awhile so this means keeping her out of the public eye? Are they getting paranoid because people are getting to close to the truth of their many lies? Has Todd ran off with "Christine, I'm not a witch?" This is very curious, the sudden silence...maybe their neighbors book is getting ready to come out or a huge law suit has finally been handed to them by the neighbor....Someone knows whats going on and I sure wish people in Alaska had the guts to spit it all out...seriously could surely get in the witness protection plan from the Palins:)

  13. WakeUpAmerica8:35 AM

    I think it is strange, but I don't really care. I, for one, am not going to look the grift horse in the mouth. No Palin for days, yippeee!! BTW, I believe it was advertised that there would be no SPA this week as there is the two hour "finale" next week. woo hoo.

  14. Anonymous8:36 AM

    My TV listings show a Palin-a-thon of all her shows, nothing new. Certainly no big season finale, unless they think that re-airing several hours of her show is a finale!

  15. Anonymous8:36 AM

    I thought last week's promo had the 2-hour for Jan 9, but thought maybe I'd misheard. Guess not.

    Drat, thought the thing would finally be over. I still have all of the Discovery channels deleted from my favorites, and don't plan to put them back.

  16. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Although it seems impossible, I think whoever is backing Palin told her, under no uncertain terms, that she has to stop tweeting, reacting, and advertising her crazy lifestyle if she wants to be taken seriously.

    The people who really want her to succeed have seen the pattern of her declining TLC viewers, her low book sales and falling poll numbers and they want reinvent her image, get her out of the spotlight for awhile, possibly get her to "learn" something, and re-emerge in a new light.

    I know it seems impossible that she would listen to any advice like this and actually resist the urge to react to everything, but it would make sense.

  17. kdusmdd8:38 AM

    Gryph......Why don't you make a trip over to the "compound" to see if anything is going on over there? If I lived that close, I'd HAVE to go............something is going on. I have a feeling that the crazy woman has reached the end of her rope........and is seriously medicated. Let's hope so, anyway.

  18. i don't have tv by choice, but i recall a review of last week's spa, and i think it was said that there will be a re-run this week and hen the finale next week. why they would have planned it this way, i don't know.

  19. TanteF8:39 AM

    I just checked TLC's page and the only "finale" I see listed is a one hour retrospective on Jan 9. Do you suppose she quit in the final trimester of her show?

  20. Anonymous8:40 AM

    They tried to edit it in a way that flatters Sarah and were left with nothing. They are trying to shoot another 2 hours of material but are not having any luck, yet. Hence, no show is better than the ones that have been the only thing keeping her in the headlines in the last couple weeks.

  21. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I vote "Loony Bin"


  22. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Mr and Mrs Todd Palin went to Mexico for a quicky divorce?


  23. The silence is unsettling because we know it won't last and eventually, as Bradbury said so well, something wicked this way comes.

  24. Anonymous8:49 AM

    One thing tho, the film is already in the can, so the delay has nothing to do with Sarah being MIA even if she is in the Lonny Bin. It's available for airing. The only reasons I can see it not being aired now is if the sponsors backed out, or somebody realized something would be given away if it was aired.

    But here's a thought.

    If Sarah Palin's Alaska doesn't broadcast, and nobody notices, does it mean her 15 minutes of fame are finally over?


  25. angela8:50 AM

    I think her family told her to stop talking. Pay attention to her children. Take the family on a trip to spend some of the millions she's made. Apply herself to a project that isn't photo-oped out of FAUX and actually spend a few days trying not to get even with someone she thinks has offended her in some way. Then they want her to find a calming eastern religion to center her.

    Ok, snark over.

    The kids have bound and gagged her in an undisclosed location.

    I would not be disappointed if I never saw another post about her or ever heard her name again. Truly.

  26. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Have you seen this? Sarah's show wins Golden Globe Best Musical/Comedy... (musical? maybe the soundtrack?)

  27. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Maybe she was going to announce her run for 2012 on the finale and since her popularity has declined so drastically in the last several months her handlers felt it would be a horrible move at this time.

    Maybe TLC shut her down, yanked the failed show and said they're not going to lose money for another week on this mess. I wonder if she gets paid even if they don't air it.

  28. Anonymous8:53 AM

    well, it is airing a week from tonight.

    -are we sure that the ads promised "jan. 2nd" not "jan 9th"?

  29. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I think that Bristol was farther along with baby #3 than we all thought and the reason for the silence from Mrs. Palin is that she is at the hospital with Bristol and her third grand child. It's a girl!!

  30. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Could it be that Sarah raped Todd or threw cans of canned California salmon at him?

  31. Anonymous9:02 AM

    There is no show tonight because the Palin family are celebrating.


  32. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I personally don't care what happened to her. I am just glad for the peace and quiet. Now isn't that the nicest gift she could ever have given us?
    HA HA HA

  33. Maybe she's trying to figure out how her next baby is going to materializ.

  34. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Could it be that a benevolent God decided to finally intervene in the Palin fiasco, and raptured the damn bunch of them? If so, who gets the car?

  35. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Frankly, I like the silence of the Palin Klan. What a great way to start the New Year! It's a good sign. Hopefully this is the year Palin will be silenced for good.

  36. Anonymous9:03 AM

    I'm sure it's not as simple as spending time with her family...

    Sad we all expect the worse of this family, but Sarah has proven over and over again that she will do or say anything to get power...and staying quiet is not normal for her.

  37. Anonymous9:05 AM

    I thought I read SPA was for next Sunday. Meh, 1 hour or 2 it's still an insane fest. RAM has only tweeted about getting a new blackberry and basically being a complete asshat when it comes to the touchscreen. Otherwise dead silence in Palinworld...which is great. Now if only she'd fall off the face of the earth and take her moronic family with her.

    Also I don't see Brisdull ever living in that house in Maricopa. There's some sort of weird Palin diversion going on but as long as it doesn't affect the entire USA I couldn't care less.

    So another week's reprieve from Sarah Palin Embarrasses Alaska is fine with me.

  38. Anonymous9:05 AM

    No show tonight because Willow just announced she is going to be a millionaire!

    What? You want me to say that instead? Okay,

    I mean no show tonight because Willow just announced she is with child!

  39. Anonymous9:06 AM

    With the Palin's, the rumors are usually true.

  40. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Was the episode scheduled for tonight, but it's been cancelled/postponed?

  41. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Quick question...
    so, if Bristol had been preg during DWTS, when was the estimated due date?

    No tweets since Xmas eve?
    Something's definitely going down in the Palin compound.

  42. Anonymous9:12 AM

    I do remember they said there was no show this week.
    Prob b/c of the holiday.
    We need to make a drinking game for the last show? When she says "Hard Working" take a shot? Or everytime she snarks on someone take a shot? LOL!

  43. Ted Powell9:14 AM

    "Did they not advertise a two hour finale to be aired this week after last week's abysmal episode? Why yes they did."

    They may have, but I've only seen this version on various web sites. The understanding I had, from 2-4 weeks ago (on the TV, I believe), was that today would be reruns and that next Sunday would be a two-hour finale.

    Shaw Cable's on-screen program guide is currently showing six hours of repeats for today, with next Sunday getting two new one-hour episodes plus ten hours of repeats. The second new episode, "Follow Me There" is only described as containing previously unseen footage.

    Oddly, "Rafting and Dog Mushing" is also scheduled to repeat at 4pm PST this coming Thursday. "Curiouser and curiouser," said Alice...

  44. o/t but a survey on huffpo shows the majority of respondents want two of sarah's "contributions" to the english language, or at least the urban dictionary, to be banned in te new decade. i concur heartily, as does shakespeare!

  45. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Despite her supporters trying to peddle Sarah's repackaging of stale, archaic and misogynistic conservative views as a 'breath of fresh air,' this silence/absence from the Palin camp IS a breath of fresh air.

    What a way to cleanse the palate and start anew. An America where the Palins are forgotten, we've recaptured our Exceptionalism! : )

  46. Anonymous9:25 AM

    I don't watch reality TV at all, but even with dramas it's not all that unusual to have a wait for the grand finale- kind of building up the suspense. In this case....yawn...

  47. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Sarah was on Hannity on Dec 30th. Check show logs.

    She is planning/rehearsing her announcement for her presidential run. Don't believe me? Wait and see!

  48. Anonymous9:36 AM

    My prediction: Sarah will not run for the Republican nominee spot. She will wait until she is begged by the tea party to run as a third party candidate. That way she can avoid all debates.

  49. Anonymous9:37 AM

    It looks like the SPAK two hour finale has been chopped to only one hour. They must have run out of "interesting" film. B-O-R-I-N-G!!

    This has got to be Mark Burnett's biggest FAIL yet. Everything Palin touches turns to shit.

    9:00 pm
    (60 minutes)

    Sarah Palin's Alaska
    Follow Me There
    TV-PG (LV)

    Sarah Palin's Alaska finale. This special one-hour episode will showcase some of the best scenes from the series and feature never before seen moments.

  50. Gryphen,

    Do you not remember her disappearance act shortly after quitting on her promise to Alaskans? What was it, Sept or Oct that we heard from her again? I, for one, am relieved for the silence from Merriam-Webster's definition of an idiot.

  51. sarah and todd are flying in todd's plane, rearing their heads over the lower 48, trying to see the lay of the land and decide if there is a republican worthy/powerful enough to forever extinguish sarah's mojo. and i thought that screeching i heard was the wind!
    i think sarah is with her secret team of misfits working out her next move and figuring out how to spin her family circumstances, whatever they are right now. someone must have told her it is tacky to attack and complain and whine during the holidays.
    another thought is maybe she is travelling. wasn't she supposed to go over to england and get a photo op with the ailing maggie thatcher by now? could they have done that on the sly? i imagine the british tabloids would have picked that up, but you never know. maybe sarah wore her sharpied sun visor to go incognito.
    whatever the reason for the silence, it is heartening. it reminds of a time before we ever knew of sarah and makes me look forward to a time when she will be a footnote in history living in either alaska or arizona, or wherever else in real america she descends upon.
    i honestly wish truth, happiness, grace, and goodness upon this family, but that means some painful changes and revelations on their part. i wish sarah would pull it together for her kids and grandkids.

  52. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Now her bots and minions will be calling us hypocrites for questioning her whereabouts or her tweets, because for months we've been over-exposed to her on every news channel, asking her non-politely to go away.

    But, her silence, while being a nice vacation to our ears, is suspicious, because it can only mean she's plotting, rubbing her hands together, concocting another
    quick money-making scheme, and any second it will be revealed.

    I'm guessing with a new reality tv series. A new business enterprise, like a fashion line of wigs, assorted line of clothing, like leather jackets, bags, boots, based in Arizona.

    Because really she's only got a month and a half of grifting from her masses before it's expected she make a presidential bid announcement.

  53. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Something serious could have happened to the Palin family. We learned from that trial in Tennessee that there is no land line in that isolated house (houses), and that any kind of stalker, terrorist or pedophile could live next door and invade the Palins' privacy.

    Gryphen, you owe it to Sarah to run up to Wasilla and just make sure that everyone is all right. Maybe go towards the end of the day so #1 they don't see you and #2 you can see if there are any lights on in that house. You know, there have been mysterious fires in Wasilla, and people have died because of water in an airplane fuel line.

    And, just to be safe, you might consider a serious major kind of disguise, such as a beard and mustache. Todd has pictures of you. We await your report. Think of it as a wellness check.

  54. Anonymous9:49 AM

    It is easy to see through the Sarah Brain and her gang...
    She may be positioning herself to run against her own machine GOP..
    Wait and see. Here is my theory about her silence.

    Sarah 's EGO is way too big. If not she is eying McCain's sanate sit in Arizona where it will be an easy win for her if she run from that angle of this earth. Alaskans are way too smart, so she is looking for a place where she can find enough stupid un informed people in Arizona. But I have trust in the American people, they will figure her out easily, in Arizona also too. If that will be her path, I would encourage Megan McCain to run against her.
    If Sarah moves to Arizona and runs against McCain, Meghan will kick her ass.
    Though Sarah is still popular in Arizona, so this woman chases money and fame.... I can see her doing that with her Lawyer moving up there... Arizona be ready for the total madness, where the combination of the Governor plus Scarah's madness brings total disaster.. And wait, Bristol becomes Mayor of this small town while baking more babies out of wedlock.. Wow classic.
    Something is going on.. for sure. Either it's about Bristol's pregnance, or it is about preparing herself to fire back at the GOP critics who used her, or who knows Fox may just have issued a warning to her bad English.LOL
    Or she is in Europe meeting with M T. for her foreign policy credentials.

  55. LadyinAK9:51 AM

    Yes, I remember 1/9 being the day of the 2 hour finale. Maybe the goal is to keep Sarah off the news cycle so that the show will have more viewers out of curiousity. I can't stand the sight of her, or her voice; I depend on all of the bloggers for reviews. (thanks to all of you who do this for the rest of us, you deserve Purple Heart medals)

  56. Anonymous9:53 AM

    The TV show will air next week. It is one hour and the Palin's go gold mining. (I guess donations to SarahPAC have dropped along with her poll numbers, book sales and ratings). The second hour will be left over footage that didn't fit anywhere. If it's a mish-mash, then give Sarah credit for the editing job. To put it another way, they didn't have enough material to fill two hours. Hell, they don't have enough material to fill one hour, which is why Sarah had to insert all of her insults.

    No news from Sarah. Does that mean that RAM is also enjoying a well paid vacation or did something serious happen to her?

  57. Anonymous9:57 AM


    And yet...has she made any progress at all? Yes, she did give at least a couple of Serious Policy Speeches, but I don't get the sense that they got any traction at all, not with all of the tweets and the reality shows and the books stuff with platitudes. Her fans, of course, never needed convincing, but for the rest -- and, here, I'm really focused on Republicans -- is there anyone who wrote her off as a lightweight who is now giving her a new look because of her speech on the Fed? I very much doubt it. As for proving herself trustworthy to interest group leaders and Republican politicians, well, I haven't seen any reporting that even hinted at that. She had some notable good calls in the 2010 contest, such as in the South Carolina gubernatorial race, but just as many bad, or just odd, endorsements. I can't imagine that the Joe Miller fiasco helped, either.

    Mostly, she's giving every indication that if she formally enters the race, she intends to run as a factional candidate by mobilizing her personal loyalists. That was a viable strategy in the 1970s, perhaps, at least on the Democratic side, but it's highly unlikely that a factional candidate can win now in a coalition-style nominating process.

    It's not too late for her, but it's getting closer, I think.

  58. Anonymous9:57 AM

    You need more than a couple weeks to recuperate and look normal enough to bear scrutiny after having plastic surgery. Most people who have this are horrified how bad they look for the next 6-8 weeks. You are swollen and bruised.
    I vote for Sarah being in a depressive stage. However, that would not keep her ghost writers from writing the fake op-eds. Hmmmmm maybe a huge shake-up in Palin land??

  59. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Given what appears to be a bipolar mental health issues, she may be in the depressive stage and quite catatonic, similar to what Steve Schmidt discussed in various interviews.

    Some other options may be that many are threatening to go public on various secrets. Bristol's new beau and his family may not be willing participants, etc. Maybe Gio doesn't want to be the new baby's daddy.

    The thing that just amazes me is how so many people could see Bristol and all keep so hush hush about her condition. Which organization is buying up all the photos of pregnant Bristol?

  60. Anonymous10:03 AM

    she has said nothing about Krauthammer, Dana Perino, or the guy that said she should be put to death like Michael Vick. This is very curious, she is usually in attack mode. Also, she has not congratulated Lisa Murkowski on her win.

  61. Anonymous10:07 AM

    "If Sarah Palin's Alaska doesn't broadcast, and nobody notices, does it mean her 15 minutes of fame are finally over?



    Y'all are dreaming if you think the end of Scarah will be this easy. Memba who you're dealing with. What should concern us is the possibility that she's using this time! And study, perhaps at the side of a mentor, to the point where she can convince more half-wits that she has the substance to govern.

    The one thing I doubt, because it would be so kind of her, is that she's devoting the time to Trig and her biological children. Melly

  62. Anonymous10:08 AM

    The silence is golden!
    Maybe there's hope for TLC! What hypocrites! TLC is a joke just like DWTS!

  63. "What do you think?"

    Mansour's last paycheck bounced?

  64. Anonymous10:09 AM

    I agree with the poster who said: It's a Christmas Miracle. Perhaps our prayers have been answered.

  65. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Although I think she might just be enjoying the holidays, your suggestions are far more entertaining! I didn't know she was capable of shutting up.

  66. Kimosabe10:13 AM

    Pretty much every network is doing reruns on the holiday weekends. TLC no different.

    Like a lot of other families, celebs too, SP and company took a vacation to an undisclosed location (my theory),
    hard as that may be to believe.

    The truth in this instance is pretty dull.

  67. Anonymous10:17 AM

    This is my take on the Palin disappearance.

    1. There are a lot of questions that SP needs to.

    2. The pregnancy of two of her daughters.

    3. The Miller defeat.

    4. The departure of her leading attorney.

    5. The low poll numbers and the declining viewers for the show.

    I could go on and on, but you get the picture. And contrary to what most of us believe.....there is someone on earth who can make SP STFU. She ain't studying or getting better prepared for anything. Someone or a group of the money brokers are regrouping and deciding how to go forward with or without SP. Her worth with these people has diminished. They did not get what they really wanted in the election and they don't know if they can continue on with her, because they have learned that they
    CANNOT educate her and they cannot control her or her children. But be certain that some strong forces have shut her down for now. They just may want to cut their losses now.

    When and if she comes back, you can bet she will be well scripted by professionals and she will follow the script and do as she is told or the money flow will end. She has nothing else going for her that will make her the kind of money that she has become used she will do as they tell her.

    Just MHO.

  68. Oooohhh...spooky. I too noticed the silence...I am happy I got one of those big tins of popcorn for X-Mas...seems like I may need it soon when the silence is broken (which we all know will happen at some point!)

  69. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Postponed for re-editing. You betcha.

  70. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Got a question???? Remember back when there was something wrong with Scarah's PAC and the lawyer said the money had to be refunded and she started another one to pay legal bills or something?

    Didn't the lawyer say that all the contributor's names had to be released to the press? Did that ever happen and if not, why?

  71. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Bristol is to "speak" in TX Jan. 22......will she or won't she show? interestingly it's for an orphanage fundraiser.....things that make ya go hmmmm.

  72. Anonymous10:52 AM

    sarah was called by a reporter and told a big story is about to go to press and would she like to comment.

    She tried to stop it.

    No go.

    But she did manage to fool them into giving her a little time.

    For the children´s sake.

    Children who she never even bothers to buckle up in moving vehicles.

    For some reason sarah ¨cares¨ about her children´s well-being now.

    How convenient.

  73. Anonymous10:57 AM

    @8:37 a.m.,

    I think it's a bit too late for $arah Palin to suddenly disappear, and keep a low profile. The next presidential election starts to kick off in 2011. She is already over-exposed. If she wanted to be taken even somewhat seriously, she should not have quit her job, and she should have taken the time to learn stuff, and tried to keep a low profile these past two years.

    But instead, she did the exact opposite, and made things worse. She quit, has not even attempted to learn a thing, and has been constantly in our faces for two years. So if she does announce to the world that she is running for president in 2012, then she will be in our faces for possibly another two years. That will be four straight years of non-stop, freak-show, Palin over-exposure.

  74. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Sarah is too busy designing scarves for her new announcement. Todd was looking ill, he may have fallen from the roof and can't get up. Bristol had a vision in the desert and she will build a cathedral on the border where she is saving souls, or pimping for Jesus as they say in Wastilla.

  75. Anonymous11:10 AM

    "What a way to cleanse the palate and start anew. An America where the Palins are forgotten, we've recaptured our Exceptionalism! : )
    9:25 AM"

    YES! Yes! YES!

  76. Anonymous11:15 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    Sarah was on Hannity on Dec 30th. Check show logs.

    She is planning/rehearsing her announcement for her presidential run. Don't believe me? Wait and see!

    9:32 AM"


    Yea, whatever. She will be torn to shreds if she
    runs. Can't wait. The shit will hit the fan:
    her admitted abortion, Track's real father, Trig's
    real mother, affairs, drugs, stupidity, etc. It
    will become mainstream.

  77. Anonymous11:17 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    @8:37 a.m.,

    I think it's a bit too late for $arah Palin to suddenly disappear, and keep a low profile. The next presidential election starts to kick off in 2011. She is already over-exposed. If she wanted to be taken even somewhat seriously, she should not have quit her job, and she should have taken the time to learn stuff, and tried to keep a low profile these past two years.

    But instead, she did the exact opposite, and made things worse. She quit, has not even attempted to learn a thing, and has been constantly in our faces for two years. So if she does announce to the world that she is running for president in 2012, then she will be in our faces for possibly another two years. That will be four straight years of non-stop, freak-show, Palin over-exposure.

    10:57 AM"

    Thank God she cooked her own goose. A
    little ignorance goes a long way--it is like
    the survival of the fittest. She has weeded
    herself out by being a media whore. She
    could not help it. If she looked better naked,
    she'd have released a sex tape.

  78. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Anonymous 9:32 a.m. said:

    "She is planning/rehearsing her announcement for her presidential run. Don't believe me? Wait and see!"

    I believe you. $arah Palin is sick...

  79. Anonymous11:25 AM

    There was an intervention and she is now in a Christian detox/rehab. Not even Franklin Graham can save her at this point and it is futile.

  80. Anonymous11:26 AM

    @9:36 a.m.,

    Wonderful. Then she will split the republican vote.

  81. Anonymous11:26 AM

    I think its a planned absence from the news.

    The supporters will still be talking, praying and pimping for her.

    Meantime there are some big turds floating just under the surface. They'll start to pop up soon.

    The email delays at the state are to the point that someone either has to start explaining- or disclosing.

    Imagine a conference and it is your job to find out what can never be disclosed. To do the job correctly, you have to be told everything in detail.

    Who are you going to ask?
    Are they even able to answer?
    Now try to do it! ( remember no reference to anything missing can be allowed)

    Trick Dicky couldn't do it-

  82. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I think she's at some sort of religious "retreat" with Franklin Graham to help her deal with the (finally) negative press she's getting from the GOP. I don't know if it involves praying, but I'm sure she'll be on her knees.

  83. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Tweets can be made anywhere--from the maternity ward, Mexico, or anywhere she happens to be. Ghostwriters can do their work regardless of her location or activity. The silence must be a conscious decision. My guess is that the blow back from her Michelle Obama comments caused her camp to pull back and lay low for a while. When Haley Barbour thinks you have gone too far, you probably have.

  84. Anonymous11:38 AM

    didja see this? ROF.

  85. Anonymous11:41 AM

    If you recall, there was a strong suggestion a couple weeks ago that stated she was overexposing herself. She is only trying to lower her exposure so she does'nt become even less relevant than she was before her blackout. I've also noticed that FOX has become bolder in their criticism of her, something they've done very infrequently before. Is this an indication they are starting to separate from one another? Let's hope so.

  86. Anonymous11:45 AM

    There have been many sightings of strange lights over Alaska and northern Canada lately; perhaps she was 'abducted' by aliens ?

  87. Speculation about Snowflake Snooki running for John McCain's seat isn't accurate because he ran in 2010 and won another six year term. However, if, as many of us in Arizona suspect, McCain is rapidly descending into senility, it could be that she will establish residency in Arizona and get herself appointed to his seat so they can cart him off to the "home". Or, she may run against Jon Kyl, who is up for re-election in 2012. If either scenario happens, I'm moving out of state!

  88. Anonymous11:47 AM

    From the last couple of pics of Todd, he doesn't look good. It would not surprise me if there is more friction in that household than any one person could stand at this time. Sarah can't believe she is not loved by all of America. She tried the reality show, the new book, pimping the daughter on DWTS, trip of Haiti and a couple of ghostwritten opeds. I think, things are unraveling.

  89. Anonymous11:47 AM

    The spa finale has always been slated for next week. My guess as to the silence is the abundance of family events and holiday happenimgs. There are a couple birthdays that were celebrated in the family for starters. Bristol was spotted at the aces game. There is fb presence

  90. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I will be happy to never hear from Scarah, ManSour, Pistola or any of them until they are indicted. They can only lie, it might as well be in front of the jury. I am looking for a blog, writer or media to finally do a fact base story of her life with unveiling on all the mysteries. Better yet when all the court cases start and we get to the nitty gritty and there are no doubts about the depth of her corruption even to the blindest Palinbots.

    Sad to say she was a political freak with backers. She may die and come back a million times plus. This may just be they are working on both mother and child's next schemes. She'll twang and screech to Hannity like they had the closest family and best Christmas ever. She is reloaded on Red Bull and here's the new and improved Scarah...

  91. Anonymous11:55 AM

    I think it is absolutely wonderful that the Palins have fallen off the radar. I've been so sick of hearing about them I can't see straight.

    And, I so wish they'd leave our beautiful Alaska! That would be the absolute ultimate! They have done nothing but bring disgrace to us!

    There is life outside the Palin group and people need to move on and focus their attention on something better!

  92. Gryph, has anyone determined which hospital is the closest one to Bristol's new house? Does this hospital have an online newborn portrait gallery? Here's hoping the Palin stealth skills are weak outside of Alaaaska.

  93. Anonymous11:57 AM

    To those of you who report that Sarah was on Hannity's show Dec.30. It was a RERUN! The original show aired in the middle of November. Sarah was promoting her book just before going out on tour to sign copies of it. REPEAT!

  94. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Eh. Its been a week and its right after the holidays. Nothing has really happened to warrant a sarah palin tweet. She's probably enjoying family activities

  95. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Maybe she is in Israel building new settlements on the West Bank.

    They would never show her finale on New Year's weekend. Too many people are on vacation. All shows are reruns.

  96. I think the Texas event is a biggy. Remember the article that came out where Bristol said she would like to have more children and soon? Maybe the whole orphanage thing is a set-up where she can have her baby...keep it hidden and then say she was SO touched when she went to the orphanage and saw the children that she decided to adopt...or Sarah will take the child and say her and Todd decided to adopt so that Trig would have a playmate and another sack of potatoes for Piper to carry around.

  97. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I'm with Anon @ 10:02. I bet Sarah's mental health has gone into a code red, triggered by all the bad news, bad press, and perhaps more personal problems. Bristol's likely pregnancy? Willow's? She and Todd have hit a wall with their pretend relationship? She is about to be exposed through those emails?

    I keep saying I bet either she or Todd, or both, have had affairs of one sort or another. (I know the National Enquirer claimed one for her, but we'd have to have a better source even if they did get ahead of the John Edwards story.)

    Wouldn't surprise me if the Palins are now being blackmailed, or if the GOP itself has come knocking and told them the party's over.

    That's all we need, folks. I would have thought stuff involving her fake pregnancy and her daughters would have done it, but really if it only comes out that she has had relationships outside her marriage - she's done.

    We don't, knowingly at least :-), elect Presidents who cheat.

    God, I love our country's conservatism at times like this!

    The whole point, from recent noticeable trends, is that as long as the GOP thought she could get them back in the White House again they would play along and make sure she was protected in the press. What is becoming apparent is that her main protectors and hidden benefactors have probably decided she can't, and so they are throwing her under the bus slowly but surely.

  98. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Sarah's last tweet was Christmas Eve, when was the last visual of a live Sarah?
    Is there anything to the new Tea Bag Magazine with Sarah on the cover? When will they launch that one? Did anyone track anymore about the private jet that went Alaska to Vegas? Was it a Sam Purse lease or plane? What happened in Vegas that week? Was Vegas used as a decoy to another destination?

  99. Anonymous12:13 PM

    i think she's gone to israel.
    she's trading babies.

  100. Anonymous12:14 PM

    she's been kidnapped by MEAN aliens.

  101. Anonymous12:15 PM

    she's flown the coop!
    left the building!
    split for the netherworlds!


  102. Anonymous12:17 PM

    hung out to dry!

    ive fallen and i cant get up!

    is that the end of the road!
    has the clock run out of minutes!


  103. Anonymous12:17 PM

    McCain finally figured out a way to make Cindy and Meghan happy and get rid of and expose Sarah without exposing his own corrupt soul. The most diabolical plans ever are in the making. Sarah suspects the old man is after her although they are playing nice-nice to one another. The air is so thick in Arizona you can't cut it with a laser beam.

  104. womanwithsardinecan12:17 PM

    I love the silence, and I will continue to hope that she fell off a damn cliff into the middle of a family of grizzlies (hungry grizzlies), or got eaten by a halibut. As for the show, aside from reruns being common on holiday weekends, it is also common practice to delay a finale for a week and show previous episodes during the off week.

  105. I say the prayer warriors are busy.12:24 PM

    What did she tweet last year? Her facebook notes? Did she not wish the soldiers fighting for her freedoms of pressers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year? She knows how much it means to encourage and lift them up. I can't believe she would forsake them now. It can't be that hard to send out a tweet to those who are fighting.

    I can believe a break down or bad surgery for Sarah. There may be a rebellion within the ranks. The cracks in the team may be breaking out and they are doing their all to contain it. The Bristol part must be huge and it may have disabled them. What can they do next to prove their brand is what they claim? The victim card has grown old it is time they practice the humility act.

  106. Anonymous12:26 PM

    'Trying to find something to watch this afternoon and land on 48 Hours Mystery(TLC). The commercials are all promoting upcoming shows: SPA or two crazy ladies --one who likes to eat AJAX cleanser and another one that won't put down her ventriloquist dummy. Ahhhh....these are Sarah's people.

  107. Anonymous12:27 PM

    "Family holiday time" has never shut Sarah up for more than a few days' time, if that.

    No, there's more than that going on.

    I don't think this is an effort to prevent over-exposure in light of recent fracas's, either.

    She is trying to figure out damage control. I would bet money on it.

  108. Anonymous12:47 PM

    I read earlier this summer that palin accepted a trip to Israel for her family+ in lieu of $.

  109. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Sarah and Todd part II
    Sarah falls into crevass and screems for help. Todd starts his book. Sarah Palin Sainted Wife RIP

  110. Anonymous12:56 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    Despite her supporters trying to peddle Sarah's repackaging of stale, archaic and misogynistic conservative views as a 'breath of fresh air,' this silence/absence from the Palin camp IS a breath of fresh air.

    What a way to cleanse the palate and start anew. An America where the Palins are forgotten, we've recaptured our Exceptionalism! : )

    9:25 AM"

    Very well said.

  111. Anonymous1:04 PM

    The two hour Sarah Palin's Alaska finale has been edited to remove Sarah's complaints about President Obama and Mrs. Obama, name calling by Sarah's kids to their mother, removed all of Piper's frowns, removed all of Piper's scene with adult make-up on, removed scenes of boys sneaking into the girl's room, removed all the scenes with Sarah making dopey looking faces, removed all scenes with Sarah's voice sounding like fingernails scratching a chalk board and they only managed to come up with 3 minutes of viewing footage.

    So no SP's Alaska tonight.

  112. Anonymous1:16 PM

    I think all things Palin have hied off to Merrie England for the much desired photo shoot with Maggie Thatcher. Sarah Palin is desperate enough to use the Wax Museum figure.

    Palin will probably then hopskotch across Europe to get to the war zones (current and future). A dip in the Dead Sea will round out the whirlwind tour.

    Sarah Palin's smug mug will be back on Fox where she can crow about how she left the lamestream media in her dust.

  113. Anonymous1:27 PM

    My original intent was to post something on the line:

    It is the snark she raises up, the sick tightening in the pit of the stomach, the diviseness in a time when we need to pull together as a country. For these reasons we need to be better than she and not give in to the negativity.

    Then, I saw this again:

    and was reminded all over of my shock and confusion when I witnessed them the first time.

    Perhaps 'snark' is a mentally healthy way of blowing off some of the steam generated by two years of perpetual disbelief that this empty headed individual has captured so much energy and attention.

    That, I feel now, is my greatest resentment of her; how much accrues to her from her own self-regard and how much real need is ignored, drowned out by her constant clamoring, "me, me, me look at me; not those people over there, ME"

    And in these days of blessed quiet, thanks to you, Gryph, and this community, I see it and promise myself to pay more attention to my neighbors in need in the coming year.

    (Not that I will be ignoring IM!)

  114. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I checked my TV scheduler for Jan 9th and all I could see are re-runs of her previous shows. Hmm..

  115. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Did Bristol deliver?

    Why is it with the Palins the first question is not, "Is it a boy or girl?"

    It is always, "Who is the daddy?"

  116. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Cholera from Haiti trip? Cosmetic surgery gone wrong? RAM on vacation? Rebooting her failing image campaign with top level advisors? Shopping for an AZ home near Bristol? Peace from Palin is a major concern. Or maybe with Obama in Hawaii, Congress on hiatus and no show airing this week, she has no special need to suck all the oxygen out of the room.

  117. Anonymous2:07 PM

    I hope the idiot is taking remedial lessons in motherhood. She better not show up with a baby from Haiti.

  118. Anonymous2:29 PM

    It would be logical for her to shut down for a little bit to avoid the overexposure everyone's talking about, but...c'mon, it's Sarah! She won't do the rational thing! Also, too, she wouldn't be able to resist answering the shit people from her own party have been slinging about her lately. If she's stupid enough to challenge Rove, she wouldn't hesitate with the rest of them.

    I vote some sort of family crisis. Maybe Toad finally discovered the two grapes between his legs and decided he wasn't going to carry Sarah's purse for her anymore. Maybe the mulleted stallion refused to marry the ever-expanding Bristol and they're scrambling for Plan B (should have done that in the first place!). Whatever it is, this is far to long for that shrew to keep quiet. Something's up.

  119. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Palin went silent & tweet free for a period of time after she quit as Gov.

    As for the silence, I think you are making too much about it.

    She may surface when the new House shows up and DC is back to work. But then, she might wait out to see who makes a wrong move while letting the pee-ons get their knickers in a knot.

  120. Janet in Texas2:30 PM

    I am getting a big kick out of all the speculation. Scarah's silence has been deafening. We'll hear something soon I'm sure. I wonder if Bristol had the baby early. OR maybe the white trash pulled up and moved to Arizona. They will fit right in there.

  121. Anonymous2:32 PM

    As the final show was said to be a two hour finale, I noted they advertised it for Jan 9th and therefore tonight we would be a Palin free zone.

  122. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I fast-forwarded to the end of last week's episode on On-Demand, and they said "Next time on Sarah Palin Sees Alaska For the First Time...". They may have been keeping the airing date flexible in case some heavy editing was needed.

    Those of you who are under the delusion that Sarah is too busy celebrating the holidays to twit, keep in mind this is the same woman who twitted her defense of Dr. Laura's racial slurs while supposedly paying respect to her dear friend Ted Stevens. She also unapologetically ignores poor Piper in favor of her crackberries. No, Sarah's silence is not for the benefit of her family. Everything she does is for her own benefit.

  123. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, G. Consider it a blessing. I do.

  124. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Does the Wasilla compound have security guards on or near the premises?

    A super directional microphone setup like this one would be helpful for picking up conversations for you folks near her place

  125. I think Sarah ran out meth and the new batch isn't ready yet.

  126. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Yea, whatever. She will be torn to shreds if she
    runs. Can't wait. The shit will hit the fan:
    her admitted abortion, Track's real father, Trig's
    real mother, affairs, drugs, stupidity, etc. It
    will become mainstream.

    11:15 AM


    don't forget arson, murder, income tax evasion, property tax evasion, daughter's abortions, Dairy-gate, theft of Alaska government services, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc,

  127. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Oh, wow. You call her paranoid all the time and you rule Paranoid Land.

  128. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Personally, I think she's getting a kick out of everyone speculating about where she is.

  129. Anonymous3:58 PM

    "Anonymous said...

    don't forget arson, murder, income tax evasion, property tax evasion, daughter's abortions, Dairy-gate, theft of Alaska government services, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc,

    3:32 PM"

    LoL! People who haven't been listening will
    start listening (if she runs for office). They'll
    see blurbs & they'll Google stuff. It will spread
    like wildfire. People who have no opinion of
    her now will acquire one. Like DWTS, which
    I never watched, but I now think of as a
    right-wing scam show.

    Stories will be posted on LSM websites (like
    CNN, NBC, LA Times, WSJ) concerning her
    and we will post what we've read here & at
    the other sites, and it will get around. We'll
    do her like she tried to do the President,
    except it will stick to her. It always does--look
    at "I can see Russia from my house!" which
    she didn't say, but she couldn't shake it,
    because she is a joke.

    She had a chance to bow out of the public eye
    gracefully, but she wouldn't do it. It isn't
    anyone's fault but her own that we have so
    much to discuss.

  130. Anonymous4:02 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    The two hour Sarah Palin's Alaska finale has been edited to remove Sarah's complaints about President Obama and Mrs. Obama, name calling by Sarah's kids to their mother, removed all of Piper's frowns, removed all of Piper's scene with adult make-up on, removed scenes of boys sneaking into the girl's room, removed all the scenes with Sarah making dopey looking faces, removed all scenes with Sarah's voice sounding like fingernails scratching a chalk board and they only managed to come up with 3 minutes of viewing footage.

    So no SP's Alaska tonight.

    1:04 PM"


  131. Anonymous4:14 PM

    @ 3:32PM- Murder?? Menard?

  132. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Toad wants a divorce(Psychic Nikki predictions!)

  133. meena4:26 PM


    Maybe her dad shot her while helping her hunt?
    Maybe Bristol H20 broke?

    Well she is on Hannity late this eve, some special segment i heard.

    We get to see him droll all over her, nothing wil change @ Fox.

  134. Anonymous4:39 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    Personally, I think she's getting a kick out of everyone speculating about where she is.

    3:45 PM"

    Yea, she is a bigger media/attention whore
    than Paris "Cunt Flash" Hilton in her prime.

  135. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Jan 9th SPA

    Gold Mining and Oil
    Sarah, her brother and the kids go to Nome hunting for gold; then to Valdez to go kayaking.

    Follow Me There
    Sarah Palin's Alaska finale; never before seen moments and some of the best scenes.

  136. Anonymous4:45 PM


    Sarah Palin

    will get divorced.

    Rumours that the former veep

    nominee and her hubby of many

    years could be headed for splitsville

    have been swirling for a while.

    “This could get a little messy,”

  137. Anonymous4:45 PM

    While Palin wants to be the center of attention 24/7, her ghostwriters probably do not. Who knows. They probably just need a holiday break. Lord knows Sarah can't type anything without them.

  138. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Re-run of Nov. 22

  139. Anonymous5:07 PM

    You know what I have seen in this crazy woman who likes attention?
    She likes to copy the president's moves, because she thinks she is a min president too.

    The president made a visit to Afghanistan... After that I read some where that, the crazy woman called Sarah is planning to visit Isreal after the Haiti Trip.

    I would not be suprised if she is in Isreal to prove a point that she can visit without announcement.
    Just comparing herselt to President Obama sounds very insulting so to say.

  140. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Honestly, I have enjoyed NOT hearing of or about that nasty excuse for a woman. That is the truth. I need her to go away and stay away.

  141. Anonymous5:21 PM

    There are probably several reasons why all's quiet on the Palin front. These threats to her EZ-street lifestyle and perceived status are taking up her time and she desperately does not want to return to a life without the limelight. Support from the loyalists (the only people who want to be associated with her) is no consolation since they are only important to her if she has something to gain from them. Her fall from grace will similarly affect the Tea Party and there will be lots of finger pointing. BTW- No one will move into the new house now that it is no longer a secret hideaway.

  142. Sarah's dealing (or not dealing) with marriage, children, tv contract, and political issues. She's busy turning rotten lemons into rotten lemonade She's addicted to pain.

    I do wonder how long they can hide the marriage problems. And I hope someone's keeping track of Track.

  143. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Maybe the Palins were singing Christmas carols and Sarah's screechy singing (like a flying Nazgul's screech) voice sent them to hospital for eardrum blowouts. They've been recovering for 9 days.

  144. Chenagrrl5:50 PM

    Interesting frame-grab. Does it look like her chin and her mouth are going different directions?

  145. Ex Cat6:04 PM

    At the compound, C'mon kiddies lets all have a nice glass of kool aid and then we'll all go up to our rooms and dream about the raptuuurrrrrreeee------------------Bye-Bye.

  146. Anonymous6:13 PM

    What if the Palin family went for the "trifecta" Bristol - pregnant. Willow - pregnant. Track's girlfriend - pregnant. The "family values" claims would just go "poof"

  147. Anonymous6:39 PM

    It's simple. Her contract for tweeting and FBing for the 'Baggers/Fox/Murdoch/Kochs ran out in 2010. She has filled her quota of paid Tweets, Op-Eds, and FB rants per her contract.

  148. Anonymous6:45 PM

    If the finale is next week why not a tweet to explain that to her bots.

    Why no happy new year tweet. Where is RAM.

    Say Sarah broke both arms and can't type why are her ghost twits not twitting away as usual?

    I don't have twitter but what are her tweet and FB bots saying about the silence?

  149. Anonymous6:53 PM

    This isn't happening but just for fun -
    Assuming Alaska has community property -
    Todd sees Sarah has peaked out, she will never be worth more than she is now.
    Todd hires WAR who files for divorce and freezes the assets till he can get an accountant to determine the total worth.

    Todd bails out with half the cash and half the property to the lake property with the snow mobile shed, the kids go with him. Sarah has to sell the Wasilla property and move to Arizona.

    Remember Bristol is the trustee for the Alaska Trust.

    Stay tuned for next weeks epic biblical episode of As the Sarah Turns.

  150. I think someone might be pregnant and we're deciding how we're going to drop this and look like a PRESIDENTIAL hopeful all at the same time -- on the lame stream media. I'm thinking BP - She disappeared after DWTS. Rumors spreading about weight gain. She buys a house in AZ. Out of nowhere she mentions "I want more babies" and "she's seeing someone" real serious too (i'm sure they paid him well) preparation for the uPcoming HUGE LIE announcement! SP's having a nervous breakdown. It happened again! KARMA has a way with folks like SP. If its not BP its WP whose PG. Whatever. It was BP's fault that SP didn't make VP. --according to SP. I believe that's why BP IS moving to AZ..SP was ready to kill her for this!!! or WP...whoever..matters not. All these apples are falling from the same tree.

  151. I think someone might be pregnant and we're deciding how we're going to drop this and look like a PRESIDENTIAL hopeful all at the same time -- on the lame stream media. I'm thinking BP - She disappeared after DWTS. Rumors were already spreading about weight gain. She buys a house in AZ. Out of nowhere she mentions "I would love to have more babies" and "she's seeing someone" real serious too (i'm sure they paid him well) preparation for the HUGE LIE announcement coming...SP's having a nervous breakdown and can't let you see because ..we thought it would be a 1 in a million--BUT it will be BP's fault-AGAIN. It was BP's fault that SP didn't make VP. member? that's why she had to move to AZ..SP was ready to kill her I bet.

  152. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Ah, got it.
    Where did southern and western girls who got knocked up go before Roe v. Wade to get abortions?


    If you live in a border state or you are going to be in one on a short visit, easy enough to cross the border to a Mexican abortion mill.
    Abortions are increasingly difficult to get in red states, like the border states, so Mexico is again becoming a popular place to go "shopping" for an abortion.

    So if Bristol is expecting and the political powers dictate that another illegitimate child in the Palin home would stop the money flow, a quick trip to Texas or Arizona for the Palin clan with a fews days recovery in a remote but spacious house would be just the cake.

  153. aj weishar8:29 PM

    Christmas in a dysfunctional household can require a lot of covering up. Check the outside walls for bullet holes.

  154. Anonymous8:44 PM

    In order to have a SP's Alaska finale you have to have everybody in the family present.

    Maybe Bristol is not presentable yet? Could it be she is ready to pop and they don't want to show her on tv?

    Could it be Willow is getting bigger in the gut from eating mom's cookies or from all of her bf's love he has bestowed in her belly?

    Or will Sarah announce she is pregnant and appear with one of those pregnacy looking pillows stuffed under her jacket again and Willow or Bristol is off to aunties again with a case of mono?

  155. Anonymous9:11 PM

    “Do you not know that there comes a midnight hour when every one has to throw off his mask? Do you believe that life will always let itself be mocked? Do you think you can slip away a little before midnight in order to avoid this? Or are you not terrified by it? I have seen men in real life who so long deceived others that at last their true nature could not reveal itself;... In every man there is something which to a certain degree prevents him from becoming perfectly transparent to himself; and this may be the case in so high a degree, he may be so inexplicably woven into relationships of life which extend far beyond himself that he almost cannot reveal himself. But he who cannot reveal himself cannot love, and he who cannot love is the most unhappy man of all.”

    -Soren Kierkegaard

  156. Anonymous9:26 PM

    My guess is that Sarah's staff all took the holidays off and Sarah doesn't know how to make her own Facebook or Twitter entries and needs a speech writer to tell her what to say. She is a puppet regurgitating whatever the other FAUX newsmen are saying--and they are in re-runs. How will Sarah explain two pregnancies? Maybe she will she is expecting twins this time??? Just more gifts from God???? or more adoptions for Ma and Pa? Divorce? Sarah is such a tangled web of lies.

  157. hauksdottir10:35 PM


    ~snow crickets~

    Snow crickets??? The tiny tinkling of ice-clear notes chime like a shiver pitched just above audibility! Of course, the resonance of thousands of crickets tuned to the same pitch causes the collapse of snow cornices. The crickets merely burrow until the avalanche passes over, then emerge to sing again.



  158. Anonymous10:58 PM

    more interesting Arizona connections:

  159. hauksdottir11:58 PM

    Let's put a couple of these rumors together: Palinpoloosa gets a free trip to Israel, while Willow and Bristol are both pregnant.

    The Christmas Eve tweet could have been sent from anywhere on the globe, including a hotel in Bethlehem. (For security reasons, the Israeli government wouldn't want her to say where she was staying.)

    Babies pop out (induced, like Trig) in the Holy Land during the holiest time of the year and Queen Esther is the recipient of a miraculous vision and starts babbling in tongues. This is recorded by her faithful attendants while Papa Heath is delivering the babies and laying them at her feet.


    Someone will remember to send for Franklin Graham, if he isn't there already and Pastor Mark Arnold, of Life Covenant Church who told Sarah:

    "God wants you to know that you are a present day Esther!" and God "has chosen you to reign."

    If spiritual warriors pray and battle those satanic forces, Palin will be seen, like the Biblical Queen Esther, as God's chosen one for a "time such as this."


    And Lou Engle will bring his "50 young people fasting and praying day and night who are shouting tonight: “Grace, grace to you!”"


    Baby names will be tricky if both are girls, but I'm sure that Graham will come up with something.

    BTW, Sarah doesn't have to actually be at Bethlehem. Jesus wasn't born there either. Revisionist history in order to make him into the "messiah". They've been doing that for centuries, but fudging birth certificates is getting harder now.

  160. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Where is the shiny round dancing object? They have her in seclusion, before her due date. Butwe are talking about Palins, and if they don't get their media whore fame soon, we may just forget about all of them. Or the plastic surgery went bad.

  161. Looks like Bristol finally told Mom she's gonna be a grandma again.

  162. Anonymous6:19 AM

    I don't know about the Willow being PG, but she is NOT currently enrolled at CHS any longer. Why did she drop out? Did she enroll somewhere else? Not Wasilla, so Palmer perhaps? "Homeschool"?

    While I'm enjoying the silence, I don't like the suspicion that comes along with that. As vocal as she's been, when she goes under it always means trouble.

    Remember in the movie Jaws, when they had all those air barrels harpooned onto him? he had, like, 4 of them eventually didn't he, and he could STILL dive with them? For some reason, when Palin goes radio silent, this is what it reminds me of. You KNOW Jaws is down there, and you KNOW he's plotting. Just like Sarah.

  163. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Wouldn't it be funny if she shows up with giant lips? Many who get that surgery done come out looking like real freaks.

    I still believe she'll run. She'll just "go rogue" on those mean old establishment R's who down talk her.

    I also don't believe TLC has gotten sick of her, given their schedule of idiotic redneck shows. Any channel which shows polygamists, the Duggers, child porn (baby beauty contests), and other assorted freak shows has no shame.

  164. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Daily we live connected to two bipolar daughters belonging to my S O.(significant other)

    When they go "whacko" e.g. violent as the one does, and gets committed via a 5150 order, or extremely, extremely depressed and withdrawn, with suicidal ideation present, which is the other one's demeanor, it takes a period of at least 3 days with treatment, medicines, and monitoring before they resurface.

    As they surface there is not one shred of the aberrant behavior that got them medical attention to "fix them." They pass through the world with their pressured speech, inflated bragging about themselves, gleefully blaming anyone else for any of their shortcomings and do not hold onto employment for more than a moment.

    However, they too medicate themselves with street drugs and daily alcohol consumption, while posing as intelligent (insert "know-it-all" here) forward moving accomplishers. In reality they are just leeches conning anyone and everyone out of a livelihood for themselves without them participating in gainful employment.

    We all go along, as though normal, until the next chaotic episode that calls for outside intervention. I always have my pepper spray at hand as there is no way to know who will be the new target of their angry ire.

    People around them for years only see them as "different, difficult, unbending, narcissistic, and manicky." This, most probably, because we are able to spirit them away from home before the behavior gets beyond exposure to close neighbors and relatives, at least thus far.

    The manic traits bring in lots of no goods who hop on the train for the free ride until the next sick episode. But those white trash hangers on always recycle again and again, though years may pass in between them becoming squattors for an interim period again.

    Given my first hand exposure to years of the drill we use to maintain some semblance of normalcy I can easily equate my experience to what could be taking place with $P both in this wonderfully appreciated silent period and her last similar "quiet time" out of the media headlights.

    Too much similarity with things here at our place and with $carah's verbage and actions for me to ever dismiss the mental derangement I think haunts her and her family.

    For the first few years you try to find some reasonable explanations and seek solutions. After much turmoil from those sick individuals demands and needs,it is wise to back off, leave them alone and come to the realization you cannot fix a damaged brain. It is up to the owner of that brain, and with bipolar, denial is their strongest trait, as they well know "every deprivation and every difficulty" is someone else's doing.

    Also, often we are reminded by the daughters that they "know more" than we will ever know.

    Thanks to Ronald Reagan, the confidentiality he implemented and the emptying of the California state mental institutions (due to lack of funding he ordered) the mentally ill were eventually, even at the national level, given the right to manage, confidentially their own mental care. Even spouses have no right to information regarding their hampered spouse's mental condition or treatment. The laws only protect the mentally ill person's rights, unless a judge gets involved for the 5150, which orders a 72 hour hold in a mental health facility.

    No treatment and no information can pass to anyone except the mentally ill person, regardless of the circumstances, including medical care needing to be rendered.

  165. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Daily we live connected to two bipolar daughters belonging to my S O.(significant other)

    When they go "whacko" e.g. violent as the one does, and gets committed via a 5150 order, or extremely, extremely depressed and withdrawn, with suicidal ideation present, which is the other one's demeanor, it takes a period of at least 3 days with treatment, medicines, and monitoring before they resurface.

    As they surface there is not one shred of the aberrant behavior that got them medical attention to "fix them." They pass through the world with their pressured speech, inflated bragging about themselves, gleefully blaming anyone else for any of their shortcomings and do not hold onto employment for more than a moment.

    However, they too medicate themselves with street drugs and daily alcohol consumption, while posing as intelligent (insert "know-it-all" here) forward moving accomplishers. In reality they are just leeches conning anyone and everyone out of a livelihood for themselves without them participating in gainful employment.

    We all go along, as though normal, until the next chaotic episode that calls for outside intervention. I always have my pepper spray at hand as there is no way to know who will be the new target of their angry ire.

    People around them for years only see them as "different, difficult, unbending, narcissistic, and manicky." This, most probably, because we are able to spirit them away from home before the behavior gets beyond exposure to close neighbors and relatives, at least thus far.

    The manic traits bring in lots of no goods who hop on the train for the free ride until the next sick episode. But those white trash hangers on always recycle again and again, though years may pass in between them becoming squattors for an interim period again.

    Given my first hand exposure to years of the drill we use to maintain some semblance of normalcy I can easily equate my experience to what could be taking place with $P both in this wonderfully appreciated silent period and her last similar "quiet time" out of the media headlights.

    Too much similarity with things here at our place and with $carah's verbage and actions for me to ever dismiss the mental derangement I think haunts her and her family.

    For the first few years you try to find some reasonable explanations and seek solutions. After much turmoil from those sick individuals demands and needs,it is wise to back off, leave them alone and come to the realization you cannot fix a damaged brain. It is up to the owner of that brain, and with bipolar, denial is their strongest trait, as they well know "every deprivation and every difficulty" is someone else's doing.

    Also, often we are reminded by the daughters that they "know more" than we will ever know.

    Thanks to Ronald Reagan, the confidentiality he implemented and the emptying of the California state mental institutions (due to lack of funding he ordered) the mentally ill were eventually, even at the national level, given the right to manage, confidentially their own mental care. Even spouses have no right to information regarding their hampered spouse's mental condition or treatment. The laws only protect the mentally ill person's rights, unless a judge gets involved for the 5150, which orders a 72 hour hold in a mental health facility.

    No treatment and no information can pass to anyone except the mentally ill person, regardless of the circumstances, including medical care needing to be rendered.

  166. Well maybe the Palins froze to death? They didn't heed the warning about global warming and they're all dead?

  167. Anonymous6:47 PM

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