Saturday, January 01, 2011

Fox News contributors still turning on Palin: "A half term Governor? I am not sure Republicans think of her as qualified."

From the Daily Caller:

On Friday’s broadcast of “Inside Washington,” (Charles) Krauthammer offered several reasons why Palin shouldn’t be considered the presumptive Republican nominee for the 2012 presidential election.

“What do you mean if not Sarah Palin in 2012?” Krauthammer said. “Who’s saying she’s going to be the presidential candidate? I don’t even hear her saying it. Her chances of being are smaller than half a dozen other people. If you talk to Republicans, I don’t think there are what, more than one in three who would tell you she has a chance of winning the presidency or even the nomination.”

Because of that, he said, she wasn’t the favorite.

“And she is not the favorite,” he continued. “She has a very strong core constituency but outside of that I think she is rather weak.”

“Her negatives are over 50 percent,” Krauthammer said. “She has no chance of winning a general election. Why would you want a candidate who is going to lose against a Democrat who is going to be vulnerable and who is also extremely ideologically ambitious?”

“A half-term governor? I’m not sure Republicans think of her as qualified.” Krauthammer said.

Now THAT is the kind of "feel good" news story with which to kick off the new year!

By the way, while we are on the subject of Palin I thought I would revisit the whole "Primaries for Palin" Trojan horse that I posted about yesterday

One of my associates is an internet sleuth extraordinaire and they managed to quickly dig up some very interesting, and troubling facts about the people who are behind this site.

First the domain name was registered on November 17, to a group identified as Whoisguard.

And just WHO is Whoisguard?  Interesting that you should ask.

WhoisGuard operated on both sides of the coin. Their service is to protect the site owner real identity and address. But, if the site owner is a scammer, their real identity and address is also protected.

That is why some potential scamming sites (like paid-to-click/ptc) opts for WhoisGuard service to protect their own skin. Once their site is open to membership and they have collected enough money from their members, they would disappeared. The sad part is that, those who got scammed have no better way to trace the real site owner and if they really insist, they have to go through WhoisGuard. And it can be quite a hassle.

Now of course this does not PROVE that this site is a lame ass attempt to recruit the more ignorant liberals amongst us, but if your bullshit meter is not going off by now than you have no business even visiting this blog.

If you would like to do a little further investigation just for your own peace of mind the business address has some contact information that can be found here.

Cindy Williams, Owner
CW Business Center
8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd.
Suite 102
Los Angeles, CA 90045

Tel: (310) 568-1024
Fax: (310) 568-1506

Or, if you are in the area, you could just drive on by.

I am sure that if this site is on the up and up that Ms. Williams would have no problem putting us in contact with the owners of PFP.  Don't you think?

(Many thanks to my very good friend, and associate for digging up this valuable information.)


  1. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Definitely sounds like a desperate Palin is using a Sea of Pee Trojan Horse tactic.

    She figures if she gets the nomination by any means necessary the Rethugs will vote for her (because that worked out so well last time).

    Palin is in her last throes (I hope).

  2. Anonymous8:46 AM

    It's a scam for sure. The address is a drop box for cash. I bet if your pal digs deeper, he can find out who Ms. Cindy is or who she is related to within the Palin operation. My guess is this is just like those BS operations set up for collect funds for her 'speaking" engagements. here today and then gone without a trace, the cash nicely stowed in some off site location that no one can trace.

  3. sarah is not going to run for president. she is a loser, and her money has been made as a polebrity.

    hasn't it been nice not having any Sarah-events during Christmas?
    what will we do when she fades into the background, relegated to the dustbin of history?

  4. Anonymous8:55 AM


    Happy New Yew Gryphen..

    You are the best

  5. Earmark Ulu9:03 AM

    That Sepulveda address is a virtual office (a.k.a. a mail drop).

  6. Anonymous9:37 AM

    OT, but does anyone have any theories on why we haven't heard so much of a twit from Sarah in over a week? Here are my thoughts:

    - She's hoping to raise ratings for the SPSAFTFT finale by depriving us of our daily dose of SP idiocy
    - She's been spending the time heavily editing the finale so he doesn't come off as mentally ill
    - Bristol had a difficult delivery
    - RAM quit
    - Least likely: she's spending quality time with her family for the holidays

  7. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Isn't Rebecca Mansour from LA ?

    Wasn't she once a supporter of Obama ?

    Sounds like a friend of hers.....

  8. Anonymous9:50 AM

    ¨I am not sure Republicans think of her as qualified.¨

    That is an understatement.

    Most Americans, including Republicans, look back at ´08 and see sarah for what she really was at the time: a loud-mouthed, yellow-bellied coward. For example, when replaying the Couric interview where McCain joins her, one can clearly see the absolute terror in sarah´s eyes before Katie asks her a question. McCain had to enter the process to hold sarahś trembling hand.

    McCain, we know now, was not comforting sarah at the time. He was keeping her from running away and hiding from the questions asked by the cute-as-a-button, blonde, blue-eyed Katie.

    What most people are still discovering and learning about sarah is not whether or not she is qualified - that question was answered in ´08. What people are beginning to learn is how corrupt sarah was/is then/now.

  9. Anonymous9:55 AM

    If "Bristol had a difficult delivery" I doubt that $carah would care, after all didn't the last pregnancy cost her the VP slot? (According to Margaret )Maybe Uncle Rupert is upset that his money maker is failing?

  10. Anonymous9:58 AM

    If you didn't spend all your time looking for pregnant girls you would have known CK never has been a fan of Palin. He's one one the insiders she opposes and he's just firing back at her on a liberal TV talk show.

    You may need to hire an assistant to help you keep track of all these icebergs as they melt.

  11. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Happy New Year, Gryph. Your blog has become one of my favorite stops on the internets. As a 21-year Alaskan, Palin is an almost daily embarrassment to our state. Other sites have chosen to ignore her, and there is certainly some logic to that. In reality, she's the Paris Hilton of politics - famous for being famous rather than for any actual accomplishments. But it's also helpful to have someone around to call "bullshit" on her bullshit. Eventually, she will be left to shrieking her anti-Obama hatred in Applebees, and the manager will have to ask her to leave.

    So thanks, and keep up the good work.

  12. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Anonymous 9:37 AM
    OT, but does anyone have any theories on why we haven't heard so much of a twit from Sarah in over a week?

    Sarah had an advisor tell her to keep her ignorant white trash trap shut and to keep her hill billy thievin' family behind lock doors and away from facebook.

    Well you asked me!

  13. Anonymous10:13 AM

    How long was Ms Quitty's contract with Faux News for?Perhaps its over,and they know she has no other recourse to spread her crap,so why pay her? Why not let the regulars speak their minds now and stir up more controversy?

  14. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Anon @ 8:27

    According to Sarah's latest literary flop, Quantity Time is far superior to Quality Time.

    So all these years that Sarah has dragged her newborn, infant, toddler, middle-school aged, pre-teen, pregnant teen, truant teen, juvenile delinquents around on her good will political servants heart tours - counts as parenting,

  15. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Charles Krauthammer is a very smart, astute political, conservative analyst who resides in the blue, blue Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

    As a Baystater on the other end of the political spectrum from Krauthammer, I do not want to see Sarah Palin sharing the stage with President Obama, either literally or figuratively. She's toxic waste.

    Figuratively speaking, she qualifies for the EPA's list of Superfund Sites for polluting the environment.

  16. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Too much at stake for the GOP in 2012...$arah won't get close to the nomination.

  17. Anonymous10:50 AM

    The "primaries for palin" site has no link for donations, so im not sure why you think they're just set up to make a quick buck. Just because they are using "whois guard" or whatever...doesn't mean they are scammers.

  18. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Good points 9:50.

    What people are beginning to learn is how corrupt sarah was/is then/now.

    What the Republican Party as a whole and the Talking Head Media behind her in 2007 and 2008 are really worried about is that little Sarah Heath didn't git-r-nearly-dun all by herself. If she's corrupt, and they either didn't notice, or knew it but went ahead...

    If they should have realized how unqualified she really was, but didn't, or did and went ahead...

    Voter remorse by sane Republican voters when they realize they voted for a classless shillster and shyster like Sarah?

    Not to mention her nutjob crew of fellow politicians like O'Donnell, Miller, Bachmann, Angle and Brewer.

    Priceless. And painful also.

  19. riverstonedotter: what will we do when she fades into the background, relegated to the dustbin of history?

    Celebrate!! :-)

    Thanks Gryphen for a great 2010 and here's to an amazing 2011! Happy New Year!

  20. Anonymous11:48 AM

  21. Anonymous11:57 AM

    The trolls are set off by this in a big way. Such a bad week — Miller, no Sarah to hold their hands and they most definitely are unhinged by a Faux News commentator (no matter what point of view) coming straight out about her lack of qualifications. But, I guess that doesn't matter in the sea of pee ... she is a "breath of fresh air." Yeah, kind of like stinky molding racist air.

  22. Anonymous12:05 PM

    As a loyal GOP, I will NEVER vote for Palin. i could not vote for JSM because she was on the ticket.

    I'm not alone.

  23. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Charles Krauthammer is a scary man. His past and present associations with the NeoConservative movement (I don't care how much he tries to separate himself from this) are particularly interesting here.

    I wonder if he speaks for others from that realm - the true dark side - or not. Either way, glad it's ruffling feathers among some GOP/FOX folks.

    Krauthammer may be smart, but his kind of intelligence is of the most dangerous sort.

  24. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I love reading all these stories about people finally calling sarah for what she is - useless.

    But there's only one story I really want to read, and some morning when I check in on Immoral Minority, the story will be front and center at the top of the page:

    Sarah Palin Fitted for Orange Jump Suit

  25. Earmark Ulu1:21 PM

    Primates for Palin?

  26. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Where's Sarah? We're worried sick about her. You're not hiding her in your humble abode are you Gryphen? Probably not, I think your new "roomie" would eat the likes of her for breakfast.

  27. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Krauthammer did not (not, not, not, not) condemn Sarah Palin as unfit for the office of VPOTUS the minute she was presented to the Convention by McCain.

    Krauthammer is EVIL and insane enought to have complacently accepted Palin. He should thank the devil-gods he worships that he is not living in the havoc of a Palin presidency (McCain not looking particularly healthy and all).

    Sarah Palin has gone dark on her beloved twitter for reasons more compelling than rejection by the talking heads. I'm hoping it is medical intervention at the request of her family. It is the best thing for the youngsters.

    The forthcoming books on Palin may brighten the new year, but a Palin implosion is still a very real possibility and the best outcome for the US of A. Keep the pressure on, G.

  28. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Good lord, I can just imagine what a joy it must be to be on this jerk's email list:-

    " palinstheonlyone says:
    January 1, 2011 at 4:02 PM

    someone mentioned it on an ealier thread – now is the time for everyone to get out of their comfort zone of just reading c4p and hoping things turn out right.

    THATS NOT GOOD ENOUGH. s. palin has our back, we need to have hers.

    im sure there are many who do this but EVERYBODY should be using the “send post to freinds” link at the end of each thread. and it doesnt matter if they are “friends” or not. SEND IT TO ANY EMAIL ADDRESS YOU HAVE. there are great featured post like “governer palins accomplishments” that are great to send people

    the time for worrying about offending or stepping on toes is over. i make sure i spend at least an hour a day sending emails or talking to people about a true conservative like s. palin. and when she announces, that goes to at least 2 hours a day.

    talk to friends, neigbors, people you dont even know. bring it up in conservations. you cannot be shy or she will not win. she needs our help.

    EVERYBODY must do this, its the only way. the country depends on it."

  29. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Finally, a way to smoke Sarah out of her cave or where ever she is hiding. All Gryphen has to do is reprint some of his all time favorite columns, sort of the last few years in review. This is the time of year for that kind of thing. Then, all we have to do is sit back and see if there are any threats of lawsuits, angry tweets, and ghost written face book posts.

    Is that marriage still holding together? Has Bristol had her baby yet? Where will Bristol really be living? When are we going to see Trig's birth certificate? Is Levi the father of Tripp? Come on Sarah, let's play!

  30. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Hit a nerve with 9:58am!! LOL. Your headline was clearly, "Fox News Contributorss STILL turning on Palin". Not certain how this doesn't indicate that he hasn't been a Sarah supporter. As usual, Palin-bots can't think clearly.

  31. Anonymous2:41 PM

    The Primaries for Palin site is quite a trap. Open their Voting Guide page and look at how they are encouraging everyone to change their party affiliation to Republican. If we don't think this is corrupt, I am not certain what is.

  32. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Cartoon of Sarah and Joe Miller at Alaska Dispatch. Funny.

    Required reading for Joe Miller

  33. Anonymous2:50 PM

    I want to know more about Palin emails and Joe Miller's emails and mentions of Palin.

  34. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Cartoon of Sarah and Joe Miller at Alaska Dispatch. Funny.

    Required reading for Joe Miller

  35. Anonymous3:14 PM

    The info on Whoisguard is what you call journalism. Would definitely like you to follow up if you get more details on this outfit.

  36. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Headline at Politico...

    "Palin 'class clown' of U.S. politics?

    "She gets lots of attention, but it's the wrong kind of attention." "

  37. Anonymous4:58 PM

    the link @11:48 has good info and some excellent comments.

  38. aj weishar5:17 PM

    Any way we can get this outfit flagged? Maybe contact authorities in LA or even the FBI. They are involved in an interstate hustle.

  39. This is good news!Just by Charles Krauthammer comment “A half-term governor? A strategic plan that I sent via a famous author to his pal Rupert Murdoch on how to successfully create the beginning of the end, that will stop Palin seems to be set in motion..Could this be really happening? Am I excited about this? I think I am!

  40. BAustin6:57 PM

    She's toast.....used to be just the liberal bloggers and comics referring to her as 'a half term governor' . Now the right wing is calling her that too? If she does run, that name will stick!!! And be used by both sides of the aisle.


    I think bristols new house is a decoy....somethings up tho. The palins have been quiet for a long time.

  41. Anonymous8:02 PM

    I just want to say, thank God for Sarah Palin. Thank God she isn't kinder and more empathetic. Thank God she isn't more thoughtful and self-aware. Thank God she isn't more curious and well-educated. And thank God she hasn't surrounded herself with competent advisors. Because if she wasn't exactly who she was, if she did have smart advisors and actually listened to what they told her, she might be a lot closer to living in the White House than we'd ever think possible. She is her own worst enemy. Thank God.

  42. Gasman8:17 PM

    What snotty retort will issue forth from the camp of pissy little sister Sarah toward Krauthammer? I disagree with Krauthammer on nearly every subject, but he is not an idiot. He is a pompous, unctuous, condescendingly arrogant, bloviating gasbag, but he is not stupid. He also wields more influence in the GOP than he probably should, so when he states the obvious about Palin, it is not good for Sarah. My guess is that Krauthammer’s assessment will carry more weight in the GOP than Palin’s inevitable forthcoming apologia.

    It is inconceivable that she can let this slight pass without comment. All that remains to be seen is just how churlish her response will be. We can bet that it certainly won’t be very presidential.

  43. Heidi39:27 PM

    For what it's worth, I recognized that Sepulveda Blvd. address immediately. I took my mother to her annual tax appt. with her CPA there for years, and then continued to use the same CPA after my mom died.

    HOWEVER, it was in a different suite number. The building is immediately adjacent to LAX, so sitting in the 3rd story office was scarier than hell, as huge jets landing went right by the window, and you could wave to the passengers.

    It's most definitely a legitimate, well-known office building, maybe 3-5 stories, elevators, etc. It used to be called the "Wells Fargo Building". As for what goes on in the Suite number you reference, it's anybody's guess. It could easily be a mail-drop, but that's conjecture. Gryph - why not just call the lady, and ask your questions?

    Regardless, the website is a terrible idea, I agree. Its premise makes no sense whatsoever, because a registered Dem or Indy would have to re-register as Repub in order to vote for $arah in the primary, at least in California.

  44. Anne In DC12:04 AM

    A lot of Palinbots continuously and predictably fall into the trap of assuming that only Democrats and liberals disapprove of this woman.

    Krauthammer is only the latest of a number of prominent Republicans to come out against any presidential bid by Palin. Of course, there have always been Republicans who are acutely aware of Palin's many deficts in both integrity and intelligence. Those were the ones who voted either for Obama or someone else other than McCain, or not at all. There are others who previously liked her, but have gotten fed up with her. Fortunately, they outnumber those who foolishly continue to entertain the idea of her as president.

    While I am glad she is silent for a change, and attribute that silence to a number of possibilities, there is nothing she could do at this point to rehabilitate her image. She is sorely lacking in every conceivable measure of what it takes to be a leader.

  45. I think that people like Krauthammer are still in shock about how close the USA came to having Palin as president. Yes, I said president. Knowing what I know now, it is a sure thing that, if the McCain-Palin ticket had been elected, McCain would not have been long for this world. Guaranteed. I believe that some "things" were done to her enemies or those who knew too much. She is a grifter and not above anything to get her way. Krauthammer better be afraid, very afraid (cue scene from movie where Richard Widmark pushes old lady down the stairs in her wheelchair.)

  46. Anonymous6:04 AM

    I actually just found out that I'm able to vote in the GOP primary because my state doesn't require you to register for a specific party before primary voting -- and I'm actually registered as an independent (but I'm a giant Democrat) and even if there's a more liberal challenge to Barack Obama, he won't have any problem winning my state, as I live in Illinois, so I was thinking about voting for Sarah Palin, but then I thought: Gee, do I want the first woman major party nominee for president to be...her? Do I want her to have that permanent spot in history? Just to ensure my president gets another four years?

  47. Anonymous7:10 AM

    "Anonymous said...

    OT, but does anyone have any theories on why we haven't heard so much of a twit from Sarah in over a week? Here are my thoughts:"

    They're off at the AK hideaway cabin, and then she'll come back, claiming she was enjoying "family time" over the holidays, and "See, even though I wanted privacy, they wouldn't leave us alone."

    Also bet there'll ba an announcement about running/not after discussion during this "family time."

  48. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I think she is getting more face work done. Everyone must see her as so pretty....

    and youthful. That is why you very rarely see the older kids around her.

    Dumb beaver


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.